Screenpresso 歷史舊版本 Page9

最新版本 Screenpresso 2.1.23

Screenpresso 歷史版本列表

Screenpresso 屏幕捕獲允許您抓住您在計算機屏幕上看到的圖像或視頻,添加效果並與任何人共享。 Screenpresso 為您的培訓文檔,協作設計工作,IT bug 報告等提供桌面(屏幕截圖和高清視頻)。 Screenpresso 是一個新的輕量級屏幕抓取工具,內置圖像編輯器,用戶指南生成器和共享選項.捕捉視頻或 ImagesApture 只需點擊幾下你看到的屏幕上。通過工作區管理你的捕捉... Screenpresso 軟體介紹

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What's new in this version:

- The url used to check a new version has been fixed (website has moved to https)
- A bug after closing the internal pdf viewer during a session (not the embed one) has been fixed
- The deactivation of the list of pages in the internal pdf viewer is now recorded in the viewer settings
- The pos and size of the internal browser is now recorded
- Some paths to miktex 2.9 have been updated
- A typo in the english manual has been fixed
- A workaround about the bad detection of dpi screen on Xorg has ben added
- The french translation has been fixed (some missing items)
- A typo in the dutch translation has been fixed
- The ctrl+, shortcut has been added for opening the configuration dialog
- The ctrl+0 shortcut has been added for defining the master document
- For the debian package, default dictionaries folder has been moved to /usr/share/hunspell

Postman 7.14.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- cursor is incorrectly focused on the the create and edit Workspace when the modal is opened
- Fixed a bug where NTLM could not complete authentication if multiple `www-authenticate` headers were sent
- Fixed a bug where proxy auth was failing when the username/password contained special characters
- Fixed a bug where basic auth was failing when it had UTF-8 characters in username/password
- Fixed a bug where the app was crashing when `username` or `password` fields were empty for NTLM auth
- Fixed a bug where IPv6 localhost request through IPv4 localhost proxy was failing
- Show confirmation dialog if there are unsaved changes while creating new documentation and user tries to close the modal using esc key
- Allowed using non-bearer tokens in OAuth2 token manager
- Switched default mode to postman-code-generators for codegen modal
- Updated the OpenAPI3.0, Swagger2.0, cURL importers
- Added feature to infer domain name when username is for the form domainusername or [email protected] for NTLM authentication

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What's new in this version:

- Fixed a bug with policies and pro license
- Removed support for Hightail sharing service since they don't provide an API anymore
- Release notes is now displayed in Screenpresso when a new official release is available

- Screen resolution (DPI) is now set into the captured image file
- Screen resolution (DPI) is now taken into account when drawing mouse cursor
- When FFmpeg must be re-installed, now a message explains why
- Fixed policies not applied at startup
- Fixed app not starting with Windows on some computers

- Fixed issue with settings Fixed display of tools in built-in image editor Restaured "Check for beta update" checkbox visibility in AboutBox

- Fix the startup issue when no settings.xml exist

- Fix the startup issue when no settings.xml exist

- Fix a set of minor bugs

- Fixed lag at video recording's startup
- When "Direct MP4 recording" option is checked, there was a lag during about 0.3 seconds at the very beginning of the record.
- Fixed issue with automatic merge at the end of video recording
- A new feature of the previous release is for Screenpresso to merge automatically multiple AVI files when Direct MP4 recording option is not checked and a long video recording ends. This new feature introduced a bug preventing the video preview from being displayed.

- Added dash-dot line style
- For lines, circles, rectangles and polygons, it is possible to set a plain or a dash line style. Now we added the dash-dot line style.
- Added Ctrl+C shortcut
- Ctrl+C now copies to clipboard selected item or the whole image.

- Fixed Google Drive public permission
- When you upload a media to Google Drive thanks to Screenpresso's build-in publish feature, you can request it to be publicly available. This feature was not working properly and is now fixed.
- Removed ScreenpressoCloud banner (pro)
- If you are a Screenpresso PRO user and publish a media to ScreenpressoCloud, the hosting Web page won't display a banner advertising Screenpresso anymore.
- Upgraded ScreenpressoCloud max file size
- The maximum file size has been changed from 20MB to 50MB

- Smaller settings.xml file
- Now the settings.xml file storing all your settings is much smaller because it does not contain default values anymore (settings that you haven't changed are not saved to the file anymore).
- Fixed proxy error message
- When a proxy setting does not work, there is now a better error message.
- About box saves previous choices
- About box window now remembers whether you checked Check for beta option or not. Previously this setting was always checked when you opened the window.

