Notezilla 歷史舊版本 Page1

最新版本 Notezilla 9.0.27

Notezilla 歷史版本列表

Notezilla 是一個用於 Windows 的粘滯便箋軟件,旨在保持您的裝備精良& 精心組織。它可以讓你快速記下粘滯便箋(看起來像是 3M Post-It&Note; 注意),就在你的 Windows 桌面上,給你最好的便簽體驗。桌面上的便簽可以更快地訪問所需的信息! 通過可選的云同步功能,您可以在計算機之間同步便簽,使用我們的 iPhone / iPad,Android,Window... Notezilla 軟體介紹

Notezilla 9.0.27 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Notezilla 9.0.27
- Change log not available for this version

Notezilla 9.0.26
- Increased the max pictures limit from 3 to 5
- Improved the desktop sticky notes behavior when on multiple display monitors with different DPI settings
- Mouse wheel scrolls more lines inside a sticky note (setting taken from Windows)
- Fixed issues related to activating/deactivating the license
- When 'Hide notes on Show Desktop (Win+D)' setting is unchecked, pinned desktop sticky notes (stay on top) did not behave correctly
- Other usability issues fixed

Notezilla 9.0.25
- Notezilla's package size reduced significantly (upto 40%)

Notezilla 9.0.24
- UI improvements

- Inside a new sticky note an extra - [ ] was added on changing the note color
- Default 'Offline' memoboard wasn't created when upgrading from version older than 8
- The delete note confirmation message box wasn't accessible when overlapped by another sticky note

Notezilla 9.0.23
- The default 'Tutorial videos' sticky note uses standard editor instead of markdown editor

Notezilla 9.0.22
- Improved text formatting related to automatic spell check
- Added an option to "Unhide last desktop note" inside Notezilla's main taskbar menu
- Improved caret positioning when switching to edit mode in Markdown editor
- When arranging desktop sticky notes, the rolled up notes occupy less space

- Now, attached pictures are also printed along with a sticky note
- After searching a note, the text highlighted did not clear off when editing the note
- Text copied from an MS Office product was pasted as a picture inside a sticky note
- Sticky notes did not arrange correctly inside the defined desktop area
- If a sticky note is attached to MS Word with "Hide note otherwise" option disabled, right clicking inside MS Word did not work correctly
- When resizing the Notes Browser window, some times the note inside the reminder window would move to a different location on the desktop

Notezilla 9.0.21
- Added the feature to make the desktop sticky note fully transparent, where only text is visible

Notezilla 9.0.20
- Improved multi-level checklists (outlining)
- Fixed: Markdown based text formatting inside list items did not work since the last update

Notezilla 9.0.19
- It is now possible to keep different set of sticky notes on the desktop of each PC that's syncing with your account. This can be enabled from Preferences
- It is possible to mark a memoboard as favorite when sticking the note to any memoboard
- Improved the reminder popup window so that it doesn't allow accidental dismiss while working in another app
- Made right click sticky note menu more intuitive when using the Markdown editor
- Fixed issues related to multiple level bullets and numbering in Markdown editor
- When a checklist note was updated from phone, it did not show the new content immediately in the Windows app after syncing. This is fixed.

Notezilla 9.0.18
- Updated the Windows app to make it compatible with the new Standard editor feature in phone apps (Android and iPhone/iPad)

Android/iPhone app changes:
- Added the ability to sort notes list
- App remembers your sort preferences for each folder, tag and search query
- You can now switch from Markdown editor to Standard editor (plain text)
- Syncs your editor preference with the Windows app

Notezilla 9.0.17
- Now, a sticky note will continue to be in edit-mode until Esc key is pressed. This will allow you to easily copy/paste text when switching between tasks.

Notezilla 9.0.16
- Automatic check for updates frequency can be changed from Notezilla Preferences
- Improved sticky note's behavior when sticking it to the underlying window
- Attaching a sticky note to the second window used mis-behave when trying to edit the title of the window in Notezilla. This is fixed.
- Sometimes custom data folder location would reset to the default data folder location. This has been fixed.

Notezilla 9.0.15
- Sometimes custom data folder location would reset to the default data folder location. This has been fixed.

Notezilla 9.0.14
- Added ability to apply reminder settings from Preferences to all existing reminder notes
- Bigger icons used in sticky note's toolbars on higher display resolution
- From the Markdown formatting toolbar, easily convert whole note to checklist note
- Resizing of sticky note is made easier on higher display resolution
- Markdown formatting improvements related to Heading, Code and Blockquote
- Ctrl+M shortcut key added to quickly stick the note to any other memoboard
- Other UI and usability improvements
- Small notes used to resize whenever they were edited directly from the reminder window. This is fixed.
- Sticky note inside a reminder window used to appear at different places on the desktop. This is fixed.

Notezilla 9.0.13
- Default editor is now set to Standard editor instead of the Markdown editor

Notezilla 9.0.11
- Incompatibility with certain programs caused Notezilla to use high CPU resulting in non-responsive state
- Sometimes a desktop sticky note would appear blank (although no content was lost)

Notezilla 9.0.10
- The message boxes that appear when switching between Markdown and Standard editors can be disabled

Notezilla 9.0.9
- Improved the way lighter text color is used on dark colored notes.

Notezilla 9.0.8
- Notezilla allows you to show an additional taskbar button for quick access to desktop notes using mouse click or Alt+Tab.
- Sometimes Notezilla's CPU usage would increase to 15%-20%. This is fixed.
- Removed the noise from the default reminder sound.
- Switching to Markdown editor would still retain the old formatted text until the note was modified. This is fixed.
- Fixed an outlining issue when using a bulletted list in Markdown.

Notezilla 9.0.7
- When upgrading from the previous version, user is given an option to choose between the Markdown editor and Standard editor

Notezilla 9.0.6
- Sometimes blank note was shown in read mode (edit mode displayed it correctly)
- When migrating from the old version, notes containing hyphenated lines are treated well

Notezilla 9.0.5
- For editing a sticky note F2 replaced with Spacebar key
- Option added to directly edit a sticky note without double click (Standard editor only)
- Applying text style in markdown editor is easier on single word and whole line
- Keyboard caret is now placed correctly when switching to edit mode

Notezilla 9.0.4
- Change log not available for this version

Notezilla 9.0.3
- Have removed the taskbar button for now. Will make it optional later.

Notezilla 9.0.2
Android and iPhone apps now support formatted text:
- Notezilla apps for Android and iPhone/iPad now support text formatting such as bold, italics, highlighting, bullets, numbering etc. Earlier versions supported only plain text.

Create offline sticky notes:
- Many users wanted “selective” syncing in the Windows version of Notezilla. Meaning, they didn’t want all the sticky notes to sync with the cloud as some notes may contain sensitive information.
- We have added the feature to create “Offline sticky notes” in this version. When you create an offline sticky note, it is never synced with other devices.
- Selective syncing of sticky notes in Windows using Offline sticky notes
- Selective syncing of sticky notes in Windows using “Offline” sticky notes

Snap sticky notes to grid on Windows desktop:
- This is yet another feature that many customers requested. They wanted to tidy their Windows desktop by having the sticky notes arrange automatically when moving them close to each other. We can also call it “Snap to grid”.
- Snap sticky notes to grid on Windows desktop and in the Notes Browser
- Snap sticky notes to grid on Windows desktop and in the Notes Browser

Duplicate a sticky note quickly:
- Now it is very easy to create a copy of a sticky note. This is useful when working with standard templated note content such as checklists etc.
- Duplicate a sticky note in Windows

Markdown support adds several benefits:
- Notezilla 9 defaults to 'Markdown' way of formatting text. Eg. When you type **Beautiful world**, it will show as Beautiful world.
- Markdown will also allow you to add inline checklists, inline hyperlinks, tables, highlighted text, dark mode compatibility, cross-platform compatibility and lot more. The phone apps also will use markdown to format the text.
- You can switch to the standard editor anytime that the previous versions supported.
- Markdown Sticky Notes in Windows, Android, iPhone/iPad

Dark mode:
- The new version supports dark mode. If you are using the markdown editor then Notezilla will automatically used lighter text color on dark backgrounds.
- Sticky notes with dark mode support in Windows

