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最新版本 GIMP 2.10.36

GIMP 歷史版本列表

GIMP(GNU 圖像操作程序)是一個免費分發的軟件,適用於照片修飾,圖像合成和圖像創作等任務。這是一個功能強大的軟件,具有任何其他免費軟件產品中沒有的功能。它可以用作簡單的繪圖程序,專業品質的照片潤飾程序,在線批量處理系統,批量生產圖像渲染器或圖像格式轉換器。 GIMP 是模塊化的,可擴展的和可擴展的。它的目的是增加插件和擴展來做任何事情。先進的腳本界面允許從最簡單的任務到最複雜的圖像處理程序都... GIMP 軟體介紹

Symfony 6.2.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- [Serializer] fix context attribute with serializedName
- [Console] Revert "Fix clear line with question in section (maxbeckers)
- [Cache] fix lazyness of redis when using RedisTagAwareAdapter
- [HttpKernel] AbstractSessionListener should not override the cache lifetime for private responses
- [DependencyInjection] Shared private services becomes public after a public service is accessed
- [Mailer] Include all transports' debug messages in RoundRobin transport exception
- [Validator] Allow opt-out of EmailValidator deprecation when using Validation::createValidatorBuilder()
- [FrameworkBundle] container:debug CLI output improvements for excluded services
- [Console] Fix clear line with question in section
- [HtmlSanitizer] Fix HtmlSanitizer default configuration behavior for allowed schemes
- [HttpFoundation] Use relative timestamps with MemcachedSessionHandler
- [Cache] Fix dealing with ext-redis' multi/exec returning a bool
- [Messenger] [Amqp] Added missing rpc_timeout option
- [Serializer] Prevent GetSetMethodNormalizer from creating invalid magic method call
- [HttpFoundation] Fix dumping array cookies
- [ExpressionLanguage] Fix BC of cached SerializedParsedExpression containing GetAttrNode
- [HttpKernel] Fix CacheAttributeListener priority
- [Translation] Fix extraction when dealing with VariadicPlaceholder parameters
- [SecurityBundle] Fix authenticator existence check in Security::login()
- [TwigBundle] Alias BodyRendererInterface
- [Console] Fix missing command not matching namespace error message
- [DependencyInjection] Fix bug when tag name is a text node
- [WebProfilerBundle] Fix dump header not being displayed
- [HttpClient] TraceableHttpClient: increase decorator's priority
- [FrameworkBundle] Allow configuring framework.exceptions with a config builder
- [Mime] Fix MessagePart serialization
- [Yaml] fix dumping top-level tagged values
- Fix getting the name of closures on PHP 8.1.11+
- [ErrorHandler][HttpKernel] Fix reading the SYMFONY_IDE env var
- [ErrorHandler] [DebugClassLoader] Fix some new return types support
- [VarExporter] Fix adding a key to an uninitialized array
- [Security] Fix invalid deprecation messages in Security constants
- [Clock] Fix usleep deprecation warning
- [HttpFoundation] IPv4-mapped IPv6 addresses incorrectly rejected
- [RateLimiter] Add int to Reservation::wait()
- [VarDumper] Ignore Error in __debugInfo()
- [VarExporter] Fix calling parent::__wakeup() when unserializing with LazyProxyTrait
- [DoctrineBridge] Skip resolving entities when the corresponding request attribute is already an object
- [FrameworkBundle] add kernel.locale_aware tag to LocaleSwitcher
- [FrameworkBundle] fix removing commands if console not available
- [DependencyInjection] Generate different classes for ghost objects and virtual proxies
- [DependencyInjection] Revert "Don't autoconfigure tag when it's already set with attributes"

Symfony 6.2.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- [DependencyInjection] Fix ContainerBuilder stats env usage with enum
- [HttpKernel] Fix using entities with the #[Cache()] attribute
- [Mailer] Fix rendered templates for notifications
- [WebProfilerBundle] Use same color as other icons for the close toolbar btn
- [DependencyInjection] Remove refs that point to container.excluded services when allowed
- [HttpKernel] In DateTimeValueResolver, convert previously defined date attribute to the expected class
- [WebProfilerBundle] Fix form panel expanders
- [FrameworkBundle] [Framework] Fix Infobip Mailer transport factory import
- [VarExporter] Fix possible memory-leak when using lazy-objects
- [TwigBridge] Amend MoneyType twig to include a space
- [WebProfilerBundle] Remove redundant code from logger template
- Fixed undefined variable error
- [FrameworkBundle] don't register the MailerTestCommand symfony/console is not installed

