GeoServer 歷史舊版本 Page14

最新版本 GeoServer 2.22.3

GeoServer 歷史版本列表

GeoServer 是一個基於 Java 的軟件服務器,允許用戶查看和編輯地理空間數據。使用開放地理空間聯盟(OGC)制定的開放標準,GeoServer 允許在地圖創建和數據共享方面具有極大的靈活性.打開和共享您的空間數據 GeoServer 可讓您向世界顯示空間信息。實施網絡地圖服務(WMS)標準,GeoServer 可以創建各種輸出格式的地圖。 OpenLayers,一個免費的地圖庫,被集成到... GeoServer 軟體介紹

GeoServer 2.5 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Bugs Fixed:
- wfs2 + resultType=hits + maxFeatures returns bad numberMatched
- Assorted CSS documentation glitches
- WMS cascading fails if layers are secured and logging is set to verbose
- Persisters fails writing temporary file
- CAS extension throws exception in case of empty URL params
- Missing user roles if using Authkey Authentication Filter
- VectorRenderingLayerIdentifier will return the same feature multiple times, if there are multiple rules in the SLD matching it
- Unable to get 5x5 test coverage when configuring a layer with footprint in some cases.
- importer cannot handle jagged geojson

- ST_Simplify in the PostGIS driver for performance
- Update JNDI tutorial

- Addition of documentation about Footprint management

GeoServer 2.4 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Cascade WMS fails with HTTP connection pooling on.
- GeoJSON uses wrong mime type
- GeoServer won't open shapefile stores created with previous versions when the fstype param is set
- Layer preview GML 3.2 dropdown choice doesn't work
- 2.4 RC2 - modifying the rest security, rest anonymous access does not show workspaces anymore
- 2.4-RC2 - rest PUT for style reference (and possibly other references) does not work anymore
- Wrong lookat generated in kml superoverlays if when the layer bbox happens to be contained only in some higher level tile
- Superoverlay outputs are not always visible from the start (one needs to zoom in)
- KML: force output in 4326 even if the request calls for a different SRS
- Explicit GetMap with KML output defaulted to download mode, now it defaults to refresh mode
- Monitoring audit logging broken
- NPE in monitoring module while handling a KML reflector

GeoServer 2.3 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- A pluggable configuration subsystem (for the catalog and service configuration)
- GeoWebCache clustering and disk quota improvements
- More powerful layer groups and better control of the WMS capabilities layer tree
- Several security subsystem improvements
- WPS process whitelist (control which processes your WPS is exposing)
- WMS dimensions support improvements (units, custom dimensions)
- JSON and JSONP output format support in many OGC operations
- The monitoring module finally graduating to official extension
- Raster re-projection quality improvements and speedups
- INSPIRE module improvements for the WFS protocol
- A newfound ability to catalog all components of GeoServer via a REST API

GeoServer 2.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- NTv2 and NADCon Support allows for datum transformations with cm level precision (instead of the usual 4m, when all goes well). Both will activate only if the grid files are present in the data dir, so by default the mere presence of the method is harmless, but generally speaking this is very good news for whoever needs to increase reprojection accuracy.
- Continued work for supporting high accuracy datum transformations that now allow for user defined transformations supplied via WKT.
- A new reprojection console allows users to interactively test transformations of points and other geometries back and forth between the chosen CRS, and also to verify the transformation method used matches the user expectations.
- Better support for un-referenced data with the new EPSG:40400 code that identifies a coordinate system made up of a generic 2D Cartesian plane. As well as support for EPSG:102113 as an alias for Web Mercator.

Data access:
- Database-level security implements the ability to use DBMS session startup and teardown scripts to alter user access the database during a specific request while falling back on connection pooling when the request is complete. Thanks to Astrium GEO-Information Services for sponsoring GeoSolutions to make this improvement.
- Sorting and paging is now available in all WFS versions (in 1.0 and 1.1 as a vendor param) via the sortBy and startIndex/maxFeature parameters.
- A new lenient capabilities mode that allows the GeoServer capabilities documents to remain functioning despite the presence of misconfigured layers.
- A new experimental OGR data store provides access to a rich set of readable formats without needing special bridge libraries.
- The image collection coverage store allows users to serve un-referenced data through WMS using image/pixel space as the coordinate system. Thanks to SFMTA for sponsoring OpenGeo to complete this work.
- Application schema support has performance, stability, and functional improvements including reduced memory footprint, SQL joining support for more efficient queries of complex information models, support for WMS, and support for GML 3.2 application schemas.
- This work was funded through AuScope by the Australian Government.
- BigTiff support has received some performance and scalability improvements courtesy of upgrade to imageio-ext 1.1.5.

- A major retrofit of the GeoServer security subsystem adding support for a number of new authentication mechanisms including LDAP, digest and X.509 certificate authentication, and more. These improvements also includes the addition of user groups.

Web Feature Source (WFS):
- Support for WFS 2.0 adds some interesting new capabilities to the WFS protocol such as paging, stored queries, and extended operators.
- Along with WFS 2.0 comes support for GML 3.2.

Web Map Service (WMS):
- Support for additional dimensions brings time and elevation support to both vector and raster data. And, with support for time, comes support for animation in WMS.
- Rendering transformations provide a bridge between WPS and WMS and allow for very powerful visualization capabilities for processing through normal WMS.
- Support for 8-bit PNG output with transparency resulting in a nice tradeoff of performance and appealing visualization. Special thanks to Andrea for this new feature.

Web Processing Service (WPS):
- New WPS features include support for asynchronous process execution and a variety of new processes.

Virtual Services:
- Virtual services allow GeoServer to support the notion of multitenancy, enabling a single GeoServer instance to publish multiple service endpoints.
- Workspace local settings allow for specifying service settings such as contact information, proxy settings, and output format settings on a per workspace basis.
- Styles and layer groups can also now be defined on a per workspace basis.

- A GeoWebCache configuration GUI is now available directly from within the GeoServer web admin interface, including: the ability to define new grid sets, specify which layers to cache, seed or truncate the cache, and more.

GeoServer 2.1 查看版本資訊


GeoServer 2.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- This release contains a minor styling fix