Notezilla 歷史舊版本 Page3

最新版本 Notezilla 9.0.27

Notezilla 歷史版本列表

Notezilla 是一個用於 Windows 的粘滯便箋軟件,旨在保持您的裝備精良& 精心組織。它可以讓你快速記下粘滯便箋(看起來像是 3M Post-It&Note; 注意),就在你的 Windows 桌面上,給你最好的便簽體驗。桌面上的便簽可以更快地訪問所需的信息! 通過可選的云同步功能,您可以在計算機之間同步便簽,使用我們的 iPhone / iPad,Android,Window... Notezilla 軟體介紹

Pinegrow Web Editor 6.2 查看版本資訊


OSForensics 9.1.1001 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

NEW JSON Viewer:
- Supports syntax highlighting for JSON documents
- Treeview shows the hierarchical dependencies between JSON nodes
- Supports JSON formatting and indenting
- Supports compressing (minifying) JSON documents
- Supports encoding: UTF8, ASCII, UTF16 BE/LE

NEW Remote Acquisition:
- Preliminary implementation of remote acquisition module
- Added encryption to configuration file. Prompt user for password when loading/saving config file
- Automatically import case when remote acquisition complete
- Support for domain user accounts
- Support for compressed Case File

Auto Triage:
- Fixed bug in FTP case file upload
- Added error messages when uploading of case file failed
- Save FTP config to OSF config file on close
- Fixed minor UI bug when hovering over triage tasks
- Refactor to support running without GUI (ie. command line option)
- Added command line options to run Auto Triage in standalone mode

Case Management:
- Added Case Size column to the list of selectable cases. Size is calculated in background thread
- Added option to "Export to file" in "Export Case" button dropdown menu
- Create / Search Index
- Fixed crash bug when searching in index containing long file paths in the protected files list
- Deleted Files
- Fixed multiple device scanning

Email Viewer:
- Tiff Export, Moved tiff export menu item, changed emails md5 to sha1 and added attachments sha1, added tiff export progress to title bar
- Updated tiff export folder structure
- Updated load file format, added text extraction (using code from Zoom)
- Renamed concordance export option, removed debugging print
- Added right click option to export emails to concordance load file
- Forensic Imaging:
- Improved image creation speed significantly
- Changed buffers sizes used to be 16MB by default and 256MB if there is greater than 6GB free system RAM and changed file access method which results in much better performance on very fast drives
- Changed zlib library in use for 64bit build to the cloudflare fork for increased speed when compressing E01 images
- Changed AFF4 compression from using ZLIB to LZ4 which results in increased speed when creating the image
- Fixed a bug where selecting "None" for the hashing function was still creating an MD5 hash while creating the image resulting in a slower speed than expected
- Added CRC32-C to the available hashing options, an SSE4 enhanced version of CRC that is much faster
- Added hash outputs to create image tab

Install to USB:
- Added option to set the workflow to a minimal set of modules for portable OSF installations
- Allow installation of OSF portable to network folder
- Added option to include python packages

Image Viewer:
- Fixed possible bug where the thumbnails may not be display/extracted the second time the image is analyzed

Password Recovery:
- Fixed crash due to using freed OpenSSL structure

Start Page:
- Re-assigned Modules to different groups
- File System Browser moved to File Searching & Indexing
- Web Browser and Analyze Memory with Volatility moved to House Keeping
- Program Artifacts moved to System Artifacts & Passwords
- Change to "Install to USB" to 'Install to USB or Network'
- Modules hidden in both the workflow menu and start page (via customize workflow) will have grey text and have the word [Hidden] appended when appearing in the Module Feature Search. Note: This does not prevent user from accessing these modules
- SQLite Browser:
- Fixed bug where it opened the add to case dialog using the main window's handle instead of SQLite Browser's
- Fixed bug where it opened the file select dialog using the main window's handle instead of SQLite Browser's when selecting 'Load DB'

User Activity:
- Added Browser Custom Dictionary entries for Opera and Firefox.
- Added new Browser Custom Dictionary entries activity type. (Chrome, Chromium Edge, Opera, Firefox)

Web Browser:
- Capture Screenshot Region will capture upon left mouse up (previously required user to hit 'Enter' key)

Web Capture:
- Internal changes to better support timing out when a page fails to load, adding delays after page has completed loading before taking capture, setting the page scale

- Updated Crypto++ library to 8.6.0

Symfony 5.3.7 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- [HttpClient] Don't pass float to usleep()
- Cast ini_get to an integer to match expected type
- [Messenger] Remove indices in messenger table on MySQL to prevent deadlocks while removing messages when running multiple consumers
- [Messenger] Fix ErrorDetailsStamp denormalization
- [Translation] Extract translatable content on twig set
- [Notifier] [Smsapi] fixed checking whether message is sent
- allow null for framework.translator.default_path
- [DomCrawler] improve failure messages of the CrawlerSelectorTextContains constraint
- [HttpFoundation] Fix isNotModified determination logic
- [FrameworkBundle] Fall back to default configuration in debug:config and consistently resolve parameter values
- Fix Url Validator false positives
- [Translation] Reverse fallback locales
- Escape all special characters for parse_mode MARKDOWN_V2
- [Messenger] [AMQP] Do not leak any credentials when connection fails
- [Notifier] Firebase error handling
- [PropertyInfo] Support for the never return type
- Fix ProgressBar to correctly clear multi-line formats
- [Translation] Fix message key handling for the Localise provider
- Ignoring X-Transport header while signing email with DKIM
- [ExpressionLanguage] [Lexer] Remove PHP 8.0 polyfill
- [Security] Don't produce TypeErrors for non-string CSRF tokens
- [Security] Fix wrong cache directive when using the new PUBLIC_ACCESS attribute
- [Cache] fix wiring async cache recomputing in debug mode
- [Cache] Do not add namespace argument to NullAdapter in CachePoolPass
- [HttpKernel] always close open stopwatch section after handling kernel.request events
- [Console] Don't pass null to preg_replace()
- Fix ServiceLocator indexing when service is decorated
- [HttpFoundation] Don't pass null to strpos()
- [HttpKernel] Remove preloading legacy event dispatcher
- Fix return types for PHP 8.1
- [DoctrineBridge] Typehint against doctrine/persistence interfaces
- [Validator] Update MIR card scheme
- [PasswordHasher] Fix usage of PasswordHasherAdapter in PasswordHasherFactory

Notezilla 9.0.9 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Notezilla 9.0.9
- Improved the way lighter text color is used on dark colored notes.

Notezilla 9.0.8
- Notezilla allows you to show an additional taskbar button for quick access to desktop notes using mouse click or Alt+Tab.
- Sometimes Notezilla's CPU usage would increase to 15%-20%. This is fixed.
- Removed the noise from the default reminder sound.
- Switching to Markdown editor would still retain the old formatted text until the note was modified. This is fixed.
- Fixed an outlining issue when using a bulletted list in Markdown.

Notezilla 9.0.7
- When upgrading from the previous version, user is given an option to choose between the Markdown editor and Standard editor

Notezilla 9.0.6
- Sometimes blank note was shown in read mode (edit mode displayed it correctly)
- When migrating from the old version, notes containing hyphenated lines are treated well

Notezilla 9.0.5
- For editing a sticky note F2 replaced with Spacebar key
- Option added to directly edit a sticky note without double click (Standard editor only)
- Applying text style in markdown editor is easier on single word and whole line
- Keyboard caret is now placed correctly when switching to edit mode

Notezilla 9.0.4
- Change log not available for this version

Notezilla 9.0.3
- Have removed the taskbar button for now. Will make it optional later.

Notezilla 9.0.2
Android and iPhone apps now support formatted text:
- Notezilla apps for Android and iPhone/iPad now support text formatting such as bold, italics, highlighting, bullets, numbering etc. Earlier versions supported only plain text.

Create offline sticky notes:
- Many users wanted “selective” syncing in the Windows version of Notezilla. Meaning, they didn’t want all the sticky notes to sync with the cloud as some notes may contain sensitive information.
- We have added the feature to create “Offline sticky notes” in this version. When you create an offline sticky note, it is never synced with other devices.
- Selective syncing of sticky notes in Windows using Offline sticky notes
- Selective syncing of sticky notes in Windows using “Offline” sticky notes

Snap sticky notes to grid on Windows desktop:
- This is yet another feature that many customers requested. They wanted to tidy their Windows desktop by having the sticky notes arrange automatically when moving them close to each other. We can also call it “Snap to grid”.
- Snap sticky notes to grid on Windows desktop and in the Notes Browser
- Snap sticky notes to grid on Windows desktop and in the Notes Browser

Duplicate a sticky note quickly:
- Now it is very easy to create a copy of a sticky note. This is useful when working with standard templated note content such as checklists etc.
- Duplicate a sticky note in Windows

Markdown support adds several benefits:
- Notezilla 9 defaults to 'Markdown' way of formatting text. Eg. When you type **Beautiful world**, it will show as Beautiful world.
- Markdown will also allow you to add inline checklists, inline hyperlinks, tables, highlighted text, dark mode compatibility, cross-platform compatibility and lot more. The phone apps also will use markdown to format the text.
- You can switch to the standard editor anytime that the previous versions supported.
- Markdown Sticky Notes in Windows, Android, iPhone/iPad

Dark mode:
- The new version supports dark mode. If you are using the markdown editor then Notezilla will automatically used lighter text color on dark backgrounds.
- Sticky notes with dark mode support in Windows

Auto-arrange sticky notes in Notes Browser:
- Neatly arranged sticky notes will allow you to be more productive. The new version arranges the sticky notes automatically when ever you resize a sticky note or the Notes Browser. This avoids overlapping and cluttered sticky notes.
- Auto-arrange sticky notes in Notes Browser
- Auto-arrange sticky notes in Notes Browser to avoid clutter

Show sticky notes on desktop by memoboard or tag:
- Notezilla 9 adds the ability to quickly bring all sticky notes belonging to a memoboard (or tag) to the Windows desktop. You may be grouping various sticky notes by tag or memoboards (folders). With just 2 clicks you can instantly show all those sticky notes on the Windows desktop
- Instantly show sticky notes from particular memoboard or tag on the Windows desktop
- Instantly show sticky notes from particular memoboard or tag on the Windows desktop

Multi-select sticky notes and move around to organize/group them:
- We have added the ability to multi-select desktop sticky notes and move them around so that you can tidy your Windows desktop. You can also multi-select sticky notes inside the Notes Browser. Hold Ctrl key to multi-select.
- Select multiple sticky notes, move them around the desktop to organize & group them

Charming new sticky note colors:
- The new sticky note colors in Notezilla 9 for Windows are beautiful! The more you will see them, the more you fall in love with them :o). You will see these colors in the phone apps too (Notezilla for Android, iPhone/iPad).
- New color set for sticky notes on Windows

Access sticky notes from the new taskbar button:
- The new version brings quick way to access the desktop sticky notes in Windows. You will see a new Taskbar button when Notezilla is running in the background.
- Clicking on this taskbar button will give you instant access to the desktop sticky notes. You can also access the desktop notes using the Alt+Tab keys. Right clicking will let you create a new sticky note from the taskbar’s jump list.
- Bring sticky notes on top of other apps using the new taskbar button
- Bring sticky notes on top of other apps using the new taskbar button or Alt+Tab keys

Temporarily disable sticky note reminders using 'Do Not Disturb':
- You can now temporarily disable the reminder pop up messages using the “Do not disturb” feature. The reminders that you set on sticky notes will not show up for the duration you set. This feature is useful especially when you are in a meeting or presenting something from your PC/laptop.
- Temporarily disable sticky note reminders using 'Do Not Disturb' option

