KiTTY 歷史舊版本 Page18

最新版本 KiTTY

KiTTY 歷史版本列表

KiTTY 是從 PuTTY 的 0.60 版本,一個免費的 SSH,Telnet 和 Rlogin 客戶端,將使高級用戶來控制其網絡連接和文件傳輸的所有方面的分叉。 KiTTY 是源代碼可用的開源軟件,由一組志願者開發和支持。會話過濾,會話圖標,自動登錄,自動密碼保護,預定義命令快捷鍵,在遠程會話中運行本地保存的腳本等應用體育功能。KiTTY 的主要工作環境是 DOS 命令界面高級用戶可以使用他... KiTTY 軟體介紹

Joplin 1.0.241 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Add mechanism to lock and upgrade sync targets
- Add version info to error screen
- Added KeymapService to manage keyboard shortcuts
- Added attach file to menu bar
- Add search filters

- Apply latest package security updates

- Add support for OneDrive for Business
- Codemirror: clean up list indent code
- Enable CodeMirror keybindings
- Fix AppImage Icon
- Hide completed to-dos in GotoAnything
- Implement scroll-past-end on CodeMirror editor
- Show full folder name in mouse-over pop-up text
- Toggle Editor rather than setting split mode on search

- Fixed copy, cut and paste in Rich Text editor
- Fixed scrolling issue when editing while searching in CodeMirror
- Fixed sync fetching issue
- Fixed vim mode issue where status bar was not visible
- Modify the CodeMirror linter plugin to fix katex
- Fixed Katex font rendering
- Fix links within Mermaid documents

Nicepage 2.24.4 查看版本資訊


DS4Windows 2.1.9 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Added XInputChecker link
- Fixed null pointer issues in Macro Editor when using Preset options

Nicepage 2.24.3 查看版本資訊


DS4Windows 2.1.8 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Added WIN64 compilation symbol back in
- Added Touchpad Click as an output binding
- Added support for SnakeByte Game:Pad 4S gamepad. Contribution by mika-n
- Implemented fuzz routine for LS and RS. Delta value before stick coordinates are updated
- Changed assembly references. Found a way to safely use AggressiveInlining
- Increased initial service start delay
- Do not change window size if it is currently larger than default Profile Editor size
- Added note about Edge to Exclusive mode error message
- Fixed app crash when TaskService COM objects don't work. Contribution by mika-n

KiTTY 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Add SetFocus at startup

DBeaver 7.2.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Simplified database structure view was added
- Database maintenance tools can be saved as tasks now
- Table and schema size statistics were added in the database navigator
- Import from multiple CSV files was added. Files can be imported into new or existing tables
- Many problems with UI freeze on disconnect or query cancel were fixed
- Database navigator rendering was redesigned
- A number of problems with keyboard shortcuts were fixed
- Git integration was improved: now we show file status in the Project Explorer view
- New database drivers were added: YugabyteDB and SQreamDB
- Problem with database list load was fixed (PostgreSQL, Redshift, MySQL, Oracle, SQL Server)
- Metadata editor: edit property form rendering was improved (non-applicable fields are hidden)
- Performance for table statistics reading was improved

Data viewer:
- Column ordering was fixed (for custom SQL queries)
- UUID transform: version 2 support was added

- Default database name and default user name were added for many database drivers
- Data export: custom data type formatting support was fixed

- Cursor fetch was fixed
- Native client was upgraded to version 12
- Table OID support was fixed (PG 12)
- PgPass parser was improved (support for escaped characters was added)

- Materialized view comment editor was fixed
- View definition reading was fixed (for non-DBA users)
- Table reading now uses DBA views (optional)
- Profile resources metadata reading was fixed

- MariaDB/MySQL: table column resolving was fixed
- CockroachDB: connectivity problem was fixed

- Metadata search was fixed (for procedures)
- Table metadata reading was fixed

- Dark theme support was improved (tab folders, toolbars)
- A large number of minor UI bugfixes

Nicepage 2.24.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Dear Nicepage Community! We are glad to present to you the new update of Nicepage 2.24. New WooCommerce and VirtueMart Products Element, page copy and paste, new Add Button, Group, and Text, Shape improvements, Icon In Text, Align for selected and all Elements, support for PNG and JPG icons, University video, new Block and Template designs, and more.

DS4Windows 2.1.7 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed 'index out of bounds' error for localization string when default profile is not found
- Updated build script to bundle newer translation packs
- Updated Spanish translation

DS4Windows 2.1.6 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Removed LBRY social link and resources
- Allow setting a custom executable file for DS4Windows.exe
- Changed CONFIG_VERSION to 4. Start of profile migration support
- Added 1 Euro Filter smoothing for Gyro Mouse and Gyro Mouse Joystick output modes
- Bump up Gyro Mouse offsets
- Apply 1 Euro filter to calculated rotation angle from 360 Steering Wheel mode rather than each accel axis value
- Fixed locatiztion bug in the input custom bezier curve string value. Contribution by mika-n
- Added support for three specialist PS4 controllers. Contribution by tpneill
- Increased scale multiplier used for Gyro Mouse
- Changed translation string for 'save' in German translation. Contribution by Haamar
- Dutch translation added. Contribution by RedDevilus
- French translation added. Contribution by RedDevilus
- Only call RefreshVolume when the DS4Audio device is detected
- App can now find a unified USB device tied to the DS4 HID and audio devices. DS4Windows no longer relies on string name to match audio devices
- Increased minimum headphone volume
- Added new Chinese (Traditional, Taiwan) translation. Contribution by SyaoranChang
- Fixed issue with wrong window position data being saved while window is minimized
- Now show battery level for controller plugin tray message
- Added current battery level from DS4State object to Controller Readings. Used to diagnose if BatteryChanged events are not firing in main window
- Change profile save routine to allow dots in profile name
- Escape underscores in profile names for some GUI controls. Needed to disable access key usage in some GUI controls
- Fixed sides for Test Rumble in Profile Editor
- Allow both rumble motors to be usable simultaneously for Test Rumble
- Dynamically create task.bat file as requested. Allows a custom exe filename to be written to the file
- Reset button mappings when a special action is triggered
- Updated app manifest file to specify confirmed compatible versions of Windows
- Now log current exe filename to Log file. Just the base filename not the whole path
- Updated DS4Updater.exe to version 1.4.3