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Syncovery 是 Windows PC 的文件同步和備份軟件! Syncovery 將以您需要的方式複制您的文件。備份數據並同步 PC,Mac,服務器,筆記本和在線存儲空間。推薦給公司和私人用戶。瀏覽眾多功能並立即下載 Syncovery! 選擇版本:Syncovery 7.94(32 位)Syncovery 7.94(64 位) Syncovery 軟體介紹

Syncovery (32-bit)Syncovery (64-bit)


BricsCAD 23.1.05 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Improvements to BricsCAD Core:
3D Constraints widgets:
The widgets of the 3D constraints display the corresponding constraint values: DMRADIUS3D (for a circle, sphere, cylinder and torus argument) and DMANGLE3D (for a cone argument)

AI Assist:
- A new "AI Assist" ribbon tab is added, containing personalized command suggestions based on your BricsCAD usage

The AI Assist tab contains 3 different types of suggestions: other relevant commands, personal commands, and next commands
- The "other" command suggestion panel contains new command recommendations based on the user's command usage. The "personal" command suggestion panel contains additional important commands in a user's design workflow.
- "Next" commands are command recommendations based on the currently executed command.
- The "Next command suggestions" panel will always contains suggestions, even before a user executes their first command. #magic

Animation Editor:
- The Sun effect is now supported in the Animation Editor. You can also create special parameters and link them with the sun's azimuth and altitude, by name.

- A command panel has been added to the ARRANGE command, to present the various arrangement options in a more visual way
- A tool icon for the ARRANGE command has been added to the Modify ribbon panels of the different workspaces, the Quad, the Modify toolbar and the Menu bar.
- Draggable widgets have been introduced in model space during the execution of the ARRANGE command, to modify the arrangement (i.e., alignment/distribution) positions.
- The position along the specified direction (X, Y or Z), and where to arrange (i.e., align or distribute) the selected entities can now be changed, from the ARRANGE command panel or via the command line interface.

- The new ARRAYDETECT command provides the array detection functionality that was formerly found in the BLOCKIFY command

- Attributes referring to the properties of entities belonging to a parametric block can now be correctly regenerated after the parameters are changed

- We made a small improvement to the user experience by making the BCLOSE command repeat as BEDIT

Block Edit Dialog:
- Converted the Block Edit dialog to Qt

- We added a command panel where you can edit the settings, and display the results for Equal Solids and Match Existing Blocks. Next to the command panel, we borrowed the green check marks and red cross signs from the BimPropagate command (in BricsCAD BIM). As such, you now have ultimate control over which solids to convert to blocks, and which to leave alone. Besides toggling individual widgets, you can use box selection to flip multiple toggles at the same time.
- The pattern recognition functionality was removed from the BLOCKIFY command, as it is now available in
dedicated command: ARRAYDETECT.

Boolean Block- and Component-based features:
- 3D constraints and associative dimensions in generated drawings which are attached to geometry of boolean-based 3D solid features are now correctly maintained upon parameter changes.
- The calculation of 3D parametric solid models which involve simultaneous 3D constraints, boolean features and arrays has been reworked. Many cases which previously failed to update are now recalculated correctly, thanks to the corrected sequence of the operations applied internally to the 3D solids.

BricsCAD Diagnostics & Usage Data Program:
- The dialogs displayed, offering the user the opportunity to join (or decline) the BricsCAD Diagnostics & Usage Data Program have been merged and simplified
- The user feedback in the log-in dialog has been enhanced

- Introduced CHECKFORUPDATES command. It prints the current installed version, the latest available version and allows to go to the download page.

Color Dialog:
- RGB and HSL values on the True Color page are now automatically selected when they receive focus

Command Panels:
- For full-height command panels, no resizing of the modelspace area is performed (as this was extremely annoying with heavy drawings loaded)
- The default location where command panels pop up is improved. Preferably, they show up on an expanded, non-empty panel.

- A new tool has been added to simply connect coplanar 2D curves. The CONNECT tool does not change the underlying geometric definition of the input curve elements. It only changes the start and/or end points to make them connected. When possible, the now connected input curves are joined into a polyline.

