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最新版本 GIMP 2.10.36

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GIMP(GNU 圖像操作程序)是一個免費分發的軟件,適用於照片修飾,圖像合成和圖像創作等任務。這是一個功能強大的軟件,具有任何其他免費軟件產品中沒有的功能。它可以用作簡單的繪圖程序,專業品質的照片潤飾程序,在線批量處理系統,批量生產圖像渲染器或圖像格式轉換器。 GIMP 是模塊化的,可擴展的和可擴展的。它的目的是增加插件和擴展來做任何事情。先進的腳本界面允許從最簡單的任務到最複雜的圖像處理程序都... GIMP 軟體介紹

PrivadoVPN 3.0.1 查看版本資訊


WordPress 6.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Enhanced Writing Experience:
Writing improvements abound, whether you’re writing a brand new post or adding elements to an existing page. Explore more ways to streamline your content creation process, including:
- Select text across multiple blocks for easier copying and pasting
- Type two open brackets `[[` to quickly access a list of recent posts and pages
- Keep existing styles when you transform some blocks from one kind to another—from a Paragraph block to a Code block, for instance
- Create customized buttons and any new buttons you make will retain the style customizations automatically
- Make tag clouds and social icons even more appealing with updated settings and controls, and a new outline style for the tag cloud

Style Switching:
- Block themes now include the option to contain multiple style variations. This expands the new Style system even further and enables shortcuts to switch the look and feel of your site all within a single theme. In block themes that support this feature, you can change both the available settings, like the font-weight, and the style options, like the default color palette. Change the look and feel of your site with just a few clicks.

More Template Choices:
WordPress 6.0 includes five new template options for block themes: author, date, categories, tag, and taxonomy. These additional templates provide greater flexibility for content creators. Tailor each with the tools you already know or with the following new options in this release:
- Featured images can be used in the cover block.
- New featured image sizing controls make it easier t get the results you want
- While editing a template, at the root, or between blocks, the quick inserter shows you patterns and template parts to help you work faster and discover new layout options
- The query block supports filtering on multiple authors, support for custom taxonomies, and support for customizing what is shown when there are no results

Integrated Patterns:
- Patterns will now appear when you need them in even more places, like in the quick inserter or when creating a new header or footer. If you’re a block theme author, you can even register patterns from the Pattern Directory using `theme.json`, enabling you to prioritize specific patterns that are most helpful to your theme’s users.

Additional Design Tools:
Design tools grow more powerful and intuitive with each release. Some highlights for 6.0 include:
- A new color panel design saves space, but still shows your options at a glance
- New border controls offer a simpler way to set your border exactly as you like it
- Transparency levels for your colors allow for even more creative color options
- Control gaps, margins, typography, and more on a collection of blocks, all at once, in the Group block
- Switch between stack, row, and group variations to position groups of blocks with more layout flexibility
- Use the gap support functionality in the Gallery block to create different looks – from adding spacing between all images, to removing spacing altogether

Better List View:
- New keyboard shortcuts enable you to select multiple blocks from the list view, modify them in bulk, and drag and drop them within the list. List View can be opened and closed easily; it comes collapsed by default and it automatically expands to the current selection whenever you select a block.

Block Locking Controls:
- Now you can lock your blocks. Choose to disable the option to move a block, remove a block, or both. This simplifies project handover, allowing your clients to unleash their creativity without worrying about accidentally breaking their site in the process.

Improved Performance in WordPress 6.0:
- This release includes several updates focused on improving the performance of WordPress. These enhancements cover a range of performance areas including improving the page and post-load speed, reducing the execution time of various query types, caching, navigation menus, and much more. The performance team working group is an important focus area of the core development team. For more information on this group’s work, please follow their work on Making WordPress with the #performance hashtag.

Enhancing WordPress 6.0 Accessibility:
- Accessibility is an integral part of the WordPress mission of fostering an inclusive community and supporting users of all types around the world. With this in mind, WordPress 6.0 includes more than 50 updates specifically focused on enhancing the accessibility of the platform. You can read about these updates and learn more about the accessibility initiatives that are ongoing.

WordPress 5.9.3 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- This maintenance release features 9 bug fixes in Core and 10 bug fixes in the block editor

Verge3D for 3ds Max 3.9.1 查看版本資訊


WordPress 5.9.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Security and maintenance release

WordPress 5.9.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- This maintenance release features 82 bug fixes in both Core and the block editor

WordPress 5.9 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Better block controls:
- WordPress 5.9 features new typography tools, flexible layout controls, and finer control of details like spacing, borders, and more—to help you get not just the look, but the polish that says you care about details

The power of patterns:
- The WordPress Pattern Directory is the home of a wide range of block patterns built to save you time and add to your site’s functionality. And you can edit them as you see fit. Need something different in the header or footer for your theme? Swap it out with a new one in a few clicks.
- With a nearly full-screen view that draws you in to see fine details, the Pattern Explorer makes it easy to compare patterns and choose the one your users need

A revamped List View:
- In 5.9, the List View lets you drag and drop your content exactly where you want it. Managing complex documents is easier, too: simple controls let you expand and collapse sections as you build your site—and add HTML anchors to your blocks to help users get around the page.

A better Gallery block:
- Treat every image in a Gallery Block the same way you would treat it in the Image Block
- Style every image in your gallery differently, or make them all the same, except for one or two. Or change the layout with drag-and-drop

soapUI 5.7.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

GraphQL Support:
- Now you can test GraphQL services. To do this, use the new GraphQL Request test step. To learn more, see GraphQL Testing.

Docker support:
- SmartBear introduces a pre-configured Docker image, so now you can run SoapUI functional tests in isolated Docker containers
- Built-in OpenAPI (Swagger) support
- Now, to work with OpenAPI/Swagger definitions, you do not need to use plugins. SoapUI supports it out-of-the-box. Additionally, we've improved integrations with SwaggerHub to make it even more convenient.

Overall improvements:
- Support for OpenJDK 16
- Now, SoapUI opens a response editor that matches the response content type. For example, it opens JSON editor if response has JSON content.

We've updated a number of third-party libraries, including the following:
- Apache Log4j library to 2.17.1
- Jayway jsonpath to 2.4.0
- Now, SoapUI Open Source stores log files to the /.soapuios/logs directory. Previously, they were stored in the SoapUI installation directory, which could cause issues on Windows computers.
- A new feature by modax: Now, you can run SoapUI Open Source build from the Travis-CI

- When proxy is set to None, usage of the ProxySelector class leads to the NullPointerException
- The value of the Start Step property of the SOAP Mock Response could reset to the default value in some cases
- A bug fix by stevendjames: When you used Query/Match filter in the SOAP Mock Response test step, the ClassCastException could occur
- A bug fix by MagnoCorrea: Names of the exported WSDL definitions with schema references could be too long. Now, such names are shorter and easier to work with
- A bug fix by stevann7: REST mock services did not show details of the message when you double-click it in the Message Log panel
- A bug fix by modax: In some cases, when you assigned a new endpoint to requests with the specific endpoint in the Service Endpoints panel, SoapUI did not apply it
- A bug fix by clynton: The NullPointerException could occur if you did not add the runBeforeSteps event listener to the project

WordPress 5.8.3 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Security updates:
4 security issues affect WordPress versions between 3.7 and 5.8. If you haven’t yet updated to 5.8, all WordPress versions since 3.7 have also been updated to fix the following security issues:
- Props to Karim El Ouerghemmi and Simon Scannell of SonarSource for disclosing an issue with stored XSS through post slugs
- Props to Simon Scannell of SonarSource for reporting an issue with Object injection in some multisite installations
- Props to ngocnb and khuyenn from GiaoHangTietKiem JSC for working with Trend Micro Zero Day Initiative on reporting a SQL injection vulnerability in WP_Query
- Props to Ben Bidner from the WordPress security team for reporting a SQL injection vulnerability in WP_Meta_Query

soapUI 5.6.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Overall Improvements:
-Support for openJDK 12.
-Updated third-party libraries (org.apache.httpcomponents, commons-logging, commons-codec, and junit).
-Removed unused third-party libraries (Jackson, KeenIO).
-The ability of SoapUI to load plugins that are not signed by SmartBear.
-Better security. SoapUI now disables the Load and Save project scripts by default.

- Now plugins are loaded once during SoapUI launch. Previously they were loaded twice.