Auto-arrange sticky notes in Notes Browser:
- Neatly arranged sticky notes will allow you to be more productive. The new version arranges the sticky notes automatically when ever you resize a sticky note or the Notes Browser. This avoids overlapping and cluttered sticky notes.
- Auto-arrange sticky notes in Notes Browser
- Auto-arrange sticky notes in Notes Browser to avoid clutter

Show sticky notes on desktop by memoboard or tag:
- Notezilla 9 adds the ability to quickly bring all sticky notes belonging to a memoboard (or tag) to the Windows desktop. You may be grouping various sticky notes by tag or memoboards (folders). With just 2 clicks you can instantly show all those sticky notes on the Windows desktop
- Instantly show sticky notes from particular memoboard or tag on the Windows desktop
- Instantly show sticky notes from particular memoboard or tag on the Windows desktop

Multi-select sticky notes and move around to organize/group them:
- We have added the ability to multi-select desktop sticky notes and move them around so that you can tidy your Windows desktop. You can also multi-select sticky notes inside the Notes Browser. Hold Ctrl key to multi-select.
- Select multiple sticky notes, move them around the desktop to organize & group them

Charming new sticky note colors:
- The new sticky note colors in Notezilla 9 for Windows are beautiful! The more you will see them, the more you fall in love with them :o). You will see these colors in the phone apps too (Notezilla for Android, iPhone/iPad).
- New color set for sticky notes on Windows

Access sticky notes from the new taskbar button:
- The new version brings quick way to access the desktop sticky notes in Windows. You will see a new Taskbar button when Notezilla is running in the background.
- Clicking on this taskbar button will give you instant access to the desktop sticky notes. You can also access the desktop notes using the Alt+Tab keys. Right clicking will let you create a new sticky note from the taskbar’s jump list.
- Bring sticky notes on top of other apps using the new taskbar button
- Bring sticky notes on top of other apps using the new taskbar button or Alt+Tab keys

Temporarily disable sticky note reminders using 'Do Not Disturb':
- You can now temporarily disable the reminder pop up messages using the “Do not disturb” feature. The reminders that you set on sticky notes will not show up for the duration you set. This feature is useful especially when you are in a meeting or presenting something from your PC/laptop.
- Temporarily disable sticky note reminders using 'Do Not Disturb' option

Flicker-free typing and resizing of sticky notes:
- (Content will be added soon)

Sort lines and checklists:
- Highlight text inside a sticky note

Notezilla 8.0.43
- Fixed: A sticky note attached to an MS-Office product would appear in an unexpected location

Notezilla 8.0.42
- Fixed: When using multiple display monitors, the sticky notes (if stuck to a window) did not appear in the correct position

Notezilla 8.0.41
- Notezilla now syncs immediately on startup
- It is now possible to select multiple picture files when adding them to a sticky note

- After inserting a picture (from a file) into a sticky note, it was not possible to delete the file without closing Notezilla. This is fixed
- When an app window was maximized, the associated sticky note did not remember its position. This is fixed

Notezilla 8.0.40
- Some pictures inside a sticky note appeared blurred. This is fixed
- Clicking on pictures button did not show the pictures the first time. This is fixed
- Sometimes the note toolbar detached itself from the sticky note. This is fixed

Notezilla 8.0.39
- If a sticky note is stuck to a website / doc / app, it will move (re-position), when the corresponding browser window, app window is moved
- Added ability to import/export computers and contacts
- Added F4 shortcut key to a sticky note for switching between note text and attached pictures
- The window to set a reminder makes it easier to type the reminder time
- Fixed a bug associated with sticking notes to chromium based Edge browser
- The sticky notes used to jump to different locations when using the mouse wheel for scrolling the notes in the Notes Browser. This is fixed
- The pictures did not go along with the note when sending the note over LAN. This is fixed
- Fixed sign in issues that caused 'Failed to create empty document' error

Notezilla 8.0.38
- Pictures support improved. Now pictures can be accessed Á attached from Android Á iPhone apps also
- 'Notezilla Troubleshooter' tool added to this update. This tool will let you backup, restore and cleanup Notezilla data easily
- It is now possible to sort lines in a sticky note
- It is now possible to sort checklist items so that completed items are sent to the bottom of the list
- Added option in Preferences to open Notes Browser on clicking Notezilla icon in the taskbar
- Added option in Preferences to auto lock unlocked notes in 60 seconds
- Sticky note attached to a website using one browser will also work seamlessly in another browser (major browsers)
- When the mouse pointer hovers over a rolled up sticky note, excerpt of the note is shown inside a tooltip
- It is easy to open the Notezilla's data and backup folders from Notezilla Preferences window
- Reminder window now shows the next due date also for repeat alarms
- Trash memoboard is now positioned at the bottom of the memoboards list in Notes Browser
- When a note is printed, the note creation date is also printed on top right
- Notezilla explicitly shows a success message when a sticky note is sent to trash from a filter view
- Options is arrange sticky notes and edit columns added to the View menu in Notes Browser
- Sync window shows progress bar for better clarity
- Long press now works as right click on touch screens such as Surface Pro etc
- Sticky note received from another computer or contact was not placed based on the desktop area configured in Preferences. This is fixed
- When pasting text inside a sticky note using right click menu, the input caret did not position correctly. This is fixed
- When Notezilla's data file is inaccessible, Notezilla did not show any error. This is fixed
- Automatically trashing a note at a particular time did not work. This is fixed
- Sometimes, right clicking a sticky note (from notes list) in the Notes Browser did not select the right sticky note. This is fixed
- Notezilla did not support data folder path to be in unicode format. This is fixed
- Exporting notes to multiple text files used to overwrite existing files. This is fixed
- 'Windows' column in Notes Browser was not removable after being added. This is fixed
- When the sticky note was rolled up, it stopped showing the date (when configured). Also the alignment was changed. This is fixed
- When the sticky note is made to stay always on top, some child windows (Send to Contact, Computer etc) appeared below the sticky note. This is fixed

Notezilla 8.0.37
- Added a little left margin to all sticky notes
- Korean characters did not appear correctly inside sticky notes. This is fixed

Notezilla 8.0.36
- Change log not available for this version

Notezilla 8.0.35
- Fixed: on very high DPI systems, the notes list in Notes Browser showed large text

Notezilla 8.0.34
- Fixed: a checklist sticky note flickered more while editing (since 8.0.32)

Notezilla 8.0.33
- Fixed: Since the last update, the non-English characters did not appear correctly on phone app after syncing with Windows app

Notezilla 8.0.32
- Notes are synced more frequently. This will result in faster updates on other devices. Also you will receive notes faster from other users
- Added ability to keep the sticky notes visible when using 'Show Desktop' Windows feature. This needs to be configured using Preferences
- Blank notes are never sent to trash. They are permanently deleted
- Default hotkeys modified as they were conflicting with shortcut keys of other popular apps
- Added new Notifications app so that users are directly notified about new updates from within the app itself
- Classic Gradient skin update with better gradient
- Updated app skin. Now the dates inside 'Set Due Date' window are easily readable
- When checklist note was updated from phone, the formatting (strikethrough) of that note on Windows desktop was lost. This is fixed
- Day light saving issue fixed
- The first 2 columns of a memoboard sometimes lost the icons after sync. This is fixed
- The trash prompt message did not appear on top of the sticky note when trashed from reminder window. This is fixed
- Improved usability and UI in some areas

Notezilla 8.0.31
- Privacy policy link added for GDPR compliance
- Computer list was not being updated when syncing

Notezilla 8.0.30
- Fixed: Notezilla prevented system shutdown after installing latest Windows Fall Creators Update

Notezilla 8.0.29
- It is now very easy to reply to the sender of a sticky note from the toolbar just above the sticky note
- Sender name can be identified by moving the mouse pointer over the toolbar icon

Notezilla 8.0.28
- Sync is tried again automatically if another device is already syncing

Notezilla 8.0.27
- Change log not available for this version

Notezilla 8.0.26
- Now Notezilla syncs more often (every minute) if any note is modified
- Sync experience improved
- Account creation simplified
- Sign out option added to account settings

Notezilla 8.0.25
- Made Notezilla DPI-aware. So the sticky notes appear correctly on 4k display resolution

Notezilla 8.0.24
- Couldn't correctly import and export CSV & Tab delimited files. This has been fixed
- Sometimes Notezilla crashed when rearranging notes on desktop at startup. This has been fixed

Notezilla 8.0.23
- Added ability to delete Notezilla.Net account directly from the Windows app.
- Maximum sticky note size increased from 400x400 to 600x600. This was needed on 4K displays.
- On Windows 10, Notezilla crashed sometimes when clicking on the sticky note toolbar while editing the note title. This has been fixed.
- In certain cases, syncing failed permanently after deleting a memoboard. This has been fixed.

