NetBeans IDE 歷史舊版本 Page6

最新版本 Apache NetBeans 21.0

NetBeans IDE 歷史版本列表

為軟件開發人員提供免費的開放源代碼集成開發環境。您可以使用 Java 語言,C / C ++,甚至 PHP,JavaScript,Groovy 和 Ruby 等動態語言來獲得創建專業桌面,企業,Web 和移動應用程序所需的所有工具。 NetBeans IDE 很容易安裝和使用直接開箱,並運行在許多平台上,包括 Windows,Linux,Mac OS X 和 Solaris。下載 NetBeans... NetBeans IDE 軟體介紹

Playnite 10.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Global search view
- Library backup and restore
- Smooth scrolling for game lists
- Ability to auto-fill the Sorting Name field when importing games (by Jeshibu)
- New options to control play time sync behavior (by darklinkpower)
- Sorting and grouping by recent activity (by darklinkpower)
- Option to configure date display format (by darklinkpower)
- Install size field (by darklinkpower)
- Grouping by install drive (by darklinkpower)
- Top panel button to randomly select game in the current view (by darklinkpower)
- Option to configure default web image search terms
- Right-click on top panel's filter button clears all filters
- Option to define startup and shutdown application scripts
- Option to go to game details from random game selection dialog
- Option to create new completion status from game edit window
- Option to exclude hidden games on statistics view
- Library update on startup is automatically skipped if Internet connection is not available
- Options to control update check behavior
- Option to hide game name from details panels
- Option to override installation status on automatically imported games
- Quality of life improvements to metadata download configuration views
- Added game tracking mode option that only tracks originally started process
- Option to start on boot closed to tray
- Option to start interactive PowerShell console with loaded Playnite SDK
- Font preview when selecting application fonts

Fullscreen mode:
- Allow for more space between game covers in Fullscreen mode
- Option to assign game fields in Fullscreen mode
- Option to open filter preset selection via Left Stick button or R key
- Option to restart in safe mode from Fullscreen mode
- Option for Xbox / Guide controller button to restore Fullscreen mode into focus
- Option to only accept inputs from primary controller
- Option to invert A/B button bindings (for confirmation and cancellation actions)
- Smooth scrolling of the game list

- "Choose on startup" option for emulator play actions also available on emulator level
- Option to override platform assignment on emulation scanner
- Exclusion list support for emulation scanners
- Option to disable scan of archives during emulation import
- Option to exclude subfolders from emulation scan
- Option to import emulated games under related file paths (enabled by default)
- Import emulators using relative paths if possible

Fixed (only most noteworthy fixes mentioned):
- Filter panel in Fullscreen mode doesn't scroll properly when using big font size
- Filter presets are not scrolled into view when switching them in Fullscreen mode
- Some Fullscreen views can't be closed using Backspace key
- Saved window position is not properly constrained to connected displays if DPI changes
- TGA metadata files are not properly converted on import
- Grid View items disappear before they are fully out of view while scrolling
- Game list doesn't update properly after switching filter preset in Fullscreen mode
- Details view scroll position doesn't reset on game selection change
- {EmulatorDir} variable not expanded in emulator scripts
- Some game menu actions are very slow on large number of selected games
- Better visual indicator of selected item on filter preset panel in Fullscreen mode
- Ignore config, redistributables and game engine executables during executables scan
- Fullscreen mode doesn't adjust properly to screen resolution changes
- Sidebar doesn't update properly without re-launching Playnite
- {InstallDirName} variable is not expanded properly in some cases
- Grid view rendering glitches when grouping is enabled
- Performance optimization to library filter
- Better handling of m3u files when scanning emulated games
- Better handling of emulated game files stored in long paths (260+ chars)
- Restoring existing Fullscreen instance by starting its executable doesn't properly focus on opened views
- Better keyboard input support on Fullscreen mode's text input dialog
- Better handling of multi-disk emulated games
- Importing emulated games from UNC shares doesn't work properly
- Some game variables are not expanded properly in emulator configuration strings
- Launching a game via random selection dialog can lead to wrong game being shown as running
- Scrolling performance in Fullscreen mode slows down after opening game details for the first time
- Games show wrong background image when scrolling through game list quickly
- Clicking in the empty area of the zoom moves the bar but doesn't change zoom
- Clicking empty part of horizontal scrollbar moves view vertically
- No "Select Sound" is played when selecting a game with the mouse in Fullscreen mode
- List view columns can be accidentally hidden by resizing
- Play actions keep reappearing after being removed from already imported games
- Emulator scanner does not pick up ROM files with double extensions
- Missed inputs when multiple controllers are connected in Fullscreen mode

Apache NetBeans 15.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- The Apache NetBeans 15 binary releases require JDK 11+, and officially support running on JDK 11 and JDK 17

Playnite 9.19 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Media downloads via Google Images don't work

Apache NetBeans 14.0 查看版本資訊


Playnite 9.18 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Updated web view component
- Playnite not closing down properly during system shutdown
- Grid view rendering glitches when grouping is enabled
- Crash when removing games while grouping is enabled

Playnite 9.17 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- PCSX2 nightly and dev emulator profiles

- Selecting a game is laggy after switching views
- Updated localizations
- Game tracker is not handling failures correctly
- List view columns can be accidentally hidden by resizing
- Play actions keep reappearing after being removed from already imported games
- Bulk metadata import not updating game name
- Last activity not being updated correctly in some cases (by Jeshibu)
- Playnite crashes when closing progress dialog using ATL-F4 or via window menu
- Various crashes

Apache NetBeans 13.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Bundled nb-javac, startup experience simpler and smoother
- Light FlatLaf look and feel by default
- Partial upgrades for Maven, Gradle, and PHP
- Note: The full list of pull requests integrated in the 13 timeframe is found here, while they are listed by category below

- fixed wrong nb-javac module name so that it can be installed.
- [#3511] workaround for extends/implements panel not showing any results.
- [jackpot] DefaultRuleUtilities::referencedIn fix for single variable matching
- [#3494] Organize Imports inspection is not record aware.
- Hint/Inspection panel and dialog layout fixes
- [#3466] do not show Convert Type to Var hint for method references
-  remove findbugs installer module.
- [jackpot] Add sourceVersion(int) to rule file utils and deprecate enum variant. (part 2)
- nb-javac checks cleanup and dialog removal.
- [jackpot] Add sourceVersion(int) to rule file utils and deprecate enum variant.
- javac wrapper module should clean its "external" folder.
- VaniallaPartialReparser reports incorrectly reparsed files
- [jackpot] added generics aware rule to IteratorToFor inspection
- Handle any script’s URI and provide script content when not readable from file.
- Including nb-javac binaries in all the complementary distributions
- fixed class modifier auto completion for sealed classes.
- [jackpot] Rewrite "String::replaceAll with dot" inspection to apply to more cases and methods
- Dynamically switching from all-file processing to single-file processing of multi file JavaSources. [2959]
-  fix refactoring of class member when a new name is the same as the name of a local variable [2612]

- #3526: Retain traling / for non-existing directories.
- NETBEANS-6347: Disabled user actions fixed
- Formatted the templates to be inline with the default java formatting.
- Upgrade to Apache Maven 3.8.4
- m2 URL components need to be URL decoded before being used to create the artifact
- Maven pom.xml annotations: Configure graphics context for antialiasing
-  Maven project template uses template for project structure.
- maven daemon support

- [#3590] Prevent suspicious NPE forn Gradle SubProjectsNode
-  Fix Gradle project loading in template operations.
- Rewrite lambda to an inner class to prevent from Gradle warning about execution optimizations.
- NETBEANS-6307: check global artifact cache, ignore per-project cached structure if not consistent.
- Fixed typo: runSingle presence depends on runClassName property.
- Fixed some lost-in-translation issues with Gradle Tooling
- Use Gradle distribution service and public repo for their binaries.
-  Give info when the IDE’s Java is not compatible with Gradle
-  Testcase checking Gradle ProjectInfo never return null
-  Minimal support of java-platfom Gradle projects.