Symfony 6.2.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- [String] Fix AsciiSlugger with emojis
- [Security] Reuse AbstractFactory's config tree in AccessTokenFactory
- [Security] [LoginLink] Throw InvalidLoginLinkException on missing parameter

WordPress 6.1.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- This minor release features 29 bug fixes in Core and 21 bug fixes for the block editor

WordPress 6.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- After introducing foundational elements for block themes and style variations in releases 5.9 and 6.0, WordPress site builders welcome a new default theme, Twenty Twenty-Three, that is powered by 10 different styles and tagged as “Accessibility Ready.” These intentionally unique styles ensure users can apply a different look and feel to their site with a single click—all within a single theme.

New templates for an improved creator experience:
- New and more refined templates now give site builders more control over the creation of their sites. In this suite of new templates, find a custom template for posts & pages in the Site Editor. Create and edit template parts like headers and footers more quickly with a new search-and-replace tool and easily view your new site.

Design tools for more consistency and control:
- Thoughtful upgrades to the controls for design elements and blocks make laying out and building your new site a more consistent, complete, and intuitive experience

Manage menus with ease:
- New fallback options in the navigation block mean you can edit the menu that’s open; no searching needed. Plus, the controls for choosing and working on menus have their own place in the block settings. The mobile menu system also gets an upgrade with new features, including different icon options, to make the menu yours.

Cleaner layouts and document settings visualization:
- View and manage post and page settings with a better-organized display improving the use of features like template picker and scheduler

One-click lock setting for all inner blocks:
- When locking blocks, a new toggle lets you apply your lock settings to all the blocks in a containing block like the group, cover, and column blocks

Improved block placeholders:
- Various blocks have improved placeholders that reflect customization options to help you design your site and its content. For example, the Image block placeholder displays custom borders and duotone filters even before selecting an image.

Compose richer lists and quotes with inner blocks:
- The List and Quote blocks now support inner blocks, allowing for more flexible and rich compositions like adding headings inside your Quote blocks

More responsive text with fluid typography:
- Fluid typography lets you define font sizes that adapt for easy reading in any screen size

Add starter patterns to any post type:
- In WordPress 6.0, when you created a new page, you would see suggested patterns so you did not have to start with a blank page. In 6.1, you will also see the starter patterns modal when you create a new instance of any post type

Find block themes faster:
- The Themes Directory has a filter for block themes, and a pattern preview gives a better sense of what the theme might look like while exploring different themes and patterns

Keep your Site Editor settings for later:
- Site Editor settings are now persistent for each user. This means your settings will now be consistent across browsers and devices.

A streamlined style system:
- The CSS rules for margin, padding, typography, colors, and borders within the styles engine are now all in one place, reducing time spent on layout-specific tasks and helps to generate semantic class names

Updated interface options and features:
- Updates include styling elements like buttons, citations, and links globally; controlling hover, active, and focus states for links using theme.json (not available to control in the interface yet); and customizing outline support for blocks and elements, among other features.

Continued evolution of layout options:
- The default content dimensions provided by themes can now be overridden in the Styles Sidebar, giving site builders better control over full-width content. Developers have fine-grained control over these controls.

Block Template parts in classic themes:
- Block template parts can now be defined in classic themes by adding the appropriate HTML files `parts` directory at the root of the theme

Expanded support for Query Loop blocks:
- New filters let Query Block variations support custom queries for more powerful variations and advanced hierarchical post types filtering options

Filters for all your styles:
- Leverage filters in the Styles sidebar to control settings at all four levels of your site—core, theme, user, or block, from less to more specific

Spacing presets for faster, consistent design:
- Save time and avoid hard-coding values into a theme with preset margin and padding values for multiple blocks

Content-only editing support for container blocks:
- Thanks to content-only editing settings, layouts can be locked within container blocks. In a content-only block, its children are invisible to the List View and entirely uneditable. So you control the layout while your writers can focus on the content. Combine it with block-locking options for even more advanced control over your blocks.

