NetBeans IDE

最新版本 Apache NetBeans 12.5

Apache NetBeans 12.5

Apache NetBeans 12.5
為軟件開發人員提供免費的開放源代碼集成開發環境。您可以使用 Java 語言,C / C ++,甚至 PHP,JavaScript,Groovy 和 Ruby 等動態語言來獲得創建專業桌面,企業,Web 和移動應用程序所需的所有工具。 NetBeans IDE 很容易安裝和使用直接開箱,並運行在許多平台上,包括 Windows,Linux,Mac OS X 和 Solaris。下載 NetBeans IDE Offline Installer Setup!

New NetBeans IDE 亮點:

JDK 8 支持:與 Profiles,Lambdas 和 Streams 一起使用的工具和編輯器增強功能。 Java SE Embedded 支持直接從 NetBeans IDE 在嵌入式設備(如 Raspberry PI)上部署,運行,調試或剖析 Java SE 應用程序。Java ME Embedded 8 支持.

Java EE
新 PrimeFaces 代碼生成器,用於生成完整的 PrimeFaces 骨架 CRUD 應用程序連接到數據庫。 Tomcat 8.0 和 TomEE 支持,包括開箱即用的 JPA,JSF 和 JAXRS 配置和數據源。 JPA 提示更靈活,可以禁用,啟用和更改警告級別.

新的 Maven 圖形佈局切換器。當重新運行 Web 應用程序時,Navigator 顯示 POM 目標並改進 Maven 性能。在調試時改進了“應用代碼更改”的 Maven 性能。通過從視圖到控制器的超鏈接來導航。 AngularJS 在工件之間的代碼完成方面的許多增強功能,例如在控制器中定義的屬性視圖中的代碼完成。調試在 Nashorn(JDK 8+)腳本引擎中執行的 JavaScript 代碼是受支持的。

Android 4.4 支持 Cordova 3.3+ 的 WebKit 調試。新的 Karma 測試運行器支持和 New Grunt 構建支持。 Avatar.js 通過工具 | 在插件管理器中可用插件。安裝之後,您可以為 PHP 5.5 創建 Avatar.js projects.


C / C ++
編輯器中新增導航功能。新的 GDB 控制台啟用使用命令行 GDB 模式。新的提示和代碼完成。改進的遠程性能。下載 NetBeans IDE 脫機安裝程序安裝!

增強了窗口系統的靈活性,例如通過拖放操作編輯器的拆分以及定制編輯器選項卡的新 API。管理項目組的新用戶界面設計。文件夾中的文件可以按擴展名排序.

配置文件增強功能:嵌入式平台上的配置文件,顯示鎖定爭用的線程擁有監視器以及改進的線程視圖。版本增強:支持 Subversion 1.8 工作副本,對 Git 和 Mercurial 支持的各種增強。任務計劃和任務窗口中的其他新功能,用於錯誤跟踪.

注意:需要 Java 開發工具包.

也可用:下載 NetBeans IDE 為 Mac


檔案版本 Apache NetBeans 12.5

檔案名稱 Apache-NetBeans-12.5-bin-windows-x64.exe
系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 開源軟體
作者 Oracle
更新日期 2021-10-07

What's new in this version:

Java Enhancements:
- Temporarily allow setting of SecurityManager
- [NETBEANS-5661] - Added regular expression window and hint
- Prefer .class execution over .java if the class already exists
- [NETBEANS-5801] - Add javadoc for JDK 18 early access
- [NETBEANS-5704] when generating --patch-module option, also use the generated source roots
- [NETBEANS-5832] Fixing compilation of static initializer for vanilla indexing
- Adding declarative Java hints to the LSP server