Flicker-free typing and resizing of sticky notes:
- (Content will be added soon)

Sort lines and checklists:
- Highlight text inside a sticky note

Notezilla 8.0.43
- Fixed: A sticky note attached to an MS-Office product would appear in an unexpected location

Notezilla 8.0.42
- Fixed: When using multiple display monitors, the sticky notes (if stuck to a window) did not appear in the correct position

Notezilla 8.0.41
- Notezilla now syncs immediately on startup
- It is now possible to select multiple picture files when adding them to a sticky note

- After inserting a picture (from a file) into a sticky note, it was not possible to delete the file without closing Notezilla. This is fixed
- When an app window was maximized, the associated sticky note did not remember its position. This is fixed

Notezilla 8.0.40
- Some pictures inside a sticky note appeared blurred. This is fixed
- Clicking on pictures button did not show the pictures the first time. This is fixed
- Sometimes the note toolbar detached itself from the sticky note. This is fixed

Notezilla 8.0.39
- If a sticky note is stuck to a website / doc / app, it will move (re-position), when the corresponding browser window, app window is moved
- Added ability to import/export computers and contacts
- Added F4 shortcut key to a sticky note for switching between note text and attached pictures
- The window to set a reminder makes it easier to type the reminder time
- Fixed a bug associated with sticking notes to chromium based Edge browser
- The sticky notes used to jump to different locations when using the mouse wheel for scrolling the notes in the Notes Browser. This is fixed
- The pictures did not go along with the note when sending the note over LAN. This is fixed
- Fixed sign in issues that caused 'Failed to create empty document' error

Notezilla 8.0.38
- Pictures support improved. Now pictures can be accessed Á attached from Android Á iPhone apps also
- 'Notezilla Troubleshooter' tool added to this update. This tool will let you backup, restore and cleanup Notezilla data easily
- It is now possible to sort lines in a sticky note
- It is now possible to sort checklist items so that completed items are sent to the bottom of the list
- Added option in Preferences to open Notes Browser on clicking Notezilla icon in the taskbar
- Added option in Preferences to auto lock unlocked notes in 60 seconds
- Sticky note attached to a website using one browser will also work seamlessly in another browser (major browsers)
- When the mouse pointer hovers over a rolled up sticky note, excerpt of the note is shown inside a tooltip
- It is easy to open the Notezilla's data and backup folders from Notezilla Preferences window
- Reminder window now shows the next due date also for repeat alarms
- Trash memoboard is now positioned at the bottom of the memoboards list in Notes Browser
- When a note is printed, the note creation date is also printed on top right
- Notezilla explicitly shows a success message when a sticky note is sent to trash from a filter view
- Options is arrange sticky notes and edit columns added to the View menu in Notes Browser
- Sync window shows progress bar for better clarity
- Long press now works as right click on touch screens such as Surface Pro etc
- Sticky note received from another computer or contact was not placed based on the desktop area configured in Preferences. This is fixed
- When pasting text inside a sticky note using right click menu, the input caret did not position correctly. This is fixed
- When Notezilla's data file is inaccessible, Notezilla did not show any error. This is fixed
- Automatically trashing a note at a particular time did not work. This is fixed
- Sometimes, right clicking a sticky note (from notes list) in the Notes Browser did not select the right sticky note. This is fixed
- Notezilla did not support data folder path to be in unicode format. This is fixed
- Exporting notes to multiple text files used to overwrite existing files. This is fixed
- 'Windows' column in Notes Browser was not removable after being added. This is fixed
- When the sticky note was rolled up, it stopped showing the date (when configured). Also the alignment was changed. This is fixed
- When the sticky note is made to stay always on top, some child windows (Send to Contact, Computer etc) appeared below the sticky note. This is fixed

Notezilla 8.0.37
- Added a little left margin to all sticky notes
- Korean characters did not appear correctly inside sticky notes. This is fixed

Notezilla 8.0.36
- Change log not available for this version

Notezilla 8.0.35
- Fixed: on very high DPI systems, the notes list in Notes Browser showed large text

Notezilla 8.0.34
- Fixed: a checklist sticky note flickered more while editing (since 8.0.32)

Notezilla 8.0.33
- Fixed: Since the last update, the non-English characters did not appear correctly on phone app after syncing with Windows app

Notezilla 8.0.32
- Notes are synced more frequently. This will result in faster updates on other devices. Also you will receive notes faster from other users
- Added ability to keep the sticky notes visible when using 'Show Desktop' Windows feature. This needs to be configured using Preferences
- Blank notes are never sent to trash. They are permanently deleted
- Default hotkeys modified as they were conflicting with shortcut keys of other popular apps
- Added new Notifications app so that users are directly notified about new updates from within the app itself
- Classic Gradient skin update with better gradient
- Updated app skin. Now the dates inside 'Set Due Date' window are easily readable
- When checklist note was updated from phone, the formatting (strikethrough) of that note on Windows desktop was lost. This is fixed
- Day light saving issue fixed
- The first 2 columns of a memoboard sometimes lost the icons after sync. This is fixed
- The trash prompt message did not appear on top of the sticky note when trashed from reminder window. This is fixed
- Improved usability and UI in some areas

Notezilla 8.0.31
- Privacy policy link added for GDPR compliance
- Computer list was not being updated when syncing

Notezilla 8.0.30
- Fixed: Notezilla prevented system shutdown after installing latest Windows Fall Creators Update

Notezilla 8.0.29
- It is now very easy to reply to the sender of a sticky note from the toolbar just above the sticky note
- Sender name can be identified by moving the mouse pointer over the toolbar icon

Notezilla 8.0.28
- Sync is tried again automatically if another device is already syncing

Notezilla 8.0.27
- Change log not available for this version

Notezilla 8.0.26
- Now Notezilla syncs more often (every minute) if any note is modified
- Sync experience improved
- Account creation simplified
- Sign out option added to account settings

Notezilla 8.0.25
- Made Notezilla DPI-aware. So the sticky notes appear correctly on 4k display resolution

Notezilla 8.0.24
- Couldn't correctly import and export CSV & Tab delimited files. This has been fixed
- Sometimes Notezilla crashed when rearranging notes on desktop at startup. This has been fixed

Notezilla 8.0.23
- Added ability to delete Notezilla.Net account directly from the Windows app.
- Maximum sticky note size increased from 400x400 to 600x600. This was needed on 4K displays.
- On Windows 10, Notezilla crashed sometimes when clicking on the sticky note toolbar while editing the note title. This has been fixed.
- In certain cases, syncing failed permanently after deleting a memoboard. This has been fixed.

Notezilla 8.0.22
- Notezilla conflicted with games that used a different display resolution. This has been fixed.
- It is now easier to use sticky notes on 4k display monitors and on Surface tablets. The skins have been modified to achieve this. Download new versions of the skins from here. This feature still needs improvement. Future updates will behave better on 4k monitors & Surface tablets.
- Notezilla sometimes crashed after signing into Notezilla.Net for the first time in Windows. This has been fixed.
- Repeat alarm for every x months did not accurately set the right repeat date. This has been fixed.
- Ctrl+N shortcut key from within a desktop sticky note would create a new sticky note.
- It took several steps to view a particular desktop note from Notes Browser. Now, it is possible to view the desktop note with just one click using a toolbar button in Notes Browser.
- Made 'Set Due Date' feature more intuitive.
- By default incoming sticky notes (from another computer or contact) are stuck to Windows desktop.
- When a note is moved to another memoboard, the user is now asked if the note needs to be removed from the desktop.
- It is now possible to reset the master password if it is forgotten.
- Finding note using the quick find (top right in Notes Browser) was little quirky. This has been improved.
- When a sticky note is kept "always on top", the spelling window is overlapped by the sticky note itself, making it very hard or impossible to use. This has been fixed.
- Double clicking on an already selected note in notes list did not select the note in the bottom sticky notes view. This has been fixed.
- Going back to the same memoboard or filter did not retain the selection of the sticky note. This has been fixed.
- Sometimes, when syncing, the title of a sticky note wasn't updated. This has been fixed.
- The sticky notes view was scrolled back to top when switching between memoboards causing annoyance. This has been fixed.
- When a sticky note is hidden on one desktop, after sync, the sticky note was made visible on another desktop. This has been fixed.
- When sticking a note to desktop from Notes Browser, the note size changed to defaults. This has been fixed.

Notezilla 8.0.21
- It was not possible to arrange desktop notes (since last update). This has been fixed.

Notezilla 8.0.20
- Now it is possible to insert .png files inside sticky notes.
- The previous update introduced a bug. A random desktop sticky note would popup when accessing another app, dismissing a reminder or deleting a sticky note. This has been fixed.
- When Notezilla is configured to create sticky notes directly inside a memoboard instead of Windows desktop, single/double mouse click option to create new note did not work. This has been fixed.
- In rare circumstances, duplicate instances of Notezilla would run whenever a display monitor is attached/detached. This has been fixed.

PDF Annotator 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

PDF Annotator
- Performance improvements and fixed issues

PDF Annotator
- Maintenance release combining various user experience enhancements, performance improvements, general improvements, and fixed issues

PDF Annotator
- Maintenance release combining various user experience enhancements, performance improvements, general improvements, and fixed issues

PDF Annotator
- New: "Show Trace" option to deactivate temporary drawing with the Pointer or Laserpointer tools
- New "Factory Reset" feature, available under Extras, Settings, Reset
- Color selection: Display selected color names immediately below the color picker. Enlarged display on active "Touch Mode"
- Display PDF comments created in third party apps as not clickable, when configured as "read only" according to the PDF standard
- Stamp toolboxes now display the currently selected stamp when opening the toolboxes
- Using the "Pointer" or "Laser Pointer" tools, double clicks will now be ignored, and will not select the underlying annotations.
- Fixed: When working with PDF documents with many pages, under certain conditions the pen and marker tools would not be available any more after switching between view layouts.
- Fixed: Problems detecting the use of the end of pen eraser
- More minor fixes and improvements

PDF Annotator
- New: "Show Trace" option to deactivate temporary drawing with the Pointer or Laserpointer tools
- New "Factory Reset" feature, available under Extras, Settings, Reset
- Color selection: Display selected color names immediately below the color picker Enlarged display on active "Touch Mode"
- Display PDF comments created in third party apps as not clickable, when configured as "read only" according to the PDF standard
- Stamp toolboxes now display the currently selected stamp when opening the toolboxes
- Using the "Pointer" or "Laser Pointer" tools, double clicks will now be ignored, and will not select the underlying annotations
- Fixed: When working with PDF documents with many pages, under certain conditions the pen and marker tools would not be available any more after switching between view layouts
- Fixed: Problems detecting the use of the end of pen eraser
- More minor fixes and improvements

PDF Annotator
- Additional "Dot" mouse pointers available under "Settings, Tools, Cursor"
- Improved zoom gesture handling
- Performance improvements during zoom
- Improved visualization of documents with differently sized pages in "Two Pages - Continuous" page layout
- After clicking a page with the Snapshot tool, now a confirmation message box gets displayed to choose between taking a snapshot of the whole page, or only the currently visible page area
- Faster loading of documents that do not yet contain any annotations
- Maintain current selection when zooming or switching page layouts
- Allow entering Unicode characters into text annotations by typing their hexadecimal code and pressing ALT+X

- When exiting the application immediately from within Fullscreen view, the toolbars configuration could become corrupted and needed to be reset using the "Reset all Toolbars" command
- Using Zoom in a non-continuous page layout could cause jumps to the wrong pages. This could also result in just recently added ink annotations being handled incorrectly
- Front and rear camera of Microsoft Surface
devices could not get differentiated any more after a change by Microsoft. The camera display did not
mirror correctly due to that issue
- Text extraction did not calculate correctly in specific cases
- The list of available printers was not refreshed correctly after adding new printers
- After attaching an external graphics tablet, the "Draw with Finger" setting was not set correctly
- Performance issue in the side bar page preview on documents with many very large pages