Convert Dialogs to Qt:
The following dialogs are converted to the new UI framework:* dlgCopyToLayer* dlgHyperlink* dlgNewSheet* dlgPublish* dlgLoadLineTypes* dlgGroup* dlgGroupReorder* dlgGroupList* dlgGroupHighlight* dlgGroupContinue* dlgImportSheetSet* dlgCreateSheetSelection* dlgSheetSelections

- Dynamic dimensions were added to assist in the positioning of detail entities
- Next to copying entities (solids, blocks...), the CopyGuided3d command now also fully supports copying a set of faces ("sub-entities"), proving the power of BricsCAD's unique direct modeling engine

Copy to Layer Dialog:
- The copy to layer dialog is converted to Qt

Introduced Coordinate Reference Systems for Portugal: 4207, 5018, 20790, 27492, 27493

- The 'default.cui' file was replaced with 3 new "standard" cui files (modern, classic-ribbon and classic-toolbars) to accommodate multiple UI layout options. The classic-ribbon.cui is the default on a clean installation.
- When a corrupt .cui file is encountered, a prompt enables restoring from the latest backup

We have created two new workspaces: Civil and Complete, to give you the tools you need, when you need them.The panel layouts have been improved and standardized across all workspaces.The old workspaces have been renamed to "Classic" and you can still access the old ribbon layouts in these workspaces.
- Commands started from a menu macro now default to prompting for input at the command line instead of displaying a dialog

- A new DEPARAMETRIZE tool has been added to strip a parametric or a dynamic block from all its "parametrics". As such, the resulting block becomes a dumb, static block. The tool accepts either a single block reference or a set of block references. Under the hood, new (static) block definitions are created for them.
- Dimension Overrides
- Dimensions with over-ridden dimension text can be underlined using the MARKDIMOVR system variable without modifications to the drawing database
- Over-ridden dimension values can now be underlined automatically, if desired

- Allows users to select Dimension Arrows/Texts and use these sub entities for Quad commands.

- Created the "DIMMARKTYPE" setting as a BricsCAD system variable
- DIMMARKTYPE system variable is extended to use overlines as well as underlines

- We've implemented support for automatic updating behavior of associative jogged dimensions

- We added the DIMSPACE command, which adjusts the spacing between linear dimensions / angular dimensions

Display Performance:
- We've improved 3D display performance when navigating in large drawings
- Improved redraw and zoom in/zoom out performance in 2D wireframe mode, for drawings with large numbers of nested blocks.
- Avoided flicker of existing selection when a new entity was added to the grips selection set.
- Improved the performance of highlighting / un-highlighting large sets of entities in 3D display modes.

- The first point prompt of the DIST command now defaults to the value of LASTPOINT

- The DMAUDIT command panel has been added, making it easier to change the settings for the command. Changing the entity selection, setting the mode (fix or check), and specifying the ADT output file name are now all optional.
- Drawing Recovery Manager
- This new panel displays a list of drawing files that can be recovered after a program or system failure.The DRAWINGRECOVERY and DRAWINGRECOVERYHIDE commands show/hide this panel.

DWGCompare Panel:
- DWGCompare now uses a dedicated panel to help you easily compare the contents of two .dwg files. The legend allows to set the colors in which new, removed and modified entities are displayed. In the Results
b, you can browse through all detected differences. It displays two thumbnails: the first one shows the selected differences in the current drawing and the second shows the objects from the compare drawing. You can immediately zoom in to the selected object's location in the model.

- The new DWGHEALTH command combines the functionality of multiple stand-alone BricsCAD commands that can
lp improve overall drawing size and accuracy, e.g.: AUDIT, SIMPLIFY, BLOCKIFY and more. This is part of an on-going Epic to deliver automated drawing health management tools in BricsCAD.

Dynamic Block:
- Improved the display of dynamic blocks with constraints

Enhanced Help:
- Trying to input commands from other CAD software? BricsCAD will now display tips in the Command line for alternative commands and workflows available in BricsCAD

Erase of Associative Hatches:
- BricsCAD now removes an associative hatch from the reactor lists of associated boundary objects immediately after hatch deletion

Added plotstamp support when exporting to PDF: Print as PDF.pc3, EXPORTPDF and PUBLISH.

Express Tools:
- The English language versions of the Express Tools for BricsCAD are fully integrated in V23. We are currently preparing the Express Tools for localization. Additional language support will roll out in future minor or major releases

Field Dialog:
- Added support to create/edit custom properties of dynamic blocks and block references

- Objects positioned at extreme coordinates can be extremely annoying; these objects are typically hard to detect, so it is hard to find out they are there. Further, the manipulation of the view becomes really hard, since that depends on the total extents of the drawing. This new FINDOUTLIERS command aims to aid users in detecting these objects at extreme coordinates, and offers some actions in order to deal with them.

