IsoBuster 歷史舊版本 Page4

最新版本 Microsoft Safety Scanner 1.381.294.0 (64-bit)

IsoBuster 歷史版本列表

IsoBuster 是一個屢獲殊榮,高度專業化和易於使用的 CD,DVD 和藍光(BD,HD DVD)數據恢復工具的個人電腦。 IsoBuster 通過 NTFS,UDF,FAT,HFS,ISO,IFO / VOB 和文件簽名從 CD,DVD,BD,HDD,閃存驅動器,U 盤,媒體卡,Compact CF,MMC,SD,軟盤, . 如果您需要支持多種類型的介質,則不累計成本。 IsoBuster ... IsoBuster 軟體介紹

Electron 12.0.3 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Allow loading source maps from custom protocols and asar bundles
- Fixed postData parameter missing from new-window event
- Fixed a bug where, when a JumpList task description exceeded 260 characters, the JumpList was empty, despite valid entries
- Fixed a crash when loading pepper plugins
- Fixed a network process crash that could happen when using setCertificateVerifyProc with many concurrent verification requests
- Fixed an issue where select-serial-port callback crashes when called with an invalid serial port ID
- Fixed an issue where window.print() did not work properly when printing a pdf from the pdf plugin
- Fixed an issue where errors thrown in functions passed over the contextBridge could be displayed incorrectly
- Fixed an issue where the thumbar disappeared after win.hide() on Windows
- Fixed bug where TouchBarPopover and TouchBarGroup were no longer rendering
- Fixed crash when using profiler in devtools
- Fixed failing to request file:// resources when web security is disabled
- Fixed rare crash when initializing the internal PDF extension
- Fixed service worker not working with custom protocol
- Support wasm-eval csp behind WebAssemblyCSP flag
- Transparent windows cannot be maximized using the Windows system menu or by double clicking the title bar

Other Changes:
- Updated Chromium to 89.0.4389.114
- Updated community discussions link in default Electron menu

Electron 12.0.2 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Colors returned from systemPreferences.getAccentColor(), getSystemColor and getColor are now correctly converted into the devices color space. Previously the color would have been subtly incorrect
- Fixed desktopCapturer.getSources() promise result sometimes never resolving
- Fixed a rare crash on Windows that could occur when emitting certain Tray events
- Fixed an issue where some Node.js modules would hang on page reload on Windows
- Fixed an issue where the drag regions in BrowserViews on macOS could be off in their y-axis
- Fixed context menus not being positioned correctly when near the edge of the screen
- Fixed crash when calling getBackgroundColor on a transparent window with no assigned background color
- Fixed intensive I/O from asar files causing ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND after a while
- URLS passed to shell.openExternal on windows are now correctly URI encoded. This was already occurring on macOS and Linux. #28341 (Also in 10, 11, 13)

Other Changes;
- Fixed native module compilation with AsyncCleanupHooks on windows
- Updated Chromium to 89.0.4389.90

Electron 12.0.1 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Added support for the des-ede3 cipher in node crypto

- Child windows with specified background colors or transparency now work as intended
- Fixed an issue where BrowserViews could have mismatched draggable regions to their bounds
- Fixed an issue where win.capturePage() never called back after calling hide() for a hidden window on some platforms
- Fixed using navigator.setAppBadge and navigator.clearAppBadge from a service worker in Electron
- Fixed warning when worldSafeExecuteJavaScript is disabled

Other Changes:
Updated Chromium to 89.0.4389.82
[a11y] Fixes broken word navigation for certain alphanumeric characters

Electron 12.0.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Changed the default value of contextIsolation to true

- Fixed a potential crash when resetting BrowserViews
- Fixed background color not being applied for child windows created by native path (Also in 10, 11)
- Fixed issue where would not return an object with a location.href setter when contextIsolation is enabled and nativeWindowOpen is disabled
- Fixed navigator.bluetooth.requestDevice (Also in 11)
- Fixed race condition in implementation

