KeePass Password Safe 歷史舊版本 Page19

最新版本 KeePass 2.55

KeePass Password Safe 歷史版本列表

KeePass 是一個免費的開源密碼管理器,可以幫助您以安全的方式管理您的密碼。您可以將所有密碼放在一個數據庫中,並使用一個主密鑰或一個密鑰文件進行鎖定。因此,您只需記住一個主密碼或選擇密鑰文件即可解鎖整個數據庫。數據庫使用目前已知的最好和最安全的加密算法(AES 和 Twofish)加密. 今天你需要記住許多密碼。您需要 Windows 網絡登錄,您的電子郵件帳戶,您的網站的 FTP 密碼,在線... KeePass Password Safe 軟體介紹

KeePass 1.15 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New Features:

* Completely new plugin architecture (exposing a lot more functionality to plugins, faster, requires less memory, safer memory management / cross-module calls, more secure, and allows independent development of KeePass and plugins, i.e. starting with 1.15 KeePass can be updated without requiring plugins to be updated and vice versa).
* Added option to use advanced in-memory protection (DPAPI, only Windows Vista and higher; the key is stored in a secure, non-swappable memory area managed by Windows; option enabled by default).
* The hash of the master key and its transformed version are now in-memory protected.
* Added help source selection dialog (by default the online help center is used).
* Added '-set-urloverride', '-clear-urloverride' and '-get-urloverride' command line options.
* Focused disabled menu items are now drawn with a transparent selection rectangle.
* Windows XP and higher: added support for double-buffering in the entry list.
* Windows Vista and higher: added support for alpha-blended marquee selection in the entry list.
* Added KeeForceAllowChangeMasterKey, KeeForceAllowPrinting, KeeForceAllowImport and KeeForceAllowExport configuration options (these override the option to disable unsafe operations and the mini mode setting; they are only loaded from the enforced and global INI files, not the local one).
* Added KeeDisallowPrintingPasswords configuration option to disallow printing passwords and viewing them in the print preview.
* Added multi-user documentation.


* Improved plugin loading performance.
* Plugins don't need to be manually enabled anymore (just copy the plugin files into the KeePass application directory).
* Improved main menu items order.
* Improved main menu accelerators.
* Improved group main menu item texts.
* Improved performance of various entry list operations.
* Hash of master key is now cleared when closing a database.
* Hash of file key is now cleared after opening/saving files.
* Various code optimizations.
* Minor other improvements.


* Fixed cursor navigation problem in secure edit controls.
* Fixed random access violation in OnScreenKeyboard plugin.

