Blisk 歷史舊版本 Page20

最新版本 Blisk

Blisk 歷史版本列表

Blisk 是一個基於鉻的瀏覽器,用於 web 開發的基本工具。將其用於同時構建和測試您的網站的桌面和移動版本。 Blisk 使開發人員能夠同時在多個設備上編碼,預覽其更改! 4 使用原因 Blisk:TIME SAVING以光速發展!現在您不需要一直刷新頁面,搜索並滾動到所需的元素。 Blisk 從根本上節省了開發和測試的時間。瀏覽器將使你的生產力達到 200%。所以你可以把你的工作快兩倍,把時... Blisk 軟體介紹

ILSpy 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- VSIX: Fixes for reference assemblies, type navigation
- PDBgen: Fix for sequence points generation
- Add support for null propagation on array access: arr?[i]
- Additional smaller fixes and improvements

ILSpy 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New Language Features:
- C# 8.0: Nullable Reference Types
- C# 7.3: unmanaged generic constraint
- C# 7.3 Indexing movable fixed buffers: Fixed buffers can be indexed into without first being pinned
- Use Unsafe intrinsics to represent IL operations that cannot be expressed in C#
- C# 7.0 Generalized async return types
- C# 7.0 Local functions
- C# 7.0 Throw expressions

New Features:
- Decompile a set of assemblies to a solution
- New BAML Decompiler
- MSIX for Microsoft Store: @onovotny added build support (including Azure Pipelines)
- Generate VS Windows Forms Designer-compliant code if a method is identified as Windows Forms InitializeComponent
- Added new RemoveDeadStores option
- Added new AlwaysShowEnumMemberValues option

Decompiler Engine improvements and bugfixes:
- Improved stability of decompiler and disassembler on invalid metadata tokens
- Improved decompilation in case not all types/references are available
- Added switch-on-string pattern for empty string case
- Add support for ReadOnlySpan<T> initialization pattern
- Improved decompilation of ref readonly delegates and return types: improved decompilation of ref typed expressions, in particular ref/in extension methods and in parameters
- Improved support for Mono yield return state machines and closure types
- Improved decompilation of LINQ queries
- PDB generator now can emit "method stepping information" for async2

Improvements and bugfixes:
- Many minor bug and stability fixes
- Improved performance in ILInlining step
- VSIX: Fix issue of missing dependencies

UI Improvements:
- Avoid blocking the UI when waiting on assembly load while restoring the saved position in the treeview
- Support obfuscated names in treeview and search #1359
- Escape non-printable characters in IL view
- Rework C# decompiler options dialog (unify language settings panel)
- Make indentation of decompiled code configurable
- Chinese translation by @maikebing (#1299) screenshots
- Small improvements in search panel
- Show error message if an entity cannot be analyzed instead of crashing
- Improved linking in the decompiler view: method group / delegate references, the constructor of an attribute is reachable, by clicking on the open/close parenthesis, fixed fields are now properly linked
- Added matching bracket highlighting
- Updated to AvalonEdit 6.0 Preview

dotnet ilspycmd Tool:
- Add -d|-debuginfo option See Demo app
- Add -r|-referencepath option

Architectural Changes:
- We dropped support for all TFMs except netstandard2.0 #1416
- Reactivate many tests from old decompiler

Saola Animate 2.7.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- [HTML5]: Elements don't show in the correct z-orders in some cases on Firefox browser
- [HTML5]: Cannot show content embedded in a HTML Widget in fullscreen mode
- [HTML5]: Media may be muted on iOS devices though the user has interacted with the page before
- [HTML5]: Video doesn't play inline on iPhones
- Timeline preview: Completed media playback animations start again when resuming the timeline

Julia Language 1.0.5 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


Saola Animate 2.7.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Allow changing the resource of an audio or video element
- Update Event Handlers window when element selection changed
- Rearrange event types in Event Handlers window
- Elements with event handlers defined now have a highlighted icon

Bugs Fixed:
- Cannot import SVG images on macOS
- Cannot open packages (.saolapack) which their file names have dot (.) characters
- Resources have case-insensitive identical names with the project filename are deleted when previewing the project
- HTML5: Swipe events do not work on Windows touch devices
- HTML5: Document is not focused automatically to receive keyboard events
- HTML5: Completed media playback animations start again when resuming the timeline
- HTML5: Element.hasClass function does not work
- Media target object is selected incorrectly when adding a new media action

Process Lasso (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Process Lasso (64-bit)
- GUI: Added Dark Mode
- GUI: Expanded custom color selections
- GUI: Improved filter edit control appearance and function, add ‘X’ clear button when populated
- GUI: Window painting and sizing optimizations
- GUI: Change default graph color
- GUI: Improved display of many message boxes
- GUI: Large number of cosmetic and control enhancements
- Assortment of fixes and enhancements

Process Lasso (64-bit)
- GUI: If system only has a single CPU group: For default process columns, hide ‘CPU group’, Set CPU utilization bars caption to ‘CPU %’ instead of ‘CPU Group 0’
- GUI: Improvements to graph components and sizing, especially for non-English languages
- GUI: Restore ‘Governor Not Running’ warning graph overlay
- GUI: Text, menu item, and dialog cleanup and consistency improvements
- GUI: Fix issue where previously used config profile couldn’t be deleted until governor restarted
- GUI: Show automatic gaming mode in rules column
- GUI: Restore color theme when GUI launched
- GUI: Invalidate target windows after theme change
- GUI: Status bar – Remove ‘cores /’ prefix on queue length per core
- GUI: Improve process tooltip formatting, especially for non-English
- GUI: Continued prep for full dark mode
- GUI: Add Slovenian
- GUI: Other code improvements
- Core: Allow auto-detected games to be children of framework (e.g. Steam) at any level, not only immediate child
- Misc other

Process Lasso (64-bit)
- Core: Refactored the Instance Balancer: allow for wildcards, allow for childof: to balance all children, e.g. ‘childof: boinc.exe’, re-balance if any PID in set changes, rather than net instance count change
- Core: Default to disabled process creation and termination log events
- GUI: Disable listview gridlines by default
- GUI: Add ‘View / Show gridlines’ option
- GUI: Don’t show ProBalance stats on graph if ProBalance is disabled
- GUI: Change graph overlay ‘ProBalance restraints’ to ‘ProBalance events’
- GUI: Add color selections for listview background and foreground
- GUI: Invert dark/light theme selections in preparation for dark mode
- Additional fixes and enhancements

Process Lasso (64-bit)

- GUI: Add Processor Utility % to status bar (see this page for info)
- GUI: Add CPU Queue Length and Load Ratio to status bar (queue_length / core_count)
- GUI: Add Process Lasso version to status bar
- GUI: CTRL+C copy to clipboard support of selected rows in primary listviews (including filtered views and logviewer)
- GUI: Fix a small memory leak seen under some conditions
- GUI: Minor other improvements
- LogViewer: Persist window size and position
- LogViewer: Expand right-most log column to horizontal size of window if it would otherwise be initialized to a lesser width
- LogViewer: Move log listview column persistance to HKCU
- LogViewer: CTRL+A select all support
- Expand maximum command line length in places where an older Windows constant was used
- Migrate to VS2019

Process Lasso (64-bit)

- Add Instance Balancer feature that assigns CPU cores to multiple instances of an application based on a specified algorithm
- Refactor Keep Awake timer functionality
- Refactor persistence of Keep Awake timer and manually induced Performance Mode when Process Lasso is restarted
- Use performance counter for total CPU utilization instead of calculation
- Change CPU topology status bar format
- Maintenance to updater for server edition
- GUI Rules column now also shows ProBalance exclusions matched by path
- Improvements to session (user) name resolution
- Fix a painting issue with actions log listview header
- Add last metric (CPU use, responsiveness, memory load.) readings to graph legend
- Add background to graph legend to enhance visibility
- Add custom color selection for graph legend background
- Change order of graph color scheme rotation on click (black, white, custom)
- Make listview painting smoother during frequent updates
- Remove a deprecated registry key in server edition
- Persistent CPU affinities configuration dialog improvements
- Pre-order status bar parts to put dynamic columns first
- Defaults: Turn on process icons in Server Edition, turn on process creation/termination logging in Workstation Edition
- Misc cosmetic work and enhancements
- Update Chinese (simplified and traditional), German, Finnish, Russian languages

Process Lasso (64-bit)
- Default to more appropriate default log path when governor configured as a service
- Fix a rare crash seen in processlasso.exe
- Allow GUI to display more complex persistent process setting rules (pathname, command line) in listview
- Allow for smaller main window sizes to be remembered
- Minor other

Process Lasso (64-bit)
- Dynamically size status bar parts
- Improvements to watchdog configuration dialog (confirm close without save, formatting, text)
- Restore confirmation on cancel w/o save to all configuration dialogs
- Remove minimum window height and width during resize
- Always use OS default size and width for main window, first run

Process Lasso (64-bit)
- Add CPU type to status bar
- Make CPU topology distinct status bar item
- Continued work to processor group support
- Single-selection process context menu: Move memory priority to ‘More’ submenu
- Add processor group to CPU utilization and parking graphs caption
- Import sort behavior of listviews
- Add sort direction indicators to listview headers
- Save column states on mimimize of main window (instead of only on exit)
- Improved main window resizing
- Minor fixes and enhancements
- Assorted cosmetic and string changes
- Update Russian

Process Lasso (64-bit)
- Add processor group (‘CPU groups’) display to indicate processor group(s) a process’s threads are running on – info
- Change to CPU core graph ordering to adhere better to NUMA node grouping
- Change to default listview ordering - NOTE: These changes will cause saved listview column ordering and sizes to be reset once
- Show ‘KB’ instead of ‘K’ in I/O Delta
- Show blank instead of 0 KB in I/O Delta
- Fix installer unicode (Chinese, Russian)
- Update to NSIS 3.04

Process Lasso (64-bit)
- Fix issue with Hyper-Threaded/SMT avoidance current CPU affinity selection
- Fix a cosmetic resource issue in process context menu on Intel platforms
- Fix an issue where some process information could be blank
- Core process enumeration and management code maintenance
- Update copyright year
- Minor other

Process Lasso (64-bit)
- Fix exception in 546 when a secondary instance of ProcessLasso.exe is launched directly w/o using ProcessLassoLauncher.exe
- Minor cosmetic improvement to ProBalance advanced options dialog
- Update Finnish and German languages

Process Lasso (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Process Lasso (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Process Lasso (64-bit)
- Fix to ‘Induce Performance Mode’ (formerly ‘Classify as a High Performance’) process context menu item
- Fix digital signing of some modules in 32-bit distributions
- Minor adjustment to inter-process communication queue management

Process Lasso (64-bit)
- Add NUMA node selections to all CPU affinity selection dialogs
- Organizational changes to process context menu
- Assortment of string, message box, and dialog improvements
- Improvements to watchdog advanced rules dialog
- Change ‘Disable SMT’ to ‘Disable Hyperthreading’ for Intel CPUs
- Change first-time minimization to system tray notification text
- Include ThreadRacer in Lasso distribution and add to Tools menu
- Add CPUEater and TestLasso support for 64-bit CPU affinities
- Fix CPUeater and TestLasso support for greater than 64 threads
- Fix Del and CTRL+A keys in filter edit box
- Increase load rate of process icons
- Remove some languages not up to date

Process Lasso (64-bit)
- UX fixes for the 2990wx and other systems with groups of >32 cores
- Additional UX fixes and string changes
- Update DE, RU, PT-BR

Process Lasso (64-bit)
- Some UX fixes for the 2990wx and other systems with groups of 64 cores
- Fix 2x restraint total count can occur in Insights UX
- Fix post-update revision history may on system tray icon click after notification balloon disappeared
- Update RU, PTBR, FI languages

Process Lasso (64-bit)
- Add menu item under ‘Options / Performance Mode settings’ to uninstall/reinstall Bitsum Highest Performance power plan
- Improve watchdog dialog initial appearance
- Fix Watchdog issue with CPU affinity bitmasks > 32
- Licensing: Unbind CPU core count from unique machine ID. Requires re-activation to unbind
- Improve terminate process functionality in filtered view
- Other small fixes and enhancements

Process Lasso (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Process Lasso (64-bit)
- Fix a GUI crash seen by a small number of users

Process Lasso (64-bit)
- Show message box on restart after ‘Reconfigure the way Process Lasso starts’
- Restore listview header right-click to select visible columns (in addition to right-click on tab)
- Add last four digits of activation code to About Box
- Show Status column by default in All Processes view
- Fill app name and desc with process base name if can’t be retrieved
- Fix filtered processes view didn’t adopt customized columns from All Processes view
- Fixes to column setting persistence
- Fix extreme date change could cause days installed to roll over
- Fix to CPU time sort
- Fix Dark / white graph theme menu item check inversion
- Change to default column ordering in all processes listview
- Enable minidumps

Process Lasso (64-bit)
- Show message box on restart after ‘Reconfigure the way Process Lasso starts’
- Restore listview header right-click to select visible columns (in addition to right-click on tab)
- Add last four digits of activation code to About Box
- Show Status column by default in All Processes view
- Fill app name and desc with process base name if can’t be retrieved
- Fix filtered processes view didn’t adopt customized columns from All Processes view
- Fixes to column setting persistence
- Fix extreme date change could cause days installed to roll over
- Fix to CPU time sort
- Fix Dark / white graph theme menu item check inversion
- Change to default column ordering in all processes listview

Process Lasso (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Process Lasso (64-bit)
- GUI now allows protected processes like Easy Anti-Cheat clients to be configured for Performance Mode by adding their basename to the list, instead of throwing an error when pathname resolution fails.
- Allow process basenames to be specified (w/o wildcards) in the Performance Mode list
- Add optional command line matching to Default CPU Affinities
- Fix to governor refresh rate slider in Insights dialog

Process Lasso (64-bit)
- Divide CPU core utilization graphs into 2 vertical stacks for additional display room
- Add some special purpose debug logging related to configuration file load disposition
- Update PTBR, Russian

Process Lasso (64-bit)
- Fix 5 second refresh interval configuration persistence
- Update German and Chinese translations
- Other minor fixes and adjustments

Process Lasso (64-bit)
- Fix dysfunctional ‘Notify of power plan changes’ menu item
- Hide Insights ‘Since …’ if no start time-stamp is available
- Add additional retries and increase time-out for UNC backed configuration files – to prevent their reset to default for failure to load
- Fix ‘Pro – Balance’ on advanced ProBalance dialog options
- Change name of ‘default’ profile to ‘My Default Profile’ so it is not confused with program defaults
- Import newer Italian, Polish, Russian, Finnish, Chinese Traditional, and Chinese Simplified

CudaText (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


Blisk 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Improved performance of tabs:
- We worked hard to make each tab and device unique. In previous versions of Blisk, there were performance lugs on switching between tabs, tab drag and drop (tab detach/attach), changing tabs order

Since version 12, Blisk stores the position and size of Device content and Desktop content. So, the users will get a better user experience in:
- Switching between tabs and windows
- Detaching/attaching tabs
- Using different devices in different tabs

Developer and Browsing modes:
- Due to requests from our users, Developer and Browsing modes are again available starting in Blisk v.12. In Browsing mode, Blisk acts like a regular browser and does not render Toolbox and Device content. Any of these modes apply to the window

Transparent background of screenshots:
- Due to multiple feature requests from our users, we implemented a transparent background of screenshots in Blisk v.12. This feature applies to screenshots taken with Blisk v.12+. The screenshots taken with previous versions of Blisk will remain with a solid background color

Chromium 73 + new APIs and technologies:
- Since version 12, Blisk starts supporting the latest APIs and technologies with Chromium 73
- Display relative times with Intl.RelativeTimeFormat(). Many web apps use phrases like “yesterday”, “in two days”, or “an hour ago” to indicate when something happened - or is going to happen, instead of displaying the full date and time
- Blisk v.12 introduces Intl.RelativeTimeFormat(), which shifts the work to the JavaScript engine, and enables localized formatting of relative times. This gives us a small performance boost, and means we only need those libraries as a polyfill when a browser doesn’t support the new APIs yet. Using it is simple, create a new instance and specify the locale, then just call format with the relative time
- Specifying underline location for vertical text. When Chinese or Japanese text is displayed in a vertical flow, browsers are inconsistent with where the underline is placed, it may be on the left, or on the right
- In Blisk v.12, the text-underline-position property now accepts left or right as part of the CSS3 text decoration spec. The CSS3 text decoration spec adds several new properties that allow use to specify things like what kind of line to use, the style, color, and position
- Detailed tooltips in Inspect Mode. When inspecting a node, DevTools now shows an expanded tooltip containing commonly important information like font size, font color, contrast ratio, and box model dimensions
- AAA contrast ratio line in the Color Picker. The Color Picker now shows a second line to indicate which colors meet the AAA contrast ratio recommendation. The AA line has been there since Chrome 65
- Colors between the 2 lines represent colors that meet the AA recommendation but do not meet the AAA recommendation. When a color meets the AAA recommendation, anything on the same side of that color also meets the recommendation. For example, in image above anything below the lower line is AAA, and anything above the upper line does not even meet the AA recommendation

Signal Desktop 1.25.3 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Signal Desktop 1.25.3
- This release fixes an issue that prevented Signal Desktop from starting up for some users on Ubuntu 19.04 who felt slightly nostalgic about seeing a frozen blue screen for the first time in years
- The minimum window size was increased in order to accommodate the new emoji selector

Signal Desktop 1.25.2
- The fuzzy emoji search is even fuzzier, so you can type "polo" to locate :woman-playing-water-poloor :man-playing-water-poloinstead of playing Marco Polo and trying to find them while yelling
- Improved conversation list update performance
- Badge counts are now supported on Ubuntu and Elementary OS

Signal Desktop 1.25.1
- Improved support for long contact names
- Pressing enter when the emoji picker is open will once again send your message

Signal Desktop 1.25.0
- An updated emoji panel adds a fuzzy search feature so that you can find coffee even if you haven't had any yet. It also includes quick access to recently used characters and support for "Fitzpatrick" customization
- Pinterest is now included in the list of sites that support link previews
- Check marks for read receipts and delivery receipts are updated more consistently when Signal Desktop reconnects after being offline
- Improved handling of group changes
- Windows build enhancements for users who were encountering rare DLL conflicts
- Users on macOS who launch Signal with the --use-tray-icon option will only see the dock icon when the window is open

Signal Desktop 1.24.1
- Change log not available for this version

Signal Desktop 1.24.0
- Give your messages more character(s) using the updated support for long text content that is compatible with the latest version of Signal for Android and iOS
- Quickly archive old conversations using everyone's favorite new shortcut (CTRL-E)
- ":TaDa:!" Now you can manually enter your emoji using whatever capitalization your heart desires
- Right-click on any URL or text selection and enjoy the new context menu
- Improved font rendering for Chinese, Japanese, and Korean characters on Windows
- Support for right-to-left contact names in quoted replies
- Menu improvements for users on macOS

Signal Desktop 1.23.2
- Change log not available for this version

Signal Desktop 1.22.0
- Tell yourself how you really feel with the new Note to Self feature
- Performance improvements help make Signal Desktop launch faster than ever, especially on slow Internet connections. Attachments are now seamlessly downloaded in the background instead of all at once during startup

Signal Desktop 1.21.2
- Additional link preview updates, including better behavior when composing quoted replies to messages without preview media

Signal Desktop 1.21.1
- Change log not available for this version

Signal Desktop 1.21.0
- Change log not available for this version

Signal Desktop 1.20.0
- Change log not available for this version

Signal Desktop 1.19.0
- Optional support for Typing Indicators. The dots between the lines help you read between the lines. Enable or disable them at any time on your mobile device (Signal Settings > Privacy > Typing Indicators)

Signal Desktop 1.18.1
- Change log not available for this version

Signal Desktop 1.17.3
- Resolved an import error that was blocking some legacy Chrome App users from migrating to the latest release

Signal Desktop 1.17.2
- We fixed an import error that was affecting a small number of users who were migrating from the legacy Chrome App
- Storage optimizations and improved synchronization performance

Signal Desktop 1.17.1
- Change log not available for this version

Signal Desktop 1.17.0
- New colors for your incoming Android messages: Blue, Burlap, Crimson, Forest, Indigo, Plum, Steel, Taupe, Teal, Vermilion, Violet, and Wintergreen
- Startup performance improvements
- Animated GIFs that are larger than 6 megabytes are now supported
- Localization updates for Albanian, Catalan, Chinese, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Kannada, Khmer, Lithuanian, Norwegian, Persian, Portuguese, Romanian, Serbian, Spanish, and Turkish. We sincerely appreciate the volunteer translators whose efforts made this possible

Signal Desktop 1.16.3
- Fixed a bug that was preventing Signal from starting up for some users with a large conversation history

Signal Desktop 1.16.2
- Storage fixes
- Updated language strings for Estonian, Finnish, Italian, and Persian

Signal Desktop 1.16.1
- Message rendering improvements for better performance
- Shared contacts for users with a linked iOS device are easier to read
- Group conversations that are blocked on your mobile device will be blocked on Desktop too
- The list of supported languages has expanded to include Albanian, Esperanto, Estonian, Khmer, and Thai. We sincerely appreciate the volunteer translators whose efforts made this possible

Signal Desktop 1.16.0
- We optimized performance to fix the input lag that was affecting some users. Keystrokes should be instantaneous again, but occasional typing delays are still possible when you are thinking of the right thing to say
- The countdown timer icon is now displayed with the correct style and color in the iOS light and dark themes
- Updated language translations

Signal Desktop 1.15.5
- When iOS device has been linked, use iOS color scheme
- Conversation bubbles now better handle both large and small window sizes
- Quotes: Show warning if referenced message was not found

- Give event loop a rest when queuing large numbers of messages from cache
- Fix issue which caused contact syncs to be continually reprocessed from cache

- Add logging to help diagnose protocol handler false positives
- Only show 'upgrade is available' dialog if mainWindow is available
- Copy quoted message contents into quote on receipt
- Disable drag and drop if it's not a file attachment

Signal Desktop 1.15.4
- Increase timeout for database operations, as users have been seeing timeouts
- Additional logging to track performance of database operations
- New indices and query updates to ensure indices are used for all queries

- Style the scrollbar in both light and dark themes
- Ensure that the scroll down button is always on top of conversation content

- Properly flow errors back when errors happen during message processing or caching
- Use Base64 strings in temporary message cache instead of 'binary' encoding
- Eliminate write of config.json on exit of app, may be causing corruption

Signal Desktop 1.15.3

- Fixed: Visual attachment borders and overlays would show on top of safety number change banner
- Fixed: No-caption visual attachment metadata overlay was behind dark shading, making it hard to read

Signal Desktop 1.15.1
- Fixed: On some macOS machines, the light theme would render incorrectly
- Fixed: On an OS set to a right-to-left language, message bubbles were left-aligned
- Fixed: Incoming messages with errors would be shown as empty messages
- Fixed: SQLCipher migration of cached not-yet-processed messages did not preserve their data

Disappearing messages:
- Move expiring message time earlier if read sync has earlier time
- In partially-successful group send, don't start expire timer

- Clean up any orphaned external files on start
- Ensure that a SQL command timeout results in an error
- On error handling cached message, log error then delete

Signal Desktop 1.15.0
Visual changes:
- New colors and message bubbles
- Unified theme
- Video playback updates
- Disappearing messages can now be enabled without first turning them on with a '1 day' duration
- The status of the last conversation message (if outgoing) is now shown in the left pane
- One-click access for replying to message

Media Gallery:
- Fixed: Wrong attachment would be saved from lightbox after left/right navigation
- Better handling of videos - thumbnail of video is now used
- Dark theme honored in all UI elements
- Icons shown for all if no thumbnail is available

- New version 8 schema for messages: thumbnails and dimensions from image and video attachments, as well as a full-size video screenshot for use in conversation view
- Much of the application has been moved to React
- Dark theme rewritten from scratch
- New CSS is now using Block Element Modifier syntax (BEM)
- JSHint removed from project; ESLint now scans entire project
- _locales/en/messages.json is now included in jsprettier runs
- All backbone-related functionality removed from Style Guide
- Ensure set of Linux dev dependencies is complete in
- Introduce mandatory migration on startup, to minimum version 7
- Preserve migration state when deleting config due to failed login
- Conversation: store lastMessage/lastMessageStatus in memory only
- Moved to using window.log only for all browser-context logging, with new eslint rule to prevent direct use of console.log
- Full eslintification of files in libtextsecure to take advantage of new console.log rule
- Removed unnecessary and too-verbose console logging
- When making thumbnail for video attachment to be sent, we generate a 100x100 preview instead of taking a full screenshot of the video

Signal Desktop 1.14.4
- Fixed: Application does not start up on Linux w/tmp mounted as noexec
- Fixed: When attempting to record voice note with media permission disabled, popup would be blank

Signal Desktop 1.14.3
- Fixed: After upload, debug logs were not accessible
- Show error if debug log fails to upload

Signal Desktop 1.14.1
- Fixed: Changes to notification settings or menu hide setting would not be persisted
- Fixed: Settings window, debug log window, and permissions popup were not themed
- Fixed: When turning off disappearing messages timer, it would show 'to seconds' instead of 'to off'
- Fixed: Issue where error handling for incoming message would fail, resulting in no visible error

Signal Desktop 1.14.0

- New setting: media permission. Desktop now shows a popup dialog when this permission is not granted and the recording for a voice message fails
- Auto-scroll to selected conversation when they reorder

- Conversation preview would sometimes show already-expired message
- Upon resume from sleep, notifications would show for already-read messages as they arrived
- About window didn't include version number
- Idle detector would never turn off, slowing down app

- Minor documentation cleanup - bug templates, readme, etc
- Update conversation's last message whenever it is opened
- Add missing timer option localization strings
- Make all OS menus localizable
- Handle timer updates along with group updates
- Add 'newmessage' event handler to Conversation for reliability
- Debug log, settings and media permissions popup are all now in separate windows
- Pulled latest translations from Transifex

Signal Desktop 1.13.0
- Expire timer update would be sent even if change came from remote message
- It was impossible to send an attachment if we failed to create a thumbnail for it
- App would fail to start if user profile data is behind a junction
- Message detail screen errors were too narrow to see the complete message

- Add link to terms of service and privacy policy in About window
- Additional defense-in-depth enhancements
- Update strings for fr/tr languages
- Readme: Clarify beta install instructions

Signal Desktop 1.12.1
- Fixed: In iOS theme, quoted links were white on white
- Ensure that a disappearing message timer change notification is always above initiating message
- Ensure that sent messages immediately take conversation's expire timer

Signal Desktop 1.12.0
- Update to Electron v2.0.1
- Fixed: Emoji with skin tone modifiers would show up as a square
- Fixed: A few visual problems with the contact detail screen
- Fixed: complex kernel versions were causing problems in linux

- Add another Windows 7 dev setup requirement to
- Various defense-in-depth enhancements
- Refactor api.js into web_api, which encapsulates all web access
- Move a number of dependences from bower to npm
- Enable a large set of new tslint rules
- Use React for all emojification in the app
- Print out main process logs if electron unit tests fail
- Move all forks to @scottnonnenberg-signal account
- Remove jscs from the project
- Remove unused code and templates
- Remove broken stylesheets symlink

Signal Desktop 1.11.0
- Feature: Receive contact
- Fixed: Sometimes clicks on quoted message wouldn't work
- Fixed: In dark theme, it was hard to see a message's triple-dot menu on hover
- Fixed: Unsupported image and video types were missing from media pane
- Fixed: On small screens, the media lightbox view would show media off-screen
- Notification improvements
- Improved behavior for notifications that are added and removed quickly
- Better handling of notifications that were read on a linked device
- Media Gallery: A number of small visual fixes
- Emoji pane: Can now dismiss it by pressing escape key
- Update translations

- Windows 7: Use Electron-native notifications
- Better logging when we receive a read sync from a linked device
- Move to React for newlines, emoji, and links in message body
- Improve Logging For Disappearing Messages
- Prettier: Continue expanding its coverage of app
- Document Translations Setup + Remove Unused Strings
- Make Protocol Buffers available to commonjs code
- Build updates: remove unused commands and assets
- Document Windows 7 Developer Setup
- Update README copyright year to 2018

Signal Desktop 1.10.1
- Fixes a bug recently published

Signal Desktop 1.10.0

- Media Gallery showing all attachments in a given conversation. Note: Until all attachments have been migrated to disk (as part of a background process), only a partial set of a conversation's media will show up, skewed towards the most recent messages
- Increase speed of migration to move attachments to disk from database
- Video attachments: show first frame preview in composition area

- Show 'You' in Android theme instead of your own contact name
- Show thumbnails for quotes of messages with video attachments

Notification improvements:
- Remove all on remote read, on focus, on exit
- Show multi-message notifications like '5 new messages'

- Add comments clarifying our mechanisms for stripping EXIF info
- Move to prettierjs to format our code
- Fix break in styleguide; make filesize/Signal.Util.GoogleChrome available
- Remove duplicate entry from .gitignore

Signal Desktop 1.9.0
- Send quoted replies via hover menu on message
- Fixed: Linking a new iOS device would not initially show iOS theme
- Dev: Media Gallery: Phase 1 - currently disabled

Signal Desktop 1.8.0
- Support for receiving quoted replies
- iOS theme: one bubble for both attachment and message contents
- Dev: Fix beta install instructions in readme for debian-based linux

Signal Desktop 1.7.1
- Fixed: Conversation message preview would sometimes continue to show after message disappeared
- Improve URL Auto-Linking In Messages
- Redact More Variants Of Paths In Stack Traces
- Dev: Introduce React, TypeScript, TSLint and React-StyleGuidist

Signal Desktop 1.7.0

- Update to electron 1.8.4
- Migrate all attachments from IndexedDB to file system in the background
- Save attachments to disk when importing Chrome app export
- New option in settings: delete all application data
- Remove all configuration in database when we discover we are unlinked
- Delete everything in database when we link with a different phone number from previous link
- Windows: Delete all data on uninstall
- Fixed: Read receipts setting would not be synchronized along with re-link
- Fixed: Clicking conversation in left pane when already selected would remove focus on message composition field
- Fixed: Searching for the phone number of an existing contact, then selecting 'start conversation' would erase contact details
- Fixed: Selecting Settings menu option multiple times would open multiple instances of settings view

- Redact file paths in anything that goes to the log on disk
- When top-level process errors happen, don't show dialog with stack trace
- Add nsp to CI runs
- Add eslint-plugin-mocha to disallow exclusive tests using *.only
- Preparation for encrypted backups
- Updates to structure of exported data -, flat list of attachments
- Relax Node.js version requirements
- Fix a few typos in documentation
- Update issue template to mention that translation should be via Transifex

Signal Desktop 1.6.1
- Switch to a new service for debug logs, since GitHub is retiring anonymous gists

Signal Desktop 1.6.0
- Upgrade to the latest version of Electron, 1.8.2
- Replace custom notification sound with system sound

Update menus:
- A few copy changes to make things clearer
- Settings now available via the File (Windows/Linux) or Signal Desktop (macOS) OS menu
- Eliminate the triple-dot menu in the top-center of the screen
- Fixed: Hitting enter after entering device name on install would not move to next screen

- Ensure consistent builds using yarn --frozen-lockfile
- Update code to match eslint-enforced formatting
- Upgrade to latest version of electron-builder and associated packages

Signal Desktop 1.5.2
- Fixed: In import/registration flow, choosing View -> Debug Log would do nothing

Signal Desktop 1.5.1
- Fixed: In some cases contact/group syncs would turn off disappearing messages in all conversations
- Fixed: On initial setup, conversations with disappearing messages enabled would be at the top of the conversation list

Signal Desktop 1.5.0
- Note: Includes fixes from 1.4.0-beta.1 (never released to production), 1.5.0-beta.1, and one additional pull request
- Update electron to 1.7.12
- New design for import and install flows
- Support for 'light' imports, which bring just messages, contacts and groups
- Set conversation disappearing messages state and contact block state on initial link
- 'Restart' -> 'Restart Signal' button in update dialog, thanks @StevenXL

- If app started offline, conversations would not open
- Attached images would sometimes show up rotated improperly
- Uncaught Exception: TypeError; 'getSize'
- File paths with special characters could be shown in misleading way
- Incoming messages sometimes didn't appear at all
- 'Cannot find module ./app/locale' error popup when attempting to start another instance of the app on Windows
- Setting NODE_ENV environment variable to 'development' would point it at staging servers

- Move ESLint environment configuration into .eslintrc
- Sync Protocol Buffers with libsignal-service-java
- Update to libsignal-protocol-javascript v1.3.0
- Make our binary comparisons constant time
- Fix typo in issue template
- Update to new signal branding

CopyTrans HEIC for Windows 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

CopyTrans HEIC for Windows
- Change log not available for this version