NetBeans IDE 歷史舊版本 Page7

最新版本 Apache NetBeans 21.0

NetBeans IDE 歷史版本列表

為軟件開發人員提供免費的開放源代碼集成開發環境。您可以使用 Java 語言,C / C ++,甚至 PHP,JavaScript,Groovy 和 Ruby 等動態語言來獲得創建專業桌面,企業,Web 和移動應用程序所需的所有工具。 NetBeans IDE 很容易安裝和使用直接開箱,並運行在許多平台上,包括 Windows,Linux,Mac OS X 和 Solaris。下載 NetBeans... NetBeans IDE 軟體介紹

Playnite 9.13 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Application deadlock when starting add-on installation externally

Apache NetBeans 12.6 查看版本資訊


Apache NetBeans 12.5 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Java Enhancements:
- Temporarily allow setting of SecurityManager
- [NETBEANS-5661] - Added regular expression window and hint
- Prefer .class execution over .java if the class already exists
- [NETBEANS-5801] - Add javadoc for JDK 18 early access
- [NETBEANS-5704] when generating --patch-module option, also use the generated source roots
- [NETBEANS-5832] Fixing compilation of static initializer for vanilla indexing
- Adding declarative Java hints to the LSP server

- Report progress from Gradle’s CreateFromTemplateHandler Gradle LSP bug
- Fixed source+javadoc Gradle download Gradle LSP bug
- Source/javadoc attacher must report download actions as enabled. Gradle Java bug
- Gradle Action Providers can disable an action. API Change Gradle enhancement
- LSP server informs client about unsuccessful launch. Gradle LSP
- Prevent deadlock - Workspace shared IO supports close on input stream. Gradle LSP
- Support for configurations in Gradle Gradle LSP enhancement
- [NETBEANS-5768] Recognize gradle projects with settings.gradle only file
- [NETBEANS-2373] Better than nothing support for Gradle Distribution dirs Gradle
- [NETBEANS-5668] Fix slipping <br/>-s in the Project Problem Dialog Gradle
- [NETBEANS-4252] Added PathFinder to Gradle Build Scripts Node Gradle

- Support for disabling actions in Maven (used by Micronaut) API Change Maven enhancement
- [NETBEANS-5803] Handle Maven projects with https name space. Maven
- [NETBEANS-5143] Fixes Maven web app twice deployment issue

- Support for Micronaut’s automatic restarts (mn:run) for Maven API Change Java Maven enhancement
- LSP: Provide hover information in Micronaut yaml files. LSP
- Micronaut configuration completion and navigation improvements LSP
- Micronaut: Allow for creating project on JDK 16

- Fixes fetching the Payara Server list in private network
- PHP Enhancements
- [NETBEANS-5678] Use the URL of the forked repository of the Skeleton Generator
- [NETBEANS-5719] Unused property hint is shown when the property is used as a constructor argument
- [NETBEANS-5480] Add an option(system property) to disable the feature to fold PHP tags
- C/C++ Enhancements
- Fixing newly created cpplite project, avoiding starting the C/C++ LSP server when the configuration is not readable
- In cpplite project, when reading configuration, an empty string should not be considered a valid configuration
- Miscellaneous Enhancements

- LSP: Find usages should search also in project dependecies. LSP
- [NETBEANS-5492] change test proxy connection url to apache
- [NETBEANS-5698] Fix tabcontrol painting on MacOS retina displays (Aqua LAF)
- [NETBEANS-4953] Fixing handling of WSL-based URIs
- [NETBEANS-5673] Modernize tab controls in the Windows LAF
- [NETBEANS-5697] Various other LAF/HiDPI improvements on Windows
- [NETBEANS-5726] Fix JCheckboxMenuItem state for 'Show Editor Tooolbar'
- [NETBEANS-4150] added a KeyringProvider using libsecret for new versions of Gnome

- Add Run with configuration into code lenses
- Completion provider for VS Code’s launch.json
- Debugger attach needs to be initialized
- New from Template for VSCode
- Run/Debug single .java files outside of project in VSCode
- [NETBEANS-5346] Debugger attach in VSCode extension