Other Changes:
- Reverted WebFrameMain.executeJavaScriptInIsolatedWorld()
- Updated Chromium to 89.0.4389.69

IsoBuster 4.7 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Changes / New:
- Implemented an option to not automatically explore a drive for partitions and file systems, to avoid reading until the operator choses so (Ignored on image files and needs a Professional license)
- Retries can be reduced to 0 retries (including the block per block retries)
- Added detection of encrypted partitions and tracks based on the encryption signatures for: WinMagic SecureDoc Full Disk Encryption, BitLocker, Apple File Vault, Check Point Full Disk Encryption, GuardianEdge Encryption Plus/Anywhere/Hard Disk Encryption and Symantec Endpoint Encryption, McAfee Safeboot/Endpoint Encryption, Sophos Safeguard Enterprise and Safeguard Easy, Symantec PGP Whole Disk Encryption (an encrypted partition or session/track is shown with a green color - it is also indicative for why no files and folders were found for such a partition or session/track)
- Ability to Export and Import report templates (*.ibtmpl) (via right mouse click, see under the actual reporting)
- Full Padus DiscJuggler *.cdi image file support, including CD-Text, via the Padus pfctoc.dll that is installed together with this version of IsoBuster
- Options / GUI / Shell option to choose your own 'Investigate with IsoBuster' text on right mouse clicking a CD/DVD drive in Windows Explorer
- Ability to Scan for missing files and folders but look for *.VOB Video only, via right mouse click + Shift + Ctrl
- Support for the PS2 Memory Card file system
- Support for the PSX Memory Card file system
- Support for the Dreamcast Memory Card file system
- Detect Xbox formatted Hard Disks and support Xbox native partitioning schemes to reach its file systems and stored data
- Detect PS2 formatted Hard Disks and support its native APA partitioning scheme to reach its file systems and stored data
- Detect the PS2 PFS file system
- Support for CD *.vcd image files
- Support for raw CD *.2056, *.2324, *.2332, *.2336, *.2352, *.2368, *.2448 image files
- Support for GD-ROM *.gdi image files
- Support for various other block device image files: *.xgd, *.apa, *.ps2, *.vm2; *.vmc, *.saveram, *.ddf, *.gme, *.mcd, *.mci, *.ps, *.psm, *.srm, *.vgs, *.vmp, *.vm1, *.mcr, *.dcm, *.vmu, *.hfv, *.528

- Greatly improved Prassi PrimoDVD / Sonic / Roxio *.gi image file support by finding internal sections and tracks
- Default RAW extracted CD Images now always get extension *.bin (instead of *.iso)
- Improved support for 512 + 16 ECC bytes per block Image files
- Changed the default optical disc retry counts from Per-Range: 2 and Per-Block: 3 to Per-Range: 1 and Per-Block: 2
- Improved the ability to clone an image with different internal blocksize than the device's blocksize
- Small improvement in Reiser file system detection
- Improvements detecting Xbox' FATX
- Show PS2 APA Attributes/Resources
- Ability to recognize and list ISO images in the application area of a PS2/APA partition
- Check the third track of a GD-ROM for the ISO9660 file system
- Improvement to search functionality and particularly searching inside (what I call) Embedded objects (for instance sub-partitions in partitions)
- Show files in the breadcrumb control when their content is shown (streams, extents etc)
- Show 'state icons' in the breadcrumb control when 'special' object members are shown, for instance streams, extents etc.
- Show wait cursor while loading (large) files into the EditWindow
- Show Search results breadcrumb with the full system name where the search originated
- Improved looking for a UDF 'VAT' in image files
- Default, VOB files are not cut into smaller 1GB pieces anymore (everybody runs NTFS now that can deal with larger files)
- If all tracks of a session are detected as encrypted, the session is regarded encrypted as well
- If all sessions of a CD/DVD are detected as encrypted, the disc is regarded encrypted as well
- Work around a W10 issue (via the installation) that seems to elevate 'Investigate with IsoBuster' to the default setting sometimes
- Before a device is automatically removed (e.g. disconnected or device electronics failure) IsoBuster asks to save the scan results
- Custom file signature scanning now pre-processes the lines for much faster searching
- A few demo Custom file signature scanning *.rules are now installed in the /Plugins/ folder, so that it's easier to understand, edit, test and use
- Custom file signature scanning now also supports commands: %, i(), e() and c()
- Plenty of other improvements, quite a few changes and re-writes in the core code / engine, as this is a living project and to deal with the ever growing new functionality
- Various other GUI improvements

