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最新版本 LibreOffice 7.6.5 (64-bit)

LibreOffice (64-bit) 歷史版本列表

LibreOffice 64 位是一個功能強大的辦公套件; 其乾淨的界面和強大的工具讓你釋放你的創造力,提高你的生產力。 LibreOffice 嵌入了幾個應用程序,使其成為最強大的 Free& 文字處理器,Calc,電子表格應用程序,Impress,演示文稿引擎,Draw,我們的繪圖和流程圖應用程序,Base,我們的數據庫和數據庫前端,以及用於編輯數學的數學運算. 您的文檔無論目的如何:... LibreOffice (64-bit) 軟體介紹

LibreOffice 6.1.3 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


Mailspring 1.5.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Thousands of translations have been improved or manually reviewed

- Reverts a change to IMAP message parsing that was designed to extend support for Proton Mail Bridge, which caused many emails from some IMAP servers to appear to be from "NIL"

VNC Server 6.3.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- This is a release of VNC Server and supporting programs for installation on remote computers you want to control
- Remove a computer from your team (that is, prevent discovery by RealVNC’s cloud service) at the command line using -leavecloud
- Specify a friendly name for a computer whilst adding it to your team at the command line using -joinname

- Provide a comprehensive multi-factor authentication scheme for Mac and Linux computers using interactive system authentication to integrate with your choice of PAM authentication modules
- Blank the screens of Windows 8 and 10 computers in addition to Windows 7 and earlier computers. Note screen blanking is only likely to be effective for monitors attached to desktop computers, and not laptop displays. Test your system in advance using the tool provided on VNC Server’s Options > Privacy page. More information

- Connecting users supplying Active Directory credentials should find authenticating to VNC Server on Windows is quicker
- VNC Server is now more integrated with LDAP when the smartcard/certificate store authentication scheme is selected
- Users should experience fewer blank screens when connected to Windows computers with the screen saver enabled, or Intel Ready Mode Technology installed
- Connected users with a left-hand mouse or with mouse buttons switched can now interact remotely in the expected way

Mailspring 1.5.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Mailspring now supports localization! The app detects your system locale and all text, menus, buttons, etc. in the app appear in your language. Mailspring's core strings has been manually localized in 38 languages and the rest (mostly error messages and text describing features) have been automatically translated
- We'd love your help improving these localizations! A new "Developer > Toggle Localizer Tools" menu option in Mailspring allows you to submit better translations right within the app. You can also edit the translation files directly and submit a pull request. See the new localizer guide here
- If you use a RTL language, Mailspring's entire UI now appears right-justified, including the sidebar, preference panels, scrollbars, and more. If you use Mailspring in Arabic or Hebrew and notice issues in the right-to-left presentation, please file issues or submit pull requests

- The "contact profiles" feature of Mailspring Pro is much more robust and reliable thanks to a new profile discovery mechanism
- The "contact profile" sidebar shows the Gravatar associated with the email address before falling back to the "empty box with initials"
- Mailspring now uses the latest version of libetpan, which improves stability and fixes several parsing bugs. It also more flexibly parses IMAP responses that include unquoted text fragments
- The padding of the search bar in the Darkside theme has been fixed

- Trying to open a package that does not define engines in it's package.json no longer crashes the app
- Mailspring now uses Electron 2.0.11

