LibreOffice (64-bit) 歷史舊版本 Page49

最新版本 LibreOffice 7.6.5 (64-bit)

LibreOffice (64-bit) 歷史版本列表

LibreOffice 64 位是一個功能強大的辦公套件; 其乾淨的界面和強大的工具讓你釋放你的創造力,提高你的生產力。 LibreOffice 嵌入了幾個應用程序,使其成為最強大的 Free& 文字處理器,Calc,電子表格應用程序,Impress,演示文稿引擎,Draw,我們的繪圖和流程圖應用程序,Base,我們的數據庫和數據庫前端,以及用於編輯數學的數學運算. 您的文檔無論目的如何:... LibreOffice (64-bit) 軟體介紹

VNC Server 6.3.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- New: Support for Ubuntu 18.04 LTS. Note Wayland is not supported, so for VNC Server in Service Mode you must edit the /etc/gdm3/custom.conf file, uncomment WaylandEnable=false, and reboot in order to remotely access the login screen.
- New: If VNC Server is configured to use Smartcard/certificate store authentication, certificates from connecting users are automatically checked for revocation using OCSP, before falling back to CRLs. To use only OCSP, set the LdapCertificateRevocation parameter to EnforceOcsp.
- Under Windows, if VNC Server is configured to use Smartcard/certificate store authentication, certificates from connecting users are now checked against the Enterprise NTAuth store, rather than the Root store.
- If VNC Server is configured to use single sign-on authentication (SSO), connecting domain users with Active Directory accounts in different forests are now checked, providing cross-forest trust relationships are in place.
- Under Windows, if VNC Server in Service Mode is configured to log to file (rather than Windows Event Log), the default destination directory is now C:ProgramDataRealVNC-Service.
- Fixed: Under Linux, VNC Server in Virtual Mode sessions no longer leak audio to local speakers.
- Fixed: Under Windows, the DisplayDevice parameter now recognizes monitors plugged into multiple or discrete graphics cards.

LibreOffice 5.4.7 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Fixed bugs:
- sw: handle cell background for BACKGROUND_PARA_OVER_DRAWINGS
- bad-cast
- update credits
- message box fonts corrupted in libreoffice
- FILESAVE: Theme Colors inverted in drawings after PPTX roundtrip (black part turned to white)
- When overwriting a cell, new content is displayed on top of the old content until finishing the edit
- DOCX import: lack of Word 2013-style increased spacing for paragraph with anchored objects
- FILEOPEN DOCX: First paragraph has wrong top margin (space before)
- DOCX import: table cell background is behind background shapes
- Automatic text color in textbox does not consider fill style of shape
- DOCX import: bitmap does not consume its relative size
- DOCX import, shape with textbox: incorrect text area size when shape size is relative
- Libreoffice command line interface is not opening cgm files
- DOCX import: textbox of shape lacks its transparent background
- Print Preview crashes on signed document
- FILEOPEN: RTF: parser dont draw tables correctly
- backward heading search doesn't always work
- 1 isn't a good flag for all elements filled
- bad-cast
- check available data len
- already registered
- ensure lifecycle
- infinite regress
- NamedDBs::insert takes ownership of its argument
- set a recursion limit for svm in svm
- EDITING sigma icon (sum function) operating on selected range
- Saving presentation results in invalid PPTX file
- 1st Hierarchical level in Styles and Formatting is not alphabetically sorted
- FILESAVE: PPTX: Corrupted File after RT (The element has incomplete child element)
- copy/pasting revisions copy deleted words
- Backward Search of Headings with Navigation Bar Does not Work Always
- Viewing: only a single of multiple animated gif is rendered
- Impress loses transition sounds and sound instructions
- "Start Slideshow" does not hide notebookbar when in Outline and SlideSorter mode
- "Get Online Help" under zh-tw locale would be redirected to zh-cn forum
- Custom properties deleted
- Bullets in bulleted list with proportion >100% appear off
- PPTX: Chart labels are too long
- Sum button: Calc adds wrong sum formulas if you select more than one row or column
- Notebookbar stays visible during slide show when started from Slides pane
- Nested IF(IF( without Else path yields #VALUE!
- Undo/redo: The redo of adding caption to an image isn't working: no image
- FILEOPEN: Bullets are higher than the text
- EDITING: Inserting Photo Album that includes .MOV causes Crash

LibreOffice 6.0.4 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Crash in: OpenGLContext::AcquireFramebuffer(OpenGLTexture const &)
- Cannot open an excel workbook, "maximum number of columns per sheet" - in 64bit Calc on Windows
- Problem opening excelfile in latest release - due to overflow
- Libre office Swriter crashes when opening Microsot word doc in 97-2003 doc format
- DOC import filter mismatch of shape size

WYSIWYG Web Builder 12.5.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

WYSIWYG Web Builder 12.5.2

- PHP may be removed when optimize inline styles is active with breakpoints
- Full width Picture has fixed height in layout grid

- 64bit version should ignore .uwbx extensions in the Extension Manager

WYSIWYG Web Builder 12.5.1
- Block Manager ignores blocks created with a newer WWB version to prevent conflicts with future versions of the application
- Template selection window ignores templates created with a newer WWB version
- Added 'RGB' color type support for extensions

WYSIWYG Web Builder 12.5

- SlideShow pagination buttons have wrong z-index
- Folder should not be included in Open Graph URL

- Now includes PHP Mailer 5.2.26
- Picture adaptive images now included in the Asset Manager
- Optimized HTML rendering of extensions, blog, article and other real-time HTML code in the workspace
- Blog And Article have been redesigned to use considerably less system resources
- Added support for boolean attributes in HTML formatter (readonly, autofocus, multiple etc.)
- Implemented 'accept' attribute for the File Upload object. This specifies the types of files that the file input accepts in the file browser. This works in combination with the form validation
- 'Automatically include viewport meta tag' now also works in combination with Flex Containers
- Implemented 'ctrl-tab' and 'shift-ctrl-tab' to switch between open windows
- Implemented 'ctrl-home' and 'ctrl-end' to scroll the main window area
- If no objects are selected, 'alt-enter' will open the page-properties
- Added the possibility to copy individual events (instead of all)
- Carousel next/previous buttons vertical alignment in breakpoints
- CSS gradients now use the latest syntax. Dropped browser prefixes
- Toolbar/Ribbon icons are now scaled on high DPI screens
- Icons of external files in Site Manager and 'Select Page' are managed more efficiently (lower memory usage)

New feature:
- Added 'background-size' property to animations and transitions
- Added 'none' option to the Layout Grid overflow properties. This will disable responsive columns, so column widths will be the same in all breakpoints (just like in WWB11)
- Added support for 64bit extensions (64bit version only)! Most extensions have been ported to 64bit

WYSIWYG Web Builder 12.4

- FlexBox Container max-width issue in breakpoints
- Nested layout grids inherit column properties from parent grid
- Missing div-prefix when using object anchors in links
- Issue with text links (64bit version only)

- Now includes jquery-3.3.1
- Breakpoint copy now includes text breakpoint data
- 'onformchange' and 'onforminput' events of the Form object have been renamed to 'onchange' and 'oninput'
- Panel Layer size is now responsive in breakpoints
- Sticky Layer supports negative offsets
- File Upload and Radio Button validation
- Form validation no longer validates disabled and hidden input fields
- Added the possibility to edit text while in zoom mode (experimental, may be subject to MS RichEdit limitations)
- Navigation objects on master pages are now synchronized for each page individually
- Implemented a workaround for Windows 10 Fall Creators Update 2017 "GetPixel-bug" which causes toolbars/ribbon to load slow

New feature:
- Added 'Custom form processing' to layers and layout grids (when built-in form processor is enabled)
- Added support for WOFF2 format in 'Manually specify @font-face fonts' (Tools->Options->HTML)

WYSIWYG Web Builder 12.3.1

- Error in combobox conditions with multiple values
- jQuery Slider has wrong height in breakpoints

- Added support for font-weight 'Black' to Google Fonts
- FireFox does not allow spaces in the preview path
- Added support for auto detecting 64bit browsers
- Layer Menu slide animations in breakpoints

WYSIWYG Web Builder 12.3

- Inline frame lightbox image is not responsive.
- 'Responsive Carousel' property is not visible for 'Full Page' mode.
- Bulleted list may cause crash when hidden in default view.

- Page background CSS is now included for all breakpoints for better results with 'Include min width'.
- Padding and margin of FlexBox container are now responsive.
- Re-arranging flexbox containers is now easier with the Arrange tools. Move forward/Move back will skip non-floating objects in the z-order.
- Added flex grow/shrink support for images in Flex Container.
- Generating new IDs now also takes master pages/frames into account. New IDs will not be a duplicate of an object on the master page/frame.
- The software will now try to fix duplicated IDs automatically (when possible). Note: Automatically check for duplicated IDs should be enabled in Tools->Options->General

New feature:
- jQuery Tab and jQuery Accordion panels can now be moved, renamed, deleted randomly. Previously only the last panel(s) could be removed.
- Added 'Move Up' and Move Down' options to Carousel properties to re-arrange the slides. Also Carousel slides can now be deleted randomly.

