Adobe DNG Converter

最新版本 Apache Tomcat 10.0.5

Apache Tomcat 10.0.5

Apache Tomcat 10.0.5
Adobe DNG Converter 是一個免費的實用程序,可以將 600 多個攝像機的文件轉換為 DNG 格式,使您能夠輕鬆將相機專用的原始文件轉換為更通用的 DNG 原始文件.

Digital Negative 的開發旨在解決缺乏專有和開放的標準每個數碼相機創建的獨特的原始文件。 DNG 允許攝影師將其原始相機文件歸檔為單一格式,便於將來進行編目和訪問。隨著格式規範免費提供,任何開發人員都可以構建支持和利用 DNG 的軟件。欲了解更多信息,請訪問數字負片頁面。

添加了以下相機的支持。訪問 Camera Raw 頁面以獲取支持的攝像機的完整列表.


檔案版本 Apache Tomcat 10.0.5

檔案名稱 apache-tomcat-10.0.5.exe
系統 Windows 7 / Windows 7 64 / Windows 8 / Windows 8 64 / Windows 10 / Windows 10 64
軟體類型 免費軟體
作者 Adobe Systems Inc
更新日期 2021-04-08

What's new in this version:

- Fix: Avoid NPE when a JNDI reference cannot be resolved in favor of a NamingException
- Fix: Avoid using reflection for setting properties on the webapp classloader

- Fix: Improve consistency of OpenSSL error stack handling in the TLS engine, and log all errors found as debug
- Fix: Ensure that HTTP/2 streams are only recycled once as multiple attempts to recycle an HTTP/2 stream may result in NullPointerExceptions
- Code: Simplify the closing on an HTTP/2 stream when an error condition is present
- Fix: 64771: Prevent concurrent calls to ServletInputStream.isReady() corrupting the input buffer
- Fix: 65179: Ensure that the connection level flow control window from the client to the server is updated when handling DATA frames received for completed streams else the flow control window may become exhausted
- Fix: 65203: Fix a regression introduced in 10.0.4 that meant that an error during an asynchronous read broke all future asynchronous reads associated with the same request instance
- Fix: Disable keep-alive when inconsistent content delimitation is present in a request

- Fix: Include the new org.apache.jasper.optimizations package in the list of OSGi exported packages for the Jasper embedded JAR
- Add: Add a new option for the trimSpaces configuration. extended will attempt to remove leading and trailing whitespace from template text and collapse sequences of whitespace and newlines within template text into a single new line

- Add: Implement the first phase of reproducible builds. Sequential builds on the same machine now produce identical output provided that the Ant property is set. The minimum required Ant version is now 1.9.10
- Add: Improvements to Chinese translations. Provided by Ruan Wenjun
- Add: Improvements to French translations
- Add: Improvements to Japanese translations
- Add: Improvements to Korean translations
- Update: Update the packaged version of the Tomcat Native Library to 1.2.27

Apache Tomcat 10.0.5 相關參考資料
Apache Tomcat 10 (10.0.6) - Changelog

Apache Tomcat 10 (10.0.6) - Documentation Index

Apache Tomcat 10.0.5 - Apache Distribution Directory

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