GeoServer 歷史舊版本 Page7

最新版本 GeoServer 2.22.3

GeoServer 歷史版本列表

GeoServer 是一個基於 Java 的軟件服務器,允許用戶查看和編輯地理空間數據。使用開放地理空間聯盟(OGC)制定的開放標準,GeoServer 允許在地圖創建和數據共享方面具有極大的靈活性.打開和共享您的空間數據 GeoServer 可讓您向世界顯示空間信息。實施網絡地圖服務(WMS)標準,GeoServer 可以創建各種輸出格式的地圖。 OpenLayers,一個免費的地圖庫,被集成到... GeoServer 軟體介紹

Streamlabs OBS 0.18.4 Beta 查看版本資訊


Node.js 12.12.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Notable changes:
- Add `--force-context-aware` flag to prevent usage of native node addons that aren't context aware

- Add documentation-only deprecation for `process._tickCallback()`

- Using JSON modules is experimental again

- Introduce `opendir()` and `fs.Dir` to iterate through directories

- Add source-map support to stack traces by using `--source-map-support` #29564

- Honor `pauseOnConnect` option
- Add option for private keys for OpenSSL engines

LaunchBox 10.5 查看版本資訊


Node.js 12.11.1 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Notable changes:
- This release fixes a regression that prevented from building Node.js using the official source tarball

- Updated small-icu data to support "unit" style in the Intl.NumberFormat API

- build: include deps/v8/test/torque in source tarball
- build,win: goto lint only after defining node_exe
- crypto: use byteLength in timingSafeEqual
- deps: enable unit data in small-icu
- doc: sync security policy with
- doc: fix output in inspector HeapProfile example
- doc: add KeyObject to type for crypto.createDecipheriv() argument
- doc: clarify description of readable.push() method
- doc: clarify stream errors while reading and writing
- doc: specify display=fallback for Google Fonts
- doc: fix some recent nits
- doc: fix 404 links
- doc: remove align from tables
- doc: document that iv may be null when using createCipheriv()
- doc: update AUTHORS list
- doc: clarify pipeline stream cleanup
- doc: clarify fs.symlink() usage
- doc: fix type of atime/mtime
- doc,http: indicate callback is optional for message.setTimeout()
- http2: optimize the altsvc Max bytes limit, define and use constants
- module: pass full URL to loader for top-level load
- module: move cjs type check behind flag
- src: rename --loader to --experimental-loader
- src: fix asan build for gcc/clang
- src: fix compiler warning in
- src: disconnect inspector before exiting out of fatal exception
- src: try showing stack traces when process._fatalException is not set
- test: fix flaky test-cluster-net-listen-ipv6only-none
- tls: simplify setSecureContext() option parsing
- tools: make mailmap processing for author list case-insensitive
- worker: fix process._fatalException return type
- worker: keep allocators for transferred SAB instances alive longer

LaunchBox 10.4 查看版本資訊


Node.js 12.11.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Add oaepLabel option

- Update V8 to #28918
- More efficient memory handling
- Stack trace serialization got faster
- The Intl.NumberFormat API gained new functionality
- For more information:

