Adobe DNG Converter 歷史舊版本 Page12

最新版本 Adobe DNG Converter 16.2

Adobe DNG Converter 歷史版本列表

Adobe DNG Converter 是一個免費的實用程序,可以將 600 多個攝像機的文件轉換為 DNG 格式,使您能夠輕鬆將相機專用的原始文件轉換為更通用的 DNG 原始文件.Digital Negative 的開發旨在解決缺乏專有和開放的標準每個數碼相機創建的獨特的原始文件。 DNG 允許攝影師將其原始相機文件歸檔為單一格式,便於將來進行編目和訪問。隨著格式規範免費提供,任何開發人員都可以... Adobe DNG Converter 軟體介紹

Apache Tomcat 9.0.46 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

The Apache Tomcat Project is proud to announce the release of version 9.0.46 of Apache Tomcat. This release implements specifications that are part of the Java EE 8 platform. The notable changes compared to 9.0.45 include:
- Ensure the correct escaping of attribute values and search filters in the JNDIRealm.
- HandlesTypes should include classes that use the specified annotation types on fields or methods.
- Refactor the creation of WebSocket end point, decoder and encoder instances to be more IoC friendly. Instances are now created via the InstanceManager where possible.

Gradle 7.0.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

This fixes several issues reported against 7.0:
- Another file system watching crash within Alpine Linux Docker container
- Disable file system watching on musl libc/Alpine Linux
- Gradle fails with a NullPointerException when using --profile
- Gradle 7 File Watching in Alpine Docker container leads to JVM Crash
- Upgrade native platform to 0.22-milestone-14
- Prepare BuildProfile earlier than beforeSettings
- Change ConventionReportTask @since annotation from 7.0 to 6.9 in 7.0.1
- Fix file system watching crash with Alpine Linux running in Docker container
- Gradle Checkstyle tasks fail when the configuration directory is missing
- Broken link in Copy error message when upgrading to Gradle 7.0
- Version Catalogs: Specify "lib" in documentation
- Update documentation for change in behavior when resolving dependencies for custom configurations that extend removed configurations
- Version Catalogs: Silent failure parsing libs.versions.toml file
- Document corner case around configuration removal
- Version catalog fixes
- Fix regression with config_loc existence
- Fix broken link for DSL reference
- DirectoryNotEmptyException on Windows with file watching enabled in Tooling API or TestKit tests
- Report plugin context for validation problems
- Only run the testkit fs watching tests on Gradle 7
- Gradle 7.0 w/ Java 11 non-module projects generates broken class-/modulepath for Eclipse
- Use FQCN in validation error messages
- Disable file system watching for builds started by testkit on Windows
- Add modules to Eclipse classpath only if project is modular
- Gradle fails to start when Java Home directory is removed from a previous daemon
- Display plugin in validation messages
- File system watching is disabled when watcher thread quits unexpectedly
- Check that the Java home for the potential compatible daemon still exists
- Gradle builds on Windows with unavailable mapped remote file systems produce an error message on success
- Fail gracefully when filesystems can't be listed
- Gradle generates a <project-root>/.gradle/configuration-cache/ file regardless of the value of --project-cache-dir
- Backport --project-cache-dir configuration cache fix to 7.0.1
- Add more logging around starting and stopping file system watching
- Return same SnapshotHierarchy when nothing was invalidated
- Add ApiClassExtractor to configuration hash of AbiExtractingClasspathResourceHasher (Bugfix 7.0.1)
- Generated Gradle API JAR is different and causes cache misses

Electron 12.0.7 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Allow Node.js to manage microtasks queue by using explicit microtasks policy before calling uv_run()
- Fixed &lt;webview&gt; focus / blur events not working with contextIsolation enabled
- Fixed an issue where drag regions on macOS would be offset incorrectly when no drag regions were set
- Fixed an issue where the window couldn't be closed if a user tried to quit with a message box showing