LibreOffice 6.1.2 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


LibreOffice 6.1.1 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- dereference null return value
- apparmor: fix saving files in enforced mode
- Excel file with large graphic crashes calc for memory usage
- new chart: Updates of charts in writer
- infinite recursion
- outer loop unrelated to inner loop
- null-dereference
- validate no negative editengine selection positions
- use a WW8SprmIter to find the sprm
- [fix available] (soffice:13740): Gtk-CRITICAL **: 10:28:04.861: gtk_widget_queue_draw_area: assertion 'height >= 0' failed
- Arrowheads in sidebar are disabled, although object can carry arrowheads
- EDITING: paragraph in specific document (content from external source?) changes indent when copying and pasting from and to same paragraph
- date with custom format macro and locale other than English don't produce desired result
- [FILESAVE DOCX] Chart title area fill property lost when saved as DOCX
- EDITING: Draw file be unresponsive if a large text is pasted into a textbox
- FILEOPEN: Word text boxes with background, become two in LO
- FILESAVE: ODT: when reopened with LO, the graphic moves to page 2
- EDITING: The master slide loses the background when changing page format of orientation using the sidebar
- Image not visible if other image hidden by unused Page style
- 'Random' number displayed on style organizer page
- LibO is maxing out one core for a long time (since LibO 6.0)
- [FILESAVE]: changes format of date in cell from DD.MM.YY to MM.DD.YY with save file to .XLSX
- LibreOffice crashes on disposing a frame with a basic macro
- Crash in: sc::PivotTableDataProvider::assignLabelsToDataSequence(unsigned int)
- [NEWHELP] Some branch bookmarks are not working
- Pasting unformatted text over selected text causing LibreOffice Impress not to respond
- FILEOPEN: crash when opening this .odp file
- PPTX: Missing font effect "transformation" support
- Printing doesn't start in particular documents until you show first pages
- Update Appdata screenshots
- Text formatting .uno:Subscript, .uno:Superscript work from menu and Sidebar deck, but not completed with assigned keyboard shortcut
- Crash when double-clicking in an empty chart that was saved as XLS
- cannot create Firebird embedded database unless experimental features is turned on
- Writer crashes when opening odt from the attached document
- error when reading the value of a variable in the IDE (crash)
- CRASH: Print Preview crashes on signed document without infobar
- Footnote navigation when in footnote text is inconsistent
- Fontwork border line increases from 0,02inch to 0,03 inch when copy/pasting a fontwork between two sessions
- Base crashes when selecting all controls on a Report and trying to change the font
- Crash / assert when resaving a specific PPT
- Area tab: Bitmap preview is not shown
- Incorrect source string for UI in Pootle - Libreoffice 6 and Master
- Writer hangs opening ODT document created in Writer 5
- Assertion failure when playing Fade in and Swivel animation (with OpenGL)
- FILEOPEN XLSX Chart width gets compressed
- Doesn't work new feature New “spell out” chapter numbering styles for Russian
- Form control information for Text Box use 'cm' for units, not units as selected in other dialogs
- CRASH: Writer crashes inserting a section
- Inaccurate symbol signs
- CRASH: LibreOffice Writer unexpectedly silently exits on loading a certain document
- Navigator drag mode doesn't work
- [UI] Help button should be on the left of dialog (iv)
- FILEOPEN ODT Table rendered in wrong position. Position change reverts after save
- Lock mark on protected sheet tab disappears when entering wrong password
- Opening first document pauses for 6-7 s, drops to 2 s by inserting a smart card into reader
- [CRASH] [Basic] [Calc] on closing a file if open hidden and if a particular subroutine is used before closing
- FILEOPEN: Read Error in .EPS images inserted in LibreOffice 6.0 beta1 or older
- Label in report builder doesn't have text
- FIREBIRD: Firebird support is available by default with version 6.1RC
- Crash deleting a table using the floating table toolbar
