unity oculus avatar

The Oculus Integration for Unity package contains several Oculus Avatar prefabs you can drop into your existing Unity pr...

unity oculus avatar

The Oculus Integration for Unity package contains several Oculus Avatar prefabs you can drop into your existing Unity projects. This guide shows you how to ... ,Describes Oculus Avatars. Contains ... Avatars with Expressive Features in Unity - Expressive features allow for realistic and nuanced animation of various facial ...

相關軟體 Oculus SDK for Windows 資訊

Oculus SDK for Windows
Oculus SDK for Windows 最新版本下載。加入 Rift 開發者社區,為全球高端消費者 VR 體驗創造內容。從獨立工作室到 AAA 團隊,遊戲產業的先驅正在界定互動媒體的未來。借助各種工具和強大的平台 SDK,建立虛擬現實從未如此簡單.通過自然的手勢和移動提高您的虛擬現實體驗。解鎖 Oculus Touch 控制器的功能,讓您的觀眾以非凡的精度操縱對象和遊戲元素。觸摸控制器提供輸... Oculus SDK for Windows 軟體介紹

unity oculus avatar 相關參考資料
Oculus Local Avatar hands not visible - Unity Forum

Hello, I have a project (Unity 2019.2.0.f1, LWRP, Oculus 1.39, Rift-S) in which I cannot get the Oculus hands to show. Please note that this is not ...


Avatar Developer Guide - Rift - Oculus Developer Center

The Oculus Integration for Unity package contains several Oculus Avatar prefabs you can drop into your existing Unity projects. This guide shows you how to ...


Oculus Avatar SDK

Describes Oculus Avatars. Contains ... Avatars with Expressive Features in Unity - Expressive features allow for realistic and nuanced animation of various facial ...


Oculus Avatar SDK | Developer Center | Oculus

6 天前 - Note: Developers working on Unity and Unreal Engine apps do not require this download because the Avatar SDK components are already ...
