GnuCash 歷史舊版本 Page13

最新版本 Prepros 7.17.0

GnuCash 歷史版本列表

GnuCash 是個人和小企業的財務會計軟件,GNU GPL 免費授權,可用於 GNU / Linux,BSD,Solaris,Mac OS X 和 Microsoft Windows.6235896 設計易於使用,但功能強大而靈活,GnuCash 允許你跟踪銀行賬戶,股票,收入和支出。作為支票簿的快速和直觀的使用,它是基於專業的會計原則,以確保平衡的書籍和準確的報告。GnuCash 特點: 複式... GnuCash 軟體介紹

Symfony 5.2.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- [Serializer] Exclude non-initialized properties accessed with getters
- [SecurityBundle] Fix referencing aliases from RegisterEntryPointsPass
- [Validator] propagate the object being validated to nested constraints
- [Translator] fix handling plural for floating numbers
- [Messenger] fix redis messenger options with dsn
- [Messenger] Fix transporting non-UTF8 payloads by encoding them using base 64
- [Uid] fix checking for valid UUIDs
- [Form] check parent types for label_format and translation_domain
- [RateLimiter] Fix infinite values with NoLimiter
- [Validator] Fix DebugCommand
- [PhpUnitBridge] Allow relative path to composer cache
- [HttpKernel] Configure the ErrorHandler even when it is overriden -grekas)
- [PropertyInfo] Fix breaking change with has*(arguments...) methods
- [Console] [Command] Fix Closure code binding when it is a static anonymous
- [Notifier] [OvhCloud] “Invalid signature” for message with slashes
- [Uid] Unable to extend Uuid/Ulid and use fromString()
- [DoctrineBridge] Add username to UserNameNotFoundException
- [HttpFoundation] Drop int return type from parseFilesize()
- [HttpClient] Add check for constant in Curl client
- [HttpFoundation] Revert #38614 and add assert to avoid regressions
- [DependencyInjection] Fix container injection with TypedReference
- Fix problem when SYMFONY_PHPUNIT_VERSION is empty string value -r-schranz)
- [DependencyInjection] Skip deprecated definitions in CheckTypeDeclarationsPass
- [Security] Replace message data in JSON security error response
- [Security] Replace message data in JSON security error response
- [Messenger] [AmazonSqs] Fix auto-setup for fifo queue
- [DoctrineBridge] Take into account that indexBy="person_id" could be a db column a referenced entity
- [DoctrineBridge] Fix circular loop with EntityManager
- [DependencyInjection] Don't trigger notice for deprecated aliases pointing todefinitions
- [HttpFoundation] use atomic writes in MockFileSessionStorage
- Make EmailMessage & SmsMessage transport nullable
- [Serializer] Rename normalize param
- Dont allow unserializing classes with a destructor
- [Mailer] Fix missing BCC recipients in SES bridge
- [Config]  fix handling float-like key attribute values
- [Yaml] a colon followed by spaces exclusively separates mapping keys and values
- [Cache] fix possible collision when writing tmp file in filesystem adapter -grekas)
- Dont allow unserializing classes with a destructor - 5.2
- Dont allow unserializing classes with a destructor - 4.4
- Dont allow unserializing classes with a destructor - 5.1
- [Security]  Move the handleAuthenticationSuccess logic outside try/catch block -)
- [DependencyInjection] Support PHP 8 builtin types in CheckTypeDeclarationsPass -)
- [VarDumper] fix mutating $GLOBALS while cloning it
- [DependencyInjection] Fix InvalidParameterTypeException for function parameters -)
- [HttpFoundation] parse cookie values containing the equal sign
- [DependencyInjection] do not break when loading schemas from network paths on
- [Finder] apply the sort callback on the whole search result
- [TwigBridge] Remove full head content in HTML to text converter
- [FrameworkBundle] Fix UidNormalizer priority
- [Validator] propagate groups to nested constraints
- [WebProfilerBundle] take query and request parameters into account when matching
- [FrameworkBundle] Dump abstract arguments
- [Yaml] keep trailing newlines when dumping multi-line strings
- [Form] disable error bubbling by default when inherit_data is configured
- [Lock] Fix config merging in lock
- [Yaml] do not dump extra trailing newlines for multiline blocks
- [Messenger] fix postgres transport when the retry table is the same
- [Form] fix passing null $pattern to IntlDateFormatter
- [Security] Fix event propagation for AuthenticationTokenCreatedEvent when -egistered
- [Validator] Update Isin message to match the translation files
- [Messenger] Fix stopwach usage if it has been reset
- [Uid] Handle ValueErrors triggered by ext-uuid on PHP 8
- [VarDumper] Fix display of nullable union return types
- [VarDumper] fixed displaying "mixed" as "?mixed"
- [Mailer] Handle failure when sending DATA
- [Security] Fix event propagation for globally registered security events
- [TwigBridge] allow null values in form helpers
- [ProxyManagerBridge] fix PHP notice, switch to "friendsofphp/proxy-manager-lts"
- [Security] Add RememberMe Badge to LoginLinkAuthenticator
- Supports empty path for slack DSN

