TinyButStrong Error in field [var.version...]: the key 'version' does not exist or is not set in VarRef. (VarRef seems refers to $GLOBALS) This message can be cancelled using parameter 'noerr'.

TinyButStrong Error in field [var.version...]: the key 'version' does not exist or is not set in VarRef. (VarRef seems refers to $GLOBALS) This message can be cancelled using parameter 'noerr'.
 SQLite 軟體舊版本 Download Page22 | 2024 軟體跟著走

SQLite 歷史舊版本 Page22

最新版本 [var.version]

SQLite 歷史版本列表

SQLite 是一個實現自包含,無服務器,零配置,事務 SQL 數據庫引擎的進程內庫。 SQLite 的代碼是在公共領域,因此可以用於任何目的,商業或私人。 SQLite 是世界上應用最廣泛的數據庫,比我們可以計數的應用程序還要多,其中包括幾個備受矚目的項目。選擇版本:SQLite 3.21.0(32 位)SQLite 3.20.1(64 位) SQLite 軟體介紹

SQLite (32-bit)SQLite (64-bit)

StartIsBack 2.9.6 (for Windows 10) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Support for Windows 10 Insider builds 2023x

ZWCAD 2021 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


StartIsBack 2.9.5 (for Windows 10) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed taskbar z-ordering degradation

StartIsBack 2.9.4 (for Windows 10) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed compatibility with older Windows 10 builds

WordPress 5.5.1 查看版本資訊


StartIsBack 2.9.3 (for Windows 10) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Medium and large icon sizes for pinned / All programs lists
- Colorized default start button and All programs scrollbar

Vagrant 2.2.10 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- hyperv/disks: Add ability to manage virtual disks for guests

- core: Allow provisioners to be run when a communicator is not available]
- core: Add autocomplete command that allows for install of bash or zsh autocomplete scripts]
- core: Update to childprocess gem to 4.0.0]
- core: Add action to wait for cloud-init to finish running]
- core: Update to net-ssh to 6.0 and net-sftp to 3.0]
- core: Optimize port in use check for faster validation]
- core: Support for Ruby 2.7]
- core: Add synced folder capabilities for mount options and default fstab modification behavior]
- guest/arch: Use systemd-networkd to configure networking for guests]
- guest/haiku: Rsync install for rsync synced folders]
- guest/solaris11: Add guest capability shell_expand_guest_path]
- host/darwin: Add ability to build ISO]
- hosts/linux: Add ability to build ISO]
- hosts/windows: Add ability to build ISO]
- providers/hyperv: Add support for SecureBootTemplate setting on import]
- providers/hyperv: Add support for EnhancedSessionTransportType]
- virtualbox/disks: Add ability to manage virtual dvds for guests]

Bug fixes:
- core: Ensure MapCommandOptions class is required
- core: Fix :all special value on triggers
- core: Ensure network addresses have a valid netmask
- core: Recover local machine metadata in global index
- core: Print CLI help message is ambiguous option provided
- core: Update how /etc/hosts gets updated for darwin, freebsd and openbsd
- core: Capture [3J escape sequence
- core: Treat empty box value as invalid
- core: Allow forwarding ports to unknown addresses
- core: Scrub credentials as whole words
- commands/destroy: Add gracefull option to switch beween gracefully or forcefully shutting down a vm
- communicator/ssh: Raise an error for a nil exit status
- communicator/winrm: Check for nil return from querying for forwarded ports
- config/vm: Add option allow_hosts_modification to allow/disable Vagrant editing the guests /etc/hosts file
- config/vm: Add config option hostname to config.vm.network
- config/vm: Don't ignore NFS synced folders on Windows hosts
- host: Use regular port check for loopback addresses
- host: Allow windows and linux hosts to detach from rdp process
- host/windows: Properly register SMB password validation capability
- guests: Allow setting of hostname according to hostname option for multiple guests
- guest/alpine: Allow setting of hostname according to hostname option
- guest/esxi: Be more permissive with permissions of ssh directory
- guest/linux: Add virtual box shared folders to guest fstab
- guest/suse: Allow setting of hostname according to hostname option
- providers/docker: Ensure new containers don't grab existing bound ports
- providers/hyperv: Fix check for secure boot
- providers/virtualbox: Fix inability to create disk with same name across multiple guests
- provisioners/docker: Allow to specify docker image version using the run option
- provisioners/file: Allow creating empty folders
- provisioners/shell: Ensure Windows shell provisioner gets the correct file extension
- util/powershell: Use correct powershell executable for privileged commands

WordPress 5.5 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Posts and pages feel faster, thanks to lazy-loaded images
- Images give your story a lot of impact, but they can sometimes make your site seem slow
- In WordPress 5.5, images wait to load until they’re just about to scroll into view. The technical term is ‘lazy loading'
- On mobile, lazy loading can also keep browsers from loading files meant for other devices. That can save your readers money on data — and help preserve battery life

- Say hello to your new sitemap
- WordPress sites work well with search engines
- Now, by default, WordPress 5.5 includes an XML sitemap that helps search engines discover your most important pages from the very minute you go live
- So more people will find your site sooner, giving you more time to engage, retain and convert them to subscribers, customers or whatever fits your definition of success

- Every release adds improvements to the accessible publishing experience, and that remains true for WordPress 5.5
- Now you can copy links in media screens and modal dialogs with a button, instead of trying to highlight a line of text
- You can also move meta boxes with the keyboard, and edit images in WordPress with your assistive device, as it can read you the instructions in the image editor

StartIsBack 2.9.2 (for Windows 10) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Support for ARM64 systems
- Always pixel perfect taskbar and start menu icons

UVI Workstation 3.0.14 查看版本資訊
