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最新版本 NVDA 2023.3

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NVDA(NonVisual Desktop Access)是一款免費的“屏幕閱讀器”這使盲人和視力受損的人可以使用電腦。它以電腦語音讀取屏幕上的文字。您可以通過將鼠標或鍵盤上的箭頭移動到文本的相關區域來控制所讀取的內容。如果計算機用戶擁有稱為“盲文顯示”的設備,也可以將文本轉換為盲文。 。 NVDA 為許多盲人提供了教育和就業的關鍵。它還提供了訪問社交網絡,網上購物,銀行和新聞.NVDA 與微軟... NVDA 軟體介紹

NVDA 2014.3 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New Features:
- The sounds played when NVDA starts and exits can be disabled via a new option in the General Settings dialog. (#834)
- Help for add-ons can be accessed from the Add-ons Manager for add-ons which support this. (#2694)
- Support for the Calendar in Microsoft Outlook 2007 and above (#2943) including:
- Announcement of the current time when moving around with the arrow keys.
- Indication if the selected time is within any appointments.
- announcement of the selected appointment when pressing tab.
- Smart filtering of the date so as to only announce the date if the new selected time or appointment is on a different day to the last.
- Enhanced support for the Inbox and other message lists in Microsoft Outlook 2010 and above (#3834) including:
- The ability to silence column headers (from, subject, etc.) by turning off the Report Table row and column headers option in Document Formatting settings.
- The ability to use table navigation commands (control + alt + arrows) to move through the individual columns.
- Microsoft word: If an inline image has no alternative text set, NVDA will instead report the title of the image if the author has provided one. (#4193)
- Microsoft Word: NVDA can now report paragraph indenting with the report formatting command (NVDA+f). It can also be reported automatically when the new Report Paragraph indenting option is enabled in Document Formatting settings. (#4165)
- Report automatically inserted text such as a new bullet, number or tab indent when pressing enter in editable documents and text fields. (#4185)
- Microsoft word: Pressing NVDA+alt+c will report the text of a comment if the cursor is within one. (#3528)
- Improved support for automatic column and row header reading in Microsoft Excel (#3568) including:
- Support of Excel defined name ranges to identify header cells (compatible with Jaws screen reader) .
- The set column header (NVDA+shift+c) and set row header (NVDA+shift+r) commands now store the settings in the worksheet so that they are available the next time the sheet is opened, and will be available to other screen readers that support the defined name range scheme.
- These commands can also now be used multiple times per sheet to set different headers for different regions.
- Support for automatic column and row header reading in Microsoft Word (#3110) including:
- Support of Microsoft Word bookmarks to identify header cells (compatible with Jaws screen reader). - set column header (NVDA+shift+c) and set row header (NVDA+shift+r) commands while on the first header cell in a table allow you to tell NVDA that these headers should be reported automatically. Settings are stored in the document so that they are available the next time the document is opened, and will be available to other screen readers that support the bookmark scheme.
- Microsoft Word: Report the distance from the left edge of the page when the tab key is pressed. (#1353)
- Microsoft Word: provide feedback in speech and braille for most available formatting shortcut keys (bold, italic, underline, alignment, outline level, superscript, subscript and font size). (#1353)
- Microsoft Excel: If the selected cell contains comments, they can be now reported by pressing NVDA+alt+c. (#2920)
- Microsoft Excel: Provide an NVDA-specific dialog to edit the comments on the currently selected cell when pressing Excel's shift+f2 command to enter comment editing mode. (#2920)
- Microsoft Excel: speech and braille feedback for many more selection movement shortcuts (#4211) including:
- Vertical page movement (pageUp and pageDown);
- Horizontal page movement (alt+pageUp and alt+pageDown);
- Extend selection (the above keys with Shift added); and
- Selecting the current region (control+shift+8).
- Microsoft Excel: The vertical and horizontal alignment for cells can now be reported with the report formatting command (NVDA+f). It can also be reported automatically if the Report alignment option in Document Formatting settings is enabled. (#4212)
- Microsoft Excel: The style of a cell can now be reported with the report formatting command (NVDA+f). It can also be reported automatically if the Report Style option in Document formatting settings is enabled. (#4213)
- Microsoft PowerPoint: when moving shapes around a slide with the arrow keys, the shape's current location is now reported (#4214) including:
- The distance between the shape and each of the slide edges is reported.
- If the shape covers or is covered by another shape, then the distance overlapped and the overlapped shape are reported.
- To report this information at any time without moving a shape, press the report location command (NVDA+delete).
- When selecting a shape, if it is covered by another shape, NVDA will report that it is obscured.
- The report location command (NVDA+delete) is more context specific in some situations. (#4219)
- In standard edit fields and browse mode, the cursor position as a percentage through the content and its screen coordinates are reported.
- On shapes in PowerPoint Presentations, position of the shape relative to the slide and other shapes is reported.
- Pressing this command twice will produce the previous behaviour of reporting the location information for the entire control.
- New language: Catalan.

- Updated liblouis braille translator to 2.5.4. (#4103)

Bug Fixes:
- In Google Chrome and Chrome-based browsers, certain chunks of text (such as those with emphasis) are no longer repeated when reporting the text of an alert or dialog. (#4066)
- In browse mode in Mozilla applications, pressing enter on a button, etc. no longer fails to activate it (or activates the wrong control) in certain cases such as the buttons at the top of Facebook. (#4106)
- Useless information is no longer announced when tabbing in iTunes. (#4128)
- In certain lists in iTunes such as the Music list, moving to the next item using object navigation now works correctly. (#4129)
- HTML elements considered headings because of WAI ARIA markup are now included in the Browse mode Elements list and quick navigation for Internet Explorer documents. (#4140)
- Following same-page links in recent versions of Internet Explorer now correctly moves to and reports the destination position in browse mode documents. (#4134)
- Microsoft Outlook 2010 and above: Overall access to secure dialogs such as the New profiles and mail setup dialogs has been improved. (#4090, #4091, #4095)
- Microsoft Outlook: Useless verbosity has been decreased in command toolbars when navigating through certain dialogs. (#4096, #3407)
- Microsoft word: Tabbing to a blank cell in a table no longer incorrectly announces exiting the table. (#4151)
- Microsoft Word: The first character past the end of a table (including a new blank line) is no longer incorrectly considered to be inside the table. (#4152)
- Microsoft Word 2010 spell check dialog: The actual misspelled word is reported rather than inappropriately reporting just the first bold word. (#3431)
- In browse mode in Internet Explorer and other MSHTML controls, tabbing or using single letter navigation to move to form fields again reports the label in many cases where it didn't (specifically, where HTML label elements are used). (#4170)
- Microsoft Word: Reporting the existance and placement of comments is more accurate. (#3528)
- Navigation of certain dialogs in MS Office products such as Word, Excel and Outlook has been improved by no longer reporting particular control container toolbars which are not useful to the user. (#4198)
- Task panes such as clipboard manager or File recovery no longer accidentilly seem to gain focus when opening an application such as Microsoft Word or Excel, which was sometimes causing the user to have to switch away from and back to the application to use the document or spreadsheet. (#4199)
- NVDA no longer fails to run on recent Windows Operating Systems if the user's Windows language is set to Serbian (Latin). (#4203)
- Pressing numlock while in input help mode now correctly toggles numlock, rather than causing the keyboard and the Operating System to become out of sync in regards to the state of this key. (#4226)
- In Google Chrome, the title of the document is again reported when switching tabs. In NVDA 2014.2, this did not occur in some cases. (#4222)
- In Google Chrome and Chrome-based browsers, the URL of the document is no longer reported when reporting the document. (#4223)
- When running say all with the No speech synthesizer selected (useful for automated testing), say all will now complete instead of stopping after the first few lines. (#4225)
- Microsoft Outlook's Signature dialog: The Signature editing field is now accessible, allowing for full cursor tracking and format detection. (#3833)
- Microsoft Word: When reading the last line of a table cell, the entire table cell is no longer read. (#3421)
- Microsoft Word: When reading the first or last line of a table of contents, the entire table of contents is no longer read. (#3421)
- When speaking typed words and in some other cases, words are no longer incorrectly broken at marks such as vowel signs and virama in Indic languages. (#4254)
- Numeric editable text fields in GoldWave are now handled correctly. (#670)
- Microsoft Word: when moving by paragraph with control+downArrow / control+upArrow, it is no longer necessary to press them twice if moving through bulleted or numbered lists. (#3290)

