Movavi Video Converter 歷史舊版本 Page5

最新版本 Vim 9.0

Movavi Video Converter 歷史版本列表

享受視頻和音樂你的方式!使用 Movavi Video Converter,您可以準備多媒體文件,以任何格式和任何設備進行即時回放。而且您不需要成為一名極客,只需從支持的選項列表中選擇您想要的格式或設備,然後按一下按鈕即可; 您的文件將在幾秒鐘內準備就緒。此外,您還可以獲得大量令人興奮的附加功能:在轉換 ndash 之前,增強視頻質量,調整和規範化聲級,修剪,合併,裁剪和旋轉文件; 全部通過我們易... Movavi Video Converter 軟體介紹

Symfony 5.3.3 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- [Security] Handle concurency in Csrf DoctrineTokenProvider
- Fix SessionTokenStorage reuse with Request
- [Filesystem] Workaround cannot dumpFile into "protected" folders on Windows
- [Messenger] fix FlattenExceptionNormalizer
- [SecurityBundle] Change information label from red to yellow
- [HttpKernel] Keep max lifetime also when part of the responses don't set it
- [ErrorHandler] fix handling buffered SilencedErrorContext
- [HttpClient] fix Psr18Client when allow_url_fopen=0
- [Runtime] Fix project dir variable when vendor not in project root
- [DependencyInjection] Add support of PHP enumerations
- [Config] fix tracking default values that reference the parent class
- [DependencyInjection] Fix binding "iterable $foo" when using the PHP-DSL
- [DependencyInjection] accept service locator definitions with no class
- [Uid] Fix fromString() with low base58 values
- [Cache] handle prefixed redis connections when clearing pools
- [Cache] fix eventual consistency when using RedisTagAwareAdapter with a cluster
- [Cache] Disable locking on Windows by default
- [Mailer] fix encoding of addresses using SmtpTransport
- [HttpKernel] [HttpCache] Keep s-maxage=0 from ESI sub-responses
- Avoid broken action URL in text notification mail
- [Security] Fix special char used to create cache key
- [VarDumper] Fix tests for PHP 8.1
- [FrameworkBundle] Replace var_export with VarExporter to use array short syntax in secrets list files
- [DependencyInjection] throw proper exception when decorating a synthetic service
- [Security] Implement fluent interface on RememberMeBadge::disable()
- [ErrorHandler] [DebugClassLoader] Do not check Phake mocks classes
- [PhpUnitBridge] fix handling the COMPOSER_BINARY env var when using simple-phpunit
- [PasswordHasher] UserPasswordHasher only calls getSalt when method exists
- [HttpFoundation] allow savePath of NativeFileSessionHandler to be null
- [Messenger] prevent reflection usages when classes do not exist
- [Security] Fixed 'security.command.debug_firewall' not found
- [Security] Fix invalid RememberMe value after update
- [Security] Fix invalid cookie when migrating to new Security
- [Security] make the getter usable if no user identifier is set

Symfony 5.2.11 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- [Filesystem] Workaround cannot dumpFile into "protected" folders on Windows
- [Messenger] fix FlattenExceptionNormalizer
- [SecurityBundle] Change information label from red to yellow
- [HttpKernel] Keep max lifetime also when part of the responses don't set it
- [ErrorHandler] fix handling buffered SilencedErrorContext
- [HttpClient] fix Psr18Client when allow_url_fopen=0
- [DependencyInjection] Add support of PHP enumerations
- [Config] fix tracking default values that reference the parent class
- [DependencyInjection] Fix binding "iterable $foo" when using the PHP-DSL
- [Uid] Fix fromString() with low base58 values
- [Cache] handle prefixed redis connections when clearing pools
- [Cache] fix eventual consistency when using RedisTagAwareAdapter with a cluster
- [Cache] Disable locking on Windows by default
- [Mailer] fix encoding of addresses using SmtpTransport
- [HttpKernel] [HttpCache] Keep s-maxage=0 from ESI sub-responses
- Avoid broken action URL in text notification mail
- [VarDumper] Fix tests for PHP 8.1
- [FrameworkBundle] Replace var_export with VarExporter to use array short syntax in secrets list files
- [DependencyInjection] throw proper exception when decorating a synthetic service
- [ErrorHandler] [DebugClassLoader] Do not check Phake mocks classes
- [PhpUnitBridge] fix handling the COMPOSER_BINARY env var when using simple-phpunit
- [HttpFoundation] allow savePath of NativeFileSessionHandler to be null
- [Messenger] prevent reflection usages when classes do not exist
- [Messenger] Remove TLS related options when not using TLS
- [FrameworkBundle] fix Could not find service "test.service_container"
- [HttpClient] fix compat with cURL <= 7.37
- [HttpClient] throw exception when AsyncDecoratorTrait gets an already consumed response
- [Config] fix tracking attributes in ReflectionClassResource
- [Process] Fix incorrect parameter type
- [HttpClient] Revert bindto workaround for unaffected PHP versions
- [Security] Fix opcache preload with alias classes
- [Serializer] Do not allow to denormalize string with spaces only to valid a DateTime object
- [DependencyInjection] Update loader’s directory when calling ContainerConfigurator::withPath
- [FrameworkBundle] fix KernelBrowser::loginUser with a stateless firewall
- [SecurityBundle] Link UserProviderListener to correct firewall dispatcher
- [Console] Escape synopsis output
- [HttpFoundation] Add ReturnTypeWillChange to SessionHandlers

