Remote Desktop Manager Enterprise 歷史舊版本 Page68

最新版本 Remote Desktop Manager Enterprise 2023.3.31.0

Remote Desktop Manager Enterprise 歷史版本列表

遠程桌面管理器是一種流行的應用程序,專業用戶,網絡管理員和 IT 部門使用該應用程序來管理虛擬機和所有類型的遠程連接。它使用直觀的界面,並支持所有的連接標準,如 VPN,FTP,SSH,Telnet 等。通過在您的 PC 上安裝“遠程桌面管理器”,用戶可以輕鬆創建虛擬映像和連接的網絡,不僅可以滿足幾個要求不高的用戶的需求,還可以滿足需要對網絡資源進行精確控制的遠程處理功能,協作,異地備份,安全性,... Remote Desktop Manager Enterprise 軟體介紹

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What's new in this version:

- Added "Disable auto update" in data source settings
- Added "Disable shared favorites" in data source settings
- Added a blank triming for the filter
- Added a menu in RDMS console to create and export the data source configuration
- Added a menu to enable/disable the RDP smart sizing while connected
- Added a message search for the global logs
- Added a message to delete all shortcut or only the selected
- Added a new global variable: $APPLICATION_USER$
- Added a new sesion type Citrix Web
- Added a new SQLite data source type
- Added a new undocked work area screen mode for RDP
- Added a Properties menu
- Added a ScreenConnection url validation
- Added a serial number import from csv
- Added a test login for the RDMS Active Directory integration
- Added a type column in the tree list view
- Added a validation for duplicate group/folder
- Added an automatic close PVM when RDM automatically starts it
- Added an context menu in the session dashboard to hide the macros/scripts/tools
- Added an Edit buton for the opened embedded session
- Added an enter credential button for LastPass
- Added an error message when RDMS is unable to save
- Added an option for "Auto focus tab on item select"
- Added an option for "Auto select item on tab focus"
- Added an option to disable the opened session auto focus
- Added an option to disable the scrollbar theme
- Added an option to enable the Auto detect connection quality
- Added an option to select the sub connection on host connection type double click
- Added an option to specify the continuous ping wait time
- Added auto expand on double click in all cloud explorer browser
- Added back the tab group bar in the ribbon UI
- Added bank routing number
- Added credential support in the quick connect dialog
- Added Disable drag and drop in the data source settings
- Added domain variable support for the SSH shell
- Added embedded/external mode as a possible user specific setting
- Added existing session column in import
- Added export html/csv/xml for all types
- Added finger print validation support for the SSH connection
- Added grab input button in the classic UI
- Added IE 10 emulation mode
- Added more advanced rdp settings like allow background input and min interval send input
- Added more keyboard shortcuts
- Added more proxy settings for SSH and Telnet
- Added phone number support for Microsoft VPN
- Added quick connect and create session for AWS instances
- Added RDP 8.0 new actions
- Added settings override for data entry
- Added shortcut manager
- Added support for Large Address Aware system
- Added support for Password Vault Manager link in Terminal Server
- Added support for variables like $APPLICATION_PATH$ in installation path
- Added support of connection broker high availability for RDP (external mode)
- Added Team Viewer VPN support for linked session
- Added the "Offline mode enabled" value in My Data Source Information
- Added the [Enter] command to execute a submit in web session
- Added the column type in the list view details
- Added the ForceHttps in the RDMS settings
- Added the keyboard layout setting for embedded RDP
- Added the possibility to list all bucket at the same time with Amazon S3
- Added the possibility to locate session by machine name in ScreenConnect
- Added the possibility to Remember password with RDMS
- Added the possibility to rename a group directly in the editor
- Added the possibility to use the environment variables with the private key path
- Added the quick toolbar customization
- Added the web browser selection for LastPass and 1Password credential types
- Added user specific setting for more types like web session
- Added user specific setting support for Group/Folder
- Added Verified password field for bank account
- Added view remote server log support for RDMS
- Added VPN User Specific Setting support
- Added vrb import support for VisionApp
- Auto hidden navigation bar can now be focused with Ctrl+L
- Changed the application to be more responding while waiting for the VPN connection
- Changed the default shortcut for Execute Typing Macro (Ctrl+Shit+A)
- Changed the Dropbox implementation to be compatible with the API changes
- Continuous ping undocked dialog position and size is now saved
- Create a new dashboard for the VPN
- Enhanced the Current work area size when undocked
- Fixed a bug with the new folder disabled in Azure Storage Explorer
- Fixed a cycle on double click of the data source combo box
- Fixed a move form issue when the top panle is disabled
- Fixed a possible crash with the Tab Group and an RDP session
- Fixed a possible disabled cache issue
- Fixed a possible extract VPN issue
- Fixed a possible issue with shortcut in list view
- Fixed a possible issue with SSH template and port
- Fixed a possible issue with the database test connection and the advanced settings
- Fixed a possible issue with the enter key and the filter
- Fixed a problem with a shorcut when a session is already opened
- Fixed a refresh bug after a delete in Azure Storage Explorer
- Fixed a reversed priority order issue with the group
- Fixed a sort error when clicking on the parameter or username column
- Fixed an dashboard issue when the navigation bar is unpinned
- Fixed an error in the WMI session tool
- Fixed an issue when the connection and undocked and the menu toggle fullscreen
- Fixed an issue with company and site variables in sub connection
- Fixed an issue with the auto sliding panel not working on lost focus
- Fixed an issue with the bold font for an opened renamed session
- Fixed an issue with the Disable Smart Filter in classic UI
- Fixed an issue with the domain variable in a web session
- Fixed an issue with the duplicate of a sub connection
- Fixed an issue with the export and some settings lost by group entries
- Fixed an issue with the Ping and an external credential entry
- Fixed an issue with the PowerShell remote
- Fixed an issue with the variable selection
- Fixed an naming issue (slash) with the PVM connection
- Fixed an priority order issue in list view
- Fixed some check host availability issues
- Fixed some minor issue with customer variables
- Fixed some possible addons issue with PowerShell
- Improved the Apply template with more sub-connection options
- Improved the data source combo box
- Improved the DropBox error handling
- Improved the import dialog
- Improved the log trace
- Improved the online backup subscription dialog
- Improved the VPN wait time with a new dialog
- Minor UI fixes
- New skin for the internal web server used with LastPass
- Selected entry is now synched with the filter dialog on close
- Updated the SSH/Telnet embedded third party
- Upgraded the ActiveX to RDP8