KeePass 2.06 Beta 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New Features:
- Translation system is now complete (translations to various languages will be published on the KeePass translations page when translators finish them).
- When saving the database, KeePass now first checks whether the file on disk/server has been modified since it was loaded and if so, asks the user whether to synchronize with the changed file instead of overwriting it (i.e. multiple users can now use a shared database on a network drive).
- Database files are now verified (read and hashed) after writing them to disk (in order to prevent data loss caused by damaged/broken devices and/or file systems).
- Completely new auto-type/URL placeholder replacement and field reference engine.
- On Windows Vista, some of the message boxes are now displayed as modern task dialogs.
- KeePass is now also available as MSI package.
- Accessibility: added advanced option to optimize the user interface for screen readers (only enable this option if you're really using a screen reader).
- Added standard client icons: Tux, feather, apple, generic Wiki icon, '$', certificate and BlackBerry.
- Secure edit controls in the master key and entry dialogs now accept text drops.
- Added ability to store notes for each group (see 'Notes' tab in the group editing window), these notes are shown in the tooltip of the group in the group tree of the main window.
- Group names in the entry details view are now clickable; click it to jump to the group of the entry (especially useful for jumping from search results to the real group of an entry).
- Added 'GROUPPATH', 'DELAY' and 'PICKPASSWORDCHARS' special placeholders to auto-type sequence editing dialog.
- Wildcards (*) may now also appear in the middle of auto-type target window filters.
- For auto-type target window filters, regular expressions are now supported (enclose in //).
- KeePass now shows an explicit file corruption warning message when saving to a file fails.
- Added option to prepend a special auto-type initialization sequence for Internet Explorer and Maxthon windows to fix a focus issue (option enabled by default).
- Added ability to specify a minimum length and minimum estimated quality that master passwords must have (see help file -> Features -> Composite Master Key; for admins).
- Added field reference creation dialog (accessible through the 'Tools' menu in the entry editing dialog).
- Field references are dereferenced when copying data to the clipboard.
- Entry field references are now dereferenced in drag&drop operations.
- KeePass now follows field references in indirect auto-type sequence paths.
- Added internal field reference cache (highly improves performance of multiple-cyclic/recursive field references).
- Added managed system power mode change handler.
- Added "Lock Workspace" tray context menu command.
- Moved all export commands into a new export dialog.
- Added context menu command to export the selected group only.
- Added context menu command to export selected entries only.
- Added support for importing Password Memory 2008 XML files.
- Added support for importing Password Keeper 7.0 CSV files.
- Added support for importing Passphrase Keeper 2.70 HTML files.
- Added support for importing data from PassKeeper 1.2.
- Added support for importing Mozilla bookmarks JSON files (Firefox 3 bookmark files).
- Added support for exporting to KeePass 1.x CSV files.
- Added XSL transformation file to export passwords only (useful for generating and exporting password lists).
- Added support for writing databases to hidden files.
- When passing '/?', '--help' or similar on the command line, KeePass will now open the command line help.
- When single instance mode is enabled and a second instance is started with command line parameters, these parameters are now sent to the already open KeePass instance.
- KeePass now ships with a compiled XML serializer library, which highly improves startup performance.
- Added support for Uniform Naming Convention (UNC) paths (Windows) in the URL field (without cmd:// prefix).
- Added option to exclude expired entries in the 'Find' dialog.
- Added option to exclude expired entries in quick searches (toolbar; disabled by default).
- The box to enter the name of a custom string field is now a combobox that suggests previously-used names in its drop-down list.
- Added Shift, Control and Alt key modifiers to placeholder overview in the auto-type sequence editing dialog.
- Added support for 64 byte key files which don't contain hex keys.
- Added Ctrl-Shift-F accelerator for the 'Find in this Group' context menu command (group tree must have the focus).
- Added export ability to KPScript plugin.
- Ctrl-Tab now also works in the password list, groups tree and entry details view.
- Added multi-user documentation.
- Plugin developers: DocumentManagerEx now has an ActiveDocumentSelected event.
- Plugin developers: instead of manually setting the parent group property and adding an object to a group, use the new AddEntry / AddGroup methods of PwGroup (can take ownership).
- Plugins can now add new export file formats (in addition to import formats).
- Plugins: added static message service event.

Improvements / Changes:
- When using the installation package and Windows Vista, settings are now stored in the user's profile directory (instead of Virtual Store; like on Windows XP and earlier).
- Accessibility: multi-line edit controls do not accept tabs anymore (i.e. tab jumps to the next dialog control), and inserting a new line doesn't require pressing Ctrl anymore.
- When moving entries, KeePass doesn't switch to the target group anymore.
- When deleting entries from the search results, the entry list is not cleared anymore.
- Improved entry duplication method (now also works correctly in search results list and grouped list views).
- A more useful error message is shown when checking for updates fails.
- Improved formats sorting in the import dialog.
- The 'Limit to single instance' option is now turned on by default (multiple databases are opened in tabs).
- Removed 'sort up', 'sort down' and empty client icons.
- Improved program termination code (common clean-up).
- Improved error message that is shown when reading/writing the protected user key fails.
- The key file selection dialog now by default shows all files.
- Plugins: improved event handlers (now using generic delegate).
- Implemented several workarounds for Mono (2.0.1+).
- Added conformance level specification for XSL transformations (in order to improve non-XML text exports using XSLT).
- Improved key state toggling for auto-type on 64-bit systems.
- Removed several unnecessary .NET assembly dependencies.
- Threading safety improvements.
- Highly improved entry context menu performance when many entries are selected.
- Entry selection performance improvements in main window.
- Improved entries list view performance (state caching).
- List view group assignment improvements (to avoid splitting).
- Removed tab stops from quality progress bars.
- After moving entries to a different group, the original group is selected instead of the target group.
- Layout and text improvements in the master key creation form.
- Text in the URL field is now shown in blue (if it's black in the standard theme).
- Improved auto-type tab in entry dialog (default sequence).
- Improved AES/Rijndael cipher engine initialization.
- Improved build scripts.
- Various code optimizations.
- Minor other improvements.
- Installer: changed AppId to allow parallel installation of KeePass 1.x and 2.x.
- Minor other installer improvements.

- The 'View' -> 'Show Columns' -> 'Last Access Time' menu command now works correctly.
- The 'Clipboard' -> 'Paste Entries' menu command now assigns correct group references to pasted entries.

KeePass 1.14 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

This is a stable release. It is recommended to upgrade
from any previous 1.x version to 1.14.

08/10/18 - 1.14
- KeePass is now also available as MSI package
- Entry field references are now dereferenced in drag&drop
- Added support for writing databases to hidden files
- Added '-lock' command line option

- Improved compatibility of browser placeholders with cmd://
- Improved compatibility of the database auto-saving option
(at exit and locking) with other options
- Consecutive auto-type delays now add up
- Improved encoding detection in file import routines
- Several 64-bit code improvements
- Various code optimizations
- Minor other improvements

- Fixed crash that happened when clicking 'No' in the plugin
incompatibility message box while passing a plugin command
line argument
- Special XML characters in group names are now encoded
correctly in XML exports (group tree attribute)

KeePass 1.13 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

This is a stable release. It is recommended to upgrade
from any previous 1.x version to 1.13.

08/09/07 - 1.13
- Completely new auto-type/URL placeholder replacement and
field reference engine
- Added internal field reference cache (highly improves
performance of multiple-cyclic/recursive field references)
- Added support for Uniform Naming Convention (UNC) paths
(Windows) in the URL field (without cmd:// prefix)
- Added command in the 'Tools' menu in the entry editing dialog
to insert the default auto-type sequence into the notes
- On Windows Vista and higher, the read-only mode message box
is displayed as a modern task dialog
- Added option to exclude expired entries in the 'Find' dialog
- Added advanced option to include expired entries in quick
searches (toolbar; enabled by default)
- Added advanced option to automatically sort items in the
auto-type entry selection dialog (enabled by default)
- Added advanced option to disable automatic clearing of the
clipboard when closing/locking the database (default: clear)
- Added Ctrl-Shift-F accelerator for the 'Find in this Group'
main menu command
- Added {NUMPAD0} to {NUMPAD9} to documentation
- The RmvDup plugin now supports removing empty groups

- The current working directory is now restored after manually
browsing for a key file
- Duplicating entries now doesn't clear the search results list
- Improved performance of high ANSI and special character
encoding for auto-type sequences
- When using PuTTY for ssh:// URLs, references within the user
name field are now dereferenced
- Auto-type definition lines and field references generated by
commands in the 'Tools' menu of the entry editing dialog are
now appended to the notes instead of being inserted at top
- Improved UUID string parsing
- Improved cmd:// URL handling
- {VKEY xxx} now doesn't need to be initialized anymore using
other auto-type special key codes
- Updated auto-type global hot key hint when registering fails
- Various code optimizations
- Minor other improvements
- Minor installer improvements

- Cyclic password field references now work correctly
- KeePass does not crash anymore when being in mini mode and
clicking Cancel in the initial database creation dialog

KeePass 1.12 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New Features:

* Groups in the group list now behave like folders in Windows Explorer when moving groups/folders (i.e. sub-groups are also moved).
* Added advanced option to drop to the background when copying data to the clipboard.
* Added auto-type configuration dialog (button 'Auto-Type' in the options dialog, tab page 'Advanced'); this dialog now contains all options related to auto-type.
* The default auto-type sequence can now be configured in the Auto-Type configuration dialog.
* Added option to prepend a special auto-type initialization sequence for Internet Explorer and Maxthon windows to fix a focus issue (option enabled by default).
* Added field reference creation dialog (accessible through the 'Tools' menu in the entry editing dialog).
* KeePass now follows field references in indirect auto-type sequence paths.
* Field references are dereferenced when copying data to the clipboard.
* Secure edit controls in the master key and entry dialogs now accept text drops.
* Group names in the entry details view are now clickable; click it to jump to the group of the entry (especially useful for jumping from search results to the real group of an entry).
* Added documentation about how to customize KeePass (networks).
* KeePass now shows an explicit file corruption warning message when saving to a file fails.
* KeePass on Windows d XP now mimics the extended combobox behavior seen on Windows Vista: when pressing a character key, the next string starting with this character is selected (for example a file can be selected in the key files list now by pressing the key corresponding to the drive).
* Entries in the auto-type entry selection window are now sorted.


* The auto-type sequence and auto-type window definition lines are now removed before copying the contents of the notes field to the clipboard, executing an URL and/or auto-typing.
* KeePass recreates the temporary system/account directory, if it has accidently been deleted.
* When using the installation package and Windows Vista, settings are now stored in the user's profile directory (instead of Virtual Store; like on Windows XP and earlier).
* If the option to remember the last used file is disabled, KeePass now won't remember the last used directory either.
* Entry details view is now cleared when no entry is selected.
* All edit combo boxes can now auto-scroll horizontally.
* When security-critical operations are disabled, the 'unhide' button in the master key dialog is disabled now.
* The read-only flag is not cleared anymore when closing a file (consequently locking will not clear the read-only flag).
* When deleting a subgroup tree, backup entries of all deleted entries are now created in the 'Backup' group.
* Improved status bar updating on WTS notifications.
* {INSERT} works like {INS} now.
* Various code optimizations.
* Minor installer improvements.
* Minor other improvements.


* "User Name" is now translated correctly in TXT exports.
* Referencing passwords of other entries now works correctly.

KeePass 1.11 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Master key transformations (rounds) are now computed in two
threads; on dual/multi core processors this results in almost
twice the performance as before (by doubling the amount of
rounds you'll get the same waiting time as in 1.10, but the
protection against dictionary and guessing attack is doubled)
- On Windows Vista, some of the message boxes are now displayed
as modern task dialogs
- Database files are now verified (read and hashed) after
writing them to disk (in order to prevent data loss caused by
damaged/broken devices and/or file systems)
- When saving databases to removable media, KeePass now tries
to lock and unlock the volume, which effectively flushes all
system caches related to this drive (this prevents data loss
caused by removing USB sticks without correctly unmounting in
Windows first; but it only works when no other program is
using the drive)
- Improved database file writing algorithm (small block writes
and explicit flushing)
- The system's INI cache is now flushed before copying the
temporary global INI file to the application directory
(improves Windows 95 / 98 / ME compatibility)
- Added placeholders for referencing fields of other entries
(dereferenced when starting URLs and performing auto-type,
see the auto-type placeholders documentation)
- Added natural sorting (when sorting the entry list, KeePass
now performs a human-like comparison instead of a simple
lexicographical one; this sorts entries with numbers more
logically; only supported with ShlWApi/IE 6.0.2800)
- Added pattern placeholder 's' to generate special characters
of the printable 7-bit ASCII character set
- KeePass now locks when the system is suspending (if the
option for locking on locking Windows or switching user is
- Added a 'Tools' button menu in the entry editing dialog
- Tools button menu: Added command to select an application for
the URL field (will be prefixed with cmd://)
- Tools button menu: Added command to select a document for the
URL field (will be prefixed with cmd://)
- Tools button menu: Added command to insert a placeholder into
the URL field
- Tools button menu: Added command to select an auto-type
target window (a dialog will be opened, in which you can
select an existing currently-opened window; an appropriate
auto-type definition will be added in the notes field)
- Several entry context menu commands are now only enabled if
applicable (if the user name field of an entry is empty, the
'Copy User Name' command is disabled, etc.)
- A " - Copy" suffix is now appended to duplicated entries
- After duplicating entries, the new entries are selected
- Added ability to sort entries based on UUIDs
- Added advanced option to focus the entry list after a
successful quick search (toolbar; disabled by default)
- Added support for large translation/language files
- Added option to always allow full access through remote
control (disabled by default, and marked with "not
- Added radio buttons for removing the expiry time from
entries in the mass-modify dialog
- Added generic Wiki and '$' client icons
- Added certificate and mobile phone client icons (thanks to
- Added ability to specify the minimum length and minimum
estimated quality that master passwords must have (see help
file -> Features -> Composite Master Key; for admins)
- Added interface for writing master password requirements
validation plugins (see the KPM_VALIDATE_MASTERPASSWORD
- Added interface for writing entry validation plugins (see the
- Added interface for writing generated passwords validation
plugins (see the KPM_VALIDATE_GENPASSWORD message)
- Added plugin interface for storing custom data in KeePass KDB
databases (for example some history, logging, ...)
- Plugins can now execute auto-type (KPC_AUTOTYPE)
- Added ability to specify a window title suffix in the INI
file (KeeWindowTitleSuffix)
- Added more simple and robust plugin interface for editing and
deleting entries
- The dialog banner text color can be changed in the INI file
now (KeeBannerColorText, set to BGR-Quad)
- The gradient direction in dialog banners can now be specified
in the INI file (KeeBannerFlip)
- In mini mode, no passwords are generated automatically for
new entries
- In mini mode, clicking the 'Generate Password' button in the
entry window immediately generates a new password based on
the automatic generation profile, instead of showing the
password generator dialog
- In mini mode, the URL field is replaced by a combo box, in
which you can select one of the plugin-provided user

- If natural sorting is supported, TANs are not prefixed with
zeros anymore
- Removed 'Loading error' message that appeared when checking
for an update and a new version is available
- TAN indices are now stored in the user name field (the notes
field can therefore be used now for storing confirmation
messages and/or transaction details)
- "User Name" is now translated correctly in TXT exports
- On Windows XP and higher, dialog banners now have black
background gradients by default
- Improved list view item focusing
- Icon of the 'Generate Password' button in the entry editing
dialog is now always visible
- Passwords generated by the automatic generation profile can
now be accepted
- The help can now consistently be accessed through buttons in
the lower left of dialogs
- Improved apple icon (inverted colors)
- Improved group tree redrawing when closing a database
- Correct times are assigned to incoming entries through RC
- Improved placeholder replacement engine for URLs and auto-
type (prevents infinite recursion)
- Multiple files can now be selected in the import file dialog
(except KDB format)
- Import file dialogs do not change the working directory
- In the mass-modify dialog the expiry time now defaults to the
current local time instead of the 'never expires' time
- Upgraded to Boost libraries version 1.34.1
- Minor UI improvements (improved error messages, ...)
- Minor other improvements

- Fixed randomly appearing bug in TAN numbering routine
- Fixed random failure of local date/time formatting routine

KeePass 1.10 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

This is a stable release. It is recommended to upgrade
from any previous 1.x version to 1.10.

08/01/12 - 1.10
- Added configuration file caching (highly increases
performance when running KeePass from slow devices like USB
- Added key provider API (it now is very easy to write a plugin
that provides additional key methods, like locking to USB
device ID, certificates, smart cards, ... see the developers
section in the online KeePass help center)
- Added support for environment variables in URLs and paths
(%-syntax support for field placeholders was removed because
it conflicts with the environment syntax, see the 'Upgrading
to KeePass 1.10' article)
- Added {INTERNETEXPLORER}, {FIREFOX} and {OPERA} application
path placeholders (can be used in URLs and auto-type)
- Added support for starting very long command lines
- Added mini mode (must be configured in the INI file manually;
in mini mode, a lot of functionality is hidden; see help
file - technical FAQ)
- The quick find control in the main window now remembers the
most recent searches (if you want the search texts to be
remembered across sessions, you need to save the database)
- Added password generator option to exclude/omit
user-specified characters in generated passwords
- Added option to disallow repeating characters in generated
passwords (both character set-based and pattern-based)
- Moved security-reducing / dangerous password generator
options to a separate 'Advanced' dialog (if you enable a
security-reducing option, the 'Advanced' button in the
password generator window is shown in red)
- Added ability to search using a regular expression
- Internal random number generator is now additionally seeded
using random bytes provided by the system's default CSP
- Internal random number generator is now additionally seeded
using a newly generated 128-bit GUID
- A default user name for new entries can now be specified in
'File' -> 'Database Settings'
- Added ability to specify the groups that are automatically
created when creating a new database (in the INI file)
- Banner colors can be changed in the INI file now
(KeeBannerColorStart and KeeBannerColorEnd, set to BGR-Quads)
- XMLImport plugin: entries with no or empty UUIDs are
supported now (KeePass generates new random UUIDs for them)
- KeePass now registers a global sync. application mutex:
'KeePassAppMutexExI' (+ updated Windows installer)
- Added an advanced option to disable the Ctrl-Alt-K hot key
- Added textual cue for the quick-search edit control
- The TAN wizard now shows the name of the group into which the
TANs will be imported

