Screenpresso 歷史舊版本 Page12

最新版本 Screenpresso 2.1.23

Screenpresso 歷史版本列表

Screenpresso 屏幕捕獲允許您抓住您在計算機屏幕上看到的圖像或視頻,添加效果並與任何人共享。 Screenpresso 為您的培訓文檔,協作設計工作,IT bug 報告等提供桌面(屏幕截圖和高清視頻)。 Screenpresso 是一個新的輕量級屏幕抓取工具,內置圖像編輯器,用戶指南生成器和共享選項.捕捉視頻或 ImagesApture 只需點擊幾下你看到的屏幕上。通過工作區管理你的捕捉... Screenpresso 軟體介紹

Zotero 5.0.74 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed access date being parsed as previous year in some time zones on Windows 10 version 1903
- When transferring a document between word processors, modified citations were left as code
- For now, modified citations will be silently reset on transfer. We hope to preserve modified citations in a future version.
- Fixed potential file sync error when using eCryptfs on Linux
- Translator Editor improvements
- Update UI based on Zotero UI font size pref
- Load translator on double-click in translator list
- Support Cmd/Ctrl-= for zooming in code editor in addition to Cmd/Ctrl-+

Zotero 5.0.73 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Functionality changed or added:
- Added “begins with” operator to field search conditions
- Added Developer menu to Tools menu
- Includes an error console, Run JavaScript window, style editor (previously available via the Cite preferences), and a translator editor (now bundled for easier translator development)

Bugs fixed:
- Fixed corrupted em dashes in titles with subtitles in APA style
- Revert incorrect subtitle capitalization for American Medical Association style (since 5.0.70)
- Fixed incorrect top padding in tag selector if first tag was truncated
- Fixed item tree crash when pressing Cmd + Left-Arrow with all parent items and a child item selected in a view
- Fixed zotero://select search selection
- Fixed server error for local HTTP requests if User-Agent wasn't set (e.g., from Pandoc)

Zotero 5.0.72 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Functionality changed or added:
- Move documents with Zotero citations between Google Docs, Word, and LibreOffice (blog post)
- When transforming case of Title field, transform case of Short Title field as well
- Removed intermediate “Transform Text” submenu in Title context menu; sentence/title case options now appear directly in the context menu
- Updated citeproc-js to version 1.2.18

Bugs fixed:
- Fixed potential startup error
- Fixed inability to remove uncited bibliography entries
- Don't use casing from Short Title field for portion of title before colon in APA style (since 5.0.67)

Zotero 5.0.71 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed possible error generating bibliographies in LibreOffice (“3 is read-only”)
- Miscellaneous bibliographic output and word processor integration fixes
- Updated citeproc-js to version 1.2.17
- [Security] Additional protections to prevent visited webpages from triggering actions in Zotero plugins

Zotero 5.0.70 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Added ability to hide retraction warnings for items that have been retracted and replaced by the publisher
- Some publishers incorrectly reuse the original DOI/PID when replacing an item, so Zotero can't reliably detect whether a replaced item represents the final version
- When citing a retracted item, selecting “Don’t warn me about this item again” will now hide all future warnings in any document instead of just the current document
- Apply subtitle capitalization to American Medical Association and Academy of Management styles
- Miscellaneous bibliographic output and word processor integration fixes
- Updated citeproc-js to version 1.2.13

Zotero 5.0.69 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Word processor integration fies for Word for Mac and LibreOffice
- After quota error, stop trying to upload files until net manual sync or restart
- Fied a couple issues related to related item detection

Zotero 5.0.68 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Various fixes for retracted item detection
- Fixed updating of Next button in RTF Scan window

Zotero 5.0.67 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Functionality changed or added:
- Retracted item notifications with Retraction Watch integration
- Additional performance improvements in large documents when “Automatically update citations” is disabled
- Automatically capitalize subtitle for APA styles
- Tag selector: Show truncated tags in tooltip on hover
- Miscellaneous bibliographic output and word processor integration fixes
- Updated citeproc-js to version 1.2.2
- Reopen collapsed collections pane on restart
- Don't encode most characters in DOIs when opening/copying as link
- Added British English and Breton locales

Bugs fixed:
- Fixed potential “Cannot edit item in read-only library” error during sync
- Fixed newlines being lost when copying from notes
- Fixed gray tag selector background color on Linux/Windows
- Don't convert automatic tags to manual when merging items
- Fixed display of some word processor integration errors
- Revert to single-line mode after closing Add Item by Identifier panel
- Fixed a bug that could cause some local changes not to be uploaded immediately after automatic conflict resolution
- Fixed error copying attachment with invalid path to another library
- Fixed display of File Not Found dialog trying to open an attachment without a valid path
- Fixed erroneous sync conflict if creators are changed in the same way
- Fixed “too many SQL variables” error deleting collection with >1,000 items
- Don't prompt to add http:// prefix to anchor links in notes
- Run JavaScript window: Fixed stuck result pane after error

save2pc 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

WashAndGo 20 (24.5) Build 132 查看版本資訊