Notezilla 8.0.22
- Notezilla conflicted with games that used a different display resolution. This has been fixed.
- It is now easier to use sticky notes on 4k display monitors and on Surface tablets. The skins have been modified to achieve this. Download new versions of the skins from here. This feature still needs improvement. Future updates will behave better on 4k monitors & Surface tablets.
- Notezilla sometimes crashed after signing into Notezilla.Net for the first time in Windows. This has been fixed.
- Repeat alarm for every x months did not accurately set the right repeat date. This has been fixed.
- Ctrl+N shortcut key from within a desktop sticky note would create a new sticky note.
- It took several steps to view a particular desktop note from Notes Browser. Now, it is possible to view the desktop note with just one click using a toolbar button in Notes Browser.
- Made 'Set Due Date' feature more intuitive.
- By default incoming sticky notes (from another computer or contact) are stuck to Windows desktop.
- When a note is moved to another memoboard, the user is now asked if the note needs to be removed from the desktop.
- It is now possible to reset the master password if it is forgotten.
- Finding note using the quick find (top right in Notes Browser) was little quirky. This has been improved.
- When a sticky note is kept "always on top", the spelling window is overlapped by the sticky note itself, making it very hard or impossible to use. This has been fixed.
- Double clicking on an already selected note in notes list did not select the note in the bottom sticky notes view. This has been fixed.
- Going back to the same memoboard or filter did not retain the selection of the sticky note. This has been fixed.
- Sometimes, when syncing, the title of a sticky note wasn't updated. This has been fixed.
- The sticky notes view was scrolled back to top when switching between memoboards causing annoyance. This has been fixed.
- When a sticky note is hidden on one desktop, after sync, the sticky note was made visible on another desktop. This has been fixed.
- When sticking a note to desktop from Notes Browser, the note size changed to defaults. This has been fixed.

Notezilla 8.0.21
- It was not possible to arrange desktop notes (since last update). This has been fixed.

Notezilla 8.0.20
- Now it is possible to insert .png files inside sticky notes.
- The previous update introduced a bug. A random desktop sticky note would popup when accessing another app, dismissing a reminder or deleting a sticky note. This has been fixed.
- When Notezilla is configured to create sticky notes directly inside a memoboard instead of Windows desktop, single/double mouse click option to create new note did not work. This has been fixed.
- In rare circumstances, duplicate instances of Notezilla would run whenever a display monitor is attached/detached. This has been fixed.

Pinegrow Web Editor 6.8 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Bootstrap 5.2 – Edit code – WordPress improvements – Plugins with WooCommerce blocks

Pinegrow Web Editor 6.7 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Edit element code shortcut – Tailwind CSS prose and WordPress editor stylesheet – WordPress with remote pages – Tags and categories

Notezilla 9.0.23 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Notezilla 9.0.23
- The default 'Tutorial videos' sticky note uses standard editor instead of markdown editor

Notezilla 9.0.22
- Improved text formatting related to automatic spell check
- Added an option to "Unhide last desktop note" inside Notezilla's main taskbar menu
- Improved caret positioning when switching to edit mode in Markdown editor
- When arranging desktop sticky notes, the rolled up notes occupy less space

- Now, attached pictures are also printed along with a sticky note
- After searching a note, the text highlighted did not clear off when editing the note
- Text copied from an MS Office product was pasted as a picture inside a sticky note
- Sticky notes did not arrange correctly inside the defined desktop area
- If a sticky note is attached to MS Word with "Hide note otherwise" option disabled, right clicking inside MS Word did not work correctly
- When resizing the Notes Browser window, some times the note inside the reminder window would move to a different location on the desktop

Notezilla 9.0.21
- Added the feature to make the desktop sticky note fully transparent, where only text is visible

Notezilla 9.0.20
- Improved multi-level checklists (outlining)
- Fixed: Markdown based text formatting inside list items did not work since the last update

Notezilla 9.0.19
- It is now possible to keep different set of sticky notes on the desktop of each PC that's syncing with your account. This can be enabled from Preferences
- It is possible to mark a memoboard as favorite when sticking the note to any memoboard
- Improved the reminder popup window so that it doesn't allow accidental dismiss while working in another app
- Made right click sticky note menu more intuitive when using the Markdown editor
- Fixed issues related to multiple level bullets and numbering in Markdown editor
- When a checklist note was updated from phone, it did not show the new content immediately in the Windows app after syncing. This is fixed.

Notezilla 9.0.18
- Updated the Windows app to make it compatible with the new Standard editor feature in phone apps (Android and iPhone/iPad)

Android/iPhone app changes:
- Added the ability to sort notes list
- App remembers your sort preferences for each folder, tag and search query
- You can now switch from Markdown editor to Standard editor (plain text)
- Syncs your editor preference with the Windows app

Notezilla 9.0.17
- Now, a sticky note will continue to be in edit-mode until Esc key is pressed. This will allow you to easily copy/paste text when switching between tasks.

Notezilla 9.0.16
- Automatic check for updates frequency can be changed from Notezilla Preferences
- Improved sticky note's behavior when sticking it to the underlying window
- Attaching a sticky note to the second window used mis-behave when trying to edit the title of the window in Notezilla. This is fixed.
- Sometimes custom data folder location would reset to the default data folder location. This has been fixed.

Notezilla 9.0.15
- Sometimes custom data folder location would reset to the default data folder location. This has been fixed.

Notezilla 9.0.14
- Added ability to apply reminder settings from Preferences to all existing reminder notes
- Bigger icons used in sticky note's toolbars on higher display resolution
- From the Markdown formatting toolbar, easily convert whole note to checklist note
- Resizing of sticky note is made easier on higher display resolution
- Markdown formatting improvements related to Heading, Code and Blockquote
- Ctrl+M shortcut key added to quickly stick the note to any other memoboard
- Other UI and usability improvements
- Small notes used to resize whenever they were edited directly from the reminder window. This is fixed.
- Sticky note inside a reminder window used to appear at different places on the desktop. This is fixed.

Notezilla 9.0.13
- Default editor is now set to Standard editor instead of the Markdown editor

Notezilla 9.0.11
- Incompatibility with certain programs caused Notezilla to use high CPU resulting in non-responsive state
- Sometimes a desktop sticky note would appear blank (although no content was lost)

Notezilla 9.0.10
- The message boxes that appear when switching between Markdown and Standard editors can be disabled

Notezilla 9.0.9
- Improved the way lighter text color is used on dark colored notes.

Notezilla 9.0.8
- Notezilla allows you to show an additional taskbar button for quick access to desktop notes using mouse click or Alt+Tab.
- Sometimes Notezilla's CPU usage would increase to 15%-20%. This is fixed.
- Removed the noise from the default reminder sound.
- Switching to Markdown editor would still retain the old formatted text until the note was modified. This is fixed.
- Fixed an outlining issue when using a bulletted list in Markdown.

Notezilla 9.0.7
- When upgrading from the previous version, user is given an option to choose between the Markdown editor and Standard editor

Notezilla 9.0.6
- Sometimes blank note was shown in read mode (edit mode displayed it correctly)
- When migrating from the old version, notes containing hyphenated lines are treated well

Notezilla 9.0.5
- For editing a sticky note F2 replaced with Spacebar key
- Option added to directly edit a sticky note without double click (Standard editor only)
- Applying text style in markdown editor is easier on single word and whole line
- Keyboard caret is now placed correctly when switching to edit mode

Notezilla 9.0.4
- Change log not available for this version

Notezilla 9.0.3
- Have removed the taskbar button for now. Will make it optional later.

Notezilla 9.0.2
Android and iPhone apps now support formatted text:
- Notezilla apps for Android and iPhone/iPad now support text formatting such as bold, italics, highlighting, bullets, numbering etc. Earlier versions supported only plain text.

Create offline sticky notes:
- Many users wanted “selective” syncing in the Windows version of Notezilla. Meaning, they didn’t want all the sticky notes to sync with the cloud as some notes may contain sensitive information.
- We have added the feature to create “Offline sticky notes” in this version. When you create an offline sticky note, it is never synced with other devices.
- Selective syncing of sticky notes in Windows using Offline sticky notes
- Selective syncing of sticky notes in Windows using “Offline” sticky notes

Snap sticky notes to grid on Windows desktop:
- This is yet another feature that many customers requested. They wanted to tidy their Windows desktop by having the sticky notes arrange automatically when moving them close to each other. We can also call it “Snap to grid”.
- Snap sticky notes to grid on Windows desktop and in the Notes Browser
- Snap sticky notes to grid on Windows desktop and in the Notes Browser

Duplicate a sticky note quickly:
- Now it is very easy to create a copy of a sticky note. This is useful when working with standard templated note content such as checklists etc.
- Duplicate a sticky note in Windows

Markdown support adds several benefits:
- Notezilla 9 defaults to 'Markdown' way of formatting text. Eg. When you type **Beautiful world**, it will show as Beautiful world.
- Markdown will also allow you to add inline checklists, inline hyperlinks, tables, highlighted text, dark mode compatibility, cross-platform compatibility and lot more. The phone apps also will use markdown to format the text.
- You can switch to the standard editor anytime that the previous versions supported.
- Markdown Sticky Notes in Windows, Android, iPhone/iPad

Dark mode:
- The new version supports dark mode. If you are using the markdown editor then Notezilla will automatically used lighter text color on dark backgrounds.
- Sticky notes with dark mode support in Windows

Auto-arrange sticky notes in Notes Browser:
- Neatly arranged sticky notes will allow you to be more productive. The new version arranges the sticky notes automatically when ever you resize a sticky note or the Notes Browser. This avoids overlapping and cluttered sticky notes.
- Auto-arrange sticky notes in Notes Browser
- Auto-arrange sticky notes in Notes Browser to avoid clutter

Show sticky notes on desktop by memoboard or tag:
- Notezilla 9 adds the ability to quickly bring all sticky notes belonging to a memoboard (or tag) to the Windows desktop. You may be grouping various sticky notes by tag or memoboards (folders). With just 2 clicks you can instantly show all those sticky notes on the Windows desktop
- Instantly show sticky notes from particular memoboard or tag on the Windows desktop
- Instantly show sticky notes from particular memoboard or tag on the Windows desktop

Multi-select sticky notes and move around to organize/group them:
- We have added the ability to multi-select desktop sticky notes and move them around so that you can tidy your Windows desktop. You can also multi-select sticky notes inside the Notes Browser. Hold Ctrl key to multi-select.
- Select multiple sticky notes, move them around the desktop to organize & group them

Charming new sticky note colors:
- The new sticky note colors in Notezilla 9 for Windows are beautiful! The more you will see them, the more you fall in love with them :o). You will see these colors in the phone apps too (Notezilla for Android, iPhone/iPad).
- New color set for sticky notes on Windows

Access sticky notes from the new taskbar button:
- The new version brings quick way to access the desktop sticky notes in Windows. You will see a new Taskbar button when Notezilla is running in the background.
- Clicking on this taskbar button will give you instant access to the desktop sticky notes. You can also access the desktop notes using the Alt+Tab keys. Right clicking will let you create a new sticky note from the taskbar’s jump list.
- Bring sticky notes on top of other apps using the new taskbar button
- Bring sticky notes on top of other apps using the new taskbar button or Alt+Tab keys

Temporarily disable sticky note reminders using 'Do Not Disturb':
- You can now temporarily disable the reminder pop up messages using the “Do not disturb” feature. The reminders that you set on sticky notes will not show up for the duration you set. This feature is useful especially when you are in a meeting or presenting something from your PC/laptop.
- Temporarily disable sticky note reminders using 'Do Not Disturb' option

Flicker-free typing and resizing of sticky notes:
- (Content will be added soon)

Sort lines and checklists:
- Highlight text inside a sticky note

Notezilla 8.0.43
- Fixed: A sticky note attached to an MS-Office product would appear in an unexpected location

Notezilla 8.0.42
- Fixed: When using multiple display monitors, the sticky notes (if stuck to a window) did not appear in the correct position

Notezilla 8.0.41
- Notezilla now syncs immediately on startup
- It is now possible to select multiple picture files when adding them to a sticky note

- After inserting a picture (from a file) into a sticky note, it was not possible to delete the file without closing Notezilla. This is fixed
- When an app window was maximized, the associated sticky note did not remember its position. This is fixed

Notezilla 8.0.40
- Some pictures inside a sticky note appeared blurred. This is fixed
- Clicking on pictures button did not show the pictures the first time. This is fixed
- Sometimes the note toolbar detached itself from the sticky note. This is fixed

Notezilla 8.0.39
- If a sticky note is stuck to a website / doc / app, it will move (re-position), when the corresponding browser window, app window is moved
- Added ability to import/export computers and contacts
- Added F4 shortcut key to a sticky note for switching between note text and attached pictures
- The window to set a reminder makes it easier to type the reminder time
- Fixed a bug associated with sticking notes to chromium based Edge browser
- The sticky notes used to jump to different locations when using the mouse wheel for scrolling the notes in the Notes Browser. This is fixed
- The pictures did not go along with the note when sending the note over LAN. This is fixed
- Fixed sign in issues that caused 'Failed to create empty document' error

Notezilla 8.0.38
- Pictures support improved. Now pictures can be accessed Á attached from Android Á iPhone apps also
- 'Notezilla Troubleshooter' tool added to this update. This tool will let you backup, restore and cleanup Notezilla data easily
- It is now possible to sort lines in a sticky note
- It is now possible to sort checklist items so that completed items are sent to the bottom of the list
- Added option in Preferences to open Notes Browser on clicking Notezilla icon in the taskbar
- Added option in Preferences to auto lock unlocked notes in 60 seconds
- Sticky note attached to a website using one browser will also work seamlessly in another browser (major browsers)
- When the mouse pointer hovers over a rolled up sticky note, excerpt of the note is shown inside a tooltip
- It is easy to open the Notezilla's data and backup folders from Notezilla Preferences window
- Reminder window now shows the next due date also for repeat alarms
- Trash memoboard is now positioned at the bottom of the memoboards list in Notes Browser
- When a note is printed, the note creation date is also printed on top right
- Notezilla explicitly shows a success message when a sticky note is sent to trash from a filter view
- Options is arrange sticky notes and edit columns added to the View menu in Notes Browser
- Sync window shows progress bar for better clarity
- Long press now works as right click on touch screens such as Surface Pro etc
- Sticky note received from another computer or contact was not placed based on the desktop area configured in Preferences. This is fixed
- When pasting text inside a sticky note using right click menu, the input caret did not position correctly. This is fixed
- When Notezilla's data file is inaccessible, Notezilla did not show any error. This is fixed
- Automatically trashing a note at a particular time did not work. This is fixed
- Sometimes, right clicking a sticky note (from notes list) in the Notes Browser did not select the right sticky note. This is fixed
- Notezilla did not support data folder path to be in unicode format. This is fixed
- Exporting notes to multiple text files used to overwrite existing files. This is fixed
- 'Windows' column in Notes Browser was not removable after being added. This is fixed
- When the sticky note was rolled up, it stopped showing the date (when configured). Also the alignment was changed. This is fixed
- When the sticky note is made to stay always on top, some child windows (Send to Contact, Computer etc) appeared below the sticky note. This is fixed

Notezilla 8.0.37
- Added a little left margin to all sticky notes
- Korean characters did not appear correctly inside sticky notes. This is fixed

Notezilla 8.0.36
- Change log not available for this version

Notezilla 8.0.35
- Fixed: on very high DPI systems, the notes list in Notes Browser showed large text

Notezilla 8.0.34
- Fixed: a checklist sticky note flickered more while editing (since 8.0.32)

Notezilla 8.0.33
- Fixed: Since the last update, the non-English characters did not appear correctly on phone app after syncing with Windows app

Notezilla 8.0.32
- Notes are synced more frequently. This will result in faster updates on other devices. Also you will receive notes faster from other users
- Added ability to keep the sticky notes visible when using 'Show Desktop' Windows feature. This needs to be configured using Preferences
- Blank notes are never sent to trash. They are permanently deleted
- Default hotkeys modified as they were conflicting with shortcut keys of other popular apps
- Added new Notifications app so that users are directly notified about new updates from within the app itself
- Classic Gradient skin update with better gradient
- Updated app skin. Now the dates inside 'Set Due Date' window are easily readable
- When checklist note was updated from phone, the formatting (strikethrough) of that note on Windows desktop was lost. This is fixed
- Day light saving issue fixed
- The first 2 columns of a memoboard sometimes lost the icons after sync. This is fixed
- The trash prompt message did not appear on top of the sticky note when trashed from reminder window. This is fixed
- Improved usability and UI in some areas