- Fixed it so that command line parameter /ef:sig works again (It looks like this was broken since v 3.6)
- Fixed exception error that could occur when one clicks the forward history button when there is nothing to show
- Fixed it so that text is displayed again in ListView (on an empty folder or unknown file system or on a partition without file system(s) etc.)
- Fixed it so that if only the last sector in a range is bad, building an error list From-To is still done correctly

dbForge Studio for MySQL Professional 9.0.338 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

dbForge Studio for MySQL Professional 9.0.338
Bug fixes:
- Problem with lost connection after 30 sec is fixed
- Problems with cache file are fixed
- Problem with date and time format is fixed
- Problem with loosing DEFINER is fixed

dbForge Studio for MySQL Professional 9.0.304
- Connectivity support for MariaDB 10.5 is added
- Display of server type in the Property window for MySQL, MariaDB, Percona, Amazon, Alibaba Cloud, and Tencent Cloud is added
- Display of server type in the Connections section of the System window for MySQL, MariaDB, Percona, Amazon, Alibaba Cloud, and Tencent Cloud is added
- Database Connection Properties and Test Connection windows are redesigned
- Connectivity support for SkySQL is added

Database Design:
- The Find Invalid Objects feature is implemented

Support for new objects:
- Working with the Packages and Sequences established in MariaDB 10.3 is supported

SQL Document:
- -- nowarn and -- endnowarn tags have been added to the Execution warnings functionality
- Exporting execution history in the CSV file format is added

Code Completion:
- Code completion is available in the body of triggers and events

Data Editor:
- Cached Updates mode is implemented

Schema Compare:
- Scripts Folder comparison is added
- Object Filter is implemented
- Schema Comparison Report window is redesigned
- HTML reports are redesigned.
- Pre and post script execution during data synchronization
- Ignore DEFINER and SQL SECURITY clauses option is modified
- Ignore row format table option is added
- Ignore AUTO_INCREMENT option is added
- DDL Diff control is redesigned

Data Compare:
- Scripts Folder comparison is added
- Data Compare control is redesigned
- Data Comparison Report window is redesigned
- Pre and post script execution during data synchronization
- Option to append timestamp to the name of the data sync script file is added to Data Synchronization Wizard
- Option to set default values is added to Data Synchronization Wizard

Data Generator:
- Pre and post script execution during data population.

Database Backup:
- Option to disable reference tables from the backup is added

Data Export and Import:
- Output tab is added to Data Import Wizard and Data Export Wizard
- Data Export, CSV tab is added to the Options window
- Display of selected data export format is added to all tabs of Data Export Wizard

Other Improvements:
- Command line prompt is expanded with a full list of available exit codes
- Activation of the tool via the command-line interface is implemented

User-reported bug fixes:
- Problem with precision for Update Timestamp on MariaDB 10.3 is fixed
- Problem with generating CREATE script 'curdate()' with quotes is fixed
- Problem with generating null is fixed
- Problem with error on backup is fixed
- Problem with increment update is fixed
- Problem with displaying multi-line comments is fixed
- Problem with scrolling fields is fixed
- Problem with error exporting .rdb report to DOCX is fixed
- Problem with options editing format is fixed
- Problem with Restore running is fixed
- Problem with "find and replace" window is fixed
- Problem with comparing projects and databases is fixed
- Problem with displaying warnings in Output is fixed
- Problem with displaying property AUTO_INCREMENT is fixed
- Problem with completion list in case of using JOIN is fixed
- Problem with highlighting error is fixed
- Problem with displaying of controls for 4K monitors is fixed
- Problem with generating backup scripts is fixed
- Other user reported bugs are fixed

