TinyButStrong Error in field [var.version...]: the key 'version' does not exist or is not set in VarRef. (VarRef seems refers to $GLOBALS) This message can be cancelled using parameter 'noerr'.

TinyButStrong Error in field [var.version...]: the key 'version' does not exist or is not set in VarRef. (VarRef seems refers to $GLOBALS) This message can be cancelled using parameter 'noerr'.
 SQLite 軟體舊版本 Download Page24 | 2024 軟體跟著走

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SQLite 是一個實現自包含,無服務器,零配置,事務 SQL 數據庫引擎的進程內庫。 SQLite 的代碼是在公共領域,因此可以用於任何目的,商業或私人。 SQLite 是世界上應用最廣泛的數據庫,比我們可以計數的應用程序還要多,其中包括幾個備受矚目的項目。選擇版本:SQLite 3.21.0(32 位)SQLite 3.20.1(64 位) SQLite 軟體介紹

SQLite (32-bit)SQLite (64-bit)

SQLite 3.32.0 (32-bit) 查看版本資訊


Freegate 7.81 查看版本資訊


HDHomeRun 20200521 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

HDHomeRun 20200521
- Windows BDA: Workaround for NextPVR not working due to PID filter support
- Windows WMP: Fix A/V sync problem when the audio frame duration is longer than the timestamp step size
- Update firmware to 20200521

HDHomeRun 20200225
- Windows 7/8/8.1: Support MPEG2/AC3 content without DirectShow codecs or VLC installed
- Windows 7/8/8.1: Support audio codec changing mid-stream
- Windows 7/8/8.1: Reduce CPU load playing video content
- Windows 7/8/8.1: Fix resource leak.
- Windows Media Player: Support MPEG2/AC3 content without DirectShow codecs or VLC installed
- Windows Media Player: Support audio codec changing mid-stream
- Windows Media Player: Fix resource leak.
- Update firmware to 20200225

HDHomeRun 20190621
- Support new SCRIBE and SERVIO models
- Latest HDHomeRun RECORD service for Windows – see RECORD below
- Update firmware to 20190621

- Support running multiple record engines acting together as a pool
- Support operation with multiple IP addresses on the same network interface
- Support operation with multiple isolated AutoIP networks
- Support user configurable limits to the number of concurrent recordings/viewings
- Support configuring max concurrent recordings to 0 to disable recording on a specific record engine
- Detect SDCardFSfilesystem on Android
- StorageID in announcements changed to upper-case
- Robust validation of RecordPath
- Improvements to GUID handling
- Fix problem where changes in available channels may not have been detected
- Fix problem detecting show boundaries when buffering live TV
- Fix handling of HTTP requests that immediately disconnect without waiting for a response
- Enforce use of HTTP-POST for operations that change configuration
- Drop unused DisplayGroupID/DisplayGroupName fields

RStudio 1.3.959 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Dramatically improved accessibility support, including support for screen readers, keyboard navigation improvements, focus indicators and contrast improvements, and more
- Real-time spellchecking with customizable dictionaries and inline correction suggestions
- Dozens of other productivity improvements, including auto-save, global search and replace, and Shiny background jobs
- All preferences and settings are now saved centrally in plain text files, and can be set by admins and backed up by users
- Compatibility with iPad OS 13 for RStudio Server
- RStudio Desktop Pro can now function as a client for RStudio Server Pro; access your server’s compute power and environments with the convenience of a windowed desktop application

Dramatically improved accessibility for sight-impaired users, including:
- Keyboard focus management and visibility upgrades
- Improved keyboard navigation
- Compatibility with popular screen readers
- Compliant contrast ratios and other accessibility improvements
- User preference for disabling user-interface animations such as when zooming panes

Spell Check:
- Real-time spell-checking engine for checking while editing
- Customizable dictionaries and word ignore lists preloaded with common R terms
- Inline correction suggestions

Preferences and Configuration:
- All user preferences and settings can now be set using a plain JSON file
- All user preferences can now have global defaults set by a system administrator
- New diagnostics commands for editing the prefs file, resetting state, and viewing pref system data
- Editor themes, snippets, file templates, and keybindings are now portable and can be installed by admins
- The content of new file templates (New R Script, New R Markdown, etc.) can now be controlled by users or administrators
- renv
- New projects can be initialized with renv, giving them an isolated project environment

