Advanced Installer

最新版本 Advanced Installer 21.2

Advanced Installer 21.2

Advanced Installer 21.2
Advanced Installer 是一個 Windows Installer 創作工具,它使開發人員和系統管理員能夠輕鬆構建可靠的 MSI 軟件包,以滿足最新的 Microsoft Windows 徽標認證要求並遵循建議的 Windows Installer 最佳做法。 Advanced Installer 是在非常靈活的許可模式下發布的。核心應用程序是 100%免費使用的商業和非商業目的。我們還提供各種商業許可證下的可選功能和附件.

Advanced Installer 特點:

用戶友好,完全由 GUI 驅動,無需學習腳本,無需編輯數據庫,無需編寫 XML

使用嚮導開發,導入現有 IDE 項目,集成到自動構建工具和源代碼管理系統中.




基於標準 Windows Installer 技術的嚴重安裝程序提供回滾, autoupdates,等 61225896
Advanced Installer 的狂熱支持團隊隨時準備幫助你任何安裝問題,你可能有。

利用現有投資。重新包裝舊的安裝程序,導入 MSI,WiX 項目。使用開放格式,避免專有陷阱.

注意:這是一個統一的軟件包,包含完整的 Advanced Installer 應用程序,其中包括免費軟件,專業版,用於 Java,企業和架構師功能。免費軟件功能可以隨時通過創建一個“簡單”類型的項目來訪問.


檔案版本 Advanced Installer 21.2

檔案名稱 advinst.msi
系統 Windows Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 免費軟體
作者 Caphyon Ltd
更新日期 2023-11-04

What's new in this version:

- Run .NET and .NET Framework code as a predefined custom action

- Security Improvement: Enabled digital signing for stub files
- Improved the notification for "ProductVersion" options when configuring property synchronization
- Support for full "Color-based custom frame" editor in Themes view
Improved project loading when an invalid active setup configuration is found
- Display synchronization reports in the Command Line Interface
Option for "Extracting COM Registration Information from File" in COM view
Improvements for "Create a new virtual machine": the console is now displayed during "Opening" or "Powering on”; ISOs are automatically unmounted before a snapshot is created
- Command line support for Shortcut Properties for automatic "Pin to Taskbar", .NET Framework Launch Condition, feature installation behavior, and for minimizing installation time option
Improved the build log error messages to indicate when an antivirus has removed the generated output package
- Pseudo-formatted fields now support environment variables
- Property changes are now displayed in the Build Log

- Resolved ICE warnings and errors triggered by AppInstaller Theme
- Synchronized folder files are not included in the MSI build when running /rebuild command
- Resolved Stack Trace issue when selecting App Installer preview during wizard creation
- The "Customize Advanced Installer upgrade rules" option no longer resets upon project close and reopen
- Fixed crash when the "Go to selected event dialog" option was selected for custom actions without a sequence in projects previously saved on the Custom Actions page
- Fixed the issues where features were being created and displayed for chained packages in v20.9.1
- Fixed the issue where setting the "Advertised Shortcut" option from the command line was not working
- The prerequisites status is no longer displayed as before when using v20.9.1
- Service Fail Operation does not get created in the Merge Module
Fixed crash when resizing a control and using the print screen feature on the control previews
- Resolved the Uninstall Previous Version custom action issue resulting from the unintended presence of AI_PRESERVE_INSTALL_TYPE in all projects
Fixed the issue where the EXE icon was not being set in projects created with a language other than English selected during creation
- Resolved the issue where icons set for EXE packages appeared blurry
- Fixed the bug where not all dialogs and text were in Dutch when selecting the "Netherlands" language
Fixed "Visual Studio Import" Wizard issues
- Fixed command line issue when switching between UI and Execute Sequences
- Fixed custom action overwriting default registry permissions
- Fixed poor rendering of info icon on Enhanced UI

Advanced Installer 21.2 相關參考資料
Advanced Installer - Version History

Version 21.2.2Released on November 16th, 2023. 2 bug fixes · Version 21.2.1Released on November 7th, 2023. 2 bug fixes · Version 21.2Released on November 7th, ...


Advanced Installer 21.2 - Release Notes

2023年11月7日 — Advanced Installer 21.2 Release Notes · Security Improvement: Enabled digital signing for stub files · Improved the notification for  ...


Advanced Installer 21.2.1 - Release Notes

On November 7th, 2023 Caphyon Ltd. announced the release of Advanced Installer 21.2.1 in Free, Professional, Enterprise and Architect editions.


Advanced Installer 21.2.2 - Release Notes

On November 16th, 2023 Caphyon Ltd. announced the release of Advanced Installer 21.2.2 in Free, Professional, Enterprise and Architect editions.


Advanced Installer 21.2.2 免激活绿色便携版(MSI安装包 ...

2023年12月22日 — Advanced Installer破解版是一款功能强大的集打包配置及部署一体化的MSI安装包制作工具,这款高级安装工具无需具备任何安装脚本方面的知识就可以制作出 ...

Advanced Installer 21.2.2 安装包制作工具便携版 - OSSSR.COM

2023年11月16日 — 该软件提供了一个直观的用户界面,使得用户可以轻松地创建自定义的安装程序,包括安装向导、自定义安装选项、卸载程序等等。此外,Advanced Installer还 ...

Advanced Installer Professional

Advanced Installer 21.2 使開發人員能夠將.NET 和.NET Framework 代碼無縫集成到其Windows 安裝中,從而增強靈活性和控制力。

Download Advanced Installer 21.2.1 for windows

2023年11月7日 — Intuitive user interface for creating installation packages · Support for multiple installation types, such as simple, silent, and web-based ...

What's New in Advanced Installer 21.2

2023年11月8日 — What's New: Advanced Installer 21.2 now allows you to directly integrate .NET and .NET Framework code into your project running as DLL custom ...

专业级安装包制作工具Advanced Installer Architect 21.2 ...

Advanced Installer具有友好的图形用户界面,直观而且非常简单的界面,创建MSI 文件包非常方便,用户只需添加文件,修改名称,添加按钮就可以了,无需任何脚本方面的知识, ...