Maxthon 歷史舊版本 Page20

最新版本 Maxthon

Maxthon 歷史版本列表

Maxthon Windows 瀏覽器使用獨特的,創新的雙核心設計,同時使用 Webkit 和三叉戟。快速高效的雙核設計可快速可靠地顯示所有網頁。憑藉其第一個 HTML 5 支持和“開箱即用”功能, Maxthon 用於 PC 脫機安裝程序的瀏覽器可以讓用戶輕鬆地在不同的設備和平台之間共享和發送文件,它們代表了下一個網頁瀏覽時代,利用新技術和用戶體驗領先其中 Maxthon 是眾所周知的。它也代表... Maxthon 軟體介紹

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What's new in this version:

- Developer tools supported in Retro mode in Win10
- HTTPS pages can not prompt Warning window in Retro mode
- Address bar completion does not match with Dropdown menu
- Fixed malcious webpage leak
- Fixed some bugs caused by NULL pointer

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What's new in this version:

- Optimized "Set Maxthon as default browser" in Win10
- Supported Pin to win10 start menu( can be done only once)
- Fixed 12306 certifaction issue
- Fixed a presearch bug
- Fixed and issue with jd( a chinese website) search from Multisearch
- Updated Flash DLL
- Fixed one RSS leak
- Fixed conflict issue between Preseach and Page alias
- Internal update
- Always Display System tray icon is checked by default

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What's new in this version:

- This version comes with some bug fixes, such as Alias pre-search, wrong search engine when pre-searching in a new tab
- It has also optimized the browser UI in win10 and removed page from homepage settings

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What's new in this version:

- Anti-hajack added to Baidu in Address bar/Favorite/Quick Access
- Unable to display safe link icon in presearch page
- Conflict between presearch and search alias

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What's new in this version:

- Only do search when typing in addressbar
- Unable to presearch chinese content in certain circumstances
- Not displaying safe link icon in presearch
- Presearch previous content in multiple search after editing (backsape, enter) it in address bar
- Improved data backup
- Optimized magic fill precision in Routers and other intranets
- Fixed a leak issue of magic fill in
- Upgraded magic fill to fit in more websites

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What's new in this version:

- The pre-open function in address bar was disabled by default
- Crash when printing RSS leak

The following languages have been updated:
- ar-bh, ar-ye, bn-in, ca-es, he-il, hi-in, id-id, ml-in, mn-mn sr-cs, th-th
- ar-sa bg-bg da-dk de-de es-es es-mx es-pe eu-es fa-ir fi-fi fr-fr hu-hu id-id it-it ka-ge ko-kr lt-lt nb-no nl-nl pt-pt ro-ro ru-ru sk-sk sl-si sv-se tr-tr uk-ua vi-vn zh-hk zh-tw

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What's new in this version:

- Conflicts between opening a new tab and searching alias in preview settings
- Opening a new tab will cause the content disappearing typed in address bar
- The search result will not reload after pre-open
- Prelaod setting status error

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What's new in this version:

Main Frame:
- Optimezed malicious websites shielding
- Optimized Update Notification
- Fixed Multi-search setting compatibility problem
- Fixed one RSS leak

- Fixed one flash filtering problem
- Fixed canvas can't display SVG
- Fixed Popup block does not display blocked urls correctly
- Fixed Error after taking repeatedly screenshots

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What's new in this version:

Optimizations: Main Frame:
- Optimized HTTPS Certificate Webkit Core:
- Support of Quit full screen for HTML5 Fixes: Main Frame:
- Input Local address changes to search item
- History Manager Titles may display errors
- Some Web Notification display problem
- Adblock causes page refresh Webkit Core:
- Extensions installation leak
- Fixed RSS XSS leak
- Playback problem when you exit full screen mode in Vimeo video
- Trusted code path execution
- Error in detection of Superfish
- Repaired crash occured when you input special characters in the address bar
- Unable to filter .MP4 format in the Adblock

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What's new in this version:

* [Main Frame]
- Indivudually display Custom filtering rules for pages
- Supported Security Alliance list certificate
- Optimization of Ad-block Menu Style when Ad-block is disabled
- Optimized ad-filters sharing
- Adblock Plus icon with ads filtering count
- Optimization of Adblock Plus Notication Style
- Support of Acceptable Ads, Allow Non-invasive Advertising
* [Webkit Core]
- Support of Top level domain
- Optimized Pop-up blocking Fixes:
* [Main Frame]
- Quick Access data reset issue
- Filter rules being downloaded when ad-hunter is not enabled
- "Subscription Rules Title" display issue.
- Possible to add non domain name to filtering white list
- When not maximized, the filter tip is not in the right position
- Tool bar icons appear transparent
- In some languages some Account panel parts are not completely displayed
- Setting center security problem
- One security issue in Extensions center
* [Webkit Core]
- Fixed one Flash filtering mistake
- Fixed on core crash problem
- Youtube video loading speed is slow
- 3D display effect problem on some websites
- Unble to log into Session window under some specific conditions
- When maximizing or minimizing a page on touck screen devices, the status bar value doesn't change
- Fixed page disorder problem when using Touch screen zoom and using ctrl+scroll.
- On Touch screen devices touch scroll is not effextive on PDF Preview page and Multi-Frame pages
- Under High DPI, Certicates and Certificates error dialogs Height and Size