- When selecting any point clouds and/or sections, the command first prompts to select exactly one point cloud and section, if needed

GUI Dialogs:
Fixed: adjust the dialog's position on screen to make the dialog top-left corner visible when user migrates to/from different monitor configurations with different size or/and resolution.

- The text string in the Settings dialog referencing the HIGHLIGHT system variable has been corrected. It now states that the value of the HIGHLIGHT system variable is not saved in the current drawing or in the system registry, i.e., it is "per-session".

Icon Visibility:
- The icons for the DIMCONTINUE and POINT commands have been re-designed for better visibility

Import Sheet Dialog:
- The import sheet set dialog has been ported to Qt

- The INSERT and BMINSERT commands were unified. In effect, we've extended the INSERT command by adding the functionality of BMINSERT to it, for use on parametric blocks / external references.

Interface Settings Panel:
- The Interface Settings panel, a new CUI control for V23, now includes a chooser for the "factory" CUI styles - modern ribbon, classic ribbon or classic toolbars

Layers Panel:
- The columns Plot, New VP and Material are now shown by default

Load Linetypes Dialog Box:
- We replaced the WxWidgets based "Load Linetypes" dialog box with a Qt-based implementation. There is no functional change to this dialog

Login as Guest:
- Login as guest allows users to participate in the BricsCAD Diagnostics & Data Usage Program without authenticating
- Data and prediction models are then collected and stored under an anonymous identifier specific to the user's BricsCAD installation - instead of specific to the user's account.
- Logging-in with user credentials has the additional benefit of synchronizing the user's prediction models (for Autocomplete, AI Assist ribbon tab) across different installations of BricsCAD.

- MLEADER attributes are now displayed on the Properties panel

New Default Tool Palettes:
- We have added a number of new, default tool palettes, to help you get acquainted with BricsCAD's unique toolset more quickly

New Publish Dialog:
- The Publish Dialog has been converted to the Qt UI framework

New Sheet Dialog:
- The create new sheet dialog has been converted to Qt

- The implementation for keeping line-arc connections has been improved

- When choosing the Combine Duplicate Blocks option, you can now preview the groups of blocks and their references, and select which ones to keep

Parameter Bounds:
- Now it's possible to force the value of a parameter into a specified interval. You can use the Mechanical Browser or Parameters Manager panels to specify lower and upper bounds for a parameter. If parameter is assigned to a geometry-driven 3D constraint its bounds will be taken into account while moving the constrained geometry. DMCONSTRAINT3D command now has a new option to specify the lower and/or upper bounds for the constraint value.

Parametric External References:
- External references with changed parameter values are now updated when corresponding external file is modified and reloaded

- Flip lines in the input parametric block are now correctly supported
- The Parametric Blockify command now also supports 2D parametric blocks or a selection set of 2D geometry containing parameters and constraints
- 2D diameter and radius constraints are now also supported

- A first (beta) version PARAMETRICBLOCKASSIST, or PBLOCKASSIST, has been created. This is a converter that reads AutoCAD-created Dynamic Blocks and converts them to BricsCAD-format Parametric Blocks.
- Quite a lot of Dynamic Block actions are already supported, such as DBlock look-up tables are converted to PBlock Design Tables

- The file selection prompt of the -PDFATTACH command is now controlled by the FILEDIA system variable, and the PDF underlay dialog is controlled by CMDDIA

- Added a WATERMARK to print output when using a BricsCAD Academic license

Publish Dialog:
- The key now works for removing rows in the Sheet List table

- We added a dialog where you can choose which item types to purge. A commandline-only version is still available with -PURGE.
- Extended command to support nested purge (purge nested items)

- Upgraded the UI framework to Qt version 5.15.10

- Tools without an underscore prefix in their command strings are now supported and will show up in the no-selection Quad's most recently used items row
- The commands MEASURE, ID, UNISOLATEOBJECTS in the Quad are now available under more circumstances to help facilitate faster workflows

Quad Rollover Tips:
- Properties of entities on locked layers can no longer be modified with the Quad Rollover Tips
- Dimension arrow block properties are now always fully visible in the rollover tips panel