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What's new in this version:

- Added $PARENT_PASSWORD$ support
- Added /username: and /password: for opening shortcut/template in command line
- Added a valid for KeePass when RDM is using the Classic version
- Added an option to disable the quick connect entry list sort
- Added an option to disable the smart auto expand on filter
- Added auto select text when clicking on the quick connect combo
- Added parent/un-parent refactoring for sub connections
- Added the possibility to reveal the secret key with Azure
- Added the reboot action for Hyper-V
- Added the username column in the list view
- Fixed a possible double prompt issue when the username/password is not saved
- Fixed a possible encoding issue with Screen Connect 3.0
- Fixed a possible issue when macro/script/tool is executed twice
- Fixed a possible issue with cascading variable in sub connections
- Fixed a possible issue with the SQL Server when the Allow Local Password policy is enabled
- Fixed a refresh issue after the Macro/Script/Tool import with the manager
- Fixed an auto submit issue with the web browser
- Fixed an issue Tab Header disabled and the opened session focus
- Fixed an issue with the alternate host and a web session
- Fixed an issue with the duplicate of a sub data entry
- Fixed an issue with the main form drag when the ribbon is disabled
- Fixed an issue with the Screenshot to File in undocked mode
- Fixed an OS detection issue with Windows 8/Windows Server 2012
- Fixed an with the screen capture and an undocked session
- Fixed the date/time format for the local logs
- Improved the security (block memory hack)
- It's now possible to double click on an .rdm file to open it