-  Code completion for class fields doesn’t work.
-  Navigation to fields sometimes doesn’t work in Groovy
- Avoid spurious exception in log. Warn if perf counters are enabled on incompatible JDK
-  Groovy CC doesn’t work on JDK 1.8
-  Posibility to run single Groovy Script
-  An infinite loop may occur when parsing Groovy sources
-  Package code completion doesn’t work in empty groovy …

-  Fix an issue the stop command is not sent
- Fix code completion for parent’s trait #3486
- Regenerate sigfiles
-  PHP 8.1 Support
-  PHP 8.1 Support: Pure intersection types
-  PHP 8.1 Support: New in initializers
-  Escape HTML entities in PHPStan report
-  PHP 8.1 Support: Readonly Properties 2.0
-  Add PHPStan rule level 9
-  PHP 8.1 Support: Never type
-  PHP 8.1 Support: Final class constants part
-  Mark overriding/overridden constants and properties as annotations
-  Allow Convert Visibility Suggestion to be disabled
-  PHP 8.0: Fix syntax errors for attributes of interface constants and methods
-  Show inherited members on the navigator pane

- [#3593] Fix csl elementhandle
- CSS Parser Fixes
- Exclude less (@{}) and scss (#{}) string interpolation from formatting

- Support to redefine icons for LSP client
- LSP: Change method parameters should refactor access modifier.
- LSP: Modified to fix errors currently printed to log from ServerTest.
- Convert source path to URI String.
- LSP: Do not refactor library classes.
- LSP: Fixed broken code completion for super constructor call.
- LSP console IO is made more reliable, output is not lost now.
- LSP: Do not produce CodeActions for errors with empty description.
- VSCode: Show Debug Console while running tests.
- LSP: Never remove imports on save when the code isn’t bug free.
- Disable client-side projects and nodejs support.
- Various fixes of project / folder actions presence in vscode
- LSP: Couple of Text Explorer fixes.
- Maintain data identity for duplicit info requests
- LSP: Provide completion for SQL queries for repository annotations.
- LSP: Allow to specify default DB connection
- Added more actions to LSP Projects View
- Adding command for New Database Connection
- LSP: attempt to speed up open type action.
- Bridged node actions to LSP commands. Enabled DB explorer view for LSP clients.
- Dispose/disconnect tree view after client stop.
- Micronaut Data Finder completion check for @Repository annotation fixed.
- Check for nativeImagePath property.
- Micronaut data finder methods code completion
- Enable node-based UIs in LSP
- LSP: Organize imports action added.
- Allow VSCode users to choose 'local' - e.g. per workspace userdir
- Shade whole methods which are not included in the native image.
- LSP: Enrich Java Outline view by more details.
- Gson library upgraded to 2.8.9, LSP upgraded to 3.16
-  Disable running LSP servers for VCS diffs. [2876]
- First version of semantic highlight support for both the LSP client and Java LSP server. [2617]

