Etcher 歷史舊版本 Page1

最新版本 balenaEtcher 1.18.9

Etcher 歷史版本列表

Etcher 為您提供 SD 卡和 USB 驅動器的跨平台圖像刻錄機。 Etcher 是 Windows PC 的開源項目!如果您曾試圖從損壞的卡啟動,那麼您肯定知道這個沮喪,這個剝離的實用程序設計了一個簡單的用戶界面,允許快速和簡單的圖像燒錄.8997423 選擇版本:Etcher 1.2.1(32 位) Etcher 1.2.1(64 位) Etcher 軟體介紹

Etcher (32-bit)Etcher (64-bit)

balenaEtcher 1.18.9 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

balenaEtcher 1.18.9
- Publish action on Windows
- lint issues
- Opening links from within SafeWebView

balenaEtcher 1.18.8
- Patch: Fix Support link

balenaEtcher 1.18.4
- Fix issues with [flash with etcher] in some situations

balenaEtcher 1.14.3
- patch: fixed mac sudo on other languages

balenaEtcher 1.13.3
- patch: progress cm4 to second stage

balenaEtcher 1.13.1
- patch: updated sdk to fix bz2 issue
- patch: update copyright in electron-builder

balenaEtcher 1.10.6
- (v1.10.6, 2022-12-02)
- (Merge pull request #3897 from balena-io/aethernet-assetv, 2022-12-02)
- (Dummy update to fix asset version issue, 2022-12-02)

balenaEtcher 1.10.4
- patch: remove Homebrew instructions in README

balenaEtcher 1.10.2
- Fix missing analytics token

balenaEtcher 1.10.1
- Fixing call to electron block screensaver methods invocation

balenaEtcher 1.10.0
- testing renovate [builder555]

balenaEtcher 1.9.0
- Update dependency awscli to 1.27.5 [Renovate Bot]

balenaEtcher 1.7.9
- patch: update allowed extensions to include deb afterinstall in build
- patch: add update notification
- patch: fix usb-device-boot link in README
- Fix application directory for Debian postinst script

balenaEtcher 1.7.8
- patch: complete suse uninstall readme
- patch: completed suse instructions
- patch: order rpm instrictions
- patch: enabled update notification for version 1.7.8
- patch: updated title to balenaEtcher
- patch: cleanup and organize readme
- patch: extend cloudsmith attribution in readme
- Update macOS Icon to Big Sur Style

balenaEtcher 1.7.7
- patch: clarified update check
- patch: autoupdate stagingPercentage check, include default

balenaEtcher 1.7.6
- patch: version number notification
- patch: fixed typos in template
- patch: add requirements and help to issue template
- patch: add requirements and help to issue template

balenaEtcher 1.7.3
- patch: fix mesage of null

balenaEtcher 1.7.2
- patch: fixed open from browser on windows

balenaEtcher 1.7.1
- Revert back to electron-rebuild
- Disallow TS in JS
- Remove esInterop TS flag
- Use @balena/sudo-prompt
- Update rpiboot guide link
- Improve webpack build time

balenaEtcher 1.7.0
- Add missing @types/[email protected]
- Use npm ci in Makefile
- Add draft info boxes for system information
- Remove electron-rebuild package
- Make electron a dev. dependency
- Remove electron-rebuild package
- Use exact modules versions
- Update etcher-sdk from v6.2.5 to v6.3.0
- Fix write step for Http file process
- Fix linting errors
- minor: Refactor dependencies installation to avoid custom scripts
- Fix LEDs init error

balenaEtcher 1.6.0
- Add support for basic auth when downloading images from URL
- patch: Update etcher-sdk from v6.2.1 to v6.2.5
- Update Makefile to Apple M1 info
- Add LED settings for potentially different hardware

balenaEtcher 1.5.122
- Restore image file selection LED-drive pathing
- Update scripts submodule
- Change LEDs colours
- Windows images now show the proper warning again
- Fix Update and install with DNF instructions
- Add possibile authorization as a query param
- update the windows part
- Update
- replace make webpack with npm run webpack
- Add loader on image select
- add pnp-webpack-plugin
- Remove redundant codespell dependency/tests

balenaEtcher 1.5.121
- patch: Delete Codeowners
- Add source maps for devtools
- Clone submodules when initializing modules
- patch: Select drive on list interaction rather than modal closing

balenaEtcher 1.5.120
- Update README to reference Cloudsmith

balenaEtcher 1.5.117
- Rename mac releases (keep old naming)
- Disable spectron tests on macOS
- Update electron to v12.0.2

Update etcher-sdk from 6.1.1 to 6.2.1:
- Fix getAppPath() returning an asar file on macOS
- Grammar fix
- (docs) update [vlad doster]
- Update copyright year in electron-builder.yml
- Update copyright year in .resinci.json
- Separate the Yum and DNF instructions
- Set msvs_version to 2019 when rebuilding
- Use moduleIds: 'natural' in webpack config to keep js files in arm64 and x64 mac builds identical
- Update electron-builder to 22.10.5
- Update spectron to v13
- Update dependencies, use [email protected] to avoid adding more dependiencies
- Update scripts to build universal mac dmgs on the ci
- Fix beforeBuild.js script to also work on mac
- Support building universal dmgs (x64 and arm64) for mac
- Update electron-builder to 22.10.4
- Fix titlebar z-index
- Explicitly set contextIsolation to false
- Update electron from 9.4.1 to 11.2.3

balenaEtcher 1.5.116
- Only cleanup temporary decompressed files in child-writer
- Add .versionbot/CHANGELOG.yml
- Stop using node-tmp, use withTmpFile from etcher-sdk instead
- Update etcher-sdk from 5.2.2 to 6.1.0
- Revert "Change some border colors to have higher contrast"
- Update electron to v9.4.1
- Update etcher-sdk from 5.2.1 to 5.2.2

balenaEtcher 1.5.115
- Update etcher-sdk from 5.1.12 to 5.2.1

balenaEtcher 1.5.114
- Remove libappindicator1 debian dependency
- Update dependencies
- Update @balena/lint to 5.3.0
- Update webpack to v5
- Fix typo in webpack.config.ts comment
- docs: fix quote marks [Aaron Shaw]
- Disable screensaver while flashing (on balena-electron-env)

balenaEtcher 1.5.113
- Show the first error for each drive (not the last)
- Fix red leds not showing for failed devices
- docs: add documentation links
- docs: update macOS version
- Improve hover message when the drive is too small
- Update electron to v9.4.0
- Update npm to v6.14.8 [Giovanni Garufi]
- Update rgb leds colors
- Remove unmountOnSuccess setting
- Only show auto-updates setting on supported targets
- Remove dead code in settings modal
- Fix effective flashing speed calculation for compressed images
- Change some border colors to have higher contrast
- Update etcher-sdk from 5.1.10 to 5.1.11
- Update sys-class-rgb-led from 2.1.1 to 3.0.0

balenaEtcher 1.5.112
- Add rendition and sys-class-rgb-led to repo.yml
- Update sys-class-rgb-led from 2.1.0 to 2.1.1
- Fix layout when the featured project is not showing
- Improve flashing error handling
- Fix modal content height on Windows
- Update etcher-sdk from 5.1.5 to 5.1.10
- Set useContentSize to true so the size is the same on all platforms

balenaEtcher 1.5.111
- Warn when the source drive has no partition table
- Use a different icon when no source drive is available
- Allow selecting a locked SD card as the source drive
- Remove "Validate write on success" setting. Validation is always enabled, press the "skip" button to skip it.
- Update electron to v9.3.3
- Update etcher-sdk to 5.1.1, use WASM ext2fs module

balenaEtcher 1.5.110
- Remove console.log in tests
- Fix URL not being selected with custom protocol
- Add skip function to validation
- Rework success screen

balenaEtcher 1.5.109
- Workaround elevation bug on Windows when the username contains an ampersand

balenaEtcher 1.5.108
- Fix content not loading when the app path contains special characters

balenaEtcher 1.5.107
- Re-enable ext partitions trimming on 32 bit Windows
- Rework system & large drives handling logic
- Reword macOS Catalina askpass message
- Add clone-drive workflow

balenaEtcher 1.5.106
- Disable ext partitions trimming on 32 bit windows until it is fixed
- Fix opening zip files from servers accepting Range headers

balenaEtcher 1.5.105
- Update etcher-sdk to 4.1.26
- URL selector cancel button cancels ongoing url selection
- Spinner for URL selector modal

balenaEtcher 1.5.104
- Fix writing config file
- Update electron to v9.2.1

balenaEtcher 1.5.103
- Update rendition to ^17
- Update electron to 9.2.0
- Update etcher-sdk to ^4.1.23
- Move linting and testing into package.json
- Set module: es2015 in tsconfig.json
- Replace native elevator with sudo-prompt on windows
- Don't import WeakMap polyfill in deep-map-keys
- Don't use lodash in child-writer.js
- Optimize svgs
- User regular stream in lzma-native instead of readable-stream
- Remove Bluebird

balenaEtcher 1.5.102
- Fix flashing truncated images, fix flashing large dmgs
- Electron 9.1.1
- Remove bluebird from main process, reduce lodash usage
- Centralize imports in child-writer
- Split main process and child-writer js files
- Stop using request, replace it with already used axios
- Remove font awesome unused icons from the generated bundle
- Remove no longer used .sass-lint.yml
- Use tslib
- Use strict typescript compiler option
- Update rendition to ^16.1.1

balenaEtcher 1.5.101
- Resize modal to show content appropriately
- Update etcher-sdk to v4.1.16
- Convert sass to plain css
- Remove unused scss
- Remove unused warning in settings
- Refactor UI without bootstrap & flexboxgrid
- Restyle modals
- Remove bootstrap & flexboxgrid
- Rework and move flashing view elements
- Refactor UI grid to use rendition

balenaEtcher 1.5.100
- Update partitioninfo to 5.3.5
- Add .vhd to the list of supported extensions, allow opening any file
- Update mocha to v8.0.1
- Update electron-notarize to v1.0.0
- Update electron to v9.0.4
- Update etcher-sdk to v4.1.15
- Sticky header in target selection table
- Update rendition to 15.2.1
- Fix source-selector image height
- Update rendition to v15.0.0
- Merge unsafe mode with new target selector
- Rework target selector modal

balenaEtcher 1.5.99
- Update node-raspberrypi-usbboot to 0.2.8
- Update electron to 9.0.3
- Inline all svgs

balenaEtcher 1.5.98
- Use between 2 and 256MiB for buffering depending on the number of drives
- Check that argument is an url or a regular file before opening
- Update etcher-sdk to ^4.1.13

balenaEtcher 1.5.97
- Update electron to v9.0.2
- Fix flash from url on windows
- Avoid random access in http sources
- Update etcher-sdk to ^4.1.8
- Read image path from arguments, register etcher://... protocol
- Update etcher-sdk to ^4.1.6
- Fix sudo-prompt promisification
- Allow skipping notarization when building package (dev)

balenaEtcher 1.5.95
- spectron: Make tests pass on Windows Docker containers

balenaEtcher 1.5.94
- Stop checking file extensions
- Fix flash from url (broken in 1.5.92)
- Update etcher-sdk to ^4.1.4

balenaEtcher 1.5.93
- Update electron-builder to v22.6.1
- Strip out comments from generated code
- Update electron to v9.0.0

balenaEtcher 1.5.92
- Use instead of reading it from argv in catalina-sudo
- Disable asar packing on all platforms
- Remove unneeded fortawesome from main.scss
- Remove unneeded font formats
- Webpack everything, reduce package size

balenaEtcher 1.5.91
- Minor fix - Init isSourceDrive param in correct place
- Fix undefined image from DriveCompatibilityWarning

balenaEtcher 1.5.90
- Change log not available for this version

balenaEtcher 1.5.89
- Fix drive selector modal padding
- Update all dependencies minor versions
- Update @types/node 12.12.24 -> 12.12.39
- Update ts-loader 6 -> 7
- Update sinon 8 -> 9
- Update node-gyp 3 -> 6
- Update lint-staged 9 -> 10
- Update husky 3 -> 4
- Remove no longer used html-loader dev dependency
- Update electron-notarize 0.1.1 -> 0.3.0
- Remove no longer used chalk dev dependency
- Update @types/tmp 0.1.0 -> 0.2.0
- Update @types/sinon 7 -> 9
- Update @types/semver 6 -> 7
- Update @types/mocha 5 -> 7

balenaEtcher 1.5.88
- Update roboto-fontface 0.9.0 -> 0.10.0
- Update rendition 12 -> 14, styled-system and styled-components 4 -> 5
- Update electron-updater 4.0.6 -> 4.3.1
- Update redux 3 -> 4
- Update debug 3 -> 4
- Update semver 5 -> 7
- Update tmp 0.1.0 -> 0.2.1
- Update uuid v3 -> v8

balenaEtcher 1.5.87
- Update etcher-sdk to ^4.1.3 to fix issues with some bz2 files

balenaEtcher 1.5.86
- Fix theme warnings

balenaEtcher 1.5.85
- Prefer balena-balenaEtcher to etcher-bin on Arch Linux

balenaEtcher 1.5.84
- Including Arch / Manjaro install instructions
- Fix notification icon path

balenaEtcher 1.5.83
- Decompress images before flashing, remove trim setting, trim ext partitions

balenaEtcher 1.5.82
- Allow http/https only for Flash from URL
- Add generic error's message
- Refactor buttons style
- Add flash from url workflow
- Add staging percentage for v1.5.81
- Trigger update for v1.5.81

balenaEtcher 1.5.81
- Add average speed in flash results
- docs: Update macOS drive recovery command
- Update etcher-sdk to use direct IO

balenaEtcher 1.5.80
- Use zoomFactor to scale contents in fullscreen mode
- Update electron to v7.1.14
- Fix sass files path for lint-sass

balenaEtcher 1.5.79
- Remove "Download the React DevTools for a better development experience" message
- Fix error when launching from terminal when installed via apt

balenaEtcher 1.5.78
- Update drivelist to 8.0.10 to fix parsing lsblk --pairs

balenaEtcher 1.5.77
- Fix error message not being shown on write error
- The RGBLed module has been moved to a separate repository

balenaEtcher 1.5.76
- Prefix temp permissions script name
- Fix image drop zone, remove react-dropzone dependency
- Update etcher-sdk to ^2.0.17