NVDA 2014.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New Features:
- Announcement of text selection is now possible in some custom edit fields where display information is used. (#770)
- In accessible Java applications, position information is now announced for radio buttons and other controls that expose group information. (#3754)
- In accessible Java applications, keyboard shortcuts are now announced for controls that have them. (#3881)
- In browse mode, labels on landmarks are now reported. They are also included in the Elements List dialog. (#1195)
- In browse mode, labelled regions are now treated as landmarks. (#3741)
- In Internet Explorer documents and applications, Live Regions (part of the W3c ARIA standard) are now supported, thus allowing web authors to mark particular content to be automatically spoken as it changes. (#1846)

- When exiting a dialog or application within a browse mode document, the browse mode document's name and type is no longer announced. (#4069)

Bug Fixes:
- The standard Windows System menu is no longer accidentally silenced in Java applications. (#3882)
- When copying text from screen review, line breaks are no longer ignored. (#3900)
- Pointless whitespace objects are no longer reported in some applications when the focus changes or when using object navigation with simple review enabled. (#3839)
- Message boxes and other dialogs produced by NVDA again cause previous speech to be canceled before announcing the dialog.
- In browse mode, the labels of controls such as links and buttons are now rendered correctly where the label has been overridden by the author for accessibility purposes (specifically, using aria-label or aria-labelledby). (#1354)
- In Browse mode in Internet Explorer, text contained within an element marked as presentational (ARIA role="presentation") is no longer inappropriately ignored. (#4031)
- It is now again possible to type Vietnamese text using the Unikey software. To do this, uncheck the new Handle keys from other applications checkbox in NVDA's Keyboard settings dialog. (#4043)
- In browse mode, radio and check menu items are reported as controls instead of just clickable text. (#4092)
- NVDA no longer incorrectly switches from focus mode to browse mode when a radio or check menu item is focused. (#4092)
- In Microsoft PowerPoint with speaking of typed words enabled, characters erased with backspace are no longer announced as part of the typed word. (#3231)
- In Microsoft Office 2010 Options dialogs, the labels of combo boxes are reported correctly. (#4056)
- In browse mode in Mozilla applications, using quick navigation commands to move to the next or previous button or form field now includes toggle buttons as expected. (#4098)
- The content of alerts in Mozilla applications is no longer reported twice. (#3481)
- In browse mode, containers and landmarks are no longer inappropriately repeated while navigating within them at the same time as page content is changing (e.g. navigating the Facebook and Twitter websites). (#2199)
- NVDA recovers in more cases when switching away from applications that stop responding. (#3825)
- The caret (insertion point) again correctly updates when doing a sayAll command while in editable text drawn directly to the screen. (#4125)

NVDA 2014.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New Features:
- Support for Microsoft PowerPoint 2013. Note that protected view is not supported. (#3578)
- In Microsoft word and Excel, NVDA can now read the selected symbol when choosing symbols using the Insert Symbols dialog. (#3538)
- It is now possible to choose if content in documents should be identified as clickable via a new option in the Document Formatting settings dialog. This option is on by default in accordance with the previous behavior. (#3556)
- Support for braille displays connected via Bluetooth on a computer running the Widcomm Bluetooth Software. (#2418)
- When editing text in PowerPoint, hyperlinks are now reported. (#3416)
- When in ARIA applications or dialogs on the web, it is now possible to force NVDA to switch to browse mode with NVDA+space allowing document-style navigation of the application or dialog. (#2023)
- In Outlook Express / Windows Mail / Windows Live Mail, NVDA now reports if a message has an attachment or is flagged. (#1594)
- When navigating tables in accessible Java applications, row and column coordinates are now reported, including column and row headers if they exist. (#3756)

- For Papenmeier braille displays, the move to flat review/focus command has been removed. Users can assign their own keys using the Input Gestures dialog. (#3652)
- NVDA now relies on the Microsoft VC runtime version 11, which means it can no longer be run on Operating systems older than Windows XP Service Pack 2 or Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1.
- Punctuation level Some will now speak star (*) and plus (+) characters. (#3614)
- Upgraded eSpeak to version 1.48.04 which includes many language fixes and fixes several crashes. (#3842, #3739, #3860)