-  Assure that TokenHierarchy is called with Document’s read lock.
-  Document switcher popup not grouping by project on first use.
- VSCode:
- Be able to resolve project problems in VSCode extension.
- Delay change events for node after the node’s pending queries are resolved
- Run Configuration UI for the Explorer view
- Really convert IDs to numbers to use with Map. Re-fetch items that have been marked as changed.
- Show Databases and Projects views only after NBLS extension activates.
- Merge the code lens actions with the launch config properties and adapt Gradle to apply env.
- LSP + VSCode extension: Run/Debug via project actions.
- Rich HTML UI for (now only for) VSCode Refactorings
- Misc:
- build.xml and run.xml: fixed detection of 64 bit architecture for Java 9+ (on Windows)
- Exposing simple UI action to open next segment of a heap dump
- Making build information a bit more up to date
-  Detect another Java support ext and recommend to Disable one.
- Micronaut project creation fix
- New From Template creates an invalid HTML page
- Update FlatLaf from 2.0 to 2.0.1
- Update README with JDK 11 requirement.
- Cache netbeanrelease.json for offline builds and source releases.
- Change maven 384 dependencies to codehaus groupID
- Fixes to LSP client/server related to semantic highlighting.
- Ensure BufferedInputStream is not initialized with a buffer size of 0
-  Fix Gradle popup menu Tasks.. action not working.
- search/replace dialog: set shift+enter as line break and add multi-line info message.
- javafx ide.ergonomics config should not try to load the old nb-javac.
- Update year in NOTICE to 2022
-  - Upgrade Metro from 2.4.4 to 2.4.8
- Honor MxLibrary.path() if specified
- Better report of failures, append stderr/out.
- LSP: Change method parameters should refactor access modifier. (#3442)
- Update FlatLaf from 1.6.1 to 2.0
- Use boolean flag to create apidoc menu
- Simplified cancelHandle test.
- Disable database features in vscode
- Always call mx build before running the tests
- [cnd] 2.2 - cnd and cpplite integration fixes
- Avoid using word failed in non-fatal debug messages
- [cnd] small-2.1 Merging from master
- Modified to prevent IllegalStateExceptions from CasualDiff.
- dlight.nativeexecution test documentation
- [cnd] small-1.5 More cnd tests
-  Shield against usage of JDK-11 API.
- Native image breakpoints work with shared libraries.
- [cnd] small-1.4 makeproject samples, editor/lexer tests
- Initial port and adapt of GitHub issue configuration from Airflow.
- disabled uihandler modules (exception+statistics reporter).
- [CND] small-1.3 Remaining licences in cnd cluster
- Fix cluster splitting of RAT errors
- print simple junit report on travis job failure.
- [cnd] small-1.2: cnd.editor/cnd.remote/licenses
- Add binaries.repos property to downloadbinaries call in projectized.xml.
- [cnd] small-1.1: Moving some cnd modules to contrib
- Follow LSP specification for null value for startCharacter in FoldingRange
- Allow searching for multi-line Strings.
- Updated Subversion support to 1.14.0
-  - remove annotation warnings related to deprecating
- Fix html.angular, js2.editor, js2.nodejs and js2.requirejs tests
- Clean merge of "Fixing the configure hint sub-fix to work more properly for per-project hint settings."
- Fix javascript2.editor tests and reenable testing in travis
-  avoid IllegalArgumentException in FoldManagerImpl
- Change nb.sass.libsass to TRUE, to fix broken SASS
- Remove obsolete permgen flags.
- Single file Groovy Run and Debug in VSCode.
- Using HTML based UI for Change method parameters refactoring
- Updating HTML/Java API to 1.7.3 version
- Use ToolProvider from libs.javacapi, not from bootclasspath
- Adding support for Oracle Cloud
- Deactivate broken xmlretriever test (client cert expired and a new one is not yet issued)
- Remove jruby related YAML parser libs
-  Build of vscode extension fails
- Small improvement on GitBranchHash which is able to get at least the hash of a detached HEAD
- Switch to FlatLaf Light as default look and feel for IDE
- Handle invalid package.json only containing a single string
- Consider the reported trustlevel of the KeyStoreProvider when querying KeyStores
- An attempt to fix unstable test for
- Splitting workflows into individual files
- Build Java cluster on JDK17
- NETBEANS-3042 Fixes Payara Server log formatting issue
- Don’t search for parent folders when there is .mxignore file
- NETBEANS-3270 Webapp not correctly recognized as Java EE
- Fixes creation of a Glassfish deployment descriptor
- Allow plugins to exclude files from being indexed
- Update to nb-javac identical to javac from jdk-17+35
- Remove JARs fom repository to simplify release review
-  Pattern Matching for Switch hints (preview)
- Fixing the configure hint sub-fix to work more properly for per-project hint settings.
-  Handling of FileObjects not backed by j.i.File when sorting by full path is requested.
- Updates for Sql autocomplete and  Create a SQL Standard Quoter for Use with Connectionless Cases
- Replacing manually built javac with Maven one [2783]
- Options panel use GTK default colors

Playnite 9.16 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Changing view settings is very slow with huge libraries

Playnite 9.15 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Folder scan ignores some executables incorrectly
- Crash when filtering only assigned items on game edit dialog
- Switching application modes doesn't work properly when switching during library update
- Crash when renaming library fields
- Possible delay or deadlock when shutting down Playnite externally

Playnite 9.14 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Crash when cancelling already cancelled progress dialog
- Possible deadlock when getting WebView cookies using SDK
- Publisher and Developer info not being saved properly in some cases