Notezilla 8.0.31
- Privacy policy link added for GDPR compliance
- Computer list was not being updated when syncing

Notezilla 8.0.30
- Fixed: Notezilla prevented system shutdown after installing latest Windows Fall Creators Update

Notezilla 8.0.29
- It is now very easy to reply to the sender of a sticky note from the toolbar just above the sticky note
- Sender name can be identified by moving the mouse pointer over the toolbar icon

Notezilla 8.0.28
- Sync is tried again automatically if another device is already syncing

Notezilla 8.0.27
- Change log not available for this version

Notezilla 8.0.26
- Now Notezilla syncs more often (every minute) if any note is modified
- Sync experience improved
- Account creation simplified
- Sign out option added to account settings

Notezilla 8.0.25
- Made Notezilla DPI-aware. So the sticky notes appear correctly on 4k display resolution

Notezilla 8.0.24
- Couldn't correctly import and export CSV & Tab delimited files. This has been fixed
- Sometimes Notezilla crashed when rearranging notes on desktop at startup. This has been fixed

Notezilla 8.0.23
- Added ability to delete Notezilla.Net account directly from the Windows app.
- Maximum sticky note size increased from 400x400 to 600x600. This was needed on 4K displays.
- On Windows 10, Notezilla crashed sometimes when clicking on the sticky note toolbar while editing the note title. This has been fixed.
- In certain cases, syncing failed permanently after deleting a memoboard. This has been fixed.

Notezilla 8.0.22
- Notezilla conflicted with games that used a different display resolution. This has been fixed.
- It is now easier to use sticky notes on 4k display monitors and on Surface tablets. The skins have been modified to achieve this. Download new versions of the skins from here. This feature still needs improvement. Future updates will behave better on 4k monitors & Surface tablets.
- Notezilla sometimes crashed after signing into Notezilla.Net for the first time in Windows. This has been fixed.
- Repeat alarm for every x months did not accurately set the right repeat date. This has been fixed.
- Ctrl+N shortcut key from within a desktop sticky note would create a new sticky note.
- It took several steps to view a particular desktop note from Notes Browser. Now, it is possible to view the desktop note with just one click using a toolbar button in Notes Browser.
- Made 'Set Due Date' feature more intuitive.
- By default incoming sticky notes (from another computer or contact) are stuck to Windows desktop.
- When a note is moved to another memoboard, the user is now asked if the note needs to be removed from the desktop.
- It is now possible to reset the master password if it is forgotten.
- Finding note using the quick find (top right in Notes Browser) was little quirky. This has been improved.
- When a sticky note is kept "always on top", the spelling window is overlapped by the sticky note itself, making it very hard or impossible to use. This has been fixed.
- Double clicking on an already selected note in notes list did not select the note in the bottom sticky notes view. This has been fixed.
- Going back to the same memoboard or filter did not retain the selection of the sticky note. This has been fixed.
- Sometimes, when syncing, the title of a sticky note wasn't updated. This has been fixed.
- The sticky notes view was scrolled back to top when switching between memoboards causing annoyance. This has been fixed.
- When a sticky note is hidden on one desktop, after sync, the sticky note was made visible on another desktop. This has been fixed.
- When sticking a note to desktop from Notes Browser, the note size changed to defaults. This has been fixed.

Notezilla 8.0.21
- It was not possible to arrange desktop notes (since last update). This has been fixed.

Notezilla 8.0.20
- Now it is possible to insert .png files inside sticky notes.
- The previous update introduced a bug. A random desktop sticky note would popup when accessing another app, dismissing a reminder or deleting a sticky note. This has been fixed.
- When Notezilla is configured to create sticky notes directly inside a memoboard instead of Windows desktop, single/double mouse click option to create new note did not work. This has been fixed.
- In rare circumstances, duplicate instances of Notezilla would run whenever a display monitor is attached/detached. This has been fixed.

SoftEther VPN Gate Client Plugin 2022.04.03 build 9760 查看版本資訊



Blue Iris 查看版本資訊


Notezilla 9.0.22 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Notezilla 9.0.22
- Improved text formatting related to automatic spell check
- Added an option to "Unhide last desktop note" inside Notezilla's main taskbar menu
- Improved caret positioning when switching to edit mode in Markdown editor
- When arranging desktop sticky notes, the rolled up notes occupy less space

- Now, attached pictures are also printed along with a sticky note
- After searching a note, the text highlighted did not clear off when editing the note
- Text copied from an MS Office product was pasted as a picture inside a sticky note
- Sticky notes did not arrange correctly inside the defined desktop area
- If a sticky note is attached to MS Word with "Hide note otherwise" option disabled, right clicking inside MS Word did not work correctly
- When resizing the Notes Browser window, some times the note inside the reminder window would move to a different location on the desktop

Notezilla 9.0.21
- Added the feature to make the desktop sticky note fully transparent, where only text is visible

Notezilla 9.0.20
- Improved multi-level checklists (outlining)
- Fixed: Markdown based text formatting inside list items did not work since the last update

Notezilla 9.0.19
- It is now possible to keep different set of sticky notes on the desktop of each PC that's syncing with your account. This can be enabled from Preferences
- It is possible to mark a memoboard as favorite when sticking the note to any memoboard
- Improved the reminder popup window so that it doesn't allow accidental dismiss while working in another app
- Made right click sticky note menu more intuitive when using the Markdown editor
- Fixed issues related to multiple level bullets and numbering in Markdown editor
- When a checklist note was updated from phone, it did not show the new content immediately in the Windows app after syncing. This is fixed.

Notezilla 9.0.18
- Updated the Windows app to make it compatible with the new Standard editor feature in phone apps (Android and iPhone/iPad)

Android/iPhone app changes:
- Added the ability to sort notes list
- App remembers your sort preferences for each folder, tag and search query
- You can now switch from Markdown editor to Standard editor (plain text)
- Syncs your editor preference with the Windows app

Notezilla 9.0.17
- Now, a sticky note will continue to be in edit-mode until Esc key is pressed. This will allow you to easily copy/paste text when switching between tasks.

Notezilla 9.0.16
- Automatic check for updates frequency can be changed from Notezilla Preferences
- Improved sticky note's behavior when sticking it to the underlying window
- Attaching a sticky note to the second window used mis-behave when trying to edit the title of the window in Notezilla. This is fixed.
- Sometimes custom data folder location would reset to the default data folder location. This has been fixed.

Notezilla 9.0.15
- Sometimes custom data folder location would reset to the default data folder location. This has been fixed.

Notezilla 9.0.14
- Added ability to apply reminder settings from Preferences to all existing reminder notes
- Bigger icons used in sticky note's toolbars on higher display resolution
- From the Markdown formatting toolbar, easily convert whole note to checklist note
- Resizing of sticky note is made easier on higher display resolution
- Markdown formatting improvements related to Heading, Code and Blockquote
- Ctrl+M shortcut key added to quickly stick the note to any other memoboard
- Other UI and usability improvements
- Small notes used to resize whenever they were edited directly from the reminder window. This is fixed.
- Sticky note inside a reminder window used to appear at different places on the desktop. This is fixed.

Notezilla 9.0.13
- Default editor is now set to Standard editor instead of the Markdown editor

Notezilla 9.0.11
- Incompatibility with certain programs caused Notezilla to use high CPU resulting in non-responsive state
- Sometimes a desktop sticky note would appear blank (although no content was lost)

Notezilla 9.0.10
- The message boxes that appear when switching between Markdown and Standard editors can be disabled

Notezilla 9.0.9
- Improved the way lighter text color is used on dark colored notes.

Notezilla 9.0.8
- Notezilla allows you to show an additional taskbar button for quick access to desktop notes using mouse click or Alt+Tab.
- Sometimes Notezilla's CPU usage would increase to 15%-20%. This is fixed.
- Removed the noise from the default reminder sound.
- Switching to Markdown editor would still retain the old formatted text until the note was modified. This is fixed.
- Fixed an outlining issue when using a bulletted list in Markdown.