- More minor fixes and improvements

PDF Annotator
- Fixed: Error opening documents under Windows 7

PDF Annotator
- Fixed: Some dialog text was only displayed in English, even if a different language was configured
- Fixed: Error message "Out of system resources"

PDF Annotator
- New: Select the cursor to use when setting the "Display cursor instead of pen tip" option
- New: Option to deactivate the Zoom, Press and Hold, and Scratchout gestures
- New: Option to hide the Layout buttons on the bottom right of the status bar
- Fixed: The technology to detect the Zoom gesture caused problems when writing with the pen on specific hardware
- Fixed: The Watermark (Image) feature of the "Print to PDF Annotator" printer did not work any more
- Fixed: Error message when using a SmartBoard
- Minor fixes and improvements

PDF Annotator
- Fixed: Error message after creating a text annotation and immediately executing the undo operation
- Fixed: After pasting from the clipboard using the right click context menu, the pasted elements got moved to the top left instead of using the click position
- Minor fixes and improvements

PDF Annotator
- Could not open password protected PDF
- Fixed: The tool switch position did not get
saved in some situations
- Minor fixes and improvements

PDF Annotator
- Fixed: Error message "Cannot disable ink overlay while active inking is detected"
- Reduced sensitivity of "Pinch to Zoom" gesture (zooming with two fingers)
- Minor fixes

PDF Annotator
- "Pinch to Zoom" (zooming with two fingers) is
now supported at all times (requires supported
- Laserpointer: Select between two sizes
- Full screen mode: Buttons positioned at the top
or bottom of the screen are now squared to save
some vertical space.
- On the dialogs "The document contains form fields",
"Print to PDF Annotator - Finished" and
"Document already opened":
Checkbox "Don't show this message again" has
been removed, as this caused problems for many
users. Selection has to be made explicitly, case
by case.
- Fixed: Dimension text got mis-positioned on
rotated PDF pages.
- Fixed: When using the "Display default cursor
instead of tip of pen" setting, the cursor was
not diplayed correctly for some tools
New: This setting is now also effective when
using a pen under Windows 10.
- Fixed: Print preview in the Print dialog showed
pages incorrectly in some situations.
- Fixed: When pasting elements using copy/paste,
elements were not positioned correctly in certain
- Fixed: After deleting page, in certain situations,
annotations got moved to the wrong pages.
- Fixed: Error message when canceling print jobs
- Minor fixes and improvements

PDF Annotator
- Fixed: Error messasge "The stroke object has been
- Fixed: Scrolling with the finger could jump to
  the wrong page in certain situations
- Minor fixes

PDF Annotator
- "Auto-Smooth" can now differentiate better between sketches and text, to avoid unintended snapping of lines to written text. Also, exactly horizontal/vertical lines keep their orientation when "snapped".
- The Shift key (e.g. when drawing squares or circles) now always inverts the current setting. For example, drawing a square can be forced by pressing Shift while the "rectangle" setting is active. Drawing a rectangle is forced by pressing Shift while the "square" setting is active.
- When restoring deleted strokes/objects with the Undo command, these will be re-inserted at the original position above or below other elements.
- When resizing selected objects or drawing objects (lines, circles...) with pen or finger, the Windows default behaviour "Press and Hold" got invoked, if the pen or finger was not moved immediately. Now, this behaviour is only available in certain situations (e.g. when doing press and hold on selected objects).
- Moving/resizing selected objects with pen or touch required a minimum movement to start. This has been reduced, so the drag operation can immediately begin
- Panning/scrolling in the document has been optimized
- Printing on PostScript printers has been optimized
- You can now draw very small objects, like lines or circles. Previously, those objects had to have a larger minimum size
- When option "Display keyboard when editing text annotations" is active, invoke the virtual keyboard provided by Windows (instead of our own implementation)

- Arrowheads did draw incorrectly in some situations
- Error on extracting text that contained certain special characters in non-latin languages
- Error when drawing lines on very large screens
- Flickering when font dropdown list was opened for the first time
- Error after resuming the computer after hibernation/suspend
- After upgrade installation, Windows Control Panel possibly displayed an old entry to the previous (32-bit) installation. Uninstalling this entry also uninstalled the new (64-bit) version
- Minor fixes and improvements

PDF Annotator
- Cursor style Pointer as alternative to the
laser pointer tool

- Error message "Page could not be rendered" when loading specific PDF documents
- Eraser did not work when document had been scrolled with finger previously
- Eraser could lead to partially invisible lines in certain situations
- Could not paste pictures of type Windows MetaFile from clipboard
- Could not drag exactly vertical or horizontal lines shorter when "Keep aspect ratio" option was set
- Duplicate keyboard shortcuts for tools
- Some user interface text got displayed in the wrong language
- Error message when creating dimensions in special situations
- Error message during area measure on large screens
- Text box frames got drawn in wrong line width under special circumstances
- Some images got draw with semitransparent edges
- Needed to manual exit trial version beforeuninstalling
- Minor fixes

PDF Annotator
- Improved: Eraser performance and use of eraser with quick, long eraser moves
- Fixed: "Print, Current view" did not always work as  expected
- Fixed: With active Quick Start option, and active Windows option to restore running applications, settings did not get saved on reboots
- Fixed: Wrong text rendering on right-to-left fonts
- Minor fixes and improvements

PDF Annotator
- Fixed: Could not close main window in certain situations
- Fixed: Performance issue when using the eraser tool
- Fixed: On touch/pen devices, the onscreen keyboard did not invoke (when associated setting was active)
- Fixed: Angle and length did not get displayed any more while drawing arrows
- Minor fixes and improvements

Notezilla 9.0.6 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Notezilla 9.0.6
- Sometimes blank note was shown in read mode (edit mode displayed it correctly)
- When migrating from the old version, notes containing hyphenated lines are treated well

Notezilla 9.0.5
- For editing a sticky note F2 replaced with Spacebar key
- Option added to directly edit a sticky note without double click (Standard editor only)
- Applying text style in markdown editor is easier on single word and whole line
- Keyboard caret is now placed correctly when switching to edit mode

Notezilla 9.0.4
- Change log not available for this version

Notezilla 9.0.3
- Have removed the taskbar button for now. Will make it optional later.

Notezilla 9.0.2
Android and iPhone apps now support formatted text:
- Notezilla apps for Android and iPhone/iPad now support text formatting such as bold, italics, highlighting, bullets, numbering etc. Earlier versions supported only plain text.

Create offline sticky notes:
- Many users wanted “selective” syncing in the Windows version of Notezilla. Meaning, they didn’t want all the sticky notes to sync with the cloud as some notes may contain sensitive information.
- We have added the feature to create “Offline sticky notes” in this version. When you create an offline sticky note, it is never synced with other devices.
- Selective syncing of sticky notes in Windows using Offline sticky notes
- Selective syncing of sticky notes in Windows using “Offline” sticky notes

Snap sticky notes to grid on Windows desktop:
- This is yet another feature that many customers requested. They wanted to tidy their Windows desktop by having the sticky notes arrange automatically when moving them close to each other. We can also call it “Snap to grid”.
- Snap sticky notes to grid on Windows desktop and in the Notes Browser
- Snap sticky notes to grid on Windows desktop and in the Notes Browser

Duplicate a sticky note quickly:
- Now it is very easy to create a copy of a sticky note. This is useful when working with standard templated note content such as checklists etc.
- Duplicate a sticky note in Windows

Markdown support adds several benefits:
- Notezilla 9 defaults to 'Markdown' way of formatting text. Eg. When you type **Beautiful world**, it will show as Beautiful world.
- Markdown will also allow you to add inline checklists, inline hyperlinks, tables, highlighted text, dark mode compatibility, cross-platform compatibility and lot more. The phone apps also will use markdown to format the text.
- You can switch to the standard editor anytime that the previous versions supported.
- Markdown Sticky Notes in Windows, Android, iPhone/iPad

Dark mode:
- The new version supports dark mode. If you are using the markdown editor then Notezilla will automatically used lighter text color on dark backgrounds.
- Sticky notes with dark mode support in Windows

Auto-arrange sticky notes in Notes Browser:
- Neatly arranged sticky notes will allow you to be more productive. The new version arranges the sticky notes automatically when ever you resize a sticky note or the Notes Browser. This avoids overlapping and cluttered sticky notes.
- Auto-arrange sticky notes in Notes Browser
- Auto-arrange sticky notes in Notes Browser to avoid clutter

Show sticky notes on desktop by memoboard or tag:
- Notezilla 9 adds the ability to quickly bring all sticky notes belonging to a memoboard (or tag) to the Windows desktop. You may be grouping various sticky notes by tag or memoboards (folders). With just 2 clicks you can instantly show all those sticky notes on the Windows desktop
- Instantly show sticky notes from particular memoboard or tag on the Windows desktop
- Instantly show sticky notes from particular memoboard or tag on the Windows desktop

Multi-select sticky notes and move around to organize/group them:
- We have added the ability to multi-select desktop sticky notes and move them around so that you can tidy your Windows desktop. You can also multi-select sticky notes inside the Notes Browser. Hold Ctrl key to multi-select.
- Select multiple sticky notes, move them around the desktop to organize & group them

Charming new sticky note colors:
- The new sticky note colors in Notezilla 9 for Windows are beautiful! The more you will see them, the more you fall in love with them :o). You will see these colors in the phone apps too (Notezilla for Android, iPhone/iPad).
- New color set for sticky notes on Windows

Access sticky notes from the new taskbar button:
- The new version brings quick way to access the desktop sticky notes in Windows. You will see a new Taskbar button when Notezilla is running in the background.
- Clicking on this taskbar button will give you instant access to the desktop sticky notes. You can also access the desktop notes using the Alt+Tab keys. Right clicking will let you create a new sticky note from the taskbar’s jump list.
- Bring sticky notes on top of other apps using the new taskbar button
- Bring sticky notes on top of other apps using the new taskbar button or Alt+Tab keys

Temporarily disable sticky note reminders using 'Do Not Disturb':
- You can now temporarily disable the reminder pop up messages using the “Do not disturb” feature. The reminders that you set on sticky notes will not show up for the duration you set. This feature is useful especially when you are in a meeting or presenting something from your PC/laptop.
- Temporarily disable sticky note reminders using 'Do Not Disturb' option

Flicker-free typing and resizing of sticky notes:
- (Content will be added soon)

Sort lines and checklists:
- Highlight text inside a sticky note

Notezilla 8.0.43
- Fixed: A sticky note attached to an MS-Office product would appear in an unexpected location

Notezilla 8.0.42
- Fixed: When using multiple display monitors, the sticky notes (if stuck to a window) did not appear in the correct position

Notezilla 8.0.41
- Notezilla now syncs immediately on startup
- It is now possible to select multiple picture files when adding them to a sticky note

- After inserting a picture (from a file) into a sticky note, it was not possible to delete the file without closing Notezilla. This is fixed
- When an app window was maximized, the associated sticky note did not remember its position. This is fixed

Notezilla 8.0.40
- Some pictures inside a sticky note appeared blurred. This is fixed
- Clicking on pictures button did not show the pictures the first time. This is fixed
- Sometimes the note toolbar detached itself from the sticky note. This is fixed

