Notezilla 歷史舊版本 Page5

最新版本 Notezilla 9.0.27

Notezilla 歷史版本列表

Notezilla 是一個用於 Windows 的粘滯便箋軟件,旨在保持您的裝備精良& 精心組織。它可以讓你快速記下粘滯便箋(看起來像是 3M Post-It&Note; 注意),就在你的 Windows 桌面上,給你最好的便簽體驗。桌面上的便簽可以更快地訪問所需的信息! 通過可選的云同步功能,您可以在計算機之間同步便簽,使用我們的 iPhone / iPad,Android,Window... Notezilla 軟體介紹

ExpanDrive 2021.7.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Dramatically improved SFTP tranfer speed, as much as 10x in many cases
- Improved unmount functionality under linux

- Fixed a issue causing with Google Cloud Storage authentication

Node.js 16.5.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- (SEMVER-MINOR) fs: allow empty string for temp directory prefix (Voltrex)
- deps: upgrade npm to 7.19.1 (npm team)

Experimental Web Streams API:
- Node.js now exposes an experimental implementation of the Web Streams API

Node.js 16.4.2 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Node.js 16.4.1 introduced a regression in the Windows installer on non-English locales that is being fixed in this release. There is no need to download this release if you are not using the Windows installer.

Node.js 16.4.1 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- CVE-2021-22918: libuv upgrade - Out of bounds read (Medium)
Node.js is vulnerable to out-of-bounds read in libuv's uv__idna_toascii() function which is used to convert strings to ASCII. This is called by Node's dns module's lookup() function and can lead to information disclosures or crashes.
- CVE-2021-22921: Windows installer - Node Installer Local Privilege Escalation (Medium)
Node.js is vulnerable to local privilege escalation attacks under certain conditions on Windows platforms. More specifically, improper configuration of permissions in the installation directory allows an attacker to perform two different escalation attacks: PATH and DLL hijacking

ExpanDrive 2021.6.4 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed a minor issue causing trouble with Google Drive authentication for new connections

ExpanDrive 2021.6.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- External Browser-based OAuth for Dropbox/Sharepoint/OneDrive for Business/Google Drive. This is for increased security and furter opportunity to integrated with SSO flows.
- Updated to Electron 13 for user-interface
- Remove newer glibc dependencies on Linux. If you're having any compatability issues, let us know!

Symfony 5.3.3 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- [Security] Handle concurency in Csrf DoctrineTokenProvider
- Fix SessionTokenStorage reuse with Request
- [Filesystem] Workaround cannot dumpFile into "protected" folders on Windows
- [Messenger] fix FlattenExceptionNormalizer
- [SecurityBundle] Change information label from red to yellow
- [HttpKernel] Keep max lifetime also when part of the responses don't set it
- [ErrorHandler] fix handling buffered SilencedErrorContext
- [HttpClient] fix Psr18Client when allow_url_fopen=0
- [Runtime] Fix project dir variable when vendor not in project root
- [DependencyInjection] Add support of PHP enumerations
- [Config] fix tracking default values that reference the parent class
- [DependencyInjection] Fix binding "iterable $foo" when using the PHP-DSL
- [DependencyInjection] accept service locator definitions with no class
- [Uid] Fix fromString() with low base58 values
- [Cache] handle prefixed redis connections when clearing pools
- [Cache] fix eventual consistency when using RedisTagAwareAdapter with a cluster
- [Cache] Disable locking on Windows by default
- [Mailer] fix encoding of addresses using SmtpTransport
- [HttpKernel] [HttpCache] Keep s-maxage=0 from ESI sub-responses
- Avoid broken action URL in text notification mail
- [Security] Fix special char used to create cache key
- [VarDumper] Fix tests for PHP 8.1
- [FrameworkBundle] Replace var_export with VarExporter to use array short syntax in secrets list files
- [DependencyInjection] throw proper exception when decorating a synthetic service
- [Security] Implement fluent interface on RememberMeBadge::disable()
- [ErrorHandler] [DebugClassLoader] Do not check Phake mocks classes
- [PhpUnitBridge] fix handling the COMPOSER_BINARY env var when using simple-phpunit
- [PasswordHasher] UserPasswordHasher only calls getSalt when method exists
- [HttpFoundation] allow savePath of NativeFileSessionHandler to be null
- [Messenger] prevent reflection usages when classes do not exist
- [Security] Fixed 'security.command.debug_firewall' not found
- [Security] Fix invalid RememberMe value after update
- [Security] Fix invalid cookie when migrating to new Security
- [Security] make the getter usable if no user identifier is set

Node.js 16.4.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- stabilize part of AsyncLocalStorage

- upgrade npm to 7.18.1 (npm-robot)
- update V8 to

- allow --dns-result-order to change default dns verbatim

ExpanDrive 2021.6.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Switched to time based versioning schem
- New code signing certificate on windows
- A variety of internal performance and memory improvements
- Improved support for Seagate object storage

Symfony 5.3.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

security #cve-2021-32693 [SecurityHttp] Fix "Authentication granted with multiple firewalls"
- [Uid] fix performance and prevent collisions with the real clock_seq
- [Security] Fix deprecation notice on TokenInterface::getUser() stringable return
- [Security] Restore extension point in MessageDigestPasswordEncoder
- [Messenger] Fix RequestContext not updated
- [Messenger] Remove TLS related options when not using TLS
- [FrameworkBundle] fix Could not find service "test.service_container"
- [Console] Fix using #[AsCommand] without DI
- [DependencyInjection] fix parsing classes for attributes
- [Runtime] fix overriding --env|-e with single-command apps
- [HttpClient] fix compat with cURL <= 7.37
- [Console] fix managing signals when commands are lazy loaded
- [PasswordHasher] Fix missing PasswordHasherAwareInterface allowed type
- [HttpClient] throw exception when AsyncDecoratorTrait gets an already consumed response
- [Notifier] Escape . char for Telegram transport
- [Config] fix tracking attributes in ReflectionClassResource
- [Process] Fix incorrect parameter type
- [HttpClient] Revert bindto workaround for unaffected PHP versions
- [DependencyInjection] fix [email protected]{env} inside imported files
- [Messenger] fix BC for FrameworkBundle 4.4 with a non-existence alias being used
- Fix not null get collection key types
- [PasswordHasher] Prevent PHP fatal error when using auto algorithm
- [Security] Fix opcache preload with alias classes
- [Serializer] Do not allow to denormalize string with spaces only to valid a DateTime object
- [Console] Fix negated options not accessible
- [Validator] remove service if its class doesn't exist
- [DependencyInjection] Update loader’s directory when calling ContainerConfigurator::withPath
- [FrameworkBundle] fix KernelBrowser::loginUser with a stateless firewall
- [SecurityBundle] Link UserProviderListener to correct firewall dispatcher
- [Console] Escape synopsis output
- [Notifier] [Bridge] Remove hidden dependency on HttpFoundation for SmsBiurasTransport
- Relax requirement on symfony/runtime