GOM Media Player 歷史舊版本 Page8

最新版本 Dolibarr 18.0.5

GOM Media Player 歷史版本列表

GOM Media Player 是一款內置流行視頻和音頻編解碼器的免費多媒體播放器。  GOM Media Player 支持 AVI,DAT,MPEG,DivX,XviD,WMV,ASF 等文件格式。用戶不必分別安裝編解碼器。GOM Media Player 能夠通過跳過損壞的幀來播放不完整或損壞的 AVI 文件。它也可以播放鎖定或部分下載的文件。其他功能包括拖放支持,HTTP 流媒... GOM Media Player 軟體介紹

Notion 2.0.38 查看版本資訊


StockMarketEye 5.6.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- The licensing issue during the update (the user gets a grey screen when updating the app version) is fixed
- The summary reports issue (some parts of the report were missing) is fixed
- If an in-app update is failed and the user sees a pop-up with a manual update link, it’s being opened in the browser, not in the app
- The issue where the chart’s Y-Axis is stuck on %-change, when the comparison tool isn’t being used, is fixed
- If there’s no stock selected, the chart will show an empty state instead of the last selected stock
- Once the user updates/adds a new brokerage account, they’ll see a pop-up for doing a backup
- Mountain chart issue (the user couldn’t have data in the mountain chart view) is fixed
- The issue where the size of the text is reset to default after each restart is fixed
- The bug with missing linked brokerage and its data while importing is fixed. Now the users should be able to see that data
- The issue where the properties for the watchlist group were broken is fixed. Now the user can check properties for the group watchlist
- The issue with the settings update is fixed. Now when the user goes to settings, they’ll see their latest saved state
- Error handling issue was fixed (the user was getting an infinite loader if having an error on “Update all portfolios from their brokerage”)

RazorSQL 10.2.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


SQLiteStudio 3.4.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- SQLite updated to 3.40.0 (except for SQLCipher, which has latest version 3.39.2)

- #4587 Fixed very slow loading of data in tables with foreign keys
- Query executor column aliases do not need wrapping anymore, because parser in 3.4.0 does not strip wrapped aliases anymore
- Removed duplicated UI config entries generated by Printing plugin
- Installer now runs the application at final step as a regular user even if running as root
- icon path for Linux installer, so that SQLiteStudio shows with the icon in Linux application list
- Fixed the Test Connection button in Database Dialog
- Fixed casual application crash on database disconnection
- Fixed application freeze when creating table with ICU collation
- Fixed unloading & loading SQLCipher plugin during single run of application
- Fixed SSL handshake issue under Linux during updates checking
- Fixed TLS issue under Windows
- Fixed table modification script in case all existing columns of a table are deleted, but the table remains and then new columns are added
- Fixed disappearing table (not really, just in UI) when dragging it and dropping onto SQL Editor
- Initial (default) colors of current line/query in SQL Editor is fixed to not be just black
- #4343 Disabling Foreign Keys during execution SQL directly from file
- Fixed row/column (de)selection on header ctrl+click
- Fixed thread-safety issue with QtScripting (JavaScript) built-in plugin

Firefox Developer Edition 108.0b9 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


Firefox Developer Edition 108.0b8 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


BricsCAD 23.1.06 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Improvements to BricsCAD:
Boolean Operations:
- It is now possible to interrupt commands UNITE, SUBTRACT, INTERSECT, INTERFERE, MASSPROP and calculation of mass properties and UCS elevation in the Properties Panel by pressing Cancel when they take too long

- Background hatch color is correctly applied with HatchDialog->'Inherit properties' option

- Extended "RevcloudProps" data is added to polylines created by the REVCLOUD command

- Modified the SPLINE command to not enter start/end tangents at the end of the command. Now entering of start/end tangents are options of the command


AI Assist:
- Fixed the functionality for "Join Usage Data Program" tool
- Fixed the untranslated strings in the ribbon tab

AM* dialogs:


- Entities can now be converted to a block when classifying as a type under "Other Types (beta)

- Fixed an issue where no 2D stair representation would be generated in some translated versions of BricsCAD

- Fixed an issue where BIMREASSOCIATE was ignoring opening tags

- Fixed the untranslated strings used in the command

CUI files:
- Items which have the same name and parent node are now correctly displayed separately in Smartling