- Fixed German and Dutch translations

Capture: automatic merge of mp4 files when multiple files have been generated during video recording:
- If "Direct MP4 recording" option is not checked, Screenpresso records video using AVI file format. Because this format is limited to 2GB for max file size, Screenpresso may generates multiple AVI files. At the end of the recording, Screenpresso automatically converts these AVI files to MP4 files but the results was multiple MP4 files. Now it adds one more processing steps that merges all these files in one

Capture: generating an animated gif video is now much faster, fix ghosting with animated gif, removed dependency on ImageMagik:
- When a video recording was finished and saved to animated gif, processing was very long and quality was not very good. Now because Screenpresso uses a whole new processing engine, animated gif generation is much faster and with better quality. By the way we removed the dependency to ImageMagic third party software to reduce possible security holes.

Capture: upgraded to FFmpeg and ADB:
- Screenpresso uses FFmpeg for video convertion and more. We updated to version 4.1.4 of FFmpeg for internal improvements
- To record videos or take screenshots of Android devices, Screenpresso now uses version 1.0.41 of Android Debug Bridge (ADB) to communicate with latest versions of Android devices

AboutBox: 'Check for update' button now has an option to choose between official or debug releases:
- Clicking on "Check for update" button in About Box is optional since Screenpresso already features an automatic live update engine for official release (you can disable it via settings). Click this button only if you want to get latest beta updates for testing purposes, including some features preview of the future realease v2.
- The date for the future v2 major version is not yet planned. We just start thinking about it.

Editor: numbering items can now be displayed in Roman (before it was possible to display only in number or letter):
- You can add numbering items to your screen captures. Now it support numbers (1, 2, 3, 4...), letters (A, B, C, D...) and romans (I, II, III, IV...).

Editor: added EditorSingleInstance, WorkspaceCloseOnEdit and ScreenshotHideCursor advanced settings
- If you set EditorSingleInstance to True then when you double-click multiple images in Screenpresso workspace, it will always open them in the same instance of the image editor instead of opening multiple windows.
- If you set WorkspaceCloseOnEdit to False then the workspace window will remain opened when you double-click a media to open it (a media is an image, a video, or a document).
- If you set ScreenshotHideCursor to False then when you perform a screen capture, the standard mouse cursor remains visible. Default behavior of Screenpress is to hide it and show a cross instead.

Policies: administrators can now fine tune which sharing features are available or disabled:
- Now IT can for instance disable Google Drive and Evernote sharing features but keep OneDrive and OneNote sharing features available. Refer to the user manual (press F1 key from Screenpresso to open it) or run "Screenpresso.exe /policies" to generate a sample registry file.

All Web calls are based on TLSv1.2 protocol to improve security
- If your operating system supports the latest version of HTTPS protocol then Screenpresso will use it

- Fixed German translationsFixed issue when generating an animated gif document

- Change log not available for this version

- Fix instabilities in the image editor

- Change log not available for this version

- Added custom time configuration for delayed capture
- Added an action setting to allow automatic printing after every capture
- Added Sweden and Czech translations
- Direct MP4 recording is now the default setting
- Improve hotkey handling (print screen key)
- Removed Facebook sharing feature
- Upgraded FFmpeg to version 4.0.2
- Fixed video preview: video ratio was sometimes incorrect
- Fixed editor: drawing of a line or a polygon while shift key was pressed
- Fixed workspace: display issue with scrollbars when changing workspaces order

- Editor: improved image editor’s automatic window’s sizing when an image is opened
- Editor: better suport for RightToLeft text edition
- Editor: increased max font size
- Multiple minor bug fixes

- Capture: WebCam’s window size and location is now saved. It is also possible to open WebCam’s driver settings
- Capture: after a capture, Screenpresso can now ask in which workspace the file must be saved if ‘WorkspacesAlwaysAsk’ advanced setting is set to True
- Editor: holding Control key when clicking “Send backward” now brings selected item to back instead of just one step backward
- Editor: screen used to display the window is now persisted
- Editor: improved border effects window and added a drop shadow preset
- Sharing: it is now possible to disable URL shortener when uploading to Google Drive

