NVDA 歷史舊版本 Page16

最新版本 NVDA 2023.3

NVDA 歷史版本列表

NVDA(NonVisual Desktop Access)是一款免費的“屏幕閱讀器”這使盲人和視力受損的人可以使用電腦。它以電腦語音讀取屏幕上的文字。您可以通過將鼠標或鍵盤上的箭頭移動到文本的相關區域來控制所讀取的內容。如果計算機用戶擁有稱為“盲文顯示”的設備,也可以將文本轉換為盲文。 。 NVDA 為許多盲人提供了教育和就業的關鍵。它還提供了訪問社交網絡,網上購物,銀行和新聞.NVDA 與微軟... NVDA 軟體介紹

DS4Windows 1.6.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Bundled new version of DS4Updater (1.3.0) that uses GitHub as a download resource
- Many changes to make auto updating routines use GitHub as a download resource
- Changes to tray icon population provided by @JarnoVgr
- Added support for Scuf Vantage controller

DS4Windows 1.6.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Bundled new version of DS4Updater.exe (1.2.9) with version check fix
- Use SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity attribute for InputMethods class
- Changed build to use C# 7.2
- Lowered priority of bus thread

DS4Windows 1.6.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Version update

NVDA 2018.4 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New Features:
- New braille tables: Chinese (China, Mandarin) grade 1 and grade 2
- Replied / Forwarded status is now reported on mail items in the Microsoft Outlook message list
- NVDA is now able to read descriptions for emoji as well as other characters that are part of the Unicode Common Locale Data Repository
- In Microsoft Word, the cursor's distance from the top and left edges of the page can be reported by pressing NVDA+numpadDelete
- In Google Sheets with braille mode enabled, NVDA no longer announces 'selected' on every cell when moving focus between cells
- Added support for Foxit Reader and Foxit Phantom PDF
- Added support for the DBeaver database tool

- "Report help balloons" in the Object Presentations dialog has been renamed to "Report notifications" to include reporting of toast notifications in Windows 8 and later
- In NVDA's keyboard settings, the checkboxes to enable or disable NVDA modifier keys are now displayed in a list rather than as separate checkboxes
- NVDA will no longer present redundant information when reading clock system tray on some versions of Windows
- Updated liblouis braille translator to version 3.7.0
- Updated eSpeak-NG to commit 919f3240cbb

Bug Fixes:
- In Outlook 2016/365, the category and flag status are reported for messages
- When NVDA is set to languages such as Kirgyz, Mongolian or Macedonian, it no longer shows a dialog on start-up warning that the language is not supported by the Operating System
- Moving the mouse to the navigator object will now much more accurately move the mouse to the browse mode position in Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome and Acrobat Reader DC
- Interacting with combo boxes on the web in Firefox, Chrome and Internet Explorer has been improved
- If running on the Japanese version of Windows XP or Vista, NVDA now displays OS version requirements message as expected
- Performance improvements when navigating large pages with lots of dynamic changes in Mozilla Firefox
- Braille no longer shows font attributes if they have been disabled in Document Formatting settings
- NVDA no longer fails to track focus in File Explorer and other applications using UI Automation when another app is busy (such as batch processing audio)
- In ARIA menus on the web, the Escape key will now be passed through to the menu and no longer turn off focus mode unconditionally
- In the new Gmail web interface, when using quick navigation inside messages while reading them, the entire body of the message is no longer reported after the element to which you just navigated
- After updating NVDA, Browsers such as Firefox and google Chrome should no longer crash, and browse mode should continue to correctly reflect updates to any currently loaded documents
- NVDA no longer reports clickable multiple times in a row when navigating clickable content in Browse Mode
- Gestures performed on baum Vario 40 braille displays will no longer fail to execute
- In Google Slides with Mozilla Firefox, NVDA no longer reports selected text on every control with focus

Changes for Developers:
gui.nvdaControls now contains two classes to create accessible lists with check boxes:
- CustomCheckListBox is an accessible subclass of wx.CheckListBox
- AutoWidthColumnCheckListCtrl adds accessible check boxes to an AutoWidthColumnListCtrl, which itself is based on wx.ListCtrl

If you need to make a wx widget accessible which isn't already, it is possible to do so by using an instance of gui.accPropServer.IAccPropServer_impl:
- See the implementation of gui.nvdaControls.ListCtrlAccPropServer for more info
- Updated configobj to 5.1.0dev commit 5b5de48a
- The config.post_configProfileSwitch action now takes the optional prevConf keyword argument, allowing handlers to take action based on differences between configuration before and after the profile switch

Gravit Designer 3.5.3 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed fullscreen mode

Gravit Designer 3.5.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New features:
- Illustrator (AI) file import: Files saved with the “Create PDF Compatible File” option can now be opened in Gravit Designer. A message will be shown in case the file isn’t compatible
- Version History: Access up to 20 past versions of your designs saved on the Gravit Cloud. Continue working from a different point, restore a critical element or see how your design evolved. It can be accessed from File → Show Version History. Please read more in this article

- Massive improvements to the rendering performance. Gravit Designer should perform way better in all situations now
- Increased compatibility of EPS files. They should open without any flaws now
- Generally improved loading times of all kinds of files
- The divider between the Pages and Layers panel can now the moved to give more space to either
- Removed “Mask” blending modes to prevent confusion. Please use one of the ways shown in this video to mask content instead
- Brought back “Fit All” in the toolbar by popular demand. Always listening to our users
- Added a warning about linked images (File → Link Image...), that they will not be available when opening the file on another computer or in the web app
- Added a couple of new presets, including Apple Watch 4, new iPhones, Google Pixel 2/XL and more
- Removed Retina Display option in Export dialog (File → Export → Export...) as this term is quite outdated. Please use the Size field with “2x” for example instead
- Our support team can now be reached from the brand new support form. Linked it in Help → Contact us in the menu bar
- Hidden layers are not considered for snapping anymore
- In turn, locked layers are now considered for snapping and they also show smart guides
- Improved precision for the Position and Size of SVG files
- Further improved exporting elements with borders to SVG
- Ensured that files finished saving when closing Gravit Designer
- Locked layers can now be used as “Key objects”: When selecting multiple layers alongside a locked element, the other elements are aligned to the locked layer. Please see this video

- Fixed a bug that prevented Cloud files to be exported to PDF
- Finally eradicated the “Loading has failed” bug
- Dashed and dotted lines now show properly in imported SVG files
- Locked layers aren’t affected by aligning anymore

PDF export:
- Fixed multiple problems that prevented designs from exporting
- Semi-opaque elements (patterns, groups) are properly exported now
- Fixed some bugs when uploading a profile picture and added a correct error message
- Showing correct message again when trying to close a file with unsaved progress
- We continued to improve SVG import and fixed various bugs
- Fixed a bug with toggling the visibility of layers

SQLyog Community Edition 13.1.1 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed a regression bug introduced in 13.1.0, an error was returned on adding or editing the data in the 'Result' tab. The same steps also caused SQLyog to crash sometimes. This is fixed now

Gravit Designer 3.4.10 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- We are running out of version numbers. ;) Solved another problem that needed a timely fix.

NVDA 2018.3.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- This is a minor release to work around a crash in Google Chrome when navigating tweetts on www.twitter.com

NVDA 2018.3.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- This is a minor release to fix a critical bug in NVDA which caused 32 bit versions of Mozilla Firefox to crash