Notezilla 8.0.39
- If a sticky note is stuck to a website / doc / app, it will move (re-position), when the corresponding browser window, app window is moved
- Added ability to import/export computers and contacts
- Added F4 shortcut key to a sticky note for switching between note text and attached pictures
- The window to set a reminder makes it easier to type the reminder time
- Fixed a bug associated with sticking notes to chromium based Edge browser
- The sticky notes used to jump to different locations when using the mouse wheel for scrolling the notes in the Notes Browser. This is fixed
- The pictures did not go along with the note when sending the note over LAN. This is fixed
- Fixed sign in issues that caused 'Failed to create empty document' error

Notezilla 8.0.38
- Pictures support improved. Now pictures can be accessed Á attached from Android Á iPhone apps also
- 'Notezilla Troubleshooter' tool added to this update. This tool will let you backup, restore and cleanup Notezilla data easily
- It is now possible to sort lines in a sticky note
- It is now possible to sort checklist items so that completed items are sent to the bottom of the list
- Added option in Preferences to open Notes Browser on clicking Notezilla icon in the taskbar
- Added option in Preferences to auto lock unlocked notes in 60 seconds
- Sticky note attached to a website using one browser will also work seamlessly in another browser (major browsers)
- When the mouse pointer hovers over a rolled up sticky note, excerpt of the note is shown inside a tooltip
- It is easy to open the Notezilla's data and backup folders from Notezilla Preferences window
- Reminder window now shows the next due date also for repeat alarms
- Trash memoboard is now positioned at the bottom of the memoboards list in Notes Browser
- When a note is printed, the note creation date is also printed on top right
- Notezilla explicitly shows a success message when a sticky note is sent to trash from a filter view
- Options is arrange sticky notes and edit columns added to the View menu in Notes Browser
- Sync window shows progress bar for better clarity
- Long press now works as right click on touch screens such as Surface Pro etc
- Sticky note received from another computer or contact was not placed based on the desktop area configured in Preferences. This is fixed
- When pasting text inside a sticky note using right click menu, the input caret did not position correctly. This is fixed
- When Notezilla's data file is inaccessible, Notezilla did not show any error. This is fixed
- Automatically trashing a note at a particular time did not work. This is fixed
- Sometimes, right clicking a sticky note (from notes list) in the Notes Browser did not select the right sticky note. This is fixed
- Notezilla did not support data folder path to be in unicode format. This is fixed
- Exporting notes to multiple text files used to overwrite existing files. This is fixed
- 'Windows' column in Notes Browser was not removable after being added. This is fixed
- When the sticky note was rolled up, it stopped showing the date (when configured). Also the alignment was changed. This is fixed
- When the sticky note is made to stay always on top, some child windows (Send to Contact, Computer etc) appeared below the sticky note. This is fixed

Notezilla 8.0.37
- Added a little left margin to all sticky notes
- Korean characters did not appear correctly inside sticky notes. This is fixed

Notezilla 8.0.36
- Change log not available for this version

Notezilla 8.0.35
- Fixed: on very high DPI systems, the notes list in Notes Browser showed large text

Notezilla 8.0.34
- Fixed: a checklist sticky note flickered more while editing (since 8.0.32)

Notezilla 8.0.33
- Fixed: Since the last update, the non-English characters did not appear correctly on phone app after syncing with Windows app

Notezilla 8.0.32
- Notes are synced more frequently. This will result in faster updates on other devices. Also you will receive notes faster from other users
- Added ability to keep the sticky notes visible when using 'Show Desktop' Windows feature. This needs to be configured using Preferences
- Blank notes are never sent to trash. They are permanently deleted
- Default hotkeys modified as they were conflicting with shortcut keys of other popular apps
- Added new Notifications app so that users are directly notified about new updates from within the app itself
- Classic Gradient skin update with better gradient
- Updated app skin. Now the dates inside 'Set Due Date' window are easily readable
- When checklist note was updated from phone, the formatting (strikethrough) of that note on Windows desktop was lost. This is fixed
- Day light saving issue fixed
- The first 2 columns of a memoboard sometimes lost the icons after sync. This is fixed
- The trash prompt message did not appear on top of the sticky note when trashed from reminder window. This is fixed
- Improved usability and UI in some areas

Notezilla 8.0.31
- Privacy policy link added for GDPR compliance
- Computer list was not being updated when syncing

Notezilla 8.0.30
- Fixed: Notezilla prevented system shutdown after installing latest Windows Fall Creators Update

Notezilla 8.0.29
- It is now very easy to reply to the sender of a sticky note from the toolbar just above the sticky note
- Sender name can be identified by moving the mouse pointer over the toolbar icon

Notezilla 8.0.28
- Sync is tried again automatically if another device is already syncing

Notezilla 8.0.27
- Change log not available for this version

Notezilla 8.0.26
- Now Notezilla syncs more often (every minute) if any note is modified
- Sync experience improved
- Account creation simplified
- Sign out option added to account settings

Notezilla 8.0.25
- Made Notezilla DPI-aware. So the sticky notes appear correctly on 4k display resolution

Notezilla 8.0.24
- Couldn't correctly import and export CSV & Tab delimited files. This has been fixed
- Sometimes Notezilla crashed when rearranging notes on desktop at startup. This has been fixed

Notezilla 8.0.23
- Added ability to delete Notezilla.Net account directly from the Windows app.
- Maximum sticky note size increased from 400x400 to 600x600. This was needed on 4K displays.
- On Windows 10, Notezilla crashed sometimes when clicking on the sticky note toolbar while editing the note title. This has been fixed.
- In certain cases, syncing failed permanently after deleting a memoboard. This has been fixed.

Notezilla 8.0.22
- Notezilla conflicted with games that used a different display resolution. This has been fixed.
- It is now easier to use sticky notes on 4k display monitors and on Surface tablets. The skins have been modified to achieve this. Download new versions of the skins from here. This feature still needs improvement. Future updates will behave better on 4k monitors & Surface tablets.
- Notezilla sometimes crashed after signing into Notezilla.Net for the first time in Windows. This has been fixed.
- Repeat alarm for every x months did not accurately set the right repeat date. This has been fixed.
- Ctrl+N shortcut key from within a desktop sticky note would create a new sticky note.
- It took several steps to view a particular desktop note from Notes Browser. Now, it is possible to view the desktop note with just one click using a toolbar button in Notes Browser.
- Made 'Set Due Date' feature more intuitive.
- By default incoming sticky notes (from another computer or contact) are stuck to Windows desktop.
- When a note is moved to another memoboard, the user is now asked if the note needs to be removed from the desktop.
- It is now possible to reset the master password if it is forgotten.
- Finding note using the quick find (top right in Notes Browser) was little quirky. This has been improved.
- When a sticky note is kept "always on top", the spelling window is overlapped by the sticky note itself, making it very hard or impossible to use. This has been fixed.
- Double clicking on an already selected note in notes list did not select the note in the bottom sticky notes view. This has been fixed.
- Going back to the same memoboard or filter did not retain the selection of the sticky note. This has been fixed.
- Sometimes, when syncing, the title of a sticky note wasn't updated. This has been fixed.
- The sticky notes view was scrolled back to top when switching between memoboards causing annoyance. This has been fixed.
- When a sticky note is hidden on one desktop, after sync, the sticky note was made visible on another desktop. This has been fixed.
- When sticking a note to desktop from Notes Browser, the note size changed to defaults. This has been fixed.

Notezilla 8.0.21
- It was not possible to arrange desktop notes (since last update). This has been fixed.

Notezilla 8.0.20
- Now it is possible to insert .png files inside sticky notes.
- The previous update introduced a bug. A random desktop sticky note would popup when accessing another app, dismissing a reminder or deleting a sticky note. This has been fixed.
- When Notezilla is configured to create sticky notes directly inside a memoboard instead of Windows desktop, single/double mouse click option to create new note did not work. This has been fixed.
- In rare circumstances, duplicate instances of Notezilla would run whenever a display monitor is attached/detached. This has been fixed.

ExpanDrive 2021.8.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed sharepoint subsite scheme
- Fixed SFTP performance issues
- Improved Google Drive Shared Drive naming

SmartGit 21.1.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

SmartGit 21.1.1
- BitBucket: possible internal error on refresh

- Changes pane:
- maximum size limit was not applied to images possibly resulting in out-of-memory errors
- possible out-of-memory error when selecting large file and having "core.autocrlf=input" configured
- Stage did nothing on "Added" conflicts
- fixed names on Unstage/Revert Hunk
- Working Tree window: Changes pane does not show file if it is made visible while a file already was selected

- Conflict Solver:
- external conflict solver: temporary files may be corrupted by replacing LF with CRLF

- Refresh:
- index files format 4 could not be read
- fails for repotool files which have been initialized with --worktree option
- Windows: might fail if file in repository was inaccessible (regression since 20.2)
- Setup: possible internal error with invalid msysgit-installation location
- Startup: --log with a file fails with "Cache has not yet been updated/initialized"

- Syntax coloring:
- Java: binary and hex literals were not detected correctly
- PHP: 'strings in quotes' are not detected in script mode
- MacOS 11: radio button selection changes invisibly when clicking a dfifferen tab item

SmartGit 21.1
- Changes view: possible paint artefacts by resizing window

SmartGit 20.2.5
- BitBucket: redundant "access token"-refresh requests if integration and OAuth is enabled
- internal error if java.library.path contains invalid entry

- File log: internal error when invoking Files, Rename
- Repositories, Refresh:
- after switching branches, obsolete submodules may remain
- after switching branches, state of new submodules should be populated

- Refresh: possible "submodule has error-prone admin area configuration" warning for main repositories created with "--separate-git-dir"
- Submodule, Initialize: problems with named submodules

- Quick Stash behaves like normal Stash (showing a dialog)
- Stash on Demand: must not apply if operation stopped in abortable state (rebase, merge, ...)

- macOS: error parsing environment variables for 'fish' shell
- Windows: internal error checking directory type under special conditions

Other Noteworthy Changes:
- low-level property "smartgit.nodecache.subtrees.enabled" to disable subtree detection and functionality
- Tag grouping: "name" extraction should be honored in Branches view groups, too

SmartGit 20.2.4
- Changes view: possible redundant refreshing if repository is a worktree
- Edit Commit Message: did not warn before modifying pushed commits if HEAD was selected
- Gerrit: detection fails if hooks/commit-msg is a symlink

- Files: Blame should not be available on submodules
- File Log:
- failed to open for deleted-by-us conflict
- (re)selecting "Index" node should reset Files/Changes view

- Investigate: possible "missing blob" error when selecting commit which contains removed submodule

- possible internal error for submodule entries containing // in .git/config
- Working Tree window: possible wrong matching between submodule entries in .git/config and .gitmodules

- Shell: invalid parsing of $'foo' or $(command parameter)

SmartGit 20.2.3
- Branches: stashes might be missing in case of corrupted logs/refs/stash file (which still could be processed by Git)
- Changes View: no caret was visible
- Distributed Reviews: showed duplicate comments on left side

- Files: possible internal error related to deleted-by-us submodule conflicts
- Graph: possible "missing blob" error when selecting commit which contains removed submodule

- Refresh: possible internal error related to concurrently changing, renamed files
- Spell checker: could not read files with UTF-8-BOM
- Startup/opening repository: possible internal error related to file-system probing of special network drives

- fixed C# and SQL parsing of # lines, also fixing a performance problem
- Python: a line containing only a # was not detected as comment line

- Worktrees: for some minor internal operations the worktree's config file was search at the wrong location

Other Changes:
- Git-Flow: added low-level-property "gitflow.external.avh1.12"

- Details: possible confusion about "Tags", "Same State Tags" and "Closest Tags"
- Graph, Filtering: horizontal space better used for filter options