balenaEtcher 1.5.75
- Initialize leds object map

balenaEtcher 1.5.74
- balenaEtcher pro leds feature
- Compress deb package with bzip instead of xz
- Update electron to 7.1.11

balenaEtcher 1.5.73
- Update electron to v7.1.10

balenaEtcher 1.5.72
- Remove no longer used angular svg-icon component
- Remove no longer used closestUnit angular filter

balenaEtcher 1.5.71
- Update resin-corvus to 2.0.5

balenaEtcher 1.5.70
- Make header draggable again
- Refactor drive selector and confirm modal to React
- Rework lib/gui/app/styled-components to typescript
- Convert FlashAnother & FlashResults to typescript
- Use React instead of Angular for image selection
- Convert the drive selection step to React
- chore: move flash step to React
- Use React instead of Angular for image selection

balenaEtcher 1.5.69
- Don't add --no-sandbox when ELECTRON_RUN_AS_NODE true

balenaEtcher 1.5.68
- Add version in settings modal

balenaEtcher 1.5.67
- Fix elevation on macos in development

balenaEtcher 1.5.66
- Update spectron to ^8
- Update dependencies, get node-usb from npm
- Update nan to ^2.14
- Use the same entrypoint for balenaEtcher and the child writer
- Require angular-mocks only when needed
- Remove no longer needed pkg dev dependency
- Update mocha, remove nock
- Remove no longer needed xml2js
- Remove node-pre-gyp patch that is no longer needed with electron 6
- Update electron-mocha to ^8.1.2, remove acorn
- Update electron to 6.0.10

balenaEtcher 1.5.65
- Convert settings modal to typescript
- Refactor settings page into modal

balenaEtcher 1.5.64
- Change log not available for this version

balenaEtcher 1.5.63
- Introduce an FAQ file

balenaEtcher 1.5.62
- Update drivelist to 8.0.9

balenaEtcher 1.5.60
- Upgrade ext2fs to 1.0.30

balenaEtcher 1.5.59
- Catch console log messages from SafeWebView

balenaEtcher 1.5.58
- Remove leftover GH-pages configuration file

balenaEtcher 1.5.57
- Fix entrypoint when options are passed to electron

balenaEtcher 1.5.56
- Fix windows portable download

balenaEtcher 1.5.55
- Update etcher-sdk to ^2.0.13

balenaEtcher 1.5.54
- Fix auto-updater check for updates

balenaEtcher 1.5.53
- Allow typescript files

balenaEtcher 1.5.52
- Don't use wmic's ProviderName if it's empty

balenaEtcher 1.5.51
- Update sudo-prompt to ^9.0.0

balenaEtcher 1.5.50
- Option for trimming ext partitions on raw images

balenaEtcher 1.5.49
- Make window size configurable

balenaEtcher 1.5.47
- Rework drive-selector with react + rendition
- Use rendition theme property for step buttons
- Upgrade styled-system to v4.1.0
- Upgrade rendition to v8.7.2

balenaEtcher 1.5.46
- Update ext2fs to 1.0.29

balenaEtcher 1.5.45
- Empty commit to trigger build

balenaEtcher 1.5.44
- Fix elevation on windows when the path contains "&" or "'"

balenaEtcher 1.5.43
- Revert "Include sass in webpack configs"

balenaEtcher 1.5.42
Include sass in webpack configs

balenaEtcher 1.5.41
- removal and adding a link to the license

balenaEtcher 1.5.40
- windows installer and portable version support both ia32 and x64

balenaEtcher 1.18.8 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

balenaEtcher 1.18.8
- Patch: Fix Support link

balenaEtcher 1.18.4
- Fix issues with [flash with etcher] in some situations

balenaEtcher 1.14.3
- patch: fixed mac sudo on other languages

balenaEtcher 1.13.3
- patch: progress cm4 to second stage

balenaEtcher 1.13.1
- patch: updated sdk to fix bz2 issue
- patch: update copyright in electron-builder

balenaEtcher 1.10.6
- (v1.10.6, 2022-12-02)
- (Merge pull request #3897 from balena-io/aethernet-assetv, 2022-12-02)
- (Dummy update to fix asset version issue, 2022-12-02)

balenaEtcher 1.10.4
- patch: remove Homebrew instructions in README

balenaEtcher 1.10.2
- Fix missing analytics token

balenaEtcher 1.10.1
- Fixing call to electron block screensaver methods invocation

balenaEtcher 1.10.0
- testing renovate [builder555]

balenaEtcher 1.9.0
- Update dependency awscli to 1.27.5 [Renovate Bot]

balenaEtcher 1.7.9
- patch: update allowed extensions to include deb afterinstall in build
- patch: add update notification
- patch: fix usb-device-boot link in README
- Fix application directory for Debian postinst script

balenaEtcher 1.7.8
- patch: complete suse uninstall readme
- patch: completed suse instructions
- patch: order rpm instrictions
- patch: enabled update notification for version 1.7.8
- patch: updated title to balenaEtcher
- patch: cleanup and organize readme
- patch: extend cloudsmith attribution in readme
- Update macOS Icon to Big Sur Style

balenaEtcher 1.7.7
- patch: clarified update check
- patch: autoupdate stagingPercentage check, include default

balenaEtcher 1.7.6
- patch: version number notification
- patch: fixed typos in template
- patch: add requirements and help to issue template
- patch: add requirements and help to issue template

balenaEtcher 1.7.3
- patch: fix mesage of null

balenaEtcher 1.7.2
- patch: fixed open from browser on windows

balenaEtcher 1.7.1
- Revert back to electron-rebuild
- Disallow TS in JS
- Remove esInterop TS flag
- Use @balena/sudo-prompt
- Update rpiboot guide link
- Improve webpack build time

balenaEtcher 1.7.0
- Add missing @types/[email protected]
- Use npm ci in Makefile
- Add draft info boxes for system information
- Remove electron-rebuild package
- Make electron a dev. dependency
- Remove electron-rebuild package
- Use exact modules versions
- Update etcher-sdk from v6.2.5 to v6.3.0
- Fix write step for Http file process
- Fix linting errors
- minor: Refactor dependencies installation to avoid custom scripts
- Fix LEDs init error

balenaEtcher 1.6.0
- Add support for basic auth when downloading images from URL
- patch: Update etcher-sdk from v6.2.1 to v6.2.5
- Update Makefile to Apple M1 info
- Add LED settings for potentially different hardware

balenaEtcher 1.5.122
- Restore image file selection LED-drive pathing
- Update scripts submodule
- Change LEDs colours
- Windows images now show the proper warning again
- Fix Update and install with DNF instructions
- Add possibile authorization as a query param
- update the windows part
- Update
- replace make webpack with npm run webpack
- Add loader on image select
- add pnp-webpack-plugin
- Remove redundant codespell dependency/tests

balenaEtcher 1.5.121
- patch: Delete Codeowners
- Add source maps for devtools
- Clone submodules when initializing modules
- patch: Select drive on list interaction rather than modal closing

balenaEtcher 1.5.120
- Update README to reference Cloudsmith

balenaEtcher 1.5.117
- Rename mac releases (keep old naming)
- Disable spectron tests on macOS
- Update electron to v12.0.2

Update etcher-sdk from 6.1.1 to 6.2.1:
- Fix getAppPath() returning an asar file on macOS
- Grammar fix
- (docs) update [vlad doster]
- Update copyright year in electron-builder.yml
- Update copyright year in .resinci.json
- Separate the Yum and DNF instructions
- Set msvs_version to 2019 when rebuilding
- Use moduleIds: 'natural' in webpack config to keep js files in arm64 and x64 mac builds identical
- Update electron-builder to 22.10.5
- Update spectron to v13
- Update dependencies, use [email protected] to avoid adding more dependiencies
- Update scripts to build universal mac dmgs on the ci
- Fix beforeBuild.js script to also work on mac
- Support building universal dmgs (x64 and arm64) for mac
- Update electron-builder to 22.10.4
- Fix titlebar z-index
- Explicitly set contextIsolation to false
- Update electron from 9.4.1 to 11.2.3

balenaEtcher 1.5.116
- Only cleanup temporary decompressed files in child-writer
- Add .versionbot/CHANGELOG.yml
- Stop using node-tmp, use withTmpFile from etcher-sdk instead
- Update etcher-sdk from 5.2.2 to 6.1.0
- Revert "Change some border colors to have higher contrast"
- Update electron to v9.4.1
- Update etcher-sdk from 5.2.1 to 5.2.2

balenaEtcher 1.5.115
- Update etcher-sdk from 5.1.12 to 5.2.1

balenaEtcher 1.5.114
- Remove libappindicator1 debian dependency
- Update dependencies
- Update @balena/lint to 5.3.0
- Update webpack to v5
- Fix typo in webpack.config.ts comment
- docs: fix quote marks [Aaron Shaw]
- Disable screensaver while flashing (on balena-electron-env)

balenaEtcher 1.5.113
- Show the first error for each drive (not the last)
- Fix red leds not showing for failed devices
- docs: add documentation links
- docs: update macOS version
- Improve hover message when the drive is too small
- Update electron to v9.4.0
- Update npm to v6.14.8 [Giovanni Garufi]
- Update rgb leds colors
- Remove unmountOnSuccess setting
- Only show auto-updates setting on supported targets
- Remove dead code in settings modal
- Fix effective flashing speed calculation for compressed images
- Change some border colors to have higher contrast
- Update etcher-sdk from 5.1.10 to 5.1.11
- Update sys-class-rgb-led from 2.1.1 to 3.0.0

balenaEtcher 1.5.112
- Add rendition and sys-class-rgb-led to repo.yml
- Update sys-class-rgb-led from 2.1.0 to 2.1.1
- Fix layout when the featured project is not showing
- Improve flashing error handling
- Fix modal content height on Windows
- Update etcher-sdk from 5.1.5 to 5.1.10
- Set useContentSize to true so the size is the same on all platforms

balenaEtcher 1.5.111
- Warn when the source drive has no partition table
- Use a different icon when no source drive is available
- Allow selecting a locked SD card as the source drive
- Remove "Validate write on success" setting. Validation is always enabled, press the "skip" button to skip it.
- Update electron to v9.3.3
- Update etcher-sdk to 5.1.1, use WASM ext2fs module

balenaEtcher 1.5.110
- Remove console.log in tests
- Fix URL not being selected with custom protocol
- Add skip function to validation
- Rework success screen

balenaEtcher 1.5.109
- Workaround elevation bug on Windows when the username contains an ampersand

balenaEtcher 1.5.108
- Fix content not loading when the app path contains special characters

balenaEtcher 1.5.107
- Re-enable ext partitions trimming on 32 bit Windows
- Rework system & large drives handling logic
- Reword macOS Catalina askpass message
- Add clone-drive workflow

balenaEtcher 1.5.106
- Disable ext partitions trimming on 32 bit windows until it is fixed
- Fix opening zip files from servers accepting Range headers

balenaEtcher 1.5.105
- Update etcher-sdk to 4.1.26
- URL selector cancel button cancels ongoing url selection
- Spinner for URL selector modal

balenaEtcher 1.5.104
- Fix writing config file
- Update electron to v9.2.1

balenaEtcher 1.5.103
- Update rendition to ^17
- Update electron to 9.2.0
- Update etcher-sdk to ^4.1.23
- Move linting and testing into package.json
- Set module: es2015 in tsconfig.json
- Replace native elevator with sudo-prompt on windows
- Don't import WeakMap polyfill in deep-map-keys
- Don't use lodash in child-writer.js
- Optimize svgs
- User regular stream in lzma-native instead of readable-stream
- Remove Bluebird

balenaEtcher 1.5.102
- Fix flashing truncated images, fix flashing large dmgs
- Electron 9.1.1
- Remove bluebird from main process, reduce lodash usage
- Centralize imports in child-writer
- Split main process and child-writer js files
- Stop using request, replace it with already used axios
- Remove font awesome unused icons from the generated bundle
- Remove no longer used .sass-lint.yml
- Use tslib
- Use strict typescript compiler option
- Update rendition to ^16.1.1

balenaEtcher 1.5.101
- Resize modal to show content appropriately
- Update etcher-sdk to v4.1.16
- Convert sass to plain css
- Remove unused scss
- Remove unused warning in settings
- Refactor UI without bootstrap & flexboxgrid
- Restyle modals
- Remove bootstrap & flexboxgrid
- Rework and move flashing view elements
- Refactor UI grid to use rendition

balenaEtcher 1.5.100
- Update partitioninfo to 5.3.5
- Add .vhd to the list of supported extensions, allow opening any file
- Update mocha to v8.0.1
- Update electron-notarize to v1.0.0
- Update electron to v9.0.4
- Update etcher-sdk to v4.1.15
- Sticky header in target selection table
- Update rendition to 15.2.1
- Fix source-selector image height
- Update rendition to v15.0.0
- Merge unsafe mode with new target selector
- Rework target selector modal

balenaEtcher 1.5.99
- Update node-raspberrypi-usbboot to 0.2.8
- Update electron to 9.0.3
- Inline all svgs

balenaEtcher 1.5.98
- Use between 2 and 256MiB for buffering depending on the number of drives
- Check that argument is an url or a regular file before opening
- Update etcher-sdk to ^4.1.13

balenaEtcher 1.5.97
- Update electron to v9.0.2
- Fix flash from url on windows
- Avoid random access in http sources
- Update etcher-sdk to ^4.1.8
- Read image path from arguments, register etcher://... protocol
- Update etcher-sdk to ^4.1.6
- Fix sudo-prompt promisification
- Allow skipping notarization when building package (dev)

balenaEtcher 1.5.95
- spectron: Make tests pass on Windows Docker containers

balenaEtcher 1.5.94
- Stop checking file extensions
- Fix flash from url (broken in 1.5.92)
- Update etcher-sdk to ^4.1.4

balenaEtcher 1.5.93
- Update electron-builder to v22.6.1
- Strip out comments from generated code
- Update electron to v9.0.0

balenaEtcher 1.5.92
- Use instead of reading it from argv in catalina-sudo
- Disable asar packing on all platforms
- Remove unneeded fortawesome from main.scss
- Remove unneeded font formats
- Webpack everything, reduce package size

balenaEtcher 1.5.91
- Minor fix - Init isSourceDrive param in correct place
- Fix undefined image from DriveCompatibilityWarning