WYSIWYG Web Builder 12.2.3

- Offset in SlideShow/Carousel when used in master frame with breakpoints
- jQuery Dialog/Tabs offset in breakpoints
- Child objects in tables are now taken into account when inserting, removing, merging and sorting rows/columns

- Picture positioning in layer/carousel
- SlideShow full sceen resizing
- Added support for 'Inside tag' in Text object when used in layout grid
- Links to external services (google fonts, youtube, vimeo) now use 'https' by default

WYSIWYG Web Builder 12.2.2

- Іmрlеmеntеd ѕuрроrt fоr hіddеn tехt іn Flех Соntаіnеr
- Сарtсhа оbјесt саn nоw аlѕо bе uѕеd іn а Маѕtеr Раgе
- Аѕѕеt Маnаgеr іgnоrеѕ еmрtу fіlеnаmе рrореrtіеѕ
- Рhоtо Gаllеrу dоеѕ nоt сору lіnkеd fіlеѕ

WYSIWYG Web Builder 12.2.1
- Fixed: Crash when using arrange tools
- Fixed: Crash when using bullets in layout grid with breakpoints
- Improved: Multi-level containers like tabs, accordion, carousel now also display child elements in the correct order in the Object Manager

WYSIWYG Web Builder 12.2
- Fixed: Photo Gallery image preview issue in properties
- Fixed: Table cells do not support text-align: justify
- Fixed: Duplicated font-weight in styles using Google fonts
- Fixed: Article does not save background image
- Fixed: Heading does not save border
- Fixed: Incorrect margin in responsive bullets
- Fixed: File Upload width issue in breakpoints
- Improved: Layers with video background can now also have a different background in breakpoints
- Improved: 'Snap to objects' behavior with nested layers
- Improved: Rollover layer now also works in a master frame
- Improved: Fixed background images are now also rendered fixed in the workspace
- Improved: 'Import Page from another project' attempts to preserve internal links when multiple pages are imported
- Improved: og:url (Open Graph Meta Tags) can now include the page name in the URL
- New feature: Added new responsive functions to extension API: LoadBreakpointData, GetBreakPointCSS. This will be used for future versions of (official) extensions.
- New feature: Added new option to Breadcrumb 'Synchronize with Site manager' -> 'First level (no folders)'. When this option is selected, then folders will not be included in the navigation.
- New feature: Added 'Icon Font Library' option to Breadcrumb, Panel Menu and Responsive Menu. This specifies whether to use FontAwesome Icons or Material Icons.
- New feature: Added experimental SVG render support
- New feature: Added 'equal to (choice)' and 'not equal to (choice)' options to Combobox conditions. This creates unique conditions for the specifies values.
- New feature: Added 'Install Extension' option in the context menu of the Toolbox.
- New feature: Added support for separate title and alt text in the Photo Gallery and Photo Collage. Example: Use 'title^alt' in the title field. The second item (after ^) will be used as the alt text.
- New feature: Added 'goto' support to the SlideShow which can be used in events (just like the Carousel). Example: $('#SlideShow1').slideshow('goto,2');
- New feature: Added "Copy/Paste' buttons in navigation objects. This makes it possible to copy the links from one navigation object to another.
- New feature: Added global lightbox support. This adds the ability to have images on different parts of the page to trigger the same lightbox gallery (see tutorial).
- New feature: Added 'Enable form' to the Carousel. This makes it possible to use the Carousel as a multi page form (see tutorial).

WYSIWYG Web Builder 12.1.2 (August 10th, 2017)
- Improved: Implemented support for hidden text in Flex Container
- Improved: Captcha object can now also be used in a Master Page
- Improved: Asset Manager ignores empty filename properties
- Fixed: Photo Gallery does not copy linked files

WYSIWYG Web Builder 12.1.1
- Improved: Carousel should not display background overlay option
- Improved: Bulleted list height calculation in layout grids
- Improved: Added 'transparent' option to text shadow property in jQuery Mobile Themes. This makes it possible to disable the text shadow for text.
- Fixed: Bulleted list should not be a drop container
- Fixed: Open Graph Meta Tag og:url is missing
- Fixed: 'Rotate' button is hidden

WYSIWYG Web Builder 12.1.0
- Fixed: Issue with Fade animation in Photo Collage
- Fixed: Background overlay in floating layer needs z-index
- Improved: padding and margin of the Text object is now responsive
- Improved: Added 'Font Awesome' and 'Material Icon' to mobile page toolbox
- Improved: Added 'Select above/below/left/right' to main menu. This also makes it possible to assign keyboard shortcuts to these commands.
- Improved: HTML object adds asterisk to 'Resources' button if not empty
- Improved: Implemented a workaround for issues with text links and the Windows 10 Creators Update
- Improved: Now includes jquery-3.2.
- New feature: Added 'Include locked objects in lasso selection' option to Guide Settings. This specifies whether to include locked objects should be included in lasso selection.
- New feature: Added 'Remove from Layer' command to Object Manager context menu.
- New feature: Added support for export to Quick 'n Easy Web Builder 5.x format.
- New feature: Added 'Alignment' option to overflow settings in Layout Grid, this allows you to control the horizontal alignment of overflow columns.
- New feature: Added 'Rotate' option to Photo Gallery, Photo Collage and SlideShow properties. This makes it possible to quickly rotate an image without leaving the appplcation.
- New feature: Added 'Tables styles' menu to menubar (in addition to the to Ribbon gallery)
- New feature: Added 'Place Holder' property to jQuery Auto Complete.
- New feature: The Photo Collage properties now displays the number of images used by each layout.
- New feature: When using 'Convert to form' for Login forms which are inside a layout grid, the child elements will be converted to floating elements. The layout grid will be used as the form container.
- New feature: Added the possibility to have multiple heading styles in the Style Manager. To create a new heading style simply copy an existing heading and give it a valid (class) name.
- New feature: Added 'Remove Built-width logo' to the Tools menu, so you can easily remove the logo from all pages in the project.
- New feature: Added 'Open master page' option to the context menu of Master Objects to quickly open the embedded page.
- New feature: Added 'Direction' option to 'Bulleted list'. This specifies the place of the bullets: left or right side. This may be useful for RTL languages.
- New feature: Added toolbar to Blocks Manager with commands 'Delete',' Refresh' and 'Open File Location'
- New feature: Added a search option to the Blocks Manager. This makes is possible to filter items in the Block Manager to quickly locate a specific Block.

WYSIWYG Web Builder 12.0.5
- Fixed: Lines which are part of a Page Footer but not within the viewport do affect the page size
- Fixed: Removed redundant data-ride attribute from SlideShow->Carousel
- Fixed: Crash when adding box shadow to FontAwesome Icon
- Fixed: Text object: Closing anchor tag should be before the end of heading tag
- Fixed: Crash when using undo with SVG extension
- New feature: Added new 'Full Width' options for third party extensions: "width: 100%, height: auto" and "width: 100%, height: fixed" (note that these only apply to 'use div' extensions!)

WYSIWYG Web Builder 12.0.4
- Fixed: Heading text-alignment in layout grid
- Fixed: Problem with stretching CSS menu in breakpoints
- Fixed: Checkbox and radio button helper element has offset
- Fixed: Responsive Menu ignores font setting in mobile mode

WYSIWYG Web Builder 12.0.3
- Fixed: Font size of jQuery Button in Layout Grid
- Fixed: The child elements of a Rollover Layer should not include visibility in breakpoints
- Fixed: Missing child elements in tables when used in combination with a master frame
- Fixed: CSS of Material Icons is not compatible with CSS beautifier
- Fixed: Crash when editing text with minimized Ribbon
- Fixed: Object Manager ignores object order in Layout Grids
- Fixed: Problem with Animation Pause/Resume in Events

WYSIWYG Web Builder 12.0.2
- Fixed: Incorrect text alignment in breakpoint in some upgraded projects
- Fixed: Panel menu not compatible with jQuery 3
- Fixed: Background images of rollover layer not included in templates/blocks
- Fixed: Skinned font picker dialog refresh issue
- Fixed: Background overlay color in Layout grid not supported
- Fixed: Problem with delayed text height calculation in Carousel
- Fixed: 'Doubtful size error' for Rollover Images in Layout grid
- Fixed: Internal link not possible in Events
- Fixed: Crash when applying Site Properties
- Fixed: Icon selection in Responsive menu
- Fixed: Redirect in Page Properties to internal link displays wrong link type
- Fixed: Master page updates page width when breakpoints views are not in sync
- Fixed: Invalid Error Report message for tables
- Fixed: Auto Responder input field cannot be changed in layout grid form
- Improved: Extensions which use live rendering are now loaded more efficiently. The HTML rendering engine will only be initialized when the page is open/visible. This reduces the memory usage in larger projects.

WYSIWYG Web Builder 12.0.1
- Fixed: Error in PHP form script: missing ')'
- Fixed: Issue with fade events when target is the object itself
- Fixed: Issue with Global Replace
- Fixed: 'Use jQuery UI theme' in Date Picker should be 'true' for existing project
- Fixed: Open Graph image needs absolute path
- Fixed: Crash when publishing non-visible CMS View
- Fixed: Missing ReplaceVariables function in form processor
- Fixed: Missing Material Icon code in external global style sheet
- Fixed: Blocks Manager not initialized in Menu/Toolbar mode
- Reversed: max-width is applied to Layout grid container instead of the content, just like in WB11

WYSIWYG Web Builder 12.0.0
- Improved: Using 'Center in page' on objects inside a layer/form will center the object inside its container
- Improved: The preview folder (in Tools->Options->Files & Folders) is now project specific, so you can configure a different folder for each project
- Improved: Drag selection in the workspace no longer includes lock objects Note that you can stil select locked objects with click or select all
- New feature: Added 'Center in page -> Both', to quickly center one or multiple objects in the center of the page
- New feature: Added 'Make width same as page width', to quickly make the width of an object the same as the page width This can be useful for full width layers/carousels etc
- New feature: Added link to Twitter page in the help menu
- New feature: Added 'Office 2016 - Black' color scheme
- New feature: Implemented Office 2016-like Ribbon commands search ("Tell Me") When the user types a part of command text in the box, a list of matching commands is displayed on the Main Panel
- New feature: All built-in dialogs now use the selected color scheme (like in MS Office apps) A new option has been added to enbale/disable this functionality: Tools->Options->Uswer Interface->Enable skinned dialogs
- New feature: Added the ability to edit ruler guides in 'Format Ruler Guides' dialog
- New feature: Added 'Reset settings' to Options This will restore the default settings
- New feature: Added 'Display all objects in Links->Bookmark' option When this option is enabled then the Bookmark dropdown menu in Links will display all objects (instead of just bookmarks and layers) This basically makes it possible to turn any object into a bookmark!
- New feature: Added 'Easy Mode' This options may be useful for new users who are overwhelmed by all the advanced features of WWB When this option is enabled then advanced features (like events, animations, cms, login tools) will be hidden in the toolbox, ribbon and properties Easy Mode can easily be toggled to make the options available again
- New feature: Added 'Keyboard shortcuts' to the help menu This option displays the current key assignments by category It is also possible to copy or print the commands
- New feature: Added 'Help' button to property windows to open context sensitive help
- New feature: Added 'Include partially selected objects in lasso selection' to Guide settings This option specifies whether partially selected objects will be included in lasso (net) selection If this option is disabled, then the entire object needs to be inside the lasso to be selected

- New feature: Version 12 introduces the "Blocks' toolbox Blocks are building blocks trhat make it possible to quickly creates a website by dragging predefined blocks to the workspace Blocks are basically just groups of standard WWB objects so once dragged to the page you can fully customize the behavior and apprance of the content
- WWB includes a dozen of standard blocks to help you get started, but you can also create your own blocks (by saving a group of objects as 'Block'), so you can reuse them in other pages or projects

Open Graph Meta Tags:
- New feature: Added support for Open Graph Meta Tags in Page Properties->Meta tags These settings make it easy to add Open Graph meta tags to a page to enable it to be come a "rich" social object For instance, Facebook uses this information to work out how to preview shared content in a user's Facebook profile
- The following properties are supported: og:url, og:title, og::description, og::image and og::type

PNG/JPEG compression:
- New feature: Added PNG/JPEG compression for dynamically generated images (shapes, drawing tools, images with filters etc) This makes it possible to optimize images for quality or performance (larger images look better but take more time to download and process) Support 10 levels

Asset Manager:
- New feature: Added the posibility to move orphan files to another folder (instead of just removing the files)

Object Manager:
- Improved: Multiple objects can be selected (using the CTRL key)
- New feature: Added 'Hide in other breakpoints' option Use this option to hide the selected object in other breakpoints (but not in the current view)
- New feature: Added 'Unhide in all breakpoints' option Use this option to unhide the selected object in all breakpoints (including the current view)

- Improved: Added a warning message when you try to publish a page that is set to "Don't publish this page"
- New feature: Added "Publish' option to context menu in Site Manager, so you can quickly publish the selected page
- New feature: Added ‘Make a backup of the project on the server' option to the publish dialog This can be used to override the global setting for the current session

Error Reports:
- New feature: Error Reports displays a warning when the page name is the same as the project name because this may cause a conflict with style sheets
- New feature: Error Reports detects missing fonts If an object uses a font which not installed then an error message will be displayed
- New feature: Error Reports detects missing extensions If the page uses an extension which is not installed, then an error message will be displayed
- New feature: Added the posibility to hide warnings for specific objects via the context menu Also an option 'Show hidden warnings' have been added to restore the warnings
- New feature: The 'Error Reports' window can now be docked, floating or set to autohide so it can be made visible all the time When visible, the error list automatically refreshes when you switch between pages Double click an item in the list to select the object in the workspace

Global Replace:
- Improved: Replacing URLs now includes support for tel, email, facetime, sms and skype links

- Improved: Made beautify/minify options ASP compatible
- New feature: Added 'CSS in media query' option This make it possible to add breakpoint specific CSS styles This can be useful if you need different styles in breakpoints

Multi-Page Properties:
- New feature: Added Multi-Page Properties tool to modify selected properties for multiple (selectable) pages at once This makes it possible for example to quickly change the master page for a group of pages But also background properties, meta tags, page extension etc Only the modified value(s) will be applied to all selected pages

- New feature: Added 'Uninstall Extension' to context menu to quickly remove an extension without opening the Extension Manager

- New feature: Added the ability to use semantic HTML5 tags Tools->Options->HTML->Use HTML5 Semantic Tags When this option is enabled WWB will automatically output semantic HTML5 tags instead of divs For example page header page footer , navigation
- New feature: Added 'Move external CSS style sheets to the end of the page' This is often recommended by Google PageSpeed Insights to improve the performance of the page Please read the help for more details! Note however that this also may affect the way to page is rendered beucase styles are loaded after the contnet has been load, resulting in flicker Also some scripot may bnot support this becuase they exccpet style to be between the head tags
- New feature: Added 'CSS visibility property' (visibility vs display) HTML/CSS options This option controls the way objects are hidden When using 'visibility:hidden' hidden objects will not be visible but they still affect the layout (just like in previous versions of WWB) On the other hand 'display:none' removes the object from the layout so it no longer affects the size of the page This can be useful when hiding objects that are not inside the page boundaries in breakpoints
- Flash Video Player has been renamed to WWB Video Player The player no longer supports Flash, it is now pure HTML5/CSS3 The reason is that movile brwoser do not supprot flash and most browsers consider Flash as being unsafe

- Improved: When using "enable response fonts" the text alignment is now also responsive, so you can have different alignments in breakpoints
- New feature: Text styles now display style gallery with preview
- New feature: Add 'Create a style' option Create a style based on the formatting of the selected text
- New feature: Added support for native Windows spell checker With 'spell as you type', 'Checking spelling' dialog (F7) and context menu suggestions Supports all language dictionaries you have installed in Windows Requires Windows 8, 81 or 10!

- New feature: Added 'Reverse' option to hyperlink styles When this option is enabled the transition will be reversed (underline will be initially visible and hidden on hover)

- New feature: Added support for jQuery 3 This version promises to be slimmer and faster

jQuery UI:
- Improved: Upgraded to the latest version All jQuery UI scripts are combined in one file (jquery-uiminjs instead of jqueryuiwidgetminjs, jqueryuiaccordionminjs, jqueryuieffectminjs etc) This reduces the number of generated files which may help speed up loading of your pages
- All internal scripts have been updated If you have created custom theme you will need to upgrade them to make sure they work with the new version
- New feature: A new jQuery UI theme ‘base’ has been added
- New feature: Added the ability to customize colors of the jQuery UI widgets independently of the jQuery UI theme

- New feature: Added 'News Paper' and 'Flip Horizontal/Vertical' animations
- New feature: Added 'CSS3 animation' option Select animations created with the Animation Manager A different animation can be selected for 'show' and 'hide' to create sophisticated animation effects
- New feature: Added 'Full Page' support An easy way to create fullscreen scrolling websites (also known as single page websites or onepage sites) This option uses the great 'fullPagejs' jQuery plugin

- New feature: Tabs can now be part of a layout grid!
- New feature: Added the ability to align the navigation tabs in the header
- New feature: Added support for Bootstrap tabs
- New feature: Added floating mode to Tabs When this option is enabled objects inside the tabs float instead of having a fixed position This is recommended for flexible layouts with layout grids

- New feature: Accordions can now be part of a layout grid!
- New feature: Added support for Bootstrap Accordion
- New feature: Added floating mode to Accordion When this option is enabled objects inside the panels float instead of having a fixed position This is recommended for flexible layouts with layout grids

jQuery Dialog:
- Improved: The jQuery Dialog can now have sizes and different layouts in breakpoints

- Improved: margins of floating layers are now responsive, so they can have different values in breakpoints
- New feature: Added ‘Position children’ option By default, child elements of the layer use absolute positions so you can place them anywhere you want By using 'floating' mode the objects inside the layer will float instead of having a fixed position This can be useful when using floating layers which are set to 'Relative horizontal sizing' to create fluid layouts
- New feature: Added ‘100vh’ to floating mode options This will set the height of the layer to 100% of the viewport This can be useful to create floating layers with a relative horizontal size For example, to create full height columns
- New feature: Added background overlay option This uses the specified background color (and alpha value) to add and an overlay to the background image
- New feature: Added the ability to use a video as background Supported are Youtube and Vimeo URLs This is especially useful for full width/full screen layers
- New feature: Added option to select semantic HTML5 tag instead of generic

Available options: , , , , ,

- New feature: Added 'Enable JS API' option This option enables the player to be controlled via JavaScript Player API calls Only works in modern browsers! http://caniusecom/#search=postMessage
- New feature: Added support for YouTube events (play, pause, ended etc) Requires 'Enable JS API'
- New feature: play, pause actions in events can now be used to control the YouTube video Requires 'Enable JS API'

- New feature: Added support for Vimeo events (play, pause, ended etc)
- New feature: play, pause actions in events can now be used to control the Vimeo video Requires 'Enable JS API'

- New feature: Added 'Flip Horizontal' and 'Flip Vertical' animations (uses CSS3 transforms)
- New feature: Added 'Fan' and 'Block Scale' animations
- New feature: Added animations to caption: fade, slide, rotate, scale, translate
- New feature: Added 'CSS3 animation' option Select animations created with the Animation Manager A different animation can be selected for 'show' and 'hide' to create sophisticated slideshow
- New feature: Added Instagram integration This makes it possible to feed the slideshow with images from your Instragram account

Photo Gallery:
- Improved: Now includes galleria 154, which makes it possible to use the lightbox/galleria in responsive layouts
- New feature: The Photo Gallery uses and tags when ‘Use HTML5 Semantic Tags (in Tools->Options->HTML) is enabled
- New feature: Added Instagram integration This makes it possible to feed the photo gallery with images from your Instragram account

Photo Collage:
- New feature: Added 'Photo Collage' object Introduces a cool new way to display your images More than 30 layout variants are available
- The Photo collage object is flexible so it can be used in layout grids and responsive layouts Also supports lightboxes, instragram integration, load animations and more

RollOver Image:
- New feature: Added 'Flip Horizontal' and 'Flip Vertical' animations (uses CSS3 transforms)

- Improved: The icons in the FontAwesome Gallery of the Ribbon are now categorized to make it easier to find icons (based on the categories on the FontAwesome website: http://fontawesomeio/icons/)
- New feature: Added support for rotation Note: this uses CSS3 transforms
- New feature: Added 'Publish as svg' option This will output the icon as embedded SVG (scalable vector image) instead as font This greatly reduces the overal size of the website if you only use a few fontawasome icons

Material Icons:
- New feature: Added support for Google's Material Design Icons(https://materialio/icons/) Adds more than 900 new icons The Material Icon object supports the same featutes as FontAwesome

- New feature: Added support for Material Icons, so you can also publish the new icon as an image