Bug Fixes:
- When moving around or selecting cells in Microsoft Excel, NVDA should no longer inappropriately announce the old cell rather than the new cell when Microsoft Excel is slow to move the selection. (#3558)
- NVDA properly handles opening a dropdown list for a cell in Microsoft Excel via the context menu. (#3586)
- New page content in iTunes 11 store pages is now shown properly in browse mode when following a link in the store or when opening the store initially. (#3625)
- Buttons for previewing songs in the iTunes 11 store now show their label in browse mode. (#3638)
- In browse mode in Google Chrome, the labels of check boxes and radio buttons are now rendered correctly. (#1562)
- In Instantbird, NVDA no longer reports useless information every time you move to a contact in the Contacts list. (#2667)
- In browse mode in Adobe Reader, the correct text is now rendered for buttons, etc. where the label has been overridden using a tooltip or other means. (#3640)
- In browse mode in Adobe Reader, extraneous graphics containing the text "mc-ref" will no longer be rendered. (#3645)
- NVDA no longer reports all cells in Microsoft Excel as underlined in their formatting information. (#3669)
- No longer show meaningless characters in browse mode documents such as those found in the Unicode private usage range. In some cases these were stopping more useful labels from being shown. (#2963)
- Input composition for entering east-asian characters no longer fails in PuTTY. (#3432)
- Navigating in a document after a canceled say all no longer results in NVDA sometimes incorrectly announcing that you have left a field (such as a table) lower in the document that the say all never actually spoke. (#3688)
- When using browse mode quick navigation commands while in say all with skim reading enabled, NVDA more accurately announces the new field; e.g. it now says a heading is a heading, rather than just its text. (#3689)
- The jump to end or start of container quick navigation commands now honor the skim reading during say all setting; i.e. they will no longer cancel the current say all. (#3675)
- Touch gesture names listed in NVDA's Input Gestures dialog are now friendly and localized. (#3624)
- NVDA no longer causes certain programs to crash when moving the mouse over their rich edit (TRichEdit) controls. Programs include Jarte 5.1 and BRfácil. (#3693, #3603, #3581)
- In Internet Explorer and other MSHTML controls, containers such as tables marked as presentation by ARIA are no longer reported to the user. (#3713)
- in Microsoft Word, NVDA no longer inappropriately repeats table row and column information for a cell on a braille display multiple times. (#3702)
- In languages which use a space as a digit group/thousands separator such as French and German, numbers from separate chunks of text are no longer pronounced as a single number. This was particularly problematic for table cells containing numbers. (#3698)
- Braille no longer sometimes fails to update when the system caret is moved in Microsoft Word 2013. (#3784)
- When positioned on the first character of a heading in Microsoft Word, the text communicating it is a heading (including the level) no longer disappears off a braille display. (#3701)
- When a configuration profile is triggered for an application and that application is exited, NVDA no longer sometimes fails to deactivate the profile. (#3732)
- When entering Asian input into a control within NVDA itself (e.g. the browse mode Find dialog), "NVDA" is no longer incorrectly reported in place of the candidate. (#3726)
- The tabs in the Outlook 2013 options dialog are now reported. (#3826)
- Improved support for ARIA live regions in Firefox and other Mozilla Gecko applications:
- Support for aria-atomic updates and filtering of aria-busy updates. (#2640)
- Alternative text (such as alt attribute or aria-label) is included if there is no other useful text. (#3329)
- Live region updates are no longer silenced if they occur at the same time as the focus moves. (#3777)
- Certain presentation elements in Firefox and other Mozilla Gecko applications are no longer inappropriately shown in browse mode (specifically, when the element is marked with aria-presentation but it is also focusable). (#3781)
- A performance improvement when navigating a document in Microsoft Word with spelling errors enabled. (#3785)
- Several fixes to the support for accessible Java applications:
- The initially focused control in a frame or dialog no longer fails to be reported when the frame or dialog comes to the foreground. (#3753)
- Unuseful position information is no longer announced for radio buttons (e.g. 1 of 1). (#3754)
- Better reporting of JComboBox controls (html no longer reported, better reporting of expanded and collapsed states). (#3755)
- When reporting the text of dialogs, some text that was previously missing is now included. (#3757)
- Changes to the name, value or description of the focused control is now reported more accurately. (#3770)
- Fix a crash in NVDA seen in Windows 8 when focusing on certain RichEdit controls containing large amounts of text (e.g. NVDA's log viewer, windbg). (#3867)
- On systems with a high DPI display setting (which occurs by default for many modern screens), NVDA no longer routes the mouse to the wrong location in some applications. (#3758, #3703)
- Fixed an occasional problem when browsing the web where NVDA would stop working correctly until restarted, even though it didn't crash or freeze. (#3804)
- A Papenmeier braille display can now be used even if a Papenmeier display has never been connected via USB. (#3712)
- NVDA no longer freezes when the Papenmeier BRAILLEX older models braille display is selected without a display connected.

Changes for Developers:
- AppModules now contain productName and productVersion properties. This info is also now included in Developer Info (NVDA+f1). (#1625)
- In the Python Console, you can now press the tab key to complete the current identifier. (#433)
- If there are multiple possibilities, you can press tab a second time to choose from a list.

NVDA 2013.3 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New Features:
- Form fields are now reported in Microsoft word documents. (#2295)
- NVDA can now announce revision information in Microsoft Word when Track Changes is enabled. Note that Report editor revisions in NVDA's document settings dialog (off by default) must be enabled also for them to be announced. (#1670)
- Dropdown lists in Microsoft Excel 2003 through 2010 are now announced when opened and navigated around. (#3382)
- a new 'Allow Skim Reading in Say All' option in the Keyboard settings dialog allows navigating through a document with browse mode quick navigation and line / paragraph movement commands, while remaining in say all. This option is off by default. (#2766)
- There is now an Input Gestures dialog to allow simpler customization of the input gestures (such as keys on the keyboard) for NVDA commands. (#1532)
- You can now have different settings for different situations using configuration profiles. Profiles can be activated manually or automatically (e.g. for a particular application). (#87, #667, #1913)
- In Microsoft Excel, cells that are links are now announced as links. (#3042)
- In Microsoft Excel, the existance of comments on a cell is now reported to the user. (#2921)

Bug Fixes:
- Zend Studio now functions the same as Eclipse. (#3420)
- The changed state of certain checkboxes in the Microsoft Outlook 2010 message rules dialog are now reported automatically. (#3063)
- NVDA will now report the pinned state for pinned controls such as tabs in Mozilla Firefox. (#3372)
- It is now possible to bind scripts to keyboard gestures containing Alt and/or Windows keys as modifiers. Previously, if this was done, performing the script would cause the Start Menu or menu bar to be activated. (#3472)
- Selecting text in browse mode documents (e.g. using control+shift+end) no longer causes the keyboard layout to be switched on systems with multiple keyboard layouts installed. (#3472)
- Internet Explorer should no longer crash or become unusable when closing NVDA. (#3397)
- Physical movement and other events on some newer computers are no longer treated as inappropriate key presses. Previously, this silenced speech and sometimes triggered NVDA commands. (#3468)
- NVDA now behaves as expected in Poedit 1.5.7. Users using earlier versions will need to update. (#3485)
- NVDA can now read protected documents in Microsoft Word 2010, no longer causing Microsoft Word to crash. (#1686)
- If an unknown command line switch is given when launching the NVDA distribution package, it no longer causes an endless loop of error message dialogs. (#3463)
- NVDA no longer fails to report alt text of graphics and objects in Microsoft Word if the alt text contains quotes or other non-standard characters. (#3579)
- The number of items for certain horizontal lists in Browse mode is now correct. Previously it may have been double the actual amount. (#2151)
- When pressing control+a in a Microsoft Excel worksheet, the updated selection will now be reported. (#3043)
- NVDA can now correctly read XHTML documents in Microsoft Internet Explorer and other MSHTML controls. (#3542)
- Keyboard settings dialog: if no key has been chosen to be used as the NVDA key, an error is presented to the user when dismissing the dialog. At least one key must be chosen for proper usage of NVDA. (#2871)
- In Microsoft Excel, NVDA now announces merged cells differently to multiple selected cells. (#3567)
- The browse mode cursor is no longer positioned incorrectly when leaving a dialog or application inside the document. (#3145)
- Fixed an issue where the HumanWare Brailliant BI/B series braille display driver wasn't presented as an option in the Braille Settings dialog on some systems, even though such a display was connected via USB.
- NVDA no longer fails to switch to screen review when the navigator object has no actual screen location. In this case the review cursor is now placed at the top of the screen. (#3454)
- Fixed an issue which caused the Freedom Scientific braille display driver to fail when the port was set to USB in some circumstances. (#3509, #3662)
- Fixed an issue where keys on Freedom Scientific braille displays weren't detected in some circumstances. (#3401, #3662)

Changes for Developers:
- You can specify the category to be displayed to the user for scripts using the scriptCategory attribute on ScriptableObject classes and the category attribute on script methods. See the documentation for baseObject.ScriptableObject for more details. (#1532)
- config.save is deprecated and may be removed in a future release. Use config.conf.save instead. (#667)
- config.validateConfig is deprecated and may be removed in a future release. Add-ons which need this should provide their own implementation. (#667, #3632)

NVDA 2013.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New Features:
- Support for the Chromium Embedded Framework, which is a web browser control used in several applications. (#3108)
- New eSpeak voice variant: Iven3.
- In Skype, new chat messages are reported automatically while the conversation is focused. (#2298)
- Support for Tween, including reporting of tab names and less verbosity when reading tweets.
- You can now disable displaying of NVDA messages on a braille display by setting the message timeout to 0 in the Braille Settings dialog. (#2482)
- In the Add-ons Manager, there is now a Get Add-ons button to open the NVDA Add-ons web site where you can browse and download available add-ons. (#3209)
- In the NVDA Welcome dialog which always appears the first time you run NVDA, you can now specify whether NVDA starts automatically after you log on to Windows. (#2234)
- Sleep mode is automatically enabled when using Dolphin Cicero. (#2055)
- The Windows x64 version of Miranda IM/Miranda NG is now supported. (#3296)
- Search suggestions in the Windows 8.1 Start Screen are automatically reported. (#3322)
- Support for navigating and editing spreadsheets in Microsoft Excel 2013. (#3360)
- The Freedom Scientific Focus 14 Blue and Focus 80 Blue braille displays, as well as the Focus 40 Blue in certain configurations that weren't supported previously, are now supported when connected via Bluetooth. (#3307)
- Auto complete suggestions are now reported in Outlook 2010. (#2816)
- New braille translation tables: English (U.K.) computer braille, Korean grade 2, Russian braille for computer code.
- New language: Farsi. (#1427)

- On a touch screen, performing a single finger flick left or right when in object mode now moves previous or next through all objects, not just those in the current container. Use 2-finger flick left or right to perform the original action of moving to the previous or next object in the current container.
- the Report layout tables checkbox found in the Browse Mode settings dialog has now been renamed to Include layout tables to reflect that quick navigation also will not locate them if the checkbox is unchecked. (#3140)
- Flat review has been replaced with object, document and screen review modes. (#2996)
- Object review reviews text just within the navigator object, document review reviews all text in a browse mode document (if any) and screen review reviews text on the screen for the current application.
- The commands that previously move to/from flat review now toggle between these new review modes.
- The navigator object automatically follows the review cursor such that it remains the deepest object at the position of the review cursor when in document or screen review modes.
- After switching to screen review mode, NVDA will stay in this mode until you explicitly switch back to document or object review mode.
- When in document or object review mode, NVDA may automatically switch between these two modes depending on whether you are moving around a browse mode document or not.
- Updated liblouis braille translator to 2.5.3. (#3371)

Bug Fixes:
- Activating an object now announces the action before the activation, rather than the action after the activation (e.g. expand when expanding rather than collapse). (#2982)
- More accurate reading and cursor tracking in various input fields for recent versions of Skype, such as chat and search fields. (#1601, #3036)
- In the Skype recent conversations list, the number of new events is now read for each conversation if relevant. (#1446)
- Improvements to cursor tracking and reading order for right-to-left text written to the screen; e.g. editing Arabic text in Microsoft Excel. (#1601)
- Quick navigation to buttons and form fields will now locate links marked as buttons for accessibility purposes in Internet Explorer. (#2750)
- In browse mode, the content inside tree views is no longer rendered, as a flattened representation isn't useful. You can press enter on a tree view to interact with it in focus mode. (#3023)
- Pressing alt+downArrow or alt+upArrow to expand a combo box while in focus mode no longer incorrectly switches to browse mode. (#2340)
- In Internet Explorer 10, table cells no longer activate focus mode, unless they have been explicitly made focusable by the web author. (#3248)
- NVDA no longer fails to start if the system time is earlier than the last check for an update. (#3260)
- If a progress bar is shown on a braille display, the braille display is updated when the progress bar changes. (#3258)
- In browse mode in Mozilla applications, table captions are no longer rendered twice. In addition, the summary is rendered when there is also a caption. (#3196)
- When changing input languages in Windows 8, NVDA now speaks the correct language rather than the previous one.
- NVDA now announces IME conversion mode changes in Windows 8.
- NVDA no longer announces garbage on the Desktop when the Google Japanese or Atok IME input methods are in use. (#3234)
- In Windows 7 and above, NVDA no longer inappropriately announces speech recognition or touch input as a keyboard language change.
- NVDA no longer announces a particular special character (0x7f) when pressing control+backspace in some editors when speak typed characters is enabled. (#3315)
- eSpeak no longer inappropriately changes in pitch, volume, etc. when NVDA reads text containing certain control characters or XML. (#3334) (regression of #437)
- In Java applications, changes to the label or value of the focused control are now announced automatically, and are reflected when subsequently querying the control. (#3119)
- In Scintilla controls, lines are now reported correctly when word wrap is enabled. (#885)
- In Mozilla applications, the name of read-only list items is now correctly reported; e.g. when navigating tweets in focus mode on twitter.com. (#3327)
- Confirmation dialogs in Microsoft Office 2013 now have their content automatically read when they appear.
- Performance improvements when navigating certain tables in Microsoft Word. (#3326)
- NVDA's table navigation commands (control+alt+arrows) function better in certain Microsoft Word tables where a cell spans multiple rows.
- If the Add-ons Manager is already open, activating it again (either from the Tools menu or by opening an add-on file) no longer fails or makes it impossible to close the Add-ons Manager. (#3351)
- NVDA no longer freezes in certain dialogs when Japanese or Chinese Office 2010 IME is in use. (#3064)
- Multiple spaces are no longer compressed to just one space on braille displays. (#1366)
- Zend Eclipse PHP Developer Tools now functions the same as Eclipse. (#3353)
- In Internet Explorer, It is again not necessary to press tab to interact with an embedded object (such as Flash content) after pressing enter on it. (#3364)
- When editing text in Microsoft PowerPoint, the last line is no longer reported as the line above, if the final line is blank. (#3403)
- In Microsoft PowerPoint, objects are no longer sometimes spoken twice when you select them or choose to edit them. (#3394)
- NVDA no longer causes Adobe Reader to crash or freeze for certain badly formed PDF documents containing rows outside of tables. (#3399)
- NVDA now correctly detects the next slide with focus when deleting a slide in Microsoft PowerPoint's thumbnails view. (#3415)

NVDA 2013.1.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

This release fixes the problem where NVDA crashed when started if configured to use the Irish language, as well as including updates to translations and some other bug fixes.