EVGA Precision X1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Adds EVGA GeForce RTX 3060 XC update for Resizable BAR BIOS
- Adds AMD & Intel CPU Temperature monitor support
- Fixes OC Scan first time fail issue
- Displays an error message if user is running a 3D application during OC Scan

Symfony 5.3.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

security #cve-2021-32693 [SecurityHttp] Fix "Authentication granted with multiple firewalls"
- [Uid] fix performance and prevent collisions with the real clock_seq
- [Security] Fix deprecation notice on TokenInterface::getUser() stringable return
- [Security] Restore extension point in MessageDigestPasswordEncoder
- [Messenger] Fix RequestContext not updated
- [Messenger] Remove TLS related options when not using TLS
- [FrameworkBundle] fix Could not find service "test.service_container"
- [Console] Fix using #[AsCommand] without DI
- [DependencyInjection] fix parsing classes for attributes
- [Runtime] fix overriding --env|-e with single-command apps
- [HttpClient] fix compat with cURL <= 7.37
- [Console] fix managing signals when commands are lazy loaded
- [PasswordHasher] Fix missing PasswordHasherAwareInterface allowed type
- [HttpClient] throw exception when AsyncDecoratorTrait gets an already consumed response
- [Notifier] Escape . char for Telegram transport
- [Config] fix tracking attributes in ReflectionClassResource
- [Process] Fix incorrect parameter type
- [HttpClient] Revert bindto workaround for unaffected PHP versions
- [DependencyInjection] fix [email protected]{env} inside imported files
- [Messenger] fix BC for FrameworkBundle 4.4 with a non-existence alias being used
- Fix not null get collection key types
- [PasswordHasher] Prevent PHP fatal error when using auto algorithm
- [Security] Fix opcache preload with alias classes
- [Serializer] Do not allow to denormalize string with spaces only to valid a DateTime object
- [Console] Fix negated options not accessible
- [Validator] remove service if its class doesn't exist
- [DependencyInjection] Update loader’s directory when calling ContainerConfigurator::withPath
- [FrameworkBundle] fix KernelBrowser::loginUser with a stateless firewall
- [SecurityBundle] Link UserProviderListener to correct firewall dispatcher
- [Console] Escape synopsis output
- [Notifier] [Bridge] Remove hidden dependency on HttpFoundation for SmsBiurasTransport
- Relax requirement on symfony/runtime

Sandboxie Plus 0.8.2 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Sandboxie now applies by default "Close...=!,..." directives to non-excluded images if they are located in a sandbox
- -- added 'AlwaysCloseForBoxed=n' to disable this behaviour as it may not be always desired, and it doesn't provide extra security
- added process image information to Sandman UI
- localized template categories in the Plus UI
- added "DisableResourceMonitor=y" to disable resource access monitor for selected boxes
- added option to show trace entries only for the selected sandbox
- added "UseVolumeSerialNumbers=y" that allows drive letters to be suffixed with the volume SN in the drive sandbox location
- -- it helps to avoid files mixed together on multiple pendrives using the same letter
- -- note: this option is not compatible with the recovery function of the Classic UI, only SandMan UI is fully compatible