- Report progress from Gradle’s CreateFromTemplateHandler Gradle LSP bug
- Fixed source+javadoc Gradle download Gradle LSP bug
- Source/javadoc attacher must report download actions as enabled. Gradle Java bug
- Gradle Action Providers can disable an action. API Change Gradle enhancement
- LSP server informs client about unsuccessful launch. Gradle LSP
- Prevent deadlock - Workspace shared IO supports close on input stream. Gradle LSP
- Support for configurations in Gradle Gradle LSP enhancement
- [NETBEANS-5768] Recognize gradle projects with settings.gradle only file
- [NETBEANS-2373] Better than nothing support for Gradle Distribution dirs Gradle
- [NETBEANS-5668] Fix slipping <br/>-s in the Project Problem Dialog Gradle
- [NETBEANS-4252] Added PathFinder to Gradle Build Scripts Node Gradle

- Support for disabling actions in Maven (used by Micronaut) API Change Maven enhancement
- [NETBEANS-5803] Handle Maven projects with https name space. Maven
- [NETBEANS-5143] Fixes Maven web app twice deployment issue

- Support for Micronaut’s automatic restarts (mn:run) for Maven API Change Java Maven enhancement
- LSP: Provide hover information in Micronaut yaml files. LSP
- Micronaut configuration completion and navigation improvements LSP
- Micronaut: Allow for creating project on JDK 16

- Fixes fetching the Payara Server list in private network
- PHP Enhancements
- [NETBEANS-5678] Use the URL of the forked repository of the Skeleton Generator
- [NETBEANS-5719] Unused property hint is shown when the property is used as a constructor argument
- [NETBEANS-5480] Add an option(system property) to disable the feature to fold PHP tags
- C/C++ Enhancements
- Fixing newly created cpplite project, avoiding starting the C/C++ LSP server when the configuration is not readable
- In cpplite project, when reading configuration, an empty string should not be considered a valid configuration
- Miscellaneous Enhancements

- LSP: Find usages should search also in project dependecies. LSP
- [NETBEANS-5492] change test proxy connection url to apache
- [NETBEANS-5698] Fix tabcontrol painting on MacOS retina displays (Aqua LAF)
- [NETBEANS-4953] Fixing handling of WSL-based URIs
- [NETBEANS-5673] Modernize tab controls in the Windows LAF
- [NETBEANS-5697] Various other LAF/HiDPI improvements on Windows
- [NETBEANS-5726] Fix JCheckboxMenuItem state for 'Show Editor Tooolbar'
- [NETBEANS-4150] added a KeyringProvider using libsecret for new versions of Gnome

- Add Run with configuration into code lenses
- Completion provider for VS Code’s launch.json
- Debugger attach needs to be initialized
- New from Template for VSCode
- Run/Debug single .java files outside of project in VSCode
- [NETBEANS-5346] Debugger attach in VSCode extension

- [NETBEANS-5503] Update JUnit from 4.13.1 to 4.13.2 Upgrade Library
- Upgrading Graal.js to 20.3 LTS version
- [NETBEANS-3439] - Upgrade JavaCC from 3.2 to 7.0.5
- Improving usability of New from Template in VSNetBeans.
- Jakarta EE 9 GlassFish 6 Support

Apache NetBeans 12.5 相關參考資料
Apache NetBeans 12.0 Features

Java 12 — All features provided by Apache NetBeans are supported out of the box, without additional plugins needing to be installed, and all for free.

Apache NetBeans 12.5

Apache NetBeans 12.5 Features

Apache NetBeans 12.5 Features · Java Enhancements. Java; Gradle; Maven; Micronaut; Payara · PHP Enhancements · C/C++ Enhancements · Miscellaneous Enhancements.

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Apache NetBeans 12.5 runs on JDK LTS releases 8 and 11, with experimental support for JDK 17, i.e., the current JDK release at the time of this NetBeans release ...

NetBeans Tutorials

Apache NetBeans 12.5. Find out more. NetBeans Tutorials. This tutorial needs a review. You can open a ...

Welcome to Apache NetBeans

Apache NetBeans 12.5 ... Apache NetBeans is much more than a text editor. It highlights source code syntactically and semantically, lets you easily refactor ...

[ANNOUNCE] Apache NetBeans 12.5 released

2021年9月21日 — The Apache NetBeans team is pleased to announce that Apache NetBeans 12.5 was released on September 13th 2021*. Apache NetBeans is a full IDE ...