NetBalancer 歷史舊版本 Page13

最新版本 Gyazo 5.4.4

NetBalancer 歷史版本列表

NetBalancer 使用瀏覽和做任何網上活動舒適,即使您的下載管理器或洪流客戶從互聯網下載大文件只是降低其網絡優先級與 NetBalancer. 您可以使用 NetBalancer 來設置下載或上傳傳輸速率優先級的應用程序,並監視他們的互聯網交通。具有較高網絡優先級的應用將比具有較低網絡優先級的應用獲得更多的通信帶寬。福利 NetBalancer 等流量整形軟件是 NetBalancer 的作... NetBalancer 軟體介紹

SnapGene Viewer 5.1.4 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New Functionality:
- Added support for importing protein features from the GFF3 format
- Enabled features to be preserved when a replacement leaves the sequence length unchanged

- Enabled the import of custom user fields from Vector NTI databases
- Increased the 3' match length limit to 25 bases when importing primers from a list
- Enabled capture of the history of a protein translated from DNA when importing from Vector NTI Advance
- Enhanced primer tooltips to include % GC for the annealed region
- Improved copy and paste of sequence alignments into text editors and other programs
- Increased the size of the DOI field when editing references
- Made various color, layout, and textual enhancements

- Mandated use of the proper default font size when creating new files, importing from online, and opening non-native files
- Corrected an issue that prevented importing primers into multiple files in a collection
- Corrected a regression with displaying translations and the "Original Sequence" when no sequences are aligned to the reference DNA sequence
- Enabled changing methylation for placeholder files
- Fixed various issues when working with placeholder files
- Implemented automatic correction of invalid alignments to a reference sequence computed with prior versions
- Fixed an issue that prevented manually specifying the zoomed range
- Corrected the "+" symbol in plasmid names when importing from "SnapGene Online Sequences"
- Ensured correct updating of the zoomed range when navigating to matches with the Find tool
- Addressed an issue with specifying the position of protein interchain bond locations
- Removed the "Codons" cascading menu when interacting with protein sequences
- Corrected an issue that prevented importing multi-sequence GenBank and GenPept files into a collection
- Ensured that translation numbering is maintained when using Make Protein from multiple selected translated features
- Ensured that the match threshold controls are listed only once when importing features from a SnapGene file
- Corrected an issue that could cause file names to be clipped in source menus
- Fixed an issue that caused files to be marked as modified after hovering over hyperlinks in the Description Panel
- Ensured that stop codons present in protein query strings are included in the search results
- Improved the import of multi-part qualifiers from Geneious
- Fixed an issue with undo of sequence color changes that are limited to a single strand
- Corrected the "Copy" shortcut when viewing a protein sequence or multi-protein alignment
- Ensured more robust behavior when adding primers to DNA sequences
- Turned on the display of truncated primer description data when full descriptions are toggled off in Primers view
- Corrected an issue in which simplified primer binding sites were not shown after modifying hybridization parameters
- Ensured that sufficient space is always allocated above displays of complex primer binding sites in Sequence view
- Turned on display of the parental enzyme set when viewing Nicking Endonucleases in Sequence and Map views
- Improved reliability when importing from Addgene
- Improved the import of Addgene sequences that contain slashes in their names
- Ensured that side toolbar buttons in dialogs are not hidden
- Corrected a regression in which two copies of common features such as EGFP were sometimes annotated when detecting common features
- Removed "Match Threshold" controls from the "Add to Common Features" dialog

Roland Zenbeats 查看版本資訊


TheBrain 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Error on checking for update with Chinese and Polish localizations
- Mistakes in localization can cause errors at runtime
- Updated Polish and Russian localizations

TheBrain 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Crashing on clicking links to other brains pasted as attachments
- Error on changing theme/wallpaper
- Find and/or replace causes hang if there is only one result and it is at the start of the first line
- Exporting to folders gives error if any thoughts have notes that are read-only
- Files added/created are being set as read-only
- Copied in file attachments are being created as read-only
- Error on moving a file into TheBrain
- Error on "Paste Image" when adding attachment to thought
- Error when adding a file from the templates list
- Deletion fails if there are read-only internal attachments on a thought
- Hardware-based customization icon
- Installer should not cause/recommend a reboot/restart

WinNTSetup 4.2 查看版本資訊


Roland Zenbeats 查看版本資訊


TheBrain 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New Features:
- Notes: Make paste of color information from HTML an optional preference (results in cleaner text)
- Statistics dialog shows `Local Id` of brain e.g. U01/B01

- Windows: Thought links in notes are not working
- Notes: Subscript and Superscript tags cannot be escaped
- Windows: brain:// protocol does not work from external applications if TheBrain is already open
- Notes: Exception during paste of image leads to unrecoverable error

NetBalancer 10.1.1 查看版本資訊


SnapGene Viewer 查看版本資訊


SnapGene Viewer 5.1.3 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Enhanced Sequence view so that when two panels of sequence are visible in a split window, the minimap at the top shows the visible regions from both panels
- Enhanced cloning dialogs to fit on smaller displays
- Support polyA_site point features
- Made various textual enhancements

- Enhanced the GFF3 importer to handle files that mark a single sequence with multiple references
- Fixed an issue that prevented opening of some Vector NTI® .apr alignment files
- Corrected a regression that prevented files in a collection's "Working Set" from being listed in source menus in action dialogs
- Improved stability when importing protein features from another SnapGene file
- Corrected an issue that could result in poor alignments
- Corrected a regression that prevented restriction sites blocked by methylation from being shown in gray in Enzymes View using Numbers mode
- Corrected a regression that prevented sorting of restriction sites in Enzymes view by location of the first site or by distance from the selection
- Ensured proper import of SnapGene online sequence files that contain "&" in their names, such as the COVID-19 genome file
- Corrected a regression that could prevent enzymes in aligned sequences from reflecting the chosen option for displaying enzymes
- Ensured that Enzymes view does not scroll when toggling enzyme visibility
- Corrected an issue that made it difficult to trim aligned sequences by dragging a trimming handle when using double-stranded DNA format
- Improved the export to GenBank and other text formats of features that contain "&" and other symbols in qualifiers
- Improved the appearance of a selection in an aligned sequence when manual trimming partially occludes the selection
- Corrected a regression that prevented invoking the Destroy Restriction Site or Remove Restriction Fragment dialogs by pressing Delete or Backspace in Enzymes view
- Ensured that toggling enzyme visibility no longer marks a file as unsaved
- Fixed an issue that could prevent dashes within gaps from being shown when viewing an alignment to a reference DNA sequence
- Prevented aligned bases from being shown in red at the endpoints of an alignment
- Fixed an issue that could cause "Redo Alignment" to fail for some files
- Ensured that the Edit Feature dialog correctly indicates that segment ranges can overlap if features with overlapping segments were imported from GenBank or other file formats
- Improved the default ratio between the two panel heights when generating a split window
- Prevented unnecessary vertical space from being allocated when laying out aligned sequences in double-stranded DNA format when enzymes are visible
- Improved the file information shown for registered file types in the Windows Explorer and the macOS Finder
- Improved the display of aligned regions in Map view