Server Security:
- New auth-timeout-minutes option signs users out after a defined period of inactivity
- CSRF hardening improvements including optional validation of the HTTP Origin header
- Add option auth-cookies-force-secure to always mark auth cookies as secure when SSL is terminated upstream
- Set HTTP header X-Content-Type-Options to discourage MIME type sniffing
- Authentication cookies are now revoked after signout
- File-serving resource endpoints can now be made more restrictive; added new restrict-directory-view and directory-view-whitelist options
- RStudio Server now uses 2048 bit RSA keys, for secure communication of encrypted credentials between server / session and client

Terminal Improvements:
- User preference to configure initial working directory of new terminals
- Command to open a new terminal at location of current editor file
- Command to insert the full path and filename of current editor file into terminal
- Command in File pane to open a new terminal at File pane’s current location
- Command in to change terminal to current RStudio working directory
- PowerShell Core option in terminal (Windows-only)
- Custom terminal shell option for Windows desktop (previously only on Mac, Linux, and server)
- Change shortcuts for Next/Previous terminal to avoid clash with common Windows shortcuts
- Suppress macOS Catalina message about switching to zsh in Terminal pane
- Add ‘Close All Terminals’ command to Terminal menu
- Zsh option in terminal for Mac and Linux desktop, and RStudio Server
- Diagnostics and Recovery:
- Add automated crash handling and reporting
- Show detailed logs and process output when R fails to start
- Add “Safe Mode” for opening sessions without profile scripts or workspace restoration

- Support for tutorials with the learnr package in a new Tutorials pane

Background Jobs:
- Add support for running Shiny applications as background jobs
- Install missing package dependencies in a background job

Auto Save:
- Changes automatically (and optionally) saved to disk after a few seconds or when editor loses focus
- Option to disable real-time backup of unsaved changes to avoid conflicts with Google Drive, Dropbox, etc
- Option to adjust idle interval for backup or saving changes

- Add global replace with live preview and regular expression support
- Enable large file uploads (over 4GB) in RStudio Server
- Improved ‘Comment / Uncomment’ handling of empty lines around selection
- Files with extension ‘.q’ are no longer indexed or parsed as R files
- Add support for an API command to return the list of R packages RStudio depends on
- Upgrade internal JSON parsing engine for speed improvements
- Improved ergonomics for history prefix navigation
- Make columns resizable in the Environment pane
- Add Word Count command
- Keyboard shortcuts for main menu items on RStudio Server (e.g. Ctrl+Alt+F for File menu)
- Show number of characters when entering version control commit messages
- Update embedded Qt to 5.12.5 for Chromium update, stability and bugfixes
- Add preference for changing font size on help pane
- Warn when Xcode license has not been agreed to on macOS when command line tools required
- Improved browser tab names (project name first, complete product name) (Pr
- The diagnostics system now understands referenced symbols in glue strings
- Add preference for compiling .tex files with tinytex
- Long menus and popups now scroll instead of overflowing (#1760, #1794
- Sort package-installed R Markdown templates alphabetically
- The ‘Reopen with Encoding’ command now saves unsaved changes before re-opening the document.
- Autocomplete support for Plumber #* comment keywords
- Automatically continue Plumber #* on successive lines
- Comment / uncomment is now enabled for YAML documents
- Reflow comment has been rebound to ‘Ctrl + Shift + /’ on macOS.
- Allow fuzzy matches in help topic search
- The diagnostics system better handles missing expressions
- Keyboard shortcuts for debugging commands can be customized
- Update Pandoc to 2.7.3
- Update SumatraPDF to version 3.1.2
- Allow previewing PDFs in fullscreen mode in Sumatra PDF
- RStudio Server runtime files are stored in /var/run, or another configurable location, instead of /tmp
- Errors encountered when attempting to find Rtools installations are handled more gracefully
- Enable copying images to the clipboard from the Plots pane
- Update minimum supported browser versions
- Automatic refresh of the Git pane can now be enabled / disabled as required.
- Target directory can be changed from within the ‘Upload Files’ dialog (RStudio
- Zoom Left/Right Column commands for keyboard users
- Increase maximum plot size for large, high-DPI displays
- Make maximum lines in R console configurable; was previously fixed at 1000
- Option to only show project name instead of full path in desktop window title
- New rstudio --version command to return the version of RStudio Desktop
- Scan R Markdown YAML header for R packages required to render document
- Support use of F13 - F24 for custom keyboard shortcuts (full Mac keyboard has F13-F19, for example)
- Keyboard shortcuts for searching R help in Help pane, and next/previous help page
- Keep keyboard focus in the console during debugging
- Enable wrap-around for previous/next source tab by default
- Provide full SHA in detail of Git commits
- File monitor now ignores Packrat, renv library folders
- Make global source control commands rebindable