dbForge Studio for MySQL Professional 8.2.23
- Fixed: problem with connection to Azure Database for MySQL is fixed

dbForge Studio for MySQL Professional 8.2.21

- Support for Check Constraints for MySQL

User reported bugs fixed:
- Problem with script generating is fixed
- Problem with incorrect foreign key creating is fixed
- Problem with procedure debugging is fixed
- Problems with data export to Excel is fixed
- Other user reported bugs are fixed

dbForge Studio for MySQL Professional 8.1.45

Bugs fixed:
- Problem with "Set Value To Null" is fixed
- Problem with incorrect display of page count is fixed
- Problem with incorrect utc_timestamp quotes is fixed
- Problem with AUTO_INCREMENT property loosing is fixed
- Problem with wrong status message is fixed
- Problem with wrong table rebuild is fixed
- Problem with date format is fixed
- Problem with procedure debugging when lower_case_table_names = 0 is fixed
- Problem with smart data generators list is fixed
- Other user reported bugs are fixed

dbForge Studio for MySQL Professional 8.1.22
- Support for MariaDB 10.4

User reported bugs fixed
- "PDF view" mode of Data Viewer issue is fixed
- A comparison of objects names with different case issue is fixed
- "Spatial view" mode of Data Viewer issue is fixed
- Problem in Data Population Wizard is fixed
- Problem in SQL Document is fixed
- Other user reported bugs are fixed

SurfShark 2.6.6 查看版本資訊


IsoBuster 4.6 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Support for NTFS cluster sizes of 128 KB and higher. Since Windows 10 v1709 and Windows Server 2019 the older maximum 64 KB boundary has been increased to 2 MB, so changes needed to be made
- Support for multiple NTFS MFT records in a single sector
- Faster extraction and cloning, depending on write and read speeds but obviously still limited by the read speed on failing media or devices
- Work-around for a certain type of data corruption that appears to happen frequently using certain USB card readers (internal and external). Symptoms are the sudden loss of files and or partitions etc. Usually in combination with FAT. Remaining files and/or folders may get names such as "USBC◘╧è◘" or "USBC..". Possibly related to ADATA NH92 adaptors though that is not certain! After researching the issue online it seems a lot of people think this is a virus. I see mention of the "USBC virus" and "USBC malware", yet it's not. It's a hardware / firmware failure that happened while data was being written to the SD card. IsoBuster is now able to detect and compensate for such issues on the fly so that files and folders can still be found and extracted
- IsoBuster now displays the average speed when extracting
- Support for ISO9660 and its derivatives, Joliet, Rock Ridge etc. mistakenly copied/cloned to a USB stick with 512 bytes per block
- Right-Mouse-Click when holding SHIFT adds the option to work on a range (From-To) when doing a -Surface Scan- or -Scan for missing files and folders [Professional license]- or -List erroneous sectors-
- Right-Mouse-Click when holding SHIFT adds the option to create a managed image file or clone that is [Empty]. No actual reading is done yet and the user has full control over which type completion is to be performed or what type of engineering is to be done [Professional license]
- Right-Mouse-Click when holding SHIFT adds the option to show the Sector View dialog with the object's last LBA instead of its first LBA