balenaEtcher 1.5.90
- Change log not available for this version

balenaEtcher 1.5.89
- Fix drive selector modal padding
- Update all dependencies minor versions
- Update @types/node 12.12.24 -> 12.12.39
- Update ts-loader 6 -> 7
- Update sinon 8 -> 9
- Update node-gyp 3 -> 6
- Update lint-staged 9 -> 10
- Update husky 3 -> 4
- Remove no longer used html-loader dev dependency
- Update electron-notarize 0.1.1 -> 0.3.0
- Remove no longer used chalk dev dependency
- Update @types/tmp 0.1.0 -> 0.2.0
- Update @types/sinon 7 -> 9
- Update @types/semver 6 -> 7
- Update @types/mocha 5 -> 7

balenaEtcher 1.5.88
- Update roboto-fontface 0.9.0 -> 0.10.0
- Update rendition 12 -> 14, styled-system and styled-components 4 -> 5
- Update electron-updater 4.0.6 -> 4.3.1
- Update redux 3 -> 4
- Update debug 3 -> 4
- Update semver 5 -> 7
- Update tmp 0.1.0 -> 0.2.1
- Update uuid v3 -> v8

balenaEtcher 1.5.87
- Update etcher-sdk to ^4.1.3 to fix issues with some bz2 files

balenaEtcher 1.5.86
- Fix theme warnings

balenaEtcher 1.5.85
- Prefer balena-balenaEtcher to etcher-bin on Arch Linux

balenaEtcher 1.5.84
- Including Arch / Manjaro install instructions
- Fix notification icon path

balenaEtcher 1.5.83
- Decompress images before flashing, remove trim setting, trim ext partitions

balenaEtcher 1.5.82
- Allow http/https only for Flash from URL
- Add generic error's message
- Refactor buttons style
- Add flash from url workflow
- Add staging percentage for v1.5.81
- Trigger update for v1.5.81

balenaEtcher 1.5.81
- Add average speed in flash results
- docs: Update macOS drive recovery command
- Update etcher-sdk to use direct IO

balenaEtcher 1.5.80
- Use zoomFactor to scale contents in fullscreen mode
- Update electron to v7.1.14
- Fix sass files path for lint-sass

balenaEtcher 1.5.79
- Remove "Download the React DevTools for a better development experience" message
- Fix error when launching from terminal when installed via apt

balenaEtcher 1.5.78
- Update drivelist to 8.0.10 to fix parsing lsblk --pairs

balenaEtcher 1.5.77
- Fix error message not being shown on write error
- The RGBLed module has been moved to a separate repository

balenaEtcher 1.5.76
- Prefix temp permissions script name
- Fix image drop zone, remove react-dropzone dependency
- Update etcher-sdk to ^2.0.17

balenaEtcher 1.5.75
- Initialize leds object map

balenaEtcher 1.5.74
- balenaEtcher pro leds feature
- Compress deb package with bzip instead of xz
- Update electron to 7.1.11

balenaEtcher 1.5.73
- Update electron to v7.1.10

balenaEtcher 1.5.72
- Remove no longer used angular svg-icon component
- Remove no longer used closestUnit angular filter

balenaEtcher 1.5.71
- Update resin-corvus to 2.0.5

balenaEtcher 1.5.70
- Make header draggable again
- Refactor drive selector and confirm modal to React
- Rework lib/gui/app/styled-components to typescript
- Convert FlashAnother & FlashResults to typescript
- Use React instead of Angular for image selection
- Convert the drive selection step to React
- chore: move flash step to React
- Use React instead of Angular for image selection

balenaEtcher 1.5.69
- Don't add --no-sandbox when ELECTRON_RUN_AS_NODE true

balenaEtcher 1.5.68
- Add version in settings modal

balenaEtcher 1.5.67
- Fix elevation on macos in development

balenaEtcher 1.5.66
- Update spectron to ^8
- Update dependencies, get node-usb from npm
- Update nan to ^2.14
- Use the same entrypoint for balenaEtcher and the child writer
- Require angular-mocks only when needed
- Remove no longer needed pkg dev dependency
- Update mocha, remove nock
- Remove no longer needed xml2js
- Remove node-pre-gyp patch that is no longer needed with electron 6
- Update electron-mocha to ^8.1.2, remove acorn
- Update electron to 6.0.10

balenaEtcher 1.5.65
- Convert settings modal to typescript
- Refactor settings page into modal

balenaEtcher 1.5.64
- Change log not available for this version

balenaEtcher 1.5.63
- Introduce an FAQ file

balenaEtcher 1.5.62
- Update drivelist to 8.0.9

balenaEtcher 1.5.60
- Upgrade ext2fs to 1.0.30

balenaEtcher 1.5.59
- Catch console log messages from SafeWebView

balenaEtcher 1.5.58
- Remove leftover GH-pages configuration file

balenaEtcher 1.5.57
- Fix entrypoint when options are passed to electron

balenaEtcher 1.5.56
- Fix windows portable download

balenaEtcher 1.5.55
- Update etcher-sdk to ^2.0.13

balenaEtcher 1.5.54
- Fix auto-updater check for updates

balenaEtcher 1.5.53
- Allow typescript files

balenaEtcher 1.5.52
- Don't use wmic's ProviderName if it's empty

balenaEtcher 1.5.51
- Update sudo-prompt to ^9.0.0

balenaEtcher 1.5.50
- Option for trimming ext partitions on raw images

balenaEtcher 1.5.49
- Make window size configurable

balenaEtcher 1.5.47
- Rework drive-selector with react + rendition
- Use rendition theme property for step buttons
- Upgrade styled-system to v4.1.0
- Upgrade rendition to v8.7.2

balenaEtcher 1.5.46
- Update ext2fs to 1.0.29

balenaEtcher 1.5.45
- Empty commit to trigger build

balenaEtcher 1.5.44
- Fix elevation on windows when the path contains "&" or "'"

balenaEtcher 1.5.43
- Revert "Include sass in webpack configs"

balenaEtcher 1.5.42
Include sass in webpack configs

balenaEtcher 1.5.41
- removal and adding a link to the license

balenaEtcher 1.5.40
- windows installer and portable version support both ia32 and x64

balenaEtcher 1.14.3 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

balenaEtcher 1.14.3
- patch: fixed mac sudo on other languages

balenaEtcher 1.13.3
- patch: progress cm4 to second stage

balenaEtcher 1.13.1
- patch: updated sdk to fix bz2 issue
- patch: update copyright in electron-builder

balenaEtcher 1.10.6
- (v1.10.6, 2022-12-02)
- (Merge pull request #3897 from balena-io/aethernet-assetv, 2022-12-02)
- (Dummy update to fix asset version issue, 2022-12-02)

balenaEtcher 1.10.4
- patch: remove Homebrew instructions in README

balenaEtcher 1.10.2
- Fix missing analytics token

balenaEtcher 1.10.1
- Fixing call to electron block screensaver methods invocation

balenaEtcher 1.10.0
- testing renovate [builder555]

balenaEtcher 1.9.0
- Update dependency awscli to 1.27.5 [Renovate Bot]

balenaEtcher 1.7.9
- patch: update allowed extensions to include deb afterinstall in build
- patch: add update notification
- patch: fix usb-device-boot link in README
- Fix application directory for Debian postinst script

balenaEtcher 1.7.8
- patch: complete suse uninstall readme
- patch: completed suse instructions
- patch: order rpm instrictions
- patch: enabled update notification for version 1.7.8
- patch: updated title to balenaEtcher
- patch: cleanup and organize readme
- patch: extend cloudsmith attribution in readme
- Update macOS Icon to Big Sur Style

balenaEtcher 1.7.7
- patch: clarified update check
- patch: autoupdate stagingPercentage check, include default

balenaEtcher 1.7.6
- patch: version number notification
- patch: fixed typos in template
- patch: add requirements and help to issue template
- patch: add requirements and help to issue template

balenaEtcher 1.7.3
- patch: fix mesage of null

balenaEtcher 1.7.2
- patch: fixed open from browser on windows

balenaEtcher 1.7.1
- Revert back to electron-rebuild
- Disallow TS in JS
- Remove esInterop TS flag
- Use @balena/sudo-prompt
- Update rpiboot guide link
- Improve webpack build time

balenaEtcher 1.7.0
- Add missing @types/[email protected]
- Use npm ci in Makefile
- Add draft info boxes for system information
- Remove electron-rebuild package
- Make electron a dev. dependency
- Remove electron-rebuild package
- Use exact modules versions
- Update etcher-sdk from v6.2.5 to v6.3.0
- Fix write step for Http file process
- Fix linting errors
- minor: Refactor dependencies installation to avoid custom scripts
- Fix LEDs init error

balenaEtcher 1.6.0
- Add support for basic auth when downloading images from URL
- patch: Update etcher-sdk from v6.2.1 to v6.2.5
- Update Makefile to Apple M1 info
- Add LED settings for potentially different hardware

balenaEtcher 1.5.122
- Restore image file selection LED-drive pathing
- Update scripts submodule
- Change LEDs colours
- Windows images now show the proper warning again
- Fix Update and install with DNF instructions
- Add possibile authorization as a query param
- update the windows part
- Update
- replace make webpack with npm run webpack
- Add loader on image select
- add pnp-webpack-plugin
- Remove redundant codespell dependency/tests

balenaEtcher 1.5.121
- patch: Delete Codeowners
- Add source maps for devtools
- Clone submodules when initializing modules
- patch: Select drive on list interaction rather than modal closing

balenaEtcher 1.5.120
- Update README to reference Cloudsmith

balenaEtcher 1.5.117
- Rename mac releases (keep old naming)
- Disable spectron tests on macOS
- Update electron to v12.0.2

Update etcher-sdk from 6.1.1 to 6.2.1:
- Fix getAppPath() returning an asar file on macOS
- Grammar fix
- (docs) update [vlad doster]
- Update copyright year in electron-builder.yml
- Update copyright year in .resinci.json
- Separate the Yum and DNF instructions
- Set msvs_version to 2019 when rebuilding
- Use moduleIds: 'natural' in webpack config to keep js files in arm64 and x64 mac builds identical
- Update electron-builder to 22.10.5
- Update spectron to v13
- Update dependencies, use [email protected] to avoid adding more dependiencies
- Update scripts to build universal mac dmgs on the ci
- Fix beforeBuild.js script to also work on mac
- Support building universal dmgs (x64 and arm64) for mac
- Update electron-builder to 22.10.4
- Fix titlebar z-index
- Explicitly set contextIsolation to false
- Update electron from 9.4.1 to 11.2.3

balenaEtcher 1.5.116
- Only cleanup temporary decompressed files in child-writer
- Add .versionbot/CHANGELOG.yml
- Stop using node-tmp, use withTmpFile from etcher-sdk instead
- Update etcher-sdk from 5.2.2 to 6.1.0
- Revert "Change some border colors to have higher contrast"
- Update electron to v9.4.1
- Update etcher-sdk from 5.2.1 to 5.2.2

balenaEtcher 1.5.115
- Update etcher-sdk from 5.1.12 to 5.2.1

balenaEtcher 1.5.114
- Remove libappindicator1 debian dependency
- Update dependencies
- Update @balena/lint to 5.3.0
- Update webpack to v5
- Fix typo in webpack.config.ts comment
- docs: fix quote marks [Aaron Shaw]
- Disable screensaver while flashing (on balena-electron-env)

balenaEtcher 1.5.113
- Show the first error for each drive (not the last)
- Fix red leds not showing for failed devices
- docs: add documentation links
- docs: update macOS version
- Improve hover message when the drive is too small
- Update electron to v9.4.0
- Update npm to v6.14.8 [Giovanni Garufi]
- Update rgb leds colors
- Remove unmountOnSuccess setting
- Only show auto-updates setting on supported targets
- Remove dead code in settings modal
- Fix effective flashing speed calculation for compressed images
- Change some border colors to have higher contrast
- Update etcher-sdk from 5.1.10 to 5.1.11
- Update sys-class-rgb-led from 2.1.1 to 3.0.0

balenaEtcher 1.5.112
- Add rendition and sys-class-rgb-led to repo.yml
- Update sys-class-rgb-led from 2.1.0 to 2.1.1
- Fix layout when the featured project is not showing
- Improve flashing error handling
- Fix modal content height on Windows
- Update etcher-sdk from 5.1.5 to 5.1.10
- Set useContentSize to true so the size is the same on all platforms

balenaEtcher 1.5.111
- Warn when the source drive has no partition table
- Use a different icon when no source drive is available
- Allow selecting a locked SD card as the source drive
- Remove "Validate write on success" setting. Validation is always enabled, press the "skip" button to skip it.
- Update electron to v9.3.3
- Update etcher-sdk to 5.1.1, use WASM ext2fs module

balenaEtcher 1.5.110
- Remove console.log in tests
- Fix URL not being selected with custom protocol
- Add skip function to validation
- Rework success screen

balenaEtcher 1.5.109
- Workaround elevation bug on Windows when the username contains an ampersand

balenaEtcher 1.5.108
- Fix content not loading when the app path contains special characters

balenaEtcher 1.5.107
- Re-enable ext partitions trimming on 32 bit Windows
- Rework system & large drives handling logic
- Reword macOS Catalina askpass message
- Add clone-drive workflow

balenaEtcher 1.5.106
- Disable ext partitions trimming on 32 bit windows until it is fixed
- Fix opening zip files from servers accepting Range headers

balenaEtcher 1.5.105
- Update etcher-sdk to 4.1.26
- URL selector cancel button cancels ongoing url selection
- Spinner for URL selector modal

balenaEtcher 1.5.104
- Fix writing config file
- Update electron to v9.2.1

balenaEtcher 1.5.103
- Update rendition to ^17
- Update electron to 9.2.0
- Update etcher-sdk to ^4.1.23
- Move linting and testing into package.json
- Set module: es2015 in tsconfig.json
- Replace native elevator with sudo-prompt on windows
- Don't import WeakMap polyfill in deep-map-keys
- Don't use lodash in child-writer.js
- Optimize svgs
- User regular stream in lzma-native instead of readable-stream
- Remove Bluebird

balenaEtcher 1.5.102
- Fix flashing truncated images, fix flashing large dmgs
- Electron 9.1.1
- Remove bluebird from main process, reduce lodash usage
- Centralize imports in child-writer
- Split main process and child-writer js files
- Stop using request, replace it with already used axios
- Remove font awesome unused icons from the generated bundle
- Remove no longer used .sass-lint.yml
- Use tslib
- Use strict typescript compiler option
- Update rendition to ^16.1.1