- Fix issue where calling install.packages() without arguments would fail
- Fix issue where C code in packages would incorrectly be diagnosed as C++
- Fix plot history when plot() called immediately after dev.off()
- Fix debug stopping past breakpoint when source windows are open
- Fix diagnostics error with multibyte characters in R Markdown documents on Windows
- Fix stale processes when invoking child R processes with large command lines
- Fix an issue where help tooltips could become corrupt when using prettycode
- Fix an issue where signature tooltips were shown even when disabled by user preference
- Fix an issue where Git did not work within projects whose paths contained multibyte characters
- Fix an issue where RStudio would fail to preview self-contained bookdown books
- Fix modal dialog boundaries extending out of the app window in certain cases
- Fix issue where session restore could fail when using multiple user l
- Fix issue where library paths were not forwarded when building package docum
- Restore ability to select and copy text in version control diffs
- Fix incorrect column names when non-dataframes with a column named x were viewed
- Fix inconsistent shading in R Markdown chunk backgrounds with folding
- Fix list column display in columns past 50 with data viewer
- Fix incorrect column type display when paging columns
- Fix incorrect sorting in data viewer when paging columns
- Fix carryover of light ANSI background colors
- Fix issue where Shiny applications using reticulate on Windows could crash on run
- Fix issue where pasting text into last chunk in document could occasionally cause hang
- Fix blank Viewer Pane when displaying most HTML widgets with R 4.0.0

SQLite 3.32.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


Transmission 3.00 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Allow the RPC server to listen on an IPv6 address
- Change TR_CURL_SSL_VERIFY to TR_CURL_SSL_NO_VERIFY and enable verification by default
- Go back to using hash as base name for resume and torrent files (those stored in configuration directory)
- Handle "fields" argument in "session-get" RPC request; if "fields" array is present in arguments, only return session fields specified; otherwise return all the fields as before
- Limit the number of incorrect authentication attempts in embedded web server to 100 to prevent brute-force attacks
- Set idle seed limit range to 1..40320 (4 weeks tops) in all clients
- Add Peer ID for Xfplay, PicoTorrent, Free Download Manager, Folx, Baidu Netdisk torrent clients
- Announce INT64_MAX as size left if the value is unknown (helps with e.g. Amazon S3 trackers)
- Add TCP_FASTOPEN support (should result in slight speedup)
- Improve ToS handling on IPv6 connections
- Abort handshake if establishing DH shared secret fails (leads to crash)
- Don't switch trackers while announcing (leads to crash)
- Improve completion scripts execution and error handling; add support for .cmd and .bat files on Windows
- Maintain a "session ID" file (in temporary directory) to better detect whether session is local or remote; return the ID as part of "session-get" response
- Change torrent location even if no data move is needed
- Support CIDR-notated blocklists
- Update the resume file before running script
- Make multiscrape limits adaptive
- Add labels support to libtransmission and transmission-remote
- Parse session-id header case-insensitively (#765)
- Sanitize suspicious path components instead of rejecting them
- Load CA certs from system store on Windows / OpenSSL
- Add support for mbedtls (formely polarssl) and wolfssl (formely cyassl), LibreSSL
- Fix building against OpenSSL 1.1.0+
- Fix quota support for uClibc-ng 1.0.18+ and DragonFly BSD
- Fix a number of memory leaks (magnet loading, session shutdown, bencoded data parsing)
- Bump miniupnpc version to 2.0.20170509
- CMake-related improvements (Ninja generator, libappindicator, systemd, Solaris and macOS)
- Switch to submodules to manage (most of) third-party dependencies
- Fail installation on Windows if UCRT is not installed

