NetBalancer 歷史舊版本 Page15

最新版本 Gyazo 5.4.4

NetBalancer 歷史版本列表

NetBalancer 使用瀏覽和做任何網上活動舒適,即使您的下載管理器或洪流客戶從互聯網下載大文件只是降低其網絡優先級與 NetBalancer. 您可以使用 NetBalancer 來設置下載或上傳傳輸速率優先級的應用程序,並監視他們的互聯網交通。具有較高網絡優先級的應用將比具有較低網絡優先級的應用獲得更多的通信帶寬。福利 NetBalancer 等流量整形軟件是 NetBalancer 的作... NetBalancer 軟體介紹

NetBalancer 9.17.3 查看版本資訊


Resolume Arena 7.1.2 rev 69101 查看版本資訊


Resolume Avenue 7.1.2 rev 68793 查看版本資訊


Node.js 14.0.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- (SEMVER-MAJOR) crypto: move pbkdf2 without digest to EOL
- (SEMVER-MAJOR) fs: deprecate closing FileHandle on garbage collection
- (SEMVER-MAJOR) http: move OutboundMessage.prototype.flush to EOL
- (SEMVER-MAJOR) lib: move GLOBAL and root aliases to EOL
- (SEMVER-MAJOR) os: move tmpDir() to EOL
- (SEMVER-MAJOR) src: remove deprecated wasm type check
- (SEMVER-MAJOR) stream: move _writableState.buffer to EOL
- (SEMVER-MINOR) doc: deprecate process.mainModule
- (SEMVER-MINOR) doc: deprecate process.umask() with no arguments

ECMAScript Modules - Experimental Warning Removal:
- module: remove experimental modules warning
- In Node.js 13 we removed the need to include the --experimental-modules flag, but when running EcmaScript Modules in Node.js, this would still result in a warning ExperimentalWarning: The ESM module loader is experimental.
- As of Node.js 14 there is no longer this warning when using ESM in Node.js. However, the ESM implementation in Node.js remains experimental. As per our stability index: “The feature is not subject to Semantic Versioning rules. Non-backward compatible changes or removal may occur in any future release.” Users should be cautious when using the feature in production environments.
- Please keep in mind that the implementation of ESM in Node.js differs from the developer experience you might be familiar with. Most transpilation workflows support features such as optional file extensions or JSON modules that the Node.js ESM implementation does not support. It is highly likely that modules from transpiled environments will require a certain degree of refactoring to work in Node.js. It is worth mentioning that many of our design decisions were made with two primary goals. Spec compliance and Web Compatibility. It is our belief that the current implementation offers a future proof model to authoring ESM modules that paves the path to Universal JavaScript. Please read more in our documentation.
- The ESM implementation in Node.js is still experimental but we do believe that we are getting very close to being able to call ESM in Node.js “stable”. Removing the warning is a huge step in that direction.

ew V8 ArrayBuffer API:
- src: migrate to new V8 ArrayBuffer API
- Multiple ArrayBuffers pointing to the same base address are no longer allowed by V8. This may impact native addons

Toolchain and Compiler Upgrades:
- (SEMVER-MAJOR) build: update macos deployment target to 10.13 for 14.x
- (SEMVER-MAJOR) doc: update cross compiler machine for Linux armv7
- (SEMVER-MAJOR) doc: update Centos/RHEL releases use devtoolset-8
- (SEMVER-MAJOR) doc: remove SmartOS from official binaries
- (SEMVER-MAJOR) win: block running on EOL Windows versions
- It is expected that there will be an ABI mismatch on ARM between the Node.js binary and native addons. Native addons are only broken if they
- interact with std::shared_ptr. This is expected to be fixed in a later version of Node.js 14
- Update to V8 8.1
- (SEMVER-MAJOR) deps: update V8 to 8.1.307.20

Other Notable Changes:
- cli, report: move --report-on-fatalerror to stable
- deps: upgrade to libuv 1.37.0
- fs: add fs/promises alias module

ReaConverter Pro 7.571 查看版本資訊


NetBalancer 9.17.2 查看版本資訊


ScreenHunter Free 7.0.355 查看版本資訊


OpenSSL 1.1.1g (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Security Advisory: one high severity fix in SSL_check_chain()
- OpenSSL 1.1.1g is now available, including a security fix

TheBrain 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New Features:
- Utility to enable Windows search of older notes by adding BOM to start of the files

- Windows: Non-ASCII characters are not indexed by Windows search
- Dialogs are not always centered correctly
- Commands under File > Utilities should disable (not disappear) when a brain is not open
- Count of hidden brains should be part of checkbox

TheBrain 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New Features:
- Hide brain command on brain context menu
- Bulk delete of events by date range from the timeline
- Open Brain to Home Thought command on brain context menu

- Allow all users to see who has what level of access to a shared brain
- Unable to move Read Only files into TheBrain
- Unable to scroll through added users in the Brain access and Sharing window
- PDF Preview/Media player is not re-initialized after hovering over another thought
- Unable to move folders with Read Only files into TB
- No warning or info when deleting a thought with an open file attachment
- Keyboard shortcut for Delete Attachment causes an error while an event is displayed in content area
- Dialogs allow multiple instances to be opened
- When deleting a single recurring event, closing the recurring event warning dialog proceeds with deletion
- Windows: Brain Access and Sharing dialog's user access level selection menu does not show check mark in dark mode
- Windows: Right click on Add Attachment > Create File entry should not do anything
- Keyboard shortcut for Delete Selection does not work
- Deleting a thought with an open file attachment should fail gracefully
- Notes: Paste of link containing underscore does not retrieve title correctly
- `Visible when Parent of Active Thought` should be disabled for readers
- When report time filter is changed using menu the plex may stop responding
- Windows: Some context menu check marks do not show in dark mode
- Error when opening brain access dialog
- Windows: Notes style weight sub menu is not styled correctly in dark mode
- Should not show "failed to shutdown" unless failure happens soon after startup
- Notes: URLs including parenthesis are not recognized correctly
- Application state should be saved more often
- Moving attachment out of Brain while the attachment is open should fail safely
- Notes: When exporting to HTML, headings are not recognized if there is not an empty line above them
- Redo of move folder into Brain causes error