- Changed field order: password follows user name now (note:
if you use your previous configuration file, the columns in
the main window will be ordered the old way; to change it,
drag&drop the column headers manually to adjust the order)
- Code improvements (developers: KeePass now requires the Boost
C++ libraries to compile)
- Empty fields are not shown in the entry details view any more
- Improved startup time
- Improved search performance
- Improved internal menu handling
- Group export menu items are now named more consistently
- Improved print options dialog (replaced "export" by "print",
excluded irrelevant export options, ...)
- Search results list display mode is now adjusted based on
matching items
- When trying to open a database that already is currently
opened by someone else, you are not prompted any more whether
to open it in read-only mode, if the '-readonly' command line
argument is present in the current instance
- Entry list is now automatically focused after a Ctrl-F search
and the first item is selected
- Improved default global configuration file (shipped in setup)
- Improved title drawing in dialog banners
- Improved entry list update behavior when there are no groups
- KeePass now uses the default shell verb for opening URLs and
files instead of 'open'
- Optimized performance of process memory protection algorithm
- The status bar is now updated immediately after performing a
quick search (main window)
- Search results are not cleared any more when having an auto-
sorting option enabled and performing an operation that
modifies a search results entry (like auto-type)
- Replaced 'Gen' button by an image button
- Minor improvements in the installer
- Minor improvements in cmd:// URL handling
- Minor dialog text improvements

- Password generator does not crash any more when trying to
generate a password using an empty pattern + random permuting
- The Ctrl-Alt-K global hot key correctly brings the KeePass
main window to front when it's hidden behind other windows
- Changing the state of the 'Randomly permute characters of
password' option now correctly selects the '(Custom)' profile

KeePass 2.04 Alpha 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Added key provider API (it now is very easy to write a plugin that provides additional key methods, like locking to USB device ID, certificates, smart cards, --- see the developers section in the online KeePass help center)-
- Added option to show entries of sub-groups in the entry list of a group (see 'View' -> 'Show Entries of Sub-Groups')-
- Added XML valid characters filter (to prevent XML document corruption by ASCII/DOS control characters)-
- Added context menu command to print selected entries only-
- Added option to disallow repeating characters in generated passwords (both character set-based and pattern-based)-
- Moved security-reducing / dangerous password generator options to a separate 'Advanced' tab page (if you enable a security-reducing option, an exclamation mark (!) is appended to the 'Advanced' tab text)-
- Added 'Get more languages' button to the translations dialog-
- Added textual cue for the quick-search edit control-
- The TAN wizard now shows the name of the group into which the TANs will be imported-
- Improved random number generator (it now additionally collects system entropy manually and hashes it with random numbers provided by the system's default CSP and a counter)-
- For determining the default text in the 'Override default sequence' edit box in the 'Edit Entry' window, KeePass now recursively traverses up the group tree-
- Last entry list sorting mode (column, ascending / descending) is now remembered and restored-
- First item in the auto-type entry selection window is now focused (allowing to immediately navigate using the keyboard)-
- Text in secure edit controls is now selected when the control gets the focus the first time-
- For TAN entries, only a command 'Copy TAN' is now shown in the context menu, others (that don't apply) are invisible-
- Regular expressions are validated before they are matched-
- KeePass now checks the auto-type string for invalid entry field references before sending it-
- The clipboard auto-clear information message is now shown in the status bar instead of the tray balloon tooltip-
- Matching entries are shown only once in the search results list, even when multiple fields match the search text-
- First item of search results is selected automatically, if no other item is already selected (selection restoration)-
- Entries with empty titles do not match all windows any more-
- Improved high DPI support in entry window-
- When having enabled the option to automatically lock the workspace after some time and saving a file fails, KeePass will prompt again after the specified amount of time instead of 1 second-
- KeePass now suggests the current file name as name for new files (save as, save as copy)-
- The password generator profile combo box can now show more profiles in the list without scrolling-
- Improved native methods exception handling (Mono)-
- Updated CHM documentation file-
- TAN wizard now assigns correct indices to TANs after new line characters-
- Copying KeePass entries to the clipboard now works together with the CF_CLIPBOARD_VIEWER_IGNORE clipboard format-
- KeePass now uses the correct client icons image list immediately after adding a custom icon to the database-
- Fixed 'generic error in GDI ' when trying to import a 16x16 icon (thanks to 'stroebele' for the patch)-
- File close button in the toolbar (multiple files) works now-
- Fixed minor problem in provider registration of cipher pool-

KeePass 1.09 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

This is a stable release. It is recommended to upgrade
from any previous 1.x version to 1.09.

07/10/12 - 1.09
- Added option to permute passwords generated using a pattern
(this allows generating passwords that follow complex rules)
- Added ability to specify custom character sets in password
generation patterns
- Implemented new URL opening method (as workaround for buggy
Firefox file handler registration on some systems)
- Documents can now be opened using cmd:// URLs (shell execute)
- Added support for CF_CLIPBOARD_VIEWER_IGNORE clipboard format
(clipboard viewers/extenders compliant with this format
ignore data copied by KeePass)
- Improved window position/size/state handling (added support
for Win+M / 'Show Desktop' command, window managers, ...)
- Improved window positioning (PX=0/PY=0 works now)
- Added -readonly command line switch; if present, the database
will be opened in read-only mode
- Added ability to specify the characters a TAN can consist of
- KeePass now stores the user and machine name in .lock files,
so it can show who's currently editing the file when trying
to open a locked file
- Added support for subitem infotips in various list controls
(languages list, export options, plugins, ...)
- Added support for toggling items in option lists by pressing
the Spacebar key
- Installer can now associate .kdb files with KeePass
- The password generator now remembers the last used settings
(even if they are not saved manually as a profile)
- Network administrators: cascading configuration model now
uses a separate enforced configuration file
- Improved configuration saving/loading (improved behavior
under Windows Vista when using the installer, improved out of
the box support for installation by admin / usage by user,
better limited user account handling, ...)
- Added pattern placeholder 'S' to generate printable 7-bit
ASCII characters
- Added pattern placeholder 'b' to generate brackets
- Added quick key file accessibility test in the password
dialog (shows helpful system message on error)
- Temporary files are now named randomly
- The password generator dialog is now shown in the Windows
taskbar if the main window is minimized to tray
- KeePass now offers to open the help file when importing a CSV
file fails
- The 'About' dialog is now automatically closed when clicking
an hyperlink
- Expired/used TAN entries are not shown in the expired entries
dialog any more
- Expired entries are not shown any more in the auto-type entry
selection dialog
- Improved password generator profile management (UI)
- KeePass now shows a descriptive system error message if
executing a cmd:// URL fails
- Improved text in password generator window to allow easier
- Changed password pattern placeholders to support ANSI
- '-' is now treated as TAN character by default, not as
separator any more
- The main window title now shows 'File - KeePass Password
Safe' instead of 'KeePass Password Safe [File]'; improved
tooltip text for tray icon
- Unhiding the master password now requires unsafe operations
- After searching, the first entry is automatically selected
(but the quick-search box still has the focus)
- The option to automatically open the last database is enabled
now by default
- Database is now marked as modified when generating a password
- Minimizing to tray is now enabled by default
- Renamed some menu commands to be more consistent with Windows
- Removed duplicate message box that appeared when checking for
updates and a new version is available
- Removed deprecated API exports; new API must be used by
plugins from now on
- Main window does not move any more when trying to go below
the minimum size
- UI now mostly follows the Windows Vista UI text guidelines
- Improved high ANSI characters support in command lines
- Improved installer (added start menu link to the CHM help
file, publisher information, ...)
- KeePassLibC: Improved 64-bit compatibility
- The expired entries dialog is not shown any more when the
database is unlocked because of a global auto-type operation
- "Tray/Untray" menu item is now correctly disabled when a
dialog is open
- 'New' and 'Open' menu commands are now also enabled when the
workspace is locked
- Unified dialog elements
- Decreased executable file size
- Fixed various problems that occured when KeePass was
minimized to tray ('--exit-all' not working, problems at
Windows shutdown, IPC problems, ...)
- Fixed a bug in the tray icon third-party component that could
leave an unresponsive button in the Windows task bar
- The tray icon does not freeze any more when the Windows
workspace is locked
- Fixed various drawing bugs that occured when disabling the
'Display images on buttons' option
- The button tooltips in the password generator dialog are
translated correctly now
- The hot key to bring the KeePass window to front now also
works when the 'Disable all auto-type features' option is
- KeePass now selects the correct group when navigating to a
group after performing a search
- Jumping to an entry from the expired entries dialog now also
works correctly when unlocking a database
- The password list is now updated correctly after
drag&dropping entries into another group (view restoration)
- Various other minor improvements and bugfixes