- Improved: Maximum file size is now set in the script instead of using an hidden form field for better security
- Improved: It is now also possible to use variables in the subject of the email message (PHP Mailer or rich text must be enabled)
- New feature: Added the ability to set ID property for hidden fields
- New feature: Added option to include page name/refferer in form data
- New feature: Added option to configure the auto responder email input field
- New feature: Added 'Full Width' option to Editbox, TextArea, Combobox, Label and Button This makes it possible to switch between block (100%) and inline mode (fixed width) when used in a Layout Grid
- New feature: Added the ability to send form data to an email address based on the selection in a combobox Users can select a 'department' from a dropdown menu, and have the email sent to just that department's email address

Form Conditions and Calculations:
- New feature: Added 'Conditions' This makes it possible to show/hide/enable/disable other objects based on the value or selection of an form input field For example you can disable the form's submit button until the user checks a box
- New feature: Added the posibilty to do calculations in form fields Calculations are available in the 'Conditions' section of input fields They can be used to calculate a value based on values or selections of other input fields For example to calculate the total price of an item in a webshop based on the selected options
- Conditions/calculations options are available for Editbox, TextArea, Combobox, Checkbox and Radio Button

File Upload:
- New feature: Added 'Accept multiple files' option To select multiple files, hold down the CTRL or SHIFT key while selecting
- New feature: It is now possible to customize the style of the File Upload object The button and editbox each can have their own styling This new behavior can be disabled with the 'use default browser styling' (This is enabled for older projects for backwards compatibility)
- New feature: Added 'Padding' option Note: left padding will be used for the editbox and the right padding for the button
- New feature: Added 'Place Holder' option Specifies a short hint to help the user to fill out the input field
- New feature: Added "Button text' option This makes it possible to customize the text of the button

Editbox/Text Area:
- New feature: Added "Spellcheck' option The HTML5 spellcheck attribute specifies whether the element is to have its spelling and grammar checked or not

Checkbox/Radio Button:
- New feature: It is now possible to customize the style (and size) of the Checkbox/Radio Button object to override the default browser appearance This also make the Checkbox/Radio Button responsive so it can have a different size (and color) in breakpoints This new behavior can be disabled with the 'use default browser styling' (This is enabled for older projects for backwards compatibility)

Login Tools:
- New feature: Added 'Enable error reporting' to Login Admin for debugging purposes
- New feature: Added 'checkbox' option to custom profile fields

Layout Grid:
- Improved: gutter, padding and margin are now responsive, so they can have different values in breakpoints
- New feature: Added background overlay option This uses the specified background color (and alpha value) to add and an overlay to the background image
- New feature: Added the ability to use a video as background Supported are Youtube and Vimeo URLs
- New feature: Added 'Use Flexbox' option When this option is enabled, the grid will use CSS flexbox layout This results in cleaner code and also enables some extra features like vertical alignment and entire column will be filled with the background
- Note that this is a relative new CSS feature, it is not supported by older browsers (< IE11) http://caniusecom/#feat=flexbox
- New feature: Different column widths in breakpoints
- New feature: Different column counts in breakpoint
- New feature: Added the ability to hide columns in breakpoints
- New feature: Added 'overflow' option This determines what happen when columns that do not fit in the current row Overflow columns can be hidden, 100% or have custom value
- New feature: Added vertical alignment option to columns Note this only works when CSS flexbox is used!
- New feature: Added the ability to set the layout grid fixed to the top of the page

Flex Container:
- New feature: Add support for CSS flexbox! The flexbox container is a great new way to implement layouts

Master Object/Page:
- Improved: A warning is displayed when using the same master page on the same page the same master page will result in duplicated IDs and other conflicts
- New feature: Master objects can now be used inside a Layout Grid The object becomes flexible/floating when it's part of a layout grid Note that the objects on a master page should also be floating for the best results

- New feature: Added 'CSS3 Animate' action This will trigger a CSS3 animation from the animation manager So it's no longer necesarry to manually create a seperate style for this (WWB will do this automatically)
- New feature: Added 'onscrollreveal', 'onscrollhide' and 'onscrollrevealpartial' events to most objects These events were previous only available for the bookmark object Note: these events do not work for hidden objects becuase if an object is hidden then it has an undefined position in the HTML document, therefor it's not possible to determine whether the object is inside the viewport
- New feature: Added support for events to links in navigation objects: BreadCrumb, CSS Menu, Mega Menu, Navigation Bar, Pagination, Panel Menu, Responsive Menu, Slide Menu, Tab Menu, Text Menu, jQuery ListView and jQuery Menu

- Improved: The sort tool now includes all data in the table So for example if you sort a column then the other columns will be moved too Also the style of the cells will be included, not only the text, so cells keep their own styling
- New feature: Added cell alignment options to the Ribbon and context menu of the table to quickly set the alignment of one or multiple table cells
- New feature: Added border-collapse option The border-collapse property sets whether the table borders are collapsed into a single border or detached as in standard HTML
- New feature: Added the possibility to set the border-width of table cells This replaces 'enable cell borders'
- New feature: Added 'Hover rows color' option to enable a hover state on table rows
- New feature: Added 'Striped row color' option to add zebra-striping to the table rows
- New feature: Added 'Header row' option This will output the first row as header cells (instead or)
- New feature: Added 'Table Styles' gallery This allows you to quickly update the style of your tables You may know this feature from MS Office 30 predefined styles are currently available
- New feature: Added size mode 'Automatic' (in addition to 'pixels' and 'percentages') When using this mode the table cells will be automatically sized based on their content This makes it possible to use a table in layout grid layouts
- New feature: Added 'Import data from text file' A quick way to get data from a comma seperated text file into the table
- New feature: Added the possibility to add objects inside table cells The main purpose of this feature is to make images part of a table

CSS3 Animations and Transitions:
- New feature: Added 10 new CSS3 animations to the Animation Manager: animate-rotate-in-left, animate-rotate-in-right, animate-rotate-out-left, animate-rotate-out-right, heartbeat-1, heartbeat-2, transform-peek, transform-scale-in, transform-scale-out, transform-shiver
- New feature: Added background, border (short hand), display and position properties to animatable properties These may be useful for scroll transitions
- New feature: Added "Copy' buttons to quickly clone animations and transitions
- New feature: Added scroll transitions This allows you to animate CSS properties of objects depending on the horizontal scrollbar position For example you can set the opacity (fading) of an object based on the scroll position Of move/rotate/scale objects into place when it scrolls into view

- Improved: WWB now preserves the original filename when using filters (instead of generating a unique name) You can still change it with ‘Allocated filenames’, if you like
- New feature: Added ‘Color overlay’ filter to the image object Often used in websites to create a ‘dim’ effect

- New feature: Add 'Picture' object The HTML5 element is a container used to specify multiple images for different viewport or screen resolutions The browser will choose the most suitable image according to the current layout of the page and the device it will be displayed on
- You can specify different images for breakpoints It also supports high resolution displays using pixel density descriptors such as 1x, 15x, 2x, and 3x For example you can include different versions of the image by using names like: [email protected], [email protected]
- The picture object supports rotation using standard CSS3 transforms Plus expirimental support for CSS3 filters (blur, contrast, brightness, hue, saturation, negative, sepia, grayscale)

Rollover Layer:
- New feature: Add 'RollOver Layer' object A RollOver Layer works just like the RollOver image, but instead of just images you can now use any type of objects In additional to fixed mode (where you can place obejct anywhere you want), the object also supports floating mode so it can be used in Layout grids

Mega Menu:
- Improved: It is now possible to hide the arrows/icons (select the last item in the icon list)
- Improved: To disable categories, set all Category names to   This will hide the Category header in the menu

Responsive Menu:
- New feature: Added the possibility to set the menu alignment

Breadcrumb Menu:
- Improved: CSS3 Transitions are now applied to the menu items For example, to rotate, scale or modify the style of an item on hover
- New feature: Added the possibility to set the menu alignment
- New feature: Added ‘Full Width’ property so the menu can be stretched to the full width of its container (when used inside a layout grid)

- New feature: Added support for line styles: solid, dotted, dashed, double, groove, ridge

Page Properties->Style:
- New feature: Added ‘Enable Responsive Fonts’ option to the default text settings (in Page Properties) This sets the default for new text objects

- New feature: Added ‘Scale’ to the Arrange tools This tool may be useful for optimizing the layout in breakpoints Basically, it takes the size and position of the selected object(s) on the default view and scales it to the current breakpoint width For example: let's say the default view is 960 pixels and you are now working in the 480 breakpoint This makes the scale factor 2, so using the Scale tool will make the objects 50% smaller