- having SmartGit running only in the tray, launching it a 2nd time reopens last repositories
- Linux: with dark theme comboboxes were hard to read

SmartGit 20.2.2
- Changes View, Compare, ...: internal error trying to stage/apply a selection at the file end
- Log: possible internal error related to layouting very broad graphs
- Preferences: internal error clicking search icon in search input field
- Set Tracked Branch: possible internal error for branch names like "2%"

Syntax coloring:
- Java: 100f is not detected as one number, but as 100 and f
- JavaScript: missed RegEx string
- macOS 10.15: problem parsing environment variables if 'tcsh' is used as shell

Other Changes:
- updated SWT
- Linux: internal error changing screen DPI

SmartGit 20.2.1
New Features and Improvements:
- Commit, line-length guides: added low-level properties commit.lineLengthGuide.limit1/limit2/limit3 to configure limits
- Log - Select Parent/Child Commit has less priority if a file is selected; makes is easier to use the same shortcut for other commands, e.g. Previous/Next Change

- Files - "inactive" submodules did not show up despite of selected "Show Ignored File"
- Internal error selecting Files tab if it is in the same tab group as the Changes view
- Graph (File log) - for grouped tags, denote whether the first tag is signed

- During refresh comments vanished temporarily in Changes view

- Windows - possible false-positive modifications of symlinks
- Internal error in case of corrupted filemode bits in .git/index
- Subtree, Add - may fail with "terminal prompts disabled" message

SmartGit 20.2.0
- Journal: possible internal error on drag and drop
- Log:
- Interactive Rebase, Modify/Split Commit: menu items should not be disabled because of merge commits (but though reject to operate because of merge commits)
- Refresh:
- Linux, macOS: performance regression related to timestamp precision
- Remove Worktree: possible internal error if working tree was open in multiple windows
- Stage: reported warnings about unrelated inaccessible directories
- Linux: internal error related to checking the version of the bundled Git
- macOS:
- Cmd+W did not close log or working tree window
- Stage: did not work for repository located directly at $HOME

- Ignore dialog: added low-level property "ignore.defaultSelection" that influences which option is selected by default depending on the selected file count and names
- LFS: added low-level property "executable.addBinDirectoryToPath" to prepend the Git bin directory to the PATH, because otherwise for some configs git-lfs is not found
- Log:
- Graph: added low-level property "log.graph.drawSignedIcon" to hide the icon for signed commits

SmartGit 20.1.5
- Commit view with commit template message does not clean comment line (as Commit dialog does)
- Compare: options for ignoring whitespace are not remembered on "Remember as Default"
- Git-Flow, Start Feature: fixed wording in case of fast-forward merge is necessary
- Log: possible internal error with swapped node cache
- Passwords file: possible empty error dialog in case of corrupt passwords file
- Update check is disabled after setting up SmartGit as registered user
- Workaround for

SmartGit 20.1.4
- Changes: is not cleaned up correctly if file is selected and repository is removed outside SmartGit

Compare, Conflict Solver:
- internal error applying last (non-empty) line to other side

Conflict Solver:
- "compare.applyGitFilters" was not honored

Distributed Reviews:
- Integrate Pull Request: squashing fails with Git error "You cannot combine --squash with --commit"
- Files, Copy commands: internal error if invoked in bare repository
- Format Patch default external tool: was only available for head commit (regression)
- GitHub Enterprise/GitLab: client certificates without password couldn't be used

- Graph: Checkout offered to track even remote head branch, e.g. origin/HEAD
- Refresh: after opening repository, background tasks (like continuing SVN clone) were not scheduled
- Refresh: "File system loop encountered" as part of the node cache refreshing
- Settings: bugtracker-settings.xml was not read on first start

- possible problems when trying to resume a clone
- Table control: with table.scrollToSelection=false setting a selection did not unselect previously selected files
- Working Tree window: title was not showing open repository under certain conditions

SmartGit 20.1.3
New Features, Improvements:
- File Log, Blame, Investigate: rename detection for searching the file origin was limited to commits with up to 500 additions/removals
- Search for Repositories: added low-level property repositorySearch.autoSearchInDialog to disable the automatic search (useful for slow machines with hard drives)

Fixed Bugs:
- could not be started with + sign in the path
- BitBucket/others: Create Pull Request dialog contained duplicate target entries
- Distributes Reviews:
- Branches view: "Show Closed Pull Requests" had no effect
- External Tools: even if 2 refs are required, the tool could be invoked on a single ref
- Find Object, open repository: did not always select open repository
- File compare: stderr/stdout redirection for external tools did not work

- possible "404 not found" error for subsequent refresh after adding a comment
- Log: possible out-of-memory error while refreshing comments

- for file log, the filter pattern from the repository root log was initialized

- when filtered, checking out a commit may erroneously check out mapped local/remote branch, e.g. different commit

- Linux: right-clicking set focus too late and hence showed an outdated context menu

- possible endless loop in file system benchmarking code
- Working Tree window: opening broken repository (without admin dir) broke subsequent refreshing and file monitoring until repository was closed and reopened

- cloning to path with lower-case drive letter caused core.worktree to be set resulting in a notification of SmartGit - workaround for a Git bug

SmartGit 20.1.2
New Features and Improvements:
- Commit template: set caret at the end of the first (valid) line (instead of the beginning)
- Log, Graph view: set low-level property "log.graph.showMergeCommitsGray" to false to not avoid gray merge commits
- Rebase Interactive, Investigate: don't stop after title when shortening message
- Search/Filter: set low-level property "fileSearchOrFilter.matchInside" to false to match the file name start
- Refresh: set low-level property "nodecache.reflogRoots.followSymlinks" to false to prevent possible "java.nio.file.FileSystemLoopException"

Fixed Bugs:
- Blame: didn't distinguish between trailing line ending or not
- Branches view: Del key did not invoke Delete command on focused remote
- Commit: committing many files created multiple commits
- Compare, Index Editor: did not keep posix file mode on save
- Files view: "intent-to-add" files showed up as "modified"
- Gravatar images: incorrectly sized when switching between display zoom level 100% 200% on the same machine
- JIRA integration (cloud instance): didn't re-ask for password in case of HTTP error 403
- Linux: launcher script suggested to try SWT_GTK3=0 though GTK2 is not supported any more

- Changes view: changes for "assume unchanged" files were not displayed (as in Working Tree window)
- Commit view: missing primary "parent" link for merge commit when "Follow Only First Parent" is selected
- Files view: internal error comparing Index with conflicts against commit
- Graph view: signed commit symbol was not supported by macOS system font
- window could be closed while a command was running
- pressing Ctrl+Shift+3 if all files are staged, did not focus the right table in the Files view
- Preferences, Colors tab: no editor colors were shown on macOS

- internal error if core.excludesfile points to invalid path
- internal error if HEAD points to non-local branch
- possible internal error related to core.ignoreCase=true on case-sensitive file system (e.g. Linux)
- removed but ignored, physically existing file showed up as untracked

- possible internal error for file names containing special characters
- possible error "..System Volume Information"
- Windows: possible error "the following file has local modifications"
- SSH: using "System SSH" Git was not correctly configured for plink passing invalid arguments ("plink: unknown option "-o"")

SmartGit 20.1.1
Fixed Bugs:
- Commit: internal error double-clicking entry in file completion popup
- Clone: internal error if clone finishes after the repository had been removed while cloning
- several commands: internal errors for "unusual" file names

- Files view (Linux): staging all files loses focus
- Refresh: working tree node doesn't show up after switching back to modified repository

- Setup wizard: the Log vs. Working Tree option covers more changed options now
- updated Chinese translation

SmartGit 20.1
Fixed Bugs:
- temp dir cleanup did not work reliable on shutdown
- Windows installer: did not uninstall "Open in SmartGit" explorer context menus
- Windows: tree control uses full row selection as on other platforms, because seems to be fixed now

- Log, Graph: "SVN revision" column won't immediately show up after opening SVN repository (but only after first refresh once it's already open)

SmartGit 19.1.7
Fixed Bugs:
- BitBucket Server: possible internal error when refreshing (related to moved repositories)
- GitHub, Create Pull Request: fails if target repository name contains uppercase letters

- Git-LFS lock file information may fail to parse due to new timestamp format
- Git-LFS locks processing (for own locks) should be more tolerant in case of missing "owner"
- corrupt yml settings files (e.g. containing 0x00 bytes) fail SmartGit to start
- Investigate: showed DeepGit version in title

SmartGit 19.1.6
Fixed Bugs:
- Git-Flow, Integrate/Finish Feature: may unexpectedly skip commits to rebase
- Opening bare repository may fail due to missing "logs" directory
- Internal error setting log level to FINE

- possible internal error for files obstructured by submodules

Log/Working tree window:
- memory leak when closing

Log Graph/Journal:
- internal error if a user name contained r

- changing Auxiliary Ref in submodule did not refresh automatically

- internal error trying to ignore the root directory; resolved by only allowing directories containing only untracked (or ignored) files

- for notification "Repository ... has a locked index" the "Delete" button may not work if .git/index.lock has been removed in the meanwhile

- text input field, e.g. filters: Ctrl+Z triggered accelerator instead of accepting as undo for text field

SmartGit 19.1.5
New Features, Improvements:
- Table control: added low-level property table.scrollToSelection to prevent scrolling to selection, e.g. after toggling the sort status

Fixed Bugs:
- GitHub: query was not tolerant in case of missing parent repositories
- Rebasing commands (reordering, changing messages, ...): had problems with spaces in paths
- Opening a missing repository in 2 windows could result in an internal error when confirming the removal
- Possible internal error related to bare repositories
- Index Editor: did not show a warning if a file could not be saved, e.g. because it was locked by another application
- I18n: variable text parts could be replaced by "1", "2", ...
- Internal error saving passwords
- For commercial users with outdated licenses the evaluation did not work
- Applying changes from default settings (startup.settingsToReplaceFromDefaults) did not work when upgrading from old XML files
- resizing the window did not redraw the "Long lines" view causing garbage to be shown there
- forgots some options when using "Remember as Default"

- opening a freshly cloned shallow repository failed if a commit listed in .git/shallow was not present in the repository

SmartGit 19.1.4
New Features, Improvements:
- Branches view: ability to copy stash name
- Changes view: include commit ID for "Could not find submodule commit" message
- Hosting providers: added low-level property
- smartgit.hostingProvider.skipCheckForConfigurations to prevent, e.g. notifications "Bitbucket Server integration is not yet configured"
- Added low-level property smartgit.pull.skipCheckForExternalCredentialsHelper to prevent notification "External Credentials Helper detected"

Fixed Bugs:
- Files: toggling Show Directories did not update the GUI immediately
- Working Tree refresh: possible internal error related to core.ignoreCase=true
- Clicking sourcetree:// URLs in Bitbucket did not open clone wizard any more

- Submodule initialization was not possible if smartgit.svn.scanSubmodulesForNonSvnParents=true
- Refresh: uninitialized submodules don't show up if smartgit.svn.scanSubmodulesForNonSvnParents=true

- Ctrl+Shift+1/2/... did not work if commit message field in Commit/Message view
- Was focused
- Graph/Journal view: focus rect not drawn correctly
- Windows launchers were monitor-dpi-aware by accident
- Other Noteworthy Changes
- Dropped "Merge Directly To" 3rd-party tool due to a couple of problems with changed low-level Git API

SmartGit 19.1.3
Fixed Bugs:
Log, Graph:
- Enter did not the same as double-click
- Focus rect is not drawn any more
- Compare or others: possible internal error applying change
- Output: for Git >= 2.23, progress output like "Compressing objects:" is not properly-recognized anymore
- Stash On Demand: should not fail with "Your local changes have been stashed away, but could not be reapplied." if stashing untracked files is disabled
- Windows: if some special environment variables were set, e.g. JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS, the launchers did not recognize the bundled JRE and possibly tried to use an outdated one from the system causing an internal error