Notezilla 9.0.7
- When upgrading from the previous version, user is given an option to choose between the Markdown editor and Standard editor

Notezilla 9.0.6
- Sometimes blank note was shown in read mode (edit mode displayed it correctly)
- When migrating from the old version, notes containing hyphenated lines are treated well

Notezilla 9.0.5
- For editing a sticky note F2 replaced with Spacebar key
- Option added to directly edit a sticky note without double click (Standard editor only)
- Applying text style in markdown editor is easier on single word and whole line
- Keyboard caret is now placed correctly when switching to edit mode

Notezilla 9.0.4
- Change log not available for this version

Notezilla 9.0.3
- Have removed the taskbar button for now. Will make it optional later.

Notezilla 9.0.2
Android and iPhone apps now support formatted text:
- Notezilla apps for Android and iPhone/iPad now support text formatting such as bold, italics, highlighting, bullets, numbering etc. Earlier versions supported only plain text.

Create offline sticky notes:
- Many users wanted “selective” syncing in the Windows version of Notezilla. Meaning, they didn’t want all the sticky notes to sync with the cloud as some notes may contain sensitive information.
- We have added the feature to create “Offline sticky notes” in this version. When you create an offline sticky note, it is never synced with other devices.
- Selective syncing of sticky notes in Windows using Offline sticky notes
- Selective syncing of sticky notes in Windows using “Offline” sticky notes

Snap sticky notes to grid on Windows desktop:
- This is yet another feature that many customers requested. They wanted to tidy their Windows desktop by having the sticky notes arrange automatically when moving them close to each other. We can also call it “Snap to grid”.
- Snap sticky notes to grid on Windows desktop and in the Notes Browser
- Snap sticky notes to grid on Windows desktop and in the Notes Browser

Duplicate a sticky note quickly:
- Now it is very easy to create a copy of a sticky note. This is useful when working with standard templated note content such as checklists etc.
- Duplicate a sticky note in Windows

Markdown support adds several benefits:
- Notezilla 9 defaults to 'Markdown' way of formatting text. Eg. When you type **Beautiful world**, it will show as Beautiful world.
- Markdown will also allow you to add inline checklists, inline hyperlinks, tables, highlighted text, dark mode compatibility, cross-platform compatibility and lot more. The phone apps also will use markdown to format the text.
- You can switch to the standard editor anytime that the previous versions supported.
- Markdown Sticky Notes in Windows, Android, iPhone/iPad

Dark mode:
- The new version supports dark mode. If you are using the markdown editor then Notezilla will automatically used lighter text color on dark backgrounds.
- Sticky notes with dark mode support in Windows

Auto-arrange sticky notes in Notes Browser:
- Neatly arranged sticky notes will allow you to be more productive. The new version arranges the sticky notes automatically when ever you resize a sticky note or the Notes Browser. This avoids overlapping and cluttered sticky notes.
- Auto-arrange sticky notes in Notes Browser
- Auto-arrange sticky notes in Notes Browser to avoid clutter

Show sticky notes on desktop by memoboard or tag:
- Notezilla 9 adds the ability to quickly bring all sticky notes belonging to a memoboard (or tag) to the Windows desktop. You may be grouping various sticky notes by tag or memoboards (folders). With just 2 clicks you can instantly show all those sticky notes on the Windows desktop
- Instantly show sticky notes from particular memoboard or tag on the Windows desktop
- Instantly show sticky notes from particular memoboard or tag on the Windows desktop

Multi-select sticky notes and move around to organize/group them:
- We have added the ability to multi-select desktop sticky notes and move them around so that you can tidy your Windows desktop. You can also multi-select sticky notes inside the Notes Browser. Hold Ctrl key to multi-select.
- Select multiple sticky notes, move them around the desktop to organize & group them

Charming new sticky note colors:
- The new sticky note colors in Notezilla 9 for Windows are beautiful! The more you will see them, the more you fall in love with them :o). You will see these colors in the phone apps too (Notezilla for Android, iPhone/iPad).
- New color set for sticky notes on Windows

Access sticky notes from the new taskbar button:
- The new version brings quick way to access the desktop sticky notes in Windows. You will see a new Taskbar button when Notezilla is running in the background.
- Clicking on this taskbar button will give you instant access to the desktop sticky notes. You can also access the desktop notes using the Alt+Tab keys. Right clicking will let you create a new sticky note from the taskbar’s jump list.
- Bring sticky notes on top of other apps using the new taskbar button
- Bring sticky notes on top of other apps using the new taskbar button or Alt+Tab keys

Temporarily disable sticky note reminders using 'Do Not Disturb':
- You can now temporarily disable the reminder pop up messages using the “Do not disturb” feature. The reminders that you set on sticky notes will not show up for the duration you set. This feature is useful especially when you are in a meeting or presenting something from your PC/laptop.
- Temporarily disable sticky note reminders using 'Do Not Disturb' option

Flicker-free typing and resizing of sticky notes:
- (Content will be added soon)

Sort lines and checklists:
- Highlight text inside a sticky note

Notezilla 8.0.43
- Fixed: A sticky note attached to an MS-Office product would appear in an unexpected location

Notezilla 8.0.42
- Fixed: When using multiple display monitors, the sticky notes (if stuck to a window) did not appear in the correct position

Notezilla 8.0.41
- Notezilla now syncs immediately on startup
- It is now possible to select multiple picture files when adding them to a sticky note

- After inserting a picture (from a file) into a sticky note, it was not possible to delete the file without closing Notezilla. This is fixed
- When an app window was maximized, the associated sticky note did not remember its position. This is fixed

Notezilla 8.0.40
- Some pictures inside a sticky note appeared blurred. This is fixed
- Clicking on pictures button did not show the pictures the first time. This is fixed
- Sometimes the note toolbar detached itself from the sticky note. This is fixed

Notezilla 8.0.39
- If a sticky note is stuck to a website / doc / app, it will move (re-position), when the corresponding browser window, app window is moved
- Added ability to import/export computers and contacts
- Added F4 shortcut key to a sticky note for switching between note text and attached pictures
- The window to set a reminder makes it easier to type the reminder time
- Fixed a bug associated with sticking notes to chromium based Edge browser
- The sticky notes used to jump to different locations when using the mouse wheel for scrolling the notes in the Notes Browser. This is fixed
- The pictures did not go along with the note when sending the note over LAN. This is fixed
- Fixed sign in issues that caused 'Failed to create empty document' error

Notezilla 8.0.38
- Pictures support improved. Now pictures can be accessed Á attached from Android Á iPhone apps also
- 'Notezilla Troubleshooter' tool added to this update. This tool will let you backup, restore and cleanup Notezilla data easily
- It is now possible to sort lines in a sticky note
- It is now possible to sort checklist items so that completed items are sent to the bottom of the list
- Added option in Preferences to open Notes Browser on clicking Notezilla icon in the taskbar
- Added option in Preferences to auto lock unlocked notes in 60 seconds
- Sticky note attached to a website using one browser will also work seamlessly in another browser (major browsers)
- When the mouse pointer hovers over a rolled up sticky note, excerpt of the note is shown inside a tooltip
- It is easy to open the Notezilla's data and backup folders from Notezilla Preferences window
- Reminder window now shows the next due date also for repeat alarms
- Trash memoboard is now positioned at the bottom of the memoboards list in Notes Browser
- When a note is printed, the note creation date is also printed on top right
- Notezilla explicitly shows a success message when a sticky note is sent to trash from a filter view
- Options is arrange sticky notes and edit columns added to the View menu in Notes Browser
- Sync window shows progress bar for better clarity
- Long press now works as right click on touch screens such as Surface Pro etc
- Sticky note received from another computer or contact was not placed based on the desktop area configured in Preferences. This is fixed
- When pasting text inside a sticky note using right click menu, the input caret did not position correctly. This is fixed
- When Notezilla's data file is inaccessible, Notezilla did not show any error. This is fixed
- Automatically trashing a note at a particular time did not work. This is fixed
- Sometimes, right clicking a sticky note (from notes list) in the Notes Browser did not select the right sticky note. This is fixed
- Notezilla did not support data folder path to be in unicode format. This is fixed
- Exporting notes to multiple text files used to overwrite existing files. This is fixed
- 'Windows' column in Notes Browser was not removable after being added. This is fixed
- When the sticky note was rolled up, it stopped showing the date (when configured). Also the alignment was changed. This is fixed
- When the sticky note is made to stay always on top, some child windows (Send to Contact, Computer etc) appeared below the sticky note. This is fixed

Notezilla 8.0.37
- Added a little left margin to all sticky notes
- Korean characters did not appear correctly inside sticky notes. This is fixed

Notezilla 8.0.36
- Change log not available for this version

Notezilla 8.0.35
- Fixed: on very high DPI systems, the notes list in Notes Browser showed large text

Notezilla 8.0.34
- Fixed: a checklist sticky note flickered more while editing (since 8.0.32)

Notezilla 8.0.33
- Fixed: Since the last update, the non-English characters did not appear correctly on phone app after syncing with Windows app

Notezilla 8.0.32
- Notes are synced more frequently. This will result in faster updates on other devices. Also you will receive notes faster from other users
- Added ability to keep the sticky notes visible when using 'Show Desktop' Windows feature. This needs to be configured using Preferences
- Blank notes are never sent to trash. They are permanently deleted
- Default hotkeys modified as they were conflicting with shortcut keys of other popular apps
- Added new Notifications app so that users are directly notified about new updates from within the app itself
- Classic Gradient skin update with better gradient
- Updated app skin. Now the dates inside 'Set Due Date' window are easily readable
- When checklist note was updated from phone, the formatting (strikethrough) of that note on Windows desktop was lost. This is fixed
- Day light saving issue fixed
- The first 2 columns of a memoboard sometimes lost the icons after sync. This is fixed
- The trash prompt message did not appear on top of the sticky note when trashed from reminder window. This is fixed
- Improved usability and UI in some areas

Notezilla 8.0.31
- Privacy policy link added for GDPR compliance
- Computer list was not being updated when syncing

Notezilla 8.0.30
- Fixed: Notezilla prevented system shutdown after installing latest Windows Fall Creators Update

Notezilla 8.0.29
- It is now very easy to reply to the sender of a sticky note from the toolbar just above the sticky note
- Sender name can be identified by moving the mouse pointer over the toolbar icon

Notezilla 8.0.28
- Sync is tried again automatically if another device is already syncing

Notezilla 8.0.27
- Change log not available for this version

Notezilla 8.0.26
- Now Notezilla syncs more often (every minute) if any note is modified
- Sync experience improved
- Account creation simplified
- Sign out option added to account settings

Notezilla 8.0.25
- Made Notezilla DPI-aware. So the sticky notes appear correctly on 4k display resolution

Notezilla 8.0.24
- Couldn't correctly import and export CSV & Tab delimited files. This has been fixed
- Sometimes Notezilla crashed when rearranging notes on desktop at startup. This has been fixed

Notezilla 8.0.23
- Added ability to delete Notezilla.Net account directly from the Windows app.
- Maximum sticky note size increased from 400x400 to 600x600. This was needed on 4K displays.
- On Windows 10, Notezilla crashed sometimes when clicking on the sticky note toolbar while editing the note title. This has been fixed.
- In certain cases, syncing failed permanently after deleting a memoboard. This has been fixed.

Notezilla 8.0.22
- Notezilla conflicted with games that used a different display resolution. This has been fixed.
- It is now easier to use sticky notes on 4k display monitors and on Surface tablets. The skins have been modified to achieve this. Download new versions of the skins from here. This feature still needs improvement. Future updates will behave better on 4k monitors & Surface tablets.
- Notezilla sometimes crashed after signing into Notezilla.Net for the first time in Windows. This has been fixed.
- Repeat alarm for every x months did not accurately set the right repeat date. This has been fixed.
- Ctrl+N shortcut key from within a desktop sticky note would create a new sticky note.
- It took several steps to view a particular desktop note from Notes Browser. Now, it is possible to view the desktop note with just one click using a toolbar button in Notes Browser.
- Made 'Set Due Date' feature more intuitive.
- By default incoming sticky notes (from another computer or contact) are stuck to Windows desktop.
- When a note is moved to another memoboard, the user is now asked if the note needs to be removed from the desktop.
- It is now possible to reset the master password if it is forgotten.
- Finding note using the quick find (top right in Notes Browser) was little quirky. This has been improved.
- When a sticky note is kept "always on top", the spelling window is overlapped by the sticky note itself, making it very hard or impossible to use. This has been fixed.
- Double clicking on an already selected note in notes list did not select the note in the bottom sticky notes view. This has been fixed.
- Going back to the same memoboard or filter did not retain the selection of the sticky note. This has been fixed.
- Sometimes, when syncing, the title of a sticky note wasn't updated. This has been fixed.
- The sticky notes view was scrolled back to top when switching between memoboards causing annoyance. This has been fixed.
- When a sticky note is hidden on one desktop, after sync, the sticky note was made visible on another desktop. This has been fixed.
- When sticking a note to desktop from Notes Browser, the note size changed to defaults. This has been fixed.

Notezilla 8.0.21
- It was not possible to arrange desktop notes (since last update). This has been fixed.

Notezilla 8.0.20
- Now it is possible to insert .png files inside sticky notes.
- The previous update introduced a bug. A random desktop sticky note would popup when accessing another app, dismissing a reminder or deleting a sticky note. This has been fixed.
- When Notezilla is configured to create sticky notes directly inside a memoboard instead of Windows desktop, single/double mouse click option to create new note did not work. This has been fixed.
- In rare circumstances, duplicate instances of Notezilla would run whenever a display monitor is attached/detached. This has been fixed.

FocusMe 查看版本資訊


GhostVolt 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- GhostVolt will now automatically clear your clipboard when a Secure note content is copied. Includes new admin option and ability to manually clear the clipboard via the taskbar.
- Added Print to File time line reports (Business only)
- New audit event when searching file contents (Business only)
- Better performance when searching folders for files or file Tags
- Fixed a bug where global file search was not finding files in your root repository folder
- Fixed a bug when refreshing your repository whilst searching the App would become unresponsive
- Fixed a bug when searching file contents and an automatic logout event occurs. In this scenario, GhostVolt would become unresponsive.
- Fixed a bug when moving your repository and GhostVolt does not find an additional disk to move to

- Fixed a bug where exporting your files from the repository root folder would fail
- Support for repositories stored on removable or virtual disks when their disk letter changes
- Minor UI changes including the ability to minimise the logon window and adjustments to Secure Notes

- You can now view your entire GhostVolt longin history when using GhostVolt Solo
- Updating Secure note to include hyperlinks, printing to PDF, highlight text, better formatting and minor UI fixes
- Bug fix: When connected to OneDrive, It was not possible to retrieve your password hint
- Minor UI and bug fixes

- Quick fix: Fixed a bug when editing a file and GV would always show the Open With window
- Minor UI and bug fixes

- We've taken the first step in our journey to make GhostVolt Solo fully cloud aware. First stop, Microsoft OneDrive. With this version, you'll be able to fully utilise the power of OneDrive to backup and sync your protected files across your Windows based computers.

- We’ve included a new utility to move your GhostVolt repository to a new location
- Quickly view your file history events with file statistic graphs
- Updated audit trail report so audit categories are easier to find and searchable
- Audit trial timeline performance improvements for big datasets
- You can now filter your audit timeline by users
- Fixed a bug when loading file timelines with a large amount of data. The progress indicator failed to show correctly which made the timeline appeared to hang.
- Minor UI changes

- GhostVolt Solo now includes file comments
- Minor update to how Master keys are generated
- Added addition security checks when backing-up your GV encryption keys
- Minor UI and Tour fixes

- You can now share your GhostVolt encrypted files with any other GhostVolt user. Simply drag your shared encrypted files into GhostVolt, enter your shared password and that’s it!
- Better duplicate file handling when attempting to add the same file to a folder more than one
- Fixed a bug when deleting folders and GhostVolt would not allow you create a new folder with the same name as those you just deleted
- Fixed a bug when deleting multiple files and occasionally GhostVolt we blow up
- Minor UI and Tour fixes

- Your encrypted files can now have their contents searched for words, patrial words or phrases
- Bug fix: Global filename/Tag searching caused a crash when attempting to download the files to your local computer
- General bug fixing

