x264 b frame

Hello everyone, I have some questions about B-frames in x264 and H.264 encoding. 1) Does "B-Frame as Reference Fram...

x264 b frame

Hello everyone, I have some questions about B-frames in x264 and H.264 encoding. 1) Does "B-Frame as Reference Frames" feature improve output video quality? (I mean, should I enable or disable it?) 2) In "Sorenson Squeeze" software, th,下面有一部份不確定正確性,有錯誤歡迎討論一下^^ 首先知道什麼是B幀嗎? 一般影片在看的時候是連續的畫格一格一格的在切換但其實在壓縮的時候並不是每個畫格都會完全的紀錄畫格的全樣通常的壓縮方式是:由第一格紀錄全部影像資訊此格稱作I-frame.

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x264 b frame 相關參考資料
B-frames in x264 or H.264 video encoding - Doom9's Forum

Hello everyone, I have some questions about B-frames in x264 and H.264 encoding. 1) Does "B-Frame as Reference Frames" feature improve output video quality? (I mean, should I enable or disa...


B-frames in x264 or H.264 video encoding [Archive] - Doom9's Forum

Hello everyone, I have some questions about B-frames in x264 and H.264 encoding. 1) Does "B-Frame as Reference Frames" feature improve output video quality? (I mean, should I enable or disab...


Re: [請問] x264 的bframes 跟reframe - 看板AVEncode - 批踢踢實業坊

下面有一部份不確定正確性,有錯誤歡迎討論一下^^ 首先知道什麼是B幀嗎? 一般影片在看的時候是連續的畫格一格一格的在切換但其實在壓縮的時候並不是每個畫格都會完全的紀錄畫格的全樣通常的壓縮方式是:由第一格紀錄全部影像資訊此格稱作I-frame.


video - Difference between B-frame and b-frame when decoding x264 ...

I found an answer to my own question by searching even further. According to this website a B-frame is a frame that's used as a reference by other frames, while a b-frame is not used as reference...


Video compression picture types - Wikipedia

These different algorithms for video frames are called picture types or frame types. The three major picture types used in the different video algorithms are I, P and B. They are different in the foll...


x264 : number of B frames and ref [Archive] - Doom9's Forum

I got 22,700 hits (http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&as_q=x264+B-frames+ref&as_epq=&as_oq=&as_eq=&as_nlo=&as_nhi=&lr=&cr=&as_qdr=all&as_sitesearch=http%3A%2F...


x264 FFmpeg Options Guide - Linux Encoding - Google Sites

B-frames are a core element of H.264 and are more efficient in H.264 than any previous standard. Some specific targets, such as HD-DVD and Blu-Ray, have limitations on the number of consecutive B-fram...


x264: How important are B-frames? (comparative examples) [Archive ...

Without B frames (http://www.bubblevision.com/underwater-video/x264-512x288-400kbps-no-b-frames.htm) There are differences in the command line options used as explained on the pages. The most importan...


動態補償如何讓影片壓縮變小?B-frame 能讓影片變多瘦? | T客邦- 我只 ...

在使用720p的《復仇者連盟》(樣本1)及1080p的《新世紀福音戰士新劇場版:破》(樣本2)預告片進行測試,採用MeGUI搭配x264編碼器進行編碼,由於我們想要得知B-frame對壓縮率的影響,因此在編碼時採用crf方式固定影片品質,讓壓縮效率反應在檔案體積上。 測試的控制變因為改變GOP中B-frame的數量,x264 ...


筆記: H.264 Frame

P-frame & B-frame 不會越過IDR frame 去參考其他Frames, 所以可以隨意跳轉到任意IDR frame 開始播放/解碼,而不會發生問題。 P-frame: 只紀錄了與之前的Frames 相異的區塊,最多可以參考"16 張" 之前的Frames 播放/解碼時需要參用到之前的Frames 的部分資料,才能解碼出完整畫面。 在x264 中,你不能...