- Add support for EventTarget in once

- Expose memory file mapping flag UV_FS_O_FILEMAP

- New API - Session.connectToMainThread

- Initial SourceMap support via env.NODE_V8_COVERAGE

- Make _write() optional when _writev() is implemented

- Add option to override signature algorithms

- Add encodeInto to TextEncoder

- The worker_thread module is now stable

- benchmark: improve process.env benchmarks (Anna Henningsen)
- bootstrap: add exception handling for profiler bootstrap (Shobhit Chittora)
- bootstrap: provide usable error on missing internal module (Jeremiah Senkpiel)
- build: do not indent assignments in Makefile (Joyee Cheung)
- build: allow clang 10+ in (Kamil Rytarowski)
- build: re-run configure on node_version.h change (Anna Henningsen)
- build: improve make coverage (Anna Henningsen)
- build: add comment to .travis.yml on how to test Py3 (cclauss)
- build: update minimum AIX OS level (Michael Dawson)
- build: remove experimental Python 3 tests (Christian Clauss)
- (SEMVER-MINOR) build: reset embedder string to "-node.0" (Michaël Zasso)
- build,win: fix Python detection on localized OS (João Reis)
- console: skip/strip %c formatting (Gus Caplan)
- console,util: fix missing recursion end while inspecting prototypes (Ruben Bridgewater)
- crypto: use BoringSSL-compatible flag getter (Shelley Vohr)
- (SEMVER-MINOR) crypto: fix OpenSSL return code handling (Tobias Nießen)
- (SEMVER-MINOR) crypto: add oaepLabel option (Tobias Nießen)
- deps: patch V8 to (Michaël Zasso)
- deps: V8: cherry-pick deac757 (Benjamin Coe)
- deps: patch V8 to (Thomas)
- deps: V8: cherry-pick 35c6d4d (Sam Roberts)
- deps: update npm to 6.11.3 (claudiahdz)
- deps: upgrade to libuv 1.32.0 (cjihrig)
- deps: patch V8 to (Michaël Zasso)
- (SEMVER-MINOR) deps: patch V8 to be API/ABI compatible with 7.4 (from 7.7) (Michaël Zasso)
- deps: patch V8 to be API/ABI compatible with 7.4 (from 7.6) (Michaël Zasso)
- (SEMVER-MINOR) deps: patch V8 to be API/ABI compatible with 7.4 (from 7.5) (Michaël Zasso)
- deps: V8: cherry-pick e3d7f8a (cclauss)
- (SEMVER-MINOR) deps: V8: fix linking issue for MSVS (Refael Ackermann)
- (SEMVER-MINOR) deps: V8: fix BUILDING_V8_SHARED issues (Refael Ackermann)
- (SEMVER-MINOR) deps: V8: add workaround for MSVC optimizer bug (Refael Ackermann)
- (SEMVER-MINOR) deps: V8: use ATOMIC_VAR_INIT instead of std::atomic_init (Refael Ackermann)
- (SEMVER-MINOR) deps: V8: forward declaration of Rtl*FunctionTable (Refael Ackermann)
- (SEMVER-MINOR) deps: V8: patch register-arm64.h (Refael Ackermann)
- (SEMVER-MINOR) deps: V8: update postmortem metadata generation script (cjihrig)
- (SEMVER-MINOR) deps: V8: silence irrelevant warning (Michaël Zasso)
- (SEMVER-MINOR) deps: V8: un-cherry-pick bd019bd (Refael Ackermann)
- (SEMVER-MINOR) deps: V8: fix filename manipulation for Windows (Refael Ackermann)
- (SEMVER-MINOR) deps: update V8 to (Michaël Zasso)
- doc: update N-API version matrix (Gabriel Schulhof)
- doc: add code example to process.throwDeprecation property (Juan José Arboleda)
- doc: fix some signatures of .end() methods (Vse Mozhet Byt)
- doc: remove the suffix number of the anchor link (Maledong)
- doc: explain stream.finished cleanup (Robert Nagy)
- doc: fix require call for spawn() in code example (Marian Rusnak)
- doc: make minor improvements to (Robert Nagy)
- doc: fix nits in (Vse Mozhet Byt)
- doc: correct trivial misspelling in AUTHORS (gcr)
- doc: update list style in misc README docs (Rich Trott)
- doc: add missing complete property to http2 docs (Javier Ledezma)
- doc: add leap second behavior notes for napi methods (Levhita)
- doc: explain esm options for package authors (Geoffrey Booth)
- doc: update experimental loader hooks example code (Denis Zavershinskiy)
- doc: use consistent unordered list style (Nick Schonning)
- doc: add Bethany to TSC (Michael Dawson)
- doc: add Tobias to the TSC (Michael Dawson)
- doc: mention unit for process.hrtime.bigint() (Anna Henningsen)
- doc: add documentation for stream readableFlowing (Chetan Karande)
- doc: indent child list items for remark-lint (Nick Schonning)
- doc: space around lists (Nick Schonning)
- doc: exitedAfterDisconnect value can be false (Nimit Aggarwal)
- doc: remove wrong escapes (XhmikosR)
- doc: prepare markdown files for more stringent blank-line linting (Rich Trott)
- doc: simplify wording in n-api doc (Michael Dawson)
- doc: update release guide with notes for major releases (James M Snell)
- doc: indent ordered list child content (Nick Schonning)
- doc: fix unsafe writable stream code example (Chetan Karande)
- doc: async_hooks.createHook promiseResolve option (Ben Noordhuis)
- doc: change urls directly from 'http' to 'https' (Maledong)
- doc: use consistent indenting for unordered list items (Nick Schonning)