LibreOffice 6.0.3 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Apply the 'Default Style' table style to newly inserted tables (tdf#107555) [Jim Raykowski]
- Find & Replace: Rename diacritics and kashida search options (tdf#111846) [Eike Rathke]
- Wrong label on sidebar slide pane after switching to handout view (tdf#113660) [Xisco Faulí]
- Calc does not give warning when opening file containing a sheet with more than 1024 columns (tdf#114555) [Eike Rathke]
- EDITING: Table loses formatting when inserting a new row in a table (tdf#115573) [Jim Raykowski]
- MATCH applied to a search array introduced by an OFFSET subexpression results in Err:504. (tdf#116100) [Eike Rathke]
- Sum button: Calc adds wrong sum formulas if you select more than one row or column (tdf#116215) [Eike Rathke]
- Find & Replace diacritic-sensitive searches are always linked to the CTL language setting and search replace fails when no CTL default is checked active (tdf#116242) [Eike Rathke]
- Nested IF(IF( without Else path yields #VALUE! (tdf#116324) [Eike Rathke]
- Hang under specific circumstances ( steps in comment 9 ) (tdf#116364) [Xisco Faulí]
- Crash in: formula::FormulaCompiler::CreateStringFromToken(rtl::OUStringBuffer &,formula::FormulaToken const *,bool) (steps in comment 15) (tdf#116468) [Eike Rathke]
- Crash with Hungarian spell checker in 6.0 debug build (tdf#116586) [László Németh]
- OFFSET function in array context compatibility with Excel (tdf#58874) [Eike Rathke]
- EDITING sigma icon (sum function) operating on selected range (tdf#71339) [Eike Rathke]
- backward heading search doesn't always work (coverity#982189) [Caolán McNamara]
- API and Implementation of Smart Tags - Part 2 (i#75130) [Caolán McNamara]
- check border param len (ofz#6576) [Caolán McNamara]
- 1 isn't a good flag for all elements filled (ofz#6656) [Caolán McNamara]
- drop last anchor pos if it will be joined (ofz#6827) [Caolán McNamara]
- empty vector access (ofz#6891) [Caolán McNamara]
- Keyboard shortcuts don't work in Mac full screen mode due to hidden menu bar (tdf#100784) [Maxim Monastirsky]
- Crash when opening Libreoffice (tdf#103175) [Mike Kaganski]
- macOS 100% CPU usage when minimizing screen if multiple documents are opened (tdf#103571) [Tor Lillqvist]
- macOS: libreoffice crash on startup, VCL thread mutex condition (tdf#103690) [Tor Lillqvist]
- Backward Search of Headings with Navigation Bar Does not Work Always (tdf#107094) [Caolán McNamara]
- ODF: LibreOffice writes invalid element (tdf#109080) [Michael Stahl]
- Selecting a custom character as a bullet symbol inserts the symbol into the document (tdf#111739) [Caolán McNamara]
- Insert->Footnote/Endnote , choose character (tdf#113805) [Caolán McNamara]
- FILEOPEN: artifacts on Images ( white lines ) (tdf#114076) [Armin Le Grand]
- EDITING: pasting text (in Calc in a cell in edit mode, in Draw in a text shape), leaves the cursor in front of the pasted text (tdf#114675) [Eike Rathke]
- Area tabpage: Pattern editor doesn't work, preview not shown (tdf#114726) [Vasily Melenchuk]
- Default keyboard mapping of Cmd+` (QUOTELEFT_MOD1) to uno:ToggleFormula not friendly to Apple HIG (tdf#114858) [Yousuf Philips]
- Apparmor profiles contain invalid comments in variable assignments (tdf#114915) [Olivier Tilloy]
- Strings in new Cryptography section of Options' User Data tab don't wrap if they are too long (tdf#115015) [Katarina Behrens]
- Incorrect shortcut key behavior in Options (tdf#115084) [Katarina Behrens]
- When an image is bigger than the slide impress shrinks it to the size of the slide (tdf#115142) [Michael Stahl, Thorsten Behrens]
- FILESAVE: PDF: Images are displayed as black boxes (tdf#115297) [Eike Rathke, Vasily Melenchuk]
- ISLOGICAL function depends on column formatting EDITING (tdf#115351) [Eike Rathke]
- Status bar displays wrong characters upon load (OpenGL) (tdf#115353) [Tamas Bunth]
- No PGP keys to encrypt a document listed (tdf#115374) [Thorsten Behrens]
- Crash using "Close" button for Extension Manager -> Check for Updates dialog (tdf#115420) [Jan-Marek Glogowski]
- libvisio generates svg:fill-rule attribute which is round-tripped to a non-well-formed XML document by LO (tdf#115429) [Michael Stahl, Julien Nabet]
- ODF filters: footnote separator style:adjustment not imported/exported, always "left" (tdf#115432) [Noel Grandin]
- matrix formula wrong calculation from names, also wrong saving of names (tdf#115493) [Eike Rathke]
- make crypto settings better fit allocated space (tdf#1155015) [Katarina Behrens]
- 64-bit Writer v. crashes every time I send an older file to network printer after clicking OK to print (ucrtbase.dll) (tdf#115649) [Mike Kaganski]
- Content not shown in presentation mode (tdf#115652) [Michael Stahl]
- FILEOPEN: RTF: Incorrect first line indent (tdf#115715) [Miklos Vajna]
- alt+f jumps between File and Form (tdf#115746) [Caolán McNamara]
- "Get Online Help" under zh-tw locale would be redirected to zh-cn forum (tdf#115795) [Franklin Weng]
- SQL: SHUTDOWN COMPACT fails in internal HSQLDB (tdf#115828) [Julien Nabet]
- Calc - Copying Cells in a Row with Conditional formatting - Conditional formatting not copied (tdf#115835) [Markus Mohrhard]
- PPTX/XLSX/DOCX Chart number format export is missing (tdf#115859) [Szymon Kłos]
- FILEOPEN: Writer deletes text on save when section break is in-line (tdf#115861) [Miklos Vajna]
- Tiff Images not inserted in Writer, Calc, Impress (tdf#115863) [Aron Budea]
- Shape selected in navigator is not selected in the main window (tdf#115873) [Miklos Vajna]
- SAXException: [word/document.xml line 2]: unknown error on opening DOCX (tdf#115883) [Miklos Vajna]
- Arabic alphabet page number format is not showing correctly (tdf#115951) [Caolán McNamara]
- Grey area instead of settings for "Tools - Options - Language Settings -English sentence checking" and " "Tools - Options - Internet - MediaWiki" on master (tdf#115994) [Katarina Behrens]
- Delete relationship in base. Crash in: google_breakpad::ExceptionHandler::HandlePureVirtualCall() (tdf#115998) [Noel Grandin]
- FILEOPEN - draw no more able to open .pub files (tdf#116018) [David Tardon]
- Impossible to enter the chars U+0027 APOSTROPHE with French (Swiss) Keyboard (tdf#116062) [Eike Rathke]
- Improve spell checking by better word breaking for Hungarian (tdf#116072) [László Németh]
- Bullets in bulleted list with proportion >100% appear off (tdf#116101) [Szymon Kłos]
- ODF: first-page header/footer cannot be read by LO version < 5.3.6 (tdf#116102) [Michael Stahl]
- Custom Properties: first row too close to header bar (tdf#116116) [Caolán McNamara]
- Creating Documents with Wizard Crashes LibreOffice (tdf#116147) [Jan-Marek Glogowski]
- VAR* and STDEV* functions don't support external references (tdf#116149) [Eike Rathke]
- PPTX: Chart labels are too long (tdf#116163) [Szymon Kłos]
- Cann't open MS visual Foxpro created *.DBF files (tdf#116171) [Stephan Bergmann, Julien Nabet]
- Impress presentation renders a white rectangle over content (OpenGL) (tdf#116196) [Michael Stahl]
- Encryption with two or more keys causes General input/output error (tdf#116351) [himajin100000]
- GTK3: tooltip is not displayed (tdf#116397) [Caolán McNamara]
- Drawing styles lose parent-child relationship on FILESAVE FILEOPEN (tdf#44774) [Mike Kaganski]
- Calc single cell filling (Ctrl+D) does not change data at input line (tdf#54197) [Eike Rathke]
- OFFSET function in array context compatibility with Excel (tdf#58874) [Eike Rathke]
- FORMATTING: Adobe Courier Std font is always bold on Mac OS X (tdf#67744) [Tor Lillqvist]
- FORMATTING: Font "Gill Sans MT Pro" always bold (tdf#68889) [Tor Lillqvist]
- (Icon-Theme-Sifr) [META] Incomplete Sifr icon theme (tdf#75256) [Matthias Freund]
- OSX - no video playback in slideshow fullscreen display mode on OSX (tdf#79546) [Tor Lillqvist]
- Active option to print comments in margin, does reserve space on the paper also when the document contains zero comments (tdf#91680) [Gabor Kelemen]
- Support for new Hungarian orthography (tdf#95024) [László Németh]
- Impress Remote does not work with LibreOffice 5 (tdf#97614) [Rostislav Kondratenko]

LibreOffice 5.4.6 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Bump product version to [Xisco Fauli]
- Bump product version to [Christian Lohmaier]
- Comments inside StringArray blocks drop translations (tdf#115866) [Caolán McNamara]
- Footnote separator position wrong (2nd attempt) (tdf#115432) [Noel Grandin]
- Footnote separator position wrong (3rd attempt) (tdf#115432) [Noel Grandin]
- Initialize DrawLayer if required (tdf#103175) [Mike Kaganski]
- Parent style's msApiName could yet be empty; use GetApiName() (tdf#44774) [Mike Kaganski]
- Revert "slideshow: clip shapes in secondary screen window" (tdf#115652, tdf#116196, tdf#115142) [Michael Stahl]
- Test: add assertXPathNSDef() [Miklos Vajna]
- Tunnel arbitrary rtl_TextEncoding from sc to sdbc:dbase connection (tdf#116171) [Stephan Bergmann]
- Update credits [Christian Lohmaier]
- Updated core [Christian Lohmaier]
- VCL canvas: fix another clipping mistake () (tdf#115142) [Thorsten Behrens]
- VCL canvas: fix clipping of gradients () (tdf#115142) [Michael Stahl]
- Version, tag libreoffice- [Christian Lohmaier]
- Xmloff: ODF import: fix handling of unknown attributes (tdf#115429) [Michael Stahl]

- Version, tag libreoffice- [Christian Lohmaier]

- Version, tag libreoffice- [Christian Lohmaier]

- Update translations for 5.4.6 rc2 [Christian Lohmaier]

LibreOffice 6.0.2 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


LibreOffice 6.0.1 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Activate newly opened modal dialogs (tdf#32935, tdf#114466, tdf#49134)
- Add #include <abstractions/X> to oosplash apparmor profile (deb#887593)
- Add recent Hunspell fixes and improvements
- Add user dictionary for hu dict package (tdf#95024)
- Allow build with classic libjpeg (tdf#115416)
- Allow building with poppler-0.62 [Domini
- Apparmor profile update (allow JVM execution) (tdf#115208)
- Apparmor: allow reading device information (deb#887593)
- Apparmor: allow running the "certificate manager" applications for gpg
- Apparmor: fix @{HOME}/.mozilla/firefox access for XML signing
- Apparmor: updates for gpg (deb#887593)
- Avoid GPG when --enable-mpl-subset
- Bad-cast (ofz#4753, ofz#5007, ofz#4728, ofz#4817, ofz#5235, ofz#4971, ofz#4872, ofz#6064, ofz#4767, ofz#5909, ofz#4848, ofz#5254)
- Better handle ScDde formulas with missing dde-link entries
- Breeze-icon: add 32px trackchangesbar icon for default writer bar
- Bump product version to
- Bump product version to
- Change TimeSeparator for locale la_VA, lld_IT and vec_IT
- Check kern table size
- CheckLinkFormulaNeedingCheck() for .xls and .xlsx formula cells
- CheckLinkFormulaNeedingCheck() for conditional format expressions
- CheckLinkFormulaNeedingCheck() for named expressions
- Comphelper: put some include guards around stark naked header
- Consider relative width when importing floating table (tdf#114217)
- Copy ScAddress before possibly joining it
- Correct title in Base forms (tdf#114677)
- Corrected precision of imported rotation
- Crash in printing and comment (tdf#115221, tdf#112292)
- Crashtesting: multiple export failures (tdf#114173)
- Curl: upgrade to release 7.58.0
- Dbaccess: fix mysterious dataloss bug (tdf#114596)
- Do not add undo action for table attributes (tdf#114045)
- Do not load external documents if it is not allowed (tdf#115044)
- DOCX import: handle horizontal flip of bitmaps
- Don't assume fullscreen is impress (tdf#115106)
- Don't let empty date in datetime in forms (tdf#108473)
- Don't push error twice
- Don't re-sign vc_redist packages
- Export explosion property for pie chart property, (tdf#114182)
- Filter: associate .xhtml with HTML import (tdf#114428)
- Filter: recognize XHTML with XML declaration as HTML (tdf#114428)
- Fix assertions in svdglue.hxx (tdf#115100)
- Fix borderline feature regressions (tdf#113751, tdf#114625, tdf#115169, tdf#114824, tdf#114934)
- Fix build with glm 0.9.9
- Fix crash caused by special document (tdf#114306)
- Fix crash caused by special document 2 (tdf#114306)
- Fix crash when changing horizontal align (reportdesign) (tdf#115269)
- Fix for invalid attribute in impress ODF (tdf#106780)
- Fix incorrect AM/PM symbol in locale it_IT. (tdf#105226)
- Fix incorrect AM/PM symbols in locale it_CH and vec_IT. (tdf#105226)
- Fix Index::getIndexWeight for empty input
- Fix issue with HYPHEN-MINUS in Calc function JIS. (tdf#103550)
- Fix localized'ness of ooSetupFactoryUIName props (rhbz#1541486)
- Fix protection of some unnecessarily strictly protected files
- Fix reading external reference for VLOOKUP and HLOOKUP (tdf#114820)
- Fix support for external reference for IFS functions (tdf#115162)
- Fix Tab key cycle through slide background panel
- Flatten ScRangeList::Join() and ScRangePairList::Join() recursio
- Follow up: change time separator for locale it_IT. (tdf#105226)
- Generate both std97 and cryptoapi keys from password.. (tdf#114221)
- Gtk3: single click with selection set doesn't unselect
- Handle ocWebservice similarly to ocDde
- If the para is already oversize, nums would go negative (ofz#5477)
- Init known ExtraLanguages before document load
- Its defineresource not define resource
- Keep internal BaseModel alive long enough (tdf#115090)
- Libmspub, add update of config.sub
- Limit WEBSERVICE to http[s] protocols
- Max decimal places for rtl_math_round is 20 (ofz#5535)
- MemoryByteGrabber sequence has to exist for Grabber lifetime
- Menu id collision (tdf#115080)
- Mimetypes are .macroEnabled not .macroenabled (fdo#88004, rhbz#1535541)
- Never use ImplPopupFloatWin for anything except ToolBox (tdf#115057)
- Nullptr dereference (tdf#115065)
- Ofz: check nLevel against maParaSprms size
- Ofz: check state in readblock
- Ofz: do not force non-existent parameters into the TokenPool
- Ofz: guard against binary crap argument counts and ID/OpCode generation
- On plcf save force current Fkp to stick in cache (ofz#5447)
- Pasting multi-line text from external source behaves strangely (tdf#115088)
- Persona html can contain " instead of " (tdf#114731)
- Pyuno: avoid 2 threads initing python in parallel (tdf#114815)
- Quote columns with spaces and properly escape characters (tdf#115013)
- Restore osx scrollwheel logic (rhbz#1367846, tdf#103174, tdf#109062)
- Return early on short stream
- RTF import: fix left indent handling inside list definition (tdf#115155, tdf#104016)
- Rtf: null-deref
- Sanity check cmap table size
- Sc: disable "forecast.ets.add.fods" test file on Macs
- Set cProcessed condition on any process outcome (tdf#38915)
- Short->sal_Int32 like in StgDataStrm (ofz#5747)
- Sifr rework and new 32px icon for save and pdfexport (tdf#75256)
- Sifr some new 32px icons (tdf#75256)
- Sifr update 32px for bold and backcolor (tdf#75256)
- Sifr update epub freezepane defineprintarea splitcells (tdf#75256)
- Sifr update exportto numberformatthousands splitcells (tdf#75256)
- Stay within font bounds
- Suppress error of closing closed cursor (tdf#70425)
- Sw: disable ooxmlexport testWatermark on WNT
- Sw: disable testTableKeep on WNT
- Sw: fix SwCache::Insert() stale pointers (ofz#5435)
- Test: cancel interaction on password *re-entry*
- The test is declared uncond., so define it so too
- Transfer privilege to become foreground process (tdf#114466, tdf#49134)
- TSCP various advanced TSCP dialog changes (tdf#114901)
- Turn assert into SAL_WARN
- Update cell content on sidebar number format change (tdf#114519)
- Updated core (tdf#95024)
- Vcl: handle nested parentheses in PDF roundtrip (tdf#114460)
- VclPtr, missing dispose
- Version, tag libreoffice-
- What matters is the availability of the last element, not the first
- Write merge field column into docx merge fields (tdf#115013)
- Writer crashes on Undo N times (tdf#94225)
- Writerfilter: RTF import: fix vert orient of Word 6 shapes (tdf#115153)
- Wrong cell shadow icons (tdf#115369)
- Xmloff: ODF export: don't write LO_EXT attribute unless ODF extended

- Fix Hungarian Lightproof module (tdf#95024)
- Update Hungarian Lightproof module (tdf#95024)
- Updated Breton spelling dictionary to version 0.15

- Version, tag libreoffice-

- Update translations for 6.0

LibreOffice 5.4.5 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- ave allows links in illustration index, but load doesn't
- Make "Hyperlink" available in the Illustration index
- replace #defined constants with ‘enum class’
- mimetypes are .macroEnabled not .macroenabled
- sax: guard access to Entity::maSavedException with mutex
- bad-cast
- infinite regress in GetUsePrinterSettings
- avoid recurse to death
- avoid recurse to death
- sw: HTML import: fix invalid tables being created
- limit column check to max legal column index
- ensure min input len for openssl ciphers
- keep nPos within bounds
- bail early with 0 points
- limit depth to max legal depth
- bad-cast
- on plcf save force current Fkp to stick in cache
- if the para is already oversize, nums would go negative
- max decimal places for rtl_math_round is 20
- sw: HTML import: ignore

in table structure elements
- short->sal_Int32 like in StgDataStrm
- Scrolling is way too fast in writer
- fix available] Segmentation fault when opening password protected LO document
- mimetypes are .macroEnabled not .macroenabled
- crash after switching on the bibliography 'number entries' option (steps in comment 8)
- Very laggy scrolling with trackpad on hidpi screens
- FILESAVE: DOCX with chart corrupted after roundtrip, cannot open in MSO
- Sidebar decks bleed into each other after changing read only document to edit mode
- Impress crashes switching views in read-only mode ( steps in comment 30 )
- FILESAVE, ODF: attribute text:style-name is invalid in table:table-template
- Custom toolbar icons don't appear if sized bigger than "small"
- FILEOPEN XLSX: Area chart labels not rotated
- Scrolling with touchpad or scrollwheel is not working on Mac
- XML Source button disabled (In Data Menu)
- macOS 10.13 High Sierra - all buttons are blue ("default")
- FILESAVE XLSX New named range is created every time an Excel made spreadsheet that contains print ranges is saved as XLSX
- UI: Media Player Dialog: Buttons overlapping
- EDITING: Sorting with autofilter slower than it used to be
- Crash when closing document via Java UNO API
- BASE/Table Copy] crash: when repeated Primary Key on Table Copy Wizard
- Adress-source - Field assignment : Dialog is not user friendly
- FILESAVE XLSX Custom size of chart legend is not preserved when the file is saved as XLSX
- Edit Section' context menu not visible when on a linked section
- Calc corrupts password-protected XLS on save (Save as works) - newer MSO 2013 encryption saved as unencrypted file with encryption mode
- Calc crashes when deleting a sheet if the preceding sheet contains image
- function ISERROR() doesn't work
- Hang loading spreadsheet
- Toolbar toolbar:style attribute not working correctly
- Some embedded PDFs not exported to pdf
- CRASH: A control of tables 'grid' inside a form gives me an error
- malfunction of the new RAWSUBTRACT function in nested expression context
- PPTX percent linespacing lower than 100% incorrectly shown
- Crash in: Menu::~Menu()
- Loop executing direct SQL
- Crash when texts containing certain CJK characters are printed or exported to pdf
- assert when editing a new dialog (gtk3 only)
- Crash in 'Form-based filters' when updating filter name, e.g. the 'Or'
- FILESAVE: PPTX: Shape's colour lost after RT
- rtl_digest SHA1 and MD5 code both have an off by 1 bug
- Delete a sheet in a calc document and LO crashes
- Libreoffice crash on exit when sidebar is enabled and attached (steps in comment 4)
- Calc asks to update links, but already updated them
- Crash when I open a specific .ODT file with table
- Replace with Pattern Field misbehaves when editing a form's table control
- Pasting multi-line text from external source behaves strangely
- Unable to populate data tables for calc charts
- ODF import: illustration index template hyperlink is lost
- cleanup solar mutex yielding ...
- UI integration of 32px icon themes

LibreOffice 6.0.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Direct cursor: Add option to insert only spaces
- Find toolbar: Add drop down list to change search type
- The main menu (top level) now has an entry “Form”
- Page dialog: page orientation automatically adjusts based on manual input
- Default column spacing (aka gutter) changed to 0.5cm
- Support for split sections inside tables blog entry
- New set of default numbering list styles