Bug Fixes:
- Correct characters are produced when typing in NVDA's own user interface while using a Korean or Japanese input method while it is the default method. (#2909)
- In Internet Explorer and other MSHTML controls, fields marked as containing an invalid entry are now handled correctly. (#3256)
- NVDA no longer crashes when started if it is configured to use the Irish language.

Virtual DJ Studio 5.3 查看版本資訊


NVDA 2013.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New Features:
- Basic support for editing and reading Microsoft PowerPoint presentations. (#501)
- Basic support for reading and writing messages in Lotus Notes 8.5. (#543)
- Support for automatic language switching when reading documents in Microsoft Word. (#2047)
- In Browse mode for MSHTML (e.g. Internet Explorer) and Gecko (e.g. Firefox), the existance of long descriptions are now announced. It's also possible to open the long description in a new window by pressing NVDA+d. (#809)
- Notifications in Internet Explorer 9 and above are now spoken (such as content blocking or file downloads). (#2343)
- Automatic reporting of table row and column headers is now supported for browse mode documents in Internet Explorer and other MSHTML controls. (#778)
- New language: Aragonese, Irish
- New braille translation tables: Danish grade 2, Korean grade 1. (#2737)
- Support for braille displays connected via bluetooth on a computer running the Bluetooth Stack for Windows by Toshiba. (#2419)
- Support for port selection when using Freedom Scientific displays (Automatic, USB or Bluetooth).
- Support for the BrailleNote family of notetakers from HumanWare when acting as a braille terminal for a screen reader. (#2012)
- Support for older models of Papenmeier BRAILLEX braille displays. (#2679)
- Support for input of computer braille for braille displays which have a braille keyboard. (#808)
- New keyboard settings that allow the choice for whether NVDA should interrupt speech for typed characters and/or the Enter key. (#698)
- Support for several browsers based on Google Chrome: Rockmelt, BlackHawk, Comodo Dragon and SRWare Iron. (#2236, #2813, #2814, #2815)

- Updated liblouis braille translator to 2.5.2. (#2737)
- The laptop keyboard layout has been completely redesigned in order to make it more intuitive and consistent. (#804)
- Updated eSpeak speech synthesizer to 1.47.11. (#2680, #3124, #3132, #3141, #3143, #3172)

Bug Fixes:
- The quick navigation keys for jumping to the next or previous separator in Browse Mode now work in Internet Explorer and other MSHTML controls. (#2781)
- If NVDA falls back to eSpeak or no speech due to the configured speech synthesizer failing when NVDA starts, the configured choice is no longer automatically set to the fallback synthesizer. This means that now, the original synthesizer will be tried again next time NVDA starts. (#2589)
- If NVDA falls back to no braille due to the configured braille display failing when NVDA starts, the configured display is no longer automatically set to no braille. This means that now, the original display will be tried again next time NVDA starts. (#2264)
- In browse mode in Mozilla applications, updates to tables are now rendered correctly. For example, in updated cells, row and column coordinates are reported and table navigation works as it should. (#2784)
- In browse mode in web browsers, certain clickable unlabelled graphics which weren't previously rendered are now rendered correctly. (#2838)
- Earlier and newer versions of SecureCRT are now supported. (#2800)
- For input methods such as Easy Dots IME under XP, the reading string is now correctly reported.
- The candidate list in the Chinese Simplified Microsoft Pinyin input method under Windows 7 is now correctly read when changing pages with left and right arrow, and when first opening it with Home.
- When custom symbol pronunciation information is saved, the advanced "preserve" field is no longer removed. (#2852)
- When disabling automatic checking for updates, NVDA no longer has to be restarted in order for the change to fully take effect.
- NVDA no longer fails to start if an add-on cannot be removed due to its directory currently being in use by another application. (#2860)
- Tab labels in DropBox's preferences dialog can now be seen with Flat Review.
- If the input language is changed to something other than the default, NVDA now detects keys correctly for commands and input help mode.
- For languages such as German where the + (plus) sign is a single key on the keyboard, it is now possible to bind commands to it by using the word "plus". (#2898)
- In Internet Explorer and other MSHTML controls, block quotes are now reported where appropriate. (#2888)
- The HumanWare Brailliant BI/B series braille display driver can now be selected when the display is connected via Bluetooth but has never been connected via USB.
- Filtering elements in the Browse Mode Elements list with uppercase filter text now returns case-insensitive results just like lowercase rather than nothing at all. (#2951)
- In Mozilla browsers, browse mode can again be used when Flash content is focused. (#2546)
- When using a contracted braille table and expand to computer braille for the word at the cursor is enabled, the braille cursor is now positioned correctly when located after a word wherein a character is represented by multiple braille cells (e.g. capital sign, letter sign, number sign, etc.). (#2947)
- Text selection is now correctly shown on a braille display in applications such as Microsoft word 2003 and Internet Explorer edit controls.
- It is again possible to select text in a backward direction in Microsoft Word while Braille is enabled.
- When reviewing, backspacing or deleting characters In Scintilla edit controls, NVDA correctly announces multibyte characters. (#2855)
- NVDA will no longer fail to install when the user's profile path contains certain multibyte characters. (#2729)
- Reporting of groups for List View controls (SysListview32) in 64-bit applications no longer causes an error.
- In browse mode in Mozilla applications, text content is no longer incorrectly treated as editable in some rare cases. (#2959)
- In IBM Lotus Symphony and OpenOffice, moving the caret now moves the review cursor if appropriate.
- Adobe Flash content is now accessible in Internet Explorer in Windows 8. (#2454)
- Fixed Bluetooth support for Papenmeier Braillex Trio. (#2995)
- Fixed inability to use certain Microsoft Speech API version 5 voices such as Koba Speech 2 voices. (#2629)
- In applications using the Java Access Bridge, braille displays are now updated correctly when the caret moves in editable text fields . (#3107)
- Support the form landmark in browse mode documents that support landmarks. (#2997)
- The eSpeak synthesizer driver now handles reading by character more appropriately (e.g. announcing a foreign letter's name or value rather than just its sound or generic name). (#3106)
- NVDA no longer fails to copy user settings for use on logon and other secure screens when the user's profile path contains non-ASCII characters. (#3092)
- NVDA no longer freezes when using Asian character input in some .NET applications. (#3005)
- it is now possible to use browse mode for pages in Internet Explorer 10 when in standards mode; e.g. www.gmail.com login page. (#3151)

NVDA 2012.3.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New Features:
- NVDA can now support Asian character input using IME and text service input methods in all applications, Including: Reporting and navigation of candidate lists, Reporting and navigation of composition strings and Reporting of reading strings.
- The presence of underline and strikethrough is now reported in Adobe Reader documents. (#2410)
- When the Windows Sticky Keys function is enabled, the NVDA modifier key will now behave like other modifier keys. This allows you to use the NVDA modifier key without needing to hold it down while you press other keys. (#230)
- Automatic reporting of column and row headers is now supported in Microsoft Excel. Press NVDA+shift+c to set the row containing column headers and NVDA+shift+r to set the column containing row headers. Press either command twice in quick succession to clear the setting. (#1519)
- Support for HIMS Braille Sense, Braille EDGE and SyncBraille braille displays. (#1266, #1267)
- When Windows 8 Toast notifications appear, NVDA will report them if reporting of help balloons is enabled. (#2143)
- Experimental support for Touch screens on Windows 8, including: Reading text directly under your finger while moving it around; Many gestures for performing object navigation, text review, and other NVDA commands.
- Support for VIP Mud. (#1728)
- In Adobe Reader, if a table has a summary, it is now presented. (#2465)
- In Adobe Reader, table row and column headers can now be reported. (#2193, #2527, #2528)
- New languages: Amharic, Korean, Nepali, Slovenian.
- NVDA can now read auto complete suggestions when entering email addresses in Microsoft Outlook 2007. (#689)
- New eSpeak voice variants: Gene, Gene2. (#2512)
- In Adobe Reader, page numbers can now be reported. (#2534)
- In Reader XI, page labels are reported where present, reflecting changes to page numbering in different sections, etc. In earlier versions, this is not possible and only sequential page numbers are reported.
- It is now possible to reset NVDA's configuration to factory defaults either by pressing NVDA+control+r three times quickly or by choosing Reset to Factory Defaults from the NVDA menu. (#2086)
- Support for the Seika Version 3, 4 and 5 and Seika80 braille displays from Nippon Telesoft. (#2452)
- The first and last top routing buttons on Freedom Scientific PAC Mate and Focus Braille displays can now be used to scroll backward and forward. (#2556)
- Many more features are supported on Freedom Scientific Focus Braille displays such as advance bars, rocker bars and certain dot combinations for common actions. (#2516)
- In applications using IAccessible2 such as Mozilla applications, table row and column headers can now be reported outside of browse mode. (#926)
- Preliminary support for the document control in Microsoft Word 2013. (#2543)
- Text alignment can now be reported in applications using IAccessible2 such as Mozilla applications. (#2612)
- When a table row or standard Windows list-view control with multiple columns is focused, you can now use the table navigation commands to access individual cells. (#828)
- New braille translation tables: Estonian grade 0, Portuguese 8 dot computer braille, Italian 6 dot computer braille. (#2319, #2662)
- If NVDA is installed on the system, directly opening an NVDA add-on package (e.g. from Windows Explorer or after downloading in a web browser) will install it into NVDA. (#2306)
- Support for newer models of Papenmeier BRAILLEX braille displays. (#1265)
- Position information (e.g. 1 of 4) is now reported for Windows Explorer list items on Windows 7 and above. This also includes any UIAutomation controls that support the itemIndex and itemCount custom properties. (#2643)

- In the NVDA Review Cursor preferences dialog, the Follow keyboard focus option has been renamed to Follow system focus for consistency with terminology used elsewhere in NVDA.
- When braille is tethered to review and the cursor is on an object which is not a text object (e.g. an editable text field), cursor routing keys will now activate the object. (#2386)
- The Save Settings On Exit option is now on by default for new configurations.
- When updating a previously installed copy of NVDA, the desktop shortcut key is no longer forced back to control+alt+n if it was manually changed to something different by the user. (#2572)
- The add-ons list in the Add-ons Manager now shows the package name before its status. (#2548)
- If installing the same or another version of a currently installed add-on, NVDA will ask if you wish to update the add-on, rather than just showing an error and aborting installation. (#2501)
- Object navigation commands (except the report current object command) now report with less verbosity. You can still obtain the extra information by using the report current object command. (#2560)
- Updated liblouis braille translator to 2.5.1. (#2319, #2480, #2662, #2672)
- The NVDA Key Commands Quick Reference document has been renamed to Commands Quick Reference, as it now includes touch commands as well as keyboard commands.
- The Elements list in Browse mode will now remember the last element type shown (e.g. links, headings or landmarks) each time the dialog is shown within the same session of NVDA. (#365)
- Most Metro apps in Windows 8 (e.g. Mail, Calendar) no longer activate Browse Mode for the entire app.
- Updated Handy Tech BrailleDriver COM-Server to

