Advanced Installer 歷史舊版本 Page3

最新版本 Advanced Installer 21.2

Advanced Installer 歷史版本列表

Advanced Installer 是一個 Windows Installer 創作工具,它使開發人員和系統管理員能夠輕鬆構建可靠的 MSI 軟件包,以滿足最新的 Microsoft Windows 徽標認證要求並遵循建議的 Windows Installer 最佳做法。 Advanced Installer 是在非常靈活的許可模式下發布的。核心應用程序是 100%免費使用的商業和非商業目的。我... Advanced Installer 軟體介紹

Advanced Installer 20.7 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New features:
- Support for repackaging in Windows Sandbox

- Support to change native frame color and corners type on Windows 11
- Option to select multiple SQL scripts for deletion
- New option to control "ProductCode" regeneration when "ProductVersion" is changed
- Option to use a custom network share user for repackaging operation
- Optimized Repackager processing time in Docker container for faster conversion
- Added multiple methods for displaying the "ReadMe" file
- Predefined option for "OptimizedInstallMode" in the Patch project
- UI Revamp: Optimized the navigation and selection process for choosing certificates from the certificate store
- Improved UX during repackaging: remove Windows Defender from the running process list

- Build fails to fault module path pointing to UI.Xaml.dll
- "TempFolder" is not resolved correctly when used as the extract location for the setup and pre-install prerequisites
- SQL Server 2022 prerequisite fails when installed silently
- Fixed URL shortcut issues
- Fixed control issues on the Graphite theme when WinUI is enabled
- On the Vivid theme, the text in the EditBox shifts when the state is toggled between enable and disable
- The "Text File Update" operation displays a warning even if the error policy is set to skip
- Custom templates from search results cannot be used to create projects
- Command parameters do not seem to pass to the program correctly for directory and background for Windows 11 context menu
- WiX import fails for autogenerated component ids

Protocol Buffers 23.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Add a workaround for GCC constexpr

- Add a workaround for GCC constexpr

- [C#] Replace regex that validates descriptor names

Protocol Buffers 22.5 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Protobuf News may include additional announcements or pre-announcements for upcoming changes

- Fix: avoid warnings on MSVC
- Fix: avoid warnings on Windows
- Add missing cstdint header
- Fix: missing -DPROTOBUF_USE_DLLS in pkg-config
- Avoid using string(JOIN..., which requires cmake 3.12
- Explicitly include GTest package in examples
- Bump Abseil submodule to 20230125.3

Protocol Buffers 23.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Implement a retain_options flag in protoc
- Make protoc --descriptor_set_out respect option retention
- Modify release artifacts for protoc to statically link system libraries
- Extension declaration: Enforce that if the extension range has a declaration then all extensions in that range must be declared. This should prevent non-declared extensions from being added.
- Implement "reserved" for extension declaration
- Open-source extension declaration definition

- Fix(libprotoc): export useful symbols from .so
- Turn off clang::musttail on i386
- Fixes Clang 6 linker bug
- Remove PROTOBUF_DEPRECATED in favor of [[deprecated]]
- Add assert to the list of keywords for C++
- Added Reflection::GetCord() method in C++
- Support C++ protobuf ctype=CORD for bytes field
- Expand LazySerializerEmitter to cover proto3 cases
- Unconditionally generate unknown field accessors
- Introduce proto filter for inject_field_listener_events
- Add ParseFromCord to TextFormat
- Mark proto2::Arena::GetArena as deprecated

- Adds
- Added Reflection::GetCord() method in C++
- Re-attach OSGI headers to lite,core, and util. This information was dropped in the move from maven to bazel.
- Add Java FileDescriptor.copyHeadingTo() which copies file-level settingspackage, file options) to FileDescriptorProto.Builder
- Remove unnecessary has bits from proto2 Java
- Add casts to make protobuf compatible with Java 1.8 runtime
- Fix mutability bug in Java proto lite: sub-messages inside of oneofs were not
- Document known quirks of EnumDescriptor::is_closed() when importing across files with different syntaxes

- Remove errorprone dependency from kotlin protos

- Make json_name take priority over name
- Add C# presence methods to proto3 oneof fields

- Enforce the max message size when serializing to binary form
- Mark mergeFromData:extensionRegistry: as deprecated

- Fix bug in _internal_copy_files where the rule would fail in downstream repositories.
- Make numpy/pip_deps a test-only dependency.
- Fix Python bug with required fields
- Mark deprecated SupportsUnknownEnumValues on Message reflection. Use FieldDescriptor or EnumDescriptor instead.
- Raise warnings for MessageFactory class usages
- Add Python support for retention attribute
- Document known quirks of EnumDescriptor::is_closed() when importing across files with different syntaxes

Python C-Extension:
- Fix Python bug with required fields
- See also UPB changes below, which may affect Python C-Extension

- RepeatedField: unset by index

PHP C-Extension:
- RepeatedField: unset by index
- See also UPB changes below, which may affect PHP C-Extension

- Change the Ruby code generator to emit a serialized proto instead of the DSL
- Feat(6178): emit ruby enum as integer

Ruby C-Extension:
- Feat(6178): emit ruby enum as integer
- Ruby: Implement Write Barriers
- See also UPB changes below, which may affect Ruby C-Extension.

- Implements upb_Message_DeepClone

- Other:
- Fix: missing -DPROTOBUF_USE_DLLS in pkg-config
- Avoid using string(JOIN..., which requires cmake 3.12
- Bump Abseil submodule to 20230125.3
- Fix btree issue in map tests.
- Fix declared dependencies for pkg-config
- Fix build for newlib
- Update usage disclaimer on FieldOptions.ctype
- Add config option to print 64-bit integers in JSON as unquoted ints if they can be losslessly converted into a 64-bit float.
- Version protoc according to the compiler version number.
- Fix shared object ABI exports
- Ensure VarintParseSlowArm{32,64} are exported with PROTOBUF_EXPORT
- Update the min required CMake version to 3.10

Protocol Buffers 22.4 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fix libprotoc: export useful symbols from .so
- Fix btree issue in map tests

- Fix bug in _internal_copy_files where the rule would fail in downstream repositories

- Bump utf8_range to version with working pkg-config
- Fix declared dependencies for pkg-config
- Update abseil dependency and reorder dependencies to ensure we use the version specified in protobuf_deps
- Turn off clang::musttail on i386

Advanced Installer 20.6 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- CLI command for setting the cache folder - SetCacheFolder
- CLI commands for configure and failure service operations
- Manifest Editor view was added to Windows Store projects
- New sources for predefined .NET 6.0 and 7.0 prerequisites
- Updated support for Windows 11 for some MSIX project types
- Extending Windows 11 context menu to per-machine and per-user installations
- Improved the search support from the Start Page (WinUI version)
- Making the Publisher ID more visible in projects with multiple builds
- Editable feature identifier for feature-based prerequisites
- Improved ShortcutsDlg predefined dialog
- URL shortcuts are no longer filtered from Shortcuts view
- Light Theme improvements - customizable Dialog and BannerBitmap

- Fixed the onboarding UX for the Visual Studio extension users
- Keyboard shortcut mapping OS conflict when using WinUI for the installer dialogs
- Adding a chained with no digital signature broke the build
- Fixed encoding handling for graphic cards data gathered by Installer Analytics
- VSIX builds failed for certain project types
- WinUI rendering crashed LicenseAgreement dialog on Modern theme
- Fixed the progress bar for the AppInstaller theme
- Invalid backup project file was generated on "Save As"
- Fixed scheduled tasks import with invalid trigger
- Incorrectly escaping characters broke the SQL script execution
- Fixed .RPK file parsing and system monitoring in the repackager
- New Windows 11 context menu entries were duplicated
- "Disabled if" feature condition was not correctly evaluated on Enhanced UI
- “AI_AiBackupImmediate” failed during uninstall when trying to always preserve a registry key

Protocol Buffers 22.3 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Remove src prefix from proto import (protocolbuffers/[email protected])
- Fix .gitmodules to use the correct absl branch
- Remove erroneous dependency on googletest

Advanced Installer 20.5 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- New ARM64 target in "Updates Configuration” project
- Command line to uninstall a certain instance based on its "ProductName"
- Support to use "Extract Archive" operation with a .7z file format archive
- Installer Analytics - easier management of installer properties monitoring
- UX improvement: Context menu option for files/folders to add them to "Exclude filters" when using "Synchronize Folders"
- Display lower/higher found versions than the specified ones for searches
- Added validation for the "Folder" field of the Prerequisites "Setup Files" tab
- Improve the Repackager page view with Digital Signature capabilities
- Update .NET prerequisites to the latest versions (6.0.15 and 7.0.4)
- Predefined launch condition for .NET Runtime 7

- Adjusted the high resolution and sharpness of the Remove/Browse button icons
- When trying to condition multiple files the most common condition between them is not selected
- PowerShell automation - stop saving the project automatically for Build() and Rebuild() methods
- Fixed "QuickSelectionList" control issues on WinUI
- The classic context menu is not added correctly on Windows 11
- Creating a new test certificate in Advanced Installer will enable the selection of a store certificate, even though a different method is set
- RPK files can't be opened in Advanced Installer Express via double-click
- The "Section" field of the INI search is case-sensitive causing the search to fail
- After registering Advanced Installer through the command line, the user is prompted to launch the Registration Wizard
- Notify users that prerequisites are not supported when enabling the EXE bundle for an MSIX
- Scheduled Task's triggers are not correctly handled
- Fixed App Installer theme issues

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