Web Client:
- Fix tracker error XSS in inspector (CVE-?)
- Fix performance issues due to improper use of setInterval() for UI refresh (TRAC-6031)
- Fix recognition of https:// links in comments field
- Fix torrent list style in Google Chrome 59+
- Show ETA in compact view on non-mobile devices
- Show upload file button on mobile devices
- Add keyboard hotkeys for web interface
- Disable autocompletion in torrent URL field

- Prevent crash in transmission-show displaying torrents with invalid creation date
- Handle IPv6 RPC addresses in transmission-remote
- Add --unsorted option to transmission-show
- Widen the torrent-id column in transmission-remote for cleaner formatting

Code Signing Policy:
- Windows MSI packages: free code signing provided by SignPath.io, certificate by SignPath Foundation

Vagrant 2.2.9 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


Freegate 7.80 查看版本資訊


Vagrant 2.2.8 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- virtualbox/disks: Add ability to manage virtual disks for guests

- bin/vagrant: Automatically include global options within commands
- bin/vagrant: Suppress Ruby warnings when not running pre-release version
- communicator/ssh: Add support for configuring SSH connect timeout
- core: Update childprocess gem
- core: Add cli option --no-tty
- core: Overhaul call stack modifications implementation for hooks and triggers
- core/bundler: Cache plugin solution sets to speed up startup times
- config/vm: Addbox_download_options config to specify extra download options for a box
- guest/alpine: Add ansible provisioner guest support
- guest/linux: Update systemd? check to use sudo
- guest/linux: Use systemd if available to halt and reboot system
- guests/linux: Mount smb folders with mfsymlinks option by default
- guest/redhat: Add support for SMB
- guest/windows: Rescue all regular exceptions during reboot wait
- providers/docker: Support catching container name when using podman
- provisioners/docker: Support Centos8
- provisioners/podman: Add Podman as a provisioner
- provisioners/salt: Allow specifying python_version

Bug fixes:
- communicators/winssh: Fix issues with Windows SSH communicator
- core/bundler: Activate vagrant specification when not active
- core/bundler: Properly resolve sets when Vagrant is in prerelease
- core/downloader: Always set -q flag as first option
- core/hooks: Update dynamic action hook implementation to prevent looping
- core/synced_folders: Validate type option if set
- guests/debian: Choose netplan renderer based on network configuration and installed tools
- host/darwin: Quote directories in /etc/exports
- host/linux: Ensure /etc/exports does not contain duplicate records
- host/windows: Check all interfaces for port conflict when host_ip: ""
- providers/docker: Fix issue where Vagrant fails to remove image if it is in use
- providers/docker: Fix issue with getting correct docker image id from build output
- providers/hyperv: Prevent error when identity reference cannot be translated
- provider/hyperv: Use service id for manipulating vm integration services
- providers/virtualbox: Parse list dhcpservers output on VirtualBox 6.1
- providers/virtualbox: Raise an error if guest IP ends in .1
- provisioners/shell: Ensure windows shell provisioners always get an extension
- util/io: Fix encoding conversion errors

WordPress 5.4.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Seven security issues affect WordPress versions 5.4 and earlier. If you haven’t yet updated to 5.4, all WordPress versions since 3.7 have also been updated to fix the following security issues:
- Props to Muaz Bin Abdus Sattar and Jannes who both independently reported an issue where password reset tokens were not properly invalidated
- Props to ka1n4t for finding an issue where certain private posts can be viewed unauthenticated
- Props to Evan Ricafort for discovering an XSS issue in the Customizer
- Props to Ben Bidner from the WordPress Security Team who discovered an XSS issue in the search block
- Props to Nick Daugherty from WordPress VIP / WordPress Security Team who discovered an XSS issue in wp-object-cache
- Props to Ronnie Goodrich (Kahoots) and Jason Medeiros who independently reported an XSS issue in file uploads
- Props to Weston Ruter for fixing a stored XSS vulnerability in the WordPress customizer
- Additionally, an authenticated XSS issue in the block editor was discovered by Nguyen the Duc in WordPress 5.4 RC1 and RC2. It was fixed in 5.4 RC5. We wanted to be sure to give credit and thank them for all of their work in making WordPress more secure.