Input fields:
- Improved input field behavior

Images rotation:
- Implement rotation of images in Writer to any angle

Mail Merge:
- Writer document as mail merge data source
- Mail Merge now can use XLSX files as data source
- Temporary connections created during mail merge are no longer stored

- New default table style
- Default table style applied to inserted tables
- Default table border width changed to 0.5pt
- Old collection of autoformat table styles were replaced with a new collection of table styles: Default, Academic, Box List Blue, Box List Green, Box List Red, Box List Yellow, Elegant, Financial, Simple Grid Columns, Simple Grid Rows, Simple List Shaded

“Grammar By” spell checking:
- User dictionaries allow automatic affixation or compounding, supporting effective editing and technical dictionary creation in several languages. tdf#113739 (László Németh)
- This is a general spell checking improvement of LibreOffice, but it can speed up especially the work of Writer users. Instead of manual handling of hundreds of correct word forms of a new word in a language with rich morphology or compounding, Hunspell spell checker will recognize the new user dictionary word with affixes or in compounds, too, based on a “Grammar By” model word

- Pivot table interop fixes
- Default 2-entry color scale conditional formatting colors changed to Yellow and Green
- Enhanced "Links" dialog
- Number format: accept English syntax keywords; some languages use localized keywords (AAAA for YYYY in French for instance). Now these languages can use English keywords to get valid format in any UI language

Exporting images:
- A cell range selection or a selected group of shapes (images) can be exported to PNG or JPG graphics format with File ? Export... if the Selection checkbox is marked in the file dialog. tdf#108317 (Eike Rathke (Red Hat, Inc.))

Pasting: unformatted text:
- The text/plain Unformatted text format results in unquoted/unescaped content as expected for external pastes. For single cell copy&paste embedded line breaks and tabs are preserved, for multiple cells they are replaced with spaces, effectively being a tab-separated-values (TSV) format. For intra-Calc on-cell pastes using the paste special toolbar button the Unformatted text [TSV-Calc] format can be used, which preserves embedded line breaks and tabs across multiple cells. tdf#113571 tdf#32213 (Eike Rathke (Red Hat, Inc.))
- Added "Paste unformatted text" command with its hot key Ctrl+? Shift+Alt+V tdf#50746

Protection, cells, sheets:
- Added new command to select unprotected cells on protected or unprotected sheet. Located Edit ? Select ? Select Unprotected Cells
- If a tab is protected, the lock symbol (??) appears at the beginning of the tab name

New spreadsheet functions:
- New ODFF1.2 compliant functions SEARCHB, FINDB and REPLACEB added

- Addition of 10 new Impress templates and improvement of two existing templates tdf#103317 (Ashisuto, Yousuf Philips, Heiko Tietze, Laurent BP)
- Removal of confirmation dialog when setting image as slide or page background tdf#112650 (Heiko Tietze, Samuel Mehrbrodt)
- Set default slide format 16:9 tdf#93244 (Heiko Tietze)
- Duplicate dialog

Layers in Draw:
- Better UI for handling layer attributes tdf#89130

- Moving existing legacy parser contexts in sc and other modules to fast contexts and offloading unzipping and reading into a different thread (Mohammed Abdul Azeem)
- Added support for user icon themes via extension manager tdf#110742 (Caolán McNamara)

- Addition of Noto fonts (Noto Sans, Noto Serif, Noto Mono and others) tdf#103080 (Yousuf Philips)
- Addition of open source Hebrew fonts and new default order of Hebrew fonts tdf#113538 (Yousuf Philips)
- Addition of open source Arabic fonts tdf#113532 (Yousuf Philips)
- Removal of Open Sans and PT_Serif fonts tdf#103080 (Yousuf Philips)

OpenPGP document signing and encryption:
- on all desktop platforms, you can now use OpenPGP keys to sign ODF documents. tdf#89037 (Katarína Behrens, Samuel Mehrbrodt, Thorsten Behrens - CIB)
- there is now (experimental) support for OpenPGP-based document encryption as well. On saving ODF documents, the file picker shows an extra checkbox to that effect
- you need auxiliary software to make use of that feature (LibreOffice will transparently merge available keys if you have the below installed)

TSCP Classification:
- Classification (TSCP-based) now allows multiple policies
- In Writer the marking and signing at paragraph level are possible
- All this is also saved in Microsoft OOXML-format

Save images modified in place:
- In previous LibreOffice versions when the user tried to save an embedded image through the "Save..." entry available in the context menu, the saved image was the original one more eventually applied filters (which are not removable).
- Further applied transformations like rotations, cropping, color effects were not included in the saved image.
- Starting from this release, LibreOffice offers the user to choose if saving the original image or the modified version through a simple pop-up dialog.
- The new feature is available in Writer, Calc and Draw. (Marco Cecchetti - Collabora)

Visualization of Borders for Tables:
- The visualization of Borders for Tables was largely redesigned/reimplemented for this release, enhancing display quality and unifying the core mechanisms for their graphical creation (basing them mostly on GraphicPrimitives). Matching and merging of overlapping corners is greatly improved, Multi-Line Borders are internally supported for more than three lines in the core. This Table Borders are used in various places - in Dialogs showing the Border Control Widget, in Writer Tables, in Draw/Impress Tables and (of course) in Calc itself. All of these support merged Cells which need to take incoming lines at merged edges into account correctly. Calc also has some 'extra' features like crossed lines and 'rotated' Cells.(Armin Le Grand, CIB)

New help online:
- The old wikihelp has been replaced by the new help online

Help Contents:
- Assorted updates to the content and code

New filters:
- Implemented a new import filter from QuarkXPress v.3, v.4. For this, the libqxp library was created
- Implemented a new export filter to format EPUB from Writer. tdf#33226
- Improvements to OOXML filter
- Improved SmartArt import filter
- Import/export of ActiveX controls from/to DOCX format tdf#50097, tdf#91384
- Improved support embedded text documents (DOCX/DOC) and spreadsheets (XLSX/XLS) in files DOCX/DOC
- Correctly load RTL text direction tdf#87533
- Export into DOCX and DOC all character properties applied for fields tdf#38778
- Show digital signature status in signature line tdf#65393
- Improved OOXML support in presentation files
- DOCX export of cross-references to objects: tables, images, text frames and shapes tdf#42346
- Export MailMerge fields to DOCX and DOC tdf#67207 (Mike Kaganski, Collabora)
- Improvements in the PPTX filter to prevent from creating broken files tdf#104788 tdf#112086 tdf#112088 tdf#112089 tdf#112333 tdf#112334 (Szymon Klos, Collabora)
- Theme colors export was introduced in the PPTX (commit) (Szymon Klos, Collabora)
- Default text frame paddings are now exported correctly tdf#113399 (Tamás Zolnai - Collabora, privately sponsored)
- Preserve font attributes and size of chart's legend, during export to MS Office documents (eg. .xlsx and .docx) tdf#108066 tdf#114173 (Bartosz Kosiorek)
- Horizontal line imports with most attributes tdf#97648 (Justin Luth)
- Drop cap lines and spacing correctly imported tdf#109318 tdf#109319 (Justin Luth)
- Improvement to footnote character style import and export tdf#82173 tdf#109310 tdf#55427 (Justin Luth)
- Improvement to the import of strict OOXML tdf#79272 tdf#78508 tdf#82065 (Justin Luth)

Improvements in EMF+ import:
- Enhanced Metafile Format Plus (EMF+) import filters are used by .doc, docx, .xls, .xlsx, .ppt and .pptx file formats
- Complete rewrite of the EMF+ import filters (Armin Le Grand CIB, Patrick Jaap TU Dresden)
- Fix failure of displaying ChemDraw objects tdf#31814 (Patrick Jaap TU Dresden, Bartosz Kosiorek)
- Add support for EmfPlusRecordTypeFillRegion record tdf#113704 (Bartosz Kosiorek)
- Implement proper reading of the EmfPlusRegionNode record tdf#113704 (Bartosz Kosiorek)
- Add support for ResetClip record tdf#113707 (Bartosz Kosiorek)
- Add support to OffsetClip record tdf#113758 (Bartosz Kosiorek)

Improvements to ODF filter:
- Metafiles which were previously saved in the internal SVM (Star View Metafile) format are now accompanied by a PNG fallback graphic. This makes it easier for other ODF readers to display the graphics. (Samuel Mehrbrodt, CIB)
- All exported images are annotated with their mimetype in the ODF (attribute loext:mime-type on draw:image) (Samuel Mehrbrodt, CIB)
- Flat ODF now also has fallback graphics for SVG, PDF and Metafiles (Samuel Mehrbrodt, CIB)
- Text grid lines not enabled by default when attribute isn't set tdf#77961 (Mark Hung)
- When converting documents via command line, the target image format can now be chosen via the new --convert-images-to command line parameter. See the output of libreoffice --help for usage information. tdf#109202 (Katarina Behrens, Samuel Mehrbrodt - CIB)

Improvements to XHTML Export:
- Images are now always exported in a browser-readable format (usually SVG or PNG). (Samuel Mehrbrodt, CIB)

Improvements in Adobe Freehand import:
- Read more features: text on path, stroke patterns, arrows, paragraph attributes, custom line and fill styles, text effects. (Laurent Alonso)
- Fix rotation center of a textbox. (Laurent Alonso)

Improvements in MS Visio import:
- Consider stencil txtxform in binary formats. tdf#67914 (Fridrich Strba)
- Parse font width scaling. (Fridrich Strba)
- Accept documents produced by tdf#98791 (David Tardon, Red Hat, Inc.)
- Output shape ID if set. (Fridrich Strba)
- Fix parsing of text block background color in some cases. (David Tardon, Red Hat, Inc.)
- Write bitmaps with color palette correctly. (David Tardon, Red Hat, Inc.)
- Deduce text encoding from font name. (Fridrich Strba)
- Parse theme fill and shadow color. (Fridrich Strba)
- Parse font scheme in VSDX documents. (Fridrich Strba)

Improvements in MS Publisher import:
- Parse table row and column sizes. tdf#89061 (David Tardon, Red Hat, Inc.)
- Extract more metadata from documents. (Miklos Vajna)
- Handle table cells containing multiple paragraphs correctly. tdf#89393 (David Tardon, Red Hat, Inc.)
- Parse more text formatting attributes: all underline types, small caps, all caps, outline, emboss, engrave, shadow. (David Tardon, Red Hat, Inc.)
- Parse text language. (David Tardon, Red Hat, Inc.)