balenaEtcher 1.5.101
- Resize modal to show content appropriately
- Update etcher-sdk to v4.1.16
- Convert sass to plain css
- Remove unused scss
- Remove unused warning in settings
- Refactor UI without bootstrap & flexboxgrid
- Restyle modals
- Remove bootstrap & flexboxgrid
- Rework and move flashing view elements
- Refactor UI grid to use rendition

balenaEtcher 1.5.100
- Update partitioninfo to 5.3.5
- Add .vhd to the list of supported extensions, allow opening any file
- Update mocha to v8.0.1
- Update electron-notarize to v1.0.0
- Update electron to v9.0.4
- Update etcher-sdk to v4.1.15
- Sticky header in target selection table
- Update rendition to 15.2.1
- Fix source-selector image height
- Update rendition to v15.0.0
- Merge unsafe mode with new target selector
- Rework target selector modal

balenaEtcher 1.5.99
- Update node-raspberrypi-usbboot to 0.2.8
- Update electron to 9.0.3
- Inline all svgs

balenaEtcher 1.5.98
- Use between 2 and 256MiB for buffering depending on the number of drives
- Check that argument is an url or a regular file before opening
- Update etcher-sdk to ^4.1.13

balenaEtcher 1.5.97
- Update electron to v9.0.2
- Fix flash from url on windows
- Avoid random access in http sources
- Update etcher-sdk to ^4.1.8
- Read image path from arguments, register etcher://... protocol
- Update etcher-sdk to ^4.1.6
- Fix sudo-prompt promisification
- Allow skipping notarization when building package (dev)

balenaEtcher 1.5.95
- spectron: Make tests pass on Windows Docker containers

balenaEtcher 1.5.94
- Stop checking file extensions
- Fix flash from url (broken in 1.5.92)
- Update etcher-sdk to ^4.1.4

balenaEtcher 1.5.93
- Update electron-builder to v22.6.1
- Strip out comments from generated code
- Update electron to v9.0.0

balenaEtcher 1.5.92
- Use instead of reading it from argv in catalina-sudo
- Disable asar packing on all platforms
- Remove unneeded fortawesome from main.scss
- Remove unneeded font formats
- Webpack everything, reduce package size

balenaEtcher 1.5.91
- Minor fix - Init isSourceDrive param in correct place
- Fix undefined image from DriveCompatibilityWarning

balenaEtcher 1.5.90
- Change log not available for this version

balenaEtcher 1.5.89
- Fix drive selector modal padding
- Update all dependencies minor versions
- Update @types/node 12.12.24 -> 12.12.39
- Update ts-loader 6 -> 7
- Update sinon 8 -> 9
- Update node-gyp 3 -> 6
- Update lint-staged 9 -> 10
- Update husky 3 -> 4
- Remove no longer used html-loader dev dependency
- Update electron-notarize 0.1.1 -> 0.3.0
- Remove no longer used chalk dev dependency
- Update @types/tmp 0.1.0 -> 0.2.0
- Update @types/sinon 7 -> 9
- Update @types/semver 6 -> 7
- Update @types/mocha 5 -> 7

balenaEtcher 1.5.88
- Update roboto-fontface 0.9.0 -> 0.10.0
- Update rendition 12 -> 14, styled-system and styled-components 4 -> 5
- Update electron-updater 4.0.6 -> 4.3.1
- Update redux 3 -> 4
- Update debug 3 -> 4
- Update semver 5 -> 7
- Update tmp 0.1.0 -> 0.2.1
- Update uuid v3 -> v8

balenaEtcher 1.5.87
- Update etcher-sdk to ^4.1.3 to fix issues with some bz2 files

balenaEtcher 1.5.86
- Fix theme warnings

balenaEtcher 1.5.85
- Prefer balena-balenaEtcher to etcher-bin on Arch Linux

balenaEtcher 1.5.84
- Including Arch / Manjaro install instructions
- Fix notification icon path

balenaEtcher 1.5.83
- Decompress images before flashing, remove trim setting, trim ext partitions

balenaEtcher 1.5.82
- Allow http/https only for Flash from URL
- Add generic error's message
- Refactor buttons style
- Add flash from url workflow
- Add staging percentage for v1.5.81
- Trigger update for v1.5.81

balenaEtcher 1.5.81
- Add average speed in flash results
- docs: Update macOS drive recovery command
- Update etcher-sdk to use direct IO

balenaEtcher 1.5.80
- Use zoomFactor to scale contents in fullscreen mode
- Update electron to v7.1.14
- Fix sass files path for lint-sass

balenaEtcher 1.5.79
- Remove "Download the React DevTools for a better development experience" message
- Fix error when launching from terminal when installed via apt

balenaEtcher 1.5.78
- Update drivelist to 8.0.10 to fix parsing lsblk --pairs

balenaEtcher 1.5.77
- Fix error message not being shown on write error
- The RGBLed module has been moved to a separate repository

balenaEtcher 1.5.76
- Prefix temp permissions script name
- Fix image drop zone, remove react-dropzone dependency
- Update etcher-sdk to ^2.0.17

balenaEtcher 1.5.75
- Initialize leds object map

balenaEtcher 1.5.74
- balenaEtcher pro leds feature
- Compress deb package with bzip instead of xz
- Update electron to 7.1.11

balenaEtcher 1.5.73
- Update electron to v7.1.10

balenaEtcher 1.5.72
- Remove no longer used angular svg-icon component
- Remove no longer used closestUnit angular filter

balenaEtcher 1.5.71
- Update resin-corvus to 2.0.5

balenaEtcher 1.5.70
- Make header draggable again
- Refactor drive selector and confirm modal to React
- Rework lib/gui/app/styled-components to typescript
- Convert FlashAnother & FlashResults to typescript
- Use React instead of Angular for image selection
- Convert the drive selection step to React
- chore: move flash step to React
- Use React instead of Angular for image selection

balenaEtcher 1.5.69
- Don't add --no-sandbox when ELECTRON_RUN_AS_NODE true

balenaEtcher 1.5.68
- Add version in settings modal

balenaEtcher 1.5.67
- Fix elevation on macos in development

balenaEtcher 1.5.66
- Update spectron to ^8
- Update dependencies, get node-usb from npm
- Update nan to ^2.14
- Use the same entrypoint for balenaEtcher and the child writer
- Require angular-mocks only when needed
- Remove no longer needed pkg dev dependency
- Update mocha, remove nock
- Remove no longer needed xml2js
- Remove node-pre-gyp patch that is no longer needed with electron 6
- Update electron-mocha to ^8.1.2, remove acorn
- Update electron to 6.0.10

balenaEtcher 1.5.65
- Convert settings modal to typescript
- Refactor settings page into modal

balenaEtcher 1.5.64
- Change log not available for this version

balenaEtcher 1.5.63
- Introduce an FAQ file

balenaEtcher 1.5.62
- Update drivelist to 8.0.9

balenaEtcher 1.5.60
- Upgrade ext2fs to 1.0.30

balenaEtcher 1.5.59
- Catch console log messages from SafeWebView

balenaEtcher 1.5.58
- Remove leftover GH-pages configuration file

balenaEtcher 1.5.57
- Fix entrypoint when options are passed to electron

balenaEtcher 1.5.56
- Fix windows portable download

balenaEtcher 1.5.55
- Update etcher-sdk to ^2.0.13

balenaEtcher 1.5.54
- Fix auto-updater check for updates

balenaEtcher 1.5.53
- Allow typescript files

balenaEtcher 1.5.52
- Don't use wmic's ProviderName if it's empty

balenaEtcher 1.5.51
- Update sudo-prompt to ^9.0.0

balenaEtcher 1.5.50
- Option for trimming ext partitions on raw images

balenaEtcher 1.5.49
- Make window size configurable

balenaEtcher 1.5.47
- Rework drive-selector with react + rendition
- Use rendition theme property for step buttons
- Upgrade styled-system to v4.1.0
- Upgrade rendition to v8.7.2

balenaEtcher 1.5.46
- Update ext2fs to 1.0.29

balenaEtcher 1.5.45
- Empty commit to trigger build

balenaEtcher 1.5.44
- Fix elevation on windows when the path contains "&" or "'"

balenaEtcher 1.5.43
- Revert "Include sass in webpack configs"

balenaEtcher 1.5.42
Include sass in webpack configs

balenaEtcher 1.5.41
- removal and adding a link to the license

balenaEtcher 1.5.40
- windows installer and portable version support both ia32 and x64

Samepage 1.0.45970 查看版本資訊


SoftEther VPN Gate Client Plugin 2023.01.26 build 9782 查看版本資訊


balenaEtcher 1.10.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

balenaEtcher 1.10.2
- Fix missing analytics token

balenaEtcher 1.10.1
- Fixing call to electron block screensaver methods invocation

balenaEtcher 1.10.0
- testing renovate [builder555]

balenaEtcher 1.9.0
- Update dependency awscli to 1.27.5 [Renovate Bot]

balenaEtcher 1.7.9
- patch: update allowed extensions to include deb afterinstall in build
- patch: add update notification
- patch: fix usb-device-boot link in README
- Fix application directory for Debian postinst script

balenaEtcher 1.7.8
- patch: complete suse uninstall readme
- patch: completed suse instructions
- patch: order rpm instrictions
- patch: enabled update notification for version 1.7.8
- patch: updated title to balenaEtcher
- patch: cleanup and organize readme
- patch: extend cloudsmith attribution in readme
- Update macOS Icon to Big Sur Style

balenaEtcher 1.7.7
- patch: clarified update check
- patch: autoupdate stagingPercentage check, include default

balenaEtcher 1.7.6
- patch: version number notification
- patch: fixed typos in template
- patch: add requirements and help to issue template
- patch: add requirements and help to issue template

balenaEtcher 1.7.3
- patch: fix mesage of null

balenaEtcher 1.7.2
- patch: fixed open from browser on windows

balenaEtcher 1.7.1
- Revert back to electron-rebuild
- Disallow TS in JS
- Remove esInterop TS flag
- Use @balena/sudo-prompt
- Update rpiboot guide link
- Improve webpack build time

balenaEtcher 1.7.0
- Add missing @types/[email protected]
- Use npm ci in Makefile
- Add draft info boxes for system information
- Remove electron-rebuild package
- Make electron a dev. dependency
- Remove electron-rebuild package
- Use exact modules versions
- Update etcher-sdk from v6.2.5 to v6.3.0
- Fix write step for Http file process
- Fix linting errors
- minor: Refactor dependencies installation to avoid custom scripts
- Fix LEDs init error

balenaEtcher 1.6.0
- Add support for basic auth when downloading images from URL
- patch: Update etcher-sdk from v6.2.1 to v6.2.5
- Update Makefile to Apple M1 info
- Add LED settings for potentially different hardware

balenaEtcher 1.5.122
- Restore image file selection LED-drive pathing
- Update scripts submodule
- Change LEDs colours
- Windows images now show the proper warning again
- Fix Update and install with DNF instructions
- Add possibile authorization as a query param
- update the windows part
- Update
- replace make webpack with npm run webpack
- Add loader on image select
- add pnp-webpack-plugin
- Remove redundant codespell dependency/tests

balenaEtcher 1.5.121
- patch: Delete Codeowners
- Add source maps for devtools
- Clone submodules when initializing modules
- patch: Select drive on list interaction rather than modal closing

balenaEtcher 1.5.120
- Update README to reference Cloudsmith

balenaEtcher 1.5.117
- Rename mac releases (keep old naming)
- Disable spectron tests on macOS
- Update electron to v12.0.2

Update etcher-sdk from 6.1.1 to 6.2.1:
- Fix getAppPath() returning an asar file on macOS
- Grammar fix
- (docs) update [vlad doster]
- Update copyright year in electron-builder.yml
- Update copyright year in .resinci.json
- Separate the Yum and DNF instructions
- Set msvs_version to 2019 when rebuilding
- Use moduleIds: 'natural' in webpack config to keep js files in arm64 and x64 mac builds identical
- Update electron-builder to 22.10.5
- Update spectron to v13
- Update dependencies, use [email protected] to avoid adding more dependiencies
- Update scripts to build universal mac dmgs on the ci
- Fix beforeBuild.js script to also work on mac
- Support building universal dmgs (x64 and arm64) for mac
- Update electron-builder to 22.10.4
- Fix titlebar z-index
- Explicitly set contextIsolation to false
- Update electron from 9.4.1 to 11.2.3

balenaEtcher 1.5.116
- Only cleanup temporary decompressed files in child-writer
- Add .versionbot/CHANGELOG.yml
- Stop using node-tmp, use withTmpFile from etcher-sdk instead
- Update etcher-sdk from 5.2.2 to 6.1.0
- Revert "Change some border colors to have higher contrast"
- Update electron to v9.4.1
- Update etcher-sdk from 5.2.1 to 5.2.2

balenaEtcher 1.5.115
- Update etcher-sdk from 5.1.12 to 5.2.1

balenaEtcher 1.5.114
- Remove libappindicator1 debian dependency
- Update dependencies
- Update @balena/lint to 5.3.0
- Update webpack to v5
- Fix typo in webpack.config.ts comment
- docs: fix quote marks [Aaron Shaw]
- Disable screensaver while flashing (on balena-electron-env)

balenaEtcher 1.5.113
- Show the first error for each drive (not the last)
- Fix red leds not showing for failed devices
- docs: add documentation links
- docs: update macOS version
- Improve hover message when the drive is too small
- Update electron to v9.4.0
- Update npm to v6.14.8 [Giovanni Garufi]
- Update rgb leds colors
- Remove unmountOnSuccess setting
- Only show auto-updates setting on supported targets
- Remove dead code in settings modal
- Fix effective flashing speed calculation for compressed images
- Change some border colors to have higher contrast
- Update etcher-sdk from 5.1.10 to 5.1.11
- Update sys-class-rgb-led from 2.1.1 to 3.0.0

balenaEtcher 1.5.112
- Add rendition and sys-class-rgb-led to repo.yml
- Update sys-class-rgb-led from 2.1.0 to 2.1.1
- Fix layout when the featured project is not showing
- Improve flashing error handling
- Fix modal content height on Windows
- Update etcher-sdk from 5.1.5 to 5.1.10
- Set useContentSize to true so the size is the same on all platforms