SmartGit 19.1.2
Fixed Bugs:
- Finish Release: Tag Message is not set to tag
- Finish Feature/Hotfix/Release: should not remeove remote branch if "push" option is deselected

- Commit view: temporary inconsistency might caused assertion

- Could become inconsistend between selected refs and shown commits
- When merging a tag (by right-clicking it), commit or other branch name on commit was used instead of the tag
- Adding/removing tag from local branch did not properly update local/remote state (orange vs. black nodes)
- Rebasing state: "done" labels might be in wrong order
- Repository state banner text could get focus with blinking caret, e.g. after having clicked (Rebase) Continue
- Internal error trying to open bare repository containing .git admin directory
- Window | Files tried to focus Directories view, even if hidden
- Pull: possible internal error if repository config could not be read
- Refresh: - reduced short-term memory usage
- Stash on Demand: asked to stash untracked files even if option to stash untracked files was unselected

- Cherry Picking a not yet pushed commit (= a commit without a revision) fails with "Aborting commit due to empty commit message "forgot" https credentials

- Possible internal error expanding a tree control

SmartGit 19.1.1
Fixed Bugs:
- Commit, Discard: invoking Compare for renamed file does not show source file, but only empty file

- Integrate did not honor custom base (if configured)
- Start Hotfix fails if an unrelated version-tag is present
- Start Release may suggest invalid (already existing) release name

- Tools: tools with only ${dirSelect} did not show up in menu
- Startup: under certain conditions always asks for confirmation to send bug traces

SmartGit 19.1.0
- GitLab: Open-link did not work for repositories in subgroups

- Cloning created 2 smartgit-*.tmp files in repository
- Duplicate tooltip in the status bar while cloning

- Docking: unmaximizing a view with double click could close another view
- If its (X) button was positioned at the same location

SmartGit 18.2.9
Fixed Bugs:
- Git-Flow, Finish Hotfix: when using external Git-Flow no "version tag" is created
- Support for new BitBucket API

SmartGit 18.2.8

New Features, Improvements:
- SSH: support user names wrapped in single-quotes, e.g. ssh://'[email protected]'@server:1234/path

Fixed Bugs:
- Linux launcher: only enforce GTK_IM_MODULE=ibus if it was set to xim
- macOS: an update of the installation bundle caused a directory to remain

Other Noteworthy Changes:
- increased version of bundled Git to 2.21.0

SmartGit 18.2.7

New Features, Improvements:
- Log: improved error message for "Inconsistency between (cached) commit data detected"
- https: added low-level property connection.https.trustedFingerprints to work around certificate problems with self-signed certificates and proxies
- SSH: authentication-related errors are reported now on re-occurring credentials dialog

Fixed Bugs:
- Refresh: false-positive "repository has an error-prone admin area configuration" message for submodules in worktrees
- setting smartgit.log.hostingProviderIntegrationEnabled=true should not disable Distributed Review add-on

- Repositories: opening a repository opened already in another window (working tree or log) causes internal error if renamed or deleted on disk (missing repository)
- Repository Settings on missing repository might cause internal error

Working Tree:
- Merge and other commands with embedded log: branch selection dialog should not hide remote, tracked branches

- Check for New Version: broken if "Automatically download and install updates" has been selected in the preferences
- Docking: maximizing and restoring one view by double clicking its title restores the wrong (too old) size

SmartGit 18.2.6

New Features, Improvements:
- Fetch (background): continues with next submodules if one failed
- Git-Flow: added low-level property gitflow.integrate.shortMergeMessage
- Journal: added low-level property journal.defaultAuxiliaryRef

- Repositories: disallow to delete submodules

Fixed Bugs:
- Commit: error "Cannot read file .../.gitbugtraq" if content is invalid

- Details: unexpected ID detection inside words
- Distributed Reviews: trying to reveal comment failed with "Comment ... could not be revealed"
- File log: Window | Repositories caused internal error
- mergable coloring used hard-to-see color for anchor in dark theme

- possible internal error have a large amount of renamed files
- low-level property "log.wt.refreshOpenButUnselectedModels did not work on nested roots

Working Tree:
- Show Changes: Compare with Each Other did not work for files from different repositories
- delete on submodule did not work anymore
- startup: command line parameter "--investigate" was broken
- unmodified SVN submodules in non-SVN parent repositories showed up if "Show Unchanged Files" was unselected
- JIRA/Bitbucket Server/GitLab: problems when trying to access servers which only support a limited set of ciphers (elliptic curves); installation upgrade is required!
- Windows bundles: fixed outdated readme.txt

SmartGit 18.2.5

New Features, Improvements:
- Gerrit added low-level property gerrit.checkCommitMsgHookContent to avoid false-positive Gerrit detection

- Branches, Checkout added low-level property log.checkout.forceSelectionOfBranchAnchor
- Linux startup script easier switching back to GTK2

Fixed Bugs:
- Commit Amend-option was disabled for merge

- Commits view revealing HEAD should always reveal HEAD and not stay at working tree node (e.g. double-clicking from Journal)

- log.wt.refreshOpenButUnselectedModels broke refresh of commits breaks in case of invalid Bisect configuration (missing "start" branch)

- Customize Accelerators dialog internal error if a filtered-out accelerator is cleared by setting another Compare/Merge, Apply Selection possible internal error if all was selected

SmartGit 18.2.4

New Features, Improvements:
- Details view: added low-level property
- Log.details.onlyShowActualCommitRefsWhenFiltered

- Support for Mercurial 4.8.*

Fixed Bugs:
Commits view:
- Reordering commits did not preserve selection
- Rebase/cherry-pick by drag & drop was broken
- When filtering, "actually on commit"-marker for refs (brighter box) was not properly evaluated

Branches view:
- Reveal after Checkout did not work for behind branch with
- "Just Checkout" option
- Checking out a branch should not reset a manually changed
- Selection
External tools: incorrect parameter "--defaultsVersion" (instead Of "--version") for "Show Git Version" tool (regression)
- Working Tree Window, Files view context menu: LFS submenu might
- Have been empty (if LFS was not yet installed)
- MacOS: warning about default osxkeychain credential helper

- Possible performance problems with many draft commits in a Repository with many merges
- Startup: possible internal error when specifying invalid value for
- Low-level property ui.verboseDate.weekdayFormat

- Changes view: scrolling with mouse-wheel over connector selected
- Next tab (if there were multiple tabs)
- Customize accelerators: did not warn about duplicate accelerators
- If the commands where invisible because of filtering

SmartGit 18.2.3

New Features, Improvements:
- Added low-level property log.dragAndDrop.offerAdvancedOperationsForDropsOntoAncestors to allow drag and drop for advanced rebase and cherry-pick operations
- Open File Log reuses Branches view selection from repository log

Repositories view:
- Select the current repository only if another repository or group was selected before (but, e.g., no subdirectory)

Fixed Bugs:
- Compare, Apply Selection: internal error applying change from an inserted block

- Git-Flow Light: for various command dialogs "Fetch" options were disabled
- Pull: "Update existing and fetch new tags" did not work for Git >= 2.20
- Refresh: obsolete modified working tree overlaps new commit for a short time, then vanishes

Working Tree window:
- Changes were not reported gradually anymore

- Several views: tab order cycled between table and search input field
- Find Command, Find Object: shortcuts were swapped

SmartGit 18.2.2

New Features:
- Repositories: added low-level property log.wt.refreshOpenButUnselectedModels
- To update the repository state of open, but not currently
- Selected repositories
- Pull with rebase, merge commit: added low-level property
- Pull.rebase.mergeCommit.mergeOrRebase to avoid merge-or-rebase dialog

Fixed Bugs:
- Index content might not have been displayed if file was
- Case-changed in working tree
- Staging hunk for case-changed file did not work

- Filter broke after changing low-level property
- Log.graph.graphicalFiltering in the preferences
- Switching branches lost Working Tree/Index selection
- File/Subdir log did not remember layout
- Repositories: state got lost when opening multiple repositories
- At once and having "Show Working Tree & Index Permanently"
- Selected
- File Compare: forgot about BOM

SmartGit 18.2.1

- Added low-level property log.graph.workingTreeAutoSelectionForConflicts to disable auto-selection of the working tree node if conflicts were detected

- Added low-level property ui.fonts.useDefaultAsInfo to make the info font the same as the default font (instead of a tinier, derived one)

Fixed Bugs:
- Clone listed only own repositories, but should have listed all with read-access ("member" role)
- GitHub/GitLab/BitBucket integration: internal error trying to merge on server
- Log - resettings filter should not auto-select Working Tree or Index node
- Repositories - could not invoke Pull/Push commands on group

- Proxy port was not remembered after switching off the proxy temporarily

- Some special SSH server setups caused an error "ClassNotFound:
- Org.ietf.jgss.GSSException" to be raised => these users should force an installation update from the About dialog using the button right beside the version text field

- Update check: multiple "The upgrade to version x is not covered by your license" notifications showed up

SmartGit 18.2

Fixed Bugs:
- Branches view: Ctrl+C did not copy ref name
- Changes view (Windows): old file content does not show up for case-changed files
- Push to Gerrit: should be available in case of multiple Gerrit remotes (if sill unique)

SmartGit 18.1.5

New Features and improvements:
- Push to Gerrit: if topic is entered, add topic to master-option, like "refs/for/master%topic=topic"

Fixed Bugs:
- Gitignore/Git-config editor: is bright even with dark theme
- Find Objects: possible internal error when entering a long search string
- Refresh/Log: rename detection limit should be 50% by default (as for Git)

- internal error if no Git executable is configured
- startup: possible internal error related to a bad settings.xml

SmartGit 18.1.4
- Change log not available for this version

SmartGit 18.1.3

Git (Log):
- Refresh: improved error message in case of bad stash-reflogs revealing a ref in an existing, filtered log window now resets the filter Updated bundled Git to version 2.17.1 (macOS, Windows; needs new installation or manual triggering of a genuine update in the About dialog)
- Bitbucket integration: improved error reporting
- Output dialog: remembers size (and location)
- Some hosting providers: added low-level property "json.enableGzip" to enable GZIP compression
- Setup wizard: added option to use (in the preferences, it was moved from the Commands > Log page to the Privacy page)

Fixed Bugs (Git):
- Commit Message view: entered message was not stored in the history
- Ignore: internal error trying to ignore directory with certain special characters like '[' in its name
- Local | Rename: allowed to rename the . directory

- internal error switching back from "Varying Coloring" to "Root Coloring" toggling individual pull requests did not work
- Log/Journal: - right-clicking an unselected commit showed commands for previously selected commit (Linux, macOS)
- Refresh: possible error for files with name "aux" (Windows)
- Stash Selection: failed with quotes in the message
- Bitbucket integration: problems parsing multiple reviewers
- GitHub integration (main window): certain errors were not reported
- GitLab integration: API version v3 is not supported any more

- recurring error "The fingerprint of the SSH server has changed"
- an invalid .ssh/known_hosts file might show a lot of notifications about the failed read
- Tools: internal error invoking tool on repository located on drive root (Windows)
- Upgrade (Windows): possible "The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process" error

SmartGit 18.1.2

New Features and improvements:
- Log: re-introduced former "varying" coloring
- added low-level property compare.gitCompatibleBinaryDetection

Fixed Bugs:
- interactive rebased timed out after 2min (Windows)

- possible "Node ... not found" error when opening repository
- right-clicking loses selection if scrolled down
- Rebase Head To: "Can't rebase HEAD to HEAD or an anchestor commit" error if
- HEAD is hidden

- Conflict Solver: did not open for graft-conflicts
- Log: internal error when opening in Rebasing state
- SSH: certain problems with private key authentication (depending on files
- parallel to the provided private key file)

Linux bundle:
- added work-around for reg-ex related Java crashes caused by syntax
- highlighting code
- DEB bundle did not start on Ubuntu 18.04

SmartGit 18.1.1

New features and improvements:
- Git-Flow: if the low-level property gitflow.requireCleanWorktreeOnStart is set to true, starting a feature or hotfix with local changes will abort
- Log: if low-level property log.graph.displayCommitDateForAuthor is set to true, it will show the author, but the commit (instead of the author) date
- Output: if low-level property output.showOnlyIfViewInvisible is set to false, the Output dialog is shown independent of the Output view's visibility

Fixed Bugs:
- Blame: memory leak
- Edit Last Commit Message: internal error when in bisecting mode
- Journal, Move & Squash: when dragging onto first pushed commit, no "already pushed" warning was displayed memory leak when switching between repositories frequently quotes around filter definitions, e.g. git-crypt, caused errors starting these commands possible error "Raw log messge does not parse as log entry"
- Refresh: internal error when opening repositories with core.worktree set

- Refresh: possible hang related to conflicts
- Compare: Ignore Whitespace should not display completely unchanged blocks as changed

SmartGit 18.1.0

- Possible internal error opening log in merging or rebasing state
- Added system property smartgit.nodecache.maxCachesToKeepInMemory to limit the log caches to keep in memory

Investigate (DeepGit):
- Memory leak
- Wrong colors used for system-independent light theme
- Various commands with dialog-based Log (Checkout, Merge, ...): graph filter options missing in File input field's drop-down menu

SmartGit 17.1.6 Build 11221

New features and improvements:
- Log, Tools menu: allow tools that operate on the repository using ${repositoryRootPath}

Fixed bugs:
- Git-Flow: when merging, stop processing if merge aborts due to file permission problems
- Refresh: possible internal error for special characters in file name and wrong system charset
- Stash Selection: contained redundant "--" when invoking "git stash push"

SmartGit 17.1.5 Build 11217

New features and improvements:
- built-in SSH client: support for diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256

Fixed Bugs:
- Git:
  - Log:
    - Compare:
      - Linux/GTK2: possible internal error painting comments
      - too large font was used for comments
- SVN: changing URL did not work reliable - disabled
- Bitbucket: possible 401 authentication failures after redoing OAuth
  authentication while SmartGit is running

SmartGit 17.1.4 Build 11213

External Diff tools:
- set system property "" to true to apply
- filter..smudge
- System property "smartgit.executable.home" supports $USERPROFILE on Windows
- support for Git 2.16's SSH client detection ("The SSH server '-G' could not be found")

Fixed Bugs:
- after a fresh setup, "Mark as Favorite" notification comes up again every couple of seconds when dismissing with red x
- Changes view, Index Editor: staging LF-only files converted it to CRLF in Index
- Investigate: Open Log may result in internal error if Blame was not yet initialized

- Branches: toggling single branch in unselected category may add additional 2nd-level branch to selection
- Changes: Compact Changes option did not work (regression)
- Refresh: internal error related to renamed files

User interface:
- Preferences, Text Editor colors: ruler colors were not applied/stored
- OS X: possible internal error related to connecting/disconnecting monitors update check: did remind user to enable update check while it was disabled by system property

SmartGit 17.1.3 Build 11198

New Features, Improvements:
- Log: the count of the loaded commits is now hidden by default (set smartgit.log.commits.showLoadedCount to true to show it)
- JIRA integration: option smartgit.jira.fixResolutionId to specify the issue resolution ID that should be used to mark issues as resolved
- Set smartgit.updateCheck.checkForLatestBuildVisible to false to hide Help | Check for Latest Build
- Investigate: don't require DeepGit license for licensed SmartGit users

Fixed Bugs:

- Merge, Abort and others: could not be invoked if .gitmodules was in conflicting state

- Include with relative path like ../.gitconfig did not work in .git/config
- Wrong display after creating orphan branch
- Review comments: not able to add first comment to file

Node.js 16.6.2 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

CVE-2021-3672/CVE-2021-22931: Improper handling of untypical characters in domain names (High):
- Node.js was vulnerable to Remote Code Execution, XSS, application crashes due to missing input validation of hostnames returned by Domain Name Servers in the Node.js DNS library which can lead to the output of wrong hostnames (leading to Domain Hijacking) and injection vulnerabilities in applications using the library.

CVE-2021-22930: Use after free on close http2 on stream canceling (High):
- Node.js was vulnerable to a use after free attack where an attacker might be able to exploit memory corruption to change process behavior. This release includes a follow-up fix for CVE-2021-22930 as the issue was not completely resolved by the previous fix.

CVE-2021-22939: Incomplete validation of rejectUnauthorized parameter (Low):
- If the Node.js HTTPS API was used incorrectly and "undefined" was in passed for the "rejectUnauthorized" parameter, no error was returned and connections to servers with an expired certificate would have been accepted

WebSite Auditor 4.51 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

WebSite Auditor 4.51
- Some performance improvements have been implemented in Website Auditor

WebSite Auditor 4.50.14
- Change log not available for this version

WebSite Auditor 4.50.13
- A few minor issues have been fixed in Website Auditor

WebSite Auditor 4.50.12
- Fixed authentication issues with DeathByCaptcha service in Website Auditor

WebSite Auditor 4.50.11
- A few minor performance updates have been implemented in Website Auditor

WebSite Auditor 4.50.10
- A few minor performance updates have been implemented in Website Auditor

WebSite Auditor 4.50.8
- Fixed disappearing of title and meta description in Content Editor after deleting a keyword, updated Page Speed Data counter in Website Auditor

WebSite Auditor 4.50.7
- Some minor technical issues fixed and performance improvements implemented in Website Auditor

WebSite Auditor 4.50.6
- Some minor technical issues fixed and performance improvements implemented in Website Auditor

WebSite Auditor 4.50.5
- Fixed failed Page Speed updates via Scheduler, added a new content-type server response for sitemap validation and a few other minor issues have been fixed in Website Auditor

WebSite Auditor 4.50.4
- A few minor performance updates have been implemented in Website Auditor

WebSite Auditor 4.50.3
- A few minor performance updates have been implemented in Website Auditor

WebSite Auditor 4.50.2
- A few minor performance updates have been implemented in Website Auditor

WebSite Auditor 4.50.1
- New feature in WebSite Auditor: Core Web Vitals. Check your webpages' loading, interactivity, visual stability and other important performance metrics to make sure that your pages provide the best user experience.

WebSite Auditor 4.49.14
- A few performance enhancements have been implemented in WebSite Auditor

WebSite Auditor 4.49.13
- A few performance enhancements have been implemented in WebSite Auditor

WebSite Auditor 4.49.12
- A few performance enhancements have been implemented in WebSite Auditor

WebSite Auditor 4.49.11
- A few performance enhancements have been implemented in WebSite Auditor

WebSite Auditor 4.49.10
- A few performance enhancements have been implemented in WebSite Auditor

WebSite Auditor 4.49.9
- A few performance enhancements have been implemented in WebSite Auditor

WebSite Auditor 4.49.8
- A few minor improvements and performance enhancements have been implemented in WebSite Auditor

WebSite Auditor 4.49.7
- A few minor improvements and performance enhancements have been implemented in WebSite Audito

WebSite Auditor 4.49.5
- A few minor performance improvements have been implemented in WebSite Auditor

WebSite Auditor 4.49.4
- A few minor performance improvements have been implemented in WebSite Auditor

WebSite Auditor 4.49.3
- A new option to manage pop-up notifications has been added to WebSite Auditor preferences

WebSite Auditor 4.49.2
- A few minor performance improvements have been implemented in WebSite Auditor

WebSite Auditor 4.49.1
- A few minor performance improvements have been implemented in WebSite Auditor

WebSite Auditor 4.49
- A few minor performance improvements have been implemented in WebSite Auditor

WebSite Auditor 4.48.11
- A few minor performance improvements have been implemented in WebSite Auditor

WebSite Auditor 4.48.10
- A few minor performance improvements have been implemented in WebSite Auditor

WebSite Auditor 4.48.9
- A few minor improvements and performance enhancements have been implemented in WebSite Auditor

WebSite Auditor 4.48.8
- Fixed no results for the TF-IDF module in WebSite Auditor

WebSite Auditor 4.48.7
- A few minor improvements and performance enhancements have been implemented in WebSite Auditor

WebSite Auditor 4.48.6
- Change log not available for this version

WebSite Auditor 4.48.5
- Change log not available for this version

WebSite Auditor 4.48.4
- Fixed too small application window size because of a broken property file and other minor enhancements have been implemented in WebSite Auditor

WebSite Auditor 4.48.3
- Fixed too small application window size because of a broken property file and other minor enhancements have been implemented in WebSite Auditor

WebSite Auditor 4.48.2
- Change log not available for this version

WebSite Auditor 4.48.1
- A few minor improvements have been implemented and some errors fixed in WebSite Auditor

WebSite Auditor 4.48
- A few minor enhancements and performance improvements have been implemented in WebSite Auditor

WebSite Auditor 4.47.14
- A few minor enhancements have been implemented in WebSite Auditor

WebSite Auditor 4.47.12
- A few minor enhancements have been implemented in WebSite Auditor

WebSite Auditor 4.47.11
- Robots.txt validator has been improved in WebSite Auditor

WebSite Auditor 4.47.10
- A few performance updates have been implemented in WebSite Auditor

WebSite Auditor 4.47.9
- A few performance updates have been implemented in WebSite Auditor

WebSite Auditor 4.47.8
- Keyword count algorithm for Page Audit has been updated in WebSite Auditor

WebSite Auditor 4.47.7
- A few performance updates have been implemented in WebSite Auditor

WebSite Auditor 4.47.6
- Autumn sale announcement: get up to 70% off SEO PowerSuite

WebSite Auditor 4.47.5
New feature:
- Fixed the problem of removal of page content after mapping new keywords to a page in WebSite Auditor's Content Editor module

WebSite Auditor 4.47.4
New feature:
- Competitors' keywords highlighting has been fixed and some other minor improvements implemented in WebSite Auditor

WebSite Auditor 4.47.3
New feature:
- Resetting of time settings of the task scheduler and some other minor issues have been fixed in WebSite Auditor

WebSite Auditor 4.47.2
- Incorrect broken images analysis and a few other minor issues have been fixed in WebSite Auditor

WebSite Auditor 4.47.1
- Fixed non-finishing Java processes after closing WebSite Auditor and some other enhancements have been implemented

WebSite Auditor 4.47
- French interface has been updated and a few other minor updates released in Website Auditor

WebSite Auditor 4.46.14
- Major Domain InLink Rank update has been released and a few other minor issues fixed in Website Auditor

WebSite Auditor 4.46.13
- Change log not available for this version

WebSite Auditor 4.46.12
- Change log not available for this version

WebSite Auditor 4.46.11
- Change log not available for this version

WebSite Auditor 4.46.10
- Change log not available for this version

WebSite Auditor 4.46.9
- Change log not available for this version

WebSite Auditor 4.46.8
- Change log not available for this version

WebSite Auditor 4.46.7
- Change log not available for this version

WebSite Auditor 4.46.6
- Change log not available for this version

WebSite Auditor 4.46.5
- Change log not available for this version

WebSite Auditor 4.46.3
- A few minor updates have been implemented

WebSite Auditor 4.46.2
- Incorrect parsing of tel, mailto and some other elements has been fixed

WebSite Auditor 4.46.1
- Incorrect parsing of noindex instructions on some pages, Yandex cache date verification have been fixed

WebSite Auditor 4.46
- Change log not available for this version

WebSite Auditor 4.45.5
- A few minor updates have been implemented

WebSite Auditor 4.45.4
- Fixed the error exception when editing workspace columns in WebSite Auditor

WebSite Auditor 4.45.3
- A few minor issues have been resolved in WebSite Auditor

WebSite Auditor 4.45.2
New feature:
- Updated text recommendations for the Page Audit section, fixed non-updating optimization rate for the Content Editor section

WebSite Auditor 4.45.1
- Fixed: incorrect keyword count issue in WebSite Auditor's Content Editor

WebSite Auditor 4.45
- Change log not available for this version

WebSite Auditor 4.44.6
- Fixed unresponsive buttons and elements for big size interfaces in WebSite Auditor

WebSite Auditor 4.44.5
- Fixed errors that appeared when fetching Google snippets for long titles, the problem of including a page title inside the body tag for certain pages has been solved

WebSite Auditor 4.44.4
- Some performance updates have been released in WebSite Auditor

WebSite Auditor 4.44.2
- A few minor bugs have been fixed

WebSite Auditor 4.44.1
New feature:
- Fixed unavailable optimization scores in the Site Structure -> Pages module in Website Auditor

WebSite Auditor 4.44
New feature:
- New Content Editor has been released in Website Auditor: create new content for pages using the new document mode, get optimization advise for the existing pages and generate PDF guidelines with optimization instructions for your copywriters.