- Better support for high resolution monitors
- Reworked user interface
- Fixed breaking change in Facebook API
- Removed support for Flickr
- Added SupportEmail policy
- Microsoft Windows’ setting named “WindowArrangementActive” is now supported

- Editor: added a context menu command to delete all items
- Capture: fixed zoom issue during video recording
- Capture: fixed crash during video recording with system sound enabled when locking user session
- It is now possible to both install and activate Screenpresso via a single command line call

- Added a new quick view border less and top most window. Select a capture then press ‘Space’ key
- In built-in image iditor, it is now possible to use mouse wheel to change value of a numeric item
- It is now possible activate Screenpresso PRO via command line


- It is now possible to manualy merge videos (PRO)
- We added quick search to the workspace. Press a key to select next corresponding file
- Images are now copied to clipboard with support of transparency
- (e.g. now you can directly paste a transparent image to PowerPoint)
- Full support of Dropbox API version 2
- Improved Evernote sharing to support video and documents, not just images
- Video encoder is now 64 bits

- Capture: fixed display of watermark setting during capture
- Capture: center grip is not displayed anymore before video capture when capturing full screen
- Capture: fixed systray icon not blinking anymore after restarting video recording
- Document: fixed text no being deleted from generated document after deleting a bullet point
- Workspace: deleting a HTML file now also deletes “_files” sub-folder
- Workspace: fixed Screenpresso display at very first startup
- Screenpresso now generates ADMX file instead of ADM file for GPO
- All Screenpresso URLs are now HTTPS instead of HTTP

- Added per monitor DPI support under Windows 10
- Added “NoLoop” setting for animated GIF generation from video recording
- FileCopy sharing feature can now create an archive of files in destination folder
- “SaveAs HTML” feature in workspace now encodes the image as base64
- Fixed crash in Windows’ DLLHost.exe rarely occuring on 64 bits operating system only
- Fixed issue with Google translate without an Internet connection

- Fixed shortcuts engine issue
- Fixed animated GIF issue

- New shortcuts engine
- Support for Windows 10 virtual desktops
- Added a shortcut setting for delayed capture
- Custom colors are now persisted
- Added Ctrl+MouseWheel shortcut to workspace for changing thumbnails size

- Capture: quick capture form is now hidden from ALT+TAB
- Capture: OCR now supports Japanese
- Capture: added a button in OCR window to be able to remove lines feed
- Capture: clicking the systray balloon when it is displayed now opens workspace
- Editor: it is now possible to move to next or previous image using PageUp and PageDown keys
- Editor: document’s name is now displayed in Windows’ spool window when printing
- Editor: it is now possible to copy an item and paste it in another application
- Sharing: improved Imgur sharing
- New code signing certificate using sha256, according to Microsoft’s rules for 2016

- Screenpresso is now 64 bits
- New workflow to capture whole screen
- Systray icon now blinks with different colors during video recording
- Reworked Imgur sharing to support new v3 API

- Windows 10 fully compatible
- Video capture: system sound can now be recorded in screencast
- Video clipping: you can now modify the start and end time
- New quick capture window always visible on your desktop
- 2 way synchronizations with Microsoft OneDrive and Google drive
- Editor enhancement: new polygon drawing tools, most of the drawing items can now be rotated
- Screenpresso hot keys now work within applications with administrator privileges
- Video capture: watermark your videos
- New color picker
- Even more new features

Firefox Developer Edition 72.0b7 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


Firefox Developer Edition 72.0b6 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


Firefox Developer Edition 72.0b5 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


Firefox Developer Edition 72.0b4 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


Firefox Developer Edition 72.0b3 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


Postman 7.13.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fix incorrect tooltip shown in examples in the saved state
- Fixed an issue where created by field of workspace details was incorrect
- Show confirmation dialog before closing modals using escape key during workspace creation flow
- Added body viewer modal in Console to support bodies larger than 10KB
- Various UX fixes in Console
- Removed restore button from the most recent changelog for a schema