- portable cleanup message now has y/n/c options
- consolidated Proc_CreateProcessInternalW and Proc_CreateProcessInternalW_RS5 to remove duplicate code
- the ElevateCreateProcess fix, as sometimes applied by the Program Compatibility Assistant, will no longer be emulated by default
- -- use 'ApplyElevateCreateProcessFix=y' or 'ApplyElevateCreateProcessFix=program.exe,y' to enable it
- trace log gets disabled only when it has no entries and the logging is stopped

- fixed APC issue with the new global hook emulation mechanism and WoW64 processes
- fixed IPv6 issues with BlockPort options
- fixed an issue with CheatEngine when "OpenWinClass=*" was specified
- fixed memory corruption in SbieDrv
- fixed crash issue with process elevation on CreateProcess calls
- fixed process elevation when running in the built-in administrator account
- fixed template preview resetting unsaved entries in box options window
- fixed an issue with driver verifier and user handles
- fixed driver memory leak of FLT_FILE_NAME_INFORMATION objects
- fixed broken clipboard introduced in 5.50.0
- fixed dcom launch issue on windows 7 32 bit introduced in 5.50.0
- properly fixed an issue with Driver Verifier and user handles
- fixed an issue with CreateWindow function introduced with 0.8.0
- fixed issue with outdated BoxDisplayOrder entries being retained

Sandboxie Plus 0.8.1 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Sandboxie now applies by default "Close...=!,..." directives to non-excluded images if they are located in a sandbox
- -- added 'AlwaysCloseForBoxed=n' to disable this behaviour as it may not be always desired, and it doesn't provide extra security
- added process image information to Sandman UI
- localized template categories in the Plus UI
- added "DisableResourceMonitor=y" to disable resource access monitor for selected boxes
- added option to show trace entries only for the selected sandbox
- added "UseVolumeSerialNumbers=y" that allows drive letters to be suffixed with the volume SN in the drive sandbox location
- -- it helps to avoid files mixed together on multiple pendrives using the same letter
- -- note: this option is not compatible with the recovery function of the Classic UI, only SandMan UI is fully compatible

- portable cleanup message now has y/n/c options
- consolidated Proc_CreateProcessInternalW and Proc_CreateProcessInternalW_RS5 to remove duplicate code
- the ElevateCreateProcess fix, as sometimes applied by the Program Compatibility Assistant, will no longer be emulated by default
- -- use 'ApplyElevateCreateProcessFix=y' or 'ApplyElevateCreateProcessFix=program.exe,y' to enable it
- trace log gets disabled only when it has no entries and the logging is stopped

- APC issue with the new global hook emulation mechanism and WoW64 processes
- IPv6 issues with BlockPort options
- an issue with CheatEngine when "OpenWinClass=*" was specified
- memory corruption in SbieDrv
- crash issue with process elevation on CreateProcess calls
- process elevation when running in the built-in administrator account
- template preview resetting unsaved entries in box options window
- an issue with driver verifier and user handles
- driver memory leak of FLT_FILE_NAME_INFORMATION objects
- broken clipboard introduced in 5.50.0
- dcom launch issue on windows 7 32 bit introduced in 5.50.0

CopyTrans Cloudly 3.010 查看版本資訊


Sandboxie Plus 0.7.5 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- with "OpenClipboard=n" clipboard access for a sandbox can be now disabled

- now by default the OpenBluetooth template is enabled to enable compatybility with unity games
- "PreferExternalManifest=program.exe,y" can now be set on a per process basis

- fixed compiled issues with the most recent vs2019 update
- fixed issue with vivaldi browser
- fixed some issues with box options in the plus ui
- fixed some issues with hw acceleration in chromium based browsers
- the stop all command now issues "kmdutill scandll" first to solve issues when the SbieDll.Dll is in use
- workaround for electorn apps, by forcing a additional commandline argument on the gpu renderer process

EVGA Precision X1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fix NVML.dll missing issue
- Fix Resizable BAR Update BIOS crash issue
- Support RTX 3080 Ti / RTX 3070 Ti series

Symfony 5.3.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- [Serializer][Validator] Fix not null return from "getCollectionValueTypes"
- [Security] Readd deprecated methods to the interfaces
- [HttpFoundation] Add ReturnTypeWillChange to SessionHandlers
- [HttpKernel] fix ArgumentMetadataFactory messes up controller arguments with attributes
- Fix Symfony 5.3 end of maintenance date