Movavi Video Converter 歷史舊版本 Page4

最新版本 Vim 9.0

Movavi Video Converter 歷史版本列表

享受視頻和音樂你的方式!使用 Movavi Video Converter,您可以準備多媒體文件,以任何格式和任何設備進行即時回放。而且您不需要成為一名極客,只需從支持的選項列表中選擇您想要的格式或設備,然後按一下按鈕即可; 您的文件將在幾秒鐘內準備就緒。此外,您還可以獲得大量令人興奮的附加功能:在轉換 ndash 之前,增強視頻質量,調整和規範化聲級,修剪,合併,裁剪和旋轉文件; 全部通過我們易... Movavi Video Converter 軟體介紹

Symfony 5.3.4 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- [Translation] Fix default value for locales in translation push|pull commands
- [Translation] [Lokalise] Fix base_uri
- [Lock] Handle lock with long key
- [Debug][ErrorHandler] Do not use the php80 polyfill
- [Console] fix table setHeaderTitle without headers
- [Translation] fix fallback to Locale::getDefault()
- [Mailer] Make sure Http TransportException is not leaking
- [Console] Run commands when implements SignalableCommandInterface without pcntl and they have'nt signals
- [Form] Fix 'invalid_message' use in multiple ChoiceType
- [Notifier] Allow passing a previous throwable to exceptions
- [Notifier] Make sure Http TransportException is not leaking
- [Notifier] Make sure Http TransportException is not leaking
- [Messenger] [Redis] Fix auth option wrongly considered invalid
- Indicate compatibility with psr/log 2 and 3
- [Security] fix #41891 Save hashed tokenValue in RememberMe cookie
- Fix missing assignment
- [HttpFoundation] fix FileBag under PHP 8.1
- [PhpUnitBridge] Fix composer resolution on Windows
- [DependencyInjection] Support for intersection types
- [HttpFoundation] Fix return types of SessionHandler::gc()
- [VarDumper] Support for intersection types
- [Cache] Support decorated Dbal drivers in PdoAdapter
- Add a Special Case for Translating Choices in en_US_POSIX
- Fix ctype_digit deprecation
- [WebProfilerBundle] Fix the values of some CSS properties
- [FrameworkBundle] Fixed file operations in Sodium vault seal
- [DoctrineBridge] [Doctrine Bridge] Fix an exception message
- [Messenger] [Redis] Make auth option works
- [DoctrineBridge] fix setting default mapping type to attribute/annotation on php 8/7 respectively
- [Messenger] Fixed BC layer for RedeliveryStamp
- [Messenger] AmqpTransport implements QueueReceiverInterface
- [TwigBridge] do not render the same label id attribute twice
- [DependencyInjection] Fix TaggedLocator attribute without indexAttribute argument
- [HttpKernel] recover from failed deserializations
- [Messenger] Fix use_notify default value for PostgreSqlConnection
- [Console] Fix save correct name in setDefaultCommand() for PHP8
- [Lock] fix derivating semaphore from key
- [Notifier] Fix TransportTestCase
- [Translation] Missing translations from traits
- Fix SkippedTestSuite
- [Console] Revert "bug #41952 fix handling positional arguments"
- [EventDispatcher] Correct the called event listener method case
- [Serializer] Need to clear cache when updating Annotation Groups on Entities
- [Console] fix handling positional arguments
- Rethrow exception in DoctrineTokenProvider
- [PhpUnitBridge] Fix deprecation handler with PHPUnit 10

Symfony 5.2.13 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed: bug #42270 [WebProfilerBundle] [WebProfiler] "empty" filter bugfix. Filter with name "empty" is not

Symfony 5.2.12 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- [Lock] Handle lock with long key
- [Debug][ErrorHandler] Do not use the php80 polyfill
- [Console] fix table setHeaderTitle without headers
- [Translation] fix fallback to Locale::getDefault()
- [Mailer] Make sure Http TransportException is not leaking
- [Form] Fix 'invalid_message' use in multiple ChoiceType
- Indicate compatibility with psr/log 2 and 3
- [HttpFoundation] fix FileBag under PHP 8.1
- [PhpUnitBridge] Fix composer resolution on Windows
- [DependencyInjection] Support for intersection types
- [HttpFoundation] Fix return types of SessionHandler::gc()
- [VarDumper] Support for intersection types
- [Cache] Support decorated Dbal drivers in PdoAdapter
- Add a Special Case for Translating Choices in en_US_POSIX
- Fix ctype_digit deprecation
- [WebProfilerBundle] Fix the values of some CSS properties
- [FrameworkBundle] Fixed file operations in Sodium vault seal
- [DoctrineBridge] fix setting default mapping type to attribute/annotation on php 8/7 respectively
- [TwigBridge] do not render the same label id attribute twice
- [HttpKernel] recover from failed deserializations
- [Lock] fix derivating semaphore from key
- [Translation] Missing translations from traits
- Fix SkippedTestSuite
- [Console] Revert "bug #41952 fix handling positional arguments"
- [EventDispatcher] Correct the called event listener method case
- [Console] fix handling positional arguments
- [PhpUnitBridge] Fix deprecation handler with PHPUnit 10