- Security enhancements and fixes including better file corruption detection
- Due to customer requests, we’ve reintroduced the ability to explicitly open a file for viewing only
- We’ve renamed Add Files and Add Folders [from Windows Explorer] to Import Files and Import folders
- Enhanced the File Open to allow greater control of your currently open files
- Faster response times for file statuses when you’re finished editing or viewing a file
- Fixed Bug : When dragging mixed files and folders from Windows explorer into your repository not all files were included
- Fixed Bug: When attempting to import a file to your GV repository when the file is currently open the wrong message was displayed
- Fixed a bug when attempting to open a file for Edit and the file does not open
- General bug fixing

- Share files directly to your OneDrive account
- You can now choose which App to edit and View your files with the new ‘Open with’ feature
- We’ve updated file tagging so you can add Tags to multiple selected files
- You can now share and download folders (including sub-folders and all contained files) directly from Folder Explorer
- When editing a file, the file status shown is now 'Editing' rather than 'locked'
- We now speak Italian, German and French
- Filenames are now encrypted. Note: Only available for new files which are added to your reposiotry. You'll still be able to see the original filename in your GhostVolt
- Fixed a bug where global search did not work correctly when your GhostVolt repository was not located on Drive 'C'
- General bug fixing

- Fixed an issue when running GhostVolt solo and some GhostVolt business features were showing on the main toolbar
- Fixed a number of UI bugs when taking a tour of the App
- GhostVolt now speaks Spanish – GhostVolt agora fala espanhol
- GhostVolt now speaks Portuguese - GhostVolt agora fala português
- General bug fixing

- [Important] Fixed a bug where it was no longer possible to delete files from your GhostVolt File Explorer
- Fixed a bug when taking a file tour where it was not possible to navigate beyond step 12

- Security enhancements and bug fixes
- Light theme
- UI improvements
- General bug fixing

- New Feature We’ve added a fully featured Secure Notes platform to GhostVolt
- The Tag system has been fully updated to include Access Rights, New Tag Editor, Global searching, plus much more
- Added additional security checks when deleting or resetting Team member accounts
- Creating new Team members UI has been refreshed
- Folder explorer breadcrumb control is now fully interactive
- Updated Share Files UI and included the ability to share to a Zip file
- GhostVolt Reader has been Retired. We now use GhostVolt Start for reading shared files
- As usual, we've improved the UI and fixed a number of minor issues

- Productivity You can now minimise GhostVolt to your system tray for quick access. Perfect for those who use the App throughout the day and don’t want to continually login.
- Performance: We’ve updated our encryption library which should see speed improvements of up to 10%
- Privacy Previously, when your team members were denied access to a folder, they were still show the folder in a disabled state with a locked icon. Now, non-accessible folders are completely hidden from those whom do not have access.
- Team access Adding user access rights for File comments and File Tags
- Privacy Previously, when your team members were denied access to a folder, they were still show the folder in a disabled state with a locked icon. Now, non-accessible folders are completely hidden from those whom do not have access.
- Improvements to the audit report management
- You can now toggle password visibility when typing passwords
- As usual, we've improved the UI and fixed a number of minor issues

- ProductivityYou can now minimise GhostVolt to your system tray for quick access. Perfect for those who use the App throughout the day and don’t want to continually login
- PerformanceWe’ve updated our encryption library which should see speed improvements of up to 10%
- Privacy Previously, when your team members were denied access to a folder, they were still show the folder in a disabled state with a locked icon. Now, non-accessible folders are completely hidden from those whom do not have access.
- fixes Minor UI and bug Fixes

- You can now add 'Tags' to your files for better organisation and searching
- Minor UI and bug Fixes

- You can now add encrypted notes, comments and conversations to your files
- All settings, repository statistics and options are now presented in a single Admin Dashboard
- New feature to opt-out of automatic updates
- Minor UI and bug Fixes

- Improved Backups: You can now choose to unlock all files within your backups
- Retired ‘Clone Repo’ as the new Backup feature caters for all your backup and cloning scenarios
- New repository ‘Dashboard’ where you can view all details and statuses of your repository in a single screen
- Renamed the ribbon tabs from ‘Home’, ‘Administrator’ and ‘Users’ to ‘File Manager’, ‘Admin’ and ‘Team’ respectively
- Improved User access rights window so you now see detailed information on each available feature when hovering your mouse
- Updated User searches to include email addresses and be case insensitive
- Updated User view context menus to be aware of the current selection
- Fixed a bug where you could not set new User access rights for changing Master Keys
- Minor UI and bug fixes

- You can now preview your documents directly from GhostVolt file explorer
- GhostVolt file explorer now displays file type icons which are sortable
- GhostVolt now scales correctly on monitors set to 200 DPI
- Updated UI for accessibility particularly those with low vison
- Updated GhostVolt file monitor to detect when files have not been correctly closed on your local computer
- Smarter File Explorer context menus. Rather than showing you all available options, your context menu now shows only the relevant actions based on your current selection
- Minor UI update to Folder Explorer – Pinned and locked folders now show an icon with hover information
- Fixed a bug: Resetting a user account loses access to folder which they previously had access to
- Fixed a bug: During a Cut and paste operation, the paste was delayed
- Minor UI and bug Fixes

- You can now drag files and folders from Windows Explorer directly into GhostVolt
- Fixed a bug when resetting your account password and access to previously available folders was lost
- Fixed a crash bug when searching your GhostVolt history
- Fixed a crash bug when attempting to open Network Discovery on 4k monitors
- Minor UI and bug Fixes

- Improvements to Network browser. Your network browser can now detect all attached computers on your network
- Updated user interface. GhostVolt no longer uses Windows standard grey message windows
- Minor bug fixes

- Updated security engine which includes perfromance improvments
- Added 'Add file' and 'Add folder' to your project folders context menu
- GhostVolt now uses the .Net framework version 4.7.1
- Simplified on-boarding wizard
- Created new ‘First steps’ guide when opening the App for the first time
- Minor bug fixes for the interactive tours
- The App now shows an indicator when an update is available
- Improved toolbar feedback when selecting files and folders
- Fixed a bug which was preventing users from resetting their login password

- Fixed a bug where user were unable to select (and view) deleted folders from their GhostVolt folder view
- Fixed a bug where users were unable to add files and folders to the root ‘Repository’ folder
- Minor UI improvements

- Pin your most frequently used folders with the new ‘Quick access’ feature
- Improved accessibility by adding shortcut keys to all buttons and commands
- Fixed a bug when attempting to resize the filename column with double click which resulted the width being changed AND GhostVolt attempted to open the selected file
- Improved information when searching your users
- Minor UI improvements

- Added global search which allows you to search your entire GhostVolt for any file or folder
- When performing a local folder filter, your search term is now highlighted in your search results
- Minor UI tweaks and bugs fixes

- Added ‘Breadcrumb’ toolbar to help navigate your project folders
- Added Cut and Paste to your project for Files
- Select all/none/invert added for convenient document selection
- Additional audit points added for moving files
- Access restrictions added to context menus

- For this update we’ve concentrated on making the UI a little slicker including better feedback when hovering your mouse over your GhostVolts file and folder views and a number of minor UI issues

- Improved performance when loading GhostVolt with a large amount of folders.
- Improved performance when creating and editing Users
- Improved speed when adding a large amount of folders to GhostVolt
- Add a new icon to status bar to indicate GhostVolt is busy performing background tasks
- Minor bug fixes

- Adding Excel and PDF support to your Document Access report
- Improved design for Document access report window
- Because monitoring stale user accounts is very important we’ve added Last login date to your user control window
- Minor UI fixes

- Added new report for reporting on what files a user has write access to
- Further security enhancements
- Minor UI and bug fixes

- Fixed a bug where users could not validate their user account via email
- Minor UI changes

- Fixed a bug where access to Key Rotation was denied to all users

- Security enhancements including authentication hardening e.g. tighter controls on who can access certain server functions
- Fixed a bug where new users were not able to activate their account during the first attempt
- Minor UI improvements and bug fixes

- New report window, take a look here
- You can now export your reporting data to Excel*
- Filter your reports by audit type
- Clean-up your reporting folder right from your reporting Window
- Additional audit data point added to your audit trail
- Cleaned-up User report tables
- Fixed a bug where PDF record details were being truncated
- General bug fixing

- Bug Fix: Occasionally when low network speeds have been detected GhostVolt was dropping the connection to the server. This version updates the timeout period to reduce such occurrences. Add checks to Have I Been Pwned when entering passwords