Maxthon 歷史舊版本 Page19

最新版本 Maxthon

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Maxthon Windows 瀏覽器使用獨特的,創新的雙核心設計,同時使用 Webkit 和三叉戟。快速高效的雙核設計可快速可靠地顯示所有網頁。憑藉其第一個 HTML 5 支持和“開箱即用”功能, Maxthon 用於 PC 脫機安裝程序的瀏覽器可以讓用戶輕鬆地在不同的設備和平台之間共享和發送文件,它們代表了下一個網頁瀏覽時代,利用新技術和用戶體驗領先其中 Maxthon 是眾所周知的。它也代表... Maxthon 軟體介紹

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What's new in this version:

- Fixed Maxthon process occupying CPU problem
- Fixed mobile number registration issue under English operation system

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What's new in this version:

New functions added:
- Support DirectWrite font for webpages rendering

Functions optimized:
- Better experience under Reader Mode & Retro Mode

Bug fixed:
- Window maximize issue on the second monitor under dual monitors on Windows XP
- Ad-blocking issue in private mode
- Custom proxy setting invalid after browser restart
- Font setting_Changes to English fonts on webpages won’t apply
- Pepper data_”Clear browsing data” doesn’t work

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What's new in this version:

Functions optimized:
- Fixed issue on SNS message while registering with phone number
- Fixed layout and UI issues
- Fixed occasional crashes

Bug fixed:
- Maxnote on sidebar function, UI, data refreshing issue
- Cannot remember manually switched render
- Toolbar & tools and add-ons _ settings and UI issues on extensions
- Sidebar & tools and add-ons _ settings and UI issues on extensions
- Language switching issue
- English language formatting issue
- Favicon for Bing search website

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What's new in this version:

- Fixed homepage tampering
- Fixed wrong identification as Trojan by some anti-virus software
- Optimize extender interface
- Optimize system performance

Bug fixed:
- Error when open files begin with "[#"

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What's new in this version:

- When switch to a new webpage, Resource Sniffer’s previous history did not clear automatically.
- Compatibility problem on some websites.
- In Default Application Setting Page, Maxthon’s name display error

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What's new in this version:

- Add font setting support
- Add search bar support
- Add third-party download support
- Add solid skin
- Add save as .mht support
- Add global mute support
- Upgrade flash plug-in
- Optimize start-up time

Bug fixed:
- Cannot obtain location information
- Some known crashes
- Cancel operation and draw, and then use snap region tool, the screenshot will move with cursor
- In Resource sniffer, order by the size of files, then something disappear in default resource sniffer window
- In Proxy, display of proxy icon in the right of address bar is different with the setting in proxy setting page
- Cannot organize white and black list in custom proxy of HTTP and others
- After cancel mute mode, go to “setting” - “tool’ - the mute status still highlight
- In SkyNote, keep opening font window, meanwhile, browser will crash or black screen
- In FTP login page, right click menu of input box display error
- The time of judging is unsuitable
- SkyNote cannot remember color change
- Some websites cannot display HTTPS certificate
- In Language, Cannot change to Portuguese
- In some language, cannot display printing page’s preview
- Sometimes, favorite status is error
- Enter Reader mode, sliding cursor will cause automatic pages turning
- No title in Reader mode
- Repeated fill form recording in FTP
- After tab mute, change skin, and then the mute icon will disappear
- New a tab in full screen model, only double operation can exit full screen mode
- In win7/win10 system, there is a extra sidebar in video full screen
- Possibly saving encrypted password lead to cannot log in website
- Change the shortcut key of “Find in page”, Ctrl+F cannot work in compatible mode
- Not support copy pictures to desktop or folders
- Open a tweet in Twitter and then close it, its title will display error
- At the first time of log in Maxthon account in browser and then close it, browser will crash
- In Extensions, downloading extensions cannot be canceled
- Mouse gesture cannot setup boss key
- After icloud enabled magic fill, the sign in button is grey and cannot work
- Switch to solid skin, some icons error
- In the search box, preview search result will hide the input box
- When download files online, all symbols of “%” in download address and filenames cannot be translated
- After accessed a melicious URLs, all of safe address will display warning
- When “Mute” status was cancelled in status bar, menu – tool –mute status is still existing
- After Ctrl+Left Click to save picture, move cursor, the picture will move with cursor
- New window, the multiple search page will be reloaded as well as page display error
- Files cannot set Maxthon browser as their default open program
- In Full screen, switch tabs error
- Incomplete display of resource sniffer
- Not support mx://gpu/
- Hide sidebar and open two windows at the same time, then show sidebar again. There will be an extra invalid button in sidebar of present window
- In the present active webpage, enter an URL in address bar to open a website. Then back to previous webpage, tab name display error
- When browser is not in full screen mode, new multiple windows will be created at the same place
- Browser extension should support English display
- Under high DPI, when window was set at minimal size, display error
- Only change the view of one page and then all of opening pages will be displayed in the view as same as the changed page
- Already enabled the ADBlock, but the ABP icon is still displayed in Disabled status
- No longer display pop-up video notification
- Right click address bar and select "Paste and go" is invalid
- Added .win domain name support
- Some websites notice that not support this browser
- Click any link from a saved page,the five-point star will show yellow
- The multisearch panel doesn't disappear in some cases
- Delete userdata will cause the process "Mxcrashreport" won't close
- Shut down magic fill and refresh the page, the magic fill will disappear
- The sock5 proxy doesn't support account verification
- Mouse gesture fail
- Some drop-downs and sliders disappear
- Cannot add favorites
- When tab is in compatible mode, cannot delete information in some extensions of sidebar
- In old version with custom skin, overwrite installation will error
- Cookies are deleted uncompleted
- Direct website function cannot use on present block page
- Login window display and location are error
- cannot recognize reader mode
- Auto-refresh cannot remember the refresh time set by manual way
- After highlight custom UA, version number will error
- After close tab, change the setup to recent pages, tab cannot be activated
- and - symbol cannot be used to resize pictures
- Cannot type f in compatible mode
- Dragging hyperlink, which in SkyNote, into browser will open two tabs
- Background’s tab pages cannot be added in favorite
- Drop-downs of address bar do not disappear in some conditions
- Cookie of small window could chaos
- In compatible mode, mouse middle click open link error
- In compatible mode, not support translating selected words in webpage
- Keywords of search link cannot be transcoded
- In history, deleting records in order of time will error
- Sometimes, an extra # symbol appears in setting page
- Selecting address text and dragging it will lead to event error
- After magic fill in Gmail, the password will display in encrypted format
- After statistic, SkyNote windows UI error
- Part RSS cannot be analyzed
- In address bar, the default search engine display error
- In compatible mode, sometimes dragging link will crash
- In compatible mode, block download does not be closed

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What's new in this version:

- Improved browser launch speed significantly
- Update core version to Chrome39
- Optimized the safety of internal page
- Optimized the issue of lagging
- Optimized switching to retro mode
- Improved preview and print function of printer
- Improved the zoom effect of touch screen
- Update spell check dictionary automatically
- Support tabs mute
- Enhanced reader mode
- Enhanced the support of developer tools
- Remember the page zoom individually
- Optimized smooth scrolling