Remote Desktop Manager Enterprise 歷史舊版本 Page65

最新版本 Remote Desktop Manager Enterprise 2023.3.31.0

Remote Desktop Manager Enterprise 歷史版本列表

遠程桌面管理器是一種流行的應用程序,專業用戶,網絡管理員和 IT 部門使用該應用程序來管理虛擬機和所有類型的遠程連接。它使用直觀的界面,並支持所有的連接標準,如 VPN,FTP,SSH,Telnet 等。通過在您的 PC 上安裝“遠程桌面管理器”,用戶可以輕鬆創建虛擬映像和連接的網絡,不僅可以滿足幾個要求不高的用戶的需求,還可以滿足需要對網絡資源進行精確控制的遠程處理功能,協作,異地備份,安全性,... Remote Desktop Manager Enterprise 軟體介紹

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What's new in this version:

- Added in the PowerShell tools the "Load RDM CmdLet", resize window and debug setting
- Added support for for HostEurope with Amazon S3
- Fixed a bug with the web browser extension and the private vault
- Fixed a focus issue with the undocked automatic focus
- Fixed a possible Amazon S3 data source issue
- Fixed a possible offline file "database disk image is malformed" issue
- Fixed an issue with the command line connector when an url is used
- Fixed an issue with the text selection and the embedded IE

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What's new in this version:

- Added the auto refresh for RDMO
- Fixed a DropBox validation issue due to an API change
- Fixed a security issue with the clipboard

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What's new in this version:

- Added a human readable password generator
- Added a new data entry type for the driver licence, membership and social security number
- Added a PowerShell setting to show debug
- Added a pronounceable password generator
- Added a setting in the PowerShell session to force window resize (buffer & window)
- Added a setting to force the full reconnect when a RDP gateway is configured
- Added an option to configure the delay with the automatic reconnect after ping
- Added an option to exclude the shortcut duplicates in the search
- Added Batch Edit save progress dialog
- Added LastPass Enterprise and shared folder support
- Added option to load RDM CmdLet Snap-in in a power shell session
- Added support for Hyper-V v2 with a Windows Server 2012 R2 destination
- Added support for the dynamic credentials with the groups
- Added support for the dynamic credentials with the VPN
- Added support for the incognito mode with Google Chrome (external)
- Added support for the private vault even when the user does not have the Add/Edit/Delete
- Added the batch assign role to users
- Added the group description column when adding a user
- Added the My Personal Credentials support for the VPN
- Added the possibility to filter by type
- Added the server and database version in My Data Source Information for RDMS
- Added the web protocol handler support
- Added Windows 8.1 and Windows Server 2012 R2 in the OS list
- Changed the import and export menus to be disabled when the feature is not available
- Fixed a minor issue with the import and the ClearTextPassword property
- Fixed a missing validation when the file does not exists for a document
- Fixed a possible crash with a corrupted user specific setting Xml
- Fixed a possible issue with the data entry auto create and the Firefox Extension
- Fixed a possible issue with the html export when the name contains a space
- Fixed a possible issue with the secure note word wrap
- Fixed an issue with the auto update and the save last opened connections
- Fixed an issue with the create playlist enabled and the private vault
- Fixed an issue with the filter not applied in the private vault
- Fixed an issue with the Private Vault and the Classic UI
- Fixed an issue with the rename and the private vault
- Fixed an issue with the Test Server and the Failover partner
- Fixed issue where RDM CmdLet Snap-in didn’t load in 64-bit mode
- Improved the session handling with the personal vault in RDMS
- Merged the role Add/Edit/Delete properties
- Selected the filter field by default in the prompt for credential dialog

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What's new in this version:

- Added a checkbox to hide the sub-connections from the favorite view
- Added a data source setting to disable the password saving in the data source configuration
- Added a data source setting to disable the private vault
- Added a MRU list for the password generator pattern
- Added the auto refresh support for RDMS
- Added the macro/script/tool entries in the context menu
- Added the possibility to view the password for the documents including the certificates
- Fixed a possible crash when the application is idle
- Fixed a possible crash with todo while in offline mode
- Fixed a possible issue with the Dropbox validation
- Fixed an issue with the confirm disconnect VPN when a VPN Group is set

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What's new in this version:

- Added a better error message when using an invalid Azure certificate
- Disabled the option settings when a default policy is applied (automatic lock and windows authentication)
- Fixed a bug when upgrading database from v6.1
- Fixed a possible load data issue
- Fixed a possible lock issue with SQLite

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What's new in this version:

- Added $LOCAL_IP$ and $PUBLIC_IP$ variables
- Added the $MY_MACHINE_NAME$ variable to return the current machine name
- Added the custom variable support in options
- Fixed a minor issue with the export to rdm with the credentials
- Fixed a resize bug with the system message
- Fixed an issue with the PowerShell GetProperty("", "Children). It now returns an Session[]
- Minor global variable UI improvement

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What's new in this version:

- "Can Add in Root" value in My Data Source Information
- a menu to directly add the selected item to an existing play list
- linked session support with .rdm file in command line
- RDP filename support in command line
- the linked credential entry and VPN in the .rdm export Fixed:
- a visibility issue with the private vault
- an issue with the PowerShell GetProperty("", "Children). It now returns an Session[]
- an issue with the private vault and mySQL
- an issue with the private vault and user specific of a web data entry
- an issue with user specific settings and the "Open with credential entry"

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What's new in this version:

- Add linked SSH in VPN link report
- Added a default path for the Save As Document
- Added a full reconnect mode for embedded RDP (force the close and open of the connection)
- Added a skip version with the check for update
- Added after disconnect support for embedded mode
- Added an automatic data source setting serial retrieve when a license is expired
- Added an option to exclude the RDMO credentials in the custom installer and export
- Added an optional remote host for the SSH outgoing tunnel
- Added embedded web browser application selection in user specific settings
- Added Keepass referenced support
- Added more options for Contacts in batch edit mode.
- Added more profiling logs and optimized the connection dialog opening time
- Added My Personal Credentials support for the RDP gateway
- Added new fields in the "Hardware" information
- Added private vault support for the gateway user specific settings
- Added private vault support in offline mode
- Added Spiceworks and Google+ in help
- Added support for gateway and keyboard redirection in the user specific settings
- Added the cell and work phone in the filter criteria
- Added the close on escape for the already opened connection dialog
- Added the Hyper-V enhanced session mode support
- Added the posibility to create macro/script/tool as sub connection
- Added the search filter in the trayicon
- Changed the update document to also save the new filename
- Fixed a possible issue with the Failover Partner and the Test Connection
- Fixed a possible issue with the personal vault when starting in offline mode
- Fixed a possible issue with the S3 login and the error not shown
- Fixed a possible issue with the ScreenConnect url
- Fixed a scrollbar issue in the option dialog
- Fixed a secure note issue
- Fixed an issue with the Hyper-V manager in Windows 2012R2
- Fixed an issue with the KeePass importer and sub-groups
- Fixed an issue with the preview text document in the description
- Fixed an issue with the RDP to Azure and a Windows 2012 instance
- Fixed an issue with the user unable to save in his private vault when the Deny save in root is active
- Group can now be automatically selected while filtering sessions
- Improved the connection error messages
- Optimized the performance when importing connections from a CSV
- RDP password can now be savevd in the data source with the Standard edition

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What's new in this version:

- Added a new data source policy to hide the serial number
- Added an option to hide the navigation tab pages
- Added an option tp embed a Citrix ica file directly in the session
- Added Apple Keychain compatibility support
- Added the a button to re-order the playlist connection sequence
- Added the Polish translation
- Added the possibility to edit the status message
- Added the Swedish translation
- Changed the export xml to be compatible with the import Xml
- Fixed a possible issue with the add-on list when the desktop is not Internet connected
- Fixed a possible issue with the re-import of an exported csv
- Fixed an issue with the selected tab group while opening another session
- Improved the auto update for the Enterprise edition
- Improved the KeePass xml import
- Opened connection list is now alphabetically sorted
- RDM no longer steal the focus when opening multiple connections
- View contact can now be opened in embedded mode

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What's new in this version:

- Add the expired warranty option in the expired session report
- Added netstat session tools
- Added the session context menu in the dashboard
- Fixed an issue with an entry replaced by the newly saved one
- Improved the error management with the opened connection count
- Improved the RoboForm v6 import and added RoboForm v7 support