- We're in the process of introducing a new Ribbon design in BricsCAD. The new Ribbon framework is based on Qt, replacing the historical WxWidgets-based underpinnings. The choice of Ribbon ("qt" vs "wxwidgets") can be controlled using the USENEWRIBBON system variable, which is set to "0" (use "WxWidgets") by default. If you want a sneakpeak how the new framework functions change the setting of USENEWRIBBON to 1. You'll need to exit and restart BricsCAD to effect the change.
- Added the COPYGUIDED3D command to the ribbon in all relevant workspaces (i.e., those with a Modeling ribbon).
- A significant number of commands have been repositioned in the modern.cui Drafting and Modeling
youts. In particular, manipulation commands: MOVE, ROTATE, MIRROR, COPY, etc. The Home tab of the Drafting and Modeling workspace will be familiar for users coming from other CAD platforms. They now have large, drop-down menus that display all hidden commands in a single click. This saves time as there is no need to search various split buttons for a command. All panels were set to Dock instead of float or tabbed, this ensures the command panel displays consistently across all workspaces and all UCS elements are clearly visible from a fresh install. In the other tabs, more commands have been brought to the front and the parametric tools have returned to the Modeling Tabs for all workspaces.
- When a Ribbon contains more Tabs than will fit on the Ribbon menu bar, the overflowing tabs are hidden and shown in a drop-down menu instead

- Lasso selection has been implemented. It is available when when the PICKAUTO setting >= 4. Lasso is activated when the left mouse button is held down while the mouse is moving. Window, crossing and fence modes can be toggled by pressing the space bar.

- The DefaultPlotStyleTable user preference setting has been implemented

Sheet Set Manager:
- We've added the option to publish sheets to PDF (or using a plotter, based on the last used presets) directly from the Sheet Set Manager panel
- Fixed an issue where a re-ordered sheet appeared at the bottom of the tree listing

Sheet Set Panel:
- A new sheets tree menu option has been added enabling you to save all sheets belonging to a sheet set
- Opening the Qt Sheet Set panel closes the legacy panel, and vice-versa
- The import of a sheet layout to a sheet set will be prevented if the layout already points to another sheet set
- The list of layouts can now be sorted before importing them to a sheet set. Also multiple layouts can be included/excluded in one operation.
- The sheet set panel now contains a dropdown menu listing the recently opened .dst files. Clicking one of these files loads its sheet set into the panel.
- A preview of the selected sheet layout is shown in the Create New Sheets dialog
- The details panel now contains a preview for sheets

SHP File Support:
- ESRI SHP files can now be imported and exported with GISIMPORT and GISEXPORT commands

- A command panel for choosing the Simplify settings has been added. The command panel offers a preview,
king it easier to find the right settings. The 'straighten' option has been removed: polylines that contain arcs are never simplified.The commandline options have been changed, making it possible to run the command without having to choose the settings on the commandline.

- Implemented a "check as you type" spell checking feature for BricsCAD's built-in text editor

Surface Properties:
- The Properties panel now displays U and V Isolines properties for surface entities

System Variables:
- The MIRRHATCH system variable is now exposed to the command line and added to the Settings dialog

- Performance while grip-editing large Tables has been greatly improved

Tips Panel:
- The Tips Panel content has been updated to provide new and existing users with richer in-product help and command guidance
- The Tips Panel shows a help page when a layout is selected

- Dragging and dropping toolbars in between existing toolbars is now more user friendly. If multiple tools share the same row after dropping, a toolbar may be wrapped onto a new row to ensure that both existing and newly dropped toolbars are visible instead of getting pushed outside the main frame window.

- The experimental panel (Qt) has now become the main ToolPalettes panel and the old one (based on wxWidgets) has been removed
- Fixed blurry display of images at e.g. 125% display scaling
- Implemented the vertical tab-bar feature request for the Tool Palettes panel
- A button is now available in the top-right corner of the panel to open the palette context menu.
- New ToolPalettes panel: context menu on tabs is now available.
- New ToolPalettes panel: improved list view design. Also added a button to open the context menu.
- New ToolPalettes panel: when adding a new separator or text item via the blue "Add" button or the top-right context menu button, the view scrolls down to show it, if needed.
- Rectangle selection is now available to select tools.

TOOLPALETTEPATH: now supports catalogs with the same GUID.
- When dragging a tool inside a palette, the palette is now automatically scrolled if needed.

- The MLeader behavior has been improved to handle the TSPACETYPE settings variable.

Trimble Sketchup Import:
- The Sketchup SDK has been upgraded. BricsCAD V23 now properly imports SKP 2022 format files.

"Ultimate" Workspace:
- The new BricsCAD Ultimate workspace is available by selecting "Complete" via the Workspace selection drop-down, the Status Bar workspace selector, or by using command _WSCURRENT and setting the current value to "Complete".

User File Manager Dialog:
- The default selection is now 'Keep Current' (instead of 'Overwrite').

VPMAX command improvements:
- Background color of maximized PS viewport is changed to the color of Model Space
- You can select a single viewport automatically
- The command will stop when no viewports are available
- The command will print a message when a selected entity is not a viewport

Postman 9.31.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


Syncovery 10.1.2 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Syncovery 10.1.2 (64-bit)
- Fixes email notifications being sent almost always, ignoring the actual notification settings

Syncovery 10.1.1 (64-bit)
- Adds some internal double-checks to ensure that permissions are never modified on the source side in one-way sync profiles
- Fixes a few minor bugs

Syncovery 10.1.0 (64-bit)
- Fixes profile groups not being shown in the profile selection list in Wizard Mode
- Fixes “execute after” command lines prefixed with ++ being executed despite “nothing to do” when using the new sub-job spawning feature

Syncovery 10.0.10 (64-bit)
- profile groups not being shown in the profile selection list in Wizard Mode
- “execute after” command lines prefixed with ++ being executed despite “nothing to do” when using the new sub-job spawning feature

Syncovery 10.0.9 (64-bit)
- Adds s checkmark on the Options tab sheet of the SmartTracking dialog: “Ignore File Creation Timestamps When Detecting Deleted Files”. This can help if you find that SmartTracking does not always detect deleted files, and the log file contains a line similar to: “File on right side created after last run completed”.
- On the Real-Time Settings dialog, tab sheet “Advanced”, the option to “switch to a normal, full sync if more than X real-time events are to be processed” can now also be used for the default mode “Process Complete folders”.

Syncovery 10.0.6 (64-bit)
- Improves SmartTracking detection of deleted files
- The feature “delete nothing to do logs” now works with logs for additional destinations

Syncovery 10.0.5 (64-bit)
- Fixes additional destinations from a profile being preconfigured as default for a new profile. New profiles will now correctly start empty with no additional destinations.

Syncovery 10.0.3 (64-bit)
- Enables all the new SSH algorithms in the updated SecureBlackBox library so it’s really compatible with all current SFTP servers. The Advanced SSH Settings dialog has been updated to include the new algorithms.
- Includes the new Syncovery Remote Service v10.00 to support the new “block level copying + versioning” feature where the Remote Service is used to make a versioned copy of the destination file, which can then be updated on a block level basis.

Syncovery 10.0.2 (64-bit)
- Fixes a Range Check Error when logging Windows Events in the 64 bit edition, which could also prevent the scheduler from starting

Syncovery 10.0.1 (64-bit)
- Sync with multiple destinations in a single profile
- Free grouping of profiles – independent from profile names
- Adds support for the 7-Zip format (Windows only)
- Includes an updated SecureBlackBox library for SSH/SFTP
- Support for empty folders via S3 and Azure BLOB Storage protocols
- Adds the ability to combine versioning and block level copying
- Can spawn separate sub-jobs for each subfolder
- Adds miscellaneous smaller features
- New visual themes
- The upgrade is free for licenses issued since September 2020
- For older licenses, please click here to order your upgrade now!

Syncovery 10.1.1 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Syncovery 10.1.1 (64-bit)
- Adds some internal double-checks to ensure that permissions are never modified on the source side in one-way sync profiles
- Fixes a few minor bugs

Syncovery 10.1.0 (64-bit)
- Fixes profile groups not being shown in the profile selection list in Wizard Mode
- Fixes “execute after” command lines prefixed with ++ being executed despite “nothing to do” when using the new sub-job spawning feature

Syncovery 10.0.10 (64-bit)
- profile groups not being shown in the profile selection list in Wizard Mode
- “execute after” command lines prefixed with ++ being executed despite “nothing to do” when using the new sub-job spawning feature

Syncovery 10.0.9 (64-bit)
- Adds s checkmark on the Options tab sheet of the SmartTracking dialog: “Ignore File Creation Timestamps When Detecting Deleted Files”. This can help if you find that SmartTracking does not always detect deleted files, and the log file contains a line similar to: “File on right side created after last run completed”.
- On the Real-Time Settings dialog, tab sheet “Advanced”, the option to “switch to a normal, full sync if more than X real-time events are to be processed” can now also be used for the default mode “Process Complete folders”.

Syncovery 10.0.6 (64-bit)
- Improves SmartTracking detection of deleted files
- The feature “delete nothing to do logs” now works with logs for additional destinations

Syncovery 10.0.5 (64-bit)
- Fixes additional destinations from a profile being preconfigured as default for a new profile. New profiles will now correctly start empty with no additional destinations.