Bug Fixes:
- In Windows Vista and later, NVDA no longer incorrectly treats the Windows key as being held down when unlocking Windows after locking it by pressing Windows+l. (#1856)
- In Adobe Reader, row headers are now correctly recognised as table cells; i.e. coordinates are reported and they can be accessed using table navigation commands. (#2444)
- In Adobe Reader, table cells spanning more than one column and/or row are now handled correctly. (#2437, #2438, #2450)
- The NVDA distribution package now checks its integrity before executing. (#2475)
- Temporary download files are now removed if downloading of an NVDA update fails. (#2477)
- NVDA will no longer freeze when it is running as an administrator while copying the user configuration to the system configuration (for use on Windows logon and other secure screens). (#2485)
- Tiles on the Windows 8 Start Screen are now presented better in speech and braille. The name is no longer repeated, unselected is no longer reported on all tiles, and live status information is presented as the description of the tile (e.g. current temperature for the Weather tile).
- Passwords are no longer announced when reading password fields in Microsoft Outlook and other standard edit controls that are marked as protected. (#2021)
- In Adobe Reader, changes to form fields are now correctly reflected in browse mode. (#2529)
- Improvements to support for the Microsoft Word Spell Checker, including more accurate reading of the current spelling error, and the ability to support the spell checker when running an Installed copy of NVDA on Windows Vista or higher.
- Add-ons which include files containing non-English characters can now be installed correctly in most cases. (#2505)
- In Adobe Reader, the language of text is no longer lost when it is updated or scrolled to. (#2544)
- When installing an add-on, the confirmation dialog now correctly shows the localized name of the add-on if available. (#2422)
- In applications using UI Automation (such as .net and Silverlight applications), the calculation of numeric values for controls such as sliders has been corrected. (#2417)
- The configuration for reporting of progress bars is now honoured for the indeterminate progress bars displayed by NVDA when installing, creating a portable copy, etc. (#2574)
- NVDA commands can no longer be executed from a braille display while a secure Windows screen (such as the Lock screen) is active. (#2449)
- In browse mode, braille is now updated if the text being displayed changes. (#2074)
- When on a secure Windows screen such as the Lock screen, messages from applications speaking or displaying braille directly via NVDA are now ignored.
- In Browse mode, it is no longer possible to fall off the bottom of the document with the right arrow key when on the final character, or by jumping to the end of a container when that container is the last item in the document. (#2463)
- Extraneous content is no longer incorrectly included when reporting the text of dialogs in web applications (specifically, ARIA dialogs with no aria-describedby attribute). (#2390)
- NVDA no longer incorrectly reports or locates certain edit fields in MSHTML documents (e.g. Internet Explorer), specifically where an explicit ARIA role has been used by the web page author. (#2435)
- The backspace key is now handled correctly when speaking typed words in Windows command consoles. (#2586)
- Cell coordinates in Microsoft Excel are now shown again in Braille.
- In Microsoft Word, NVDA no longer leaves you stuck on a paragraph with list formatting when trying to navigate out over a bullet or number with left arrow or control + left arrow. (#2402)
- In browse mode in Mozilla applications, the items in certain list boxes (specifically, ARIA list boxes) are no longer incorrectly rendered.
- In browse mode in Mozilla applications, certain controls that were rendered with an incorrect label or just whitespace are now rendered with the correct label.
- In browse mode in Mozilla applications, some extraneous whitespace has been eliminated.
- In browse mode in web browsers, certain graphics that are explicitly marked as presentational (specifically, with an alt="" attribute) are now correctly ignored.
- In web browsers, NVDA now hides content which is marked as hidden from screen readers (specifically, using the aria-hidden attribute). (#2117)
- Negative currency amounts (e.g. -$123) are now correctly spoken as negative, regardless of symbol level. (#2625)
- During say all, NVDA will no longer incorrectly revert to the default language where a line does not end a sentence. (#2630)
- Font information is now correctly detected in Adobe Reader 10.1 and later. (#2175)
- In Adobe Reader, if alternate text is provided, only that text will be rendered. Previously, extraneous text was sometimes included. (#2174)
- Where a document contains an application, the content of the application is no longer included in browse mode. This prevents unexpectedly moving inside the application when navigating. You can interact with the application in the same way as for embedded objects. (#990)
- In Mozilla applications, the value of spin buttons is now correctly reported when it changes. (#2653)
- Updated support for Adobe Digital Editions so that it works in version 2.0. (#2688)
- Pressing NVDA+upArrow while on a combo box in Internet Explorer and other MSHTML documents will no longer incorrectly read all items. Rather, just the active item will be read. (#2337)
- Speech dictionaries will now properly save when using a number (#) sign within the pattern or replacement fields. (#961)
- Browse mode for MSHTML documents (e.g. Internet Explorer) now correctly displays visible content contained within hidden content (specifically, elements with a style of visibility:visible inside an element with style visibility:hidden). (#2097)
- Links in Windows XP's Security Center no longer report random junk after their names. (#1331)
- UI Automation text controls (e.g. the search field in the Windows 7 Start Menu) are now correctly announced when moving the mouse over them rather than staying silent.
- Keyboard layout changes are no longer reported during say all, which was particularly problematic for multilingual documents including Arabic text. (#1676)
- The entire content of some UI Automation editable text controls (e.g. the Search Box in the Windows 7/8 Start Menu) is no longer announced every time it changes.
- When moving between groups on the Windows 8 start screen, unlabeled groups no longer announce their first tile as the name of the group. (#2658)
- When opening the Windows 8 start screen, the focus is correctly placed on the first tile, rather than jumping to the root of the start screen which can confuse navigation. (#2720)
- NVDA will no longer fail to start when the user's profile path contains certain multibyte characters. (#2729)
- In browse mode in Google Chrome, the text of tabs is now rendered correctly.
- In browse mode, menu buttons are now reported correctly.
- In OpenOffice.org/LibreOffice Calc, reading spreadsheet cells now works correctly. (#2765)
- NVDA can again function in the Yahoo! Mail message list when used from Internet Explorer. (#2780)

NVDA 2012.3 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New Features:
- NVDA can now support Asian character input using IME and text service input methods in all applications, Including: Reporting and navigation of candidate lists, Reporting and navigation of composition strings and Reporting of reading strings.
- The presence of underline and strikethrough is now reported in Adobe Reader documents. (#2410)
- When the Windows Sticky Keys function is enabled, the NVDA modifier key will now behave like other modifier keys. This allows you to use the NVDA modifier key without needing to hold it down while you press other keys. (#230)
- Automatic reporting of column and row headers is now supported in Microsoft Excel. Press NVDA+shift+c to set the row containing column headers and NVDA+shift+r to set the column containing row headers. Press either command twice in quick succession to clear the setting. (#1519)
- Support for HIMS Braille Sense, Braille EDGE and SyncBraille braille displays. (#1266, #1267)
- When Windows 8 Toast notifications appear, NVDA will report them if reporting of help balloons is enabled. (#2143)
- Experimental support for Touch screens on Windows 8, including:
- Reading text directly under your finger while moving it around
- Many gestures for performing object navigation, text review, and other NVDA commands.
- Support for VIP Mud. (#1728)
- In Adobe Reader, if a table has a summary, it is now presented. (#2465)
- In Adobe Reader, table row and column headers can now be reported. (#2193, #2527, #2528)
- New languages: Amharic, Korean, Nepali, Slovenian.
- NVDA can now read auto complete suggestions when entering email addresses in Microsoft Outlook 2007. (#689)
- New eSpeak voice variants: Gene, Gene2. (#2512)
- In Adobe Reader, page numbers can now be reported. (#2534)
- In Reader XI, page labels are reported where present, reflecting changes to page numbering in different sections, etc. In earlier versions, this is not possible and only sequential page numbers are reported.
- It is now possible to reset NVDA's configuration to factory defaults either by pressing NVDA+control+r three times quickly or by choosing Reset to Factory Defaults from the NVDA menu. (#2086)
- Support for the Seika Version 3, 4 and 5 and Seika80 braille displays from Nippon Telesoft. (#2452)
- The first and last top routing buttons on Freedom Scientific PAC Mate and Focus Braille displays can now be used to scroll backward and forward. (#2556)
- Many more features are supported on Freedom Scientific Focus Braille displays such as advance bars, rocker bars and certain dot combinations for common actions. (#2516)
- In applications using IAccessible2 such as Mozilla applications, table row and column headers can now be reported outside of browse mode. (#926)
- Preliminary support for the document control in Microsoft Word 2013. (#2543)
- Text alignment can now be reported in applications using IAccessible2 such as Mozilla applications. (#2612)
- When a table row or standard Windows list-view control with multiple columns is focused, you can now use the table navigation commands to access individual cells. (#828)
- New braille translation tables: Estonian grade 0, Portuguese 8 dot computer braille, Italian 6 dot computer braille. (#2319, #2662)
- If NVDA is installed on the system, directly opening an NVDA add-on package (e.g. from Windows Explorer or after downloading in a web browser) will install it into NVDA. (#2306)
- Support for newer models of Papenmeier BRAILLEX braille displays. (#1265)
- Position information (e.g. 1 of 4) is now reported for Windows Explorer list items on Windows 7 and above. This also includes any UIAutomation controls that support the itemIndex and itemCount custom properties. (#2643)

