KeePass Password Safe 歷史舊版本 Page18

最新版本 KeePass 2.55

KeePass Password Safe 歷史版本列表

KeePass 是一個免費的開源密碼管理器,可以幫助您以安全的方式管理您的密碼。您可以將所有密碼放在一個數據庫中,並使用一個主密鑰或一個密鑰文件進行鎖定。因此,您只需記住一個主密碼或選擇密鑰文件即可解鎖整個數據庫。數據庫使用目前已知的最好和最安全的加密算法(AES 和 Twofish)加密. 今天你需要記住許多密碼。您需要 Windows 網絡登錄,您的電子郵件帳戶,您的網站的 FTP 密碼,在線... KeePass Password Safe 軟體介紹

KeePass 2.13 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New Features:
- Password quality estimation algorithm: added check for about 1500 most common passwords (these are rated down to 1/8th of their statistical rating; Bloom filter-based implementation).
- Global auto-type (using a system-wide hot key) is now possible on Unix-like systems (see the documentation for setup instructions, section 'Installation / Portability' in the 'KeePass 2.x' group; thanks to Jordan Sissel for enhancing 'xdotool').
- Added IPC functionality for Unix-like systems.
- Added possibility to write export plugins that don't require an output file.
- Tag lists are sorted alphabetically now.
- Password text boxes now use a monospace font by default.
- Added option to select a different font for password text boxes (menu 'Tools' -> 'Options' -> tab 'Interface').
- Added support for importing Password Prompter 1.2 DAT files.
- Added ability to export to Windows/IE favorites.
- Added ability to specify IO credentials in the 'Synchronize' trigger action.
- Added ability to specify IO credentials and a master key in the 'Open database file' trigger action.
- If IO credentials are stored, they are now obfuscated.
- Custom colors in the Windows color selection dialog are now remembered.
- Added high resolution version of the KeePass application icon.
- Improved lock overlay icon (higher resolution).
- PLGX loader: added support for unversioned KeePass assembly references.

Improvements / Changes:
- Added workaround to avoid alpha transparency corruption when adding images to an image list.
- Improved image list generation performance.
- Added workaround to display the lock overlay icon when having enabled the option to start minimized and locked.
- Improved group and entries deletion confirmation dialogs (with preview; only Windows Vista and higher).
- The password character picking dialog now offers the raw password characters instead of an auto-type encoded sequence.
- PINs importer: improved importing of expiry dates.
- Some button icons are now resized to 16x15 when the 16x16 icon is too large.
- Renamed character repetition option in the password generator for improved clarity.
- Improved workspace locking.
- Locking timer is now thread-safe.
- Added code to prevent loading libraries from the current working directory (to avoid binary planting attacks).
- Removed Tomboy references (on Unix-like systems).
- Various code optimizations.
- Minor other improvements.

KeePass 1.18 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

# New Features:
* Password quality estimation algorithm: added check for about 1500 most common passwords (these are rated down to 1/8th of their statistical rating; Bloom filter-based implementation).
* {GOOGLECHROME} placeholder: updated detection code to also support the latest versions of Chrome.
* KeePass now enables data execution prevention (DEP).
* Improved lock overlay icon (higher resolution).

# Improvements:
* Improved character classification in password quality estimation algorithm.
* Improved group and entries deletion confirmation dialogs (only Windows Vista and higher).
* Items in the update checking, plugin and icon picker dialogs aren't underlined anymore when hovering over them.
* The default expiry interval for new entries is now limited to a maximum of 8 years.
* Renamed character repetition option in the password generator for improved clarity.
* Added code to prevent loading libraries from the current working directory (to avoid binary planting attacks).
* Installer: various minor improvements.
* Various code optimizations.
* Minor other improvements.

KeePass 2.12 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New Features:
- Auto-type window definitions in custom window-sequence pairs are now Spr-compiled (i.e. placeholders, environment variables, etc. can be used).
- Global auto-type delay: added support for multi-modified keys and special keys.
- Added 'New Database' application policy flag.
- Added 'Copy Whole Entries' application policy flag.
- Multi-monitor support: at startup, KeePass now ensures that the main window's normal area at least partially overlaps the virtual screen rectangle of at least one monitor.
- RoboForm importer: URLs without protocol prefix are now prefixed automatically (HTTP).
- Entry-dependent placeholders can now be used in most trigger events, conditions and actions (the currently focused entry is used).
- Auto-type on Unix-like systems: KeePass now shows an informative error message when trying to invoke auto-type without having installed the 'xdotool' package.