WebSite Auditor 4.43.9
New feature:
- Whois subdomain checkup has been updated and a few other minor issues have been fixed in Website Auditor

WebSite Auditor 4.43.8
New feature:
- A few performance adjustments have been made for 32-bit machines in Website Auditor

WebSite Auditor 4.43.7
- The problem of resetting user-agents from mobile to desktop version for Content Editor has been fixed in Website Auditor

WebSite Auditor 4.43.6
- Yahoo Japan search engine error has been fixed

WebSite Auditor 4.43.5
- Fixed the problem of opening projects from SEO PowerSuite Cloud on Windows for WebSite Auditor

WebSite Auditor 4.43.4
- A new feature added: now you can add tags to resources under the 'All Resources' section

WebSite Auditor 4.43.3
- A few minor bugs have been fixed

WebSite Auditor 4.43.2
- A few minor bugs have been fixed

WebSite Auditor 4.41.5
- The problem of calculating Domain Strength for new projects and a few other minor bugs have been fixed

WebSite Auditor 4.41.4
- Some performance updates have been implemented

WebSite Auditor 4.41.3
- Some performance updates have been implemented

WebSite Auditor 4.41.2
- Some performance updates have been implemented

WebSite Auditor 4.41.1
- The problem of incorrect counts of warnings and errors for the Localization section and a few other minor issues have been fixed

WebSite Auditor 4.40.3
- Some performance updates have been implemented

WebSite Auditor 4.40.2
- Some performance updates have been implemented

WebSite Auditor 4.40.1
- A few minor bugs have been fixed

WebSite Auditor 4.40
- Some performance updates have been implemented

WebSite Auditor 4.39.2
- A few minor bugs have been fixed

WebSite Auditor 4.39.1
- Change log not available for this version

WebSite Auditor 4.39
- A new option added: accept/ignore cookies when scanning a website; the parsing of lazyload images has been improved, the keyword count for Content Analysis has been improved

WebSite Auditor 4.38.15
- Change log not available for this version

WebSite Auditor 4.38.14
- New settings added to SEO SpyGlass Preferences
- Misc. Global Settings: let the software minimize into tray when performing scheduled tasks
- A few minor bugs have been fixed

WebSite Auditor 4.38.13
- The problem of not recognizing nofollow tags for certain pages has been fixed

WebSite Auditor 4.38.12
- A few minor issues have been fixed

WebSite Auditor 4.38.10
- A few minor bugs have been fixed

WebSite Auditor 4.38.9
New feature:
- Webcal has been added to the list of protocols

WebSite Auditor 4.38.8
- A few minor bugs have been fixed

WebSite Auditor 4.38.7
New feature:
- The problem of incorrect Missing Return Links count in the Localization group has been fixed

WebSite Auditor 4.38.5
- From now on, WebSite Auditor supports Google's updated PageSpeed Insights API, providing you with the most extensive information on your pages' speed performance

WebSite Auditor 4.38.4
- The problem of connecting proxies to WebSite Auditor has been fixed and other minor bugs resolved

WebSite Auditor 4.38.3
- Change log not available for this version

WebSite Auditor 4.38.2
- A few issues have been fixed in WebSite Auditor: the JavaScript timing settings have been improved, the keyword count algorithm for page analysis has been updated and some other minor bugs fixed

WebSite Auditor 4.38.1
- A few issues have been fixed

WebSite Auditor 4.38
- Miscellaneous: W3C libraries have been updated in Website Auditor. Dropbox connection updated: the software can use the proxy from Proxy Settings to connect to Dropbox

WebSite Auditor 4.37.11
- Domain Strength update problem and the issue of updating website's mobile thumbnail have been resolved

WebSite Auditor 4.37.10
- Several new columns have been added to the TF-IDF workspace under Content Analysis

WebSite Auditor 4.37.9
- A few minor issues have been fixed

WebSite Auditor 4.37.8
- A new 'properties' element has been added to Google Analytics settings in WebSite Auditor to help users find and connect the right view

WebSite Auditor 4.37.7
- Interface scaling parameters have been updated and a few other minor issues fixed

WebSite Auditor 4.37.6
- The algorithm for analyzing srcset source tags has been improved, a few minor issues have been fixed

WebSite Auditor 4.37.5
- The performance of page audit analysis has been improved, the algorithms for analyzing hreflang elements and x-robots-tags have been updated

WebSite Auditor 4.37.4
- Software auto-update process has been improved for apps that have scheduled tasks, the problem of displaying incorrect characters for project names with cyrillic symbols has been fixed

WebSite Auditor 4.37.3
- A number of issues were fixed in Website Auditor, including problems with incorrect characters in saved project names, alphabetic sorting for scheduled tasks, background task interruption during auto-updates, and many other minor improvements

WebSite Auditor 4.37.2
- New search engine added: Google Afghanistan. Issues fixed in WebSite Auditor: content analysis failed with 'Too many redirects' error for some pages, resource-size calculation algorithm has been updated

WebSite Auditor 4.37.1
- Synchronization of project and global settings has been added to LinkAssistant: synchronize customer and company profiles, Google accounts, project and global events across different projects and apps

WebSite Auditor 4.36.3
- Updated robots.txt parsing algorithm, the logic for pageviews collection has been improved

WebSite Auditor 4.36.2
- Fixed: the 'No Hreflang' filter for the Localization module
- Updated: the algorithm for 'Conflicting hreflang elements

WebSite Auditor 4.36.1
- A new feature has been added to WebSite Auditor: analyze multi-language/locale websites, detect incorrect usage of Hreflang attributes, create custom language variants for pages. A new index has been applied for calculation of InLink Rank and Domain Strength metrics

WebSite Auditor 4.34.23
- The software auto-update mechanism for background tasks has been improved and several other minor issues have been solved

WebSite Auditor 4.34.22
- Competition research algorithm has been updated, incorrect status for completed scheduled tasks and several other minor issues have been solved in WebSite Auditor

WebSite Auditor 4.34.21
- The internal browser has been improved and adjusted for better interaction with Google re-captcha. A few other minor issues have been fixed

WebSite Auditor 4.34.20
- A few minor issues have been fixed

WebSite Auditor 4.34.19
- The list of statuses for the Server Response Time column has been updated. A new change for automatic software updates has been implemented: new version releases will be skipped by applications that have active tasks running in the background

WebSite Auditor 4.34.18
- New features have been added to LinkAssistant: create scheduled tasks only for project records that are marked with specific tags; pause and resume the execution of tasks; new selection mode available: now it is possible to select only several columns to copy results from a project workspace

WebSite Auditor 4.34.17
- A few minor issues have been fixed

WebSite Auditor 4.34.16
- Some performance updates have been implemented

WebSite Auditor 4.34.15
- the robots.txt parser has been updated and a few other minor bugs have been fixed

WebSite Auditor 4.34.14
- Miscellaneous: A few issues have been fixed in Website Auditor: incorrect encoding was used for title characters when JavaScript was enabled in the project, URLs with cyrillic characters were incorrectly displayed for some websites

WebSite Auditor 4.34.13
- Some performance updates have been implemented

WebSite Auditor 4.34.12
- A few minor bugs have been fixed

WebSite Auditor 4.34.11
- The Website Auditor page parser has been updated: fixed the problems of keyword counts in body, keyword count in H1-H6 tags, the parsing algorithm has been improved

WebSite Auditor 4.34.10
- Change log not available for this version

WebSite Auditor 4.34.9
- A few minor bugs have been fixed

WebSite Auditor 4.34.8
- The TF-IDF keyword analysis algorithm has been improved for WebSite Auditor

WebSite Auditor 4.34.7
- The algorithm for updating Alexa Rank has been optimized and improved

WebSite Auditor 4.34.6
- Change log not available for this version

WebSite Auditor 4.34.5
- The performance of the internal browser has been optimized and improved

WebSite Auditor 4.34.4
- A few minor bugs have been fixed

WebSite Auditor 4.34.3
- Minor performance updates have been implemented and a few bugs have been fixed

WebSite Auditor 4.34.2
- A few minor bugs have been fixed

WebSite Auditor 4.34
- A few minor bugs have been fixed

WebSite Auditor 4.33.9
- A few minor bugs have been fixed

WebSite Auditor 4.33.8
- The noindex meta tag algorithm has been updated and a few other minor bugs have been fixed

WebSite Auditor 4.33.7
- The whois library for checking domain age has been updated and some other minor bugs have been fixed

WebSite Auditor 4.33.6
- A few minor bugs have been fixed

WebSite Auditor 4.33.5
- Viber has been added to the list of supported protocols, the application/rss+xml has been added to the list of supported sitemap content-types

WebSite Auditor 4.33.4
- A few minor bugs have been fixed

WebSite Auditor 4.33.3
- A few minor bugs have been fixed

WebSite Auditor 4.33.2
- The error counter for the Page Audit module has been fixed

WebSite Auditor 4.33.1
- A few minor bugs have been fixed

WebSite Auditor 4.33
- Edit your website structure, save visualization as PDF/PNG/SVG, label and color pages on the graph and other useful features have been added to Website Auditor. Some minor bugs have been fixed: word count for page body element, parsing pages that are using js elements and other minor issues

WebSite Auditor 4.32.7
- Some performance updates have been implemented

WebSite Auditor 4.32.6
- Some performance updates have been implemented

WebSite Auditor 4.32.5
- Change log not available for this version

WebSite Auditor 4.32.4
- A few minor issues have been fixed

WebSite Auditor 4.32.3
- Change log not available for this version

WebSite Auditor 4.32.2
- Now it is possible to edit the list of supported page extensions in project settings to let Website Auditor collect web-pages with custom extensions

WebSite Auditor 4.32.1
- The search algorithms for orphan pages and sitemap detection have been improved in Website Auditor

WebSite Auditor 4.32
- The pages with .mvc and .nspx extension are now supported in WebSite Auditor. The algorithm for detecting pages' charset type has been improved

WebSite Auditor 4.31.5
- Website Auditor now supports websites with .phtml and .wf extensions. The issue with the incorrect calculation of keywords in Page Audit report has been fixed.