- Various speed and memory improvements when parsing NTFS
- Various speed and memory improvements when parsing Brother-FAT and FAT
- Various speed and memory improvements when parsing ISO9660 and its derivatives, Joliet, Rock Ridge etc.
- Various speed and memory improvements when parsing the Pioneer DVR file system
- Improved FAT parsing when only the backup boot sector is available
- Both FAT addresses are shown in the FAT File system properties dialog (if there are two FATs)
- Improvements in the 'debug dump' image file functionality. Activated when contacted to try and debug an issue
- The search-suggestions-drop-down now displays under the search control instead of to the right of it, very much like previous-search-commands
- An object (for instance file) with no size (0 bytes) cannot have unreadable sectors (so it should not be listed as such, even if its address is in unreadable space)
- Improved support for old style Macintosh Partition maps
- Better file signature detection of quick time formats: mp4, mov, 3gp, 3g2, m4a, m4b, m4p, m4v during a scan for missing files and folders
- Improved file signature detection and assembly of fragmented *.avi files
- Improved *.swf, *.wmf, *.pxc, *.exe, *.dwg and *.ico file signature detection (less chance of false positives)
- Added file signature detection for: *.alb, *.pwm, *.pwp, *.amr
- Added more shortcuts, Ctrl+ and Crtl-, to read and show sectors in Sector View
- Also allow the creation of a customizable file system from a single track session or a single partition USB/HDD/SSD
- TreeView now does 'hot tracking' when hovering over objects
- Better internal click and right click management when making further selections afterwards, e.g. search
- Changed the layout of the right-mouse-click popups to hopefully make more sense (may need a small adjustment when you're used to the old layout)
- Dynamically create right-mouse-click popups to allow much more flexibility in the future
- Plenty of other improvements, quite a few changes and re-writes in the core code / engine, as this is a living project and to deal with the ever growing new functionality
- Various other GUI improvements

- No known, reported or encountered bugs .. so nothing needed to be fixed

Offline Explorer Pro 7.8 Build 4654 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Offline Explorer Pro 7.8 Build 4654
- Change log not available for this version

Offline Explorer Pro 7.8 Build 4651
- Offline Explorer Enterprise downloads an unlimited number of all kinds of Websites at the highest possible speed. OLE Automation allows you to make your own offline browsing solutions. Supports all modern Web technologies, including AJAX, Scripts, Flash, XML, RSS, VRML, etc. New version features Office 2013-like interface, new download method with the help of Internal Browser, new Export options, browser enhancements, Migration Wizard, Project Creation Wizard options, Report on site links and many other improvements.

Offline Explorer Pro 7.7 Build 4642
- Change log not available for this version

Offline Explorer Pro 7.7 Build 4640
- Improved errors handing in Project Backup
- Improved support for Amazon Services site
- Added /H command line parameter for invisible installation
- Improved index file update when moving Project files
- Improved ads scripts removal
- Improved Internal browser compatibility
- Improved auto-scrolling web pages that take long time to load

Bug Fixes:
- Fixed displaying map filename in View - Statistics
- Fixed memory leak

Offline Explorer Pro 7.6 Build 4630
New :
- Improved ads scripts removal
- Improved downloading embedded YouTube video
- Improved logout links filtering
- Improved processing hex-encoded links
- Improved HTTPS POST Content-Type
- Improved HTTPS download performance

Bug Fixes :
- Fixed processing some scripts
- Fixed some wrong video links in queue

Offline Explorer Pro 7.5 Build 4620 SR1
- Improved export to EXE files when website size is huge
- Improved Instagram video playback
- Improved filename display in the Internal Editor
- Added Ctrl+O and Ctrl+S support in the Internal Editor
- Added amp-img and amp-video tags support
- Improved IMG srcset links parsing
- Improved registration process
- Improved timeout handling in HTTPS protocol

Offline Explorer Pro 7.5 Build 4610
- Improved checking page frames for URL Filters
- Improved Instagram Photo album Project template
- Added ability to expand and load complete Instagram Photo albums
- Improved Internal Editor toolbar
- Improved following levels when downloading via Internal Browser
- Added backup/restore of the Project Saved Pages
- Added support for EVS embedded video
- Improved downloading redirected video links
- Improved parsing video links
- Added alternative images links support
- Added player controls for embedded audio files
- Improved adwords and tracking scripts removal

Bug Fixes:
- Fixed parsing JOT scripts
- Fixed errors on exit
- Fixed File Filters - Location rules when handing redirects to non-HTML files
- Fixed confirmation to move Download Directory for a newly created Projects

ProtonVPN 1.15.0 查看版本資訊
