Adobe DNG Converter 歷史舊版本 Page9

最新版本 Adobe DNG Converter 16.2

Adobe DNG Converter 歷史版本列表

Adobe DNG Converter 是一個免費的實用程序,可以將 600 多個攝像機的文件轉換為 DNG 格式,使您能夠輕鬆將相機專用的原始文件轉換為更通用的 DNG 原始文件.Digital Negative 的開發旨在解決缺乏專有和開放的標準每個數碼相機創建的獨特的原始文件。 DNG 允許攝影師將其原始相機文件歸檔為單一格式,便於將來進行編目和訪問。隨著格式規範免費提供,任何開發人員都可以... Adobe DNG Converter 軟體介紹

Electron 13.1.7 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed requestFullscreen inside webview does not make the element take fullscreen
- Fixed a crash when calling the webContents.on('login') callback synchronously
- Fixed a possible renderer crash when using fsPromises.readFile- Fixed an issue where Electron would sometimes not honor the user-defined Downloads directory
- Fixed an issue where the traffic lights would get double-drawn when exiting fullscreen and adding a BrowserView on macOS
- Fixed incorrect value of document.focus when opening multiple windows on macOS
- fix key window status on mac when opening panels or using custom window switchers
- Fixed systemPreferences.getSystemColor returning colors missing alpha values

Electron 12.0.15 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed a crash when calling the webContents.on('login') callback synchronously
- Fixed a potential crash when calling app.quit() on macOS
- Fixed key window status on mac when opening panels or using custom window switchers
- Fixed pressing ESC not exiting fullscreen from webview

Apache Tomcat 10.0.8 查看版本資訊


Apache Tomcat 9.0.50 查看版本資訊


Git for Windows (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- The Windows Terminal profile is now identified by a GUID, for more robust customization
- Comes with GNU Privacy Guard v2.2.28
- Comes with Git Credential Manager Core v2.0.475.64295
- Access to remote HTTPS repositories that requires client certificates can be enabled. This is now necessary because cURL no longer sends client certificates by default

- The built-in file system watcher could hang in some scenarios. This was fixed
- Remote HTTPS repositories could not be accessed from within portable Git installed into a network share. This has been fixed
- When scrolling in the pager (e.g. in the output of git log), lines were duplicated by mistake. This was fixed
- The git subtree command was completely broken in the previous release, and was fixed
- A bug was fixed where remote operations appeared to hang (but were waiting for user feedback on a hidden Console)
- A bug was fixed where the experimental built-in file system watcher had a problem with worktrees whose paths had non-ASCII characters

Electron 12.0.14 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- requestFullscreen inside webview does not make the element take fullscreen
- a possible renderer crash when using fsPromises.readFile
- an issue where Electron would sometimes not honor the user-defined Downloads directory
- an issue where self.module.paths wouldn't work in Workers
- an issue where the setAlwaysOnTop value would sometimes not be preserved for child windows on macOS
- crash when clicking links with target=_blank from webview
- memory leak when creating notification on macOS
- page title not being updated on child windows without navigation entries under nativeWindowOpen

Other Changes:
- Security: backported fix for CVE-2021-30522
- Security: backported fix for CVE-2021-30523

Electron 13.1.6 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- a potential crash when calling app.quit() on macOS
- an issue where self.module.paths wouldn't work in Workers
- crash when clicking links with target=_blank from webview
- memory leak when creating notification on macOS
- page title not being updated on child windows without navigation entries under nativeWindowOpen

Other Changes:
- Backported fix for 1090000

Electron 13.1.5 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- a hang when denying a using setWindowOpenHandler when nativeWindowOpen: false
- an issue where dropdown menus did not work in DevTools when contextIsolation was enabled
- an issue where request headers were cleared if the optional "requestHeaders" parameter was not included in the webRequest.onBeforeSendHeaders callback response object
- an issue where the setAlwaysOnTop value would sometimes not be preserved for child windows on macOS
- crashes on macOS when Geolocation was used

Other Changes:
- Updated Chromium to 91.0.4472.124

Electron 12.0.13 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed a hang when denying a using setWindowOpenHandler when nativeWindowOpen: false.
- Fixed an issue where request headers were cleared if the optional "requestHeaders" parameter was not included in the webRequest.onBeforeSendHeaders callback response object.

Other Changes:
Backported fix for chromium:1211215
Security: backported fix for CVE-2021-30547
Security: backported fix for CVE-2021-30553
Security: backported fix for CVE-2021-30554
Security: backported fix for chromium:1194689
Security: backported fix for chromium:1209558

Electron 13.1.4 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed an issue with PDF loading on Windows, where metadata was not loading correctly and causing the PDF to load as a blank page