balenaEtcher 1.5.111
- Warn when the source drive has no partition table
- Use a different icon when no source drive is available
- Allow selecting a locked SD card as the source drive
- Remove "Validate write on success" setting. Validation is always enabled, press the "skip" button to skip it.
- Update electron to v9.3.3
- Update etcher-sdk to 5.1.1, use WASM ext2fs module

balenaEtcher 1.5.110
- Remove console.log in tests
- Fix URL not being selected with custom protocol
- Add skip function to validation
- Rework success screen

balenaEtcher 1.5.109
- Workaround elevation bug on Windows when the username contains an ampersand

balenaEtcher 1.5.108
- Fix content not loading when the app path contains special characters

balenaEtcher 1.5.107
- Re-enable ext partitions trimming on 32 bit Windows
- Rework system & large drives handling logic
- Reword macOS Catalina askpass message
- Add clone-drive workflow

balenaEtcher 1.5.106
- Disable ext partitions trimming on 32 bit windows until it is fixed
- Fix opening zip files from servers accepting Range headers

balenaEtcher 1.5.105
- Update etcher-sdk to 4.1.26
- URL selector cancel button cancels ongoing url selection
- Spinner for URL selector modal

balenaEtcher 1.5.104
- Fix writing config file
- Update electron to v9.2.1

balenaEtcher 1.5.103
- Update rendition to ^17
- Update electron to 9.2.0
- Update etcher-sdk to ^4.1.23
- Move linting and testing into package.json
- Set module: es2015 in tsconfig.json
- Replace native elevator with sudo-prompt on windows
- Don't import WeakMap polyfill in deep-map-keys
- Don't use lodash in child-writer.js
- Optimize svgs
- User regular stream in lzma-native instead of readable-stream
- Remove Bluebird

balenaEtcher 1.5.102
- Fix flashing truncated images, fix flashing large dmgs
- Electron 9.1.1
- Remove bluebird from main process, reduce lodash usage
- Centralize imports in child-writer
- Split main process and child-writer js files
- Stop using request, replace it with already used axios
- Remove font awesome unused icons from the generated bundle
- Remove no longer used .sass-lint.yml
- Use tslib
- Use strict typescript compiler option
- Update rendition to ^16.1.1

balenaEtcher 1.5.101
- Resize modal to show content appropriately
- Update etcher-sdk to v4.1.16
- Convert sass to plain css
- Remove unused scss
- Remove unused warning in settings
- Refactor UI without bootstrap & flexboxgrid
- Restyle modals
- Remove bootstrap & flexboxgrid
- Rework and move flashing view elements
- Refactor UI grid to use rendition

balenaEtcher 1.5.100
- Update partitioninfo to 5.3.5
- Add .vhd to the list of supported extensions, allow opening any file
- Update mocha to v8.0.1
- Update electron-notarize to v1.0.0
- Update electron to v9.0.4
- Update etcher-sdk to v4.1.15
- Sticky header in target selection table
- Update rendition to 15.2.1
- Fix source-selector image height
- Update rendition to v15.0.0
- Merge unsafe mode with new target selector
- Rework target selector modal

balenaEtcher 1.5.99
- Update node-raspberrypi-usbboot to 0.2.8
- Update electron to 9.0.3
- Inline all svgs

balenaEtcher 1.5.98
- Use between 2 and 256MiB for buffering depending on the number of drives
- Check that argument is an url or a regular file before opening
- Update etcher-sdk to ^4.1.13

balenaEtcher 1.5.97
- Update electron to v9.0.2
- Fix flash from url on windows
- Avoid random access in http sources
- Update etcher-sdk to ^4.1.8
- Read image path from arguments, register etcher://... protocol
- Update etcher-sdk to ^4.1.6
- Fix sudo-prompt promisification
- Allow skipping notarization when building package (dev)

balenaEtcher 1.5.95
- spectron: Make tests pass on Windows Docker containers

balenaEtcher 1.5.94
- Stop checking file extensions
- Fix flash from url (broken in 1.5.92)
- Update etcher-sdk to ^4.1.4

balenaEtcher 1.5.93
- Update electron-builder to v22.6.1
- Strip out comments from generated code
- Update electron to v9.0.0

balenaEtcher 1.5.92
- Use instead of reading it from argv in catalina-sudo
- Disable asar packing on all platforms
- Remove unneeded fortawesome from main.scss
- Remove unneeded font formats
- Webpack everything, reduce package size

balenaEtcher 1.5.91
- Minor fix - Init isSourceDrive param in correct place
- Fix undefined image from DriveCompatibilityWarning

balenaEtcher 1.5.90
- Change log not available for this version

balenaEtcher 1.5.89
- Fix drive selector modal padding
- Update all dependencies minor versions
- Update @types/node 12.12.24 -> 12.12.39
- Update ts-loader 6 -> 7
- Update sinon 8 -> 9
- Update node-gyp 3 -> 6
- Update lint-staged 9 -> 10
- Update husky 3 -> 4
- Remove no longer used html-loader dev dependency
- Update electron-notarize 0.1.1 -> 0.3.0
- Remove no longer used chalk dev dependency
- Update @types/tmp 0.1.0 -> 0.2.0
- Update @types/sinon 7 -> 9
- Update @types/semver 6 -> 7
- Update @types/mocha 5 -> 7

balenaEtcher 1.5.88
- Update roboto-fontface 0.9.0 -> 0.10.0
- Update rendition 12 -> 14, styled-system and styled-components 4 -> 5
- Update electron-updater 4.0.6 -> 4.3.1
- Update redux 3 -> 4
- Update debug 3 -> 4
- Update semver 5 -> 7
- Update tmp 0.1.0 -> 0.2.1
- Update uuid v3 -> v8

balenaEtcher 1.5.87
- Update etcher-sdk to ^4.1.3 to fix issues with some bz2 files

balenaEtcher 1.5.86
- Fix theme warnings

balenaEtcher 1.5.85
- Prefer balena-balenaEtcher to etcher-bin on Arch Linux

balenaEtcher 1.5.84
- Including Arch / Manjaro install instructions
- Fix notification icon path

balenaEtcher 1.5.83
- Decompress images before flashing, remove trim setting, trim ext partitions

balenaEtcher 1.5.82
- Allow http/https only for Flash from URL
- Add generic error's message
- Refactor buttons style
- Add flash from url workflow
- Add staging percentage for v1.5.81
- Trigger update for v1.5.81

balenaEtcher 1.5.81
- Add average speed in flash results
- docs: Update macOS drive recovery command
- Update etcher-sdk to use direct IO

balenaEtcher 1.5.80
- Use zoomFactor to scale contents in fullscreen mode
- Update electron to v7.1.14
- Fix sass files path for lint-sass

balenaEtcher 1.5.79
- Remove "Download the React DevTools for a better development experience" message
- Fix error when launching from terminal when installed via apt

balenaEtcher 1.5.78
- Update drivelist to 8.0.10 to fix parsing lsblk --pairs

balenaEtcher 1.5.77
- Fix error message not being shown on write error
- The RGBLed module has been moved to a separate repository

balenaEtcher 1.5.76
- Prefix temp permissions script name
- Fix image drop zone, remove react-dropzone dependency
- Update etcher-sdk to ^2.0.17

balenaEtcher 1.5.75
- Initialize leds object map

balenaEtcher 1.5.74
- balenaEtcher pro leds feature
- Compress deb package with bzip instead of xz
- Update electron to 7.1.11

balenaEtcher 1.5.73
- Update electron to v7.1.10

balenaEtcher 1.5.72
- Remove no longer used angular svg-icon component
- Remove no longer used closestUnit angular filter

balenaEtcher 1.5.71
- Update resin-corvus to 2.0.5

balenaEtcher 1.5.70
- Make header draggable again
- Refactor drive selector and confirm modal to React
- Rework lib/gui/app/styled-components to typescript
- Convert FlashAnother & FlashResults to typescript
- Use React instead of Angular for image selection
- Convert the drive selection step to React
- chore: move flash step to React
- Use React instead of Angular for image selection

balenaEtcher 1.5.69
- Don't add --no-sandbox when ELECTRON_RUN_AS_NODE true

balenaEtcher 1.5.68
- Add version in settings modal

balenaEtcher 1.5.67
- Fix elevation on macos in development

balenaEtcher 1.5.66
- Update spectron to ^8
- Update dependencies, get node-usb from npm
- Update nan to ^2.14
- Use the same entrypoint for balenaEtcher and the child writer
- Require angular-mocks only when needed
- Remove no longer needed pkg dev dependency
- Update mocha, remove nock
- Remove no longer needed xml2js
- Remove node-pre-gyp patch that is no longer needed with electron 6
- Update electron-mocha to ^8.1.2, remove acorn
- Update electron to 6.0.10

balenaEtcher 1.5.65
- Convert settings modal to typescript
- Refactor settings page into modal

balenaEtcher 1.5.64
- Change log not available for this version

balenaEtcher 1.5.63
- Introduce an FAQ file

balenaEtcher 1.5.62
- Update drivelist to 8.0.9

balenaEtcher 1.5.60
- Upgrade ext2fs to 1.0.30

balenaEtcher 1.5.59
- Catch console log messages from SafeWebView

balenaEtcher 1.5.58
- Remove leftover GH-pages configuration file

balenaEtcher 1.5.57
- Fix entrypoint when options are passed to electron

balenaEtcher 1.5.56
- Fix windows portable download

balenaEtcher 1.5.55
- Update etcher-sdk to ^2.0.13

balenaEtcher 1.5.54
- Fix auto-updater check for updates

balenaEtcher 1.5.53
- Allow typescript files

balenaEtcher 1.5.52
- Don't use wmic's ProviderName if it's empty

balenaEtcher 1.5.51
- Update sudo-prompt to ^9.0.0

balenaEtcher 1.5.50
- Option for trimming ext partitions on raw images

balenaEtcher 1.5.49
- Make window size configurable

balenaEtcher 1.5.47
- Rework drive-selector with react + rendition
- Use rendition theme property for step buttons
- Upgrade styled-system to v4.1.0
- Upgrade rendition to v8.7.2

balenaEtcher 1.5.46
- Update ext2fs to 1.0.29

balenaEtcher 1.5.45
- Empty commit to trigger build

balenaEtcher 1.5.44
- Fix elevation on windows when the path contains "&" or "'"

balenaEtcher 1.5.43
- Revert "Include sass in webpack configs"

balenaEtcher 1.5.42
Include sass in webpack configs

balenaEtcher 1.5.41
- removal and adding a link to the license

balenaEtcher 1.5.40
- windows installer and portable version support both ia32 and x64

Ubisoft Connect 136.2.10786 查看版本資訊


balenaEtcher 1.10.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

balenaEtcher 1.10.1
- Fixing call to electron block screensaver methods invocation

balenaEtcher 1.10.0
- testing renovate [builder555]

balenaEtcher 1.9.0
- Update dependency awscli to 1.27.5 [Renovate Bot]

balenaEtcher 1.7.9
- patch: update allowed extensions to include deb afterinstall in build
- patch: add update notification
- patch: fix usb-device-boot link in README
- Fix application directory for Debian postinst script

balenaEtcher 1.7.8
- patch: complete suse uninstall readme
- patch: completed suse instructions
- patch: order rpm instrictions
- patch: enabled update notification for version 1.7.8
- patch: updated title to balenaEtcher
- patch: cleanup and organize readme
- patch: extend cloudsmith attribution in readme
- Update macOS Icon to Big Sur Style

balenaEtcher 1.7.7
- patch: clarified update check
- patch: autoupdate stagingPercentage check, include default

balenaEtcher 1.7.6
- patch: version number notification
- patch: fixed typos in template
- patch: add requirements and help to issue template
- patch: add requirements and help to issue template

balenaEtcher 1.7.3
- patch: fix mesage of null

balenaEtcher 1.7.2
- patch: fixed open from browser on windows

balenaEtcher 1.7.1
- Revert back to electron-rebuild
- Disallow TS in JS
- Remove esInterop TS flag
- Use @balena/sudo-prompt
- Update rpiboot guide link
- Improve webpack build time

balenaEtcher 1.7.0
- Add missing @types/[email protected]
- Use npm ci in Makefile
- Add draft info boxes for system information
- Remove electron-rebuild package
- Make electron a dev. dependency
- Remove electron-rebuild package
- Use exact modules versions
- Update etcher-sdk from v6.2.5 to v6.3.0
- Fix write step for Http file process
- Fix linting errors
- minor: Refactor dependencies installation to avoid custom scripts
- Fix LEDs init error

balenaEtcher 1.6.0
- Add support for basic auth when downloading images from URL
- patch: Update etcher-sdk from v6.2.1 to v6.2.5
- Update Makefile to Apple M1 info
- Add LED settings for potentially different hardware

balenaEtcher 1.5.122
- Restore image file selection LED-drive pathing
- Update scripts submodule
- Change LEDs colours
- Windows images now show the proper warning again
- Fix Update and install with DNF instructions
- Add possibile authorization as a query param
- update the windows part
- Update
- replace make webpack with npm run webpack
- Add loader on image select
- add pnp-webpack-plugin
- Remove redundant codespell dependency/tests

balenaEtcher 1.5.121
- patch: Delete Codeowners
- Add source maps for devtools
- Clone submodules when initializing modules
- patch: Select drive on list interaction rather than modal closing

balenaEtcher 1.5.120
- Update README to reference Cloudsmith

balenaEtcher 1.5.117
- Rename mac releases (keep old naming)
- Disable spectron tests on macOS
- Update electron to v12.0.2