Improvements / Changes:
- New column engine: drag&dropping hidden fields works as expected again (the field data is transferred, not asterisks).
- Improved restoration of a maximized main window.
- Improved error message when trying to import/export data from/to a KDB file on a non-Windows operating system.
- Minor other improvements.

KeePass 2.11 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New Features:
- Added entry tags (you can assign tags to entries in the entry editing window or by using the 'Selected Entries' context menu; to list all entries having a specific tag, choose the tag either in the 'Edit' main menu or in the 'Show Entries' toolbar drop-down button).
- Completely new entry list column engine; the columns are dynamic now, custom entry strings can be shown in the list, to configure go 'View' -> 'Configure Columns...'; the column engine is also extensible now, i.e. plugins can provide new columns.
- Added 'Size' entry list column (shows the approximate memory required for the entry).
- Added 'History (Count)' entry list column (double-clicking a cell of this column opens the entry editing window and automatically switches to the 'History' tab).
- Added 'Expiry Time (Date Only)' entry list column.
- Added options to specify the number of days until the master key of a database is recommended to and/or must be changed.
- Added support for exporting selected entries to KDB.
- Added 'FileSaveAsDirectory' configuration key to specify the default directory for 'Save As' database file dialogs.
- Double-clicking a history entry in the entry editing dialog now opens/views the entry.
- It's now possible to tab from menus and toolbars to dialog controls.
- Added option to turn off hiding in-memory protected custom strings using asterisks in the entry view.
- Added workaround for FTP servers sending a 550 error after opening and closing a file without downloading data.
- Added 'Unhide Passwords' application policy flag.
- Password Depot importer: some icons are converted now.
- {GOOGLECHROME} placeholder: updated detection code to also support the latest versions of Chrome.
- The main window now uses the shell font by default.
- On Windows Vista and higher, Explorer-themed tree and list views are now used in the main window.
- On Windows 7 and higher, the main window peek preview is now disabled when the KeePass workspace is locked.
- Installer: added option to optimize the on-demand start-up performance of KeePass.
- TrlUtil: added 3 dots string validation.

Improvements / Changes:
- Improved entry list item selection performance (defer UI state update on selection change burst).
- Improved special key code conversion in KDB importer.
- Icon picker dialog now has a 'Close' button.
- When sorting is enabled, the entry list view now doesn't get destroyed anymore when trying to move entries.
- Main window is now brought to the foreground when untraying.
- Removed grid lines option.
- Reduced size of MSI file.
- Various performance improvements.
- Various code optimizations.
- Minor other improvements.

- No file path is requested anymore when double-clicking an import source that doesn't require a file.

KeePass 2.10 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New Features:
- Translation system: added support for right-to-left scripts.
- Added {HMACOTP} placeholder to generate HMAC-based one-time passwords as specified in RFC 4226 (the shared secret is the UTF-8 representation of the value of the 'HmacOtp-Secret' custom entry string field, and the counter is stored in decimal form in the 'HmacOtp-Counter' field).
- On Windows 7, KeePass now shows a 'locked' overlay icon on the taskbar button when the database is locked.
- On Windows 7, the database loading/saving progress is now shown on the taskbar button.
- Added option to disable automatic searching for key files.
- Added KDBX database repair functionality (in File -> Import).
- Added support for expired root groups.
- Added global delay support for shifted special keys.
- Added 'Change Master Key' application policy flag.
- Added 'Edit Triggers' application policy flag.
- Added trigger action to activate a database (select tab).
- Added configuration options to allow enforcing states (enabled, disabled, checked, unchecked) of key source controls in the master key creation and prompt dialogs (see 'Composite Master Key' documentation page).
- Added option to disable the 'Save' command (instead of graying it out) if the database hasn't been modified.
- Added support for importing KeePassX 0.4.1 XML files.
- Added support for importing Handy Safe 5.12 TXT files.
- Added support for importing Handy Safe Pro 1.2 XML files.
- Added support for importing ZDNet's Password Pro 3.1.4 TXT files.
- Added dialog for selecting the encoding of text files to be attached to an entry.
- Added option to search for passwords in quick finds (disabled by default).
- Added Ctrl+S shortcut in the internal data editor.
- Internal data editor window can now be maximized.
- Document tabs can now be closed by middle-clicking on them.
- Most strings in the trigger system are now Spr-compiled (i.e. placeholders, environment variables, etc. can be used).
- Added '--lock-all' and '--unlock-all' command line options to lock/unlock the workspaces of all other KeePass instances.
- Added 'pw-enc' command line option and {PASSWORD_ENC} placeholder.
- Added preliminary auto-type support for Linux (right-click on an entry and select 'Perform Auto-Type'; the 'xdotool' package is required).
- Added option to enforce using the system font when running under KDE and Gnome (option enabled by default).
- HTML exports are now XHTML 1.0 compliant.
- Printing: added option to sort entries.
- Printing: group names are now shown as headings.
- KPScript: added '-CreateBackup' option for the EditEntry command (to create backups of entries before modifying them).
- The PLGX plugin cache root path can now be specified in the configuration file (Application/PluginCachePath).
- Plugin developers: added ability to write entropy providers that can update the internal pool of the cryptographically strong random number generator.
- Plugin developers: added some public PwEntryForm properties, events and methods.
- Plugin developers: added entry template events.
- Plugin developers: added group and entry touching events.
- Plugin developers: added main window focus changing event.
- Plugin developers: added support for writing format providers for the internal attachments viewer.

Improvements / Changes:
- Expired icons of groups are non-permanent now.
- Improved search performance and in-memory protection compatibility.
- The SendKeys class now always uses the SendInput method (not JournalHook anymore).
- Improved auto-type delay handling.
- Two-channel auto-type obfuscation: added support for default delays.
- The default auto-type delay is now 10 ms.
- Improved top-most window auto-type support.
- Improved high DPI support (text rendering, banners, ...).
- Temporary file transaction files are now deleted before writing to them.
- Broadcasted file IPC notification messages do not wait infinitely for hanging applications anymore.
- On Windows XP and higher, KeePass now uses alpha-transparent icons in the main entry list.
- In the entry editing dialog, when moving a custom string to a standard field, the string is now appended to the field (instead of overwriting the previous contents of the field).
- Improved UTF-8 encoding (don't emit byte order marks).
- Improved field to standard field mapping function.
- HTML exports do not contain byte-order marks anymore.
- For improved clarity, some controls are now renamed/changed dynamically when using the password generator without having a database open.
- Improved auto-type definition conversion for KDB exports.
- Standard field placeholders are now correctly removed when auto-typing, if the standard field doesn't exist.
- Improved icon picker cancel blocking when removing an icon.
- The default workspace locking time is now 300 seconds (but the option is still disabled by default).
- Modern task dialogs are now displayed on 64-bit Windows systems, too.
- Improved file corruption error messages.
- Improved entry attachments renaming method.
- Double-clicking an attachment in the entry editing dialog now opens it in the internal viewer (the internal editor can only be invoked in the main window).
- When attachments are edited using the internal editor, the entry's last modification time is now updated.
- Improved plugin loading (detect PLGX cache files).
- If the application policy disallows clipboard operations, KeePass doesn't unnecessarily decrypt sensitive data anymore.
- Added tooltip for the 'View' toolbar drop-down button.
- Improved menu accelerator and shortcut keys.
- Upgraded installer.
- Installer: various minor improvements.
- Various performance improvements.
- Various code optimizations.
- Minor other improvements.

- No exception is thrown anymore when lowering the clipboard auto-clear time in the options below the value of a currently running clearing countdown.
- The 'Show expired entries' functionality now also works when there's exactly one matching entry.