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What's new in this version:

- Added multi select support for Apply template refactoring
- Added Reboot for Hyper-V
- Added credential for XenServer console
- Added credential for Hyper-V console
- Added VMware console entry type
- Added default action (view, edit, copy password...) when double clicking on a credential entry or a group
- Added multi pane support for local folder in DropBox/Azure/Ftp/S3 explorer
- Fixed a sorting issue when list is selected on application start
- Fixed the default port with SSH shell built-in
- Fixed a possible issue with generic host and credentials
- Moved Azure Table Storage Explorer in Cloud Explorer category
- Optimized the trayicon menu to load on demand
- Minor UI improvements

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What's new in this version:

- Added some error information (running since and memory usage)
- Added an action to bypass the console/admin and prompt for username/password
- Added EnhancedShortcuts to enable Ctrl+Page Up/Down in embedded ssh/telnet
- Added instance name column for the AWS console
- Added an option to Disable lock button in quick toolbar
- Fixed a possible issue with the wrong selected session
- Fixed a possible issue with an icon as image
- Fixed a possible issue with view credentials dialog
- Fixed an UI issue with the register Standard
- Fixed a possible duplicate image in the select image
- Fixed a possible crash with the import office documents
- Fixed an issue with the view group details
- Fixed an issue with the tray icon menu position
- Fixed an issue with the shortcut filtered by cascading group security
- Optimized the close of an SSH session
- Password history is now disabled when the session is linked to a credential repository

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What's new in this version:

- Added an option to disable the ribbon quick toolbar
- Added copy to clipboard for Serial Vault Manager
- Added the possibility to view the group credentials
- Improved the TightVNC integration with configuration
- Added automatic paste when right clicking a built-in telnet with no session recording
- Fixed an issue with hidden dashboard not saved on restart
- Fixed a possible connection issue with TeamViewer
- Fixed an issue with mySQL a non default port
- Fixed a possible issue with the VPN and the credentials
- Fixed a possible issue with the wrong focused session
- Paste now select the pasted entry
- Collapsed roots are now restored on application start

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What's new in this version:

- Added clipboard support for VPN
- Small search fixes
- Fixed an issue with the Powershell and minor revision
- Fixed an issue with My Data Source and RDMO
- Fixed an issue with the reconnect
- Fixed some issues with the new filter

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What's new in this version:

- Added a MainFormMinimalWidth/MainFormMinimalHeight in option to reduce the main form minimal size
- Added support for the new Amazon zone: Sidney
- Fixed an issue with in installation path
- Fixed an issue with the paste and Telnet
- Fixed an issue with the export html and a long note
- Fixed a mySQL database creation issue
- Increased the max wait time in event to 300 sec
- Shortcut like Ctrl+E is now applied to the selected item when the group dashboard is selected
- Details/Attachment/Description now follow the Show Group Details checkbox

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What's new in this version:

- Added an option to allow the Classic UI (v7.X)
- Fixed a bug with the Right-Click and rename
- Fixed a possible issue with the font and the embedded SSH/Telnet
- Fixed a possible issue with KeePass filter
- Fixed some sorting problem with the file explorer
- Fixed an issue when opening a web site with multiple entries matching
- Last week in log filter no longer include today
- Last log filter date is now saved in the option

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What's new in this version:

- Added credential repository support for the LogMeIn portal
- Added the list of template in Add from Template
- Fixed a possible focus problem with an embedded session
- Fixed a possible issue with the creation of a new entry in RDMO
- Disabled the Reconnect with RDP in external mode

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What's new in this version:

- Added blank passphrase (password) support added for Private key
- Added built-in SFTP support
- Fixed some refresh issues built-in FTP