Symfony 5.1.11 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- [Serializer] Exclude non-initialized properties accessed with getters
- [Validator] propagate the object being validated to nested constraintsd
- [Translator] fix handling plural for floating numbers
- [Messenger] fix redis messenger options with dsn
- [Messenger] Fix transporting non-UTF8 payloads by encoding them using base 64
- [Uid] fix checking for valid UUIDs
- [PhpUnitBridge] Allow relative path to composer cache
- [HttpKernel] Configure the ErrorHandler even when it is overriden
- [PropertyInfo] Fix breaking change with has*(arguments...) methods
- [Console] [Command] Fix Closure code binding when it is a static anonymous function
- [Notifier] [OvhCloud] “Invalid signature” for message with slashes
- [Uid] Unable to extend Uuid/Ulid and use fromString()
- [DoctrineBridge] Add username to UserNameNotFoundException
- [HttpFoundation] Drop int return type from parseFilesize()
- [HttpClient] Add check for constant in Curl client
- [HttpFoundation] Revert #38614 and add assert to avoid regressions
- [DependencyInjection] Fix container injection with TypedReference
- Fix problem when SYMFONY_PHPUNIT_VERSION is empty string value
- [DependencyInjection] Skip deprecated definitions in CheckTypeDeclarationsPass
- [Security] Replace message data in JSON security error response
- [Messenger] [AmazonSqs] Fix auto-setup for fifo queue
- [DoctrineBridge] Take into account that indexBy="person_id" could be a db column name, for a referenced entity
- [DoctrineBridge] Fix circular loop with EntityManager
- [DependencyInjection] Don't trigger notice for deprecated aliases pointing to deprecated definitions (@chalasr)
- [HttpFoundation] use atomic writes in MockFileSessionStorage
- Make EmailMessage & SmsMessage transport nullable
- [Serializer] Rename normalize param
- Dont allow unserializing classes with a destructor
- [Mailer] Fix missing BCC recipients in SES bridge
- [Config]  fix handling float-like key attribute valuesd
- [Yaml] a colon followed by spaces exclusively separates mapping keys and values
- [Cache] fix possible collision when writing tmp file in filesystem adapter
- Dont allow unserializing classes with a destructor - 4.4
- Dont allow unserializing classes with a destructor - 5.1
- [DependencyInjection] Support PHP 8 builtin types in CheckTypeDeclarationsPass
- [VarDumper] fix mutating $GLOBALS while cloning it
- [DependencyInjection] Fix InvalidParameterTypeException for function parameters
- [HttpFoundation] parse cookie values containing the equal signd
- [DependencyInjection] do not break when loading schemas from network paths on Windows
- [Finder] apply the sort callback on the whole search result
- [TwigBridge] Remove full head content in HTML to text converter
- [Validator] propagate groups to nested constraints
- [WebProfilerBundle] take query and request parameters into account when matching routes
- [FrameworkBundle] Dump abstract arguments
- [Yaml] keep trailing newlines when dumping multi-line strings
- [Form] disable error bubbling by default when inherit_data is configured
- [Lock] Fix config merging in lock
- [Yaml] do not dump extra trailing newlines for multiline blocks
- [Messenger] fix postgres transport when the retry table is the same
- [Form] fix passing null $pattern to IntlDateFormatter
- [Messenger] Fix stopwach usage if it has been reset
- [Uid] Handle ValueErrors triggered by ext-uuid on PHP 8
- [VarDumper] Fix display of nullable union return types
- [VarDumper] fixed displaying "mixed" as "?mixed"
- [Mailer] Handle failure when sending DATA
- [Security] Fix event propagation for globally registered security events
- [ProxyManagerBridge] fix PHP notice, switch to "friendsofphp/proxy-manager-lts"