KeePass 1.17 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

# New Features:
* Added option to use file transactions when writing databases (enabled by default; writing to a temporary file and replacing the actual file afterwards avoids data loss when KeePass is prevented from saving the database completely).
* Added high DPI support.
* The Ctrl+E shortcut key now jumps to the quick search box.
* In the main entry list, backup entries are now rendered with green text color.
* Menus are now rendered with gradient item backgrounds.
* Added support for detecting KeePass 2.08 and higher KDBX database files.
* Added {GOOGLECHROME} placeholder, which is replaced by the executable path of Google Chrome, if installed.
* Added '--auto-type' command line option.
* Added '--lock-all' and '--unlock-all' command line options to lock/unlock the workspaces of all other KeePass instances.
* Added 'KeeConfigFileOverrideGlobal' and 'KeeConfigFileOverrideUser' configuration options to change the locations of the configuration files.
* On Windows 7, KeePass now shows a 'locked' overlay icon on the taskbar button when the database is locked.
* On Windows 7, when opening/saving a database, the taskbar button is now animated using an indeterminate progress bar.

# Improvements:
* Most broadcasted Windows messages do not wait for hanging applications anymore.
* Improved multi-byte characters support in entry details view.
* Improved toolbar updating after restoring from tray.
* Improved naming of options to clarify their meaning.
* Improved tray icon updating.
* Improved behavior on KDBX error.
* Upgraded installer.
* Various performance improvements.
* Various code optimizations.
* Minor other improvements.

KeePass 2.09 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New Features:
- Added option to use file transactions when writing databases (enabled by default; writing to a temporary file and replacing the actual file afterwards avoids data loss when KeePass is prevented from saving the database completely).
- Added PLGX plugin file format.
- Enhanced database synchronization by structure merging (relocation/moving and reordering groups and entries).
- Added synchronization 'Recent Files' list (in 'File' menu).
- Synchronization / import: added merging of entry histories.
- Synchronization / import: backups of current entries are created automatically, if their data would be lost in the merging process.
- Database name, description, default user name, entry templates group and the recycle bin settings are now synchronized.
- Added {NEWPASSWORD} placeholder, which generates a new password for the current entry, based on the "Automatically generated passwords for new entries" generator profile; this placeholder is replaced once in an auto-type process, i.e. for a typical 'Old Password'-'New Password'-'Repeat New Password' dialog you can use {PASSWORD}{TAB}{NEWPASSWORD}{TAB}{NEWPASSWORD}{ENTER}.
- Added scheme-specific URL overrides (this way you can for example tell KeePass to open all http- and https-URLs with Firefox or Opera instead of the system default browser; PuTTY is set as handler for ssh-URLs by default; see Options -> Integration).
- Added option to drop to the background when copying data to the clipboard.
- Added option to use alternating item background colors in the main entry list (option enabled by default).
- The Ctrl+E shortcut key now jumps to the quick search box.
- Added auto-type sequence conversion routine to convert key codes between 1.x and 2.x format.
- Added workaround for internal queue issue in SendKeys.Flush.
- Added more simple clipboard backup routine to workaround clipboard issues when special formats are present.
- Added native clipboard clearing method to avoid empty data objects being left in the clipboard.
- Added import support for custom icons.
- Added {GOOGLECHROME} placeholder, which is replaced by the executable path of Google Chrome, if installed.
- Added {URL:RMVSCM} placeholder, which inserts the URL of the current entry without the scheme specifier.
- Added ability to search for UUIDs and group names.
- Toolbar searches now also search in UUIDs and group names.
- Added {DELAY=X} placeholder to specify a default delay of X milliseconds between standard keypresses in this sequence.
- Added option to disable verifying written database files.
- Attachment names in the entry view are now clickable (to open the attachments in the internal editor or viewer).
- Added Unicode support in entry details view.
- Added option to render menus and toolbars with gradient backgrounds (enabled by default).
- MRU lists now have numeric access keys.
- Added '--entry-url-open' command line option (specify the UUID of the entry as '--uuid:' command line parameter).
- Added 'Application initialized' trigger event.
- Added 'User interface state updated' trigger event.
- Added host reachability trigger condition.
- Added 'Active database has unsaved changes' trigger condition.
- Added 'Save active database' trigger action.
- Added database file synchronization trigger action.
- Added database file export trigger action.
- KeePass now restores the last view when opening databases.
- Added system-wide hot key to execute auto-type for the currently selected entry (configurable in the options).
- Added option to disable auto-type entry matching based on title (by default an entry matches if its title is contained in the target window title).
- Added option to disable marking TAN entries as expired when using them.
- Added option to focus the quick search box when restoring from tray (disabled by default).
- Added entry context menu commands to sort by UUID and file attachments.
- Custom string fields are now appended to the notes when exporting to KeePass 1.x KDB files.
- Enforced configuration files are now item-based (items not defined in the enforced configuration file are now loaded from the global/local configuration files instead of being set to defaults).
- File transactions are used when writing configuration files.
- KPScript: added 'ChangeMasterKey' command.
- ShInstUtil: added check for the presence of .NET.
- TrlUtil: added command under 'Import' that loads 2.x LNGX files without checking base hashes.
- TrlUtil: added control docking support.
- Plugin developers: added static window addition and removal events to the GlobalWindowManager class.
- Plugin developers: added ability to write custom dialog banner generators (CustomGenerator of BannerFactory).
- Plugin developers: the IOConnectionInfo of the database is now accessible through the key provider query context.
- Plugin developers: added static auto-type filter events (plugins can provide own placeholders, do sequence customizations like inserting delays, and provide alternative key sending methods).
- Plugin developers: added UIStateUpdated main window event.

Improvements / Changes:
- Simple text boxes now convert rich text immediately.
- Improved entry change detection (avoid unnecessary backups when closing the entry dialog with [OK] but without any changes; detect by content instead of change events).
- Header in entry selection dialog is now non-clickable.
- Entry list header now uses native sorting icons.
- Key providers are now remembered separately from key files.
- The main window is now the owner of the import method dialog.
- The global URL override is now also applied for main entry URLs in the entry details view.
- Improved grouping behavior when disabling entry sorting.
- Improved field mapping in RoboForm import.
- Root groups now support custom icons.
- In the entry dialog, string values are now copied to the clipboard instead of asterisks.
- Improved import/synchronization status dialog.
- Improved import/synchronization error message dialogs.
- Entry history items are now identified by the last modification time instead of last access time.
- The trigger system can now be accessed directly through 'Tools' -> 'Triggers...', not the options anymore.
- Changed order of commands in the 'Tools' menu.
- Improved auto-type target window validity checking.
- Ctrl-V does not make the main window lose the focus anymore if auto-type is disabled for the currently selected entry.
- When restoring from tray, the main window is now brought to the foreground.
- Double-clicking an icon in the icon picker dialog now chooses the icon and closes the dialog.
- When adding a custom icon to the database, the new icon is selected automatically.
- When opening a database by running KeePass.exe with the database file path as parameter (and single instance option enabled), the existing KeePass instance will not prompt for keys of previously locked databases anymore when restoring (they are just left in locked state).
- Unlocking routine doesn't display multiple dialogs anymore.
- Improved shortcut key handling in main window.
- Master key change success message now has a distinguishable window title.
- Improved start position and focus of the URL dialog.
- Improved layout in options dialog.
- Improved UUID and UI updates when removing custom icons.
- Improved window deconstruction when closing with [X].
- Improved user activity detection.
- Improved state updating of sorting context menu commands.
- Improved sorting by UUIDs.
- Improved naming of options to clarify their meaning.
- Converted ShInstUtil to a native application (in order to be able to show a warning in case .NET is not installed).
- Plugins: improved IOConnection to allow using registered custom WebRequest descendants (WebRequest.RegisterPrefix).
- TrlUtil: improved XML comments generation.
- Various code optimizations.
- Minor other improvements.

- Password profile derivation function doesn't incorrectly always add standard character ranges anymore.
- In-memory protection for the title field of new entries can be enabled now.

KeePass 2.08 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New Features:
- Key transformation library: KeePass can now use Windows' CNG/BCrypt API for key transformations (about 50% faster than the KeePass built-in key transformation code; by increasing the amount of rounds by 50%, you'll get the same waiting time as in 2.07, but the protection against dictionary and guessing attacks is raised by a factor of 1.5; only Windows Vista and higher).
- Added support for sending keystrokes (auto-type) to windows that are using different keyboard layouts.
- Added option to remember key file paths (enabled by default).
- Added internal editor for text files (text only and RTF formatted text; editor can edit entry attachments).
- Internal data viewer: added support for showing rich text (text with formatting).
- Added inheritable group settings for disabling auto-type and searching for all entries in this group (see tab 'Behavior'); for new recycle bins, both properties are set to disabled.
- The password character picking dialog now supports pre-defining the number of characters to pick; append :k in the placeholder to specify a length of k (for example, {PICKPASSWORDCHARS3:5} would be a placeholder with ID 3 and would pick 5 characters from the password); advantage: when having picked k characters, the dialog closes automatically, i.e. saves you to click [OK].
- IDs in {PICKPASSWORDCHARSn} do not need to be consecutive anymore.
- The password character picking dialog now first dereferences passwords (i.e. placeholders can be used here, too).
- Added '-minimize' command line option.
- Added '-iousername', '-iopassword' and '-iocredfromrecent' command line options.
- Added '--auto-type' command line option.
- Added support for importing FlexWallet 1.7 XML files.
- Added option to disable protecting the clipboard using the CF_CLIPBOARD_VIEWER_IGNORE clipboard format.
- Added support for WebDAV URLs (thanks to Ryan Press).
- Added shortcut keys in master key prompt dialog.
- Added entry templates functionality (first specify an entry templates group in the database settings dialog, then use the 'Add Entry' toolbar drop-down button).
- Added AceCustomConfig class (accessible through host interface), that allows plugins to store their configuration data in the KeePass configuration file.
- Added ability for plugins to store custom data in KDBX database files (PwDatabase.CustomData).
- Added interface for custom password generation algorithm plugins.
- URLs in the entry preview window are now always clickable (especially including cmd:// URLs).
- Added option to copy URLs to the clipboard instead of opening them (Options -> Interface, turned off by default).
- Added option to automatically resize entry list columns when resizing the main window (turned off by default).
- Added 'Sync' command in KPScript scripting tool.
- Added FIPS compliance problems self-test (see FAQ for details about FIPS compliance).
- Added Rijndael/AES block size validation and configuration.
- Added NotifyIcon workaround for Mono under Mac OS X.
- Added confirmation box for empty master passwords.
- Added radio buttons in auto-type sequence editing dialog to choose between the default entry sequence and a custom one.
- Added hint that group notes are shown in group tooltips.
- Added test for KeePass 1.x plugins and an appropriate error message.
- Added interface for writing master password requirements validation plugins.
- Key provider plugin API: enhanced key query method by a context information object.
- Key provider plugin API: added 'DirectKey' property to key provider base class that allows returning keys that are directly written to the user key data stream.
- Key provider plugin API: added support for exclusive plugins.
- The '-keyfile' command line option now supports selecting key providers (plugins).
- Auto-Type: added option to send an Alt keypress when only the Alt modifier is active (option enabled by default).
- Added warning when trying to use only Alt or Alt-Shift as global hot key modifier.
- TrlUtil: added search functionality and toolbar.
- TrlUtil: version is now shown in the window title.

Improvements / Changes:
- Improved database file versioning and changed KDBX file signature in order to prevent older versions from corrupting newer files.
- ShInstUtil now first tries to uninstall a previous native image before creating a new one.
- Improved file corruption error messages (instead of index out of array bounds exception text, ...).
- The 'Open in Browser' command now opens all selected entries instead of just the focused one.
- Data-editing commands in the 'Tools' menu in the entry dialog are now disabled when being in history viewing mode.
- Right arrow key now works correctly in group tree view.
- Entry list is now updated when selecting a group by pressing a A-Z, 0-9 or numpad key.
- Improved entry list performance and sorting behavior.
- Improved splitter distance remembering.
- Improved self-tests (KeePass now correctly terminates when a self-test fails).
- The attachment column in the main window now shows the names of the attached files instead of the attachments count.
- Double-clicking an attachment field in the main window now edits (if possible) or shows the first attachment of the entry.
- Group modification times are now updated after editing groups.
- Improved scrolling of the entry list in item grouping mode.
- Changed history view to show last modification times, titles and user names of history entries.
- KeePass now also automatically prompts to unlock when restoring to a maximized window.
- Improved file system root directory support.
- Improved generic CSV importer preview performance.
- When saving a file, its path is not remembered anymore, if the option for opening the recently used file at startup is disabled.
- Improved auto-type input blocking.
- Instead of a blank text, the entry dialog now shows "(Default)" if the default auto-type sequence is used in a window-sequence association.
- Most broadcasted Windows messages do not wait for hanging applications anymore.
- Improved main window hiding at startup when the options to minimize after opening a database and to tray are enabled.
- Default tray action is now dependent on mouse button.
- New entries can now inherit custom icons from their parent groups.
- Improved maximized state handling when exiting while the main window is minimized.
- Improved state updating in key creation form.
- Improved MRU list updating performance.
- Improved plugin incompatibility error message.
- Deprecated {DOCDIR}, use {DB_DIR} instead ({DOCDIR} is still supported for backward compatibility though).
- Last modification times of TAN entries are now updated.
- F12 cannot be registered as global hot key anymore, because it is reserved for kernel-mode / JIT debuggers.
- Improved auto-type statement conversion routine in KeePass 1.x KDB file importer.
- Improved column width calculation in file/data format dialog.
- Improved synchronization status bar messages.
- TrlUtil: base hash for forms is now computed using the form's client rectangle instead of its window size.
- Various code optimizations.
- Minor other improvements.

- Recycle bin is now cleared correctly when clearing the database.

KeePass 1.16 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Added option to use Windows' CNG/BCrypt API for key
transformations (about 50% faster than the KeePass built-in
key transformation code; by increasing the amount of rounds
by 50%, you'll get the same waiting time as in 1.15, but the
protection against dictionary and guessing attacks is raised
by a factor of 1.5; option enabled by default; only Windows
Vista and higher)
- Completely new update checking system that now also supports
checking for new plugin versions
- Added warning when trying to open a KDBX file created by
KeePass 2.x (with hint about how to migrate from 2.x to 1.x)
- Added 'KeeAutoNewDbBasePath' and 'KeeAutoNewDbBaseName'
configuration options (to specify the default location where
the database file will be stored in mini mode)
- Added advanced option to immediately delete TAN entries after
using them
- Added '-minimize' command line option
- Added '-registerfileext' and '-unregisterfileext' command
line options to register/unregister the KDB file association
- File association methods are now UAC aware
- Added check for reserved group names (like 'Backup')
- On Windows Vista and higher, core database manager error /
warning messages are displayed using modern task dialogs
- The number of days below which entries are treated as soon to
expire can now be configured (see help -> customize)
- Plugins: added new COM interface (IKpAPI2) for the main API
that allows querying whether the database is the one
initially specified on the command line
- Key provider plugin API: new key query method that supports
context information

- Image list handling improvements
- When auto-locking after the specified number of seconds of
inactivity, KeePass minimizes to taskbar or to tray,
depending on the 'Minimize to tray instead of taskbar' option
- Plugin versions are now displayed in a separate column in the
plugins dialog
- When trying to open a second master key dialog or auto-type
entry selection dialog for a window, KeePass brings itself to
the foreground instead of showing a second dialog
- Calculation of soon to expire entries is now more precise
- Various improvements to status bar messages
- Improved workspace locking toolbar button tooltips
- Installer: various minor improvements
- Various code optimizations
- Minor other improvements

- Newlines of the notes field are now encoded correctly in
exports when Unix mode is enabled
- New databases do not inherit file names of previous locked
databases anymore

KeePass 2.07 Beta 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New Features:
- Added powerful trigger system (when events occur, check some conditions and execute a list of actions; see options dialog in 'Advanced'; more events / conditions / actions can be added later based on user requests, and can also be provided by plugins).
- Native master key transformations (rounds) are now computed by the native KeePassLibC support library (which contains the new, highly optimized transformation code used by KeePass 1.15, in two threads); on dual/multi core processors this results in almost triple the performance as before (by tripling the amount of rounds you'll get the same waiting time as in 2.06, but the protection against dictionary and guessing attacks is tripled).
- Added recycle bin (enabled by default, it can be disabled in the database settings dialog).
- Added Salsa20 stream cipher for CryptoRandomStream (this algorithm is not only more secure than ArcFour, but also achieves a higher performance; CryptoRandomStream defaults to Salsa20 now; port developers: KeePass uses Salsa20 for the inner random stream in KDBX files).
- KeePass is now storing file paths (last used file, MRU list) in relative form in the configuration file.
- Added support for importing 1Password Pro CSV files.
- Added support for importing KeePass 1.x XML files.
- Windows XP and higher: added support for double-buffering in all list views (including entry lists).
- Windows Vista and higher: added support for alpha-blended marquee selection in all list views (including entry lists).
- Added 'EditEntry', 'DeleteEntry', 'AddEntries' and 'DeleteAllEntries' commands in KPScript scripting tool.
- Added support for importing special ICO files.
- Added option to exit instead of locking the workspace after the specified time of inactivity.
- Added option to minimize the main window after locking the KeePass workspace.
- Added option to minimize the main window after opening a database.
- Added support for exporting to KDBX files.
- Added command to remove deleted objects information.
- TrlUtil now checks for duplicate accelerator keys in dialogs.
- Added controls in the entry editing dialog to specify a custom text foreground color for entries.
- KeePass now retrieves the default auto-type sequence from parent groups when adding new entries.
- The password character picking dialog can now be invoked multiple times when auto-typing (use {PICKPASSWORDCHARS}, {PICKPASSWORDCHARS2}, {PICKPASSWORDCHARS3}, etc.).
- Added '-set-urloverride', '-clear-urloverride' and '-get-urloverride' command line options.
- Added '-set-translation' command line option.
- Added option to print custom string fields in details mode.
- Various entry listings now support custom foreground and background colors for entry items.
- Added 'click through' behavior for menus and toolbars.
- File association methods are now UAC aware.

Improvements / Changes:
- User interface is now blocked while saving to a file (in order to prevent accidental user actions that might interfere with the saving process).
- Improved native modifier keys handling on 64-bit systems.
- Improved application startup performance.
- Added image list processing workaround for Windows 7.
- OK button is now reenabled after manually activating the key file checkbox and selecting a file in the master key dialog.
- The master key dialog now appears in the task bar.
- When KeePass is minimized to tray and locked, pressing the global auto-type hot key doesn't restore the main window anymore.
- The installer now by default installs KeePass 1.x and 2.x into separate directories in the program files folder.
- The optional autorun registry keys of KeePass 1.x and 2.x do not collide anymore.
- File type association identifiers of KeePass 1.x and 2.x do not collide anymore.
- File MRU list now uses case-insensitive comparisons.
- Improved preview updates in Print and Data Viewer dialogs.
- Message service provider is thread safe now.
- Threading safety improvements in KPScript scripting plugin.
- Improved control state updates in password generator dialog.
- Improved master password validation in 'New Database' dialog.
- Times are now stored as UTC in KDBX files (ISO 8601 format).
- Last access time fields are now updated when auto-typing, copying fields to the clipboard and drag&drop operations.
- KPScript scripting tool now supports in-memory protection.
- Database is not marked as modified anymore when closing the import dialog with Cancel.
- Added asterisks in application policy editing dialog to make clearer that changing the policy requires a KeePass restart.
- Double-clicking a format in the import/export dialog now automatically shows the file browsing dialog.
- Improved permanent entry deletion confirmation prompt.
- Improved font objects handling.
- Expired groups are now rendered using a striked out font.
- Improved auto-type statement conversion routine in KeePass 1.x KDB file importer.
- Clipboard clearing countdown is not started anymore when copying data fails (e.g. policy disabled).
- Improved synchronization with URLs.
- The database maintenance dialog now only marks the database as modified when it actually has removed something.
- KeePass now broadcasts a shell notification after changing the KDBX file association.
- Improved warning message when trying to directly open KeePass 1.x KDB files.
- Improved Linux / Mac OS X compatibility.
- Improved MSI package (removed unnecessary dependency).
- TrlUtil: improved NumericUpDown and RichTextBox handling.
- Installer now checks for minimum operating system version.
- Installer: file association is now a task, not a component.
- Installer: various other improvements.
- Various code optimizations.
- Minor other improvements.

- When cloning a group tree using drag&drop, KeePass now assigns correct parent group references to cloned groups and entries.
- Fixed crash when clicking 'Cancel' in the settings dialog when creating a new database.