Update etcher-sdk from 6.1.1 to 6.2.1:
- Fix getAppPath() returning an asar file on macOS
- Grammar fix
- (docs) update [vlad doster]
- Update copyright year in electron-builder.yml
- Update copyright year in .resinci.json
- Separate the Yum and DNF instructions
- Set msvs_version to 2019 when rebuilding
- Use moduleIds: 'natural' in webpack config to keep js files in arm64 and x64 mac builds identical
- Update electron-builder to 22.10.5
- Update spectron to v13
- Update dependencies, use [email protected] to avoid adding more dependiencies
- Update scripts to build universal mac dmgs on the ci
- Fix beforeBuild.js script to also work on mac
- Support building universal dmgs (x64 and arm64) for mac
- Update electron-builder to 22.10.4
- Fix titlebar z-index
- Explicitly set contextIsolation to false
- Update electron from 9.4.1 to 11.2.3

balenaEtcher 1.5.116
- Only cleanup temporary decompressed files in child-writer
- Add .versionbot/CHANGELOG.yml
- Stop using node-tmp, use withTmpFile from etcher-sdk instead
- Update etcher-sdk from 5.2.2 to 6.1.0
- Revert "Change some border colors to have higher contrast"
- Update electron to v9.4.1
- Update etcher-sdk from 5.2.1 to 5.2.2

balenaEtcher 1.5.115
- Update etcher-sdk from 5.1.12 to 5.2.1

balenaEtcher 1.5.114
- Remove libappindicator1 debian dependency
- Update dependencies
- Update @balena/lint to 5.3.0
- Update webpack to v5
- Fix typo in webpack.config.ts comment
- docs: fix quote marks [Aaron Shaw]
- Disable screensaver while flashing (on balena-electron-env)

balenaEtcher 1.5.113
- Show the first error for each drive (not the last)
- Fix red leds not showing for failed devices
- docs: add documentation links
- docs: update macOS version
- Improve hover message when the drive is too small
- Update electron to v9.4.0
- Update npm to v6.14.8 [Giovanni Garufi]
- Update rgb leds colors
- Remove unmountOnSuccess setting
- Only show auto-updates setting on supported targets
- Remove dead code in settings modal
- Fix effective flashing speed calculation for compressed images
- Change some border colors to have higher contrast
- Update etcher-sdk from 5.1.10 to 5.1.11
- Update sys-class-rgb-led from 2.1.1 to 3.0.0

balenaEtcher 1.5.112
- Add rendition and sys-class-rgb-led to repo.yml
- Update sys-class-rgb-led from 2.1.0 to 2.1.1
- Fix layout when the featured project is not showing
- Improve flashing error handling
- Fix modal content height on Windows
- Update etcher-sdk from 5.1.5 to 5.1.10
- Set useContentSize to true so the size is the same on all platforms

balenaEtcher 1.5.111
- Warn when the source drive has no partition table
- Use a different icon when no source drive is available
- Allow selecting a locked SD card as the source drive
- Remove "Validate write on success" setting. Validation is always enabled, press the "skip" button to skip it.
- Update electron to v9.3.3
- Update etcher-sdk to 5.1.1, use WASM ext2fs module

balenaEtcher 1.5.110
- Remove console.log in tests
- Fix URL not being selected with custom protocol
- Add skip function to validation
- Rework success screen

balenaEtcher 1.5.109
- Workaround elevation bug on Windows when the username contains an ampersand

balenaEtcher 1.5.108
- Fix content not loading when the app path contains special characters

balenaEtcher 1.5.107
- Re-enable ext partitions trimming on 32 bit Windows
- Rework system & large drives handling logic
- Reword macOS Catalina askpass message
- Add clone-drive workflow

balenaEtcher 1.5.106
- Disable ext partitions trimming on 32 bit windows until it is fixed
- Fix opening zip files from servers accepting Range headers

balenaEtcher 1.5.105
- Update etcher-sdk to 4.1.26
- URL selector cancel button cancels ongoing url selection
- Spinner for URL selector modal

balenaEtcher 1.5.104
- Fix writing config file
- Update electron to v9.2.1

balenaEtcher 1.5.103
- Update rendition to ^17
- Update electron to 9.2.0
- Update etcher-sdk to ^4.1.23
- Move linting and testing into package.json
- Set module: es2015 in tsconfig.json
- Replace native elevator with sudo-prompt on windows
- Don't import WeakMap polyfill in deep-map-keys
- Don't use lodash in child-writer.js
- Optimize svgs
- User regular stream in lzma-native instead of readable-stream
- Remove Bluebird

balenaEtcher 1.5.102
- Fix flashing truncated images, fix flashing large dmgs
- Electron 9.1.1
- Remove bluebird from main process, reduce lodash usage
- Centralize imports in child-writer
- Split main process and child-writer js files
- Stop using request, replace it with already used axios
- Remove font awesome unused icons from the generated bundle
- Remove no longer used .sass-lint.yml
- Use tslib
- Use strict typescript compiler option
- Update rendition to ^16.1.1

balenaEtcher 1.5.101
- Resize modal to show content appropriately
- Update etcher-sdk to v4.1.16
- Convert sass to plain css
- Remove unused scss
- Remove unused warning in settings
- Refactor UI without bootstrap & flexboxgrid
- Restyle modals
- Remove bootstrap & flexboxgrid
- Rework and move flashing view elements
- Refactor UI grid to use rendition

balenaEtcher 1.5.100
- Update partitioninfo to 5.3.5
- Add .vhd to the list of supported extensions, allow opening any file
- Update mocha to v8.0.1
- Update electron-notarize to v1.0.0
- Update electron to v9.0.4
- Update etcher-sdk to v4.1.15
- Sticky header in target selection table
- Update rendition to 15.2.1
- Fix source-selector image height
- Update rendition to v15.0.0
- Merge unsafe mode with new target selector
- Rework target selector modal

balenaEtcher 1.5.99
- Update node-raspberrypi-usbboot to 0.2.8
- Update electron to 9.0.3
- Inline all svgs

balenaEtcher 1.5.98
- Use between 2 and 256MiB for buffering depending on the number of drives
- Check that argument is an url or a regular file before opening
- Update etcher-sdk to ^4.1.13

balenaEtcher 1.5.97
- Update electron to v9.0.2
- Fix flash from url on windows
- Avoid random access in http sources
- Update etcher-sdk to ^4.1.8
- Read image path from arguments, register etcher://... protocol
- Update etcher-sdk to ^4.1.6
- Fix sudo-prompt promisification
- Allow skipping notarization when building package (dev)

balenaEtcher 1.5.95
- spectron: Make tests pass on Windows Docker containers

balenaEtcher 1.5.94
- Stop checking file extensions
- Fix flash from url (broken in 1.5.92)
- Update etcher-sdk to ^4.1.4

balenaEtcher 1.5.93
- Update electron-builder to v22.6.1
- Strip out comments from generated code
- Update electron to v9.0.0

balenaEtcher 1.5.92
- Use instead of reading it from argv in catalina-sudo
- Disable asar packing on all platforms
- Remove unneeded fortawesome from main.scss
- Remove unneeded font formats
- Webpack everything, reduce package size

balenaEtcher 1.5.91
- Minor fix - Init isSourceDrive param in correct place
- Fix undefined image from DriveCompatibilityWarning

balenaEtcher 1.5.90
- Change log not available for this version

balenaEtcher 1.5.89
- Fix drive selector modal padding
- Update all dependencies minor versions
- Update @types/node 12.12.24 -> 12.12.39
- Update ts-loader 6 -> 7
- Update sinon 8 -> 9
- Update node-gyp 3 -> 6
- Update lint-staged 9 -> 10
- Update husky 3 -> 4
- Remove no longer used html-loader dev dependency
- Update electron-notarize 0.1.1 -> 0.3.0
- Remove no longer used chalk dev dependency
- Update @types/tmp 0.1.0 -> 0.2.0
- Update @types/sinon 7 -> 9
- Update @types/semver 6 -> 7
- Update @types/mocha 5 -> 7

balenaEtcher 1.5.88
- Update roboto-fontface 0.9.0 -> 0.10.0
- Update rendition 12 -> 14, styled-system and styled-components 4 -> 5
- Update electron-updater 4.0.6 -> 4.3.1
- Update redux 3 -> 4
- Update debug 3 -> 4
- Update semver 5 -> 7
- Update tmp 0.1.0 -> 0.2.1
- Update uuid v3 -> v8

balenaEtcher 1.5.87
- Update etcher-sdk to ^4.1.3 to fix issues with some bz2 files

balenaEtcher 1.5.86
- Fix theme warnings

balenaEtcher 1.5.85
- Prefer balena-balenaEtcher to etcher-bin on Arch Linux

balenaEtcher 1.5.84
- Including Arch / Manjaro install instructions
- Fix notification icon path

balenaEtcher 1.5.83
- Decompress images before flashing, remove trim setting, trim ext partitions

balenaEtcher 1.5.82
- Allow http/https only for Flash from URL
- Add generic error's message
- Refactor buttons style
- Add flash from url workflow
- Add staging percentage for v1.5.81
- Trigger update for v1.5.81

balenaEtcher 1.5.81
- Add average speed in flash results
- docs: Update macOS drive recovery command
- Update etcher-sdk to use direct IO

balenaEtcher 1.5.80
- Use zoomFactor to scale contents in fullscreen mode
- Update electron to v7.1.14
- Fix sass files path for lint-sass

balenaEtcher 1.5.79
- Remove "Download the React DevTools for a better development experience" message
- Fix error when launching from terminal when installed via apt

balenaEtcher 1.5.78
- Update drivelist to 8.0.10 to fix parsing lsblk --pairs

balenaEtcher 1.5.77
- Fix error message not being shown on write error
- The RGBLed module has been moved to a separate repository

balenaEtcher 1.5.76
- Prefix temp permissions script name
- Fix image drop zone, remove react-dropzone dependency
- Update etcher-sdk to ^2.0.17

balenaEtcher 1.5.75
- Initialize leds object map

balenaEtcher 1.5.74
- balenaEtcher pro leds feature
- Compress deb package with bzip instead of xz
- Update electron to 7.1.11

balenaEtcher 1.5.73
- Update electron to v7.1.10

balenaEtcher 1.5.72
- Remove no longer used angular svg-icon component
- Remove no longer used closestUnit angular filter

balenaEtcher 1.5.71
- Update resin-corvus to 2.0.5

balenaEtcher 1.5.70
- Make header draggable again
- Refactor drive selector and confirm modal to React
- Rework lib/gui/app/styled-components to typescript
- Convert FlashAnother & FlashResults to typescript
- Use React instead of Angular for image selection
- Convert the drive selection step to React
- chore: move flash step to React
- Use React instead of Angular for image selection

balenaEtcher 1.5.69
- Don't add --no-sandbox when ELECTRON_RUN_AS_NODE true

balenaEtcher 1.5.68
- Add version in settings modal

balenaEtcher 1.5.67
- Fix elevation on macos in development

balenaEtcher 1.5.66
- Update spectron to ^8
- Update dependencies, get node-usb from npm
- Update nan to ^2.14
- Use the same entrypoint for balenaEtcher and the child writer
- Require angular-mocks only when needed
- Remove no longer needed pkg dev dependency
- Update mocha, remove nock
- Remove no longer needed xml2js
- Remove node-pre-gyp patch that is no longer needed with electron 6
- Update electron-mocha to ^8.1.2, remove acorn
- Update electron to 6.0.10

balenaEtcher 1.5.65
- Convert settings modal to typescript
- Refactor settings page into modal

balenaEtcher 1.5.64
- Change log not available for this version

balenaEtcher 1.5.63
- Introduce an FAQ file

balenaEtcher 1.5.62
- Update drivelist to 8.0.9

balenaEtcher 1.5.60
- Upgrade ext2fs to 1.0.30

balenaEtcher 1.5.59
- Catch console log messages from SafeWebView

balenaEtcher 1.5.58
- Remove leftover GH-pages configuration file

balenaEtcher 1.5.57
- Fix entrypoint when options are passed to electron

balenaEtcher 1.5.56
- Fix windows portable download

balenaEtcher 1.5.55
- Update etcher-sdk to ^2.0.13

balenaEtcher 1.5.54
- Fix auto-updater check for updates

balenaEtcher 1.5.53
- Allow typescript files

balenaEtcher 1.5.52
- Don't use wmic's ProviderName if it's empty

balenaEtcher 1.5.51
- Update sudo-prompt to ^9.0.0

balenaEtcher 1.5.50
- Option for trimming ext partitions on raw images

balenaEtcher 1.5.49
- Make window size configurable

balenaEtcher 1.5.47
- Rework drive-selector with react + rendition
- Use rendition theme property for step buttons
- Upgrade styled-system to v4.1.0
- Upgrade rendition to v8.7.2

balenaEtcher 1.5.46
- Update ext2fs to 1.0.29

balenaEtcher 1.5.45
- Empty commit to trigger build

balenaEtcher 1.5.44
- Fix elevation on windows when the path contains "&" or "'"

balenaEtcher 1.5.43
- Revert "Include sass in webpack configs"

balenaEtcher 1.5.42
Include sass in webpack configs

balenaEtcher 1.5.41
- removal and adding a link to the license

balenaEtcher 1.5.40
- windows installer and portable version support both ia32 and x64

PDF Annotator 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

PDF Annotator
- Fixes and improvements

PDF Annotator
- Fixes and improvements

PDF Annotator
New: Area Dimensioning Tool:
- Dimension tool using selectable and customizable scale
- Area Dimensions are annotations, including a semi transparent colorization of an area and a dimension text (measure and unit), which become part of the PDF document (contrary to the Measure functionality)
- Place dimensions by clicking an unlimited number of corner points (polygon)
- "Connect Lines" feature to snap corner points to existing annotations
- "Snap to 15° Angles" feature to help dimensioning rectangular areas
- Display of dimension unit can be turned on and off
- Dimension text (measure) can be overwritten in the "Edit Style" dialog
- Comfortably move corner points in selected area dimension annotations

Improved: "Connect Lines" Feature:
- This feature to snap corner points to existing annotations now works for lines, arrows, polygons, distance and area measures
- Also, the corner points of polygons and points on ellipses/circles get identified as snap targets
- Create dimensional chains using the distance dimension tool and "Connect Lines"

New: Individual Formatting in Text Annotations:
- You can now format parts of text annotations individually. For example, you can format a single word within a text box as bold or underline.
- Supported properties: Font color, font face, font size and font style
- Font styles: Bold, Italic, Underline, Strike out and, NEW: Superscript or Subscript
- You can also align paragraphs within one text annotation individually: left, center and right

New: Polygon Tool:
- Draw closed polygons or polylines
- Properties: Line color, line width, line style, fill color and opacity
- Place polygons by clicking an unlimited number of corner points
- Close a polygon by clicking the start point or by selecting "Close Polygon and Accept"
- Finish a polyline by selecting just "Accept"
- "Connect Lines" feature to snap corner points to existing annotations
- "Snap to 15° Angles" feature to help drawing rectangular polygons
- Comfortably move corner points in selected polygon annotations

New: Formula Tool with LaTeX Support:
- Insert scientific formulas using a comfortable Formula Editor
- Create and edit formulas with the help of pre-defined expressions and by selecting from a detailed list of symbols
- Edit the underlying LaTeX commands in the LaTeX source code (for LaTeX experienced users)
- Exchange formulas with LaTeX based formula editorsfrom 3rd party vendors (Copy, Paste)
- Properties: Color, font size, fill color and opacity

New: Color Mode and Accent Color - "Dark Mode":
- Choose between the usual bright color mode or the new dark color mode ("Dark Mode")
- Choose between the usual "red" accent color and the new "blue" accent color
- Color Mode affects the application's user interface
- PDF documents are not affected and will always be displayed identically (as printed on white paper)

New: "Autostart Search" setting:
- You can now disable the automatic start of the text search while entering a search phrase

New: Duplicate Selection to Next Page:
- Like the existing "Duplicate to All Pages" feature, you can now as well duplicate a selection only to the next page

New: "Black Screen" Feature for Presentations:
- In Full Screen Mode, you can now temporarily turn the display completely black to ensure your audience's full attention
- Use the Full Screen Mode action button, or press Alt+B
- Press any key, or click/tap with mouse, pen or finger to end the blackout

New: Advanced Color Selection and Pipette Tool:
- All color pickers (e.g. for selecting the pen color) have been revised and now contain a palette of common colors, as well as an additional palette for saving and reusing your own colors ("My Colors")
- By expanding the color picker window, you can find an enhanced color picker with the ability to enter colors as RGB or HTML values (e.g. "#FF0000" for red). Here you can also copy the HTML color value.
- After expanding, the buttons to manage the "My Colors" palette show up
- After expanding, the "Pipette" tool button becomes available. Use the Pipette to extract a color from the currently visible part of the document, or from any point on the current monitor.

Improved: Preserving Toolbar Customizations:
- In previous versions, customized toolbars got reset on each major upgrade, as menus and toolbars contain new or changed entries, which require a reset
- When upgrading from version 8, we now try to preserve as many toolbar customizations as possible

PDF Annotator
- Fixed: Error "Failed to initialize user language" after Update from version
- Fixes and improvements

PDF Annotator
- Fixed: Could not copy pages from read-only documents to paste into different documents

PDF Annotator
- Fixes and improvements

PDF Annotator
- Increased maximum size of page thumbnails in the sidebar. New menu item to reset page thumbnail size to default size.
- Minor fixes and improvements

PDF Annotator
- After invoking the Settings dialog from within Full Screen Mode, the dialog would be covered by the main window and could not be reached, which would result in an unresponsive pplication.
- Under certain circumstances, PDF Annotator would block system restarts until the restart was confirmed/forced by the user.
- The "Square" and "Circle" properties were ignored when creating a tool favorite.
- While editing text annotations, the key combinations Ctrl+Arrow would not work within the text editor, but move the whole text box. Now, press Alt in addition to Ctrl to move the text box. Same applies for text box resizing with Shift+Arrow.
- Canceling a measure with Esc and undoing the last point with Backspace did not work any more

PDF Annotator
- Changed: Predefined line widths now correspond to the same physical width on any device
- In previous versions, the six predefined line widths ("Thin" to "Very thick" under the "Line
Width" dropdown menu) resulted in different physical widths, depending on your screen settings
(dpi), so that they were different from case to case. This has now been fixed.
- Also, the predefined line widths in fullscreen mode (in the quick configuration box, clicking the active tool button a second time) have been set to the same values as in regular (windowed) mode.
- Note: These changes do not affect already defined tools, favorites, stamps or annotations.
- Improved: Faster file saving when using large numbers of identical picture stamps
- Improved: Faster snapshot creation for very large snapshots (whole page, large snapshot resolution)
- More minor fixes and improvements

PDF Annotator
- Touch scrolling caused jumps to incorrect pages when an external screen had just been removed
- Documents on inactive document tabs jumped to first page after rotating the screen
- Pen width did not restore correctly after a switch to a screen running under a different DPI setting
- Color picker displayed black background in some situations
- Clicking certain bookmarks resulted in jumps to incorrect positions
- Text extraction did not find certain text
- After adding/removing USB devices, application would not respond for up to five seconds

- Windows 11 Support
- More minor fixes and improvements

PDF Annotator
- Error using the Eraser tool in "Split Strokes" mode
- Error message on specific actions while customizing buttons in Full Screen mode
- More minor fixes and improvements

PDF Annotator
- Performance improvements and fixed issues

PDF Annotator
- Maintenance release combining various user experience enhancements, performance improvements, general improvements, and fixed issues

PDF Annotator
- Maintenance release combining various user experience enhancements, performance improvements, general improvements, and fixed issues

PDF Annotator
- New: "Show Trace" option to deactivate temporary drawing with the Pointer or Laserpointer tools
- New "Factory Reset" feature, available under Extras, Settings, Reset
- Color selection: Display selected color names immediately below the color picker. Enlarged display on active "Touch Mode"
- Display PDF comments created in third party apps as not clickable, when configured as "read only" according to the PDF standard
- Stamp toolboxes now display the currently selected stamp when opening the toolboxes
- Using the "Pointer" or "Laser Pointer" tools, double clicks will now be ignored, and will not select the underlying annotations.
- Fixed: When working with PDF documents with many pages, under certain conditions the pen and marker tools would not be available any more after switching between view layouts.
- Fixed: Problems detecting the use of the end of pen eraser
- More minor fixes and improvements

PDF Annotator
- New: "Show Trace" option to deactivate temporary drawing with the Pointer or Laserpointer tools
- New "Factory Reset" feature, available under Extras, Settings, Reset
- Color selection: Display selected color names immediately below the color picker Enlarged display on active "Touch Mode"
- Display PDF comments created in third party apps as not clickable, when configured as "read only" according to the PDF standard
- Stamp toolboxes now display the currently selected stamp when opening the toolboxes
- Using the "Pointer" or "Laser Pointer" tools, double clicks will now be ignored, and will not select the underlying annotations
- Fixed: When working with PDF documents with many pages, under certain conditions the pen and marker tools would not be available any more after switching between view layouts
- Fixed: Problems detecting the use of the end of pen eraser
- More minor fixes and improvements

PDF Annotator
- Additional "Dot" mouse pointers available under "Settings, Tools, Cursor"
- Improved zoom gesture handling
- Performance improvements during zoom
- Improved visualization of documents with differently sized pages in "Two Pages - Continuous" page layout
- After clicking a page with the Snapshot tool, now a confirmation message box gets displayed to choose between taking a snapshot of the whole page, or only the currently visible page area
- Faster loading of documents that do not yet contain any annotations
- Maintain current selection when zooming or switching page layouts
- Allow entering Unicode characters into text annotations by typing their hexadecimal code and pressing ALT+X

- When exiting the application immediately from within Fullscreen view, the toolbars configuration could become corrupted and needed to be reset using the "Reset all Toolbars" command
- Using Zoom in a non-continuous page layout could cause jumps to the wrong pages. This could also result in just recently added ink annotations being handled incorrectly
- Front and rear camera of Microsoft Surface
devices could not get differentiated any more after a change by Microsoft. The camera display did not
mirror correctly due to that issue
- Text extraction did not calculate correctly in specific cases
- The list of available printers was not refreshed correctly after adding new printers
- After attaching an external graphics tablet, the "Draw with Finger" setting was not set correctly
- Performance issue in the side bar page preview on documents with many very large pages

- More minor fixes and improvements

PDF Annotator
- Fixed: Error opening documents under Windows 7

PDF Annotator
- Fixed: Some dialog text was only displayed in English, even if a different language was configured
- Fixed: Error message "Out of system resources"

PDF Annotator
- New: Select the cursor to use when setting the "Display cursor instead of pen tip" option
- New: Option to deactivate the Zoom, Press and Hold, and Scratchout gestures
- New: Option to hide the Layout buttons on the bottom right of the status bar
- Fixed: The technology to detect the Zoom gesture caused problems when writing with the pen on specific hardware
- Fixed: The Watermark (Image) feature of the "Print to PDF Annotator" printer did not work any more
- Fixed: Error message when using a SmartBoard
- Minor fixes and improvements

PDF Annotator
- Fixed: Error message after creating a text annotation and immediately executing the undo operation
- Fixed: After pasting from the clipboard using the right click context menu, the pasted elements got moved to the top left instead of using the click position
- Minor fixes and improvements

PDF Annotator
- Could not open password protected PDF
- Fixed: The tool switch position did not get
saved in some situations
- Minor fixes and improvements

PDF Annotator
- Fixed: Error message "Cannot disable ink overlay while active inking is detected"
- Reduced sensitivity of "Pinch to Zoom" gesture (zooming with two fingers)
- Minor fixes

PDF Annotator
- "Pinch to Zoom" (zooming with two fingers) is
now supported at all times (requires supported
- Laserpointer: Select between two sizes
- Full screen mode: Buttons positioned at the top
or bottom of the screen are now squared to save
some vertical space.
- On the dialogs "The document contains form fields",
"Print to PDF Annotator - Finished" and
"Document already opened":
Checkbox "Don't show this message again" has
been removed, as this caused problems for many
users. Selection has to be made explicitly, case
by case.
- Fixed: Dimension text got mis-positioned on
rotated PDF pages.
- Fixed: When using the "Display default cursor
instead of tip of pen" setting, the cursor was
not diplayed correctly for some tools
New: This setting is now also effective when
using a pen under Windows 10.
- Fixed: Print preview in the Print dialog showed
pages incorrectly in some situations.
- Fixed: When pasting elements using copy/paste,
elements were not positioned correctly in certain
- Fixed: After deleting page, in certain situations,
annotations got moved to the wrong pages.
- Fixed: Error message when canceling print jobs
- Minor fixes and improvements

PDF Annotator
- Fixed: Error messasge "The stroke object has been
- Fixed: Scrolling with the finger could jump to
  the wrong page in certain situations
- Minor fixes

PDF Annotator
- "Auto-Smooth" can now differentiate better between sketches and text, to avoid unintended snapping of lines to written text. Also, exactly horizontal/vertical lines keep their orientation when "snapped".
- The Shift key (e.g. when drawing squares or circles) now always inverts the current setting. For example, drawing a square can be forced by pressing Shift while the "rectangle" setting is active. Drawing a rectangle is forced by pressing Shift while the "square" setting is active.
- When restoring deleted strokes/objects with the Undo command, these will be re-inserted at the original position above or below other elements.
- When resizing selected objects or drawing objects (lines, circles...) with pen or finger, the Windows default behaviour "Press and Hold" got invoked, if the pen or finger was not moved immediately. Now, this behaviour is only available in certain situations (e.g. when doing press and hold on selected objects).
- Moving/resizing selected objects with pen or touch required a minimum movement to start. This has been reduced, so the drag operation can immediately begin
- Panning/scrolling in the document has been optimized
- Printing on PostScript printers has been optimized
- You can now draw very small objects, like lines or circles. Previously, those objects had to have a larger minimum size
- When option "Display keyboard when editing text annotations" is active, invoke the virtual keyboard provided by Windows (instead of our own implementation)

- Arrowheads did draw incorrectly in some situations
- Error on extracting text that contained certain special characters in non-latin languages
- Error when drawing lines on very large screens
- Flickering when font dropdown list was opened for the first time
- Error after resuming the computer after hibernation/suspend
- After upgrade installation, Windows Control Panel possibly displayed an old entry to the previous (32-bit) installation. Uninstalling this entry also uninstalled the new (64-bit) version
- Minor fixes and improvements

PDF Annotator
- Cursor style Pointer as alternative to the
laser pointer tool

- Error message "Page could not be rendered" when loading specific PDF documents
- Eraser did not work when document had been scrolled with finger previously
- Eraser could lead to partially invisible lines in certain situations
- Could not paste pictures of type Windows MetaFile from clipboard
- Could not drag exactly vertical or horizontal lines shorter when "Keep aspect ratio" option was set
- Duplicate keyboard shortcuts for tools
- Some user interface text got displayed in the wrong language
- Error message when creating dimensions in special situations
- Error message during area measure on large screens
- Text box frames got drawn in wrong line width under special circumstances
- Some images got draw with semitransparent edges
- Needed to manual exit trial version beforeuninstalling
- Minor fixes

PDF Annotator
- Improved: Eraser performance and use of eraser with quick, long eraser moves
- Fixed: "Print, Current view" did not always work as  expected
- Fixed: With active Quick Start option, and active Windows option to restore running applications, settings did not get saved on reboots
- Fixed: Wrong text rendering on right-to-left fonts
- Minor fixes and improvements

PDF Annotator
- Fixed: Could not close main window in certain situations
- Fixed: Performance issue when using the eraser tool
- Fixed: On touch/pen devices, the onscreen keyboard did not invoke (when associated setting was active)
- Fixed: Angle and length did not get displayed any more while drawing arrows
- Minor fixes and improvements

balenaEtcher 1.10.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

balenaEtcher 1.10.0
- testing renovate [builder555]

balenaEtcher 1.9.0
- Update dependency awscli to 1.27.5 [Renovate Bot]

balenaEtcher 1.7.9
- patch: update allowed extensions to include deb afterinstall in build
- patch: add update notification
- patch: fix usb-device-boot link in README
- Fix application directory for Debian postinst script

balenaEtcher 1.7.8
- patch: complete suse uninstall readme
- patch: completed suse instructions
- patch: order rpm instrictions
- patch: enabled update notification for version 1.7.8
- patch: updated title to balenaEtcher
- patch: cleanup and organize readme
- patch: extend cloudsmith attribution in readme
- Update macOS Icon to Big Sur Style

balenaEtcher 1.7.7
- patch: clarified update check
- patch: autoupdate stagingPercentage check, include default

balenaEtcher 1.7.6
- patch: version number notification
- patch: fixed typos in template
- patch: add requirements and help to issue template
- patch: add requirements and help to issue template

balenaEtcher 1.7.3
- patch: fix mesage of null

balenaEtcher 1.7.2
- patch: fixed open from browser on windows

balenaEtcher 1.7.1
- Revert back to electron-rebuild
- Disallow TS in JS
- Remove esInterop TS flag
- Use @balena/sudo-prompt
- Update rpiboot guide link
- Improve webpack build time

balenaEtcher 1.7.0
- Add missing @types/[email protected]
- Use npm ci in Makefile
- Add draft info boxes for system information
- Remove electron-rebuild package
- Make electron a dev. dependency
- Remove electron-rebuild package
- Use exact modules versions
- Update etcher-sdk from v6.2.5 to v6.3.0
- Fix write step for Http file process
- Fix linting errors
- minor: Refactor dependencies installation to avoid custom scripts
- Fix LEDs init error

balenaEtcher 1.6.0
- Add support for basic auth when downloading images from URL
- patch: Update etcher-sdk from v6.2.1 to v6.2.5
- Update Makefile to Apple M1 info
- Add LED settings for potentially different hardware

balenaEtcher 1.5.122
- Restore image file selection LED-drive pathing
- Update scripts submodule
- Change LEDs colours
- Windows images now show the proper warning again
- Fix Update and install with DNF instructions
- Add possibile authorization as a query param
- update the windows part
- Update
- replace make webpack with npm run webpack
- Add loader on image select
- add pnp-webpack-plugin
- Remove redundant codespell dependency/tests

balenaEtcher 1.5.121
- patch: Delete Codeowners
- Add source maps for devtools
- Clone submodules when initializing modules
- patch: Select drive on list interaction rather than modal closing

balenaEtcher 1.5.120
- Update README to reference Cloudsmith

balenaEtcher 1.5.117
- Rename mac releases (keep old naming)
- Disable spectron tests on macOS
- Update electron to v12.0.2

Update etcher-sdk from 6.1.1 to 6.2.1:
- Fix getAppPath() returning an asar file on macOS
- Grammar fix
- (docs) update [vlad doster]
- Update copyright year in electron-builder.yml
- Update copyright year in .resinci.json
- Separate the Yum and DNF instructions
- Set msvs_version to 2019 when rebuilding
- Use moduleIds: 'natural' in webpack config to keep js files in arm64 and x64 mac builds identical
- Update electron-builder to 22.10.5
- Update spectron to v13
- Update dependencies, use [email protected] to avoid adding more dependiencies
- Update scripts to build universal mac dmgs on the ci
- Fix beforeBuild.js script to also work on mac
- Support building universal dmgs (x64 and arm64) for mac
- Update electron-builder to 22.10.4
- Fix titlebar z-index
- Explicitly set contextIsolation to false
- Update electron from 9.4.1 to 11.2.3

balenaEtcher 1.5.116
- Only cleanup temporary decompressed files in child-writer
- Add .versionbot/CHANGELOG.yml
- Stop using node-tmp, use withTmpFile from etcher-sdk instead
- Update etcher-sdk from 5.2.2 to 6.1.0
- Revert "Change some border colors to have higher contrast"
- Update electron to v9.4.1
- Update etcher-sdk from 5.2.1 to 5.2.2

balenaEtcher 1.5.115
- Update etcher-sdk from 5.1.12 to 5.2.1

balenaEtcher 1.5.114
- Remove libappindicator1 debian dependency
- Update dependencies
- Update @balena/lint to 5.3.0
- Update webpack to v5
- Fix typo in webpack.config.ts comment
- docs: fix quote marks [Aaron Shaw]
- Disable screensaver while flashing (on balena-electron-env)

balenaEtcher 1.5.113
- Show the first error for each drive (not the last)
- Fix red leds not showing for failed devices
- docs: add documentation links
- docs: update macOS version
- Improve hover message when the drive is too small
- Update electron to v9.4.0
- Update npm to v6.14.8 [Giovanni Garufi]
- Update rgb leds colors
- Remove unmountOnSuccess setting
- Only show auto-updates setting on supported targets
- Remove dead code in settings modal
- Fix effective flashing speed calculation for compressed images
- Change some border colors to have higher contrast
- Update etcher-sdk from 5.1.10 to 5.1.11
- Update sys-class-rgb-led from 2.1.1 to 3.0.0

balenaEtcher 1.5.112
- Add rendition and sys-class-rgb-led to repo.yml
- Update sys-class-rgb-led from 2.1.0 to 2.1.1
- Fix layout when the featured project is not showing
- Improve flashing error handling
- Fix modal content height on Windows
- Update etcher-sdk from 5.1.5 to 5.1.10
- Set useContentSize to true so the size is the same on all platforms

balenaEtcher 1.5.111
- Warn when the source drive has no partition table
- Use a different icon when no source drive is available
- Allow selecting a locked SD card as the source drive
- Remove "Validate write on success" setting. Validation is always enabled, press the "skip" button to skip it.
- Update electron to v9.3.3
- Update etcher-sdk to 5.1.1, use WASM ext2fs module

balenaEtcher 1.5.110
- Remove console.log in tests
- Fix URL not being selected with custom protocol
- Add skip function to validation
- Rework success screen

balenaEtcher 1.5.109
- Workaround elevation bug on Windows when the username contains an ampersand

balenaEtcher 1.5.108
- Fix content not loading when the app path contains special characters

balenaEtcher 1.5.107
- Re-enable ext partitions trimming on 32 bit Windows
- Rework system & large drives handling logic
- Reword macOS Catalina askpass message
- Add clone-drive workflow

balenaEtcher 1.5.106
- Disable ext partitions trimming on 32 bit windows until it is fixed
- Fix opening zip files from servers accepting Range headers

balenaEtcher 1.5.105
- Update etcher-sdk to 4.1.26
- URL selector cancel button cancels ongoing url selection
- Spinner for URL selector modal

balenaEtcher 1.5.104
- Fix writing config file
- Update electron to v9.2.1

balenaEtcher 1.5.103
- Update rendition to ^17
- Update electron to 9.2.0
- Update etcher-sdk to ^4.1.23
- Move linting and testing into package.json
- Set module: es2015 in tsconfig.json
- Replace native elevator with sudo-prompt on windows
- Don't import WeakMap polyfill in deep-map-keys
- Don't use lodash in child-writer.js
- Optimize svgs
- User regular stream in lzma-native instead of readable-stream
- Remove Bluebird

balenaEtcher 1.5.102
- Fix flashing truncated images, fix flashing large dmgs
- Electron 9.1.1
- Remove bluebird from main process, reduce lodash usage
- Centralize imports in child-writer
- Split main process and child-writer js files
- Stop using request, replace it with already used axios
- Remove font awesome unused icons from the generated bundle
- Remove no longer used .sass-lint.yml
- Use tslib
- Use strict typescript compiler option
- Update rendition to ^16.1.1

balenaEtcher 1.5.101
- Resize modal to show content appropriately
- Update etcher-sdk to v4.1.16
- Convert sass to plain css
- Remove unused scss
- Remove unused warning in settings
- Refactor UI without bootstrap & flexboxgrid
- Restyle modals
- Remove bootstrap & flexboxgrid
- Rework and move flashing view elements
- Refactor UI grid to use rendition

balenaEtcher 1.5.100
- Update partitioninfo to 5.3.5
- Add .vhd to the list of supported extensions, allow opening any file
- Update mocha to v8.0.1
- Update electron-notarize to v1.0.0
- Update electron to v9.0.4
- Update etcher-sdk to v4.1.15
- Sticky header in target selection table
- Update rendition to 15.2.1
- Fix source-selector image height
- Update rendition to v15.0.0
- Merge unsafe mode with new target selector
- Rework target selector modal

balenaEtcher 1.5.99
- Update node-raspberrypi-usbboot to 0.2.8
- Update electron to 9.0.3
- Inline all svgs

balenaEtcher 1.5.98
- Use between 2 and 256MiB for buffering depending on the number of drives
- Check that argument is an url or a regular file before opening
- Update etcher-sdk to ^4.1.13

balenaEtcher 1.5.97
- Update electron to v9.0.2
- Fix flash from url on windows
- Avoid random access in http sources
- Update etcher-sdk to ^4.1.8
- Read image path from arguments, register etcher://... protocol
- Update etcher-sdk to ^4.1.6
- Fix sudo-prompt promisification
- Allow skipping notarization when building package (dev)

balenaEtcher 1.5.95
- spectron: Make tests pass on Windows Docker containers

balenaEtcher 1.5.94
- Stop checking file extensions
- Fix flash from url (broken in 1.5.92)
- Update etcher-sdk to ^4.1.4

balenaEtcher 1.5.93
- Update electron-builder to v22.6.1
- Strip out comments from generated code
- Update electron to v9.0.0

balenaEtcher 1.5.92
- Use instead of reading it from argv in catalina-sudo
- Disable asar packing on all platforms
- Remove unneeded fortawesome from main.scss
- Remove unneeded font formats
- Webpack everything, reduce package size

balenaEtcher 1.5.91
- Minor fix - Init isSourceDrive param in correct place
- Fix undefined image from DriveCompatibilityWarning

balenaEtcher 1.5.90
- Change log not available for this version

balenaEtcher 1.5.89
- Fix drive selector modal padding
- Update all dependencies minor versions
- Update @types/node 12.12.24 -> 12.12.39
- Update ts-loader 6 -> 7
- Update sinon 8 -> 9
- Update node-gyp 3 -> 6
- Update lint-staged 9 -> 10
- Update husky 3 -> 4
- Remove no longer used html-loader dev dependency
- Update electron-notarize 0.1.1 -> 0.3.0
- Remove no longer used chalk dev dependency
- Update @types/tmp 0.1.0 -> 0.2.0
- Update @types/sinon 7 -> 9
- Update @types/semver 6 -> 7
- Update @types/mocha 5 -> 7

balenaEtcher 1.5.88
- Update roboto-fontface 0.9.0 -> 0.10.0
- Update rendition 12 -> 14, styled-system and styled-components 4 -> 5
- Update electron-updater 4.0.6 -> 4.3.1
- Update redux 3 -> 4
- Update debug 3 -> 4
- Update semver 5 -> 7
- Update tmp 0.1.0 -> 0.2.1
- Update uuid v3 -> v8

balenaEtcher 1.5.87
- Update etcher-sdk to ^4.1.3 to fix issues with some bz2 files

balenaEtcher 1.5.86
- Fix theme warnings

balenaEtcher 1.5.85
- Prefer balena-balenaEtcher to etcher-bin on Arch Linux

balenaEtcher 1.5.84
- Including Arch / Manjaro install instructions
- Fix notification icon path

balenaEtcher 1.5.83
- Decompress images before flashing, remove trim setting, trim ext partitions

balenaEtcher 1.5.82
- Allow http/https only for Flash from URL
- Add generic error's message
- Refactor buttons style
- Add flash from url workflow
- Add staging percentage for v1.5.81
- Trigger update for v1.5.81

balenaEtcher 1.5.81
- Add average speed in flash results
- docs: Update macOS drive recovery command
- Update etcher-sdk to use direct IO

balenaEtcher 1.5.80
- Use zoomFactor to scale contents in fullscreen mode
- Update electron to v7.1.14
- Fix sass files path for lint-sass

balenaEtcher 1.5.79
- Remove "Download the React DevTools for a better development experience" message
- Fix error when launching from terminal when installed via apt

balenaEtcher 1.5.78
- Update drivelist to 8.0.10 to fix parsing lsblk --pairs

balenaEtcher 1.5.77
- Fix error message not being shown on write error
- The RGBLed module has been moved to a separate repository

balenaEtcher 1.5.76
- Prefix temp permissions script name
- Fix image drop zone, remove react-dropzone dependency
- Update etcher-sdk to ^2.0.17

balenaEtcher 1.5.75
- Initialize leds object map

balenaEtcher 1.5.74
- balenaEtcher pro leds feature
- Compress deb package with bzip instead of xz
- Update electron to 7.1.11

balenaEtcher 1.5.73
- Update electron to v7.1.10

balenaEtcher 1.5.72
- Remove no longer used angular svg-icon component
- Remove no longer used closestUnit angular filter

balenaEtcher 1.5.71
- Update resin-corvus to 2.0.5

balenaEtcher 1.5.70
- Make header draggable again
- Refactor drive selector and confirm modal to React
- Rework lib/gui/app/styled-components to typescript
- Convert FlashAnother & FlashResults to typescript
- Use React instead of Angular for image selection
- Convert the drive selection step to React
- chore: move flash step to React
- Use React instead of Angular for image selection

balenaEtcher 1.5.69
- Don't add --no-sandbox when ELECTRON_RUN_AS_NODE true

balenaEtcher 1.5.68
- Add version in settings modal

balenaEtcher 1.5.67
- Fix elevation on macos in development

balenaEtcher 1.5.66
- Update spectron to ^8
- Update dependencies, get node-usb from npm
- Update nan to ^2.14
- Use the same entrypoint for balenaEtcher and the child writer
- Require angular-mocks only when needed
- Remove no longer needed pkg dev dependency
- Update mocha, remove nock
- Remove no longer needed xml2js
- Remove node-pre-gyp patch that is no longer needed with electron 6
- Update electron-mocha to ^8.1.2, remove acorn
- Update electron to 6.0.10

balenaEtcher 1.5.65
- Convert settings modal to typescript
- Refactor settings page into modal

balenaEtcher 1.5.64
- Change log not available for this version

balenaEtcher 1.5.63
- Introduce an FAQ file

balenaEtcher 1.5.62
- Update drivelist to 8.0.9

balenaEtcher 1.5.60
- Upgrade ext2fs to 1.0.30

balenaEtcher 1.5.59
- Catch console log messages from SafeWebView

balenaEtcher 1.5.58
- Remove leftover GH-pages configuration file

balenaEtcher 1.5.57
- Fix entrypoint when options are passed to electron

balenaEtcher 1.5.56
- Fix windows portable download

balenaEtcher 1.5.55
- Update etcher-sdk to ^2.0.13

balenaEtcher 1.5.54
- Fix auto-updater check for updates

balenaEtcher 1.5.53
- Allow typescript files

balenaEtcher 1.5.52
- Don't use wmic's ProviderName if it's empty

balenaEtcher 1.5.51
- Update sudo-prompt to ^9.0.0

balenaEtcher 1.5.50
- Option for trimming ext partitions on raw images

balenaEtcher 1.5.49
- Make window size configurable

balenaEtcher 1.5.47
- Rework drive-selector with react + rendition
- Use rendition theme property for step buttons
- Upgrade styled-system to v4.1.0
- Upgrade rendition to v8.7.2

balenaEtcher 1.5.46
- Update ext2fs to 1.0.29

balenaEtcher 1.5.45
- Empty commit to trigger build

balenaEtcher 1.5.44
- Fix elevation on windows when the path contains "&" or "'"

balenaEtcher 1.5.43
- Revert "Include sass in webpack configs"

balenaEtcher 1.5.42
Include sass in webpack configs

balenaEtcher 1.5.41
- removal and adding a link to the license

balenaEtcher 1.5.40
- windows installer and portable version support both ia32 and x64