- doc: start unorded lists at start of line (Nick Schonning)
- doc: change the 'txt' to 'console' for a command (Maledong)
- esm: make dynamic import work in the REPL (Bradley Farias)
- events: improve performance of EventEmitter.emit (Matteo Collina)
- (SEMVER-MINOR) events: add support for EventTarget in once (Jenia)
- fs: remove unnecessary argument check (Robert Nagy)
- gyp: make StringIO work in (Christian Clauss)
- http: refactor responseKeepAlive() (Robert Nagy)
- http2: do not crash on stream listener removal w/ destroyed session (Anna Henningsen)
- http2: send out pending data earlier (Anna Henningsen)
- http2: do not start reading after write if new write is on wire (Anna Henningsen)
- (SEMVER-MINOR) inspector: new API - Session.connectToMainThread (Eugene Ostroukhov)
- lib: remove the use of util.isFunction (himself65)
- (SEMVER-MINOR) lib,test: fix error message check after V8 update (Michaël Zasso)
- module: error for CJS .js load within type: module (Guy Bedford)
- module: reintroduce package exports dot main (Guy Bedford)
- n-api: delete callback bundle via reference (Gabriel Schulhof)
- n-api: mark version 5 N-APIs as stable (Gabriel Schulhof)
- perf_hooks: remove non-existent entries from inspect (Kirill Fomichev)
- perf_hooks: ignore duplicated entries in observer (Kirill Fomichev)
- perf_hooks: remove GC callbacks on zero observers count (Kirill Fomichev)
- perf_hooks: import http2 only once (Kirill Fomichev)
- policy: minor perf opts and cleanup (Bradley Farias)
- (SEMVER-MINOR) process: initial SourceMap support via NODE_V8_COVERAGE (Benjamin Coe)
- process: use public readableFlowing property (Chetan Karande)
- repl: convert var to let and const (Lucas Holmquist)
- repl: fix bug in fs module autocompletion (zhangyongsheng)
- repl: add autocomplete support for fs.promises (antsmartian)
- repl: add missing variable declaration (Lucas Holmquist)
- src: perform check before running in runMicrotasks() (Jeremy Apthorp)
- src: discard remaining foreground tasks on platform shutdown (Anna Henningsen)
- src: fix closing weak HandleWraps on GC (Anna Henningsen)
- src: use libuv to get env vars (Anna Henningsen)
- src: re-delete Atomics.wake (Gus Caplan)
- src: print exceptions from PromiseRejectCallback (Anna Henningsen)
- src: modified RealEnvStore methods to use libuv functions (Devendra Satram)
- src: make ELDHistogram a HandleWrap (Anna Henningsen)
- src: check microtasks before running them (Shelley Vohr)
- src: fix ValidateDSAParameters when fips is enabled (Daniel Bevenius)
- (SEMVER-MINOR) src: update v8abbr.h for V8 7.7 (cjihrig)
- (SEMVER-MINOR) src,lib: expose memory file mapping flag (João Reis)
- stream: add test for multiple .push(null) (Chetan Karande)
- stream: cleanup use of internal ended state (Chetan Karande)
- (SEMVER-MINOR) stream: make _write() optional when _writev() is implemented (Robert Nagy)
- stream: apply special logic in removeListener for (Robert Nagy)
- stream: do not call _read() after destroy() (Robert Nagy)
- stream: optimize creation (Robert Nagy)
- stream: simplify isUint8Array helper (Anna Henningsen)
- test: fix race condition in test-worker-process-cwd.js (Ruben Bridgewater)
- test: fix flaky test-inspector-connect-main-thread (Anna Henningsen)
- test: unmark test-worker-prof as flaky (Anna Henningsen)
- test: improve test-worker-message-port-message-before-close (Anna Henningsen)
- test: disable core dumps before running crash test (Ben Noordhuis)
- test: permit test-signalwrap to work without test runner (Rich Trott)
- test: remove flaky status for test-statwatcher (Rich Trott)
- (SEMVER-MINOR) test: update postmortem metadata test for V8 7.7 (cjihrig)
- timers: set _destroyed even if there are no destroy-hooks (Jeremiah Senkpiel)
- (SEMVER-MINOR) tls: add option to override signature algorithms (Anton Gerasimov)
- tools: cleanup for readability (Christian Clauss)
- tools: update ESLint to 6.4.0 (zhangyongsheng)
- tools: fix iculslocs to support ICU 65.1 (Steven R. Loomis)
- tools: python3 compat for inspector code generator (Ben Noordhuis)
- tools: delete v8_external_snapshot.gypi (Ujjwal Sharma)
- tools: fix GYP ninja generator for Python 3 (Michaël Zasso)
- (SEMVER-MINOR) tools: sync gypfiles with V8 7.7 (Michaël Zasso)
- tty: add color support for mosh (Aditya)
- util: include reference anchor for circular structures (Ruben Bridgewater)
- (SEMVER-MINOR) util: add encodeInto to TextEncoder (Anna Henningsen)
- (SEMVER-MINOR) worker: mark as stable (Anna Henningsen)
- worker: make terminate() resolve for unref’ed Workers (Anna Henningsen)
- worker: prevent event loop starvation through MessagePorts (Anna Henningsen)
- worker: make transfer list behave like web MessagePort (Anna Henningsen)