Syncovery 10.0.3 (64-bit)
- Enables all the new SSH algorithms in the updated SecureBlackBox library so it’s really compatible with all current SFTP servers. The Advanced SSH Settings dialog has been updated to include the new algorithms.
- Includes the new Syncovery Remote Service v10.00 to support the new “block level copying + versioning” feature where the Remote Service is used to make a versioned copy of the destination file, which can then be updated on a block level basis.

Syncovery 10.0.2 (64-bit)
- Fixes a Range Check Error when logging Windows Events in the 64 bit edition, which could also prevent the scheduler from starting

Syncovery 10.0.1 (64-bit)
- Sync with multiple destinations in a single profile
- Free grouping of profiles – independent from profile names
- Adds support for the 7-Zip format (Windows only)
- Includes an updated SecureBlackBox library for SSH/SFTP
- Support for empty folders via S3 and Azure BLOB Storage protocols
- Adds the ability to combine versioning and block level copying
- Can spawn separate sub-jobs for each subfolder
- Adds miscellaneous smaller features
- New visual themes
- The upgrade is free for licenses issued since September 2020
- For older licenses, please click here to order your upgrade now!

Auto Mouse Clicker 1.5 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Added “Wait” option
- Implemented SaveDialog overwrite prompt
- Improved UI

iMyFone AnyTo 4.8.9 查看版本資訊


Thunderbird 102.4.1 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Thunderbird will now catch and report errors parsing vCards that contain incorrectly formatted dates

- Dynamic language switching did not update interface when switched to right-to-left languages
- Custom header data was discarded after messages were saved as draft and reopened
- -remote command line argument did not work, affecting integration with various applications such as LibreOffice
- Messages received via some SMS-to-email services could not display images
- VCards with nickname field set could not be edited
- Some recurring events were missing from Agenda on first load
- Download requests for remote ICS calendars incorrectly set "Accept" header to text/xml
- Monthly events created on the 31st of a month with

JRiver Media Center 30.0.26 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


Syncovery 10.1.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Syncovery 10.1.0 (64-bit)
- Fixes profile groups not being shown in the profile selection list in Wizard Mode
- Fixes “execute after” command lines prefixed with ++ being executed despite “nothing to do” when using the new sub-job spawning feature

Syncovery 10.0.10 (64-bit)
- profile groups not being shown in the profile selection list in Wizard Mode
- “execute after” command lines prefixed with ++ being executed despite “nothing to do” when using the new sub-job spawning feature

Syncovery 10.0.9 (64-bit)
- Adds s checkmark on the Options tab sheet of the SmartTracking dialog: “Ignore File Creation Timestamps When Detecting Deleted Files”. This can help if you find that SmartTracking does not always detect deleted files, and the log file contains a line similar to: “File on right side created after last run completed”.
- On the Real-Time Settings dialog, tab sheet “Advanced”, the option to “switch to a normal, full sync if more than X real-time events are to be processed” can now also be used for the default mode “Process Complete folders”.

Syncovery 10.0.6 (64-bit)
- Improves SmartTracking detection of deleted files
- The feature “delete nothing to do logs” now works with logs for additional destinations

Syncovery 10.0.5 (64-bit)
- Fixes additional destinations from a profile being preconfigured as default for a new profile. New profiles will now correctly start empty with no additional destinations.

Syncovery 10.0.3 (64-bit)
- Enables all the new SSH algorithms in the updated SecureBlackBox library so it’s really compatible with all current SFTP servers. The Advanced SSH Settings dialog has been updated to include the new algorithms.
- Includes the new Syncovery Remote Service v10.00 to support the new “block level copying + versioning” feature where the Remote Service is used to make a versioned copy of the destination file, which can then be updated on a block level basis.

Syncovery 10.0.2 (64-bit)
- Fixes a Range Check Error when logging Windows Events in the 64 bit edition, which could also prevent the scheduler from starting

Syncovery 10.0.1 (64-bit)
- Sync with multiple destinations in a single profile
- Free grouping of profiles – independent from profile names
- Adds support for the 7-Zip format (Windows only)
- Includes an updated SecureBlackBox library for SSH/SFTP
- Support for empty folders via S3 and Azure BLOB Storage protocols
- Adds the ability to combine versioning and block level copying
- Can spawn separate sub-jobs for each subfolder
- Adds miscellaneous smaller features
- New visual themes
- The upgrade is free for licenses issued since September 2020
- For older licenses, please click here to order your upgrade now!