KiTTY 歷史舊版本 Page19

最新版本 KiTTY

KiTTY 歷史版本列表

KiTTY 是從 PuTTY 的 0.60 版本,一個免費的 SSH,Telnet 和 Rlogin 客戶端,將使高級用戶來控制其網絡連接和文件傳輸的所有方面的分叉。 KiTTY 是源代碼可用的開源軟件,由一組志願者開發和支持。會話過濾,會話圖標,自動登錄,自動密碼保護,預定義命令快捷鍵,在遠程會話中運行本地保存的腳本等應用體育功能。KiTTY 的主要工作環境是 DOS 命令界面高級用戶可以使用他... KiTTY 軟體介紹

PyCharm 2020.2.1 查看版本資訊


KiTTY 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- bugfix: "Default Settings" is created in subfolders
- feat: Not all kinds of "ssh://" URLs are supported, crash sometimes

Vagrant 2.2.10 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- hyperv/disks: Add ability to manage virtual disks for guests

- core: Allow provisioners to be run when a communicator is not available]
- core: Add autocomplete command that allows for install of bash or zsh autocomplete scripts]
- core: Update to childprocess gem to 4.0.0]
- core: Add action to wait for cloud-init to finish running]
- core: Update to net-ssh to 6.0 and net-sftp to 3.0]
- core: Optimize port in use check for faster validation]
- core: Support for Ruby 2.7]
- core: Add synced folder capabilities for mount options and default fstab modification behavior]
- guest/arch: Use systemd-networkd to configure networking for guests]
- guest/haiku: Rsync install for rsync synced folders]
- guest/solaris11: Add guest capability shell_expand_guest_path]
- host/darwin: Add ability to build ISO]
- hosts/linux: Add ability to build ISO]
- hosts/windows: Add ability to build ISO]
- providers/hyperv: Add support for SecureBootTemplate setting on import]
- providers/hyperv: Add support for EnhancedSessionTransportType]
- virtualbox/disks: Add ability to manage virtual dvds for guests]

Bug fixes:
- core: Ensure MapCommandOptions class is required
- core: Fix :all special value on triggers
- core: Ensure network addresses have a valid netmask
- core: Recover local machine metadata in global index
- core: Print CLI help message is ambiguous option provided
- core: Update how /etc/hosts gets updated for darwin, freebsd and openbsd
- core: Capture [3J escape sequence
- core: Treat empty box value as invalid
- core: Allow forwarding ports to unknown addresses
- core: Scrub credentials as whole words
- commands/destroy: Add gracefull option to switch beween gracefully or forcefully shutting down a vm
- communicator/ssh: Raise an error for a nil exit status
- communicator/winrm: Check for nil return from querying for forwarded ports
- config/vm: Add option allow_hosts_modification to allow/disable Vagrant editing the guests /etc/hosts file
- config/vm: Add config option hostname to
- config/vm: Don't ignore NFS synced folders on Windows hosts
- host: Use regular port check for loopback addresses
- host: Allow windows and linux hosts to detach from rdp process
- host/windows: Properly register SMB password validation capability
- guests: Allow setting of hostname according to hostname option for multiple guests
- guest/alpine: Allow setting of hostname according to hostname option
- guest/esxi: Be more permissive with permissions of ssh directory
- guest/linux: Add virtual box shared folders to guest fstab
- guest/suse: Allow setting of hostname according to hostname option
- providers/docker: Ensure new containers don't grab existing bound ports
- providers/hyperv: Fix check for secure boot
- providers/virtualbox: Fix inability to create disk with same name across multiple guests
- provisioners/docker: Allow to specify docker image version using the run option
- provisioners/file: Allow creating empty folders
- provisioners/shell: Ensure Windows shell provisioner gets the correct file extension
- util/powershell: Use correct powershell executable for privileged commands

SQLBackupAndFTP 12.4.5 查看版本資訊


Wing IDE 101 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Introduce preliminary support for Python 3.9
- Add Editor > Space Indicator Size preference for the size of the indicator used for space characters when white space is shown on the editor

Bug Fixes:
- Fix installing individually named packages with a version specifier from the New Project dialog
- Avoid scrolling editors in other splits when multiple splits are open for a file
- Fix using the space bar to toggle checkboxes in refactoring lists
- Fix end-of-block command when starting from a def <name>(): line
- Start in the correct location when using New items in the project context menu and the Files > Default Directory Policy preference is using the current focus
- Use the correct default text encoding for .json and .tex files
- Fix using Anaconda when it is the default Python in the Terminal on macOS
- Move the Debugger > Advanced > Auto-show Run Args Dialog preference to Debugger > Show Debug Environment Dialog and make it work for named entry points
- Avoid failure to display the value of some data types in the debugger
- Show operators in Python code in documentation also in the Black Background color palette

DBeaver 7.1.5 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Data transfer:
- Import from multiple CSV files was added
- Import from files into new tables
- Data import preview dialog was added
- Target table create/alter DDL now supports database-specific options
- Virtual columns are ignored in SQL INSERTs export
- Problem with data transfer wizard and Darkest Dark theme was fixed
- Problem with timestamp format for CSV/XLSX export was fixed
- Case sensitive table/column names resolution was fixed

Database navigator:
- Statistics render was fixed for MacOS and Linux
- Database size statistics was added for PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQL Server, DB2

Team work:
- Problem with empty Git Repositories view was fixed
- Git integration was added in project navigator view

- Native client version was upgraded to version 12 (Windows)
- Check constraints read was fixed (PG 12+)
- SQL results limit was fixed (for queries with LIMIT/OFFSET/FETCH clauses)
- Object DDL generator was improved (comments, permissions)
- Support of case insensitive full-text search was added
- Table partitions statistics was added

- TNS names search was fixed
- Connection info was fixed for TNS/custom URL connections
- Variables are now supported in custom JDBC URL
- Problem with check constraints read was fixed
- Table copy was fixed (bug with redundant indexes was resolved)
- Redshift: problem with read-only resultsets was fixed
- Snowflake: SQL dialect support was fixed ($$ comments)
- A large number of minor UI improvements and bugfixes

KiTTY 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- bugfix: Reconnect hangs on password entry
- bugfix: change mouse shortcut Shift+Left to keyboard shortcut

SoftEther VPN Gate Client Plugin 2020.08.07 build 9745 查看版本資訊


DVDFab Passkey Lite 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- New: Added the support for some new Java protections

Serato DJ Lite 1.3.8 查看版本資訊
