Inkscape (64-bit) 歷史舊版本 Page9

最新版本 Firefox Developer Edition 121.0b4 (64-bit)

Inkscape (64-bit) 歷史版本列表

Inkscape 64 位是在 Windows,Mac OS X 和 Linux 上運行的專業質量矢量圖形軟件。它被全世界的設計專業人員和愛好者用來創建各種各樣的圖形,如插圖,圖標,徽標,圖表,地圖和網頁圖形。 Inkscape 使用 W3C 開放標準的 SVG(Scalable Vector Graphics)作為原生格式,並且是免費的開源軟件。它可以導入和導出各種文件格式,包括 SVG,AI,... Inkscape (64-bit) 軟體介紹

Inkscape 1.2.2 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Crash fixes:
- Inkscape no longer freezes the whole desktop when rotating objects with snapping activated under certain conditions
- Converting an object with a stroke set as 'unset' / 'none', but with markers on the non-existing stroke, no longer leads to a crash

Bug fixes:
- Symbols that contain a clipping path or mask no longer cause the Symbols dialog to create a high processor load
- The keyboard shortcut that is meant to scale the selection by 1 screen pixel now does so again
- Raster images that are opened with Inkscape now end up in the page area even when the document origin is set to the bottom left corner
- Dithering (for smooth gradients) is now disabled by default (even if it was enabled before you update to 1.2.2), because it was causing a loss of performance while drawing

- The 'Export' and 'Align and distribute' dialogs are no longer confused about what area to export / what type of item to align
- In the same dialog, tooltips now reliably show up when hovering over any of the buttons
- Clarified wording of an option shown when importing SVG files

Import / Export:
- OpenClipart import option is now available on Windows and in the AppImage, and the potentially missing Python library BeautifulSoup is now a recommended package for Debian packaging
- Several issues in the DXF14 export have been fixed:
- Documents with non-uniform scale are exported correctly
- When importing a DXF file created by Inkscape into Fusion 360, the warning message about missing units is gone now (given the SVG document uses "real-world" units such as mm or in)
- A leftover debug message was removed
- The TIFF export now supports transparency
- DPI attribute is preserved for JPG and TIFF raster export
- PNG files now use the correct file permissions on Linux (previously, exported files were only accessible to the user who created them, which caused problems when doing web development)

- Saving markers that are compatible to SVG 1.1 now works for both marker direction and marker color at once
- Objects with hairline strokes no longer lose that style when grouping or pasting
- Filtered objects whose filters make use of the 'Morphology' filter are no longer cut off

- The Measure tool now indicates correct positions and sizes for shapes (stars, spirals, rectangles)using the tool for the first time.

Note about snap packages:
- It is no longer possible to install the Inkscape snap with the --classic option. If you need functionality that is unavailable in the standard snap package (being able to add custom filter packs, custom extensions communicating with other programs on the system / requiring system-wide dependencies, …), please choose a different packaging format.

Windows-specific Fixes:
- Extensions Manager and Clipart import work again on Windows. This fix was already available in 1.2.1, if you downloaded it after July 19
- The Text tool no longer crashes when selecting some specific fonts that have been installed multiple times in different file formats
- Inkscape 1.2.2 can now be built for Windows on Arm

Command line:
- Trailing or duplicate semicolons no longer cause an action list command to fail

Improvements for development / deployment:
- Automated Windows builds work again
- Windows builds succeed again in CLANG64 environments

Extension bug fixes:
- Bugfixes in particular extensions
- Color extensions can work on patterns again
- The extension Render > Barcode > QR Code can now create QR codes with sharp edges (as opposed to slightly rounded edges as previously) even when using the extension from inside Inkscape (as opposed to from the command line)
- The Hershey Text extension now warns about manual kerning instead of crashingextensions
- Saving a self-made font as SVG font using Extensions > Typography > 3 - Convert Glyph Layers to SVG Font now works again when one of the characters is the apostrophe (single quote) characterextensions

Improvements that apply to all extensions:
- If a malformed SVG document is fed into an extension, the user is warned about it instead of causing an extension crash

MusicBrainz Picard 2.8.5 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Relative paths for cover art file names no longer work
- Toolbar icon text disappears when saving options
- "Show icons in menus" option is applied without saving options

TextSeek 2.18.3732 查看版本資訊


TextSeek 2.18.3730 查看版本資訊


MusicBrainz Picard 2.8.4 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Null bytes in tag values can cause crashes when sorting
- Picard crashes on huge releases if no cover art provider is active
- Loaded album does not update cover art display
- Moving tracks between albums shows tracks differ even when they do not
- Submit AcoustIDs submits even IDs that are in center pane
- Player popovers for volume and playback speed crash on Wayland and open on wrong position
- Add New Tag autocomplete list contains value typed so far
- Floatable toolbars unusable under Wayland
- Options for "Windows compatibility" and "Replace non-ASCII" get incorrectly set to inactive
- Rules for file name compatibility and max. path shortening are not applied when saving cover art
- $cleanmulti() has no effect for hidden variables
- Unable to drag tracks from right hand pane to Clusters
- distutils.errors.DistutilsClassError when building with
- QObject::startTimer: Timers can only be used with threads started with QThread

- Support media types "DualDisc (DVD side)" and "Betacam SP"

Readiris Pro 17.4 Build 162 查看版本資訊


TextSeek 2.18.3700 查看版本資訊


TextSeek 2.18.3690 查看版本資訊


TextSeek 2.16.3670 查看版本資訊


TextSeek 2.16.3650 查看版本資訊