GetFLV 30.2108.1868 查看版本資訊


GetFLV 30.2107.8998 查看版本資訊


Sandboxie Plus 0.8.8 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- MSIServer no longer requirers being run as system completing the move to not using system tockens in a sandbox by default
- the security enhanced option "MsiInstallerExemptions=n" is now the default behavioure

- fixed issue with the "Explore Sandboxed" command
- rolled back the switch from using NtQueryKey to NtQueryObject as it seams to bream soem older w10 versions liek 1803
- this change was introduced to fix
- to use NtQueryObject the option "UseObjectNameForKeys=y" can be added to sandboxie.ini

GetFLV 30.2107.6898 查看版本資訊


Sandboxie Plus 0.8.7 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- added option to always auto pick the DefautlBox sandbox
- -- when this option is enabled the normal behavioure with a box selection dialog can be achived holding down CTRL
- added option to hide boxed form the run in box dialog
- -- usefull to avoidl listing for example insecure compatybility test boxes
- added box options to sys tray

- changed default terminate all boxed processes key from Ctrl+Break to Ctrl+Alt+Break
- start.exe does no longer link in all that unused MFC code reduced file size form over 2.5MB to below 250KB
- updated the main sandman and tray icon
- improved the bov view tree style

- added additional delay and retryes to kmdutill.exe to mitigate issues when unloading the driver
- fixed issue with sbiectrl not being properly started after setup
- fixed issue with explore sandboxed shell option
- fixed issue when running sandman elevated
- fixed new box selection dialog showing disabled boxes
- fixed issue updating box active status
- fixed issue with boxes that head auto delete activated introduced in the previous build

- removed Online Armor support as this product is deprecated since 2016

GetFLV 30.2107.6868 查看版本資訊


Sandboxie Plus 0.8.6 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- global hotkey to terminate all boxed processes (by default Ctrl+Break)
the Run Sandboxed dialog can now be handled by the Sandman UI.
- "AllowBoxedJobs=y" allowing boxed processes to use nested jobs on Windows 8 and later note: this allows Chrome and other programs to use the job system for additional isolation
- librewolf.exe to the list of Firefox derivatives
- run regedit sandboxed menu command
- new support settings tab to Sandman UI for updates and stuff
- code integrity verification to Sbie service and UI
- template for Vivaldi Notes
- LibreWolf template

- Replaced the Process List used by the driver with a much faster Hash Map implementation
- Note: this change provides an almost static system call speed of 1.2us irregardless of the running process count
- The old list, with 100 programs running required: 4.5µs; with 200: 12µs; and with 300: 18µs per syscall
- Note: some of the slowdown was affecting also non sandboxed applications due to how the driver handles certain callbacks
- Replaced the per-process Thread List used by the driver with a much faster Hash Map implementation
- Replaced configuration section list with a hash map to improve configuration performance, and increased line limit to 100000
- not yet enabled in production build
- the presence of default box is only checked on connect
- the portable dir dialog now shows the directory #924
- when terminated boxed processes now we first try doing that by terminating the job object
- the driver now by default can terminate problematic processes without the help of the service
- box delete routine now retries up to 10 times to fix #954
- Replaced the Process List used by the service with a much faster Hash Map implementation
- Replaced the per-process Thread List used by the service with a much faster Hash Map implementation

- faulty initialization in SetServiceStatus
- buttons position in Classic UI settings
- missing password length check in the Sandman UI
- issues opening job objects by name
- missing permission check when reopening job object handles
- issue with some Chromium 90+ hooks affecting PDF plugin in derived browsers
- issues with reconnecting broken LPC ports used for communication with SbieSvc
- minor setting issue
- minor UI issue with resource access COM settings
- an issue with NtQueryKey using NtQueryObject instead
- crash in key.c when failing to resolve key paths
added workaround for topmost modality issue
-- the notification window is not only topmost for 5 seconds
- an issue deleting directories introduced in 5.49.5
- an issue when creating box copies
- performance bug introduced in 0.8.5

- removed switch for "BlockPassword=n" as it does not seem to be working
- it's recommended to use "OpenSamEndpoint=y" to allow for password change in windows 10