GnuCash 歷史舊版本 Page15

最新版本 Prepros 7.17.0

GnuCash 歷史版本列表

GnuCash 是個人和小企業的財務會計軟件,GNU GPL 免費授權,可用於 GNU / Linux,BSD,Solaris,Mac OS X 和 Microsoft Windows.6235896 設計易於使用,但功能強大而靈活,GnuCash 允許你跟踪銀行賬戶,股票,收入和支出。作為支票簿的快速和直觀的使用,它是基於專業的會計原則,以確保平衡的書籍和準確的報告。GnuCash 特點: 複式... GnuCash 軟體介紹

VASSAL Engine 3.4.10 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Tiles in last row, column of boards with colored backgrounds and no image render too large
- Reversed boards with grids fail to display
- IndexOutOfBoundsException in AbstractTiledOpImpl.getTile() via GridOp
- NullPointerException in AbstractTiledOpImpl.getTileOp() via GridOp

VASSAL Engine 3.4.9 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Grid caching interferes with drawing zone highlighters
- AbstractBuildable.getAllDescendantComponentsOf() does not recurse properly
- NPE in Map.placeAt()
- Java reports incorrect amount of RAM on Linux ARM systems
- Grids fail to display in grid editor
- NPE in MassPieceLoader.MassLoaderDialog.load()
- IndexOutOfBoundsException when drawing grids over SVG

VASSAL Engine 3.4.8 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Bug fixes:
- Stacks properly restore their visual 'layer' level when saved/restored
- Fix reporting on oldXXXXXX properties in ReportState
- Beanshell count function not working with $$ variables in Restrict Commands property match
- Put backup in better location when writing to module fails and ensure Editor is not left in a bad state
- Don't register mouse listeners from ActionButton.draw()
- Inventory window remains open when the game is closed in the Player
- Mass Piece Loader - Decrease key now loads correctly
- Mass Piece Loader - Layers are no longer loaded Activated

Other improvements:
- Stop converting preferences last written by 3.2.7 or earlier
- Hitting Enter in Editor expands or edits nodes
- Cache grid and grid numbering painting for better performance
- Mass Piece Loader - Base Image can now be loaded into layers
- Hitting Enter on Module Manager opens the module

Symfony 5.1.8 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- [DI] Fix Preloader exception when preloading a class with an unknown parent/interface
- [HttpClient] relax auth bearer format requirements
- [DependencyInjection] Preload classes with union types correctly
- [Serializer] fix decoding float XML attributes starting with 0
- [PhpUnitBridge] Support new expect methods in test case polyfill
- [PHPUnitBridge] Support PHPUnit 8 and PHPUnit 9 in constraint compatibility trait
- [TwigBridge] Remove "transchoice" from the code base
- [String] fix before/afterLast returning the empty string instead of the original one on non-match
- [PhpUnitBridge] Add missing exporter function for PHPUnit 7
- [String] fix slicing in UnicodeString
- [TwigBridge] do not translate null placeholders or titles
- [Cache] Use correct expiry in ChainAdapter
- [Filesystem] Check if failed unlink was caused by permission denied
- [PropertyAccess] forward the caught exception
- [Messenger/Amqp] Allow setting option "login" in DSN
- [Messenger][Doctrine] Avoid early db access for pgsql detection
- [DoctrineBridge] indexBy does not refer to attributes, but to column names
- [WebProfilerBundle] Hide debug toolbar in print vie
- [DI] Fix Reflection file name with eval()'d code
- Add missing use statement
- [HttpFoundation] Fix Range Requests
- [Lock] Reset Key lifetime time before we acquire it
- Remove content-type check on toArray methods
- [String] fix "is too large" ValueError on PHP 8
- [DI] fix dumping env vars
- [TwigBridge] Fix preload hint and remove "unlinked class [email protected]" warning
- [HttpClient] fix reading the body after a ClientException
- [PropertyInfo] Support for the mixed type
- [HttpClient] Fix CurlHttpClient memory leak
- [Cache] skip igbinary < 3.1.6
- [Ldap] Bypass the use of ldap_control_paged_result on PHP >= 7.3
- [PhpUnitBridge] fix running parallel tests with phpunit 9
- [PropertyInfo] Extract from default value doesn't set collection boolean
- [VarDumper] fix truncating big arrays
- [Mime] Fix serialization of RawMessage

VASSAL Engine 3.4.7 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Don't raise a bug dialog on failure to read an MP3
- Change backup Resource directory from temp folder to base folder
- Interaction between Move Fixed Distance and Rotate traits has changed between 3.2.17 and 3.4.6
- Macs now use Command as modifier key for grid-resizing, setup-stack-moving in Editor
- HFS+ stores filenames in NFD, so must check for that variant when loading
- Masked card dragged from Player Hand reports differently between 3.2.17 and 3.4.6
- Made Command+Click the select/deselect combo for Macs (and Command+Wheel to zoom)
- Pieces scaled incorrectly during drags on HiDPI screens on Windows

VASSAL Engine 3.4.6 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Bug fixes:
- NPE in GamePieceOpImpl.getTileIndices()
- Dragging a card/piece off the top of a deck should not also band-select
- At-Start Stacks and Decks in board appear in wrong place if map padding specified
- Edited modules containing HTML img elements can't be saved on Windows
- At-Start Stack using Grid Location uses Location on first board, not chosen board (additional fix for 12576)

VASSAL Engine 3.4.5 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Module Manager "Show Error Log" doesn't

VASSAL Engine 3.4.4 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Bug fixes:
- Backspacing in NamedHotKeyConfigurer will no longer shift focus
- Using BeanShell string functions in Calculated Property crashes Editor
- Always initialise Deck on New/Load game
- Reinstate behavior of floating point expression evaluation
- ClassCastException in SetPersistentPropertyCommand.execute()
- NegativeArraySizeException when receiving first private message

Symfony 5.1.7 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Handle consecutive supports() calls in the RememberMeAuthenticator
- [Lock] Fix StoreFactory to accept same DSN syntax as AbstractAdapter
- [Serializer][Minor] Fix circular reference exception message (bad limit displayed)
- [HttpClient] Always "buffer" empty responses
- [PhpUnitBridge] Fix Deprecation file when it comes from the TestsListener
- [Form] propagate validation groups to subforms
- Ignore more deprecations for Mockery mocks
- [HttpClient] fix using proxies with NativeHttpClient
- [Routing] fix using !important and defaults/reqs in inline route definitions
- [ErrorHandler][DebugClassLoader] Do not check Mockery mocks classes
- [HttpClient] Fix using https with proxies
- [TwigBundle] Only remove kernel exception listener if twig is used
- [BrowserKit] Cookie expiration at current timestamp
- [DI] fix dumping non-shared lazy services
- [Messenger] Fix redis connection error message
- Revert "bug #38063 [FrameworkBundle] generate preload.php in src/ to make opcache.preload predictable"
- [FrameworkBundle] Add Mailjet definition
- [PhpUnitBridge] Fixed class_alias() for PHPUnitFrameworkErrorError

GnuCash 4.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Fixes and improvements:
- Update version in README, add Boost::program_options to dependencies.
- [report-utilities] compact functions

Small fixes for various translation issues:
- Deduplicate translatable strings
- Add context to one-letter strings in guile code
- Fix typo in linked document gui Align translatable strings

- Expose C_ function (gettext with context string) to guile code, first use is for the document link short code (L)
- Improve and repair progress bar display on a variety of reports and windows, improving performance on several by reducing the number of progressbar calls.
- [gnc-main-window] enable show_text for progressbar, allowing gtk_progress_bar_set_text to actually display the progress text.
- Fix help_label of, remove question mark from Available, and insert missing spaces into the Business Item variant.
- Rename all Transaction and Invoice Association identifiers to DocLink to better reflect the purpose and for consistency with other software (e.g. Libre Office).
- Rename Transaction and Invoice Associations to Document Links. More clearly describes the actions and is more consistent with other software (e.g. Libre Office).
- RRemove the Remove Linked Document context menu item because that can be done in the Manage dialog box.
- Fix the horizontal scrollbar in the linked docs window.
- I18n - deduplicate translatable strings
- macOS: Give GnuCash time to shut down gracefully instead of letting macOS pull the rug out.
- I18N: Align glossary to gnucash.pot. Create a similar copyright header. Add missing Report-Msgid-Bugs-To.

[report-utilities] More dump data functions:
- gnc:dump-book - splits grouped by account
- gnc:dump-all-transactions - splits grouped by transaction
- gnc:dump-split - dumps single split
- [business-urls] link to owner report with enddate
- [dialog-invoice] gnc_business_call_owner_report_with_enddate
- [new-owner-report][api] owner-report-create-with-enddate; accepts enddate argument like owner-report-create.

- Enable exporting the tables in charts and some reports as CSV.
- Tweak a few strings to reuse translations
- Exported gnc:cmdline-template-export and gnc:cmdline-get-report-id. Handle ambiguous reportnames by returning #f.
- [price-quotes.scm] ensure missing-alphavantage message can show on console
- [budget.scm] Fix report crash on books with unreversed budgets
- [gnucash-cli] -R show should accept & try to load datafile
- Speed up computation of import match lists by running query only once, committing accounts only once, and doing a bulk insert into the GtkTreeview.
- Add Python example Exports acount totals of all accounts into a CSV file.
- Updated Translations: Dutch, German, Italian, Ukrainian
- New Translations: Estonian, Indonesian