- [NEWHELP] Colibre icons missing in several help pages
- Crash when two Fields are empty, on same line and inside a table and hide paragraphs of empty fields active
- Impress opengl: hang when switching to slide where graphic is loaded async
- Area tab: Pattern preview is not shown
- inserting columns or rows changes global named ranges on different sheets if expand references is on and insertion touches the edge (ignoring sheet)
- VLOOKUP in XLSX with external reference to Windows share saved incorrectly
- JAWS has no access to accessibility objects
- Date Format MM/DD/YY not Preserved When reading XLSX or XLS
- A .PPTX has table in wrong position (at the top), with one cell blue without text
- Saving presentations with charts to PPTX looses data labels rotation
- ADDRESS function >> R1C1 style is used instead of A1 style, if "A1" argument is floating-point number with zero integer
- Two "Edit Style" buttons on the "Character Style" dialog
- German sort algorithm "phone book" does not work
- CALC: toggle INSERT/OVERWRITE is broken since 6.1
- Menu items opening with a delay in a document containing a large amount of comments (not gtk3)
- QT5 integration Save As or PDF Export dialog has and empty file name and always home directory
- FILEOPEN: DOCX from TextMaker freezes Writer due to a style with a blank name
- MAXIFS, MINIFS, SUMIFS, AVERAGEIFS: error in parameters list (Err:504) for scalar value (non-reference, non-array) as main range
- This version is unable to retrieve data from a webpage (link external data)
- Freeze after command format->text->Capitalize Every Word (tdf#119155)
- PPTX: Font effect 'transformation' save with shape filling (tdf#119160)
- Format > Text > Cycle Case on attached example file hangs Calc reproducibly
- Impress 6.1 CRASH when editing bulleted list ( steps in comment 4)
- Deprecation warning mentions wrong command line parameter when -convert-to used
- List of character sets in ASCII Filter Options is mixed up
- Crash scrolling formatted 2007 DOCX with revision, comments and images (SfxListener::~SfxListener() EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION_WRITE) (steps in comment 8)
- Help button in "Sign Signature Line" dialogue
- filter import of OOXML Shapes from Word fail to render in LibreOffice
- Base form opens over top of query parameter replacement dialog opened by query form is based off
- Indents & Spacing doesn't accept non-default units
- Fileopen: Table opens a width of 115.60 cm (since LibO6.1) in webview
- Sidebar Deck icon is not set through extension
- Area tab: Pattern color change results in pattern shown in Bitmap tab page
- Intermittent crash when Frame and document have blank database fields and "Hide paragraphs" option on
- Tooltip not shown in colour palette
- The application crashes when you add the "Windows Share" File Services resource
- No text printed since upgrade to 6.1 Linux - no font-information in postscript file
- Add new Venezuela currency bolívar soberano (VES)
- Wrong result of Conditional formatting with type Date: condition "This week" shows 9 days in week instead 7 days
- Use Ctrl+Tab to switch between sheets on macOS
- The selectionChanged event of the interface does not work with mouse clicks
- Direct copy & paste from Calc into existing Writer table, places all in one cell (work around: paste-special in new table first)
- FILESAVE: Formatting and/or data validation, positioned after last non-empty cell, is lost when saving to XLS or XLSX
- FILESAVE: Removed tab stop returns on roundtrip
- FILEOPEN: RTF - Image should be placed behind table (wrap through-in background)
- The functions FORMULA and ISFORMULA do not return the correct array under "iterative evaluation" condition (array-evaluation)
- FILESAVE: Distorted and unusable export of stacked bar chart to Excel .XLSX
- FILEOPEN RTF: Incorrect basic shape position
- FILESAVE: Data Point Color in Charts lost on DOCX/XLSX export
- FILESAVE: Cell formatting lost / corrupted style.xml (reported by Excel) when saving file to XLSX
- FILEOPEN: CRASH: ODS with large chart out of memory 'Bad Allocation' on 32-bit LO since LO 4.0