Other notes of interest:
- 6.1 includes a new time-to-read feature showing content authors the approximate time-to-read values for pages, posts, and custom post types
- The site tagline is empty by default in new sites but can be modified in General Settings
- A new modal design offers a background blur effect, making it easier to focus on the task at hand

Enhancing WordPress 6.1 Accessibility:
- Accessibility is an integral part of the WordPress mission of fostering an inclusive community and supporting users of all types around the world. With this in mind, WordPress 6.1 includes nearly 60 updates specifically focused on enhancing the accessibility of the platform. Read these updates to learn more about the continual initiatives aimed at improving accessibility.

Improved Performance in WordPress 6.1:
- WordPress 6.1 resolves more than 25 tickets dedicated to enhancing performance with improvements for every type of site. A full breakdown can be found in the Performance Field Guide.

WordPress 6.0.3 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Security updates included in this release:
- The security team would like to thank the following people for responsibly reporting vulnerabilities, and allowing them to be fixed in this release.
- Stored XSS via wp-mail.php (post by email) – Toshitsugu Yoneyama of Mitsui Bussan Secure Directions, Inc. via JPCERT
- Open redirect in `wp_nonce_ays` – devrayn
- Sender’s email address is exposed in wp-mail.php – Toshitsugu Yoneyama of Mitsui Bussan Secure Directions, Inc. via JPCERT
- Media Library – Reflected XSS via SQLi – Ben Bidner from the WordPress security team and Marc Montpas from Automattic independently discovered this issue
- CSRF in wp-trackback.php – Simon Scannell
- Stored XSS via the Customizer – Alex Concha from the WordPress security team
- Revert shared user instances introduced in 50790 – Alex Concha and Ben Bidner from the WordPress security team
- Stored XSS in WordPress Core via Comment Editing – Third-party security audit and Alex Concha from the WordPress security team
- Data exposure via the REST Terms/Tags Endpoint – Than Taintor
- Content from multipart emails leaked – Thomas Kräftner
- SQL Injection due to improper sanitization in `WP_Date_Query` – Michael Mazzolini
- RSS Widget: Stored XSS issue – Third-party security audit
- Stored XSS in the search block – Alex Concha of the WP Security team
- Feature Image Block: XSS issue – Third-party security audit
- RSS Block: Stored XSS issue – Third-party security audit
- Fix widget block XSS – Third-party security audit

WordPress 6.0.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

This security and maintenance release features 12 bug fixes on Core, 5 bug fixes for the Block Editor, and 3 security fixes. Because this is a security release, it is recommended that you update your sites immediately. The security team would like to thank the following people for responsibly reporting vulnerabilities, and allowing them to be fixed in this release:
- FVD for finding a possible SQL injection within the Link API
- Khalilov Moe for finding an XSS vulnerability on the Plugins screen
- John Blackbourn of the WordPress security team, for finding an output escaping issue within the_meta()

WordPress 6.0.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

The following core tickets from Trac are fixed:
- Build/Test Tools: Pass GitHub Actions environment variables to the Docker container
- Fix block-templates theme support not present in /themes REST API endpoint
- About page: Replace video thumbnail image
- Resolve WP_Term_Query cache problem
- Fix caching issues in WP_Term_Query class
- Remove meetup from oembed allow list
- Register Comments Query Loop from metadata to enable title and description translation
- Themes: Revert the change of theme preview width on Add Themes screen
- Block Patterns: Update the value used for keywords
- Bundled Themes: Revert the Twenty Ten theme version to 3.6

The following block editor issues from GitHub are fixed:
- Lower the priority of the gallery gap css so it loads after the block layout css
- Add utility classnames back to blocks that have layout attributes specified
- Block Library: Fix JS Error in Avatar Block
- Media & Text: Remove font size declaration from template
- Comment Author and Date blocks: aligned editor markup with the frontend
- Handle no variation case in the block transform menu
- Fix/block meta icon prop errors
- Prevent opening the links in editor for Latest Posts
- Navigation block “Open on click”: Inherit font style and font weight
- Comments Block: fixed issue with custom font sizes and links color
- Reuse code of the editor placeholder across Post Comments and Post Comments Form
- Improve the logic for warnings for Post Comments Form placeholder
- Post Comments Form: Add button that enables commenting to warning
- Ensure only the main query is modified when resolving template for new posts
- Strip whitespaces in render_block_core_cover before injecting the featured image
- Post Template: Ensure layout classnames are not attached to inner li elements
- Pasting: Fix performance regression due to removeWindowsFragments
- Post Comments Form: Fix warning i18n

Verge3D for 3ds Max 4.0.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Installation, Applications and Demos:
- The most important visible change with Verge3D 4.0 is that we separated user applications and settings, as well as stock demos, from the software installation. When starting the App Manager for the first time, it will suggest selecting a working folder for your applications (on Windows, this is usually inside Documents). This is where all your applications and the custom Puzzles library will now be stored.
- You can also choose between “Light” or “Dark” themes in the same dialog. Both preferences can be changed later in the App Manager settings.
- Having a separate folder for applications will make updating for new Verge3D versions easier. Also, you can now use different Verge3D flavors (Blender, 3ds Max, or Maya) with the same applications folder, rather than having to maintain a separate folder for each package.
- Next, after installing Verge3D 4.0, you won’t see any stock demos listed in the App Manager (thus the file size of the distribution is only about 100 Mb now). The demos can now be freely downloaded upon request from the store section of the App Manager.
- You can filter content by demos, tutorials, and libraries using small buttons on the right. We plan to add to this store various simple examples for more convenient learning how this or that feature works.
- Finally, the software itself is installed in a system directory (usually Program Files on Windows). This normally requires admin privileges – if you happen not to have them, simply select a folder that you are permitted to use. All third-party Verge3D plugins must also be copied to this directory.
- The personal settings for the App Manager are saved in another system folder (AppData/Roaming/Soft8Soft on Windows). This allows the system administrator to install Verge3D once for all users who can have their own settings each.

Texture Compression:
- Here goes one of the most important features of this release. Texture compression enables images to use 4x-6x less video memory, and speeds up rendering thanks to more efficient memory access. This feature is especially crucial to hardware-restricted Apple devices, since insufficient memory is the main reason for big scenes crushing on iOS.
- Texture compression is performed when you export a scene, if you enable the corresponding option.

Verge3D employs two compression algorithms which you can switch between:
- UASTC is a modern method which offers best quality. It is good for everything including normal maps, ORM textures, etc.
- ETC1S offers best compression and generates smallest files. However, it may cripple textures so you might use it only for non-contrast images (such as grass, wood, bricks, etc).
- You can tweak efficiency-vs-quality by choosing the compression algorithm for each individual texture.
- However, you don’t really need to choose between them and can safely leave the default Auto option, that corresponds to simply using UASTC in the current implementation (this behavior may change in the future).
- Besides genuine texture compression, all HDR images are now compressed with LZMA (i.e. same method used for glTF files). This makes the HDR files 4x-6x times smaller, although they still occupy the same amount of video memory. This feature is turned off when you set the texture compression setting to Disabled.
- We ensured that texture compression could be used with the puzzle replace texture. Also, the print performance info puzzle (as well as P-P-P hot keys) now outputs info about texture compression. Namely, it prints what exactly compression format is used internally by Verge3D on the target hardware (intended for advanced users).

Snowballs VR Revisited:
We have further upgraded our Snowballs VR demo. It now offers 3 types of controls:
- Desktop controls with mouse and pointer lock (now works on localized keyboards too)
- Mobile multi-touch controls
- VR controls optimized for Oculus Quest 1/2
- We also added more levels, more snowball guns, improved the graphics and UI, performed some performance optimizations, and streamlined the Puzzles logic.
- We believe this small game have become one of the most advanced Verge3D apps ever created so far. All in all, this demo inspired us to add various features to simplify the creation of such huge yet code-less applications, as well as to fix many bugs in the engine.

3ds Max-Specific Features:
- Verge3D is now compatible with 3ds Max 2023. The version 2019 is no longer officially supported and not recommended for use.
- The new glTF Material first appeared in 3ds Max 2023 is now supported by Verge3D, including all its settings.
- Line render is now available for splines which can be used to implement various graphics effects, wireframes, physical ropes, etc. You can adjust the color and width for lines.
- Controllers now properly work with Verge3D in localized variants of 3ds Max (e.g. German or Chinese).
- The parameter Cutout (Opacity) is now supported for Physical Materials.
- Animation of morph targets is now supported.
- The Viewport Fit option (Vertical or Horizontal) is now available for cameras. You can use it to properly adjust your 3D UI elements to the user’s screen resolution. Thanks for suggesting this feature.
- All Verge3D options in 3ds Max are now rolled up by default to make it more convenient for the users to use these options. We are thankful to Autodesk developers for advising us on how to properly implement this long awaited feature.
- We fixed the bug with intensity of the default light sources.
- We fixed the bug with anisotropic filtering for textures not working properly. Thanks for reporting this on the forums.
- Color space is now correctly assigned to ORM textures generated for gltf-compatible materials. Thus lighting is no longer crippled for such models.
- We fixed export crash when empty names are used for morph targets.

Other Improvements:
- We optimized loading of images by assigning them to textures asynchronously.
- The LZMA unpacker now works faster and occupies less memory thanks to using WebAssembly.
- Verge3D Network directory was simplified. It now displays one level less in the list of uploaded files (i.e. skips the “applications“ folder).
- All so called “player-based” demos that were causing much confusion among users were converted to “normal” apps, that is, are supplied with a mandatory .html file to run them.
- Clipping planes can now properly cut objects with skeletal animation. This feature was suggested through the enterprise support channel.
- The users of Verge3D DevKit (included in Enterprise and Ultimate packages) can now automate the updating of the engine and applications by running the Python script utils/
- A descriptive message is now shown in the App Manager if the local server is down, instead of ‘This site can’t be reached / localhost refused to connect’.
- We implemented progressive loading of Asset Store entries which helps if Internet is slow. We also provided better titles and descriptions for the demos.
- You can now navigate to the URL localhost:8668/reset to clean up the settings of the App Manager. Intended for advanced users, this is a handy way to begin from scratch.

- We fixed the bug with the combination of puzzles not and in list check occurrence.
- Verge3D Puzzles - not and find in list
- We fixed banding artifacts with dynamic ambient occlusion
- We fixed the bug with Puzzles editor when new tabs had no access to all procedures used in a scenario. We also fixed some issues when a tab is deleted. Also tabs are now created faster.
- We fixed the bug with Puzzles editor’s context menu option Jump to Procedure Puzzle that didn’t work properly.
- Verge3D Puzzles - option Jump to Procedure
- We fixed the bug with disintegrating puzzles when a group of puzzles is being dragged (e.g. out of the library).
- We fixed crashes occurred upon exiting an AR session.
- Physics data are now properly cleaned up when the puzzle remove physics body is used.
- We fixed the bug when dynamic ambient occlusion (GTAO) is used together with reflections. Thanks for reporting this.
- The App Manager now properly works without Internet connection, which is needed for the Asset Store and Network Directory
- We fixed the bug with ambient occlusion not working in the AR/VR modes. Thanks for reporting this on the forums
- We implemented a workaround for a WebGL bug introduced in iOS 15.4. Thanks for reporting this
- Verge3D apps now work properly in WeChat browser on iOS 15.4. This issue was reported through the Enterprise support channel.
- We fixed crashes in the Puzzles editor sometimes happened when puzzles are deleted. Thanks for reporting this.
- We fixed rare export crashes related to case-sensitivity of file names (Windows-only).
- We fixed the issue with normal-mapping of planar light probes, occurred when they are scaled.
- We fixed z-fighting occurred on some non-Windows systems. This was achieved thanks to employing the 24-bit depth buffer which is part of WebGL 2.0.
- We fixed the Windows-specific issue with line endings in the multi-line text puzzle.
- We fixed the rare Puzzles bug caused by objects that: A) have morphing, B) have a clipping plane, and C) are multi-material, at the same time. This issue was reported through the Enterprise support channel.
- We fixed the issue with incorrect lighting on originally empty scenes, that is when models are added in run time later
- We fixed a bug in Verge3D WordPress plugin related to incorrectly determining of product IDs

GIMP 2.10.32 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Adding support for localized glyphs ('locl') in Text tool depending on the value of the "Language" field in Text tool options
- XCF import nows drop Xmp.photoshop.DocumentAncestors tags after 1000 of them, similarly to what libgimpbase now does. This could happen in XCF files which were created e.g. from a PSD import before we handled the issue in libgimpbase.
XCF import:
- Made more robust by ignoring (with a warning) invalid parasites and continuing to load the rest of the file (which might be valid). This way, we are able to salvage more cases of
- partially corrupted XCF files.
- Additional safety checks to detect broken XCF files
- Version check can be globally disabled through a value in the `gimp-release` file. This would allow to use the same build on repositories with an update channels (where we don't want update check notifications) and on standalone (where we want them).

User Interface:
- Removed titlebar/borders from Windows Splash Screen
- All official themes now have on-hover indicator around eye and link toggles in Layer/Channel/Path Dialog tree-views

Dark theme:
- Hover-on effect on radio menu items to improve readability

Color icon theme:
- Thin contrast border for 'close' and 'detach' to improve their readability against dark backgrounds on mouse-hover

- TGA: improving indexed images with alpha channel support (both import and export).
- DICOM: Fix endian conversion for photometric interpretation "MONOCHROME1".
- File-raw: "RGB Save Type" confusing dialog label renamed to "Palette Type" as on the main dev branch
- Screenshot: option to capture cursor in now available on Windows
- Pygimp: new optional parameter `run_mode_param` (defaulting to True) to register() function of the Python binding, which allows to make the "run-mode" parameter optional when creating a new PDB procedure. This is already used to fix "file-openraster-load-thumb" without changing its signature.
- BMP: new PDB procedure "file-bmp-save2" which supports all options available interactively
- BigTIFF: our TIFF plug-in now officially supports BigTIFF import and export
- Import was actually already working transparently if you had a recent enough libtiff. Now the recent libtiff is enforced by dependency requirements.
- Export support was added with a checkbox in the interactive dialog and a new "bigtiff" argument in the "file-tiff-save" PDB procedure
- When an interactive export of ClassicTIFF fails for the explicit reason of "Maximum TIFF file size exceeded", the export dialog is raised again with a message proposing to try again as BigTIFF or trying another compression algorithm. This allows because discoverability and understandibility of the issue, while not forcing BigTIFF export (since it might not be supported everywhere).
- Unlike the same change on the main dev branch, this backport comes without a dependency requirement bump, which means this will only work if GIMP is built with recent enough libtiff
- Raw: more robust load able to load as much as possible from the file, then fill the rest with white, when offset and dimensions are bigger than actual file size
- Improved support of a few plug-in code for building under UCRT Windows environment (more modern C runtime library than MINGW)
- EPS: loading transparent EPS files now supported
- JPEG XL: import backported from the `master` (2.99) branch
- WebP: export has a new IPTC checkbox (saved through XMP) as well as a thumbnail checkbox. (backported from dev branch, since 2.99.8)
- DDS: export has a new flip option (useful for some game engine) as well as a new savetype option to export all visible layers (not only the active one)

- Import support for 8 and 16 bit CMYK(A) TIFF files
- * 1, 2 and 4-bit B/W images are now converted to indexed rather than grayscale as it seems that there is more of a use case for these images to be handled as indexed, even tough technically they can be considered grayscale. In the future we could add an option at loading time where the user can choose whether they prefer it to be loaded as indexed or grayscale.
- Fix loading images generated by MATLAB's blockproc function
- More robust loading for 8 bps grayscale MINISWHITE TIFF

- New gimp_plug_in_error_quark() as a generic GQuark/GError domain for plug-ins (backported from 2.99.6)
- Gimp_drawable_brightness_contrast() now works in the [-1.0, 1.0] range (it's more of a fix than a change because it's what it should have been from the start)
- Better management of modification time in metadata: IPTC tag
- Iptc.Application2.DateCreated is not overridden anymore as it is the original creation date of the image. Instead we set the XMP tag Xmp.xmp.ModifyDate for file modification time and Xmp.xmp.MetadataDate for metadata modification time.
- Format of Xmp.tiff.DateTime is now properly set with timezone as a consequence of the previous improvement

- Limit to 1000 ancestors when importing images with incredible amount of `Xmp.photoshop.DocumentAncestors` tags, which is most likely due to a bug in some versions of phoshop (in some PSDs, we encountered over 100,000 such tags; it probably makes no sense that a document could have that many ancestor documents). GIMP will now stops at 1000 such tags before dropping the rest and continue loading the file.

- Chain icons for the Color icon theme reworked from the Symbolic versions (with contrast borders to work on any background color) so that the "broken" and full variants are easily distinguishable

- New Galician and Georgian translations for the Windows installer
- - 20 translations were updated: Catalan, Chinese (China), Croatian, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, Georgian, German, Hungarian, Icelandic, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish, Ukrainian.

- Bumping minimum GEGL to version 0.4.36
- The Windows installer now has an option /DISABLECHECKUPDATE=true to install the same build but editing the `gimp-release` file to disable update check as newly implemented (see above in Core section).