Advanced Installer 歷史舊版本 Page2

最新版本 Advanced Installer 21.2

Advanced Installer 歷史版本列表

Advanced Installer 是一個 Windows Installer 創作工具,它使開發人員和系統管理員能夠輕鬆構建可靠的 MSI 軟件包,以滿足最新的 Microsoft Windows 徽標認證要求並遵循建議的 Windows Installer 最佳做法。 Advanced Installer 是在非常靈活的許可模式下發布的。核心應用程序是 100%免費使用的商業和非商業目的。我... Advanced Installer 軟體介紹

Flipper 0.215.0 查看版本資訊


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What's new in this version:

- Fixed various v20.9 project conversion issues related to prerequisites
- Post-install prerequisites failed to install if the main package included a chained package too
- Conditions for feature-based prerequisites were not correctly evaluated
- The pre-install prerequisites dialog was not hidden when all the prerequisites were already installed
- The uninstall of the main package triggered the installation for some missing prerequisites

Advanced Installer 20.9.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed various v20.9 project conversion issues related to prerequisites
- Post-install prerequisites failed to install if the main package included a chained package too
- Conditions for feature-based prerequisites were not correctly evaluated
- The pre-install prerequisites dialog was not hidden when all the prerequisites were already installed
- The uninstall of the main package triggered the installation for some missing prerequisites

Recover My Files (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


Protocol Buffers 24.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Protobuf News may include additional announcements or pre-announcements for upcoming changes

- Drop support for Bazel 5
- Allow code generators to specify whether or not they support editions
- Release prototype of Protobuf Editions
- Compiler: Correct depfile generation when there are no outputs
- Add dllexport_decl for generated default instance
- In TSan mode, detect concurrent mutations of repeated/map fields
- Add a workaround for GCC constexpr bug
- Turn on the table-driven parser by default, as it is no longer experimental
- Shrink code size of generated protocol buffer code via a few
- Implement enforcement of target constraints
- Fix(libprotoc): export useful symbols from .so

- In OSS mode omit some extern template specializations. We have seen reports of compilers falling over due to the size of translation units.
- Automated rollback of
- Fix building shared libraries on MinGW-w64
- Enable TSan validation to detect when a mutable accessor of a message is called concurrently with another accessor on the same message, which is a data race.
- Release prototype of Protobuf Editions.
- Enable TSan validation to detect when a mutable accessor of a message is called concurrently with another accessor on the same message, which is a data race.
- Fix case of locality optimizer being wrong for split repeated fields and add a check that the optimized order has the same size as the unoptimized order.
- Enable TSan validation to detect when a mutable accessor of a message is called concurrently with another accessor on the same message, which is a data race.
- Mark single arg ctor explicit in DynamicMessageFactory.
- Enable TSan validation to detect when a mutable accessor of a message is called concurrently with another accessor on the same message, which is a data race.
- Let ParseRepeatedStringOnce call AllocateFromStringBlock()
- Check next tag in MpRepeatedMessage
- When parsing repeated primitives, append to a tmp array on stack
- Add dllexport_decl for generated default instance
- TextFormat::ParseFieldValueFromString now takes absl::string_view as input instead of const std::string &
- In TSan mode, detect concurrent mutations of repeated/map fields
- Use the same ABI for static and shared libraries on non-Windows platforms
- Replace ColdChunkSkipper with iterator-based approach
- Check invalid type_id after casting it to uint32_t.
- Strengthen assertions on reflection methods.
- Add assertions to reflection methods.
- Fail to parse message sets if type_id is zero.
- Enable the use of [SU]Int32Size and EnumSize templates for AArch64
- Add a workaround for GCC constexpr bug
- Add ABSL_ATTRIBUTE_LIFETIME_BOUND attribute on Map, RepeatedField and RepeatedPtrField
- Turn on the table-driven parser by default, as it is no longer experimental
- Fix: avoid warnings on MSVC
- Fix: avoid warnings on Windows
- Shrink code size of generated protocol buffer code via a few
- Fix(libprotoc): export useful symbols from .so
- Forbid embedded nulls in json_name
- Implement option retention for C#
- Implement enforcement of target constraints
- Make RepeatedField and RepeatedPtrField be destructor skippable for proto arenas.
- Update MessageDifferencer to conditionally force comparing additional fields while doing PARTIAL comparison
- CMake: Use the correct jsoncpp target name in static builds
- Fix: missing -DPROTOBUF_USE_DLLS in pkg-config
- Avoid using string(JOIN..., which requires cmake 3.12

- Put a 4k limit on preallocation to prevent OOM from malformed inputs
- Mark OneofDescriptor.isSynthetic() deprecated
- Use ProtobufArrayList for repeated bytes field. Presize primitive arrays for fixed-length primitives.
- Add protobuf-kotlin into protobuf-bom
- Handle clear for Java proto3 optionals
- Deps: Update Guava to 32.0.0
- Migrate repeated numeric fields to use bit field to track presence instead of using it to indicate the field mutability to potentially skip work on the field during build operations.
- Automated rollback of commit

- [C#] Replace regex that validates descriptor names

Advanced Installer 20.9 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Prerequisites Major Revamp: Rollback, Scripts, Scheduling & UI Unification
Shortcuts with external targets in MSIX packages

- Option to set RAM memory allocation for Windows Sandbox
- PowerShell automation support for path variables
- MSIX COM improvement - synchronize DefaultIcon
- Extended classic context menu support for drives
- Added context menu data in Project Summary
- Improved UX for icon selection when creating shell context options
- Predefined launch condition for Windows 10 22H2

- The temporary folder of the Updater is incorrectly formatted
- AdminConsole.msi (SCCM Console Admin) shows StackTrace when editing MSI in QuickEdit mode
- Multiple instances with LZMA cannot be installed from the command line
- Fixed rendering large SVG images in Asset Generator
- The Modification Package wizard's ExitDlg does not have a bitmap
- Projects containing a custom uninstall string were incorrectly converted
- Fixed layout issue with recent project item pin button on Start Page

Protocol Buffers 23.4 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Add dllexport_decl for generated default instance

- Deps: Update Guava to 32.0.1

Protocol Buffers 23.3 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Regenerate stale files
- Use the same ABI for static and shared libraries on non-Windows platforms

- Regenerate stale files

UPB (Python/PHP/Ruby C-Extension):
- Fixed a bug in upb_Map_Delete() that caused crashes in map.delete(k) for Ruby when string-keyed maps were in use

Advanced Installer 20.7.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- MSIX "Start Powershell Script" fails when PowerShell 2.0 is disabled
- Reverting the synchronization option for product version blocks the project user interface

Protocol Buffers 23.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Add missing header to Objective-c generator

- Rollback of: Simplify protobuf Java message builder by removing methods that calls the super class only