KeePass 2.03 Alpha 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Added multi-document support (tabbed interface when multiple files are opened).
- KeePass 2.x now runs on Windows 98 / ME, too! (with .NET 2.0).
- Added option to permute passwords generated using a pattern (this allows generating passwords that follow complex rules).
- Added option to start minimized and locked.
- Added support for importing Passwort.Tresor XML files.
- Added support for importing SplashID CSV files.
- Added '--exit-all' command line parameter; call KeePass.exe with this parameter to close all other open KeePass instances (if you do not wish to see the 'Save?' confirmation dialog, enable the 'Automatically save database on exit' option).
- Added support for CF_CLIPBOARD_VIEWER_IGNORE clipboard format (clipboard viewers/extenders compliant with this format ignore data copied by KeePass).
- Added support for synchronizing with multiple other databases (select multiple files in the file selection dialog).
- Added ability to specify custom character sets in password generation patterns.
- Added pattern placeholder 'S' to generate printable 7-bit ASCII characters.
- Added pattern placeholder 'b' to generate brackets.
- Added support for starting very long command lines.
- Entry UUID is now shown on the 'Properties' tab page.
- Added Spanish language for installer.
- KeePass now creates a mutex in the global name space.
- Added menu command to save a copy of the current database.
- The database name is now shown in the title of the 'Enter Password' window.
- Added "Exit" command to tray icon context menu.
- Pressing the 'Enter' key in the password list now opens the currently selected entry for editing.
- Added '-GroupName:' parameter for 'AddEntry' command in the KPScript KeePass scripting tool (see plugins web page).
- Added URL example in 'Open URL' dialog.
- Added support for plugin namespaces with dots (nested).
- Added ability to specify the characters a TAN can consist of.
- '-' is now treated as TAN character by default, not as separator any more.
- Added ability to search using a regular expression.
- Notes in the entry list are now CR/LF-filtered.
- Added {PICKPASSWORDCHARS} placeholder, KeePass will show a dialog which allows you to pick certain characters.
- The password generator dialog is now shown in the Windows taskbar if the main window is minimized to tray.
- Caps lock is now disabled before auto-typing.
- Improved installer (added start menu link to the CHM help file, mutex checking at uninstallation, version information block, ...).
- Plugin architecture: added cancellable default entry action event handler.
- Added support for subitem infotips in various list controls.
- Group name is now shown in the 'Find' dialog (if not root).
- Pressing the 'Insert' key in the password list now opens the 'Add Entry' dialog.
- Last search settings are now remembered (except search text).
- The column order in the main window is now remembered.
- Pressing F2 in the groups tree now initiates editing the name of the currently selected group.
- Pressing F2 in the password list now opens the editing dialog.
- The 'About' dialog is now automatically closed when clicking an hyperlink.
- Entries generated by 'Tools' - 'Password Generator' are now highlighted in the main window (visible and selected).
- Extended auto-close functionality to some more dialogs.