Prepros 7.3.31 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Less to 4.1.0
- Autoprefixer to 10.2.3
- Dart Sass to 1.32.5

VASSAL Engine 3.4.13 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- CounterDetailViewer should support setting no foreground color
- Boards with same source but different grids fail to render distinctly
- SVG with viewBox and percentage width, height renders incorrectly
- NPE in MassPieceLoader when adding Layer to piece template
- Show useful message on AWTError due to bad Java Access Bridge install

DAX Studio 2.14.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed #509 - critical issue with the Excel Addin that causes it to fail to load

DAX Studio 2.14.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Added help text when the edit control is empty
- Added privacy settings
- Added options for improving the readability of the xmSQL in Server Timings
- Added "Multiple Queries Detected" dialog when pasting in queries from Power BI Performance Analyzer that came from a Composite model
- Help Ribbon updates
- Updating link in help ribbon to Analysis Services forum
- Query Builder moved out of preview status
- Benchmarking moved out of preview status
- Enabled Discussions on the github site
- Adding Query Builder documentation to
- Updating AdomdClient and TOM references to v19.14
- Added retry logic when fetching Database and Model lists
- #450 Last Updated is now shown in local time instead of UTC
- Added keyboard short cuts in metadata pane to work with Query Builder
- #492 added description to function tooltip

- crash when doing Replace All with an invalid RegEx expression
- crash when clicking Refresh Metadata after connection has dropped
- #469 Server Timings busy spinner was activating incorrectly when doing Clear Cache
- #467 Database Name was being incorrectly injected into all new connections when DAX Studio was opened from External Tools in Power BI Desktop
- #466 PBI XMLA connections not being parsed correctly
- #457 crashing on startup after setting view hidden objects = false in options
- #356 Clear Cache throwing errors against PBI XMLA endpoint
- #449 Connection lost during Benchmarking
- a trace timeout issue when connecting to PBI XMLA endpoint (sometimes it is still necessary to increase the default timeout to 90 seconds or more)
- Builder
- a bug when filtering dates that reported an error parsing an empty string
- the ability to drag KPI components into the Query Builder
- a crash when trying to alter the expression for a dynamic format string for a calculation group item
- hang when pasting in code with extremely long lines (tens of thousands of characters)
- #451 up/down keys not work consistently
- #446 Aggregate rewrite events causing an error
- #444 to use correct culture in csv export
- #445 defaulting the selected model to the base model not the first perspective
- an issue with the trace layout options not displaying
- a bug with swap delimiters feature and block comments
- a number of small fixes that should address some issues that came in via crash reports, but these reports were all submitted anonymously so for many of them it is impossible to verify that the fix has worked as we have no steps to reproduce the issue and the fix is based on assumptions of the cause of the issue.
- drag/drop of text not working within editor
- #475 proxy auth error when entering AAD credentials
- #485 Swap delimiters incorrectly affecting functions with periods in the name
- #486 Define Measure not using Separator specified in Options
- #497 Define Measures not working when connected to a model with active translations
- #499 Added table name when querying for column references
- #501 avoiding bug with EXCEPT function in Query Builder

Voobly 查看版本資訊


StaxRip 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed crash using command line based audio profile

Prepros 7.3.30 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed an issue occurring while bundling built-in modules

- Autoprefixer to 10.2.1
- Postcss to 8.2.3
- Dart Sass to 1.32.2

StaxRip 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- aomenc bugfixes and UI improvements
- aomenc moved cq-level option to "Rate Control 1" for better usage
- aomenc internal improvements and updates
- aomenc 10-bit input fixed
- x265 --aq-mode option captions extended
- x265 by default no longer uses a pipe tool because we use a modified x265 build now that supports both AviSynth and VapourSynth directly, people who want to replace it with an ordinary x265 build need to enable piping in the x265 options: Input/Output > Pipe
- New option using the source file folder as temp file folder
- Fix issue detecting default subtitle
- Fix demuxed mkv subtitles not named starting at ID 1
- Fix eac3to demuxed tracks not named starting at ID 1
- Preferred subtitles can be defined by ID
- Preferred audio tracks to demux can be defined by ID
- Preferred audio and subtitle tracks in Options can be defined per menu
- mkvtoolnix 52