LibreOffice 6.1.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New and improved features:
- Colibre, a new icon theme for Windows based on Microsoft’s icon design guidelines, which makes the office suite visually appealing for users coming from the Microsoft environment
- A reworked image handling feature, which is significantly faster and smoother thanks to a new graphic manager and an improved image lifecycle, with some advantages also when loading documents in Microsoft proprietary formats
- The reorganization of Draw menus with the addition of a new Page menu, for better UX consistency across the different modules
- A major improvement for Base, only available in experimental mode: the old HSQLDB database engine has been deprecated, though still available, and the new Firebird database engine is now the default option (users are encouraged to migrate files using the migration assistant from HSQLDB to Firebird, or by exporting them to an external HSQLDB server)
- Significant improvements in all modules of LibreOffice Online, with changes to the user interface to make it more appealing and consistent with the desktop version
- An improved EPUB export filter, in terms of link, table, image, font embedding and footnote support, with more options for customizing metadata
- Online Help pages have been enriched with text and example files to guide the users through features, and are now easier to localize

LibreOffice 6.0.6 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Bug fixes:
- Impress not showing text background in presentation mode
- Crash (Runtime error) when using SCO (or DEPS) Evolutionary Algorithm Solver
- VIEWING: Scrolling performance slow in files with lots of chart objects
- EDITING: cursor moves with Enter key
- FILEOPEN : When open the Roundtrip PPTX in LO loss the table cell border line width i.e lnL, lnT, lnR, lnB tag is not exported
- text background color not displayed in slide show
- Add lock mark on protected sheet tab before tab label
- VIEWING: Text boundaries broken when text is entered (GTK2)
- Cannot use page up/down keys in read-only mode
- Blue selection indicator for characters and words does not show when text is rotated 90°
- JPEG image (CMYK?) damaged in the exported PDF
- LibreOffice changes file extension and mime type of EMF file to .wmf and image/x-wmf
- FILEOPEN: PPTX Table cell borders shouldn't be displayed
- FILEOPEN: EMF+ Incorrect lines' height [Bartosz Kosiorek]
- Inserting new rows/columns not disabled in read-only spreadsheet when right-clicking on rows or columns
- Importing HTML creates questionable named ranges
- EDITING: CRASH (Reason=EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION_READ) when paste special contents from particular source.ods as GDI metafile
- FILESAVE: PPTX Incorrect position of shapes after RT
- Replacing image resets the crop
- Status bar displays wrong characters upon load (OpenGL)
- Sidebar Gallery preview list box context menu has two Insert menu items
- Assert when using tab to move between controls in the Navigator in the Sidebar
- "Designing with LibreOffice"'s front cover images are not rendered in LibreOffice 6.0.2
- Zoom factor, word counter etc. do not update in status bar (with OpenGL)
- [Writer UI] Set page variable dialog (Insert-Fileds) is sorted alphabetically
- Crash (fatal error) when attempting a mail merge print ( only the first time the connection is done)
- Special Character dialog: on resize with a selection from recent or favorite character list, the fields for Unicode Name, "- l: U+" value, and the "Decimal:" value pick up incorrect string from the selection on chart (comment 16)
- External Forms: Form control property connection-resource link-ref contents changed when an odt file is saved
- GIF images fail to display in Impress
- LibreOffice 6 Calc Column Width after Insert Columns Left
- FILEOPEN: Hang opening a excel file (Windows and all backend except GTK3)
- Writer crashes every time with a certain large file FILEOPEN
- Crash in: ScInputHandler::EnterHandler(ScEnterMode)
- FILEOPEN Image in header in DOCX is shifted downwards
- LibreOffice hangs if "Select Firefox Theme" dialog is dismissed before theme previews are completely loaded
- Formula truncated falsely if the first/middle argument of the function(with two or more significant args) contains a non-constants parameter within array of constants
- FILEOPEN: LibreOffice Incorrectly Calculating Page Size in .doc
- Undo doesn't work with 'resize shape to fit text'
- [GTK3] Editing: Calc cannot select video file
- Crash when searching record in a form of an external MySQL-database (JDBC-connection)
- Parameter index out of range (1 > number of parameters, which is 0).
- EDITING Crashes on Undo after Cut conditional formatting data
- Numbering in Preview of Caption is Wrong
- FILEOPEN: DOC: Incorrect top/bottom page margin
- CRASH: Finalized configuration item (Enable multi-threaded calculation) editable in UI
- Try to Change the Page Orientation Crashes LibreOffice
- Lock mark on protected sheet tab disappears when entering wrong password
- External reference not supported as result in the THEN or ELSE paths of an IF jump
- Master Document: insert text from file doesn't work
- FILESAVE: LO crashes while saving DOCX file containing table in footer
- Selecting a recent or favorite special character is not applied by OK in bullets and numbering dialog
- FILEOPEN: html: File format error found at 920,8(row,col)
- PivotTable: the last row of a worksheet can't be used in the PivotTable (crash)
- FILESAVE DOCX Next Style property for page styles lost
- CRASH: Writer crashes when double click on first OLE object in to-

VNC Server 6.3.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- FIXED: Under Linux and macOS, VNC Server now accepts domain license keys once more
- FIXED: Under macOS, the VNC Server postflight installation script no longer kills the loginwindow process, so other service operations continue without interruption
- FIXED: VNC Server now attempts to use both system and user proxy server settings (in that order) when communicating with RealVNC services in order to license the software
- FIXED: Under Windows, VNC Server should now start in circumstances where Windows Firewall fails to respond properly
- NEW: A new encoding, ZRLE2, is now the default, which means that most users should experience better performance in conjunction with VNC Connect 6.3.0, below
- VNC Viewer can now log to a centralized logging facility such as syslog or Event Log
- On Windows, VNC Viewer now supports high contrast mode

LibreOffice 6.0.5 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Crash when working with form
- Crash with CJK characters in status bar (OpenGL)
- Crash in: `anonymous namespace'::documentStartPageNumber
- Pivot table shortcuts for moving the current field into the "Row" area
- Synchronize Labels button not working
- Impress crashes when the New Slide toolbar command is used
- LibreOffice fails to build with GLM GLM_GTX_bit is an experimental extension
- LibreOffice Basic freezes when line ends with "0."
- COUNTA() returns inconsistent values depending on entering separate cells or a corresponding cell range
- Date format problem using the Dutch (NL) localization