GnuCash 歷史舊版本 Page11

最新版本 Prepros 7.17.0

GnuCash 歷史版本列表

GnuCash 是個人和小企業的財務會計軟件,GNU GPL 免費授權,可用於 GNU / Linux,BSD,Solaris,Mac OS X 和 Microsoft Windows.6235896 設計易於使用,但功能強大而靈活,GnuCash 允許你跟踪銀行賬戶,股票,收入和支出。作為支票簿的快速和直觀的使用,它是基於專業的會計原則,以確保平衡的書籍和準確的報告。GnuCash 特點: 複式... GnuCash 軟體介紹

FocusMe 查看版本資訊


Symfony 5.2.6 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- [Form] error if the input string couldn't be parsed as a date
- [HttpClient] fix using stream_copy_to_stream() with responses cast to php streams
- [Form] IntegerType: Always use en for IntegerToLocalizedStringTransformer
- Uses the correct assignment action for console options depending if they are short or long
- [HttpKernel] ConfigDataCollector to return known data without the need of a Kernel
- [Translation] Fix update existing key with existing +int-icu domain
- Fixed parsing deprecated definitions without message key
- [Security] Handle properly 'auto' option for remember me cookie security
- [Console] fix emojis messing up the line width
- [Validator] Avoid triggering the autoloader for user-input values
- [FrameworkBundle] ensure TestBrowserToken::$firewallName is serialized
- [RateLimiter] Security hardening - Rate limiter
- [HttpClient] remove using $http_response_header
- [PhpUnitBridge] fix reporting deprecations from DebugClassLoader
- [HttpFoundation] enable HTTP method overrides as early as possible with the HTTP cache
- [Console] Fix line wrapping for decorated text in block output
- [Inflector][String] Fixed pluralize "coupon"
- [PhpUnitBridge] fix compat with symfony/debug
- [VarDumper] Adds support for ReflectionUnionType to VarDumper
- Correctly clear lines for multi-line progress bar messages
- [Security] Add XML support for authenticator manager
- [ErrorHandler] Fix error caused by include + open_basedir
- [FrameworkBundle] Make the TestBrowserToken interchangeable with other tokens
- [Console] ProgressBar clears too many lines on update
- [FrameworkBundle] Exclude unreadable files when executing About command
- [BridgeTwig] Add 'form-control-range' for range input type
- make async-ses required
- [Mime] Escape commas in address names
- Check if templating engine supports given view
- [Security] Refresh original user in SwitchUserListener
- [TwigBridge] Fix "Serialization of 'Closure'" error when rendering an TemplatedEmail
- Fix ConstraintViolation#getMessageTemplate() to always return string
- [DoctrineBridge] Fix eventListener initialization when eventSubscriber constructor dispatch an event
- [FrameworkBundle] Fix PropertyAccess definition when not in debug
- [Form] clear unchecked choice radio boxes even if clear missing is set to false
- [ErrorHandler] Added missing type annotations to FlattenException
- [TwigBridge] Allow version 3 of the Twig extra packages

SoftEther VPN Gate Client Plugin 2021.03.29 build 9745 查看版本資訊


GnuCash 4.5 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fix building based on unix makefiles
- Make the chart on the report page icon larger to align better with the account page icon
- Allow the context menu when GncCellRendererTextView is in edit mode
- Restructure early locale initialization
- Move macOS specific bits to its own source file. As this is objective-c use .mm extension
- Use common function signature for macOS and Windows init function and include via common header file
- Fix GncDateTime::format_zulu to emit the UTC timezone instead of the GncDateTime's timezone with the UTC timestamp
- Fix the implementations of gnc_foo_get_day_neutral. As implemented these returned 10:59 AM local on the day but neutral time is 10:59 UTC
- gnc_invoice_window_print_invoice return NULL if invoice is NULL
- [dialog-invoice] invoice editor reuses invoice report tab
- Allow for Header Bar use in CSV transaction Assistant
- There are a couple of action buttons that are added to the CSV transaction assistant with added alignment based on the action area being a GtkBox which causes errors if the header bar is used so test for the action area type and use appropriate specific functions.
- Drop default locale currency special case for euro
- The condition mentioned in the comment no longer applies. All European locales on Windows (MingW64) properly present EUR as currency these days
- Fix fencepost error in calculating the week_num for POSIX timezone rules
- Include the contents of PROJECT_DESCRIPTION in the PACKAGE_PREFIX
- If it's defined. PACKAGE_PREFIX is used to name tarballs and set their base directory. The translation project has requested that we name freeze-string tarballs with a pre1 suffix; this makes that possible.
- Update python/ to reflect rename of gncOwnerApplyPayment
- I18N: don't mark "<<", ">>" translatable
- They get properly reversed for RTL writing
- From Budget editor, add toolbar and Edit menu to run budget report
- This parallels the invoice editor "Print Invoice" functionality. Runs the budget report using current budget
- [gnc-plugin-page-budget] change note icon to a note page
- Allow the find account dialog position to be saved when using 'X'
- Update price database for imported transactions
- Replace g_memdup by memcpy
- GLib is deprecating g_memdup and will immediately remove it in the next micro-release because of a CVE
- [html-fonts] Prevent sup/sub from affecting baseline
- Source: Previously <sup> and <sub> would cause the baseline to move vertically.
    - Replace stat calls with GFile to retrieve last modified info
- Avoids code-page problems with non-ASCII characters on Microsoft Windows.
- [gnc-tree-model-split-reg.c] use xaccSplitListGetUniqueTransactionsReversed
- which is then reversed if required. this removes the need for double reversal.
- [Split.c]New function xaccSplitListGetUniqueTransactionsReversed
- Same as xaccSplitListGetUniqueTransactions but doesn't reverse the list prior to returning. To be used by gnc-tree-model-split-reg.c Several optimizations
- doesn't call g_list_find and g_list_append for every iteration
- uses g_hash_table to cache list of txns already added instead of g_list_find<.
- does not reverse the result, thereby returning a reversed list.
- [gnc-recurrence.c] avoid O(N^2) children traversal
- Ensure that any GncMainWindows containing no tabs are destroyed at shutdown.
- I18N: drop translatable flag from "xxx" dummies and remove trailing spaces from translatable strings
- Update Form/Schedule line references for 2020 for the US Income Tax Report.
- Fix build with glib2 2.67.x.
- glib headers should not be included with 'extern "C"'.
- [balsheet-pnl] Use last day of the month prices instead of first day of next month.
- [options.scm API] Remove canonically-tabbed parent-subtotal-mode
- This mode had been marked experimental for 17 years and was never improved. Any saved reports with this option will be switched to parent-subtotal-mode enabled.
- Accommodate Gwenhywfar 5.5.0 signature change for some GUI callbacks.
- This is a breaking change that matters only in Win32. No ifdeffing because Win32 builds and dependencies are well synchronized.
- L10N: Move translation authority for Turkish from the GNU Translation Project to Weblate.
- Make prototypes static for autoclear unit test, fixes build on Debian Buster.
- [income-gst-statement] trep-engine currency section moved
- From "General" to "Currency". Missed out in 854c117 commit
- [test-scm-utilities] test-end properly so that test failures set the exit code correctly
- Create opening balance accounts only when there are opening balances.
- [qif-file.scm] Don't use match as an identifier
- It is a (ice-9 match) keyword.
- Change the CSV export account tree header line
- Change the headings of the CSV account export header line to be more friendly which uses existing translations.
- [new-owner-report] Don't create empty rows on report when splits have no entry in the memo field.
- [gnc-report] dump backtrace to console when report crashes
- because gnc:backtrace-if-exception, not used anymore, would dump guile backtrace to console. restore this behaviour.
- [report-core] remove 2.6/2.4 compatibility code
- [gnucash-commands.cpp] display report errors to stderr

New API:
- [report-core.scm] create and expose gnc:render-report
- similar to gnc:report-run but *always* returns a 2-element list containing data OR captured_error
- [report-core.scm] create and expose gnc:render-report
- similar to gnc:report-run but *always* returns a 2-element list containing data OR captured_error
- [gnc-plugin-page-report] add gnc_plugin_page_report_reload
- refreshes the report

- [c-interface.scm] deprecate gnc:last-captured-error
- [report-core] deprecate gnc:restore-report-by-guid
- gnc:get-three-months-ago
- gnc:get-six-months-ago
- gnc:get-one-year-ago
- gnc:get-three-months-ahead
- gnc:get-six-months-ahead
- gnc:get-one-year-ahead
- traverse-list->vec
- traverse-vec->list

DAX Studio 2.15.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- #559 Added a toolbar button and right-click menu to copy Server Timing metrics
- #556 Added an option to play a sound after long running operations
- Added "Duplicate Measure" right-click menu to Query Builder
- Added Error events to All Queries trace
- #568 Added right-click menu option in the editor to go to for functions
- #569 Added Function tooltip display when hovering the mouse over functions in the editor
- Added setup cmdline parameter docs
- Added SQLBI videos to docs
- Added discussions link to website navigation
- Updated Multiple Query Detection to work with // Dax Query in addition to // SQL Query comments

- Adding extra checks around QueryEnd timeout in Server Timings
- Close the Trace Layout ribbon tab when all documents are closed
- Made 'Add New' disabled in the Query Builder if the current model has no tables
- Fixed #458 added docs and tooltip to explain memory sizes
- Fixed #517 updated clipboard bindings to allow for copying from the View Metrics tabs
- Fixed #539 error starting traces when using Roles or EffectiveUserName
- Fixed bug in retry for ViewMetrics when there is an error reading statistical information.
- Added configuration to read statistical data for VertiPaq Analyzer. Disable reading statistical data for legacy versions of SSAS. Added retry logic and log of warning if there is an error reading statistical data.
- Fixed #525 F1 and Context Menu to open for functions
- Fixed server timings trace for PowerPivot
- Fixed drag drop issues with QueryBuilder
- Fixed #514 Server Trace not working in Excel
- Fixed #520 option to not truncate tables was not working when exporting to SQL Server
- Fixed #511 Excessive metadata refreshes was causing metadata pane to collapse
- Fixed #512 fixed Table tooltip warnings and added measure count
- Fixed #546 corrected wording in error message
- Fixed #549 correctly escape connection string values containing special characters
- Fixed #557 delimiter error on Clear Cache when using non-US delimiter style
- Fixed a bug with the Roles parameter in the advanced connection properties not accepting spaces
- Fixed #563 metadata incorrectly resetting when using a combination of mouse selection and query builder hotkeys
- Fixed #564 Application crashes when clicking on a ribbon tab while the ribbon is collapsed
- Fixed crash when resetting key bindings
- Fixed #575 autocomplete sometimes stops working
- Disabled the Add Measure button when connected to a model with no tables
- Fixed #576 Editing an existing Measure in Query Builder against PowerPivot causes a crash

VASSAL Engine 3.5.4 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Chess Clocks can now be manually reset (if manual reset is enabled for them by module designer)
- MouseoverStackViewer - $countPieces$ will give the total number of pieces found in the stack (w/o having to create a property)
- Improved translation features (Global Translatable Message component, Translatable Message trait, exposing current language/locale as property)
- CurrentLanguage and CurrentLanguageName exposed as module properties

- "maximum heap too large" message shown when maximum heap is too small
- Poor Editor performance when using Fast Match
- Game Refresher: Refresh Predefined Setups should clear any open game in the Player
- LOS gets stuck on screen when replayed through logfile
- Default autoreport text made -< instead of ->
- Fast Match Global Key Commands were "dealing off the bottom of the deck" in certain cases
- HTML in Tabbed Panes (charts, widgets): Work around apparent Swing bug in JTabbedPane
- Game Piece Layer manipulation commands do not match described effect
- Mark When Moved had Vertical offset mislabeled as Horizontal offset
- Undo and Server buttons steal focus after being clicked
- Editor Search output loses less-than symbols
- Do not expand every prototype in a piece before searching it, just match the name of the prototype.
- Global Key Commands should exit after displaying report if there is no key command to issue
- Scenario names (Predefined Setup) should be displayed in translated language
- Inventory text not translated
- Translated private windows do not work when changing sides if module is translated
- Right-click menu localization is not shown for some elements
- Decks from previous saves and logs are retained in memory
- Drag Thresholds shouldn't be violated by "deep legacy" mouse listeners (e.g. accepting double click AND drag from same mouse sequence)
- Some weird systems lack awt.font.desktophints but aren't headless
- Fix broken HTML in the 'not-allowed-in-multiplayer-games' message
- Fast Match change persists despite Cancel
- NPE due to File.listFiles() returning null for symlnks on Macs
- Fast Search GKC ignores "Within a deck, apply to no pieces"
- Loading a log file to continue a game shouldn't reset the map window
- Search was showing duplicate entries for certain items
- Search wasn't finding "Fast Match" fields
- .vsav, .vlog should be appended to saves, logs when not present, instead of checking for '.'
- Windows installer fails to run uninstallers for old versions
- First character is 'eaten' when typing chat while over map
- Turn Tracker mispopulates button tooltip field while running in editor
- Module-level GKCs were not honoring fast match
- String method calls in Beanshell don't return proper result unless GetProperty is used
- Remove "(Optional)" from Send to Location Board Name hint text
- In Dynamic Property List of values, cursor jumps after first character entered
- Ensure image is updated on selection of new image with duplicate filename in the Editor
- ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in StringArrayConfigurer due to race
- Stacks after the first are unstacked when multiple stacks dragged to a snap-to map
- ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in CompoundPieceCollection.indexOf()
- "Send to Deck" creates phantom cards in proportion to the number of game starts
- Send Hot Key ignored by Deck
- Decks report multiple shuffles after loading saved game

Other improvements:
- "Logging" and "Replaying" should have priority over "Saved" in the title bar
- Welcome Wizard: Put "enter your name" screen after the main welcome (so that option to turn off wizard is always on first screen viewed)
- Write logs and saves to .part file to forestall copying of partially written files
- Allow different images to be loaded based on currrent VASSAL language
- Share immutable objects
- Expressions should be cached
- Distinguish tile loading errors from other image loading errors
- Prevent duplication of FormattedString data and Expressions
- Inefficient implementation of FilterOutputStream in ZipWriter
- Module Editor Labels get truncated with '...'
- Delete trait to set 'old...' properties prior to deleting piece
- Better support for Mac Alt and Function keys
- Remove Unused Images: Dialog sizing and file size display improvements

SoftEther VPN Gate Client Plugin 2021.03.28 build 9745 查看版本資訊


StaxRip 2.2.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Might break settings from previous version, so starting with new settings is recommended
- Might break templates and jobs from previous version
- Changed menus from previous versions that need a menu reset, manual setting or global settings reset in order to see them
- Start of new versioning (no beta versions anymore, but stripped DEV versions)
- Check for updates updated to support new versioning
- Fix re-calculation of video bitrate on multi-pass encode and audio encodes
- New projects use Copy/Mux as audio profile
- Fix misleading audio stream delay detection
- Demuxing of video and chapters is set via Options window instead of Preprocessing
- Add option to demux subtitles without including them
- Make Checkboxes grow and shrink with UIScaleFactor
- Fix menu button graphics issue
- New Check for updates dialog
- Extended Settings Directory Location Selection at first run from new folder
- Fix crash on app version editing
- MTN Thumbnailer description adjusted
- Fixed 'Reset Setting' feature in the Advanced menu
- New task dialog with color theme support
- Clicking an option in the video encoder command line preview navigates directly to the UI control
- New font picking task dialog to choose the console font
- DetailSharpen VapourSynth filter profile added
- JPSDR 3.2.5 (Clang W7 AVX version)
- SangNom2 v0.6.0
- x265 3.5+9+14-6c69ed37d

Symfony 5.2.5 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fix ConstraintViolation#getPropertyPath() to always return string
- [FrameworkBundle] fix XSD
- [Mailer][Mime][TwigBridge][Validator] Allow egulias/email-validator 3.x
- [FrameworkBundle] : Fix method name compare in ResolveControllerNameSubscriber
- [TwigBridge] Render email once
- [DependencyInjection][Security] Backport psr/container 1.1/2.0 compatibility
- [Messenger] Don't lock tables or start transactions
- Changing ZulipTransportFactory tag to prevent the exception UnsupportedSchemeException

Prepros 7.3.38 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- an error occurring while using custom babel plugins

- Babel, Babel plugins and presets to 7.13.10
- Autoprefixer to 10.2.5
- Dart Sass to 1.32.8
- Pug/Jade to 3.0.2