Etcher 1.6.0 軟體 Download 下載

檔案名稱 balenaEtcher-Setup-1.6.0.exe

Etcher 1.6.0 軟體下載

檔案版本 Etcher 1.6.0

檔案名稱 balenaEtcher-Setup-1.6.0.exe
更新日期 2021-09-25
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軟體介紹 & 更新資訊

Etcher 1.6.0
Etcher 為您提供 SD 卡和 USB 驅動器的跨平台圖像刻錄機。 Etcher 是 Windows PC 的開源項目!如果您曾試圖從損壞的卡啟動,那麼您肯定知道這個沮喪,這個剝離的實用程序設計了一個簡單的用戶界面,允許快速和簡單的圖像燒錄.8997423 Etcher 軟體介紹

What's new in this version:

Etcher 1.6.0
- Add support for basic auth when downloading images from URL
- patch: Update etcher-sdk from v6.2.1 to v6.2.5
- Update Makefile to Apple M1 info
- Add LED settings for potentially different hardware

Etcher 1.5.122
- Restore image file selection LED-drive pathing
- Update scripts submodule
- Change LEDs colours
- Windows images now show the proper warning again
- Fix Update and install with DNF instructions
- Add possibile authorization as a query param
- update the windows part
- Update
- replace make webpack with npm run webpack
- Add loader on image select
- add pnp-webpack-plugin
- Remove redundant codespell dependency/tests

Etcher 1.5.121
- patch: Delete Codeowners
- Add source maps for devtools
- Clone submodules when initializing modules
- patch: Select drive on list interaction rather than modal closing

Etcher 1.5.120
- Update README to reference Cloudsmith

Etcher 1.5.117
- Rename mac releases (keep old naming)
- Disable spectron tests on macOS
- Update electron to v12.0.2

Update etcher-sdk from 6.1.1 to 6.2.1:
- Fix getAppPath() returning an asar file on macOS
- Grammar fix
- (docs) update [vlad doster]
- Update copyright year in electron-builder.yml
- Update copyright year in .resinci.json
- Separate the Yum and DNF instructions
- Set msvs_version to 2019 when rebuilding
- Use moduleIds: 'natural' in webpack config to keep js files in arm64 and x64 mac builds identical
- Update electron-builder to 22.10.5
- Update spectron to v13
- Update dependencies, use [email protected] to avoid adding more dependiencies
- Update scripts to build universal mac dmgs on the ci
- Fix beforeBuild.js script to also work on mac
- Support building universal dmgs (x64 and arm64) for mac
- Update electron-builder to 22.10.4
- Fix titlebar z-index
- Explicitly set contextIsolation to false
- Update electron from 9.4.1 to 11.2.3

Etcher 1.5.116
- Only cleanup temporary decompressed files in child-writer
- Add .versionbot/CHANGELOG.yml
- Stop using node-tmp, use withTmpFile from etcher-sdk instead
- Update etcher-sdk from 5.2.2 to 6.1.0
- Revert "Change some border colors to have higher contrast"
- Update electron to v9.4.1
- Update etcher-sdk from 5.2.1 to 5.2.2

Etcher 1.5.115
- Update etcher-sdk from 5.1.12 to 5.2.1

Etcher 1.5.114
- Remove libappindicator1 debian dependency
- Update dependencies
- Update @balena/lint to 5.3.0
- Update webpack to v5
- Fix typo in webpack.config.ts comment
- docs: fix quote marks [Aaron Shaw]
- Disable screensaver while flashing (on balena-electron-env)

Etcher 1.5.113
- Show the first error for each drive (not the last)
- Fix red leds not showing for failed devices
- docs: add documentation links
- docs: update macOS version
- Improve hover message when the drive is too small
- Update electron to v9.4.0
- Update npm to v6.14.8 [Giovanni Garufi]
- Update rgb leds colors
- Remove unmountOnSuccess setting
- Only show auto-updates setting on supported targets
- Remove dead code in settings modal
- Fix effective flashing speed calculation for compressed images
- Change some border colors to have higher contrast
- Update etcher-sdk from 5.1.10 to 5.1.11
- Update sys-class-rgb-led from 2.1.1 to 3.0.0

Etcher 1.5.112
- Add rendition and sys-class-rgb-led to repo.yml
- Update sys-class-rgb-led from 2.1.0 to 2.1.1
- Fix layout when the featured project is not showing
- Improve flashing error handling
- Fix modal content height on Windows
- Update etcher-sdk from 5.1.5 to 5.1.10
- Set useContentSize to true so the size is the same on all platforms

Etcher 1.5.111
- Warn when the source drive has no partition table
- Use a different icon when no source drive is available
- Allow selecting a locked SD card as the source drive
- Remove "Validate write on success" setting. Validation is always enabled, press the "skip" button to skip it.
- Update electron to v9.3.3
- Update etcher-sdk to 5.1.1, use WASM ext2fs module

Etcher 1.5.110
- Remove console.log in tests
- Fix URL not being selected with custom protocol
- Add skip function to validation
- Rework success screen

Etcher 1.5.109
- Workaround elevation bug on Windows when the username contains an ampersand

Etcher 1.5.108
- Fix content not loading when the app path contains special characters

Etcher 1.5.107
- Re-enable ext partitions trimming on 32 bit Windows
- Rework system & large drives handling logic
- Reword macOS Catalina askpass message
- Add clone-drive workflow

Etcher 1.5.106
- Disable ext partitions trimming on 32 bit windows until it is fixed
- Fix opening zip files from servers accepting Range headers

Etcher 1.5.105
- Update etcher-sdk to 4.1.26
- URL selector cancel button cancels ongoing url selection
- Spinner for URL selector modal

Etcher 1.5.104
- Fix writing config file
- Update electron to v9.2.1

Etcher 1.5.103
- Update rendition to ^17
- Update electron to 9.2.0
- Update etcher-sdk to ^4.1.23
- Move linting and testing into package.json
- Set module: es2015 in tsconfig.json
- Replace native elevator with sudo-prompt on windows
- Don't import WeakMap polyfill in deep-map-keys
- Don't use lodash in child-writer.js
- Optimize svgs
- User regular stream in lzma-native instead of readable-stream
- Remove Bluebird

Etcher 1.5.102
- Fix flashing truncated images, fix flashing large dmgs
- Electron 9.1.1
- Remove bluebird from main process, reduce lodash usage
- Centralize imports in child-writer
- Split main process and child-writer js files
- Stop using request, replace it with already used axios
- Remove font awesome unused icons from the generated bundle
- Remove no longer used .sass-lint.yml
- Use tslib
- Use strict typescript compiler option
- Update rendition to ^16.1.1

Etcher 1.5.101
- Resize modal to show content appropriately
- Update etcher-sdk to v4.1.16
- Convert sass to plain css
- Remove unused scss
- Remove unused warning in settings
- Refactor UI without bootstrap & flexboxgrid
- Restyle modals
- Remove bootstrap & flexboxgrid
- Rework and move flashing view elements
- Refactor UI grid to use rendition

Etcher 1.5.100
- Update partitioninfo to 5.3.5
- Add .vhd to the list of supported extensions, allow opening any file
- Update mocha to v8.0.1
- Update electron-notarize to v1.0.0
- Update electron to v9.0.4
- Update etcher-sdk to v4.1.15
- Sticky header in target selection table
- Update rendition to 15.2.1
- Fix source-selector image height
- Update rendition to v15.0.0
- Merge unsafe mode with new target selector
- Rework target selector modal

Etcher 1.5.99
- Update node-raspberrypi-usbboot to 0.2.8
- Update electron to 9.0.3
- Inline all svgs

Etcher 1.5.98
- Use between 2 and 256MiB for buffering depending on the number of drives
- Check that argument is an url or a regular file before opening
- Update etcher-sdk to ^4.1.13

Etcher 1.5.97
- Update electron to v9.0.2
- Fix flash from url on windows
- Avoid random access in http sources
- Update etcher-sdk to ^4.1.8
- Read image path from arguments, register etcher://... protocol
- Update etcher-sdk to ^4.1.6
- Fix sudo-prompt promisification
- Allow skipping notarization when building package (dev)

Etcher 1.5.95
- spectron: Make tests pass on Windows Docker containers

Etcher 1.5.94
- Stop checking file extensions
- Fix flash from url (broken in 1.5.92)
- Update etcher-sdk to ^4.1.4

Etcher 1.5.93
- Update electron-builder to v22.6.1
- Strip out comments from generated code
- Update electron to v9.0.0

Etcher 1.5.92
- Use instead of reading it from argv in catalina-sudo
- Disable asar packing on all platforms
- Remove unneeded fortawesome from main.scss
- Remove unneeded font formats
- Webpack everything, reduce package size

Etcher 1.5.91
- Minor fix - Init isSourceDrive param in correct place
- Fix undefined image from DriveCompatibilityWarning

Etcher 1.5.90
- Change log not available for this version

Etcher 1.5.89
- Fix drive selector modal padding
- Update all dependencies minor versions
- Update @types/node 12.12.24 -> 12.12.39
- Update ts-loader 6 -> 7
- Update sinon 8 -> 9
- Update node-gyp 3 -> 6
- Update lint-staged 9 -> 10
- Update husky 3 -> 4
- Remove no longer used html-loader dev dependency
- Update electron-notarize 0.1.1 -> 0.3.0
- Remove no longer used chalk dev dependency
- Update @types/tmp 0.1.0 -> 0.2.0
- Update @types/sinon 7 -> 9
- Update @types/semver 6 -> 7
- Update @types/mocha 5 -> 7

Etcher 1.5.88
- Update roboto-fontface 0.9.0 -> 0.10.0
- Update rendition 12 -> 14, styled-system and styled-components 4 -> 5
- Update electron-updater 4.0.6 -> 4.3.1
- Update redux 3 -> 4
- Update debug 3 -> 4
- Update semver 5 -> 7
- Update tmp 0.1.0 -> 0.2.1
- Update uuid v3 -> v8

Etcher 1.5.87
- Update etcher-sdk to ^4.1.3 to fix issues with some bz2 files

Etcher 1.5.86
- Fix theme warnings

Etcher 1.5.85
- Prefer balena-etcher to etcher-bin on Arch Linux

Etcher 1.5.84
- Including Arch / Manjaro install instructions
- Fix notification icon path

Etcher 1.5.83
- Decompress images before flashing, remove trim setting, trim ext partitions

Etcher 1.5.82
- Allow http/https only for Flash from URL
- Add generic error's message
- Refactor buttons style
- Add flash from url workflow
- Add staging percentage for v1.5.81
- Trigger update for v1.5.81

Etcher 1.5.81
- Add average speed in flash results
- docs: Update macOS drive recovery command
- Update etcher-sdk to use direct IO

Etcher 1.5.80
- Use zoomFactor to scale contents in fullscreen mode
- Update electron to v7.1.14
- Fix sass files path for lint-sass

Etcher 1.5.79
- Remove "Download the React DevTools for a better development experience" message
- Fix error when launching from terminal when installed via apt

Etcher 1.5.78
- Update drivelist to 8.0.10 to fix parsing lsblk --pairs

Etcher 1.5.77
- Fix error message not being shown on write error
- The RGBLed module has been moved to a separate repository

Etcher 1.5.76
- Prefix temp permissions script name
- Fix image drop zone, remove react-dropzone dependency
- Update etcher-sdk to ^2.0.17

Etcher 1.5.75
- Initialize leds object map

Etcher 1.5.74
- Etcher pro leds feature
- Compress deb package with bzip instead of xz
- Update electron to 7.1.11

Etcher 1.5.73
- Update electron to v7.1.10

Etcher 1.5.72
- Remove no longer used angular svg-icon component
- Remove no longer used closestUnit angular filter

Etcher 1.5.71
- Update resin-corvus to 2.0.5

Etcher 1.5.70
- Make header draggable again
- Refactor drive selector and confirm modal to React
- Rework lib/gui/app/styled-components to typescript
- Convert FlashAnother & FlashResults to typescript
- Use React instead of Angular for image selection
- Convert the drive selection step to React
- chore: move flash step to React
- Use React instead of Angular for image selection

Etcher 1.5.69
- Don't add --no-sandbox when ELECTRON_RUN_AS_NODE true

Etcher 1.5.68
- Add version in settings modal

Etcher 1.5.67
- Fix elevation on macos in development

Etcher 1.5.66
- Update spectron to ^8
- Update dependencies, get node-usb from npm
- Update nan to ^2.14
- Use the same entrypoint for etcher and the child writer
- Require angular-mocks only when needed
- Remove no longer needed pkg dev dependency
- Update mocha, remove nock
- Remove no longer needed xml2js
- Remove node-pre-gyp patch that is no longer needed with electron 6
- Update electron-mocha to ^8.1.2, remove acorn
- Update electron to 6.0.10

Etcher 1.5.65
- Convert settings modal to typescript
- Refactor settings page into modal

Etcher 1.5.64
- Change log not available for this version

Etcher 1.5.63
- Introduce an FAQ file

Etcher 1.5.62
- Update drivelist to 8.0.9

Etcher 1.5.60
- Upgrade ext2fs to 1.0.30

Etcher 1.5.59
- Catch console log messages from SafeWebView

Etcher 1.5.58
- Remove leftover GH-pages configuration file

Etcher 1.5.57
- Fix entrypoint when options are passed to electron

Etcher 1.5.56
- Fix windows portable download

Etcher 1.5.55
- Update etcher-sdk to ^2.0.13

Etcher 1.5.54
- Fix auto-updater check for updates

Etcher 1.5.53
- Allow typescript files

Etcher 1.5.52
- Don't use wmic's ProviderName if it's empty

Etcher 1.5.51
- Update sudo-prompt to ^9.0.0

Etcher 1.5.50
- Option for trimming ext partitions on raw images

Etcher 1.5.49
- Make window size configurable

Etcher 1.5.47
- Rework drive-selector with react + rendition
- Use rendition theme property for step buttons
- Upgrade styled-system to v4.1.0
- Upgrade rendition to v8.7.2

Etcher 1.5.46
- Update ext2fs to 1.0.29

Etcher 1.5.45
- Empty commit to trigger build

Etcher 1.5.44
- Fix elevation on windows when the path contains "&" or "'"

Etcher 1.5.43
- Revert "Include sass in webpack configs"

Etcher 1.5.42
Include sass in webpack configs

Etcher 1.5.41
- removal and adding a link to the license

Etcher 1.5.40
- windows installer and portable version support both ia32 and x64

Etcher 1.6.0 相關參考資料
balena Etcher 1.7.0 - Flash Hình Ảnh Sang Thẻ SD Và Ổ Đĩa ...

Các tính năng của Etcher. Tạo USB boot khởi động hệ thống; Hoạt động trên Windows, OSX và Linux; Tốc độ ghi đĩa nhanh; Tự nhận diện USB ...

Download Etcher 1.6.0 for Windows free |

Etcher (officially titled balenaEtcher) is a tool that condenses the entire process of burning disk images to external USB or SD drives in one place.

Download Etcher 1.6.0 Free - FileCombo

2021年9月26日 — Etcher for Mac provides you with a cross-platform image burner for SD cards and USB drives. Etcher is an open source project for macOS!

Etcher 1.6.0 -

To install Etcher, run the following command from the command line or from ... Etcher is a powerful OS image flasher built with web technologies to ensure ...


Etcher 1.6.0 Download | TechSpot

2021年9月24日 — Download Etcher - Flash OS images to SD cards & USB drives, safely and easily.

Etcher 1.6.0 对于%s Windows - 下载

下载适用于Windows系统的最新版Etcher. 轻松地创建可启动的外部驱动. Etcher (官方称作balenaEtcher)这个工具将磁盘图片烧录到外部USB 或者SD启动的整个过程压缩到了 ...

Etcher Portable 1.6.0 Free Download -

2019年5月2日 — Etcher - Free software to easily burn operating system images to USB flash drives as well as SD cards.

Releases · balena-ioetcher - GitHub

2021年9月24日 — Flash OS images to SD cards & USB drives, safely and easily. - Releases · balena-io/etcher.

轻松地创建可启动的外部驱动 - Etcher

Etcher (官方称作balenaEtcher)这个工具将磁盘图片烧录到外部USB 或者SD启动的整个过程压缩到了一个地方。这个程序负责处理图片,格式化外部设备,然后将它闪存为 ...