- In the NVDA Review Cursor preferences dialog, the Follow keyboard focus option has been renamed to Follow system focus for consistency with terminology used elsewhere in NVDA.
- When braille is tethered to review and the cursor is on an object which is not a text object (e.g. an editable text field), cursor routing keys will now activate the object. (#2386)
- The Save Settings On Exit option is now on by default for new configurations.
- When updating a previously installed copy of NVDA, the desktop shortcut key is no longer forced back to control+alt+n if it was manually changed to something different by the user. (#2572)
- The add-ons list in the Add-ons Manager now shows the package name before its status. (#2548)
- If installing the same or another version of a currently installed add-on, NVDA will ask if you wish to update the add-on, rather than just showing an error and aborting installation. (#2501)
- Object navigation commands (except the report current object command) now report with less verbosity. You can still obtain the extra information by using the report current object command. (#2560)
- Updated liblouis braille translator to 2.5.1. (#2319, #2480, #2662, #2672)
- The NVDA Key Commands Quick Reference document has been renamed to Commands Quick Reference, as it now includes touch commands as well as keyboard commands.
- The Elements list in Browse mode will now remember the last element type shown (e.g. links, headings or landmarks) each time the dialog is shown within the same session of NVDA. (#365)
- Most Metro apps in Windows 8 (e.g. Mail, Calendar) no longer activate Browse Mode for the entire app.
- Updated Handy Tech BrailleDriver COM-Server to

Bug Fixes:
- In Windows Vista and later, NVDA no longer incorrectly treats the Windows key as being held down when unlocking Windows after locking it by pressing Windows+l. (#1856)
- In Adobe Reader, row headers are now correctly recognised as table cells; i.e. coordinates are reported and they can be accessed using table navigation commands. (#2444)
- In Adobe Reader, table cells spanning more than one column and/or row are now handled correctly. (#2437, #2438, #2450)
- The NVDA distribution package now checks its integrity before executing. (#2475)
- Temporary download files are now removed if downloading of an NVDA update fails. (#2477)
- NVDA will no longer freeze when it is running as an administrator while copying the user configuration to the system configuration (for use on Windows logon and other secure screens). (#2485)
- Tiles on the Windows 8 Start Screen are now presented better in speech and braille. The name is no longer repeated, unselected is no longer reported on all tiles, and live status information is presented as the description of the tile (e.g. current temperature for the Weather tile).
- Passwords are no longer announced when reading password fields in Microsoft Outlook and other standard edit controls that are marked as protected. (#2021)
- In Adobe Reader, changes to form fields are now correctly reflected in browse mode. (#2529)
- Improvements to support for the Microsoft Word Spell Checker, including more accurate reading of the current spelling error, and the ability to support the spell checker when running an Installed copy of NVDA on Windows Vista or higher.
- Add-ons which include files containing non-English characters can now be installed correctly in most cases. (#2505)
- In Adobe Reader, the language of text is no longer lost when it is updated or scrolled to. (#2544)
- When installing an add-on, the confirmation dialog now correctly shows the localized name of the add-on if available. (#2422)
- In applications using UI Automation (such as .net and Silverlight applications), the calculation of numeric values for controls such as sliders has been corrected. (#2417)
- The configuration for reporting of progress bars is now honoured for the indeterminate progress bars displayed by NVDA when installing, creating a portable copy, etc. (#2574)
- NVDA commands can no longer be executed from a braille display while a secure Windows screen (such as the Lock screen) is active. (#2449)
- In browse mode, braille is now updated if the text being displayed changes. (#2074)
- When on a secure Windows screen such as the Lock screen, messages from applications speaking or displaying braille directly via NVDA are now ignored.
- In Browse mode, it is no longer possible to fall off the bottom of the document with the right arrow key when on the final character, or by jumping to the end of a container when that container is the last item in the document. (#2463)
- Extraneous content is no longer incorrectly included when reporting the text of dialogs in web applications (specifically, ARIA dialogs with no aria-describedby attribute). (#2390)
- NVDA no longer incorrectly reports or locates certain edit fields in MSHTML documents (e.g. Internet Explorer), specifically where an explicit ARIA role has been used by the web page author. (#2435)
- The backspace key is now handled correctly when speaking typed words in Windows command consoles. (#2586)
- Cell coordinates in Microsoft Excel are now shown again in Braille.
- In Microsoft Word, NVDA no longer leaves you stuck on a paragraph with list formatting when trying to navigate out over a bullet or number with left arrow or control + left arrow. (#2402)
- In browse mode in Mozilla applications, the items in certain list boxes (specifically, ARIA list boxes) are no longer incorrectly rendered.
- In browse mode in Mozilla applications, certain controls that were rendered with an incorrect label or just whitespace are now rendered with the correct label.
- In browse mode in Mozilla applications, some extraneous whitespace has been eliminated.
- In browse mode in web browsers, certain graphics that are explicitly marked as presentational (specifically, with an alt="" attribute) are now correctly ignored.
- In web browsers, NVDA now hides content which is marked as hidden from screen readers (specifically, using the aria-hidden attribute). (#2117)
- Negative currency amounts (e.g. -$123) are now correctly spoken as negative, regardless of symbol level. (#2625)
- During say all, NVDA will no longer incorrectly revert to the default language where a line does not end a sentence. (#2630)
- Font information is now correctly detected in Adobe Reader 10.1 and later. (#2175)
- In Adobe Reader, if alternate text is provided, only that text will be rendered. Previously, extraneous text was sometimes included. (#2174)
- Where a document contains an application, the content of the application is no longer included in browse mode. This prevents unexpectedly moving inside the application when navigating. You can interact with the application in the same way as for embedded objects. (#990)
- In Mozilla applications, the value of spin buttons is now correctly reported when it changes. (#2653)
- Updated support for Adobe Digital Editions so that it works in version 2.0. (#2688)
- Pressing NVDA+upArrow while on a combo box in Internet Explorer and other MSHTML documents will no longer incorrectly read all items. Rather, just the active item will be read. (#2337)
- Speech dictionaries will now properly save when using a number (#) sign within the pattern or replacement fields. (#961)
- Browse mode for MSHTML documents (e.g. Internet Explorer) now correctly displays visible content contained within hidden content (specifically, elements with a style of visibility:visible inside an element with style visibility:hidden). (#2097)
- Links in Windows XP's Security Center no longer report random junk after their names. (#1331)
- UI Automation text controls (e.g. the search field in the Windows 7 Start Menu) are now correctly announced when moving the mouse over them rather than staying silent.
- Keyboard layout changes are no longer reported during say all, which was particularly problematic for multilingual documents including Arabic text. (#1676)
- The entire content of some UI Automation editable text controls (e.g. the Search Box in the Windows 7/8 Start Menu) is no longer announced every time it changes.
- When moving between groups on the Windows 8 start screen, unlabeled groups no longer announce their first tile as the name of the group. (#2658)
- When opening the Windows 8 start screen, the focus is correctly placed on the first tile, rather than jumping to the root of the start screen which can confuse navigation. (#2720)
- NVDA will no longer fail to start when the user's profile path contains certain multibyte characters. (#2729)
- In browse mode in Google Chrome, the text of tabs is now rendered correctly.
- In browse mode, menu buttons are now reported correctly.
- In OpenOffice.org/LibreOffice Calc, reading spreadsheet cells now works correctly. (#2765)
- NVDA can again function in the Yahoo! Mail message list when used from Internet Explorer. (#2780)