- [NETBEANS-5503] Update JUnit from 4.13.1 to 4.13.2 Upgrade Library
- Upgrading Graal.js to 20.3 LTS version
- [NETBEANS-3439] - Upgrade JavaCC from 3.2 to 7.0.5
- Improving usability of New from Template in VSNetBeans.
- Jakarta EE 9 GlassFish 6 Support

Thunderbird 91.2.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


Thunderbird 91.1.2 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Thunderbird will now warn if an S/MIME encrypted message includes BCC recipients

- Message Security popup did not display all recipients due a missing scrollbar
- Delivery Status Notifications were only shown for the first recipient
- Composing a message from a template with attachments failed due to a temporary file being removed
- Attachment sizes were no longer included on printed emails
- A message sent with multiple attachments sometimes only sent one
- Thunderbird sometimes attached the wrong messages when forwarding multiple messages by attachment
- Thunderbird did not re-prompt for an SMTP username if one was not provided
- Messages with BCC recipients that were held in the Outbox did not retain the BCC header when moved to the Sent folder
- Thunderbird displayed reminders for events that were cancelled or declined
- New Feed Account dialog did not honor dark mode

Thunderbird 91.1.1 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Menu item for disabling subject encryption for a single message added

- Printing messages that are not currently displayed is no longer supported, including printing multiple messages at once

- Buttons on compose window dialogs did not have a visual indication of focus
- Dropdown fields in message compose window were unreadable on Windows 7 with a dark theme
- Multiple bulk mail notification warnings were displayed
- Enabled/Disabled state of message filters did not persist as expected
- Printing a message did not print a list of its attachments
- Images attached from a web page were not sent as expected
- OpenPGP public key was attached multiple times when forwading a message
- Windows tray icon disappeared if Thunderbird was started by a shortcut with "Run" set to "Minimized"
- Windows tray message count badge displayed the "unread" count instead of the "new" message count
- Some downstream Thunderbird builds were incorrectly checking addons for a signature, causing all addons to be disabled
- Addressbooks set up with autoconfig showed no search results
- Various CardDAV setup and auto-detection fixes
- Dates (such as birthday) stored in contacts may display the wrong date; a one-time manual fix may be needed for dates that are incorrect.
- Attached VCards displayed as plain text when an email was HTML formatted
- Mailing list names with non-ASCII characters incorrectly displayed with an error
- LDAP directories were not searched for matches when adding recipients to an email
- Clicking "Connect to an LDAP address book" in account setup opened CardDAV setup dialog
- LDAP address books using Kerberos/GSS-API authentication did not authenticate
- LDAP search queries containing non-ASCII characters produced no results
- IRC server connections did not automatically retry after a timeout
- Calendar event editor did not honor mail.spellcheck.inline

Thunderbird 91.1.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- VCard attachments now sent with "text/vcard" instead of "text/x-vcard"

- Thunderbird registered Accessibility Handlers using same GUIDs as Firefox, causing performance issues for NVDA users
- Focus lost when reordering accounts by keyboard in the Account Manager
- Account setup did not use provider display name for setting up calendars
- Various theme and UX fixes
- Various security fixes

Thunderbird 91.0.3 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Folder icons could be overridden by linked favicons in HTML messages
- Unified folders showed no messages when underlying folders were removed
- Folder pane toolbar did not always persist after restarting Thunderbird
- Compose window attachment pane did not close when disabling signing of an OpenPGP message
- Using "Reply to List" with some list emails incorrectly opened a "no-reply" warning
- Unread message count badge on Windows tray icon did not update after moving messages to the Junk folder
- Account setup UX issues with Exchange autodiscover
- Account settings did not display non-UTF-8 server descriptions correctly
- Thunderbird sometimes sent an unnecessary "SMTPUTF8", causing some servers to reject mail
- No mouseover pop was displayed with event details for non-all-day events in the Today Pane
- Filtering tasks in the Today Pane did not work
- Email based event scheduling displayed the date and time in a format unreadable by humans

Thunderbird 91.0.2 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


Thunderbird 91.0.1 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊
