Cocos Creator typeof

Type checks. Check instance type. Native JavaScript's instanceof is enough for this: var Sub = cc.Class( extends:&nb...

Cocos Creator typeof

Type checks. Check instance type. Native JavaScript's instanceof is enough for this: var Sub = cc.Class( extends: ... ,_destruct: function () for (var key in this) if (this.hasOwnProperty(key)) switch (typeof this[key]) case 'string': this[key] = ''; break; case 'object': case 'function': ...

相關軟體 Cocos Creator 資訊

Cocos Creator
Cocos Creator 是一個完整的遊戲開發工具包和工作流程,包括一個遊戲引擎(基於 Cocos2d-x),資源管理,場景編輯,遊戲預覽,調試和發布一個項目到多個平台. 我們首次引入了實體 - 組件結構和數據驅動的工作流程到 Cocos2d- x 系列。使用 JavaScript,您可以立即編寫組件腳本。編輯器和引擎擴展也是使用 JavaScript 編寫的,因此您可以用一種編程語言製作遊戲並... Cocos Creator 軟體介紹

Cocos Creator typeof 相關參考資料
Access Node and Component · Cocos Creator

... above, if you first get the script (e.g. Player.js ) in a modular fashion, and then declare the type of the property in Cannon.js as the Player script component:

Advanced CCClass · Cocos Creator

Type checks. Check instance type. Native JavaScript's instanceof is enough for this: var Sub = cc.Class( extends: ...

Asset 类型 - Cocos Creator

_destruct: function () for (var key in this) if (this.hasOwnProperty(key)) switch (typeof this[key]) case 'string': this[key] = ''; break; case 'object': case 'function...

cc.Class · Cocos Creator

Judge class. When you need to judge the class of an object, you can use the JavaScript built-in instanceof : cc.log(obj instanceof Sprite); // true ...

CCClass 进阶参考· Cocos Creator

__ctor__ 不是标准的构造函数定义方式,如果没有特殊需要请一律使用 ctor 定义。 判断类型. 判断实例. 需要做类型判断时,可以用JavaScript 原生的 instanceof :

How can I get value or component type name in string - Cocos ...

It seems Cocos-Creator editor distinguishing type of files, since they are not accepting non coresponding type files. I want to do same. 13. Thanks. -Hiroki.

js · Cocos Creator

isNumber If a number is created by using 'new Number(10086)', the typeof it will be "object"... isString Check the obj whether is string or not. addon Copy all ...

TypeScript Support · Cocos Creator

But in order for the editor to correctly parse the various properties displayed in ... Label = null; // here is the type used to declare the type of statement, the colon is ...

TypeScript · Cocos Creator

If this type of asset dont have its corresponding node type, this method should be ... hasOwnProperty(key)) switch (typeof this[key]) case 'string': this[key] = '' ...

使用cc.Class 声明类型· Cocos Creator

需要做类型判断时,可以用JavaScript 原生的 instanceof : cc.log(obj instanceof ... var Sprite = cc.Class( ctor: function () cc.log(this instanceof Sprite); // true } }); ...