Other Changes:
- Improved performance of napi_threadsafe_function

Electron 12.0.6 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed a crash when calling shell.trashItem() from the renderer process
- Fixed an issue where multiple calls to window.setFullScreen could cause problems
- Fixed an issue where some dialogs would stop working on macOS if window.hide() was called while they were open
- Fixed an issue where windows in simpleFullscreen mode were not properly resizing when display metrics changed
- Fixed the window-all-closed event being emitted while the last BrowserWindow was still in the process of being closed
- No longer set backgroundColor in default-app when opening custom files / URLs

Electron 12.0.5 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed the handler set with setWindowOpenHandler not being invoked when a link was middle-clicked or shift-clicked
- Updated Chromium to 89.0.4389.128

Silhouette Studio 4.4.476 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- The eraser tool can now be resized as small as 1mm
- The maximum cut border for the Cameo 4 Plus mat has increased to 14.6 inches
- Updated Preferences to change "Ratchet Blade" reference to "Manual Blade, 1mm"

Silhouette Studio 4.4.476 (32-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- The eraser tool can now be resized as small as 1mm
- The maximum cut border for the Cameo 4 Plus mat has increased to 14.6 inches
- Updated Preferences to change "Ratchet Blade" reference to "Manual Blade, 1mm"


What's new in this version:

- Dependency locking of settings classpath isn't properly persisted
- Upgrade Bouncy Castle dependency
- Investigate tmp dir problems
- Verify that Gradle TestKit works forwards and backwards with Gradle 7
- 7.0-M2 fails to build when using "withGroovyBuilder"
- Groovy DSL script plugins prematurely truncate the plugin id
- providedCompile configuration from war plugin is not added to testRuntimeClasspath
- Let the configuration cache serialize arrays of primitive types
- Dependency locking polishing
- JDK 16: InaccessibleObjectException: Unable to make protected void java.util.ResourceBundle.setParent(java.util.ResourceBundle)
- Dependency locking should not persist lock state on build failure
- Write upgrade guide for Groovy upgrade
- Make sure localGroovy/embedded Groovy represents a "full" Groovy language distribution
- Consistently use Spock2+JUnit platform in documentation and tests
- Gradle Profiler - Remove copy of ApplyAbiChangeToJavaSourceFileMutator
- Investigate what macOS memory info issues mean for Gradle
- Upgrade embedded Kotlin to 1.4.31
- Document new includeBuild for plugin builds
- Groovy3: Investigate init script issues
- Remove smoke test for 'org.samples.greeting' plugin
- Investigate and fix snippets with failing/ignored tests
- Remove remaining occurences of compile and runtime in docs and diagrams
- Allow work to be marked explicitly not cacheable via annotation
- Remove willBeRemovedInGradle7() and willBecomeAnErrorInGradle7() methods from DeprecationMessageBuilder
- Make adding 'config_loc' to checkstyle.configProperties an error
- Regression: StackOverflowError during configuration
- Improve deprecation message for resolution of configuration outside of project scope.
- Configuration cache issue with :pluginUnderTestMetadata when both kotlin-jvm and java-gradle-plugin are applied
- Wrong deprecation warning on using task outputs in another task with no explicit task dependency
- `processDebugAndroidTestManifest` is wrongly out of date on second run with the configuration cache enabled
- Ignore generated methods for Memoized annotation for plugin validation
- excludePlugin in version catalog does not work
- Confusing inconsistency regarding default plugin versions in TOML files
- Task dependency verification should report the source of the problem
- Bug in task dependency validation
- Gradle 7: skip dependency validation for disabled tasks
- Performance regression in large Android project with Gradle 7.0-milestone-1
- JavaPlugin documentation states wrong default.extendsFrom
- Remove references to JCenter from Gradle
- Fix `Querying the mapped value of provider(interface java.util.Set) before task ':base-services:jar'` in our build
- Change in behaviour when resolving project dependencies
- Deprecate the jcenter() convenience method
- Remove inactive feature preview flag GRADLE_METADATA
- Investigate static analysis of external plugins
- Node DexingWithClasspathTransform has not been encoded yet with 7.0
- Do not watch unsupported file systems
- Turn 'Changing the value for a FileCollection with a final value' into an error
- Turn 'Querying the mapped value of provider before producer has completed' into an error
- Make 'Calling afterEvaluate when the project is already evaluated' an error
- Remove ComponentSelectionReason.getDescription()
- Remove Test.getClassLoaderCache()
- Cross-document links in userguide_single are broken
- StackOverflowError when loading project in IntelliJ IDEA with Gradle 6.8
- Promote Java Toolchains
- Gradle triggers its own deprecation warning "Querying the mapped value of task"
- Update embedded dependencies to latest versions
- Re-enable cross-build transform cache
- Adjust resolution order of plugin sources if pluginManagement { includeBuild() } is used
- Remove DefaultVersionSelectorScheme.DefaultVersionSelectorScheme(VersionComparator)
- Default to single lock file per project
- Default to updated version sorting
- Remove 'javascript.base.SourceTransformationException'
- Remove deprecated JavaScript plugins
- gradle depends on an insecure third-party JAR package that contains the CVE vulnerability cve-2020-13956.
- De-incubate Javadoc/Sources publishing and compileOnlyApi
- De-incubate Java Module System support
- Add 'org.gradle.plugin.api-version' attribute
- Do not report missing dependency if there is a dependency in the other direction
- Must do before 7.0 release
- Upgrade the embedded Kotlin to 1.4.21
- Promote incubating Provider.forUseAtConfigurationTime
- Remove deprecated org.gradle.logging.LoggingManagerInternal
- Fail for duplicates in copy specs for default duplicates strategy
- Remove deprecated org.gradle.api.internal.AbstractTask
- Remove deprecated ProjectLayout.configurableFiles and friends
- Promote incubating `ProviderFactory.fileContents`
- Promote incubating `ProviderFactory.(gradleProperty|systemProperty|environmentVariable)`
- Promote incubating `org.gradle.process.ExecOperations`
- Promote incubating `ObjectFactory.fileCollection`
- Upgrade unit and integration tests to run on Spock 2
- Accept Groovy performance regressions
- Promote `ObjectFactory.fileProperty`, `directoryProperty` and `sourceDirectorySet`
- Promote incubating TAPI for notifying the daemon of changed paths
- Promote incubating ignoring of empty directories
- Promote incubating WorkResult.or()
- Promote incubating getStableSources()
- Promote incubating BuildCacheKey.toByteArray()
- Promote incubating ReplacedBy
- Promote incubating FileType
- Promote incubating InjectionPointQualifier
- Promote incubating Task.getTimeout()
- Remove deprecated work validation failures
- Remove deprecated arbitrary local build cache configuration option
- Remove deprecated ValidateTaskProperties task
- Remove deprecated unsafe watch file system properties
- Remove deprecated methods in JavaCompile
- Remove deprecated ImmutableFileCollection
- Remove deprecated VFS system properties
- Remove deprecated PatternSpecFactory.reportChangedDefaultExcludes()
- Compilation with toolchain using JDK 16-ea28 fails due to illegal access to$TypeSymbol (worked in 16-ea26)
- Multiple transformed artifacts selected
- Remove deprecated methods from IdeaContentRoot
- Support for Apple silicon natively
- Enable file system watching by default
- Remove the Play plugins
- Javadoc uses the same output directory for different source sets
- Fix Lint task with evaluation of input properties
- Remove deprecated APIs in code-quality subproject
- Removal of IvyArtifactRepository.layout deprecated methods
- Deincubate TAPI test debugging features
- Deincubate EclipseProject TAPI mode fixtures
- Deincubate test output progress events
- Deincubate TestLauncher methods
- Deincubate ProjectDependency and EclipseExternalDependency methods
- Remove deprecated toolchain/installation APIs
- Add 'org.gradle.jvm.environment' attribute
- Give access to catalogs from binary plugins
- Central declaration of dependencies
- Not possible to use libs.xy based on TOML file inside of custom configuration with closure
- Disable parallel execution for work failing validation
- Report work validation warnings to console
- Disable execution optimizations for invalid work
- Follow up on not fingerprinting outputs
- Regression with JUnit Platform it is not possible to select inherited tests via command line
- Configuration cache - Intellij synchronization crashes
- Let .gradle.kts scripts use Kotlin language and api 1.4
- Kotlin scripts should be compiled with `-Xjvm-default=enable`
- Incremental compilation should be supported with JDK 15
- Plugin org.yaml_snakeyaml:1.17 has a known vulnerability
- Settings plugins should be visible to other included builds
- ListProperty value is observed too eagerly when used as a task dependency
- Disable Gradle Module Metadata buildId by default
- Allow source dependencies without settings file before making DeprecateUndefinedBuildWorkExecutor.execute() fail
- JDK16 support in Gradle
- `buildSrc/build` should not be added to classpath if `buildSrc` contains no sources or build files.
- Support Java 16
- Provider.orElse(<provider>) tests presence eagerly
- IntelliJ IDEA Gradle sync with Zulu 11.0.7 JDK on macOS throws newly created daemon process has a different context than expected
- Make inferModulePath=true the default
- Dependency substitution not resolving project artifact
- Remove org.gradle.kotlin.dsl.caching.buildcache
- Fail on duplicates when creating archives by default
 Remove deprecated java and scala 'language plugins'
 Disallow write-only task properties
 Depend on individual Groovy libraries instead of groovy-all
 Task implementors/users get often-surprising caching behaviour when file inputs have no explicit normalisation/path-sensitivity
 Stop DefaultProject extending ProcessOperations
 Disable caching for tasks failing task type validation
JPMS Support
- Inconsistent accessor generation strategy for "versions" and "bundles"
- Regression in 7.0-rc-1 around setting groovy classpath for groovydoc task
- Gradle 7.0 has problems with annotation processors and java 16
- Typesafe project accessors not working in root build script file
- Typesafe accessors to version catalog do not work in the subprojects block
- Dependency locking sometimes create an empty lockfile
- Performance regression in Gradle 7.0 for large Android builds
- Android sourceSets task does not show output in Gradle 6.8+
- Tooling API TestProgressEvents ignore test display name
- com.gradle.plugin-publish should upload Gradle Module Metadata to the Plugin Portal

Apache Tomcat 10.0.5 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fix: Avoid NPE when a JNDI reference cannot be resolved in favor of a NamingException
- Fix: Avoid using reflection for setting properties on the webapp classloader

- Fix: Improve consistency of OpenSSL error stack handling in the TLS engine, and log all errors found as debug
- Fix: Ensure that HTTP/2 streams are only recycled once as multiple attempts to recycle an HTTP/2 stream may result in NullPointerExceptions
- Code: Simplify the closing on an HTTP/2 stream when an error condition is present
- Fix: 64771: Prevent concurrent calls to ServletInputStream.isReady() corrupting the input buffer
- Fix: 65179: Ensure that the connection level flow control window from the client to the server is updated when handling DATA frames received for completed streams else the flow control window may become exhausted
- Fix: 65203: Fix a regression introduced in 10.0.4 that meant that an error during an asynchronous read broke all future asynchronous reads associated with the same request instance
- Fix: Disable keep-alive when inconsistent content delimitation is present in a request

- Fix: Include the new org.apache.jasper.optimizations package in the list of OSGi exported packages for the Jasper embedded JAR
- Add: Add a new option for the trimSpaces configuration. extended will attempt to remove leading and trailing whitespace from template text and collapse sequences of whitespace and newlines within template text into a single new line

- Add: Implement the first phase of reproducible builds. Sequential builds on the same machine now produce identical output provided that the Ant property is set. The minimum required Ant version is now 1.9.10
- Add: Improvements to Chinese translations. Provided by Ruan Wenjun
- Add: Improvements to French translations
- Add: Improvements to Japanese translations
- Add: Improvements to Korean translations
- Update: Update the packaged version of the Tomcat Native Library to 1.2.27

SnapDownloader 1.10.4 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed YouTube download issues