Civil - Point File Formats dialogs:
- The dialog titles are now localized

Civil Palette:
- Added localization support for the "Civil" palette

Civil-Label style editor:
- Fixed untranslated components

- Fixed the untranslated record in the "Dimension Styles" explorer tab

- Predefined Drawing Health routines are now included in the installer

Datasmith Export:
- Exporting to a Datasmith file will no longer cause BricsCAD to crash if there is no version of Twinmotion or Unreal Engine installed on the machine

- Fixed exporting product structure to Parasolid files

- Fixed the behavior of the command options in localized versions

Editable Dimensions Dynamic Input:

Fix:: avoided automatic recomputation of dimension value on pressing Shift while editing the value manually

Entity Grouping:
- Fixed the remaining untranslated strings
- Added localization support for the remaining untranslated command messages

- Improved font selection in Drawing Explorer->TextStyle view for custom fonts and for fonts from true-type collections

- Fixed the import functionality on localized versions
- The column titles from GISIMPORT dialog (properties table) are now localized

- The options from Advanced settings are now localized
- In the new Qt-based INSERT dialog, a block can now be selected by typing its name. This matches the behavior of the previous wxWidgets-based INSERT dialog
- We fixed a bug that caused incorrect scale to be applied after command line entry of individual X/Y/Z scales

- Fixed the untranslated warning message displayed when running the command
- Improvement for BOM in BIM workflo
- Improvement for BOM in BIM workflow when dragging and dropping a BOM file from the Project Browser on a sheet

LandXML Import:
- A check has been implemented for surfaces with empty Definition. Importing of surfaces defined by Breaklines and Boundaries has been implemented as well

- Fixed transparency in transparency maps

- Improved the position of the mleader's multiple line block attribute


Fixed:: The MSLIDE command could create slides with the wrong color if the object used an RGB color instead of index color

- Starting the MTEXT command from a menu macro again starts the dialog instead of prompting at the command line

Mechanical browser:
- It was made possible to change custom properties of integer type using the Mechanical Browser

- Fixed a crash when esnapping to AECDrawMvBlockRef objects

- Point clouds are now printed, as expected

- We added support for UCS

Polyline Display:
- Fixed to correctly display a polyline's clockwise arc segments with non-zero widths and when a polyline's linetype differs from continuous (e.g., dashed)

Project Sheetset Name:
- On creation of a new project, the sheetset name and sheetset project name is set to the name of the project. When changing the name of the project in the Project Browser, the sheetset name and sheetset project name are updated

Project browser:
- Fixed untranslated "Auto background updating" string in the panel

- Opening the Settings dialog box in a new drawing no longer modifies the drawing

Smart Insert:
- Corrected the description text for Smart/Insert/Connect components in the quad

Structure Browser:
- It is now possible to use value definitions when configuring the structure tree

Fixed regression:: DbTable is not updated on the screen after RegenerateTableSuppressed was set to false
- Fixed an issue where some items in the combo box could not be selected in the "Insert block into cell" dialog
- Fixes a problem when scaling a table with only 1 or 2 rows - the scaling operation was interrupted with "Invalid input"

- Toolbar icons for cell merge and unmerge were switched. They are now corrected

Top View Modeling:
- The flip functionality while inserting a window or door in Top View Modeling mode now works as expected

Usage Data Program:
- An internal encoding issue is resolved to make sure string data is always sent correctly

VBA Projects:
- Internal recovery of corrupted VBA projects on load

Visibility States Panel:
- We fixed a bug where the panel would be empty if opened immediately after starting the application

- Fixed a native resource bug in BIMProfile.GetProfileCurves() that could result in a crash
- The DBObject.Copied event now sets in the event argument the copied object instead of the source object
- The MPolygon.PatternColor property is now working correctly to set the pattern color
- We corrected a problem with corrupt drawing data when an MPolygon was created from a closed polyline with last vertex equal to first vertex
- We fixed a crash while iterating a selection set containing subentity selections

LISP Components interface:
- Fixed some minor issues in LISP MCAD/Components interface

Corrected (acet-error-init) function:: the internal undo marker is now placed before system variables changes, to provide proper behavior with later _U operation

Firefox Developer Edition 108.0b7 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


Firefox Developer Edition 108.0b6 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


Firefox Developer Edition 108.0b5 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊
