Inkscape (64-bit) 歷史舊版本 Page7

最新版本 Firefox Developer Edition 121.0b4 (64-bit)

Inkscape (64-bit) 歷史版本列表

Inkscape 64 位是在 Windows,Mac OS X 和 Linux 上運行的專業質量矢量圖形軟件。它被全世界的設計專業人員和愛好者用來創建各種各樣的圖形,如插圖,圖標,徽標,圖表,地圖和網頁圖形。 Inkscape 使用 W3C 開放標準的 SVG(Scalable Vector Graphics)作為原生格式,並且是免費的開源軟件。它可以導入和導出各種文件格式,包括 SVG,AI,... Inkscape (64-bit) 軟體介紹

Topaz Video AI 3.3.3 查看版本資訊


Topaz Video AI 3.3.2 查看版本資訊


Nicepage 5.12.7 查看版本資訊


Topaz Video AI 3.3.1 查看版本資訊


Nicepage 5.12.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Invalid messages in the Best Practice for adding many Elements
- Invalid display of added images in the My Images folder
- Invalid meta tags saved into the Page Settings for some user projects
- Invalid display of some pages in the HTML Blog on some user projects
- Malfunctioning of the Page Import in the Desktop Application for some user projects
- Malfunctioning of the Audio Element
- Malfunctioning of the Animation On Scroll applied to the Audio Element
- Malfunctioning of the Desktop Applications with some user projects
- Malfunctioning of the Animate Back on Scroll option for the Animation on Scroll
- WordPress: Malfunctioning of the theme sidebar on some user websites
- WordPress: Malfunctioning of the Plugin with Firewall flags on some user websites
- WordPress: Malfunctioning of the submission to Google Sheets on some user websites
- Joomla: Invalid Product image resolution
- Joomla: Invalid display of the Hamburger Menu Icon
- Joomla: Malfunctioning of the Extension on some user websites
- Joomla: Malfunctioning of the addition of the Menu Items with Extension on some user websites
- Joomla: Malfunctioning of the EngageBox extension on some user websites

Readiris Pro 17.4 Build 177 查看版本資訊


Studio 3T 2023.5.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- General - Updated Mongo Java Driver to version 4.7.2, with full support for MongoDB 6.0
- General - Updated the Mongo Shell that is shipped with Studio 3T from version 1.5 to version 1.8
- General - Added support for over a dozen new aggregation operators for MongoDB 5.0 and 6.0
- Aggregation Editor - Added support for the new aggregation stages: $densify, $documents, and $fill
- Aggregation Editor - Improved the $lookup stage to support templates for different use cases
- Aggregation Editor - The dropdown for the selection of stage operators now allows typing stage operators without the "$"
- AI Helper - Added an "Limit number of fields ..." option to prevent running into token count limitations with ChatGPT
- Index Manager - Associated Index Manager tabs are now automatically closed after dropping a collection
- Index Manager - The "Add Index" and "Edit Index" dialogs now allow changing the field order via drag & drop or context menu actions
- IntelliShell - Added the ability to rename output tabs by right-clicking them and selecting "Rename tab"
- Export Wizard - Introduced the ability to load saved queries (find and aggregate) on units of an export task
- Schema Analyzer - Added support for opening schema analysis results that are associated with a deleted connection

- Index Manager - Fixed an application failure that occurred when closing an Index Manager tab while an index operation is still running
- Aggregation Editor - When moving stages up or down the pipeline, the stage number next to the "Operator" field is now updated
- Aggregation Editor - Fixed an crash that could occur when restarting Studio 3T after collapsing the result view for an aggregation stage
- Connection Tree - Fixed an application failure that could occur when resizing the Open Connections tree
- Query Manager - Fixed an application failure that could occur when trying to collapse the tree in the Query Manager
- Imports - Importing CSV files now works correctly for all delimiter options
- Task Manager - Fixed "Authentication failed" errors for scheduled tasks running on databases that do not require authentication
- Aggregation Editor - Removed the misplaced option to open IntelliShell from exports of aggregation results

Nicepage 5.11.4 查看版本資訊


Nicepage 5.11.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Invalid sorting for the uploaded images
- Invalid display of the Footer Images
- Invalid display of the Button properties in the Property Panel
- Invalid display of the Radio Button properties for the Gallery Element in the Property Panel
- Invalid display of articles on the HTML Blog on some user websites
- Invalid display of the Change Video Icon for the Gallery Item
- Invalid Radius for the Menu Items
- Invalid Button Radius for the edited Radius for a Grid Cell
- Invalid Headings for the Images in the Gallery Element if left empty
- Invalid addition of multiple images from to the Image Gallery Element
- Invalid rendering of the thumbnails for the Block Designs
- Invalid Width of the Contact Form Button after collapsing on some user projects
- Invalid Background Shade for the Blog Posts and Post Details on some user websites
- Invalid Folder while uploading the Images
- Invalid Dimensions after changing the Image
- Invalid display of Arrow and Tooltip on the Quick Preview for the unpublished changes
- Invalid source for the Video Element added to the Grid Repeater Items
- Invalid section in the Image dialog for the media uploaded or dragged from the Desktop
- Invalid icons for different languages shown on the Nicepage Builder
- Invalid icon in the Outline showing the duplicated elements from the Gallery Element
- Invalid Sorting Icon on the Site Dashboard
- Malfunctioning of the Contact Form Gallery Field on some user projects
- Malfunctioning of the Save operation for the Modal Popup Designs added from the Add Panel
- Malfunctioning of the With Reload option for the Hamburger Menu Item linking to a Block
- Malfunctioning of the Tab Element added to the Tab of another Tabs Element
- Malfunctioning of the dragging fields horizontally in the Full-Width Contact Form added to the Modal Popup
- Malfunctioning of the Copy Style operation for the Category Element
- WordPress: Invalid display of the Custom Attributes on the Shopping Cart Template
- WordPress: Invalid Subitem Background шт the Multi-Level Mega Menu
- WordPress: Malfunctioning of the Parallax Effect on the Android phones on some user websites
- WordPress: Malfunctioning of the Animation on Hover on some user websites
- WordPress: Malfunctioning of the PDF Attachments in the Contact Form on some user websites
- WordPress: Malfunctioning of the Contact Form 7 submission on some user websites
- WordPress: Malfunctioning of the Page Design Adition from the Add Panel
- WordPress: Malfunctioning of the Product Button on the Woocommerce Product Detail page
- Joomla: Invlaid display of the Blog Intro Image on some user websites
- Joomla: Malfunctioning of the Login Form on the Shopping Cart Page on some user websites
- Joomla: Invlaid Google Font added to the Theme Settings
- Joomla: Malfunctioning of the import of the content with the Language element
- Joomla: Malfunctioning of the Page Design adding from the Add Panel

Nicepage 5.10.10 查看版本資訊