Improvements in Adobe Pagemaker import:
- Fix parsing of page dimensions in Mac documents. (David Tardon, Red Hat, Inc.)
- Fix parsing of color tint in Mac documents. tdf#109126 (David Tardon, Red Hat, Inc.)
- Fix parsing of text formatting attributes in Mac documents. (David Tardon, Red Hat, Inc.)
- Properly handle all caps and small caps. (David Tardon, Red Hat, Inc.)
- Parse more text & paragraph formatting attributes. (David Tardon, Red Hat, Inc.)

Improvements in FictionBook import:
- Set default page margins. tdf#94162 (David Tardon, Red Hat, Inc.)
- Use document language as default language for text. (David Tardon, Red Hat, Inc.)
- Use note title as footnote mark. (David Tardon, Red Hat, Inc.)
- Handle subscript and superscript. (David Tardon, Red Hat, Inc.)
- Output content of in monospace font. (David Tardon, Red Hat, Inc.)

Improvements in Abiword import:
- Parse paragraph and cell borders. (Laurent Alonso)
- Improve parsing of lists. (Laurent Alonso)
- Parse fields. tdf#74466 (Laurent Alonso)
- Parse floating (not inline) images. tdf#74463 (Laurent Alonso)
- Parse text boxes. (Laurent Alonso)
- Set minimal width/height of inline images (which usually do not have dimensions set in the file) to 1 inch. tdf#74462 (David Tardon, Red Hat, Inc.)

Improvements in Apple Keynote import:
- Improve reconstruction of gradients. (Laurent Alonso)
- Parse non-RGB colors. (Laurent Alonso)
- Convert table cell values to text. (Laurent Alonso)

Improvements in Apple Pages import:
- Handle following-paragraph and following-layout styles. (Laurent Alonso)
- Improve lookup of parent styles. (Laurent Alonso)
- Never insert a page break in a footnote. (Laurent Alonso)
- Convert table cell values to text. (Laurent Alonso)

Improvements in Apple Numbers import:
- Correctly compute cell row and column. (Laurent Alonso)
- Improve resolution of cell styles. (Laurent Alonso)
- Improve handling of table border lines. (Laurent Alonso)

Improvements in Quattro Pro import:
- Fix reading of formulas with references. (Laurent Alonso)
- Parse Quattro Pro for Windows 1.0-6.0 files (.wb1, .wb2). (Laurent Alonso)
- Parse charts. (Laurent Alonso)

- Height of tab bar in Calc adjusts to system font size/resolution (commit) (Bernhard Widl, CIB)
- Upper limit of user interface font size removed (was capped in relation to screen height) (tdf#113444) (Bernhard Widl, CIB)
- Hidden in the Standard toolbar is a new drop-down version of the Insert Special Characters button (commit 800ac37021e3f8859)(Akshay Deep, Yousuf Philips)
- The elementary icon theme, previously exclusive of Xubuntu, has been made available in all builds commit

Window. Dialogs:
- Special characters dialog was reworked tdf#34882
- It is now easier than ever to customize LibreOffice UI based on your needs, thanks to improved user experience and accessibility of the newly reworked Customize dialog (Tools ▸ Customize...). tdf#88896
- Calc : Width and height of page style scaling mode "Fit print range(s) to width/height" can now be set to unspecified tdf#113455

Configuration Memory:
Memory configuration page has been removed from Options dialog tdf#110448 (Mike Kaganski, Collabora)

Basic Editor:
- Basic IDE main menu reorganized: some items were added, renamed and moved (commit 4378108d) (Lera Goncharuk)

- New variant of Notebookbar - Groupedbar Full for Writer, Calc and Impress (experimental feature)
- New variant of Notebookbar - Tabbed Compact for Writer (experimental feature)

Server part:
- Use seccomp’s Berkley Packet Filters to drastically restrict the kernel APIs surface available to our contained document processes (Michael Meeks, Ashod Nakashian, Collabora)
- Support for hashed admin passwords, and loolconfig tool (Michael Meeks, Pranav Kant, Jan Holesovsky, Collabora)
- New authorization method via a custom http header via WOPI (Jan Holesovsky, Collabora)
- Extended document conversion API (Jan Holesovsky, Collabora)

- New Insert Special Characters dialog (Henry Castro, Collabora)
- State of the Change tracking is now visible in the menu via check marks (Pranav Kant, Collabora)
- Improved animation of the comments (Henry Castro, Collabora)
- Content Security Policy now includes the Referer too, for easier integration in multi-host environments (Pranav Kant, Collabora)
- New file types that can be edited were added or improved, including PDF and HTML (Ashod Nakashian, Collabora)
- Support for avatars: The integrators can specify a pictures / avatars for the users of the documents via WOPI extension. (Ashod Nakashian, Pranav Kant, Collabora)
- Find & replace dialog (in addition to the previously available Search functionality) (Aditya Dewan, GSoC)
- Support for custom buttons in the toolbar (Pranav Kant, Collabora)
- Automatic detection of links in the comments (Pranav Kant, Collabora)
- Improvements in the Admin Console (Aditya Dewan, GSoC)
- Switch to follow the editor in the list of users (Aditya Dewan, GSoC)
- Better handling of conflict between editing and uploading documents (Pranav Kant, Collabora)
- Spell checking support in all Writer, Calc and Impress (Michael Meeks, Henry Castro, Collabora)
- Status bar indicates the current language (Henry Castro, Collabora)
- Save As support + document name in the user interface (Aditya Dewan, Jan Holesovsky, Collabora)

- Improved user experience of the startup - menu and toolbar show already before the document is loaded (Henry Castro, Collabora)

- Interactive horizontal ruler (Aditya Dewan, GSoC)

- Increased amount of rows available in the Online Calc to half million (Marco Cecchetti, Collabora)
- Active cell reference (Name Box) (Marco Cecchetti, Collabora)
- Basic editing of charts (Marco Cecchetti, Collabora)

Additional languages in the language list:
- Fon [fon-BJ]. tdf#113835

Improvements to proofing tools and language support:
- Albanian. A new spelling dictionary is available, based on linguistic tools created by Luan Kelmendi. (Lior Kaplan and Áron Budea)
- Arabic. In locales that use the ٫ U+066B ARABIC DECIMAL SEPARATOR, the normal dot . can be used as a decimal separator alternative for input. tdf#81671 (Eike Rathke, Red Hat, Inc.)
- Breton. The spelling dictionary was updated to version 0.15. (Denis Arnaud and András Tímár)
- Bulgarian. The hyphenator was updated to version 2017.09.30 to correct hyphenation points in short words, provide many more for longer words, account for rule changes in the language, and update its encoding to UTF-8. tdf#112750 (Stoyan Dimitrov and Hristo Hristov)
- English (Australian, Canadian, British and US). Updated dictionaries to version 2017.08.24. (Marco A. G. Pinto and Kevin Atkinson)
- Tibetan. The spelling dictionary was updated to version 0.4. tdf#112065 (Elie Roux and Áron Budea)
- Hungarian. The spelling dictionary and Lightproof module were updated tdf#95024 (László Németh)
- Spanish. The spelling dictionary was updated to version 2.2. (Ricardo Palomares)
- Slovenian. The thesaurus was updated. (Martin Srebotnjak)

- Internal file pickers removed (access is still possible via Tools ▸ Options ▸ LibreOffice ▸ Advanced ▸ Expert configuration ▸ org.openoffice.Office.Common.Misc ▸ UseSystemFileDialog) tdf#114484

- Removed support for Windows XP and Windows Vista. The minimum supported Windows version is now Windows 7 SP1
- Program installation folder in Windows no longer contains a version number, just LibreOffice. tdf#62303 (Mike Kaganski, Collabora) [note 2]
- Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable installation with LibreOffice installer is restored. Due to changes in the redistributable, it is now installed in the separate process, after other LibreOffice components had been installed, and requires separate UAC confirmation. It is not installed when LibreOffice is installed in unattended mode (e.g., using command line switches, or using AD GPO), and in this case, separate installation of the redistributable is required (the redistributable is available from Microsoft website, and redistributable's bitness (32- or 64-bit) must match LibreOffice's bitness)

The following configuration schemas were removed:
- /org.openoffice.Office/Logging/OOoImprovement/ and /org.openoffice.Office/OOoImprovement/ commit
- /org.openoffice.Office/Common/Java/Applet/Enable commit
- /org.openoffice.Office/Common/View/SplitWindow/ commit
- /org.openoffice.Office/Common/Setup/Product/ooXMLFileFormatName and /org.openoffice.Office/Common/Setup/Product/ooXMLFileFormatVersioncommit
- /org.openoffice.Office/Common/Setup/Product/ooOpenSourceContext commit
- /org.openoffice.Office/Common/Image/Color/ and /org.openoffice.Office/Common/Image/Effect/ commit
- /org.openoffice.Office/Common/Accessibility/IsSystemFont commit
- /org.openoffice.Office/Common/Misc/TemplateRepositoryUrls and /org.openoffice.Office/Common/Misc/TemplateRepositoryNames commit
- /org.openoffice.Office/Office/Common/Save/ODF/UseSHA1InODF12 and /org.openoffice.Office/Office/Common/Save/ODF/UseBlowfishInODF12 commit

Command Line:
- Add --script-cat parameter to allow dumping VBA and StarBasic macros from files to the console (Michael Meeks - Collabora)

UNO API changes:
The following UNO interfaces and services were removed:
- was unused and removed
- were removed as part of the migration from the legacy binary resource file format to gettext

The following UNO interfaces and services were changed:

LibreOfficeKit changes:
- various previously unstable methods were published commit and C99 types "bool" and "uint64_t" were replaced with pre-C99 types "int" and "unsigned long long" commit

- registerCallback
- getFilterTypes
- setOptionalFeatures
- setDocumentPassword
- getVersionInfo
- runMacro

- getDocumentType