GeoServer 2.16.0 查看版本資訊


LaunchBox 10.1 查看版本資訊


Node.js 12.10.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Notable changes:
- Update npm to 6.10.3 (isaacs)

- Add recursive option to rmdir() (cjihrig)
- Allow passing true to emitClose option (Giorgos Ntemiris)
- Add *timeNs properties to BigInt Stats objects (Joyee Cheung)

- Allow reading data into a static buffer

- bootstrap: run preload prior to frozen-intrinsics
- buffer: correct indexOf() error message
- buffer: consolidate encoding parsing
- buffer: correct concat() error message
- buffer: improve equals() performance
- Revert "build: add full Python 3 tests to Travis CI"
- build: add full Python 3 tests to Travis CI
- build: hard code doctool in test-doc target
- build: integrate DragonFlyBSD into gyp build
- build: make --without-snapshot imply --without-node-snapshot
- build: test Python 3.6 and 3.7 on Travis CI
- build: move tooltest to before jstest target
- build: add Python 3 tests to Travis CI
- build,win: accept Python 3 if 2 is not available
- build,win: find Python in paths with spaces
- console: use getStringWidth() for character width calculation
- crypto: don't expose openssl internals
- crypto: simplify DSA validation in FIPS mode
- deps: V8: cherry-pick 597f885
- (SEMVER-MINOR) deps: update npm to 6.10.3
- doc: escape elements swallowed as HTML in markdown
- doc: add extends for derived classes
- doc: add blanks around code fences
- doc: format http2 anchor link and reference
- doc: remove multiple consecutive blank lines
- doc: add devnexen to collaborators
- doc: inconsistent indentation for list items
- doc: heading levels should only increment by one
- doc: add dco to github pr template
- doc: add https.Server extends tls.Server
- doc: fix nits in
- doc: add missing extends Http2Session
- doc: indicate that Http2ServerRequest extends Readable
- doc: indicate that Http2ServerResponse extends Stream
- (SEMVER-MINOR) doc: add emitClose option for fs streams
- doc,crypto: add extends for derived classes
- doc,errors: add extends to derived classes
- doc,fs: add extends for derived classes
- doc,http: add extends for derived classes
- doc,tls: add extends for derived classes
- errors: provide defaults for unmapped uv errors
- esm: support loading data URLs
- events: improve once() performance
- (SEMVER-MINOR) fs: add recursive option to rmdir()
- (SEMVER-MINOR) fs: allow passing true to emitClose option
- fs: fix (temporary) for esm package
- fs: document the Date conversion in Stats objects
- (SEMVER-MINOR) fs: add *timeNs properties to BigInt Stats objects
- gyp: remove semicolons (Python != JavaScript)
- gyp: futurize to prepare for Python 3
- http: simplify timeout handling
- lib: add ASCII fast path to getStringWidth()
- lib: consolidate lazyErrmapGet()
- module: avoid passing unnecessary loop reference
- (SEMVER-MINOR) net: allow reading data into a static buffer
- process: improve nextTick performance
- querystring: improve performance
- src: do not crash when accessing empty WeakRefs
- src: turn GET_OFFSET() into an inline function
- src: inline SLICE_START_END() in
- src: allow --interpreted-frames-native-stack in NODE_OPTIONS
- src: expose MaybeInitializeContext to allow existing contexts
- src: add large page support for macOS
- stream: don't deadlock on aborted stream
- stream: improve read() performance
- stream: async iterator destroy compat
- stream: do not emit drain if stream ended
- test: remove Windows skipping of http keepalive request GC test
- test: fix test-benchmark-net
- test: fix flaky test-http-server-keepalive-req-gc
- test: use print() function in both Python 2 and 3
- (SEMVER-MINOR) test: add emitClose: true tests for fs streams
- tools: update ESLint to 6.3.0
- tools: use 'from io import StringIO' in
- tools: fix mksnapshot blob wrong freeing operator
- tools: update ESLint to 6.2.2
- tools: update babel-eslint to 10.0.3
- tools: fix Python 3 issues in inspector_protocol
- tools: fix mixup with bytes.decode() and str.encode()
- tools: fix Python 3 issues in tools/icu/
- tools: fix Python 3 issues in gyp/generator/
- util: do not throw when inspecting detached ArrayBuffer

Node.js 12.9.1 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊
